Contains the operations for the root resource of this API.
The Annotations API allows users to associate annotations with resources that other decoupled API manage. An annotation augments a target resource, which is typically a column or table, with information that extends beyond its physical properties. This information might include categorization (such as email and address), role (such as categorical and primary key), or other descriptive information.
Contains the operations to support annotations.
Internal-Use OnlyReturns a collection of annotations. Standard paging, filtering, and sorting options are provided.Get all annotations
Internal-Use OnlyCreates an annotation from the specified request.Create an annotation
Internal-Use OnlyFind all annotations that are associated with the provided resourceUris. Returns an application/ of application/ objects.Find annotations by resourceUris
Internal-Use OnlyMulti-POST. This operation is used to add multiple annotation that do not exists. All successfully created annotations will be returned in the response body in the same order that they were provided in the request body. For any annotation that failed to be created, the collection returned will contain an application/ object in place of application/ object.Create multiple annotations
Internal-Use OnlyReturns information about a single annotation that is based on its unique ID.Get an annotation
Internal-Use OnlyReturns header information and verifies that the annotation exists.Check annotation availability
Internal-Use OnlyUpdates an existing annotation with a full replacement of the resource. This operation cannot modify the ID field.Update or replace an existing annotation
Internal-Use OnlyDeletes the specified annotation. The annotation and its members are permanently removed from the service.Delete an annotation
Contains the operations to support members.
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the member objects for an annotation. A member is an external object that uses this annotation.Get member objects for an annotation
Internal-Use OnlyCreates an annotation member from the provided request.Create an annotation member
Internal-Use OnlyRetrieves the member for the given annotation and member ID.Get a member
Internal-Use OnlyReturns header information and verifies that the member exists.Get headers verify that the member exists
Internal-Use OnlyUpdates or replaces the member value for the given annotation and member ID.Update or replace the member value
Internal-Use OnlyDeletes the member for the specified annotation and member ID.Delete a member
Internal-Use OnlyFind all members that are associated with the provided annotationIds. Returns an application/ of application/ objects.Find annotation members by annotationIds
Internal-Use OnlyMulti-POST. It takes map of annotationIds to list of members and creates the members if they don't exists. This operation is used to create members that will be associated with an annotation. All successfully created members will be returned in the response body in the order that they were provided in the request body. For any members that failed to be created, the collection returned will contain an application/ object in place of application/ object.