Upload job listing output to the Files service

Internal-Use Only

Uploads job listing output to the Files service and returns the representation of the file resource containing the output. The file is created in one of two formats, based on the value of the property "format" specified in the post body. If "collection" is specified as the value of "format", the output file is rendered as application/vnd.sas.collection+json. If the format is specified as "prefixedText", the output is text/plain in which each line of output is prefixed with the name of the line type followed by a colon. In either case, all available output is returned; neither pagination nor filtering is supported.

Request Samples


Response Samples

2 "summary": "File resource version 4",
3 "description": "Here is the response for file resource version 4",
4 "value": {
5 "creationTimeStamp": "2022-03-31T20:00:03.609Z",
6 "modifiedTimeStamp": "2022-03-31T20:00:03.826Z",
7 "createdBy": "sas.audit",
8 "modifiedBy": "sas.audit",
9 "id": "cddc7f5d-9b30-4bf1-bb2f-6d5e40728cb7",
10 "parentUri": "/jobExecution/jobs/b9fe292d-2a4e-434c-8154-5f490b4b9257",
11 "properties": {
12 "LastState": "running",
13 "JobRequest": "",
14 "Job": "b9fe292d-2a4e-434c-8154-5f490b4b9257",
15 "Provider": "casl"
16 },
17 "contentDisposition": "text/plain",
18 "contentType": "text/plain",
19 "description": "Log File for Job b9fe292d-2a4e-434c-8154-5f490b4b9257",
20 "documentType": "log",
21 "encoding": "UTF-8",
22 "links": [
23 {
24 "method": "GET",
25 "rel": "self",
26 "href": "/files/files/cddc7f5d-9b30-4bf1-bb2f-6d5e40728cb7",
27 "uri": "/files/files/cddc7f5d-9b30-4bf1-bb2f-6d5e40728cb7",
28 "type": "application/vnd.sas.file"
29 },
30 {
31 "method": "GET",
32 "rel": "alternate",
33 "href": "/files/files/cddc7f5d-9b30-4bf1-bb2f-6d5e40728cb7",
34 "uri": "/files/files/cddc7f5d-9b30-4bf1-bb2f-6d5e40728cb7",
35 "type": "application/vnd.sas.summary"
36 },
37 {
38 "method": "PATCH",
39 "rel": "patch",
40 "href": "/files/files/cddc7f5d-9b30-4bf1-bb2f-6d5e40728cb7",
41 "uri": "/files/files/cddc7f5d-9b30-4bf1-bb2f-6d5e40728cb7",
42 "type": "application/vnd.sas.file",
43 "responseType": "application/vnd.sas.file"
44 },
45 {
46 "method": "PUT",
47 "rel": "update",
48 "href": "/files/files/cddc7f5d-9b30-4bf1-bb2f-6d5e40728cb7",
49 "uri": "/files/files/cddc7f5d-9b30-4bf1-bb2f-6d5e40728cb7",
50 "type": "application/vnd.sas.file",
51 "responseType": "application/vnd.sas.file"
52 },
53 {
54 "method": "DELETE",
55 "rel": "delete",
56 "href": "/files/files/cddc7f5d-9b30-4bf1-bb2f-6d5e40728cb7",
57 "uri": "/files/files/cddc7f5d-9b30-4bf1-bb2f-6d5e40728cb7"
58 },
59 {
60 "method": "GET",
61 "rel": "content",
62 "href": "/files/files/cddc7f5d-9b30-4bf1-bb2f-6d5e40728cb7/content",
63 "uri": "/files/files/cddc7f5d-9b30-4bf1-bb2f-6d5e40728cb7/content",
64 "type": "text/plain"
65 },
66 {
67 "method": "PUT",
68 "rel": "updateContent",
69 "href": "/files/files/cddc7f5d-9b30-4bf1-bb2f-6d5e40728cb7/content",
70 "uri": "/files/files/cddc7f5d-9b30-4bf1-bb2f-6d5e40728cb7/content",
71 "type": "*/*",
72 "responseType": "application/vnd.sas.file"
73 },
74 {
75 "method": "POST",
76 "rel": "copyFile",
77 "href": "/files/files/cddc7f5d-9b30-4bf1-bb2f-6d5e40728cb7/copy",
78 "uri": "/files/files/cddc7f5d-9b30-4bf1-bb2f-6d5e40728cb7/copy",
79 "responseType": "application/vnd.sas.file"
80 },
81 {
82 "method": "POST",
83 "rel": "create",
84 "href": "/files/files",
85 "uri": "/files/files",
86 "type": "*/*",
87 "responseType": "application/vnd.sas.file"
88 }
89 ],
90 "name": "2022-03-31T20:00:03Z-results.log",
91 "size": 742,
92 "searchable": false,
93 "fileStatus": "unlocked",
94 "fileVersion": 0,
95 "expirationTimeStamp": "2022-04-07T20:00:03.651Z",
96 "virusDetected": false,
97 "urlDetected": false,
98 "quarantine": false,
99 "version": 4
100 }

Path Parameters


Specifies the ID of the job.


Specifies the ID of the session.

Request Body

Specifies the request to stream output to the Files service.

Requests that session or job log or listing output be uploaded to the Files service.


Specifies the version number of this representation schema. This is version 1.


Specifies the attributes that modify the behavior of this stream request. See example for details.


201CreatedA file containing the output was created in the Files service.HeadersSchema
400Bad RequestThe request was invalid. This can occur because the request body does not satisfy the schema for application/vnd.sas.compute.output.stream.file.request. It can also occur if the client is building its request URI and there is no job listing output. This problem can be avoided by using the links for the job resource; a link will not exist unless output is available. Schema
406Not AcceptableThe server is not capable of producing the media type specified in the Accept header.Schema
415Unsupported Media TypeThe server does not support the media type specified in the Content-Type header.Schema