
class swat.dataframe.SASColumnSpec(name, label=None, dtype=None, width=0, format='', size=(1, 1), attrs=None)

Bases: object

Create a SASDataFrame column information object

name : string

Name of the column.

label : string

Label for the column.

type : string

SAS/CAS data type of the column.

width : int or long

Width of the formatted column.

format : string

SAS format.

size : two-element tuple

Dimensions of the data.

attrs : dict

Extended attributes of the column.

SASColumnSpec object
__init__(name, label=None, dtype=None, width=0, format='', size=(1, 1), attrs=None)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


__init__(name[, label, dtype, width, …]) Initialize self.
fromtable(_sw_table, col[, elem]) Create instance from SWIG table