Screen a group of entities

Internal-Use Only

Performs a screening action on a list of entities.

Request Samples


Response Samples

2 "message": {
3 "party": [
4 {
5 "dateOfBirth": [
6 {
7 "birthDt": "1960-03-13"
8 }
9 ],
10 "gender": "male",
11 "identifier": "00001",
12 "identity": [
13 {
14 "number": "00001"
15 }
16 ],
17 "address": [
18 {
19 "category": "address",
20 "city": "white pines bay",
21 "countryCode": "usa"
22 }
23 ],
24 "name": "Ashworth, Oscar Heath",
25 "screeningResult": {
26 "discardedHits": 1,
27 "hits": 2,
28 "matchedProfile": [
29 {
30 "alert": {
31 "comment": "sanctions alert generated on SAN match",
32 "screeningOutcome": "Alerted"
33 },
34 "categories": [
35 "(Cat 1) Special Interest Person (SIP)",
36 "(Cat 2) Other Official Lists",
37 "(Cat 2) Sanctions Lists"
38 ],
39 "checksum": -1727466793,
40 "coreChecksum": -2056675719,
41 "dateOfBirth": [
42 {
43 "birthDay": 13,
44 "birthDt": "1960-03-13",
45 "birthMonth": 3,
46 "birthYear": 1960
47 }
48 ],
49 "exceptionId": "665ac66a-7960-498e-aaf5-0c4a6e2d188b",
50 "level": "discarded",
51 "links": [
52 {
53 "method": "GET",
54 "rel": "profile",
55 "href": "/watchlistScreening/profiles/HMT0000000013272?checksum=-1727466793",
56 "uri": "/watchlistScreening/profiles/HMT0000000013272?checksum=-1727466793",
57 "type": "application/json"
58 },
59 {
60 "method": "GET",
61 "rel": "exception",
62 "href": "/watchlistScreening/exceptions/665ac66a-7960-498e-aaf5-0c4a6e2d188b",
63 "uri": "/watchlistScreening/exceptions/665ac66a-7960-498e-aaf5-0c4a6e2d188b",
64 "type": "application/"
65 }
66 ],
67 "matchType": "/name/primary",
68 "matchedName": "Ashworth, Oscar Heath",
69 "primaryName": "Ashworth, Oscar Heath",
70 "profileBirthPlaces": [
71 {
72 "city": "phoenix",
73 "countryCode": "us"
74 }
75 ],
76 "profileId": "HMT0000000013272",
77 "profileLastUpdated": "2024-02-20T01:00:01.163Z",
78 "profilePlaces": [
79 {
80 "city": "Pine Bay",
81 "countryCode": "us"
82 }
83 ],
84 "profileGender": "male",
85 "profileRelatedCountries": [
86 "us"
87 ],
88 "profileStatus": "UNK",
89 "profileType": "individual",
90 "sanctions": [
91 "HMT"
92 ],
93 "score": 98,
94 "scoreScope": [
96 "DOB",
97 "NAME"
98 ],
99 "screened": "Ashworth, Oscar Heath",
100 "tags": [
101 "SAN"
102 ]
103 },
104 {
105 "alert": {
106 "comment": "sanctions alert generated on SAN match",
107 "screeningOutcome": "Alerted"
108 },
109 "categories": [
110 "MUR"
111 ],
112 "checksum": -1871588783,
113 "coreChecksum": -662103456,
114 "dateOfBirth": [
115 {
116 "birthDay": 13,
117 "birthDt": "1960-03-13",
118 "birthMonth": 3,
119 "birthYear": 1960
120 }
121 ],
122 "level": "medium",
123 "links": [
124 {
125 "method": "GET",
126 "rel": "profile",
127 "href": "/watchlistScreening/profiles/OFAC000000018428?checksum=-1871588783",
128 "uri": "/watchlistScreening/profiles/OFAC000000018428?checksum=-1871588783",
129 "type": "application/json"
130 }
131 ],
132 "matchType": "/name/alias",
133 "matchedName": "Ashworth, Heath",
134 "primaryName": "Ashworth, Oscar",
135 "profileId": "OFAC000000018428",
136 "profileLastUpdated": "2024-02-20T01:15:01.163Z",
137 "profilePlaces": [
138 {
139 "city": "Pine Bay",
140 "countryCode": "us"
141 }
142 ],
143 "profileRelatedCountries": [
144 "us"
145 ],
146 "profileStatus": "UNK",
147 "profileType": "individual",
148 "proximityScore": 100,
149 "sanctions": [
150 "OFACSD"
151 ],
152 "score": 98,
153 "scoreScope": [
154 "COUNTRY",
155 "DOB",
156 "NAME"
157 ],
158 "screened": "Ashworth, Oscar Heath",
159 "tags": [
160 "SAN"
161 ]
162 }
163 ],
164 "messageReference": "120ef864-3e6b-423f-a8cb-307a3fc6d6af",
165 "statusCode": "Success"
166 },
167 "type": "individual"
168 },
169 {
170 "dateOfBirth": [
171 {
172 "birthDt": "1941-05-24"
173 }
174 ],
175 "gender": "male",
176 "identifier": "00002",
177 "address": [
178 {
179 "category": "pob",
180 "city": "estes park",
181 "countryCode": "usa"
182 }
183 ],
184 "name": "Smith, James",
185 "screeningResult": {
186 "discardedHits": 0,
187 "hits": 0,
188 "messageReference": "120ef864-3e6b-423f-a8cb-307a3fc6d6af",
189 "statusCode": "Success"
190 },
191 "type": "individual"
192 },
193 {
194 "identifier": "000003",
195 "name": "Sanctioned Airlines",
196 "screeningResult": {
197 "discardedHits": 0,
198 "hits": 1,
199 "matchedProfile": [
200 {
201 "categories": [
202 "CUBA"
203 ],
204 "checksum": -2108164488,
205 "coreChecksum": 576052857,
206 "level": "low",
207 "links": [
208 {
209 "method": "GET",
210 "rel": "profile",
211 "href": "/watchlistScreening/profiles/OFAC000000000036?checksum=-2108164488",
212 "uri": "/watchlistScreening/profiles/OFAC000000000036?checksum=-2108164488",
213 "type": "application/json"
214 }
215 ],
216 "matchType": "/name/primary",
217 "matchedName": "Sanctioned Airlines",
218 "primaryName": "Sanctioned Airlines",
219 "profileId": "OFAC000000000036",
220 "profileLastUpdated": "2024-02-20T01:00:01.163Z",
221 "profilePlaces": [
222 {
223 "city": "Havana",
224 "countryCode": "cu"
225 }
226 ],
227 "profileRelatedCountries": [
228 "cu"
229 ],
230 "profileStatus": "UNK",
231 "profileType": "entity",
232 "proximityScore": 100,
233 "score": 100,
234 "scoreScope": [
235 "NAME"
236 ],
237 "screened": "Sanctioned Airlines",
238 "tags": [
239 "SAN"
240 ]
241 }
242 ],
243 "messageReference": "120ef864-3e6b-423f-a8cb-307a3fc6d6af",
244 "statusCode": "Success"
245 },
246 "type": "entity"
247 }
248 ],
249 "screeningOptions": {
250 "chnEntity": "sample_chn_realtime_entity",
251 "chnIndividual": "sample_chn_realtime_individual",
252 "chnUnknown": "sample_chn_realtime_unknown",
253 "messageReference": "120ef864-3e6b-423f-a8cb-307a3fc6d6af"
254 }
255 }

Request Body

A collection of entities to be screened and the options to use for this screening request.

The collection of objects that are required to screen an entity. This is the default configuration. This request is based on a message schema and might change after deployment.



200OKThe request succeeded.HeadersSchema
400Bad RequestBad request (the request is not well-formed).Schema
403ForbiddenThe request is forbidden because the license is not active.Schema
404Not FoundThe service is not available.Schema
406Not AcceptableNot Acceptable. Include an Accept header with a supported value on the request.Schema
408Request TimeoutRequest timeout.Schema
415Unsupported Media TypeUnsupported Media Type. Include a Content-Type header with a supported value in the request.Schema
502Bad GatewayBad GatewaySchema
503Service UnavailableService UnavailableSchema