IoT Analytics Lifecycle Tutorials
for developers

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How to use the REST Subscriber Adapter in SAS ESP
A functional description with some examples on how to call REST APIs with the REST Subscriber Adapter in SAS Event Stream Processing (ESP).

Key takeaways from the example: 
use the REST Adapter Susbscriber to make API calls
 • use the examples as a compliment to SAS documentation
 • use SAS Intelligent Decisioning modeling APIs

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TA functional description with some example on how to call REST APIs with the REST Subscriber Adapter in SAS ESP including calling the REST API of SAS Intelligent Decisioning.

The objective is to complement the official SAS documentation of the REST Subscriber Adapter.



CategoryIntelligent Decisioning
Sub-CategoryREST Subscriber Adapter


Administering and managing SAS Viya environments with Viya_Manager
Learn about Viya_Manager, an interface to simplify the administration and management of SAS Viya environments on the Cloud

Key takeaways from the example: 
creates a hub to administer deployments of separate SAS Viya environments across different Cloud providers
 • automates the entire deployment cycle by leveraging various deployment tools
 • helps manage installation, infrastructure, and credentials

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To help system administrators navigate through the nuances of deploying and managing SAS Viya in the cloud, SAS has launched and maintains a set of Github projects called SAS Viya4 Deployment, SAS Viya4 Infrastructure as Code (IaC), and SAS Viya4 Orders CLI.

The tool was developed by the IoT Enablement Team with the objective to create a hub to administer deployments of separate Viya4 environments across different Cloud providers. Viya_Manager automates the entire deployment cycle by leveraging each of the three tools mentioned earlier.


CategorySAS Viya Management
Sub-CategoryCloud Deployment


Augmenting Streaming Events with Rolling Statistics
Learn about several advanced features of SAS Event Stream Processing (ESP) including stateless joins, tagged tokens, and using the No-regenerates option

Key takeaways from the example: 
prevent an Aggregate window from becoming unbounded in growth by keeping the number of values it retains finite
 • create a stateless join to not retain events and greatly improve performance
 • prevent a Join window from re-generating values on the fact side when the dimension side of the join is updated

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Let’s say you would like to know if the price of a stock is above or below the current average price, and by how much. Because the data is streaming, you would like to use SAS Event Stream Processor (ESP) to accomplish this but are not sure how it can be done.

The ESP model would need to process the incoming stock prices, calculate the average, and then join the original price with its average. It would then calculate the difference between the current price and the average price. The model would output an event with the current price, average price, and the difference between the two. The model also needs to be fast and should perform at maximum efficiency.

This tutorial discuss how this can be done in ESP. This repository includes a completed model that you can run, and a starter model with just the Source window. The starter model allows you to construct the model yourself.


CategoryStreaming Data
Sub-CategoryRolling Statistics


Load data into SQLite using MAS
Learn how to  the store a SAS ESP data stream in a SQLite table using the SAS Micro Analytic Service (MAS).

Key takeaways from the example: 
store data in a SQLite table using Python and MAS
 • MAS modules are embedded in an ESP project using the and XML tags
 • use the Output statment to configure the how the main function returns variables and values

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A SAS ESP data stream can be stored in a SQLite table in a couple different ways:

  • Through the Database Adapter
  • Using a combination of Python and the SAS Micro Analytic Service

This tutorial focuses on the latter solution.

Load data into CAS using MAS
Learn how to  the load data into the SAS Cloud Analytic Services (CAS) using the SAS Micro Analytic Service (MAS).

Key takeaways from the example: 
store data in a CAS table using Python and MAS
 • improve performance through the use of bulk-loading techniques
 • use the upload_file() or the load_path() methods by invoking them via a Python program embedded in a MAS module

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A SAS ESP data stream can be stored in a CAS table in a couple different ways:

  • Through the CAS Adapter (with Viya4, available only on secure environments)
  • Programmatically, via the loadStream CAS actionset (with Viya4, available only on unsecure environments)

This tutorial illustrates an additional techinique based on Python and the SAS Micro Analytic Service.

Detecting Anomalies using Mobile Movements and Gyroscopic Data
Learn how to collect live accelerometer data from a mobile device and pass it to ESP using an MQTT protocols with SAS IoT analytics

Key takeaways from the example: 
JSON data is decoded and passed to real time trained models k-means and SST
 • compare new observations against baseline data and any deviation will be considered an anomaly
 • provides ability for machines  to self-train their own unique anomaly detection models

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This project will show how to collect live accelerometer and gyroscope data from a mobile device and pass it to Event Stream Processing (ESP) using an MQTT protocol. Once in ESP the JSON data is decoded and passed to the unsupervised machine learning models k-means and subspace tracking (SST). These unsupervised machine learning models are able to find patterns in data and are trained dynamically from streaming data.

In this use case we consider the mobile device as a sensor placed on any stationary piece of equipment on a factory floor. For demo purposes our anomaly detection time frame is 30 seconds. In a real world scenario, this time frame would be much longer. That is to say as long as the equipment continues to generate 30 seconds of consistent readings, this will be considered the baseline. Once that 30 second baseline is established, new observations are compared against it and any deviation will be considered an anomaly. KPIs determine the severity of the anomaly. With this type of self-training the baseline is dynamically set and does not have to be calculated separately for each piece of equipment. If the sensor is placed on a rotating object, the accelerometer data becomes the norm, as long as it is consistent.

Imagine a factory floor with 1000 machines, each oscillating at different amounts. Now imagine how much time would be saved if the sensors placed on these machines were able to self-train their own unique anomaly detection models. Very powerful.

SAS ESP & MS Power Automate
In this tutorial, learn how to integrate the streaming analytics available with SAS Event Stream Processing (ESP) with Microsoft's Power Automate flows.

Key takeaways from the example: 
use MS Azure EventHubs to connect the two computing environments
 • connect using the Kafka adapter using Azure's built-in broker or the native EventHubs connector
 •  monitor a sensor and send above-threshold events to generate a maintenance request

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You can integrate the streaming analytics available with SAS Event Stream Processing with Microsoft's Power Automate flows. This can be accomplished simply by using Microsoft Azure EventHubs to connect the two computing environments. SAS Event Stream Processing provides two ways to connect to EventHubs: the EventHubs connector and the Kafka connector. Each of these connectors can connect to Power Automate with Microsoft's EventHubs Connector.

This example uses a simple model that covers a common use case. The model monitors a sensor and sends events that exceed a specific threshold value to Microsoft Azure in order to generate a maintenance request. The model contains two windows, a Source window and a Filter window. Data streams into SAS Event Stream Processing through the Source Window and the Azure connector subscribes to output from the Filter window.

Streaming Fraud and Anit-Money Laundering
In this tutorial, learn about pattern matching, temporal sliding windows and data aggregation for simple AML / fraud alerts on transactions in a banking use case.

Key takeaways from the example: 
simple example set up to scale to larger, faster use cases
 • identify fraud using simple data comparison and analysis with rules
 • take advantage of the SMTP notifications then use a third-party service

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This is a very small streaming demo built to showcase pattern matching, temporal sliding windows and data aggregation for simple AML / fraud alerts on transactions in a streaming banking use case. There is no advanced analytics in here, it is all simple data comparison and analysis with rules, predominently in sliding, temporal windows.

If you want to take advantage of the SMTP notifications then use a third-party SMTP service, there are several free ones, I used ( and a personal gmail email account).


CategoryStreaming Data
Sub-CategoryAnti-Money Laundering

SAS ESP for ONNX Runtime
In this tutorial, learn how to integrate ONNX Runtime with SAS Event Stream Processing (ESP) on a Tiny YOLOv2 model, a real-time object detection network.

Key takeaways from the example: 
integrate ONNX Runtime with SAS Event Stream Processing
 • leverages an Intel CPU with a CUDA TensorRT CPUb
 • sample UI developed with SAS ESP Connect API

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Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX) is an open standard format to represent machine learning models. ONNX Runtime is an accelerator for machine learning models with support for multiple platforms and the flexibility to be integrated with a variety of frameworks. This enables developers to approach more complex use cases while maintaining efficient building and testing efforts.

This demo showcases the integration of ONNX Runtime with SAS Event Stream Processing on a Tiny YOLOv2 model, a real-time object detection network. This demo leverages an Intel CPU with (or without, as per user specifications) a CUDA TensorRT CPU on Intel hardware. It is based on a Docker configuration, so having Docker installed is required. The sample UI was developed specifically for this demo with a separate API, SAS ESP Connect.

Stream data to SAS ESP using Azure Event Hub Connector
In this tutorial, learn how to stream data from an Azure event hub into a SAS Event Stream Processing (ESP) model using the Azure EventHub Connector.

Key takeaways from the example: 
configure an Azure Logic application to query a service
 • format response data and send it to an Azure Event Hub
 • create an ESP project to receive events from the Event Hub using the ESP Azure Event Hub Connector

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In this project we will configure an Azure Logic application to query the Azure Maps Weather service once an hour. The logic app will then format the data returned from the weather API into the required JSON string and send it to an Azure Event Hub. Once in the Event Hub, it is available to other Azure resources and applications. We will create an ESP project that receives the events from the Event Hub using the ESP Azure Event Hub Connector.

Process Azure IoT Hub Messages With SAS ESP
In this tutorial, learn how to process messages from an Azure IoT Hub with a SAS Event Stream Processing (ESP) project.

Key takeaways from the example: 
configure a simulated IoT Device to send sensor data to an IoT Hub
 • configure the IoT Hub to expose the message stream via an event hub endpoint
 • connect a SAS Event Stream Processing project to process the messages

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In this project we will configure a simulated IoT Device to send sensor data to an IoT Hub, configure the IoT Hub to expose the message stream via an event hub endpoint, and then connect a SAS Event Stream Processing project to process the messages.

Deploy ASTORE from SAS Model Manager in SAS ESP
In this tutorial, we focus on the integrated process of model managment and analytics deployment.

Key takeaways from the example: 
import an Analytics Store (ASTORE) from models built in SAS Model Studio, SAS Studio, or Jupyter Notebook into SAS Model Manager
 • deploy ASTORE from SAS Model Manager in SAS Event Stream Processing Studio

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The IoT analytical life cycle expands traditional analysis processing beyond investigation of stored data (i.e., at rest) to analytical investigation of streaming data (i.e., in motion) or at the edge. The combined capability of data management, streaming analytics execution, and intelligent decisioning enables fast and confident decision making from data, to discovery, to deployment.

SAS Analytics for IoT offers an optimized IoT solution ecosystem and addresses the entire analytical life cycle.

In this tutorial we are focusing on the integrated process of model management and analytics deployment.


CategoryModel Management
Sub-CategoryASTORE Models

Processing Streaming Trade Data
In this tutorial, learn how to process streaming trade data using SAS Event Stream Processing (ESP).

Key takeaways from the example: 
view and edit a model using a text editor and SAS ESP Studio
 • execute the model using the SAS ESP XML Server
 • subscribe to the output using SAS ESP Streamviewer

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The Processing Streaming Trade Data model is an XML model included in the examples that are installed with SAS Event Stream Processing (ESP). It includes five ESP window types that perform various tasks on the stream.

1. Data Source Windows
There are two data source windows. The Trades window inputs the transactional records for each trade. The Traders window inputs the names of the traders which is joined with the stream. Neither window includes an input data connector. Therefore, a file/socket adapter command must be used to connect the files to the windows.

2. Filter Window
Filter windows use expressions, user-defined functions, and registered plug-in functions to set up a filter condition. The LargeTrades window uses the simple expression, quantity >= 100, to filter out small trades.

3. Join Window
Streaming joins take event streams from two windows and combine them into a single stream based on a key field in each stream. This model performs a one-to-many join because one trader name affects many trade events. Therefore, this is a left-outer join.

4. Compute Window
Compute windows take the input stream and create an output stream using computational manipulation. New output field values are created using expressions, user-defined functions, or plug-in functions. Fields from the input stream can be passed to the output stream without manipulation, as well. This model passes through all input fields and creates field TotalCost by using the simple expression price*quantity.

5. Aggregate Window
Aggregate windows place input events into groups based on one or more key fields. Output values of non-key fields are aggregated using available functions. In our model we use the sum function to output total quantity and cost by security code.


CategoryData Transformation

Aggregating Stock Transactions
In this tutorial, learn how to aggregate stock transactions using SAS Event Stream Processing (ESP).

Key takeaways from the example: 
aggregate values, execute an XML model, and subscribe with a file/socket adapter
 • model description, editing, executing, and subscribing
 • view, edit, and test model

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The Aggregating Stock Transactions model is a simple XML model included in the examples that are installed with SAS Event Stream Processing (ESP). It includes a Source window with an Input Data Connector and an Aggregate window to perform aggregate functions on the stream. 

The model reads stock transactions for a set of stock symbols. The input stream includes the following for each transaction:
     • stock symbol
     • number of shares
     • price of the stock

The model then aggregates the total number of shares traded for each symbol. This repository includes the files required to execute the example and video demonstrations that include the following topics:
     • viewing and editing the model using a text editor
     • viewing and editing the model in SAS ESP Studio (optional)
     • executing the model using the SAS ESP XML Server
     • subscribing to the output using the file/scoket adapter command and writing the results to a csv file
     • subscribing to the output using SAS ESP Streamviewer (optional)


CategoryData Transformation

Deploy SAS Tiny YoloV2 models on OpenVINO
In this tutorial, learn how to convert and score SAS Tiny YoloV2 computer vision models leveraging the Intel OpenVINO framework and ONNX format using  SAS IoT Analytics.

Key takeaways from the example: 
convert and score SAS Tiny YoloV2 computer vision models
 • leverage the Intel OpenVINO framework and ONNX format
 • functional difference between ONNX format and native SAS ASTORE

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The purpose of this tutorial is to provide a guideline on how to convert and score SAS Tiny YoloV2 computer vision models leveraging the Intel OpenVINO framework and ONNX format.

We will also highlight some of the functional difference between ONNX format and native SAS ASTORE formats to take into consideration.

OpenVINO is an inferencing (scoring) toolkit provided by Intel that aims to ensure quick deployment on Intel hardware of applications and solutions that emulate human vision by:
     • enabling Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) based deep learning Inference (Scoring) on the edge
     • supporting heterogeneous execution across Intel CPU, Intel Integrated Graphics, Intel FPGA, Intel Movidius Neural Compute Stick, Intel Neural Compute Stick 2 and Intel Vision Accelerator Design with Intel Movidius VPUs

Additional information on the toolkit might be found on the OpenVINO toolkit page.


CategoryComputer Vision
Sub-CategoryImage Classification
Analytical MethodTiny YoloV2

Streaming Live Weather Data
In this tutorial, learn how to stream live weather data into any SAS Event Stream Processing (ESP) model.

Key takeaways from the example: 
capture live weather data using REST APIs
 • use ESP's URL connector to publish data into a model
 • read and transform  JSON messages into events readable by ESP

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The purpose of this tutorial is to demonstate how to stream live weather data into any SAS Event Stream Processing (ESP) model. The GitHub repository also includes an examples directory that contains sets of configuration, model, and output files.

This example works with any weather service that returns a JSON message by way of an API call. A configuration file contains the a URL connector. It requests the data using an API call, transforms the data, and publishes events to the model.

After starting the model, the ESP XML Server uses the output data connector to create a csv file from the returned data.

Event Retention and Calculating Throughput
Learn how to retain events and how to calculate the event throughput rate using SAS Event Stream Processing (ESP).

Key takeaways from the example: 
configure event retention on time and volume
 • calculate throughput based on a function
 • use a Copy window to retain events
 • write and execute user-defined functions in a Compute window

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The Event Retention and Calculating Throughput model is an XML model included in the examples that are installed with SAS Event Stream Processing (ESP). It includes a source, compute, three copy, and three aggregate windows that perform various tasks on the stream. 

The model is based on the following components:

1. Data Source Window
There is a single source window named source_win. The window inputs the transactional records using an input data connector.

2. Compute Window
Compute windows take the input stream and create an output stream using computational manipulation.  This model uses a user-defined function to calculate throughput rate. User-defined functions contain two parts. An initializer function executes when the model starts and the main portion of the function executes each time an event passes through the stream.

3. Copy Window 
There are three copy windows that retain events based on a retention technique. The retained events are then passed to the aggregate windows.

4. Aggregate Window
Aggregate windows place input events into groups based on one or more key fields. In this model there are three aggregate windows, each tied to one of the copy windows. The aggregate windows are identical. The difference is the input stream which is controlled by the retention values in the copy windows. Each aggregate window has an output data connector to create a csv file of the output.

Once setup is complete and data is streaming through the model, you can subscribe to the four output windows using SAS ESP Streamviewer. 


CategoryData Transformation

Create a SAS Viya Image Denoising Model using SAS DLPy
This example notebook uses SAS DLPy to train and validate a SAS Viya deep learning image denoising model.

Key takeaways from the example: 
uses the concept of pixel-wise CNN segmentation regression to remove noise from images
 • the CNN architecture consists of an encoder-decoder framework along with a pixel-wise regression layer
 • the trained model cleanses and restores noisy images to prepare them for further analytic consumption

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This example notebook uses SAS DLPy to create, train, and deploy a SAS Viya deep learning image denoising model. The image denoising model uses a pixel-wise CNN segmentation regression architecture to replace pixels in noisy images with predicted pixel values. The trained image denoise model can be used to cleanse and restore noisy images to prepare them for further analytic consumption.

CNN segmentation models are used for tasks such as object detection, image classification, and extracting information from low-level images. The model in this example structurally resembles a pixel-wise classification model, but the output task is different. This model uses regression to predict values for image pixels, rather than using classification to predict the category for image pixels.

The example data uses a set of images with generated salt-and-pepper noise. Salt-and-pepper noise is commonly seen when an image signal is disturbed, creating black-and-white pixel corruption in the output image. Given an input data set of noisy images, the trained model up-samples input image pixels with predicted values, and outputs cleaned, denoised images.

The pixel-wise segmentation regression model in this SAS DLPy notebook consists of an encoder network, a corresponding decoder network, and the final pixel-wise regression layer. The encoder network consists of convolutional and pooling layers. The decoder network consists of convolution and transpose convolution layers for up-sampling. The appropriate decoders use transposed convolution to perform a non-linear pixel-level up-sampling of the input feature maps.

Zambretti Algorithm for Weather Forecasting
In this tutorial, learn about various types of SAS Event Stream Processing (ESP) windows and their functions using the Zambretti alorithm for weather forecasting.

Key takeaways from the example: 
use the ESP Expression Language to perform calculations
 • filter outliers using Filter windows
detect trends using Pattern windows
 • rejoin a split stream using a Union window
 • use a Remove State window to convert Upsert events into Insert events

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This is a fun one! The Zambretti algorithm is based on an instrument developed by Negretti and Zambra in the mid 1800s to forecast local weather. The output of the instrument or algorithm is one of 26 forecast statements, such as becoming unsettled. The forecast can be as much as 94% accurate in the Northern Hemisphere.

The forecast is determined based on four parameters:
    •  Value of the pressure at sea level
    •  Whether the pressure is falling, rising, or steady
    •  Pressure meets range requirements
Wind direction

Follow the steps in this tutorial to set up and run the project based on input weather data.


CategoryData Transformataion
Remove State

Tracking the Interational Space Station
In this tutorial, learn about tracking the International Space Station (ISS) using a Geofences ESP example.

Key takeaways from the example: 
learn the basics of a geofence
 • create required source windows:  source, geoCircle, filter, and pattern
create and use GEO maps using ESP Streamviewer

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Beam me up! Welcome to the Tracking the International Space Station, an Introduction to Geofences ESP example. In this example you will get an introduction to the Geofence window including:
    •  How to define areas of interest for a geofence
    •  How to use the geofence window to detect a position within a circle
    •  How to use position proximity analysis to detect a position’s proximity to a polygon
How to create a GEO Map in SAS ESP Streamviewer

ISS background

The International Space Station (ISS) is a modular space station in low Earth orbit. It maintains an altitude of 251 miles and completes an orbit of the Earth in about 93 minutes. The ISS makes 15.54 orbits per day and is travelling at 7.66 km/s (27,600 km/h; 17,100 mph). The API used by this project publishes the latitude and longitude of the ISS every 10 seconds.

Connect multiple streaming models using SAS ESP Routers
In this tutorial, learn about how Event Stream Processing (ESP) Routers work, along with examples easily extended to more complex use cases.

Key takeaways from the example: 
learn the basics about ESP routers
 • use ESP routers for streaming applications into modules
learn how to scale applications to add/remove modules, while limiting interruptions.

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When building an ESP project to consume streams of data, we frequently encounter situations in which it makes sense to have certain events take one path and for other events to take other paths. Sometimes, we want to have different branches in an ESP project that will have their own logic, and we need to route events based on that. Another case would be when we are not achieving the performance we need, so we will want to parallelize the processing in order to increase throughput. In all these cases, we need to create a splitter to help us route the events. Let’s see how to split a stream of data in ESP. We’ll first go over a few simple cases, and then something a bit more intricate.

We will look at two basic splitters and three more complex splitters.

Setting up a Kubernetes monitoring stack for SAS ESP
In this tutorial, learn how to setup the Prometheus monitoring tool for Kubernetes and use the integration with Grafana to query, visualize, alert on, and explore metrics.

Key takeaways from the example: 
Kubernetes overview
 • What to monitor; how to monitor
SAS Event Stream Processing and Prometheus

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Prometheus is quickly becoming the de-facto monitoring tool for Kubernetes, in part because of the simplicity of its installation and configuration processes, but also because of the integration with Grafana, an open source visualization and analytics software that allows you to query, visualize, alert on, and explore metrics no matter where they are stored.

The documents found in this project provides a high-level introduction to Prometheus and Grafana, as well as a description of the steps required to set up a monitoring stack for a Kubernetes cluster that is running the SAS ESP operator. The goal is to make the whole deployment easy to understand and perform, while ultimately providing the ability to monitor resources with the goal of minimizing performance degradation.

Splitting Data Streams in SAS ESP
In this tutorial, learn how to incorporate splitters into your SAS Event Stream Processing (ESP) projects.

Key takeaways from the example: 
learn how to split ESP streams
 • split to add logic to individual streams
split to increase performance

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When building an ESP project to consume streams of data, we frequently encounter situations in which it makes sense to have certain events take one path and for other events to take other paths. Sometimes, we want to have different branches in an ESP project that will have their own logic, and we need to route events based on that. Another case would be when we are not achieving the performance we need, so we will want to parallelize the processing in order to increase throughput.

In all these cases, we need to create a splitter to help us route the events. Let’s see how to split a stream of data in ESP. We’ll first go over a few simple cases, and then something a bit more intricate.

Integrate SAS ESP with Relational Databases using DB Connector
In this tutorial, learn how to utilize the Database Connector with DataDirect Drivers in SAS  Event Stream Processing (ESP) to read and write data to relational databases like Microsoft SQL Server and PostgreSQL on Azure.

Key takeaways from the example: 
use database connector with DataDirect drivers
 • configure the connector using the configuration file e.g. odbc.ini
understand the configuration file “odbc.ini” and parameter considerations

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The database connector in SAS Event Stream Processing (ESP) can be utilized in two ways: with DataDirect Drivers or with SAS Threaded Kernel Drivers. This repository will explain how to utilize the Database Connector with DataDirect Drivers in ESP to read and write data to relational databases like Microsoft SQL Server and PostgreSQL on Azure.

Currently, the DataDirect ODBC drivers are only certified for the following databases: Oracle, MySQL, IBM DB2, Greenplum, PostgreSQL, SAP Sybase ASE, Teradata, Microsoft SQL Server, IBM Informix and Sybase IQ. In this tutorial we are connecting to databases on Azure, these steps could also be utilized to connect to an on-premise database.


CategoryDatabase Connector
Sub-CategoryIntegrate ESP with Relational Databases

Dates and Times in SAS ESP
In this tutorial, learn various ways of working with dates and times in SAS  Event Stream Processing (ESP).

Key takeaways from the example: 
ways to publish data containing dates and times to ESP
 • how ESP handles dates and times internally
 • best practices and considerations when working with dates and times

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SAS Event Stream Processing provides multiple ways to work with dates and times. Based on how the overall data stream is structured, ESP uses different internal languages and engines to handle the dates and times accordingly.

This document talks about various ways of processing dates and times in ESP with example models. We have also provided explanations to help you to navigate through some of the common scenarios one can face when working with such diverse data.


CategoryStreaming Data
Sub-CategoryDates and Times

SAS ESP Azure Event Hub Integration Using Kafka
In this tutorial, learn how to stream data from an Azure event hub into a SAS  Event Stream Processing (ESP) model.

Key takeaways from the example: 
use the ESP Kafka connector to connect to an event hub
 • use a function window to transpose a JSON message into ESP events
 • return write data back to the event hub
 • drive messages into an Azure Event hub from a logic application

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In this project, we will configure an Azure Logic application to query the Azure Maps Weather service once an hour. The logic app will then format the data returned from the weather API into the required JSON string and send it to an Azure Event Hub. Once in the Event Hub, it is available to any application running a Kafka listener. An ESP project will be created which will retrieve these events from the Event Hub using an ESP Kafka connector. Once in ESP a function window will be used to parse the incoming JSON into an ESP schema.

How to use the SAS ESP Functional Window for JSON Processing
In this tutorial, learn how to use the Functional window in SAS Event Stream Processing (ESP) to parse and create event loops over JSON objects.

Key takeaways from the example: 
learn Functional window basics
 • parse and process JSON objects
 • use the "Function Context" and "Event Generation" options

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The Functional window in ESP is very useful and also not widely understood. There are too many things that can be done with the Functional window to cover in just one repository, so we will just focus on parsing simple JSON objects and processing more complex JSON objects.


CategoryData Transformation
Sub-CategoryFunctional Window

How to use the SAS ESP Transpose window
In this tutorial, learn how to utilize the the SAS Event Stream Processing (ESP) Transpose window in ESP Studio.

Key takeaways from the example: 
use the Transpose Window to transpose table data
 • transpose data from long to wide configuration
transpose data from wide to long configuration

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In this tutorial, learn how to use the Transpose window in SAS ESP Studio and follow a few examples to illustrate functionality. Explore the source window configuration and view examples of both long-to-wide and wide-to-long transpose configurations.


CategoryData Transformation
Sub-CategoryTranspose Window

ESP Lua Window

SAS Event Stream Processing Lua Window Basics
New window in SAS Event Stream Processing (ESP) allowing developers to process events using Lua language scripting

Key takeaways from the example: 
integrate the powerful analytical Lua scripting language in SAS ESP
 • supports use cases requiring complex transformations using custom functions
 • specify the Lua function entry point in the ESP process

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Lua Split String by Delimiter
This project provides an example of a custom function which can be used to split an incoming string by a user defined delimiter

Key takeaways from the example: 
provides a split string funciton not available in Lua
 • example is ESP is provided
 • creating and using modules

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Lua Image Patches and Cropping
Learn how to create four smaller images or patches out of one larger image using a Lua window and a Calculate window

Key takeaways from the example: 
creating and debugging Lua functions directly in SAS ESP
 • use the calculate window to select the imageProcessing algorithm and the crops function
 • view the results in ESP

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Lua HTTP Request Examples
Learn how to use the sendHttp build-in function to query sensor data

Key takeaways from the example: 
how to format a request
 • bearer token and SOAP examples
 • simple and efficient way to start collecting and processing data

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Expanding Lua Capabilities with Modules
Expand the capabilities of your Lua windows through the use of modules in SAS Event Stream Processing (ESP)

Key takeaways from the example: 
a module is a library, loaded using the require statement and containing functions and variables
 • create classes of functions that provide a behavior
 • use a module to move procedural functions or the main code out for re-use or code clarity

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Enhancing Sensor Data with a Device Table
Import metadata from a device table and then use this information to enhance the incoming sensor events in SAS Event Stream Processing (ESP)

Key takeaways from the example: 
use Lua window to read devices table and store values by key in memory
 • read device events from data source and join events by key
 • filter on events which match device table entriest

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Code Snippets

SAS ESP Model Examples
XML code examples that use SAS Event Stream Processing (ESP) to process real-time streaming data

Key takeaways from the example: 
project code is written to run in SAS Event Stream Processing Studio
 • examples are accompanied with documentation in the SAS Help Center
 • repository is segmented by level of complexity

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SAS ESP Transformations Windows Code Snippets
View code snippets for the Transformation windows of SAS Event Stream Processing (ESP).

Note: The code snippets in this repository are designed to be executed with SAS Event Stream Processing 6.2 . For examples that you can execute with SAS Event Stream Processing 2020.1, refer to the SAS Event Stream Processing Studio Examples GitHub repository.

Key takeaways from the example: 
includes examples for Aggegate, Compute, Copy, Filter, etc., transform windows
 • a directory for each example contains everything you need for execution
 • a document for each code snippet provides instructions unique to the example

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SAS ESP Utilities Windows Code Snippets
View code snippets for use in the  Utilities window of SAS Event Stream Processing (ESP).

Note: The code snippets in this repository are designed to be executed with SAS Event Stream Processing 6.2 . For examples that you can execute with SAS Event Stream Processing 2020.1, refer to the SAS Event Stream Processing Studio Examples GitHub repository.

Key takeaways from the example: 
includes examples for Pattern and Geofence windows
 • a directory for each example contains everything you need for execution
 • a document for each code snippet provides instructions unique to the example

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SAS ESP Analytics Windows Code Snippets
View code snippets for the Analytics windows of SAS Event Stream Processing (ESP).

Note: The code snippets in this repository are designed to be executed with SAS Event Stream Processing 6.2 . For examples that you can execute with SAS Event Stream Processing 2020.1, refer to the SAS Event Stream Processing Studio Examples GitHub repository.

Key takeaways from the example: 
includes examples for Calculate, Train, and Score windows
 • a directory for each example contains everything you need for execution
 • a document for each code snippet provides instructions unique to the example

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