Delete a relationship link

Internal-Use Only

Deletes an existing relationship link where the relationship type has an internal bridge table.

Request Samples


Response Samples

1No example avaliable

Query Parameters


The ID for an individual link. A link ID uses the following format: ${relationshipName}|_|${fromEntityTypeName}|_|${toEntityTypeName}|_|${fromEntityId}|_|${toEntityId} where |_| is the delimiter between link ID components.

Link ID component details:

  • relationshipName - The relationship type name that defines the link.
  • fromEntityTypeName - The entity type name of the starting point for the link.
  • fromEntityId - The unique identifier of the entity that is the starting point for the link.
  • toEntityTypeName - The entity type name of the destination point for the link.
  • toEntityId - The unique identifier of the entity that is the destination point for the link.

When submitting the request, the pipe character (|) must be percent-encoded as %7C. See below for an example of the pipe character properly encoded: ${relationshipName}%7C_%7C${fromEntityTypeName}%7C_%7C${toEntityTypeName}%7C_%7C${fromEntityId}%7C_%7C${toEntityId}


204No ContentThe request succeeded.
404Not FoundUnable to find a link or links based on the values that are provided in the request.Schema