Get the job information
Gets the job information or job state information for the specified job.
1{2 "creationTimeStamp": "2022-06-14T15:00:49.668113Z",3 "createdBy": "someuser",4 "modifiedTimeStamp": "2022-06-14T15:01:05.66361Z",5 "modifiedBy": "anonymous",6 "contextId": "6794ba8a-6aff-4989-ae77-93f67286aea2",7 "endedTimeStamp": "2022-06-14T15:01:02Z",8 "executionHost": "",9 "fileSetId": "JOB_20220614_150046_039_1",10 "id": "dbbb00c3-e67c-408b-bd84-9b57a2d69472",11 "links": [12 {13 "method": "GET",14 "rel": "self",15 "href": "/batch/jobs/dbbb00c3-e67c-408b-bd84-9b57a2d69472",16 "uri": "/batch/jobs/dbbb00c3-e67c-408b-bd84-9b57a2d69472",17 "type": "application/"18 },19 {20 "method": "GET",21 "rel": "up",22 "href": "/batch/jobs",23 "uri": "/batch/jobs",24 "type": "application/",25 "itemType": "application/"26 }27 ],28 "name": "testEnvVars",29 "processId": "b7e39cf9-eda7-400c-a752-301653e55e8e",30 "workloadJobId": "5",31 "returnCode": 0,32 "state": "completed",33 "startedTimeStamp": "2022-06-14T15:00:49Z",34 "submittedTimeStamp": "2022-06-14T15:00:49Z",35 "version": 136}
Status | Meaning | Description | ||
200 | OK | The request succeeded. | Headers | Schema |
304 | Not Modified | The caller has the most current resource. | Headers | |
404 | Not Found | The specified job is not found. | Schema | |
406 | Not Acceptable | The requested response type is not acceptable. See the returned error response for more information and acceptable response types. | Schema |