Contains the operations for the Performance Jobs resource.
Model Management
The Model Management API provides basic resources for monitoring performance, comparing models, and running workflow processes.
Internal-Use OnlyReturns a list of the jobs and the performance results that are associated with a specified task ID.Get a list of jobs for a performance task
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the performance results that are associated with the specified task ID and job ID.Get performance job results
Internal-Use OnlyDeletes the specified performance job.Delete a performance job
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the state of the specified performance job.Get the state of a performance job
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the performance job execution code for a performance task.Get the performance job code
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the execution log for a performance job.Get a performance job log
Internal-Use OnlyRetrieves the performance monitoring report data associated with the specified task ID.Get the performance report data
Internal-Use OnlyRetrieves the performance monitoring result data associated with the specified task ID.Get the performance result data for plot
Internal-Use OnlyRetrieves the time period data associated with the specified task ID.Get the time periods from a performance task
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the latest performance job that is associated with the specified model, model version, and project.Get latest performance job
Contains the operations for the Performance Tasks resource.
Internal-Use OnlyReturns a list of performance tasks.Get a list of performance tasks
Internal-Use OnlyCreates a performance task definition.Create a performance task definition
Internal-Use OnlyCreates the performance job history.Create performance job history
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the performance task definition.Get a performance task definition
Internal-Use OnlyExecutes a performance task job.Execute a performance task
Internal-Use OnlyUpdates the performance task definition associated with the specified task ID.Update a performance task definition
Internal-Use OnlyDeletes a performance task definition.Delete a performance task definition
Internal-Use OnlyReturns an execution summary for the performance task.Get a performance task execution summary
Contains the operations for the Workflow Associations resource.
Internal-Use OnlyReturns a list of all workflow process associations to a model object.Get all workflow object associations
Internal-Use OnlyCreates an association between a workflow process and a Model Repository object. This association is readable by SAS Model Manager so that it can understand when a model object, such as a project, is being used in a workflow process. SAS Model Manager can change its behavior for an object when that object is being used by a workflow process.Create a workflow association
Internal-Use OnlyReturns a specific association for a workflow process to model object.Get a workflow object association
Contains the operations for the Workflow Processes resource.
Internal-Use OnlyReturns all workflow processes that are associated with SAS Model Manager. The workflow processes are managed using the Workflow service. The processes in this list are defined in the Workflow service with the client registration ID for SAS Model Manager.Get all workflow processes
Internal-Use OnlyReturns a specific workflow process that has been associated with SAS Model Manager. The workflow is managed and authorized in the Workflow service. The process is available only if it has a client registration ID for SAS Model Manager.Get a workflow process
Internal-Use OnlyCreates a workflow process and then creates an association between the started workflow process and a model repository object. Returns a specific workflow process that was associated with SAS Model Manager and the association for that workflow process to a model object. It is possible to start a workflow process but not be able to create the workflow association, which produces an error response. The workflow is managed and authorized within the Workflow service. The process is available only if it has a client registration ID for SAS Model Manager.Create a workflow process
Contains the operations for the Workflow Process Variables resource.
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the variables within a workflow process that are associated with SAS Model Manager.Get variables within a workflow process
Internal-Use OnlyUpdate variables within a workflow process that is associated with SAS Model Manager. The media type of the returned collection items is application/ Users can update only the variable with a name of modelProjectId.Update variables within a workflow process
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the variable with the specified name from a process that is associated with SAS Model Manager.Get variable by name from a process
Internal-Use OnlyUpdates the variable with the specified name within the process associated with SAS Model Manager. Users can update only the variable with a name of modelProjectId.Update variable within a process
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the variables within a subprocess that is associated with SAS Model Manager.Get variables within a subprocess
Internal-Use OnlyUpdates variables within a subprocess that is associated with SAS Model Manager. The media type of the returned collection items is application/ Users can update only the variable with a name of modelProjectId.Update variables within a subprocess
Internal-Use OnlyRetrieves a variable with the specified name within a subprocess that is associated with SAS Model Manager.Get variable by name within a subprocess
Internal-Use OnlyUpdates a variable with the specified name within a subprocess that is associated with SAS Model Manager. Users can update only the variable with a name of modelProjectId.Update variable within a subprocess
Internal-Use OnlyNotifies a process that is associated with a SAS Model Manager client that a message has been received.Notify process of received messages
Contains the operations for the Workflow Tasks resource.
Internal-Use OnlyReturns active workflow tasks that are associated with SAS Model Manager. These are tasks where the authenticated user is either the owner or a potential owner. The tasks are managed using the Workflow service.Get active workflow tasks
Internal-Use OnlyReturns an active task for a workflow process that is associated with a project in SAS Model Manager. The tasks that are returned have the authorized user as the owner or a potential owner.Get a workflow task
Internal-Use OnlyReturns a list of all prompts that are associated with a workflow user task. The prompts are part of the workflow definition.Get a list of workflow task prompts
Internal-Use OnlyReturns a specific prompt that is associated with a workflow user task. The prompts are part of the workflow definition.Get a workflow task prompt
Contains the operations for the KPIs resource.
Contains the operations for the Alert Rules resource.
Internal-Use OnlyRetrieves the alert rules for a specific project.Get project alert rules
Internal-Use OnlyCreates an alert rule for a project.Create a project alert rule
Internal-Use OnlyRetrieves an alert rule by ID for a project.Get project alert rule
Internal-Use OnlyDeletes an alert rule from a project using the ID.Delete a project alert rule
Internal-Use OnlyRetrieves the project history for an alert rule.Get alert rule history
Internal-Use OnlyCreates the project history versions for an alert rule.Create alert rule historical versions
Internal-Use OnlyRetrieves the project history versions of an alert rule.Get a historical version of an alert rule
Contains the operations for the Execution resource.
Contains the operation for generating code for models.
Internal-Use OnlyGenerates mapped score code for a model that is wrapped for use with the Score Execution service. The model is managed in the common model repository by the Model Repository API. For more information, see the Model Repository API.Generate mapped model score code
Internal-Use OnlyGenerates mapped score code for a model version that is wrapped for use with the Score Execution service. The model is managed in the common model repository by the Model Repository API. For more information, see the Model Repository API.Generate mapped model version score code
Contains the operations for a generating model comparison reports.
Contains the operations for publishing models.
Contains the operations for the Root resource.
Contains the operations for the RSS Feed.
Contains the distinct values along with the frequency for the specific variable in a CAS table.
Contains the operations for the Metrics resource.