Search and Discovery

The SAS Visual Investigator Search and Discovery API provides access to real-time exploration and visualization of the data in SAS Visual Investigator.


Network visualization related endpoints.
Generate a network
Internal-Use OnlyProvides access to the Network visualization. Returns a graph showing the objects that matched the search request as vertices and the relationships between them as edges.
Returns edges with additional summary information
Internal-Use OnlyPerforms a new search and returns edges with additional summary information. The response item media type is application/
Get the details for a vertex
Internal-Use OnlyReturns additional information about a single vertex on the Network visualization. This is intended to be used to enhance the Network visualization after retrieving it from /graphs or /traversals; the response from which includes the values for this resource's parameters. The additional information includes the label, adjacent (number of vertices one edge away from this vertex), degree (number of edges entering and leaving the vertex), the adjacent count broken down by entity type, and the degree broken down by relationship type.
Check the existence of a vertex
Internal-Use OnlyChecks the existence of an object. 200 OK is returned if the vertex exists and 404 Not Found if it does not exist.
Calculate the centrality metrics for a network
Internal-Use OnlyCalculates the centrality metrics of each object on a network.
Expand the relationships of one or more vertices
Internal-Use OnlyPerforms a breadth first graph search following all the relationships (edges) extending outwards from one or more objects (vertices) in the Network visualization. The initial objects whose relationships are to be traversed are found by executing the given query.
Find matching paths from one or more start objects
Internal-Use OnlyPerforms a path search from one or more start objects. The desired path is described by a sequence of vertex and edge filters. Matching paths are returned as a list of endpoints from the leaf vertex to the root vertex as it is usually the leaves that the client is most interested in with the rest of the path being used as contextual information. The response item media type is application/ This endpoint is experimental and should be used only in test environments.
Find paths between the start and end objects up to a specified number of hops in length
Internal-Use OnlyPerforms a path search between the start and end objects. Matching paths are returned as a list of endpoints from the leaf vertex to the root vertex as it is usually the leaves that the client is most interested in with the rest of the path being used as contextual information. The response item media type is application/ This endpoint is experimental and should be used only in test environments.


Text Analytics visualization related endpoints.
Starts a new text analytics job
Internal-Use OnlyStarts a new background job that performs text analytics on the unstructured text in the objects found by the search. The job extracts significant terms, phrases, and topics as well as resolving named person, location, and organization entities. The response will include the unique identifier to be used with the related API endpoints to navigate the results.
Get the locales supported by text analytics
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the name and BCP-47 language tag for each locale supported by text analytics.
Get the headers for the locales supported by text analytics
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the headers for the locales supported by text analytics.
Get the details of a text analytics job
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the state and parameters of a given text analytics job.
Get the headers for a text analytics job
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the headers for a given text analytics job.
Delete a text analytics job
Internal-Use OnlyWhile text analytics jobs are associated with a user's session and will be deleted when the session ends, this endpoint facilitates the deletion prior to ending the session. It is not necessary to cancel the job before deleting it.
Get the state of a text analytics job
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the current state of a given text analytics job. The valid states are: pending, running, completed, completedWithErrors, canceled, failed.
Get the headers for the get state operation
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the headers for the get state operation.
Cancel a text analytics job
Internal-Use OnlyCancels the specified text analytics job and returns the new job state.
Get the identities found by a text analytics job
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the identity information for the person, organization, and location entities that were resolved by the text analytics job. Identities consist of an entity name, frequency count, and any known aliases.
Get the headers for the get identities operation
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the headers for the get identities operation.
Get the categories of text analytics results
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the categories of text analytics results that are available at the specified exploration level.
Get the text analytics results
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the text analytics results that are available at the specified exploration level.
Generate text analytics Sankey diagram
Internal-Use OnlyRetrieves related text analytics results as a Sankey diagram. There are two types of Sankey diagram: 1) based on the pairs of values extracted from the "from" and "to" fields where nodes represent field values and links represent the objects containing the field values. 2) based on two categories of results where nodes represent the results of each category and links represent the objects containing results of both categories.


Administration-related endpoints.


Configuration-related endpoints.
Export configuration
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the configuration for all of the types. This is intended to be used for moving the configuration between systems and as such there are no version numbers in the response.
Get the headers for the export configuration operation
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the headers for the export configuration operation.
Import configuration
Internal-Use OnlyImports the configuration for multiple types. This is intended to be used for moving the configuration between systems and as such there are no version numbers in the request and any existing configuration will be overwritten. If the new configuration contains breaking changes, such as the field type or events configuration has changed, the changes are saved but also require the data to be re-indexed to take effect. A localized message is included in the response if this is the case. The /admin/indices resource can be used to re-index the data.
Delete configuration
Internal-Use OnlyDeletes the configuration and indexed data for all types. This operation cannot be undone without first exporting the configuration and making a backup of the indexed data directly from the underlying search engine.
Get all of the supported analyzers
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the details of all of the custom and system analyzers.
Get the headers for the get analyzers operation
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the headers for the get analyzers operation.
Registers a new custom analyzer
Internal-Use OnlyRegisters the name and display name of a custom analyzer. The request will be rejected if an analyzer already exists with the same name.
Unregisters all of the custom analyzers
Internal-Use OnlyUnregisters all of the custom analyzers. System analyzers cannot be unregistered.
Get a supported analyzer
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the details of a custom or system analyzer.
Get the headers for the get analyzer operation
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the headers for the get analyzer operation.
Updates the display name of a custom analyzer
Internal-Use OnlyUpdates the display name of a custom analyzer. System analyzers cannot be updated.
Unregisters a custom analyzer
Internal-Use OnlyUnregisters the name and display name of a custom analyzer. System analyzers cannot be unregistered.
Get all of the GeoJSON shapes
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the details of all of the reusable GeoJSON shapes.
Get the headers for the get shapes operation
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the headers for the get shapes operation.
Creates a new GeoJSON shape
Internal-Use OnlyCreates a new reusable GeoJSON shape. The request will be rejected if a GeoJSON shape already exists with the same identifier.
Deletes all of the GeoJSON shapes
Internal-Use OnlyDeletes all of the reusable GeoJSON shapes.
Get a GeoJSON shape
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the details of a GeoJSON shape.
Get the headers for the get GeoJSON shape operation
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the headers for the get GeoJSON shape operation.
Updates the details of a GeoJSON shape
Internal-Use OnlyUpdates the details of a GeoJSON shape.
Deletes a GeoJSON shape
Internal-Use OnlyDeletes the details of a GeoJSON shape.
Gets the list of synonyms
Internal-Use OnlyGets the list of synonyms for synonym searching.
Gets the headers for the get synonyms operation
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the headers for the get synonyms operation.
Creates the list of synonyms
Internal-Use OnlyCreates the list of synonyms for synonym searching. If there is an existing list, it will be overwritten.
Deletes the list of synonyms
Internal-Use OnlyDeletes the list of synonyms for synonym searching.
Get the configuration for all types
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the configuration for all of the types.
Get the headers for the get all type configuration operation
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the headers for the get all type configuration operation.
Creates a new type
Internal-Use OnlyConfigures a new type. The request will be rejected if a type already exists with the same name.
Get the configuration for a single type
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the configuration (including the current version number) for the specified type.
Check the existence of a type
Internal-Use OnlyChecks the existence of the specified type. 200 OK means that the type exists; 404 Not Found means that the type does not exist.
Updates the configuration for a single type
Internal-Use OnlyUpdates the configuration for the specified type. The request will be rejected unless the specified version number matches the current version. This is to ensure the latest version of the configuration is being edited and not an out-of-date version. If the new configuration contains breaking changes, such as the field type or events configuration has changed, the changes are saved, but also require the data to be re-indexed to take effect. A localized message is included in the response if this is the case. The /admin/indices resource can be used to re-index the data.
Delete the configuration for a single type
Internal-Use OnlyDeletes the configuration and indexed data for the specified type. This operation cannot be undone without first exporting the configuration and making a backup of the indexed data directly from the underlying search engine.


Index related endpoints.
Create indices for all types
Internal-Use OnlyEnsures that an index exists for each configured type when the searchable query parameter is set to true, otherwise creates new unsearchable indices for each configured type. This is especially required when re-indexing data from a source database (see example Use Case Five). No errors will be reported if the indices already exist. Returns the name of the newest index for each type.
Delete the indices for all types
Internal-Use OnlyDeletes the indexes (and therefore indexed data) for all of the configured types. This operation cannot be undone without first making a backup of the indexed data directly from the underlying search engine. No errors will be reported when indexes have already been deleted. If the intention is to reload the data after deleting all the indexes, one will need to make a POST request to /admin/indices to create empty indexes for all of the configured types prior to reloading the data.
Get the index name for a single type
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the name of the index for the specified type. SAND is responsible for managing the underlying indexes but to index large amounts of data, it might be appropriate for other services to send the data straight to the underlying search engine. This resource provides access to the index name for such a case.
Check the existence of an index for a single type
Internal-Use OnlyChecks the existence of an index for the specified type. 200 OK means that an index exists; 404 Not Found means there is no index.
Create an index for a single type
Internal-Use OnlyEnsures that an index exists for the specified type when the searchable query parameter is set to true, otherwise creates a new unsearchable index. This is especially required when re-indexing data from a source database (see example Use Case Five). No errors will be reported if the index already exists. Returns the name of the newest index for the specified type.
Delete the indices for a single type
Internal-Use OnlyDeletes the index (and therefore indexed data) for a specified type. This operation cannot be undone without first making a backup of the indexed data directly from the underlying search engine. No error will be reported when the index has already been deleted. If the intention is to reload the data after deleting the index, the recreate parameter should be set to true otherwise a POST request to /admin/indices/{type} will be required to create an empty index prior to reloading the data.