.. Copyright SAS Institute .. currentmodule:: swat.cas.table .. _indexing: *************************** Indexing and Data Selection *************************** Indexing of :class:`CASTable` objects works much in the same way as they do in :class:`pandas.DataFrame` objects. You can select one or more columns based on column names or indexes, and you can select slices of columns. However, data selection does have some limitations. CAS tables can be distributed across a grid of computers and they do not have a specified order. Because of this, indexing based on a row index is not possible at this time. However, it is possible to apply `where` clauses to a the table parameters to filter rows based on that. There are a few properties that allow indexing a :class:`CASTable` object in various ways. These properties work just like they :class:`pandas.DataFrame` counterparts (with the limitations described above). ====================== ==================================================== Property / Method Description ====================== ==================================================== o[`columns`] Subset table based on column names o.loc[:, `columns`] Subset table based on column names o.iloc[:, `columns`] Subset table based on column indexes o.ix[:, `columns`] Subset table based on mixed column names and indexes o.xs(`column`, axis=1) Select a cross-section of the table o[`boolean-column`] Filter data rows based on boolean column values o.query('`expr`') Apply a filter to the data values ====================== ==================================================== .. ipython:: python :suppress: import os import swat hostname = os.environ['CASHOST'] port = os.environ['CASPORT'] username = password = None conn = swat.CAS(hostname, port) The Basics ---------- Just as with :class:`pandas.DataFrames`, :class:`CASTable` objects implement Python's ``__getitem__`` method to allow indexing using ``[ ]``. This allows you to subset the columns that are visible in the table. .. ipython:: python tbl = conn.read_csv('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/' 'sassoftware/sas-viya-programming/master/data/cars.csv') tbl.head() Here we are selecting a single column from the table. This will return a :class:`CASColumn` object. .. ipython:: python tbl['Make'].head() Selecting multiple columns returns a new :class:`CASTable` object. .. ipython:: python tbl[['Make', 'Model', 'Horsepower']].head() You can also access individual columns using attribute syntax. .. ipython:: python tbl.Make.head() Caution should be used when using attribute syntax because it depends on the fact that there are no existing attributes, methods, or CAS actions with that same name on the :class:`CASTable`. It also requires that the column name contains a valid Python identifier. Since CAS actions can be added dynamically, attribute access should generally only be used in interactive programming. For programs that will be reused, it is safer to use the ``[ ]`` syntax. Selecting by Name ----------------- The ``loc`` property is used to select columns based on the column names. Column names can be specified as a string, a list of strings, or a slice. If a string is given, a :class:`CASColumn` is returned. If a list of strings or a slice is specified, a :class:`CASTable` is returned. A single string selects a column. Since row selection is not supported at this time, this is equivalent to ``tbl.loc['Make']``. .. ipython:: python tbl.loc[:, 'Make'].head() Using a list of strings selects those columns and returns a new :class:`CASTable` object. Again, this is equivalent to ``tbl[['Make', 'Model']]``. .. ipython:: python tbl.loc[:, ['Make', 'Model']].head() Slicing using column names allows you to select a range of columns. .. ipython:: python tbl.loc[:, 'Model':'Invoice'].head() You can even specify a step size. .. ipython:: python tbl.loc[:, 'Model':'Invoice':2].head() Note that when using columns names in slices, both endpoints are included in the slice. This is not the same behavior for numeric indexes, but is consistent with the way that slicing works in :class:`pandas.DataFrame` objects. Selecting by Position --------------------- The ``iloc`` property is used to select columns based on column indices. Just like with ``loc``, the column indices can be specified as a single integer, a list of integers, or a slice. .. ipython:: python tbl.iloc[:, 1].head() Using a list of integers returns a new :class:`CASTable` object. .. ipython:: python tbl.iloc[:, [1, 5, 3]].head() Of course, ranges work here as well, with or without a step size. .. ipython:: python tbl.iloc[:, 2:6].head() .. ipython:: python tbl.iloc[:, 6:2:-2].head() Mixing Names and Position ------------------------- The ``ix`` property works just like the ``loc`` and ``iloc`` properties except that it takes a mix of column names and indexes. .. ipython:: python tbl.ix[:, 'Model'].head() tbl.ix[:, 3].head() .. ipython:: python tbl.ix[:, ['Model', 4, 3]].head() .. ipython:: python tbl.ix[:, 'Model':6:2].head() Selecting a Cross Section ------------------------- The ``xs`` method currently only supports column selection (i.e., axis=1). It is primarily here for future development. .. ipython:: python tbl.xs('Model', axis=1).head() Boolean Indexing ---------------- It is possible to use a :class:`CASColumn` as a way to select rows in a CAS table. The :class:`CASColumn` should contain values that are valid booleans to CAS (typically integer values where 0 is `false` and non-zero is `true`). Here is a basic example that selects all cars with an MSRP value over 80,000. .. ipython:: python tbl[tbl.MSRP > 80000].head() Conditions can be combined with ``|`` for `or`, ``&`` for `and`, and ``~`` for `not`. However, due to the order of precedence in Python, you must put your comparisons operations in parentheses before combining them with these operators. .. ipython:: python tbl[(tbl.MSRP > 80000) & (tbl.Horsepower > 400)].head() Since each mask of a :class:`CASTable` object returns a new :class:`CASTable` object, you can split operations across multiple steps. .. ipython:: python expensive = tbl[tbl.MSRP > 80000] expensive[expensive.Horsepower > 400].head() .. warning:: You can only use columns from within the same CAS table in boolean operations. If you want to combine operations across tables, you should create a view that contains all of the data, then use the filtering features outlined above on that view. The ``query`` Method -------------------- Rather than using the boolean data selection described above, you can write a CAS `where` expression and apply it to a :class:`CASTable` object directly using the :meth:`CASTable.query` method. This can often result in more readable code when using longer expressions. .. ipython:: python tbl.query('MSRP > 80000 and Horsepower > 400').head() Of course, queries can be combined across multiple steps as well. .. ipython:: python expensive = tbl.query('MSRP > 80000') expensive.query('Horsepower > 400').head() .. ipython:: python :suppress: conn.close()