Contains data source operations for the providers resource.
Data Sources
The Data Sources API works in concert with the Data Tables and Row Sets APIs to navigate, reference, and retrieve data in the SAS Viya ecosystem. The Data Sources API enables retrieval of metadata for data sources and linking to their respective tables.
Internal-Use OnlyReturns a collection of application/ resources. Standard paging, filtering, and sorting options are specified in the Parameters section below.Get a list of providers
Internal-Use OnlyReturns information about a single provider based on its unique ID.Gets the provider
Contains operations for data sources resource.
Internal-Use OnlyReturns a collection of sources. Standard paging, filtering, and sorting options are provided. The members of this collection use application/ media type representation.Get a list of data sources
Internal-Use OnlyReturns information about a single source based on its unique ID.Get a data source
Internal-Use OnlyReturns a collection of sources that are children of the specified source. Standard paging, filtering, and sorting options are provided. The members of this collection use application/ media type representation.Get a list of child data sources
Contains operations for the data source definitions resource.
Internal-Use OnlyReturns a collection of application/ resources. Standard paging, filtering, and sorting options are specified in the Parameters section below.Get a list of data source definitions
Internal-Use OnlyCreates a date source definition from the provided request.Create a data source definition
Internal-Use OnlyReturns information about a single source based on its unique ID.Get a data source definition
Internal-Use OnlyUpdates an existing data source definition through a full replacement of the resource. The ID field might not be modified by this operation.Update a data source definition
Internal-Use OnlyDeletes the specified data source definition.Delete a data source definition
Contains operations to access data sources using the sessions resource.
Internal-Use OnlyReturns information about a single session based on its unique ID.Get a session
Internal-Use OnlyTerminates a session if the user has permissions to terminate the sessions, as determined by the provider service.Terminate a session
Contains operations for the root resource of the Data Sources API.
Contains operations for engines of the Data Sources API.
Internal-Use OnlyReturns a collection of engines for the respective data source. Standard paging, filtering, and sorting options are provided. The members of this collection use application/ media type representation.Get a list of engines for a data source
Internal-Use OnlyReturns information about a single engine based on its unique name.Get an engine name
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the definition of the engine as application or schema+json. This definition includes all available engine options.Get an engine definition
Contains operations to transfer object resources.
Internal-Use OnlyCreate a new source definition from transfer object. Other than the old source definition ID, all other source definition properties are preserved.Create source definition from transfer object
Internal-Use OnlyReturn the transfer object of the specified source definition.Check transfer object availability
Internal-Use OnlyUpdates a source definition using the transfer object. If no existing source definition is found, a new source definition is created. Either way, all other source definition properties are preserved.