The operations for the root resource.
Visual Analytics
The Visual Analytics API provides simplified ways to perform basic tasks with reports. Tasks include exporting a report as a PDF file, or as a package file, or exporting an image of a part of the report.
The operations for immediate export of content.
Internal-Use OnlyExport a report as PDF. Maintain the client connection to download the report even if it takes some time to generate the PDF. Apply the query parameter values to the creation of the PDF output, overriding (1) defaults of the underlying rendering services, and also overriding (2) any defaults that were saved with the report by the SAS Visual Analytics application.Export a PDF of a report
Internal-Use OnlyExport image for the report or part of a report in Scalable Vector Graphics format. The returned content is as specified by the Accept header of the request as "image/svg+xml".Export SVG image of report or report object
Internal-Use OnlyExport image for the report or part of a report in Portable Network Graphics format. The returned content is as specified by the Accept header of the request as "image/png+xml".Export PNG image of report or report object
Internal-Use OnlyExport a package for the report or report objects in compressed (zip) format. The returned content contains the report source files, plus the results of data queries and image rendering, constituting all that is needed for remote viewing of the report.Export a report package
Internal-Use OnlyExport the data for a report object in the requested exported format (comma-separated values). The report object can be any table, graph or crosstab in the report.Export data for one object in a report as comma-separated values
Internal-Use OnlyExport the data for a report object in the requested exported format (tab-separated values). The report object can be any table, graph or crosstab in the report.Export data for one object in a report as tab-separated values
Internal-Use OnlyExport the data for a report object in the requested exported format. The report object can be any table, graph or crosstab in the report.Export data for one object in a report as an xlsx file
The operations used by clients for asynchronous execution.
Internal-Use OnlyStart a job from the request information that creates and exports the report as a package file. This starts the process of creating a package, but returns quickly. If the result is not ready by the time of the response, the client must poll until completion and then download the ZIP file. By default, only the user who created the package is authorized to retrieve it. For packages saved to a folder, the authorizations are controlled by the folder. Note that the /SASVisualAnalyticsCommon_capabilities/exportPackage capability is enforced on this operation. There is no support for creating a package with a back-level version; that is, the created package will have the service's current version of package file.Create and run an action to export a report as a package file
Internal-Use OnlyStart a job from the request information that creates and exports the report as a PDF file. Apply the rendering option values in the request object to the creation of the PDF output. The request's options override (1) any defaults of the underlying rendering services, and (2) any defaults that were saved with the report by the SAS Visual Analytics application.Create and run an action to export a report as a PDF file
Internal-Use OnlyStart a job from the request information that creates and exports the image as an SVG file or a PNG file.Create and run an action to export an image file
Internal-Use OnlyStart a job from the request information to export the data for a report object as a datafile. The format of the file is specified by an option as comma-separated values, tab-separated values, or a spreadsheet in Excel format.Create and run an action to export a data file
Internal-Use OnlyGet the job with its status and links to results. This operation is specific to the case of asynchronous execution of a report action job. If the job has completed and is successful, the response object will have links to individual results.Get the job with its status and links to results
Internal-Use OnlyDelete the job information. This operation is specific to the case of asynchronous execution of a report action job. If the job is still running, attempt to cancel it. This does not attempt to delete result files that reside under control of other services.Delete the job with its status and links to results
The operations used by clients for manipulating a report.
Internal-Use OnlyCreate a report while applying the specified operation(s). The new report may be generated with a specific name and location by denoting the resultFolder and resultReportName in the body of the request. If neither of these are specified in the body, the a report named "Report" is generated in the location /folders/folders/@myFolder.Create a report while applying the specified operation(s)
Internal-Use OnlyCreate or update a report while applying the specified operation(s). The source report for the updates is denoted in the uri of the request. A new report may be generated by denoting a resultFolder or resultReportName in the body of the request. If neither of these are specified in the body, the source report is directly updated.