
The Catalog API allows for the discovery, creation, and integration of metadata. This allows management of information about other information.
Searching for instances.
Get Search Results
Internal-Use OnlySearch for instances by name, potentially specifying wildcards ('*' for 0 or more characters, '?' for a single character). Search can return data from multiple indices each of which can contain different types of objects.
Get Search Facets
Internal-Use OnlyGet a collection of search facets.
Retrieve suggested values for searches on a given field
Internal-Use OnlyGet search suggestions for a given field in one or more of the indices provided. Suggestions are only available for fields with a keyword representation or both a text and keyword representation. Any other representations are not supported, and an error will be returned. The suggested values will be unique, and the most common values in the given field in the indices provided. Optionally a parameter q can be provided that acts as a prefix requirement for the values. This endpoint does not support the usual start parameter; pagination is not supported. The limit parameter serves to restrict the number of suggestions that are returned.
Get Search Results for a list of URIs
Internal-Use OnlyReturn a Search Result for every URI in the input, or an error for any object that cannot be resolved in the search indices. Additionally can search service URIs in the request body. When a folder URI is recognized in the selection, the catalog service enumerates the contents of the folder, and uses these URIs as the input in addition to the folder URI in the selection. Results are provided as a map of URIs to either a search result, or a corresponding error for that URI. Folder URIs will not be included but the URIs of all its members will. If none of the requested URIs are found, the overall response will be a 404. This operation does not support the "id" or "mixed" types of application/; URIs matching the resourceId field of entities in the catalog must be provided.


Lifecycle management for Instances.
Get Catalog Service statistics
Internal-Use OnlyReturn information about the contents of the catalog, such as:
Get a list of Instances
Internal-Use OnlyReturns a list of instances. The properties that can be used as filter and sort criteria are:
Create an Instance
Internal-Use OnlyCreate an Instance from the given content.
Create or update objects from an archive
Internal-Use OnlyCreate objects from the given content. Note that because this endpoint processes several kinds of operations, the application/json Content-Type header is not supported.
Get an archive of objects based on a view
Internal-Use OnlyGet an archive of objects based on a view. Note that because this endpoint processes several kinds of operations, the application/json Content-Type header is not supported.
Download instances
Internal-Use OnlyDownloads resulting metadata for instances. The level query parameter indicates the level or degree of complexity of the metadata to return in the response. Each of the levels provides the returned metadata in different tabular structures. The properties that can be used as filter and sort criteria are:
Upload instances metadata to CAS
Internal-Use OnlyUploads resulting metadata for instances to CAS. The level query parameter indicates the level or degree of complexity of the metadata to return in the response. Each of the levels provides the returned metadata in different tabular structures. Note that because this endpoint processes several kinds of operations, the application/json Content-Type header is not supported. The properties that can be used as filter and sort criteria are:
Get the headers for an Instance with a specific Instance ID
Internal-Use OnlyGet the headers for an instance with a specific ID.
Get an Instance with a specific Instance ID
Internal-Use OnlyGet an instance with a specific ID.
Update an Instance with a specific Instance ID
Internal-Use OnlyUpdate an Instance with a specific Instance ID.
Delete an Instance by its Instance ID
Internal-Use OnlyDelete an Instance by its Instance ID.
Manipulate individual properties on an instance using JSON Patch requests
Internal-Use OnlyPatch adds, updates, or removes properties on an instance. This endpoint currently only supports modifying entity instances; and only the following fields can be manipulated:
Get the headers for current and previous revisions of an entity Instance
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the headers for current and previous revisions of an entity instance; the endpoint is undefined for other kinds of instances.
Get current and previous revisions of an entity Instance
Internal-Use OnlyReturns current and previous revisions of an entity instance; the endpoint is undefined for other kinds of instances. This collection does not support filtering or sorting; but it does support pagination controls. Elements are sorted based on their descending modification timestamp; the current revision is at the top of the list. Elements in the collection cannot be modified via the REST API.
Get the headers for an archive of an entity's history with related objects
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the headers for an archive of entities and relationships corresponding to a history record for an entity. The limits of the network described by the archive are determined by the view associated with the instance (if specified) or the type definition (if specified). If no history policy or view is associated with the entity, then an archive consisting of the current entity's representation is returned.
Get an archive of an entity's history with related objects
Internal-Use OnlyReturns an archive of entities and relationships corresponding to a history record for an entity. The limits of the network described by the archive are determined by the view associated with the instance (if specified) or the type definition (if specified). If no history policy or view is associated with the entity, then an archive consisting of the current entity's representation is returned. Each element has a link for its type definition; entities may also provide a link to its resource (which may not be in the same state it had when the history record was originally created).
Get the headers for an auto-generated business description
Internal-Use OnlyGiven an instance ID for a dataset, get the headers for a description for that dataset. The dataset must have a subtype such as CAStable or SASTable. Date formats will default to en-US if the Accept-Language header is not specified or a non-supported language.
Get an auto-generated business description
Internal-Use OnlyGiven an instance ID for a dataset generate a description for that dataset. The dataset must have a subtype such as CAStable or SASTable. Date formats will default to en-US if the Accept-Language header is not specified or a non-supported language.

Type Definitions

Definitions used to describe instance data within the Catalog.
Get Type Definitions
Internal-Use OnlyReturns a list of type definitions. The collection may contain different kinds of type definitions (e.g. attribute, classification, entity, and relationship type definitions); the 'definitionType' field can be used to determine the type. The kind of type definitions in the collection can also be controlled via the 'Accept-Item' header. The properties that can be used as filter and sort criteria are:
Create a Type Definition
Internal-Use OnlyCreate a Type Definition with the given content.
Get Type Definitions as an Archive
Internal-Use OnlyReturns an archive of all the type definitions, separated into lists by the kind of type definition. Note that the archive media type must be specified in order to generate an archive response.
Create or Update Type Definitions from an Archive
Internal-Use OnlyCreate Type Definitions from the given content.
Get the headers for a Type Definition by its ID
Internal-Use OnlyGet the headers for a Type Definition by its ID. The definition itself must be supported by the media type(s) specified in the accept header; application/ and application/json will match any type.
Get a Type Definition by its ID
Internal-Use OnlyGet a Type Definition by its ID. The definition itself must be supported by the media type(s) specified in the accept header; application/ and application/json will match any type.
Update a Type Definition by its ID
Internal-Use OnlyUpdate a Type Definition by its ID. The definitionId in the URL and the request body must match; and the definition itself must be supported by the media type(s) specified in the accept header; application/ and application/json will match any type.
Delete a Type Definition by its ID
Internal-Use OnlyDelete a Type Definition by its ID.
Get the Headers for a Type Definition and All Its Relationships
Internal-Use OnlyGet the headers for a Type Definition and all its relationships, including inherited ones, as an Archive by its ID. The archive media type must be specified in the accept header in order to generate an archive response.
Get the Type Definition and All Its Relationships
Internal-Use OnlyReturns an archive of the entity or classification type definition itself, along with all the relationships related to it, including the inherited ones, and separate them into lists by the kind of type definition. Note that the archive media type must be specified in order to generate an archive response.

Search Indices

Search Index lifecycle management.


Agent lifecycle management.
Get Agents
Internal-Use OnlyGet the agents as a summary representation. The full bot representation is maintained by a provider, and enumerating them may be prohibitively expensive. The summary representation provides a link to an individual bot that enables consumers to retrieve other representations. The properties that can be used as filter and sort criteria are:
Create an Agent
Internal-Use OnlyCreate an Agent with the given content.
Get history for a list of Agents
Internal-Use OnlyGet history for a list of Agents.
Get the headers for an Agent's run execution history
Internal-Use OnlyGet the headers for an Agent's run execution history by the run ID.
Get an Agent's run execution history
Internal-Use OnlyGet an Agent's execution history by ID. This endpoint provides a history record.
Get execution status for a list of Agents
Internal-Use OnlyGet the execution statue for a list of Agents.
Get the headers for an Agent by its ID
Internal-Use OnlyGet the headers for an Agent by its ID.
Get an Agent by its ID
Internal-Use OnlyGet an Agent by its ID.
Update an Agent by its ID
Internal-Use OnlyUpdate an Agent by its ID.
Delete an Agent by its ID
Internal-Use OnlyDelete an agent. Deleting an agent does not automatically delete the catalog content introduced by the agent.
Get the headers for an Agent's execution history
Internal-Use OnlyGet the headers for an Agent's execution history by its ID.
Get an Agent's execution history
Internal-Use OnlyGet an Agent's execution history by ID. This endpoint provides a collection of history records ordered from most recent to oldest. The properties that can be used as filter criteria are:
Get the headers for an Agent's execution status
Internal-Use OnlyGet the headers for an Agent's execution status by its ID.
Get an Agent's execution status
Internal-Use OnlyGet an Agent's execution status by ID. This endpoint returns a value of either 'idle' or 'running'.
Update an Agent's run state
Internal-Use OnlyUpdate an Agent's run state. This endpoint can only be used to start running an agent (from 'idle' to 'running'); it cannot be used to stop it (from 'running' to 'idle').
Run an Agent preview
Internal-Use OnlyRunning an agent preview provides insights into how many resources will be processed by the agent. The preview runs asynchronously; both the 'Location' header and the 'self' link in the response can be used to determine the location of the preview resource, which can be polled until the preview completes.
Get the headers for Agent Preview results
Internal-Use OnlyGet the headers for the preview of results of an agent preview job.
Get Agent Preview results
Internal-Use OnlyPreview the results of an agent preview job.
Get Adhoc Analysis Jobs
Internal-Use OnlyGet a list of Adhoc Analysis Jobs as a summary representation. The full job representation is maintained by a provider, and enumerating them may be prohibitively expensive. The summary representation provides a link to an individual job that enables consumers to retrieve other representations. The properties that can be used as filter and sort criteria are:
Create an Adhoc Analysis Job
Internal-Use OnlyCreate an Adhoc Analysis Job with the given content.
Get the headers for an Adhoc Analysis Job by its ID
Internal-Use OnlyGet the headers for an Adhoc Analysis Job by its ID.
Get an Adhoc Analysis Job by its ID
Internal-Use OnlyGet an Adhoc Analysis Job by its ID.
Delete an Adhoc Analysis Job by its ID
Internal-Use OnlyDelete an Adhoc Analysis Job. Deleting a job does not automatically delete the catalog content introduced by the job.


Tag lifecycle management.
Get Tags
Internal-Use OnlyReturns a list of tags. The properties that can be used as filter and sort criteria are:
Create a tag
Internal-Use OnlyCreate a tag with the given content. If the user does not have the appropriate authorization to create tags and for the members to be added to the given tag then the create operation fails with a 403 Forbidden error.
Patch tags
Internal-Use OnlyFor each given tag, performs a set of actions as specified in a JSON Patch. These actions are performed synchronously and transactionally. For every action, the patch must specify an operation (add or remove) and a target URI (for example, /members/resources or, empty to create a new tag). Each operation requires a valid representation for the value. If the operation removes all tag members from a given tag then the tag will be deleted. This endpoint currently supports adding entire Tag resources, but only supports the manipulation of the following Tag fields:
Get the headers for a tag by its ID
Internal-Use OnlyGet the headers for a tag by its ID
Get a tag by its ID
Internal-Use OnlyGet a tag by its ID
Update a Tag by its ID
Internal-Use OnlyUpdate a Tag by its ID. If the user does not have the appropriate authorization for the given tag and both the existing and updated members of the given tag then the update operation fails with a 403 Forbidden error. If the update operation removes all tag members from a given tag then the tag will be deleted and a 204 response returned.
Delete a Tag by its ID
Internal-Use OnlyDelete a Tag by its ID.