
The Folders API provides an organizational structure for SAS and external content. It can also be used for favorites folders or a history of objects accessed. The resources that are stored in folders (members) use a URI to point back to those resources.


Contains the operations for the folder resource.
Get a list of root folders
Internal-Use OnlyReturns a list of root folders. Standard paging, filtering, and sorting options are provided.
Get a list of folders
Internal-Use OnlyReturns a list of folders. Standard paging, filtering, and sorting options are provided.
Create a new folder
Internal-Use OnlyCreates a new empty folder. Members can be added to the folder using the /folders/{folderId}/members endpoint. This service maintains name uniqueness at any given level in the folder structure. In other words, if you try to create a root folder named "newRootFolder", and a root folder with that name exists, the operation fails with a 409 status. If you try to create a subfolder using the ?parentFolderUri parameter, and the parent already has a subfolder with the same name, the operation fails with a 409 status.
Move the child member for a resource to a folder specified by the parentFolderUri
Internal-Use OnlyMove the child member for the resource specified by childUri to the folder specified by parentFolderUri.
Get a folder with a path or a child URI
Internal-Use OnlyGet a folder with a resource wildcard. Either a path or a child URI is required. The result must be exactly one matching folder. If the childUri parameter is provided, the parent folder of the member with the matching URI is returned, if it exists. If the path is provided, it must be a slash-delimited path to the desired folder.
Get a folder
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the specified folder.
Get a folder
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the specified folder.
Delete a folder
Internal-Use OnlyThe specified folder is deleted. If the folder is not empty, a recursive option can be specified to indicate a recursive delete. If the folder is not empty and no recursive option is present, an error response is returned. Any non-folder content is not deleted.
Update a folder
Internal-Use OnlyReplaces an existing folder.
Make a partial update to a folder
Internal-Use OnlyUpdates the provided fields of a folder. The client can provide a sparsely populated object, and only the non-null fields contribute to the updates. A body such as { "name": "NewFolderName" } causes the folder to have its name changed, but no other field is affected. The full resulting object is returned in the response.
Get the folders for a given set of delegate names
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the folders for the given set of delegate names, or all delegate folders if no names are provided.
Find an object by path
Internal-Use OnlyFind an object, if it exists, by path. The client provides an ordered list of parent folder names, the object name, and the object content type.
Return a metadata archive for the requested folder
Internal-Use OnlyThis endpoint is used by the catalog service to retrieve information from a folder so that the members can be searched and displayed.


Contains the operations for the folder member resource.
Get a list of folder members
Internal-Use OnlyReturns a list of folder members. Standard paging, filtering, and sorting options are available. The media type of the returned collection items is application/ Default sorting for this collection is name:ascending, unless the folder is of the history folder type. Default sorting for history folders is added:descending, which orders the elements starting with the most recently added.
Get a list of folder members
Internal-Use OnlyReturns a list of folder members. Standard paging, filtering, and sorting options are available. The media type of the returned collection items is application/ Default sorting for this collection is name:ascending, unless the folder is of the history folder type. Default sorting for history folders is added:descending, which orders the elements starting with the most recently added.
Add a member to a folder
Internal-Use OnlyAdds a new member to the folder. If the member type is 'child' and the object referenced is already a member of any folder (including the specified parent), this operation fails with a 409 status (conflict). If the object being added is a folder, this method checks that the name is unique (among other members that are of the same type). If a name collision occurs, a 409 status is returned.
Get a folder member
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the specified member.
Get a folder member
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the specified member.
Remove a member from a folder
Internal-Use OnlyRemoves the specified member from the folder. This does not delete the target resource. The proper way to delete a resource is to use the resource's persistence service to delete it. Using that service generates an event that causes the folders service to clean up any members that have that target resource's URI.
Update a folder member
Internal-Use OnlyReplaces an existing folder member. Changing the parentUri affects a move operation. Neither the URI or the type of the member can be changed.
Make a partial update to a folder member
Internal-Use OnlyUpdates the provided fields of a member. The client can provide a sparsely populated object, and only the non-null fields contribute to the updates. So, a body like { "name": "NewMemberName" } causes the member to have its name changed, but no other field is affected. The full resulting object is returned in the response.
Update the modification date for a history member
Internal-Use OnlyUpdates the modification date for a history member. If the object URI exists as a reference in the history folder, the information including the added field is updated. If it does not exist, a new member is added, and an eviction is performed if the folder is already at the maximum members threshold.
Validate that a member can be named or renamed to the given value without creating a conflict
Internal-Use OnlyThis endpoint can be used by a client to test whether creating or renaming a member would create a naming conflict before actually attempting the operation. When creating a new member, a memberId of @new indicates that the attempted operation would create a new member, where a folderId of @root is a placeholder representing the root level of the folder hierarchy. For example,


Contains the operations that retrieve information about folders (such as ancestors, types, and so on).