
class swat.cas.response.CASResponse(_sw_response, soptions='', connection=None)

Bases: object

Response from a CAS action

This class is never instantiated directly. It is created behind the scenes and surfaced when iterating over the responses from a CAS action.

_sw_response : SWIG CASResponse object

The SWIG response object.

soptions : string, optional

soptions string of the connection object.

CASResponse object


>>> conn = swat.CAS()
>>> conn.invoke('serverstatus')
>>> for response in conn:
...     for k, v in response:
...         print(k, v)
disposition : CASDisposition

The disposition of a CAS response. This includes the attributes severity, reason, status, debug, and status_code.

performance : CASPerformance

Performance metrices of a CAS action.

messages : list-of-strings

The messages returned by the CAS action.

updateflags : set-of-strings

The update flags sent by the CAS server.

__init__(_sw_response, soptions='', connection=None)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


__init__(_sw_response[, soptions, connection]) Initialize self.