Create a workflow association

Internal-Use Only

Creates an association between a workflow process and a Model Repository object. This association is readable by SAS Model Manager so that it can understand when a model object, such as a project, is being used in a workflow process. SAS Model Manager can change its behavior for an object when that object is being used by a workflow process.

Request Samples


Response Samples

2 "id": "string",
3 "processId": "string",
4 "processName": "string",
5 "parentProcessId": "string",
6 "solutionObjectType": "string",
7 "solutionObjectId": "string",
8 "solutionObjectName": "string",
9 "solutionObjectUri": "string",
10 "solutionObjectMediaType": "string",
11 "version": -2147483648,
12 "links": [
13 {
14 "method": "string",
15 "rel": "string",
16 "uri": "string",
17 "href": "string",
18 "title": "string",
19 "type": "string",
20 "itemType": "string",
21 "responseType": "string",
22 "responseItemType": "string"
23 }
24 ]


201CreatedA new association between a workflow process and a model object was created.HeadersSchema
400Bad RequestThe request was invalid.Schema
409ConflictThe requested workflow association conflicts with an existing resource.Schema