Reference Data

The Reference Data API supports the life cycle of reference data.

Reference Data

Contains operations to create, read, update, and delete reference data.
Get all reference data domains or value lists
Internal-Use OnlyReturns a collection of information about each domain or value list.
Create a new reference data domain or value list
Internal-Use OnlyThe domain or value list is created after a successful post. The child contents collection is empty. All domain or value list names must be unique. Domain or value lists in the same folder must have unique names. Domain or value lists not in any folder must also have unique names.
Get all reference data domains
Internal-Use OnlyReturns a collection of information about each domain.
Get a reference data domain or value list
Internal-Use OnlyReturns information about the domain or value list. The creation user ID and time stamp of the domain cannot be changed. The user ID and modification time stamp changes when information about the domain or value list changes or when a child resource of the domain or value list changes.
Update a reference data domain or value list
Internal-Use OnlyUpdates the information of a domain or value list. Only the description and the properties can be changed.
Delete a domain or value list
Internal-Use OnlyDeletes a domain or value list.
Get a reference data domain or value list
Internal-Use OnlyReturns information about the domain or value list. The creation user ID and time stamp of the domain or value list cannot be changed. The user ID and modification time stamp changes when information about the domain or value list changes or when a child resource of the domain or value list changes.
Get direct dependencies of a reference data domain or value list
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the representation of the transfer dependencies of a reference data domain or value list.
Get all contents of a reference data domain or value list
Internal-Use OnlyReturns a collection of information about each content. For each domain content in the collection, when the activationStatus of the content is running, the endpoint takes an additional step to query the results of the asynchronous publishes of the content. The activationStatus field of the content continues to show running if the asynchronous publishes have not all completed.
Create new reference data domain or value list content
Internal-Use OnlyThe status is used to determine the standing of this content among the collection of contents. If the status is "production", the standing is current. The standing of the current production version is changed to "legacy". For other status values, the standing of the version is "future". When the standing of the version is "future", the status is changed to "inactive". In a collection there is at most, one current and one future version at any time.
Create new reference data domain or value list content with entries
Internal-Use OnlyThe status is used to determine the standing of this content among the collection of contents. If the status is "production", the standing is current. The standing of the current production version is changed to "legacy". For other status values, the standing of the version is future. When the standing of the version is "future", the status is changed to "inactive". In a collection there is at most, one current and one future version at any time.
Get domain or value list content
Internal-Use OnlyOnly information describing the content is returned. The associated reference data entries are not returned. The creation user ID and timestamp of the domain content cannot be changed. The user ID and modification timestamp changes when information about the content changes or when a child resource of the version changes.
Delete reference data domain or value list content
Internal-Use OnlyDeletes the content of a reference data domain or value list.
Update reference data domain or value list content
Internal-Use OnlyUpdates the content of a domain or value. The label of the content can always be changed. The status of a production version cannot be changed back to "candidate" or "developing". The majorNumber and minorNumber cannot be changed. If the status is to be changed to "production", the domain content must have one or more entries. Otherwise, you get an error.
Get the entries for the content of a reference data domain or value list
Internal-Use OnlyThere are two media types that can be used with the Accept header of the request. The first one is application/ This causes a page of entries in the domain content to be returned. The second one is text/csv. The text/csv follows the RFC 4180 format. This causes all the entries in the domain content to be returned because the response content paging is not supported. Use the paging support parameters start and limit when accepting text/csv. The response content is associated with the domain type. The entry of value list is different with a domain.
Create or replace reference for data domain entries
Internal-Use OnlyIf the containing domain content has the status of "production", the creation or replacement of entries is not allowed. There are two media types that can be used with the Content-Type header of the request. The first one is application/ The second one is text/csv. text/csv follows the RFC 4180 format.
Update the reference data entries
Internal-Use OnlyUpdates the domain entries by using an array of add, replace, or delete JSON Patch operations. See for more information about the JSON Patch.
Delete entries in reference data domain content
Internal-Use OnlyDeletes the entries in a domain content. If the domain content has the status of "production", the entries cannot be deleted.
Get list of domain contents with "production" status
Internal-Use OnlyReturns a list of the domain contents that have had the "production" status. For each domain content, show the begin time and end time when the "production" status was ongoing, unless no domain version ever had the "production" status. There is always one domain version whose "production" status end time is not set. This means that the production status is still current.
Copy domain current content to execution environment
Internal-Use OnlyThe copy is done using the JSON Patch operation. See for more information about the JSON Patch.
Get entries in latest domain content for all reference data domains or value lists
Internal-Use OnlyReturns all the entries as CSV. A header is not returned by default. It can be requested by adding the header=present option to the text/csv media type. The order of the columns is domain name, domain description, path of the folder that contains the domain, key, value, whether the entry is disabled, the sequence and the domain type. A query parameter can be used to select domains that are members of a folder hierarchy.
Bulk import domain entries
Internal-Use OnlyThe input is CSV with a header row that specifies the order of these columns:

Global Variables

Contains operations to create, read, update, and delete global variables.
Get the list of global variables
Internal-Use OnlyReturns a list of global variables. The expected number of global variables is small therefore this endpoint does not support paging, filtering, or sorting of parameters.
Create a new global variable
Internal-Use OnlyCreates a new global variable. All global variable names must be unique.
Get a global variable
Internal-Use OnlyGet a global variable with provided globalVariableId.
Update a global variable
Internal-Use OnlyUpdates the specified global variable
Delete a global variable
Internal-Use OnlyDeletes the specified global variable.
Get direct dependencies of a global variable
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the representation of the transfer dependencies of a global variable.
Get the list of revisions for a global variable
Internal-Use OnlyReturns a list of global variables.
Create a new global variable revision
Internal-Use OnlyCreates a new global variable revision. All global variable names must be unique.
Activate revision of a global variable
Internal-Use OnlyActivate a revision of the specified global variable by providing its revision ID in the request body.
Get a global variable revision
Internal-Use OnlyGet a global variable revision of the specified global variable by providing its globalVariableId and globalVariableRevisionId.
Delete a global variable revision
Internal-Use OnlyDeletes the specified global variable revision.