Use Cases
The Use Cases page is a collection of resources pulled from various SAS media outlets. The focus of the uses cases is on how to use and integrate with SAS APIs.
Use cases are pulled from SAS blogs, SAS Community library articles, SAS conference papers and presentations, sassoftware GitHub, SAS Ask the Expert Webinars, and SAS Users YouTube, among other SAS resources.
Use the filters in the left navigation pane to refine the use case list. You can filter by categories and languages and interfaces. Selecting multiple options creates an ‘or’ filter, i.e., selecting Modeling and Python will return all use cases marked as Modeling OR Python.
Use the sendHttp build-in function to query sensor data
- How to format a request
- Bearer token and SOAP examples
- Simple and efficient way to start collecting and processing data
Explore security customizations within Azure DevOps processes with SAS Viya CLI container images.
- Learn how to handle the use and revocation of the Refresh Token.
- Find out how to handle certificates not chained to a public Certificate Authority.
- Fully understand how handling certificates and enhancing security customizations can fortify your pipelines.
Explore security customizations within Azure DevOps processes with SAS Viya CLI container images.
- Learn about Azure Key Vault Security with IP Restrictions.
- Learn how to handle Azure Kubernetes Cluster API IP Restrictions.
- Understand how to handle IP Restrictions for Kubernetes Ingress.
Begin a guided tour to configuring GitLab CI/CD pipelines for SAS Viya by registering a GitLab runner.
- Create a GitLab runner and copy its authentication token.
- Utilize a Kubernetes executor to deploy and start the runner.
- Verify that it was registered properly and test the runner.
Complete your guided tour of configuring GitLab CI/CD Pipelines with SAS Viya by creating a program using GitLab pipelines to execute commands in SAS Viya.
- Pull a docker file from a GitLab registry.
- Configure your GitLab CI/CD pipeline stage, job and script.
- Code your SAS Viya CLI Commands and submit the program to be executed.
Continue your guided tour of configuring GitLab CI/CD pipelines for SAS Viya by creating a customized docker image for your Viya environment.
- Begin by authenticating into the private docker repository you plan on using.
- Create a folder to house the necessary files and copy the necessary SAS Viya certificates into it.
- Craft your Dockerfile and build the image.
Learn how to use Azure Pipelines to install packages, tools and then pass commands from the SAS Viya CLI.
- Create a virtual machine on Azure
- Configure communication with the SAS Viya Azure Kubernetes Service cluster
- Create an Azure DevOps Self-Hosted agent and install software and packages
Learn how to build interactions between SAS Visual Analytics objects and non-SAS elements when using the SAS Visual Analytics SDK.
- See how SAS Visual Analytics might be deployed on a webpage
- Take a look at VA from a code-level
- Build the connection between SAS Visual Analytics and your web app
Learn how you can use this alternative editor to optimize coding workflow
- Learn how to use the SAS Visual Studio code extension
- Learn about SAS Notebooks
- Explore how the integration can help in your everyday work.
Create a Docker image for a web application integrated with SAS Viya.
- An alternate option to application deployment if a web server is unavailable
- Build your Docker image using a 'Dockerfile'
- Publish your image to an online repository and deploy
Learn how to develop an interactive webpage in Django and Python, utilizing data stored in CAS and altered with SWAT.
- Create a Django web app using Python
- Access CAS data from a Django web app
- Score data using SWAT and display the results
Part 3 in a series on handling data masking in SAS Visual Investigator REST APIs - Learn about the PATCH request.
- See how the PATCH method differs from the PUT method
- Create a PATCH request and verify its results
- Perform more powerful and complex operations with PATCH
Part 2 in a series on handling data masking in SAS Visual Investigator REST APIs - Updating documents with masked data.
- Learn how Datahub processes masked data during PUT requests
- Understand how to use PUT requests to update masked data
- Use a PUT request to clear a masked value from an object
Part 1 in a series on handling data masking in SAS Visual Investigator REST APIs - Examples of and fetching documents with masked data.
- Review REST representations that accommodate masked data
- Explore the process for requesting a REST representation
- Dealing with unmasking one of these representations
Use GenAI to improve your productivity in creating SAS Visual Analytics reports.
- Find a generative AI model that best fits your need and get its API key
- Create a Web Application to handle the connection between the GenAI and Visual Analytics
- Establish the connection in Visual Analytics by assigning the app as Data-Driven-Content
Utilize an LLM to better and more thoroughly explore your SAS Information Catalog data.
- Export your SAS Information Catalog metrics into a CSV file
- Create a LangChain Intelligent Agent utilizing an LLM in Python
- See how using an LLM for your queries can yield different, more nuanced results
Learn how to download metadata and metrics from SAS Information Catalog for local use.
- Select how rich you would like your uploaded metadata to be, and ensure you have a Viya access token
- Use Python to connect via REST API to retrieve metadata
- Run the program and view your data at different levels of detail
Learn how to upload your metrics from the Information Catalog API to a CAS table.
- Select how rich you would like your uploaded metadata
- Create a Python program that constructs and uses the Catalog API URL to upload your metadata
- Run it in a CLI and view your new table in a CAS library
Learn about a repository of code files that compile multiple use cases, available in various coding languages that work with SAS.
- introduces developers to the SAS REST API end-to-end use cases repository on sassoftware GitHub
- Code written in Python, R, and Postman collections
- Authentication code is included for each language.
How to use Python to send commands and controls to the SAS Viya server.
- Python integration with SAS
- Using SWAT
- Create a predictive model
Learn about the official SAS Extension for Microsoft Visual Studio Code.
- makes it more convenient to use VS Code for programming in the SAS language
- provides SAS language features, including SAS syntax highlighting, color themes, code completion, pop-up syntax help, snippets and the ability to run your SAS code
- efficiently develop SAS programs in VS Code
Learn how to choose the format that works best for your recipient and explore what you can do with Jupyter notebook cells and markdown functionality.
- Getting started with Jupyter Notebook
- All about Jupyter notebook cells and markdown functionality to enhance text, and more
- How to produce a shareable output of a Jupyter Notebook: PDF, HTML, .sas, etc
Learn how an application can call the SAS Viya promotion APIs to move contents across an environment and promote it to a higher environment.
- use RESTful API to export and import contents
- export and then download content from SAS Viya
- upload and then import content to SAS Viya
How to make predictions using a combination of Python and CAS using SWAT.
- Load and analyze data
- Create new features
- Build and scrore models in CAS
How to use a simple application to interact with SAS Viya using REST APIs.
- Create the application
- Create new report if it doesn’t exist
- Generate and execute code
How to load, append, and save a table using the SAS Viya Visualization and Core Services REST APIs.
- Create CASlib
- Upload data
- Append table
Learn how to use REST APIs to develop a comprehensive SAS process.
- extracts the tables from the DBMS
- loads them as CAS tables
- demonstrates the ability to integrate SAS® Viya with SAS® 9.4
Learn how web services can be consumed in SAS.
- Explore PROC HTTP
- Generate parameters from existing SAS data
- Process web service output and read it into SAS
Learn how SAS Viya REST APIs and workflow tools help to facilitate the model management life cycle.
- introduction to SAS modeling REST APIs
- step through the entire modeling lifecycle using APIs
- automate the modeling lifecycle
Use the Python SWAT package on SAS Viya
- Explore and prepare data
- Visualize and model the data
- Drop tables, delete source files, and terminate the CAS connection
Utilize the the SAS Event Stream Processing (ESP) Transpose window in ESP Studio.
- Use the Transpose Window to transpose table data
- Transpose data from long to wide configuration
- Transpose data from wide to long configuration
Use the SAS Event Stream Processing (ESP) StateDB windows StateDB Reader and StateDB Writer to integrate with Singelstore and Redis in-memory databases.
- Understand SAS Event Stream Processing in Kubernetes
- Introduction to ESP StateDB Windows
- Understand when to use external in-memory databases with ESP
XML code examples that use SAS Event Stream Processing (ESP) to process real-time streaming data
- Project code is written to run in SAS Event Stream Processing Studio
- Examples are accompanied with documentation in the SAS Help Center
- Repository is segmented by level of complexity
Learn about Viya_Manager, an interface to simplify the administration and management of SAS Viya environments on the Cloud
- Creates a hub to administer deployments of separate SAS Viya environments across different Cloud providers
- Automates the entire deployment cycle by leveraging various deployment tools
- Helps manage installation, infrastructure, and credentials
This project covers the reference architectures for SAS Event Stream Processing (ESP), including the best practices based on project requirements.
- Explore different reference architectures of ESP
- Understand and evaluate which architectures is the best fit for your use-case
- Use a flowchart to helps determinine the right ESP reference architecture that fulfils the business needs
View code snippets for the Transformation windows of SAS Event Stream Processing (ESP).
- includes examples for Aggegate, Compute, Copy, Filter, etc., transform windows
- A directory for each example contains everything you need for execution
- A ocument for each code snippet provides instructions unique to the example
Learn about the command-line interface (CLI) in SAS Viya, that can be used to automate several administration tasks.
- How to install the SAS Viya CLI
- How to configure the CLI to communicate with your SAS Viya environment
- How to use the Identities plugin to create a group of users
See how smart meter challenges can be addressed by combining the Deep Learning action set in SAS Visual Data Mining and Machine Learning with the SAS deep learning Python API package, DLPy, and Keras.
- provide a consistent approach both to creating as well as managing and deploying models
- use ONNX for scoring machine learning models
- use SAS and open-source tools together
Learn how to generate, build and deploy a React app using the SASjs CLI.
- bridge the gap between SAS and modern web applications
- manage connection and communication with SAS servers
- create, build and deploy web apps onto SAS servers
Learn how the SASjs framework enables code consistency across teams and projects, de-risks the use of shared tools and dependencies, and facilitates continuous deployment to SAS environments.
- create (scaffold) a SASjs project and add parts
- deploy the jobs to SAS, and run them as part of a flow
- easy authentication to SAS Viya
Learn about the matplotlib library and how it integrates with SWAT.
- SWAT utilizes matplotlib entirely in the background, allowing a user to visualize CAS data with a single line of code
- Install SWAT and impot matplotlib
- Examples of creating various plots
See ho restAF provides a simple programming model to access SAS Viya using REST APIs.
- provides a small set of promise-based methods to make the API calls
- simplifies response information for use in the application
- manages the application data that can be accessed anywhere in your application
Learn about the setup required to configure SASPy to access SAS Viya from a Jupyter notebook.
- Use Python client to write code for SAS Viya
- Return data in Pandas dataframes
- Install SASPy from sassoftware GitHub
Create four smaller images or patches out of one larger image using a Lua window and a Calculate window.
- Creating and debugging Lua functions directly in SAS ESP
- Use the calculate window to select the imageProcessing algorithm and the crops function
- View the results in ESP
See how the playbook uses standard Python modules to connect to the SAS Viya REST APIs and is designed with easy to read variable declarations and helper functions.
- Process and prepare data set from a CAS library.
- Run a SAS DATA step to add an indicator variable by calling the RunCode action
- Aggregate the data set
Learn how tokens can be revoked and the implications for any custom clients of SAS Logon Manager.
- Define token types from SAS Logon
- SAS Viya CLI Auto-Refresh
- Revoke tokens
How to use the REST API and Command-Line Interface (CLI) with SAS Viya to accomplish business tasks with typical scenarios.
- create or edit Visual Analytics (VA) reports programmatically
- localize a VA report based on the standard report
- customize the email content before distributing the reports in batch
How to get started with the REST APIs in SAS Viya.
- Authentication and authorization
- How to construct an API call
- Make the API call and process the results
Example of a custom function which can be used to split an incoming string by a user defined delimiter
- Provides a split string funciton not available in Lua
- Example is ESP is provided
- Creating and using modules
Learn about regions with CNN (R-CNN), used for object detection, and its successors, Fast R-CNN and Faster R-CNN, examples of the application of CNN, and a schematic explanation of processing flows.
- helpful to those wishing to learn more about CNN
- object detection using SAS Viya
- view the program code of Faster R-CNN using SAS Viya
Use the Functional window in SAS Event Stream Processing (ESP) to parse and create event loops over JSON objects.
- Learn Functional window basics
- Parse and process JSON objects
- Use the "Function Context" and "Event Generation" options
Learn about several advanced features of SAS Event Stream Processing (ESP) including stateless joins, tagged tokens, and using the No-regenerates option
- Prevent an Aggregate window from becoming unbounded in growth by keeping the number of values it retains finite
- Create a stateless join to not retain events and greatly improve performance
- Prevent a Join window from re-generating values on the fact side when the dimension side of the join is updated
Learn about creating a group using the SAS Viya CLI.
- Authenticate to SAS Viya and create a connection
- Create custom user group
- Add permissions
Learn a programmatic way to call a SAS Visual Analytics report to determine how long it takes the report to render using the reportImages service, available via the SAS Viya REST API.
- retrieve the server-side render time of a SAS Visual Analytics report
- Macro code demonstrates how to test a suite of reports for comprehensive A/B comparisons
- determinate the best performance techniques to meet specific reporting needs
Focus on the integrated process of model managment and analytics deployment.
- Import an Analytics Store (ASTORE) from models built in SAS Model Studio, SAS Studio, or Jupyter Notebook into SAS Model Manager
- Deploy ASTORE from SAS Model Manager in SAS Event Stream Processing Studio
- Focus on the integrated process of model management and analytics deployment
Learn about a selection of applications built over these core capabilities, each of which help you obtain answers to questions that motivate you as a business users of AI.
- receive recommendations, gain insight, and make decisions
- expand your understanding of the applicability of text analytics capabilities
- Text analytics packaged within easily deployable and accessible applications
See how to expand the delivery options for data visualizations for reports in SAS Visual Analytics.
- Provide HTML elements allowing navigation of your SAS Viya content from within custom web pages
- Companion content for purpose-built reports to provide ways to deliver information
- Expand the delivery options for data visualizations
How to use CAS to surface data and analytical model results to a WebApp through REST API connectivity.
- integrate a scoring model into a custom web application written entirely in Python
- create a web application to capture data
- surface data for real-time decision making
Learn about CRUD operations for compute contexts from the SAS Viya CLI.
- What are compute context attributes?
- Programmatically create or update a compute context with the desired attributes
- Delete compute context attribute
How to automate Machine Learning pipelines using pre-defined pipelines and custom steps.
- Retrieve a list of available pipeline templates
- Create automation projects for different data segments and check status
- Get the results from an automation project
How to connect SAS and Python in a few lines of code using Jupyter Notebooks.
- Demo of how SAS and Python connect using Jupyter Notebooks
- Why combine SAS and Python?
- Build a map of the U.S. spread of COVID-19 using SAS and Python
How to “git” your SAS code projects into Git for version control and collaboration.
- Adding your SAS project to Git (command line)
- Using SAS Enterprise Guide and SAS Studio with Git
- Connecting SAS to your Git accounts and using GIT functions in SAS programming
See how SAS Viya can be used to fulfill reporting and data manipulation requirements of a larger solution.
- define the fundamentals of an ALP system
- explore SAS Viya’s various mechanisms for integration with third party software packages
- embed SAS into larger applications and spread advanced analytics capability
Learn how to integrate ONNX Runtime with SAS Event Stream Processing (ESP) on a Tiny YOLOv2 model, a real-time object detection network.
- Integrate ONNX Runtime with SAS Event Stream Processing
- Leverages an Intel CPU with a CUDA TensorRT CPUb
- Sample UI developed with SAS ESP Connect API
Explore the SAS and Python interface and learn about integrating with a machine learning flow.
- Open source package that allows Python users to easily communicate with the SAS Viya platform
- Mlflow is an open source MLOps platform, for managing modeling assets
- Leverage sasctl to generate model metadata and register the model
Expand the capabilities of your Lua windows through the use of modules in SAS Event Stream Processing (ESP)
- A module is a library, loaded using the require statement and containing functions and variables
- Create classes of functions that provide a behavior
- Use a module to move procedural functions or the main code out for re-use or code clarity
This project address four different data quality issues and how to identify them using CAS actions in SAS Viya.
- Covers data completeness, uniqueness, consistency, and accuracy
- Identify quality issues using CAS actions in Viya
- Examples provided are written Python
View code snippets for the Analytics windows of SAS Event Stream Processing (ESP).
- Includes examples for Calculate, Train, and Score windows
- A directory for each example contains everything you need for execution
- A document for each code snippet provides instructions unique to the example
A functional description with some examples on how to call REST APIs with the REST Subscriber Adapter in SAS Event Stream Processing (ESP).
- Use the REST Adapter Susbscriber to make API calls
- Use the examples as a compliment to SAS documentation
- Use SAS Intelligent Decisioning modeling APIs
Provides an index of Getting Started with Python integration to SAS Viya.
- Eight-part series of articles
- Python integration
- CAS Actions
Learn how to stream data from an Azure event hub into a SAS Event Stream Processing (ESP) model using the Azure EventHub Connector.
- Configure an Azure Logic application to query a service
- Format response data and send it to an Azure Event Hub
- Create an ESP project to receive events from the Event Hub using the ESP Azure Event Hub Connector
Retain events and calculate the event throughput rate using SAS Event Stream Processing (ESP).
- Configure event retention on time and volume
- Calculate throughput based on a function
- Use a Copy window to retain events
How to update a lookup table using SAS Viya APIs and Proc HTTP.
- Find the lookup table URI and post a new version
- Add lookup table entries to the new version
- Activate the new version
How to use Python and SAS Viya REST APIs to extract a report and import it into another environment.
- Learn about Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery
- Learn about ModelOps and AnalyticOps
- Apply principals to SAS reports
Learn how to train a neural network model with SAS Event Stream Processing (ESP) by capturing bird images.
- Train a neural network model using SAS VDMML to identify birds
- Have SAS ESP process and score images
- Have SAS ESP email us with the bird's picture and predicted species
Learn about using the SAS Viya Command Line Interface to deploy decisions or rule sets from a Git repository to SAS Viya,
- Deploy from Git
- Make accessible the Git files to the SAS Viya CLI
- Deploy to MAS
Learn how to integrate the streaming analytics available with SAS Event Stream Processing (ESP) with Microsoft's Power Automate flows.
- Use MS Azure EventHubs to connect the two computing environments
- Connect using the Kafka adapter using Azure's built-in broker or the native EventHubs connector
- Monitor a sensor and send above-threshold events to generate a maintenance request
The project provides details on the Analytics for IoT reference architecture.
- Introduce the components of Analytics for IoT
- Demo video covering scalable results from IoT data
- Key features of SAS Analytics for IoT
Stream data from an Azure event hub into a SAS Event Stream Processing (ESP) model.
- Use the ESP Kafka connector to connect to an event hub
- Use a function window to transpose a JSON message into ESP events
- Return write data back to the event hub
How to manage the transfer packages created and saved in the Infrastructure Data Server during the import and export of SAS Viya content.
- Export and download transfer package
- Upload and import the transfer package
- Name and view contents of the tranfer package
How to translate the examples from your API documentation to their equivalent in SAS.
- Test your API with cURL
- Send data to an API
- Processing JSON responses with the JSON engine
Learn about integrating SAS Visual Analytics content in the SAS portal in Viya.
- Which editor should you use to write my HTML/JavaScript code?
- How do you test your code?
- Do you really need a web server?
The complete guide to SAS Event Stream Processing (ESP) with Kubernetes provides all the necessary information and guidelines with commands to set up your own Kubernetes cluster and its peripherals.
- Introduction to container and Kubernetes architecture
- Kubernetes cluster environment setup
- End-to-end ESP Kubernetes (ESP-Kube) architecture
Import metadata from a device table and then use this information to enhance the incoming sensor events in SAS Event Stream Processing (ESP)
- Use Lua window to read devices table and store values by key in memory
- Read device events from data source and join events by key
- Filter on events which match device table entriest
Learn how to the store a SAS ESP data stream in a SQLite table using the SAS Micro Analytic Service (MAS).
- Store data in a SQLite table using Python and MAS
- MAS modules are embedded in an ESP project using the and XML tags
- Use the Output statment to configure the how the main function returns variables and values
Learn how to collect live accelerometer data from a mobile device and pass it to ESP using an MQTT protocols with SAS IoT analytics
- Compare new observations against baseline data and any deviation will be considered an anomaly
- Compare new observations against baseline data and any deviation will be considered an anomaly
- Provides ability for machines to self-train their own unique anomaly detection models
Setup the Prometheus monitoring tool for Kubernetes and use the integration with Grafana to query, visualize, alert on, and explore metrics.
- Kubernetes overview
- What to monitor; how to monitor
- SAS Event Stream Processing and Prometheus
Learn how to process messages from an Azure IoT Hub with a SAS Event Stream Processing (ESP) project.
- Configure a simulated IoT Device to send sensor data to an IoT Hub
- Configure the IoT Hub to expose the message stream via an event hub endpoint
- Connect a SAS Event Stream Processing project to process the messages
View code snippets for use in the Utilities window of SAS Event Stream Processing (ESP).
- Includes examples for Pattern and Geofence windows
- A directory for each example contains everything you need for execution
- A document for each code snippet provides instructions unique to the example
Learn how to create and deploy a SAS Event Stream Processing (ESP) high availability (HA) system using Kafka and SAS Viya.
- Learn the basics of the Kafka message bus
- Learn how to deploy an ESP project in failover mode
- How an end to end example
Learn how to access a SAS Viya deployment CAS server from outside its namespace.
- Set the CAS server for external access
- Ability to process binary and HTTP requests
- Access your Viya deployment CAS server(s) from outside
Learn how to use the SAS Viya CLI to create Git publishing destinations.
- Create the Git publishing destination
- Publish models and decisions to Git
- From the Git repository, deploy published models or decisions to CAS or MAS
Learn how to train and build a computer vision model for demographic detection using SAS IoT analytics.
- Cover basics of Computer Vision (CV)
- Train CV models using the SAS Deep Learning Python (DLPY) package
- Operationalize our models using streaming analytics
Streaming Fraud and Anit-Money Laundering In this tutorial, learn about pattern matching, temporal sliding windows and data aggregation for simple AML / fraud alerts on transactions in a banking use case.
- Simple example set up to scale to larger, faster use cases
- Identify fraud using simple data comparison and analysis with rules
- Take advantage of the SMTP notifications then use a third-party service
New window in SAS Event Stream Processing (ESP) allowing developers to process events using Lua language scripting.
- Integrate the powerful analytical Lua scripting language in SAS ESP
- Supports use cases requiring complex transformations using custom functions
- Specify the Lua function entry point in the ESP process
Learn how to process streaming trade data using SAS Event Stream Processing (ESP).
- View and edit a model using a text editor and SAS ESP Studio
- Execute the model using the SAS ESP XML Server
- Subscribe to the output using SAS ESP Streamviewer
A guided use case on how starting with raw data, you can use Viya and open source together to create and deploy models.
- Use open source languages and packages to enable development and deployment of models
- Explore key integration points between Viya and open source
- Learn how open source developers can take advantage of the CAS in-memory engine of Viya to speed model development against large data
Learn how to aggregate stock transactions using SAS Event Stream Processing (ESP).
- Aggregate values, execute an XML model, and subscribe with a file/socket adapter
- Model description, editing, executing, and subscribing
- View, edit, and test model
Explore how Event Stream Processing (ESP) Routers work, along with examples easily extended to more complex use cases.
- Learn the basics about ESP routers
- Use ESP routers for streaming applications into modules
- Learn how to scale applications to add/remove modules, while limiting interruptions
Stream live weather data into any SAS Event Stream Processing (ESP) model.
- Capture live weather data using REST APIs
- Use ESP's URL connector to publish data into a model
- Read and transform JSON messages into events readable by ESP
How to build similar SAS 9 functionalities in the Viya world.
- Understadning SAS Information Delivery Portal
- Understanding SAS Drive
- Building a Portal in SAS Viya
Explore various types of SAS Event Stream Processing (ESP) windows and their functions using the Zambretti alorithm for weather forecasting.
- Use the ESP Expression Language to perform calculations
- Filter outliers using Filter windows
- Detect trends using Pattern windows
Learn how to build an interactive web page which uses data stored in CAS and the application will be developed in Python using the Dash and SWAT packages
- Use Dash to build the layout of the web application
- Load data into CAS and execute CAS actions to manipulate data on the CAS server
- Query large tables stored into CAS and display the results using your preferred language
In tTracking the International Space Station (ISS) using a Geofences ESP example
- Learn the basics of a geofence
- Create required source windows: source, geoCircle, filter, and pattern
- Create and use GEO maps using ESP Streamviewer
Use SAS DLPy to train and validate a SAS Viya deep learning image denoising model
- Uses the concept of pixel-wise CNN segmentation regression to remove noise from images
- The CNN architecture consists of an encoder-decoder framework along with a pixel-wise regression layer
- The trained model cleanses and restores noisy images to prepare them for further analytic consumption
Learn how to quickly iterate through the data science life cycle from modeling, to evaluation, to deployment using SAS Viya APIs.
- Learn how SAS provides scalable batch and real-time data science environments
- Embed data science into applications with SAS APIs
- Deliver applications from data science development to operation in an agile way
Learn how to use the SAS Job Execution Web App and APIs to build an application.
- Define CORS and CSRF
- Scripting configuration of CORS and CSRF
- Bonus: Configure cross-site cookies
Learn how the R SWAT packate allows R users to use SAS Analytics without a full dive into the SAS programming language,
- Learn how the SWAT package and how it enables open source integration with Viya
- Learn how to submit CAS actions using R to run in-memory analytics
- Explore general integration aspects of tasks and downloading results to the client using R functionality
The project provides details on developing and refining reference architecture(s) for SAS integration with Azure IoT, as well as the full set of Azure cloud services.
- Introduce architects to the component Azure services
- Understand common integration patterns
- Authentication considerations
Incorporate splitters into your SAS Event Stream Processing (ESP) projects.
- Learn how to split ESP streams
- Split to add logic to individual streams
- Split to increase performance
Utilize the Database Connector with DataDirect Drivers in SAS Event Stream Processing (ESP) to read and write data to relational databases.
- Use database connector with DataDirect drivers
- Configure the connector using the configuration file e.g. odbc.ini
- Understand the configuration file “odbc.ini” and parameter considerations
Identify objects (i.e., people) who are following social distancing guidelines and those who are not using SAS IoT analytics.
- Use Tiny Yolo V2 model to detect people in images
- Calculate the distances between all objects
- Determine whether we have crowds in our image
Learn how to programatically list SAS Visual Analytics report paths and filter columns.
- Visualize lineage within SAS Visual Analytics
- Use the REST API to collect report information and content
- Add filters to the API call
How to use the SAS Viya CLI to create model publishing destinations.
- Create a base64 Credentials Domain
- Download the SAS Viya CLI directly from the SAS Support website
- Create an Azure publishing destination
Learn how to build a model for real-time detection of malfunctioning light groupings using SAS IoT analytics.
- Design streaming model for real-time failure detection
- Use subspace tracking algorithm to detect anomalies
- Best practices for subspace tracking algorithm
Learn about SAS Intelligent Decisioning and how it integrates with Git.
- Integraion advantages
- Integration steps
- What Can You Publish to Git?
Explore various ways of working with dates and times in SAS Event Stream Processing (ESP).
- Ways to publish data containing dates and times to ESP
- How ESP handles dates and times internally
- Best practices and considerations when working with dates and times
An image classification example that uses a Rubik's Cube to demonstrate how to apply the the technique in manufacturing quality using SAS IoT analytics.
- Use SAS Analytics for IoT to train and build an image classification model
- Train CV models using the SAS Deep Learning Python (DLPY) package
- Operationalize models using streaming analytics and ESPPy
Lightweight, standalone development environment built for the creation of high-performance models in your preferred language: SAS, Python or R
- Learn about the on-demand computing flexibility
- Watch SAS Viya analytics run in harmony with SAS®9 procedures
- See the newest Python API for SAS analytics inspired by scikit-learn
Learn how to build an anomaly detection model and deploy it for real-time monitoring of malfunctioning Air Handling Units (AHUs) using SAS IoT analytics.
- Build an anomaly detection model using Support Vector Data Description (SVDD) algorithm
- Deploy an offline model for real-time failure detection
- Score the model and interpret the results
Learn how to create and deploy a SAS Event Stream Processing (ESP) high availability system using Kafka as the message broker.
- Examine high availability concepts and the basics of the Kafka message bus
- Deploy ESP in failover models
- Walk through an end to end example
How to modify a landing page to display links to other applications and display some KPI's.
- Create the shortcuts and landing page components
- Build the JSON configuration file
- Update the JavaScript application file
How to access Cloud Analytics Services (CAS) actions using the Python SWAT package inside SAS Studio.
- Exploit the seamless interoperability between Python and CAS runtimes
- Use automation and environment variables available within a SAS Studio session to connect
- Automate connection using AutoExec
Learn how you can use this new editor to optimize coding workflow
- How the integration can help in your everyday work
- Connect to SAS Viya or SAS 9 from the extension and run code
- SAS syntax highlighting and help, code completion, and code snippets
How to define a Git publishing destination in SAS Viya.
- Detailed steps to creating the publishing destination on Git
- Required components to creating the publishing destination on Git
- Choose to code in CAS or MAS
Deploy and score models using SAS Cloud Analytic Services (CAS) for batch via REST APIs.
- Create a CAS destination and publish a model
- Authenticate and start a session
- Load and score data
Learn about the APIs that call machine learning models in SAS® Viya®.
- Make machine learning models available to APIs and how to call those APIs
- Learn how to call SAS programs using a REST API and make them available to external processes
- Review APIs for retraining machine learning models and system automation in SAS Viya
Learn how to call CAS actions via REST using the CAS REST APIs.
- Explore/navigate CAS action sets and actions documentation
- Use CAS action APIs with SAS Viya APIs
- String multiple CAS actions together, creating end-to-end use cases
Learn about integrating MS Power Apps and SAS decisions published to Azure with SAS Container Runtime.
- Deploy the SCR image to an Azure Web Application
- Learn how to use the SCR REST API
- Create and publish the application
Learn about the fundamentals of the SAS Viya platform and CAS, then dive into CASL, the scripting language designed to support the entire analytics life cycle
- Explain CASL and its components
- Use CAS actions to submit requests to the CAS server and work with the results
- Develop analytic pipelines using CASL
Learn about the new program within the pyviyatools repository:
- A Python script designed to retrieve and analyze activity records from the SAS Viya environment
- The auditing framework gains a higher-level perspective to make auditing more intuitive and understandable
- The program supports multiple output formats, including CSV (default), JSON, and Pandas DataFrames
Custom SAS Viya agent in LangChain demonstrates the potential of using LLMs and specific tools to create intelligent, interactive agents
- Create such a smart agent
- Handle detailed operations on SAS tables and respond to user questions based on those operations
- LangChain matches the user's intent with the custom tool
Learn how SAS products integrate with Git.
- Learn how to add source control, code collaboration, and continuous integration and deployment to your SAS processes
- See examples of how SAS experts share their content on GitHub
- Extensive webinar Q&A
Learn how SAS Viya integrates with open source technologies by improving interoperability and utility.
- The open source languages that are supported and why
- How SAS Viya integrates with open source
- The benefits of using SAS Viya with open source technology
Part 2 of series on MS Power App - learn how to consume that data through a connector in a Power Automate Flow
- Create the Power Automate Flow
- Add custom connector
- Run the flow and parse the response
Make a connection from SAS 9.4 to SAS Viya using an access token.
- Defining a custom application in SAS Viya
- Generate and access token
- Access SAS Viya services from SAS 9.4
Deploy and score a model using SAS Micro Analytic Service (MAS) via REST APIs.
- Deploy mode into MAS
- Gather model information
- Load and score data
Learn how to process, analyze and visualize data using Python in SAS Viya.
- How to access data in Viya using Python and the SWAT package
- How to process and analyze data using the Pandas API in the SWAT package
- How to visualize data in Viya using Python
Learn the fundamentals of the SAS Viya platform and CAS, then dive into CASL, the scripting language designed to support the entire analytics life cycle.
- Explain CASL and its components
- Use CAS actions to submit requests to the CAS server and work with the results
- Develop analytic pipelines using CASL
Explore what can be done with the custom client application of SAS Logon Manager
- Authentication and authorization with a custom client
- Custom applications and the credentials microservice
- Example custom client - using job execution service, accessing CAS, and running SAS code
Steps to fully integrate Python into a SAS Viya deployment
- Configure persistent storage for ASTORES
- Configure SAS Viya to connect to Python
- Configure CAS for external languages
Learn how SAS Viya integrates with open source.
- Access SAS using your existing skills, like SAS, open source or other programming skills
- Use Python or R in the analytical flow of pipelines or using the SWAT package
- Use the Python Editor within SAS Studio
Learn how to convert and score SAS Tiny YoloV2 computer vision models leveraging the Intel OpenVINO framework and ONNX format using SAS IoT Analytics.
- Convert and score SAS Tiny YoloV2 computer vision models
- Leverage the Intel OpenVINO framework and ONNX format
- Functional difference between ONNX format and native SAS ASTORE
How to create and execute a pricing plan for given products using SAS Retail.
- Create the pricing plan
- Execute the pricing plan
- Extract data from the pricing plan
How to retrieve the KPI information and shortcuts from an API using NodeJS with Express and MongoDB.
- Build the project infrastructure
- Build the code
- Adapt the portal frontend
Learn about the SAS built-in tools used to convert JSON to SAS data for analytics
- Learn how to use the JSON libname engine to read JSON into SAS data sets
- Learn how to use JSON maps to control how SAS reads and interprets the raw JSON data
- Learn how to use PROC JSON to create JSON output in SAS
Learn how to create images of all the graphs in a Visual Analytics report and archive them into a zip file
- Create the image files and package them up
- Add all generated svg files to the archive
- Copy the zip archive to the SAS Viya files service
Learn how to make use of SAS decisions published as container images in Azure.
- Benefits of SAS Container Runtime
- Create a container instance in Azure, from a SCR container image
- Ccore the decision using a simple command to call the SCR REST API with curl, python, SAS, etc.