SAS Customer Intelligence 360 for developers

SAS Customer Intelligence 360 Mobile SDK

SAS Customer Intelligence 360 Mobile SDK 

The mobile SDK for SAS Customer Intelligence 360 is a supporting library that enables a mobile app developer to add support for event collection and managed content to your native mobile applications (apps). The SDK provides:

     •  minimizes overhead on both the development and usage of your native mobile app
     •  collects behavioral and response data about mobile app usage
     •  has built-in abilities to track geofences and beacons
     •  enables developers and marketers to create their own custom events

Instructions for mobile app developers are provided in SAS Customer Intelligence 360: Developer’s Guide for Mobile Applications.

Integrating with Hybrid Mobile Apps

To make it easier for developers to integrate the SAS Customer Intelligence 360 mobile SDKs with mobile apps that are developed using hybrid app development frameworks the following resources are available:

SAS Customer Intelligence 360 Mobile SDK Change Logs

These logs describe changes made to the SAS Customer Intelligence 360 mobile Software Development Kit (SDK) for Android and iOS.

These logs describe changes made to the cookbooks and the sample packages for hybrid frameworks with SAS Customer Intelligence 360 SDKs.