Get the links for the API

Internal-Use Only

Returns the links to the top-level resources for the API.

Request Samples


Response Samples

2 "links": [
3 {
4 "method": "POST",
5 "rel": "search",
6 "href": "/svi-sand/searches",
7 "uri": "/svi-sand/searches",
8 "type": "application/",
9 "responseType": "application/"
10 },
11 {
12 "method": "POST",
13 "rel": "highlight",
14 "href": "/svi-sand/highlighting",
15 "uri": "/svi-sand/highlighting",
16 "type": "application/",
17 "responseType": "application/"
18 },
19 {
20 "method": "POST",
21 "rel": "graphSearch",
22 "href": "/svi-sand/graphs",
23 "uri": "/svi-sand/graphs",
24 "type": "application/",
25 "responseType": "application/"
26 },
27 {
28 "method": "POST",
29 "rel": "getEdges",
30 "href": "/svi-sand/graphs/edges",
31 "uri": "/svi-sand/graphs/edges",
32 "type": "application/",
33 "responseType": "application/",
34 "responseItemType": "application/"
35 },
36 {
37 "method": "GET",
38 "rel": "getVertex",
39 "href": "/svi-sand/vertices/{type}/{identifier}",
40 "uri": "/svi-sand/vertices/{type}/{identifier}",
41 "type": "application/"
42 },
43 {
44 "method": "POST",
45 "rel": "graphTraversal",
46 "href": "/svi-sand/traversals",
47 "uri": "/svi-sand/traversals",
48 "type": "application/",
49 "responseType": "application/"
50 },
51 {
52 "method": "POST",
53 "rel": "pathsSearch",
54 "href": "/svi-sand/paths",
55 "uri": "/svi-sand/paths",
56 "type": "application/",
57 "responseType": "application/",
58 "responseItemType": "application/"
59 },
60 {
61 "method": "POST",
62 "rel": "startTextAnalytics",
63 "href": "/svi-sand/analytics",
64 "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics",
65 "type": "application/",
66 "responseType": "application/"
67 },
68 {
69 "method": "POST",
70 "rel": "importConfiguration",
71 "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config",
72 "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config",
73 "type": "application/"
74 },
75 {
76 "method": "GET",
77 "rel": "exportConfiguration",
78 "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config",
79 "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config",
80 "type": "application/"
81 },
82 {
83 "method": "DELETE",
84 "rel": "deleteConfiguration",
85 "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config",
86 "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config"
87 },
88 {
89 "method": "GET",
90 "rel": "getAnalyzers",
91 "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
92 "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
93 "type": "application/",
94 "itemType": "application/"
95 },
96 {
97 "method": "GET",
98 "rel": "getShapes",
99 "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/shapes",
100 "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/shapes",
101 "type": "application/",
102 "itemType": "application/"
103 },
104 {
105 "method": "GET",
106 "rel": "getSynonymns",
107 "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/synonyms",
108 "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/synonyms",
109 "type": "application/",
110 "itemType": "application/"
111 },
112 {
113 "method": "DELETE",
114 "rel": "deleteByQuery",
115 "href": "/svi-sand/admin/data",
116 "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/data",
117 "type": "application/"
118 },
119 {
120 "method": "DELETE",
121 "rel": "deleteRelationshipsInvolvingType",
122 "href": "/svi-sand/admin/data/{type}/relationships",
123 "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/data/{type}/relationships"
124 },
125 {
126 "method": "POST",
127 "rel": "createIndices",
128 "href": "/svi-sand/admin/indices",
129 "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/indices",
130 "responseType": "application/",
131 "responseItemType": "application/"
132 },
133 {
134 "method": "DELETE",
135 "rel": "deleteIndices",
136 "href": "/svi-sand/admin/indices",
137 "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/indices"
138 },
139 {
140 "method": "POST",
141 "rel": "adminOperation",
142 "href": "/svi-sand/admin/operations",
143 "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/operations",
144 "type": "application/",
145 "responseType": "application/"
146 },
147 {
148 "method": "GET",
149 "rel": "getSettings",
150 "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
151 "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
152 "type": "application/",
153 "itemType": "application/"
154 }
155 ]


200OKThe request succeeded.Schema