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Report Transforms
This API creates and manipulates "transforms" of SAS reports that conform to the Business Intelligence Report Definition (BIRD) specification. A transform is a wrapper for a BIRD report. When a transform is part of a request, it contains instructions and parameters to perform an editing action or structural modification to the report. When a transform is part of a response, it describes the action or modification that was performed or attempted. The response transform contains either the BIRD report directly, or it has a reference to a persistent report. All GET operations have a corresponding HEAD that is identical in all respects, except that a response body is not returned.
Mapping the data sources used by a BIRD report to different data sources.
Internal-Use OnlyCreate a new report based on the input report. Swap one data source for another, and map data columns to corresponding replacement columns. The transform object must specify the original data source and the replacement data source. The replacement data source must exist, as its variables are matched against the original to determine if the replacement will be valid. The input and output formats must match. If a JSON request is posted, a JSON response must be accepted, and likewise for XML.Change report data source
Internal-Use OnlyLoad a saved report. Swap one data source for another, and map data columns to corresponding replacement columns. The transform object must specify the original data source and the replacement data source. The replacement data source must exist, as its variables are matched against the original to determine if the replacement will be valid. The input and output formats must match. If a JSON request is posted, a JSON response must be accepted, and likewise for XML.Change report data source of a saved report
Internal-Use OnlyLoad a saved report. Swap one data source for another, and map data columns to corresponding replacement columns. The transform object must specify the original data source and the replacement data source. The replacement data source must exist, as its variables are matched against the original to determine if the replacement will be valid. The input and output formats must match. If a JSON request is posted, a JSON response must be accepted, and likewise for XML. The result is then saved.Change report data source of a saved report and save the result
Assisting language translators and report authors to translate BIRD reports into a different human language.
Internal-Use OnlyExtract the translatable strings from an existing report and return a worksheet that can be used by a human translator to specify the strings in a different language.Get translation worksheet for report
Internal-Use OnlyInsert the translator's language worksheet into an existing report and save the report. This saves the human translator's strings for the specified locale so that the report can be generated later in the locale's language. This action returns no content.Update localization in a report
Internal-Use OnlyExtract the translator's localization worksheet from a report for the specified locale. The human translator can use the worksheet to translate individual strings, and the worksheet can later be saved back to the report.Get localization worksheet
Internal-Use OnlyTranslate an existing report into the desired language. Substitutes previously translated strings for the specified language into the body of the report. Uses strings that are in the report's internal localizations.Translate a saved report
Internal-Use OnlyTranslate the report in the body of the request using its internal localization for the requested language. Substitute the translated strings from the internal localization for the original strings in the body of the report. Return a transform containing the translated report.Translate a submitted report
Internal-Use OnlyPre-flight validation of the PUT operation, which would update the internal localization strings of an existing report. Always returns HTTP response 200 unless a server error prevents the actual validation logic from being executed.Validate conditional put operations
Automating applying a new theme to BIRD reports.
Internal-Use OnlyReturns a rethemed version of a saved report.Change theme of existing report
Internal-Use OnlyChange the theme of the report in the body of the request using the specified themeName. Return a transform containing the rethemed report. Optionally, get the input report from a persistent report resource, specified in the input transform. Also optionally, save the modified report as a persistent resource. If the input report is a persistent report, optionally replace it with the modified version. This operation has been enhanced in Version 2 to facilitate a single-step CLI operation to change the themes of existing reports.