Contains the operations for the root resource.
The Decisions API supports the life cycle of decision data.
Contains the operations to create, read, update, and delete decisions.
Internal-Use OnlyReturns a resource collection of all decisions.Get a list of all decisions
Internal-Use OnlyCreates a new decision based on the provided content.Create a decision
Internal-Use OnlyRetrieves the contents of a decision.Get decision content
Internal-Use OnlyUpdates the decision.Update a decision
Internal-Use OnlyDeletes the specified decision.Delete a decision
Internal-Use OnlyRetrieves the contents of a decision as a decisioning revision summary. This is deprecated. Please use endpoint /flows/{decisionId} and provide request header Accept as application/ decision revision summary content (Deprecated)
Internal-Use OnlyRetrieves the DS2 package code, which can be used to execute the decision.Get decision code
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the code that is used to run the decision based on the provided data and mapping information in the request.Get the mapped code for a decision
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the code to be able to run the decision based on mapping to a static input and output data set of SASEP.IN and SASEP.OUT rather than binding to a score definition. This is deprecated. Use endpoint /flows/{decisionId}/mappedCode with Content-Type header as application/ decision code without score definition (Deprecated)
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the code directly as text without being wrapped in a JSON model, that a user can use to be able to run the decision based on mapping to a static input and output data set of SASEP.IN and SASEP.OUT rather than binding to a score definition. This is deprecated. Use the endpoint /flows/{decisionId}/mappedCode with Accept header as text/ decision code not bound to a score definition (Deprecated)
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the analysis code that is used to generate the rule fired or path tracking reports based on the scoring definition.Get the analysis code for a decision
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the step code for the specified decision.Get decision step code
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the list of external artifacts used by a decision revision. Objects used by a step of the steps collection in a decision flow are considered external artifacts. Some examples of such objects are files and web services. This endpoint returns the collection of external artifacts. The collection might be empty if there is no external artifact used by any step of the decision. The expected number of external artifacts is small. Therefore, this endpoint does not support any paging, filtering, or sorting of parameters.Get a list of external artifacts for a decision
Internal-Use OnlyRetrieves the legacy variables of the decision, which can be added back to the decision.Get legacy Variables of decision
Internal-Use OnlyRetrieves the validation errors for a decision and also its sub-decisions.Get validation errors for a decision
Internal-Use OnlyReturns a collection of error markers for a decision scoring test.Get decision error markers
Internal-Use OnlyRetrieves the URIs of the direct dependent objects of the decision.Get direct dependent objects
Internal-Use OnlyGets terms by name in all decisions.Get terms by name in all decisions
Contains the operations to create, read, and delete decision revisions.
Internal-Use OnlyRetrieves a list of all revisions that exist for a decision.Get all revisions for a decision
Internal-Use OnlyCreates a new revision for the decision.Create a decision revision
Internal-Use OnlyRetrieves the content for the decision revision requested.Get content for a decision revision
Internal-Use OnlyDeletes the specified locked decision revision.Delete a locked decision revision
Internal-Use OnlyRetrieves the content for the decision revision requested. This is deprecated. Use endpoint /flows/{decisionId}/revisions/{revisionId} with Accept header as application/ content for a decision revision (Deprecated)
Internal-Use OnlyRetrieves the DS2 package code, which can then be used to execute the decision revision.Get code for a decision revision
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the code bound to data specified in the score request for execution for the decision revision.Get the mapped code of a decision revision
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the code to be able to run the decision revision based on mapping to a static input and output data set of SASEP.IN and SASEP.OUT rather than binding to a score definition. This is deprecated. Please use endpoint /flows/{decisionId}/revisions/{revisionId}/mappedCode with Content-Type header as application/ decision revision code without a score definition (Deprecated)
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the code directly as text without being wrapped in a JSON model, that a user can use to be able to run the decision revision based on mapping to a static input and output data set of SASEP.IN and SASEP.OUT rather than binding to a score definition. This is deprecated. Please use the endpoint /flows/{decisionId}/revisions/{revisionId}/mappedCode with header Content-Type as application/ and header Accept as text/ code for decision revision not bound to score definition (Deprecated)
Internal-Use OnlyRetrieves the analysis code that is required for the collection rule fired or path tracking information for the decision revision.Get analysis code for decision revision
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the decision step code for the specified decision revision.Get decision revision step code
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the list of external artifacts used by a decision revision. Objects used by a step of the steps collection in a decision flow are considered external artifacts. Some examples of such objects are files and web services. This endpoint returns the collection of external artifacts. The collection might be empty if there is no external artifact used by any step of the decision. The expected number of external artifacts is small. Therefore, this endpoint does not support any paging, filtering, or sorting of parameters.Get list of external artifacts for decision revision
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the list of decision node reference objects used by a decision revision. Decision node reference objects can be rule sets, models, treatment definition groups, lookup tables, code files, or subdecisions. This endpoint returns the collection of decision node reference objects. This endpoint does not support any paging.Get list of decision node reference objects for decision revision
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the complete list of checkouts for a decision revision.Get list of all checkouts for a decision revision
Internal-Use OnlyRetrieves the validation errors for a decision revision and also its sub-decisions.Get validation errors for a decision revision
Internal-Use OnlyReturns a collection of error markers for a decision revision scoring test.Get decision revision error markers
Internal-Use OnlyReturns a collection of decision components based on if they do or do not have certain tags.Retrieve components in the decision based on tags
Contains the operations for code files.
Internal-Use OnlyReturns a collection of code files based on the specified pagination, filtering, and sorting options. The items in the collection, depend on the Accept-Item header.Get a collection of code files
Internal-Use OnlyCreates a new code file based on the representation in the request body.Create a code file
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the representation of the specified code file.Get a code file
Internal-Use OnlyUpdates a code file based on the representation in the request body. Only the name and description of a code file can be updated with this operation.Update a code file
Internal-Use OnlyDeletes the specified code file.Delete a code file
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the summary representation of the specified code file. This is deprecated. Use endpoint /codeFiles/{codeFileId} with Accept header as application/ the summary for a code file (Deprecated)
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the decisioning summary representation of the specified code file. This is deprecated. Use endpoint /codeFiles/{codeFileId} with Accept header as application/ the decisioning summary for a code file (Deprecated)
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the code to be able to run the code file based on the provided data and mapping information in the request.Get the mapped code for a code file
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the decision step code for the specified code file.Get the decision step code for a code file
Internal-Use OnlyRetrieves the URIs of the direct dependent objects of the code file.Get direct dependent objects
Internal-Use OnlyGets terms by name in all code files.Get terms by name in all code files
Contains the operations for code file revisions.
Internal-Use OnlyReturns a collection of code file revisions based on the specified pagination, filtering, and sorting options. The items in the collection, depend on the Accept-Item header.Get a collection of revisions of a code file
Internal-Use OnlyCreates a new code file revision based on the representation in the request body.Create a code file revision
Internal-Use OnlyCreates a new code file revision based on the representation in the request body. This is deprecated. Please use endpoint /codeFiles/{codeFileId}/revisions with Content-Type header as application/ a code file revision with code (Deprecated)
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the representation of the specified code file revision.Get a code file revision
Internal-Use OnlyDeletes the specified code file revision.Delete a code file revision
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the summary representation of the specified code file revision. This is deprecated. Please use endpoint /codeFiles/{codeFileId}/revisions/{revisionId} with Accept header application/ the summary for a code file revision (Deprecated)
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the decisioning summary representation of the specified code file revision. This is deprecated. Please use endpoint /codeFiles/{codeFileId}/revisions/{revisionId} with Accept header as application/ the decisioning summary for a code file revision (Deprecated)
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the code to be able to run the code file based on the provided data and mapping information in the request.Get the mapped code of a code file revision
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the decision step code for the specified code file revision.Get the decision step code for a code file revision
Contains the operations for decision node types.
Internal-Use OnlyReturns a resource collection of all decision node types.Get a list of all decision node types
Internal-Use OnlyCreates a new decision node type based on the provided content.Create a decision node type
Internal-Use OnlyRetrieves the contents of a decision node type.Get decision node type content
Internal-Use OnlyUpdates the decision node type.Update a decision node type
Internal-Use OnlyDeletes the specified decision node type.Delete a decision node type
Internal-Use OnlyCreates a new decision node type content associated with a decision node type based on the provided content.Add decision node type content to a decision node type
Internal-Use OnlyRetrieves the decision node type content, which can then be used to represent the decision node type when the containing decision is executed.Get decision node type content
Internal-Use OnlyUpdates a decision node type content associated with a decision node type based on the provided content.Update a decision node type content
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the decision step code for the specified decision node type of type static.Get decision node type decision step code (static decision node types only)
Contains the operations for decision types.
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the collection of decision types.Get the list of decision types
Internal-Use OnlyCreates the contents of a new decision type.Create a decision type
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the contents of a decision type with a given ID.Get a decision type by ID
Internal-Use OnlyUpdates the contents of a decision type with a given ID.Update a decision type by ID
Internal-Use OnlyDeletes the specified decision type.Delete a decision type
Contains the operations for validation.
Contains the operations for segmentation trees.
Internal-Use OnlyReturns a resource collection of all segmentation trees.Get a list of all segmentation trees
Internal-Use OnlyCreates a new segmentation tree based on the specified content.Create a segmentation tree
Internal-Use OnlyRetrieves the contents of a segmentation tree.Get segmentation tree content
Internal-Use OnlyUpdates the segmentation tree.Update a segmentation tree
Internal-Use OnlyDeletes the specified segmentation tree.Delete a segmentation tree
Internal-Use OnlyRetrieves the DS2 package code, which can then be used to execute the segmentation tree.Get the segmentation tree code
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the step code for the specified segmentation tree.Get the segmentation tree decision step code
Internal-Use OnlyGets the terms by name in all segmentation trees.Get terms by name in all segmentation trees
Contains the operations for segmentation tree revisions.
Internal-Use OnlyRetrieves a list of all revisions that exist for a segmentation tree.Get all revisions for a segmentation tree
Internal-Use OnlyCreates a new revision for the segmentation tree.Create a segmentation tree revision
Internal-Use OnlyRetrieves the content for the specified segmentation tree revision.Get content for a segmentation tree revision
Internal-Use OnlyDeletes the specified locked segmentation tree revision.Delete a locked segmentation tree revision
Internal-Use OnlyRetrieves the DS2 package code, which can be used to execute the segmentation tree revision.Get code for a segmentation tree revision
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the step code for the specified segmentation tree revision.Get the decision step code for a segmentation tree revision
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the complete list of checkouts for a segmentation tree revision.Get a list of all checkouts for a segmentation tree revision
Contains the operation related to workflow management on decisions.
Internal-Use OnlyStarts a new workflow for the specified decision revision.Start a workflow
Internal-Use OnlyTerminates the workflow for the specified decision revision.Terminate a workflow
Internal-Use OnlyRetrieves the workflow history for the specified decision.