
CASColumn.sort_values(axis=0, ascending=True, inplace=False, kind='quicksort', na_position='last')

Apply sort order parameters to fetches of the data in this column

CAS tables do not have a predictable order due to the fact that the data may be distributed across machines in a grid. By using the sort_values() method, you are simply applying a sortby= parameter to any table.fetch actions executed on the CASColumn. This gives the appearance of sorted data when it is being retrieved.

axis : int, optional

Not implemented.

ascending : boolean, optional

Should the sort order be ascending?

inplace : boolean, optional

Should the CASColumn be modified in place?

kind : string, optional

Not implemented.

na_position : string, optional

Not implemented.


If inplace == True


If inplace == False

See also

CASTable.sort_values, pandas.Series.sort_values