The operations for the Root resource.
The Files API provides persistence of files, such as comment attachments and report images.With this version File API will now support versioned files. A solution can maintain multiple versions of a file. There are few additional parameters which will be required while creation of File, which indicates that the File is a versioned file.
Internal-Use OnlyReturns a list of links to the top-level resources that are available through the API. These top-level links include create and retrieve operations for /files.Get top-level resource links
Internal-Use OnlyIndicates whether the service is available.Check the state of the service
The CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations for files.
Internal-Use OnlyRetrieves file resources for the specified criteria. Standard paging, filtering, and sorting options are available.Get file resources
Internal-Use OnlyDeletes file resources for the specified parentUri. If the user is not authorized to delete all matching files, no files are deleted.Delete file resources
Internal-Use OnlyThis endpoint returns schema field to be indexed by search service.Get schema for indexing
Internal-Use OnlyCreates a new file resource by passing file content in the request body.Create new file resource
Internal-Use OnlyCreates a new file resource by passing a file in the form of a multipart request.Create a new file resource
Internal-Use OnlyRetrieves the file resources that are associated with multiple parentUri specifications. Request the parentUri values in the body. The returned collection is grouped by parentUri.Get file resources for multiple parentUris
Internal-Use OnlyDetermines whether a file resource exists for the specified fileId.Check if a file resource exists
Internal-Use OnlyRetrieves a file resource by specifying a fileId.Get a file resource
Internal-Use OnlyUpdates the file resource information. The user can change these attributes: name, description, parentUri, documentType, contentDisposition, properties,expirationTimeStamp,typeDefName and searchableUpdate a file resource
Internal-Use OnlyUpdates the file resource information. The user can change these attributes: name, description, parentUri, documentType, contentDisposition, properties, expirationTimeStamp,typeDefName and searchableUpdate a file resource
Internal-Use OnlyDeletes the file resource.Delete a file resource
Internal-Use OnlyRetrieves the content of the file resource.Get file resource content
Internal-Use OnlyUpdates the content of the file resource.Update file resource content
Internal-Use OnlyCopies the file if the user has Read access to the specified file.Copy an existing file
Internal-Use OnlyDetermines whether a file resource exists for the specified version of fileId.Check if a file resource exists for given fileVersion
Internal-Use OnlyRetrieves a file resource by specifying fileVersion of a fileId.Get a file resource for specific version
Internal-Use OnlyRetrieves the content of the file resource for a specified version.Get the file resource content for a specified version
Internal-Use OnlyRetrieves file resources of all the versions of a given fileId. Standard paging, option is available.Get all the versions of a given file id
The operations to obtain a generic indexable representation of files.
Internal-Use OnlyRetrieves indexable representations of files that are associated with multiple parentUri specifications. Request the parentUri values in the body. The returned collection is grouped by parentUri.Get indexable representations for parentUris
Internal-Use OnlyRetrieves indexable representations of file resources for the specified criteria. Standard paging is available.Get indexable representations for files
Internal-Use OnlyRetrieves a generic indexable representation of file for the specified identifier.Get a generic indexable representation
The operations to obtain a generic summary representation of files.
Internal-Use OnlyRetrieves summary representations of file resources for the specified criteria. Standard paging, filtering, and sorting options are available.Get summary representations
Internal-Use OnlyRetrieves a generic summary representation of a file for the specified identifier.Get a generic summary representation
The operations to unquarantine the file.
The operations to return configuration settings information.