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  • Visual Investigator REST API
  • Visual Investigator REST API

    Data Hub

    Base URLs:

    Terms of service Email: SAS Developers Web: SAS Developers License: SAS Institute Inc.

    Scroll down for code samples, example requests and responses. Select a language for code samples from the tabs above or the mobile navigation menu.

    The Data Hub API provides access to information that is managed by SAS Visual Investigator. This API facilitates describing data that resides in either internal writable databases or external customer-controlled read-only databases. Once the data definitions are provided as entity types, the data becomes accessible within SAS Visual Investigator. This API also provides mechanisms for fetching individual entity records that were defined by the entity type definitions.

    Usage Notes


    The SAS Visual Investigator Data Hub REST API provides a set of REST endpoints that serve as an abstraction layer for defining and accessing data used throughout SAS Visual Investigator.

    The following types of operations are supported:


    The primary data structure in the system is the entity type, that is mapped to a database table that is loaded from a data store. Entity types contain a list of fields that are analogous to database columns. In some cases a field is associated with a reference list that provides a list of valid selections for the field.

    Associations between different entity types can be modeled using relationship types or transaction types. Boolean expressions are used to describe how pairs of entity types are connected.

    Overview of Endpoints

    The endpoints that are provided by the Visual Investigator Data Hub REST API can be separated into three categories:

    1. Entity Metadata

    Entity metadata is the abstract definition of classes of entities that are associated with database tables. Entity type definitions include database columns, and data types as well as other related information such localized labels and icons. The primary class for managing entity metadata is the "Entity Type". Entity types map one-to-one with an SQL database table that is either managed internally or stored externally in a read-only database that is controlled outside of the Visual Investigator environment.

    Entity types that are associated with one another can be represented using transaction types and relationships types.

    Reference lists are used to create controls in the user interface where the user has a specific list of values that can be applied to a field for an entity.

    The following endpoints are available:

    /admin/storedObjects - Manage entity types
    /admin/relationships - Manage relationship types
    /admin/transactions - Manage transaction types
    /admin/referenceLists - Manage Reference Lists

    2. Services

    Visual Investigator interfaces with external systems such as relational databases. The information needed to connect to these systems is defined in a data store.

    The following endpoints are available:

    /admin/dataStores - Manage information about external SQL databases

    3. Data Retrieval

    To access the data defined in the Entity Metadata section, use the documents and relationship links endpoints. Documents map one-to-one with rows in an SQL database table. For internal entity types, documents can be created, read, modified, and deleted. For external entity types, documents can only be created.

    /documents - Query and manage documents associated with an entity type
    /links - Query and manage relationship links associated with a relationship type and multiple entity types


    All endpoints require a valid OAuth token to be passed as a header parameter. For example: Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsIcCI6MTUzN7fk

    New OAuth tokens can be fetched by issuing the following request: ``` POST http://./SASLogon/oauth/token Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Authorization: Basic c2FzLmVjOg==

    grant_type=password&username=&password= ```

    Note that Basic authentication is required with user name “” and no password. This value is Base64 encoded to create the Authorization header entry. In the example above this is: Authorization: Basic c2FzLmVjOg==

    Also note that as of v4 of the Data Hub REST API, the authenticating user or client's username and password are sent in the body of the request. This is a change from all previous versions of the API (which correspond to SAS Visual Investigator 10.8 and earlier) in which the username and password were sent as query parameters.

    Beginning with v4 (which corresponds to SAS Visual Investigator 2022.1.3), the SASLogon/oauth/token authentication endpoint does not accept the username and password in query parameters.


    data store

    the connection information that is used to establish communication with an external database. A data store includes a database type such as MySQL or DB2, a host name, a user name, password and other required details about the connection.


    an instance of an object that is described by an entity type. A single document includes appropriate values for its fields that were either fetched from a database or provided by user input.

    entity type

    the metadata that defines a class of documents. This definition includes a list of fields, language-specific labels, icons, and other relevant information. For example, a "Customer" entity type might include "first name", "last name", and "phone number" fields. An entity type provides the metadata definition that is required for creating specific instances of a document.


    a unit of information that is associated with a document. Fields are analogous to columns in a SQL database table. Each field has a name and a data type as a well as a label that is used for displaying the value in the user interface.


    entity types and fields have friendly text names that are localized for displaying the item in the user interface with the appropriate language.

    reference list

    a list of choices that the user can select as the value for a field. Common examples might include "Size" (small, medium, large) or "Color" (red, green, blue).

    relationship link

    an instance of a relationship type. A relationship link defines a connection between a specific document and one or more other documents.

    relationship type

    metadata that defines a class of relationship links. The relationship type includes information such as the type and cardinality of the entities at both ends of the relationship connection. Relationship types can also specify an associated list of fields that provide additional detail.


    an instance of a transaction type. A transaction defines an action that was performed between two documents at a specific point in time. Possible examples might include a financial transfer from one account to another or a record of a phone call between one person and another.

    transaction type

    metadata that defines a class of transactions. This definition includes a "from" entity type, a "to" entity type, a date-time field, as well as on optional list of additional fields.

    Error Codes

    Commonly used HTTP status codes

    HTTP status code Description Usage
    200 OK The operation was successful.
    400 Bad Request The request failed to pass a validation rule.
    401 Unauthorized The request must contain a valid OAuth 2.0 token from the SASLogon service.
    403 Forbidden The user associated with the OAuth 2.0 token does not have the required privileges.
    404 Not Found The request references an item that does not exist.
    500 Internal Server Error An error occurred internally or while calling another service.



    End point to create asynchronous jobs.

    Create jobs to be executed on the server asynchronously

    Code samples

    # You can also use wget
    curl -X POST \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -H 'Accept: application/json'
    const inputBody = '{
      "version": 0,
      "id": "string",
      "name": "string",
      "description": "string",
      "tags": [
      "status": "pending",
      "message": "string",
      "startedAt": "2023-08-08T10:33:54.614Z",
      "endedAt": "2023-08-08T10:33:54.614Z",
      "parameters": {
        "additionalProp1": "string",
        "additionalProp2": "string",
        "additionalProp3": "string"
      "tasks": [
          "version": 0,
          "id": "string",
          "name": "string",
          "description": "string",
          "tags": [
          "status": "pending",
          "message": "string",
          "startedAt": "2023-08-08T10:33:54.614Z",
          "endedAt": "2023-08-08T10:33:54.614Z",
          "parameters": {
            "additionalProp1": "string",
            "additionalProp2": "string",
            "additionalProp3": "string"
          "subTasks": [
    const headers = {
      method: 'POST',
      body: inputBody,
      headers: headers
    .then(function(res) {
        return res.json();
    }).then(function(body) {
    import requests
    headers = {
      'Content-Type': 'application/json',
      'Accept': 'application/json'
    r ='', params={
      'new': 'string'
    }, headers = headers)
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
        headers := map[string][]string{
            "Content-Type": []string{"application/json"},
            "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
        data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
        req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "", data)
        req.Header = headers
        client := &http.Client{}
        resp, err := client.Do(req)
        // ...

    POST /admin/asyncJobs

    Create a job be executed asynchronously on the server. Currently jobs can be created to index or re-index data in Visual Investigator.

    Body parameter

    The general format for an indexing job request or response

      "version": 0,
      "id": "string",
      "name": "string",
      "description": "string",
      "tags": [
      "status": "pending",
      "message": "string",
      "startedAt": "2023-08-08T10:33:54.614Z",
      "endedAt": "2023-08-08T10:33:54.614Z",
      "parameters": {
        "additionalProp1": "string",
        "additionalProp2": "string",
        "additionalProp3": "string"
      "tasks": [
          "version": 0,
          "id": "string",
          "name": "string",
          "description": "string",
          "tags": [
          "status": "pending",
          "message": "string",
          "startedAt": "2023-08-08T10:33:54.614Z",
          "endedAt": "2023-08-08T10:33:54.614Z",
          "parameters": {
            "additionalProp1": "string",
            "additionalProp2": "string",
            "additionalProp3": "string"
          "subTasks": [
    Name In Type Required Description
    new query string true A parameter indicating of newer parameters are being used in the job definition
    body body job true Details of the job to be created

    Example responses

    The general format for an indexing job request or response

      "version": 0,
      "id": "string",
      "name": "string",
      "description": "string",
      "tags": [
      "status": "pending",
      "message": "string",
      "startedAt": "2023-08-08T10:33:54.614Z",
      "endedAt": "2023-08-08T10:33:54.614Z",
      "parameters": {
        "additionalProp1": "string",
        "additionalProp2": "string",
        "additionalProp3": "string"
      "tasks": [
          "version": 0,
          "id": "string",
          "name": "string",
          "description": "string",
          "tags": [
          "status": "pending",
          "message": "string",
          "startedAt": "2023-08-08T10:33:54.614Z",
          "endedAt": "2023-08-08T10:33:54.614Z",
          "parameters": {
            "additionalProp1": "string",
            "additionalProp2": "string",
            "additionalProp3": "string"
          "subTasks": [

    400 Response

      "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
      "id": "DH9999",
      "errorCode": 9999,
      "httpStatusCode": 400,
      "details": [
        "See the log for additional details."
      "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
    Status Meaning Description Schema
    201 Created Created job
    400 Bad Request Bad Request sasError
    Response Headers
    Status Header Type Format Description
    201 Last-Modified string date-time Last modified timestamp for the job
    201 Location string Not used - all job status monitoring is done through Features service end points

    Data Stores

    Contains the operations related to data store configurations.

    Fetch a data store by name

    Code samples

    # You can also use wget
    curl -X GET \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
      -H 'Accept: application/json'
    const headers = {
      method: 'GET',
      headers: headers
    .then(function(res) {
        return res.json();
    }).then(function(body) {
    import requests
    headers = {
      'Accept': 'application/json'
    r = requests.get('', params={
      'name': 'string'
    }, headers = headers)
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
        headers := map[string][]string{
            "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
        data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
        req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "", data)
        req.Header = headers
        client := &http.Client{}
        resp, err := client.Do(req)
        // ...

    GET /admin/dataStores

    Retrieves a data store that matches a specific name. The user name and password for the data store (required for the Create operation) are not returned in the response.

    Name In Type Required Description
    name query string true The name of the data store.

    Example responses

    200 Response

      "id": 103000,
      "createdBy": "videmo",
      "createdAt": "2018-08-29T12:51:58.254Z",
      "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
      "lastUpdatedAt": "2018-08-29T12:51:58.254Z",
      "name": "MyOracleDatabase",
      "type": "RELATIONAL",
      "defaultSchemaName": "MySchema",
      "version": 0,
      "connectionType": "oracle",
      "host": "",
      "port": "15658",
      "username": "MyUserName",
      "reindexRequired": false,
      "isCasDistributedDataLoadSupported": true,
      "password": "*****",
      "databaseNameOrServiceName": "MyOracleServiceName",
      "schema": "MY_SCHEMA",
      "initialSize": 1,
      "handle": "MyOracleDatabasenRXFB",
      "urlAppendedParameters": "FailoverPreconnect=false;JavaDoubleToString=false",
      "advancedProperties": {
        "ConnectionRetryCount": "5",
        "ConnectionRetryDelay": "1",
        "EnableBulkLoad": "1"

    404 Response

      "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
      "id": "DH9999",
      "errorCode": 9999,
      "httpStatusCode": 400,
      "details": [
        "See the log for additional details."
      "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK The request succeeded. The requested data store object is returned. dataStore
    404 Not Found Invalid data store name. sasError

    Create a data store

    Code samples

    # You can also use wget
    curl -X POST \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -H 'Accept: application/json'
    const inputBody = '{
      "description": "Example of a Data Store object.",
      "value": {
        "id": 103000,
        "createdBy": "videmo",
        "createdAt": "2018-08-29T12:51:58.254Z",
        "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
        "lastUpdatedAt": "2018-08-29T12:51:58.254Z",
        "name": "MyOracleDatabase",
        "type": "RELATIONAL",
        "defaultSchemaName": "MySchema",
        "version": 0,
        "connectionType": "oracle",
        "host": "",
        "port": "15658",
        "username": "MyUserName",
        "reindexRequired": false,
        "isCasDistributedDataLoadSupported": true,
        "password": "*****",
        "databaseNameOrServiceName": "MyOracleServiceName",
        "schema": "MY_SCHEMA",
        "initialSize": 1,
        "handle": "MyOracleDatabasenRXFB",
        "urlAppendedParameters": "FailoverPreconnect=false;JavaDoubleToString=false",
        "advancedProperties": {
          "ConnectionRetryCount": "5",
          "ConnectionRetryDelay": "1",
          "EnableBulkLoad": "1"
      "x-widdershins-oldRef": "#/components/examples/dataStoreExample"
    const headers = {
      method: 'POST',
      body: inputBody,
      headers: headers
    .then(function(res) {
        return res.json();
    }).then(function(body) {
    import requests
    headers = {
      'Content-Type': 'application/json',
      'Accept': 'application/json'
    r ='', headers = headers)
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
        headers := map[string][]string{
            "Content-Type": []string{"application/json"},
            "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
        data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
        req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "", data)
        req.Header = headers
        client := &http.Client{}
        resp, err := client.Do(req)
        // ...

    POST /admin/dataStores

    Creates a new data store. Prior to version 10.5.1 of SAS Visual Investigator, this process could take from 30-60 seconds to complete. The "handle" property must be generated by the client. The string must be unique and contain no special characters. The "username" and "password" properties are required.

    Body parameter

      "description": "Example of a Data Store object.",
      "value": {
        "id": 103000,
        "createdBy": "videmo",
        "createdAt": "2018-08-29T12:51:58.254Z",
        "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
        "lastUpdatedAt": "2018-08-29T12:51:58.254Z",
        "name": "MyOracleDatabase",
        "type": "RELATIONAL",
        "defaultSchemaName": "MySchema",
        "version": 0,
        "connectionType": "oracle",
        "host": "",
        "port": "15658",
        "username": "MyUserName",
        "reindexRequired": false,
        "isCasDistributedDataLoadSupported": true,
        "password": "*****",
        "databaseNameOrServiceName": "MyOracleServiceName",
        "schema": "MY_SCHEMA",
        "initialSize": 1,
        "handle": "MyOracleDatabasenRXFB",
        "urlAppendedParameters": "FailoverPreconnect=false;JavaDoubleToString=false",
        "advancedProperties": {
          "ConnectionRetryCount": "5",
          "ConnectionRetryDelay": "1",
          "EnableBulkLoad": "1"
      "x-widdershins-oldRef": "#/components/examples/dataStoreExample"
    Name In Type Required Description
    body body dataStore true The definition of the data store object to be inserted.

    Example responses

    201 Response

      "id": 103000,
      "createdBy": "videmo",
      "createdAt": "2018-08-29T12:51:58.254Z",
      "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
      "lastUpdatedAt": "2018-08-29T12:51:58.254Z",
      "name": "MyOracleDatabase",
      "type": "RELATIONAL",
      "defaultSchemaName": "MySchema",
      "version": 0,
      "connectionType": "oracle",
      "host": "",
      "port": "15658",
      "username": "MyUserName",
      "reindexRequired": false,
      "isCasDistributedDataLoadSupported": true,
      "password": "*****",
      "databaseNameOrServiceName": "MyOracleServiceName",
      "schema": "MY_SCHEMA",
      "initialSize": 1,
      "handle": "MyOracleDatabasenRXFB",
      "urlAppendedParameters": "FailoverPreconnect=false;JavaDoubleToString=false",
      "advancedProperties": {
        "ConnectionRetryCount": "5",
        "ConnectionRetryDelay": "1",
        "EnableBulkLoad": "1"

    400 Response

      "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
      "id": "DH9999",
      "errorCode": 9999,
      "httpStatusCode": 400,
      "details": [
        "See the log for additional details."
      "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
    Status Meaning Description Schema
    201 Created A data store was created. dataStore
    400 Bad Request Invalid data store definition. sasError

    Repair a data store

    Code samples

    # You can also use wget
    curl -X PUT{dataStoreName} \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -H 'Accept: text/plain'
    const inputBody = '{
      "description": "Example of a Data Store object.",
      "value": {
        "id": 103000,
        "createdBy": "videmo",
        "createdAt": "2018-08-29T12:51:58.254Z",
        "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
        "lastUpdatedAt": "2018-08-29T12:51:58.254Z",
        "name": "MyOracleDatabase",
        "type": "RELATIONAL",
        "defaultSchemaName": "MySchema",
        "version": 0,
        "connectionType": "oracle",
        "host": "",
        "port": "15658",
        "username": "MyUserName",
        "reindexRequired": false,
        "isCasDistributedDataLoadSupported": true,
        "password": "*****",
        "databaseNameOrServiceName": "MyOracleServiceName",
        "schema": "MY_SCHEMA",
        "initialSize": 1,
        "handle": "MyOracleDatabasenRXFB",
        "urlAppendedParameters": "FailoverPreconnect=false;JavaDoubleToString=false",
        "advancedProperties": {
          "ConnectionRetryCount": "5",
          "ConnectionRetryDelay": "1",
          "EnableBulkLoad": "1"
      "x-widdershins-oldRef": "#/components/examples/dataStoreExample"
    const headers = {
      method: 'PUT',
      body: inputBody,
      headers: headers
    .then(function(res) {
        return res.json();
    }).then(function(body) {
    import requests
    headers = {
      'Content-Type': 'application/json',
      'Accept': 'text/plain'
    r = requests.put('{dataStoreName}', headers = headers)
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
        headers := map[string][]string{
            "Content-Type": []string{"application/json"},
            "Accept": []string{"text/plain"},
        data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
        req, err := http.NewRequest("PUT", "{dataStoreName}", data)
        req.Header = headers
        client := &http.Client{}
        resp, err := client.Do(req)
        // ...

    PUT /admin/dataStores/repair/{dataStoreName}

    Repairs a data store. At times, data store information can get into a bad state. For example, during a release migration when data store metadata is being moved and a failure occurs. In these situations, use this endpoint along with the full data store content with the user name and password. Data Hub attempts to repair the state of the data store.

    Body parameter

      "description": "Example of a Data Store object.",
      "value": {
        "id": 103000,
        "createdBy": "videmo",
        "createdAt": "2018-08-29T12:51:58.254Z",
        "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
        "lastUpdatedAt": "2018-08-29T12:51:58.254Z",
        "name": "MyOracleDatabase",
        "type": "RELATIONAL",
        "defaultSchemaName": "MySchema",
        "version": 0,
        "connectionType": "oracle",
        "host": "",
        "port": "15658",
        "username": "MyUserName",
        "reindexRequired": false,
        "isCasDistributedDataLoadSupported": true,
        "password": "*****",
        "databaseNameOrServiceName": "MyOracleServiceName",
        "schema": "MY_SCHEMA",
        "initialSize": 1,
        "handle": "MyOracleDatabasenRXFB",
        "urlAppendedParameters": "FailoverPreconnect=false;JavaDoubleToString=false",
        "advancedProperties": {
          "ConnectionRetryCount": "5",
          "ConnectionRetryDelay": "1",
          "EnableBulkLoad": "1"
      "x-widdershins-oldRef": "#/components/examples/dataStoreExample"
    Name In Type Required Description
    dataStoreName path string true The name of the data store.
    body body dataStore true The data store object that to be repaired.

    Example responses

    200 Response

    "The data store 'oracle_store' with ID '2' was successfully repaired."

    400 Response

      "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
      "id": "DH9999",
      "errorCode": 9999,
      "httpStatusCode": 400,
      "details": [
        "See the log for additional details."
      "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."

    412 Response

      "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
      "id": "DH9999",
      "errorCode": 9999,
      "httpStatusCode": 400,
      "details": [
        "See the log for additional details."
      "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
      "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
      "id": "DH9999",
      "errorCode": 9999,
      "httpStatusCode": 400,
      "details": [
        "See the log for additional details."
      "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."

    428 Response

      "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
      "id": "DH9999",
      "errorCode": 9999,
      "httpStatusCode": 400,
      "details": [
        "See the log for additional details."
      "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
      "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
      "id": "DH9999",
      "errorCode": 9999,
      "httpStatusCode": 400,
      "details": [
        "See the log for additional details."
      "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK The request succeeded. The data store was repaired. string
    400 Bad Request Invalid data store definition. sasError
    412 Precondition Failed The data store in the request body is out of date. sasError
    428 Precondition Required The data store in the request body did not contain a version. sasError

    Fetch all data stores

    Code samples

    # You can also use wget
    curl -X GET \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
      -H 'Accept: application/json'
    const headers = {
      method: 'GET',
      headers: headers
    .then(function(res) {
        return res.json();
    }).then(function(body) {
    import requests
    headers = {
      'Accept': 'application/json'
    r = requests.get('', params={
      'includeInternal': 'false'
    }, headers = headers)
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
        headers := map[string][]string{
            "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
        data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
        req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "", data)
        req.Header = headers
        client := &http.Client{}
        resp, err := client.Do(req)
        // ...

    GET /admin/dataStores/all

    Retrieves a list of all available data stores.

    Name In Type Required Description
    includeInternal query string true Specifies whether to include internal data stores. Internal data stores are used by Data Hub or other components of SAS Visual Investigator.

    Example responses

    200 Response

        "id": 103000,
        "createdBy": "videmo",
        "createdAt": "2018-08-29T12:51:58.254Z",
        "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
        "lastUpdatedAt": "2018-08-29T12:51:58.254Z",
        "name": "MyOracleDatabase",
        "type": "RELATIONAL",
        "defaultSchemaName": "MySchema",
        "version": 0,
        "connectionType": "oracle",
        "host": "",
        "port": "15658",
        "username": "MyUserName",
        "reindexRequired": false,
        "isCasDistributedDataLoadSupported": true,
        "password": "*****",
        "databaseNameOrServiceName": "MyOracleServiceName",
        "schema": "MY_SCHEMA",
        "initialSize": 1,
        "handle": "MyOracleDatabasenRXFB",
        "urlAppendedParameters": "FailoverPreconnect=false;JavaDoubleToString=false",
        "advancedProperties": {
          "ConnectionRetryCount": "5",
          "ConnectionRetryDelay": "1",
          "EnableBulkLoad": "1"
    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK The request succeeded. An array of data stores is returned. Inline
    Response Schema

    Status Code 200

    Name Type Required Restrictions Description
    anonymous [allOf] false none [Information that is used for connecting to a database such as Oracle or SQL Server.]
    » Data Store dataStore false none Information that is used for connecting to a database such as Oracle or SQL Server.


    Name Type Required Restrictions Description
    »» anonymous auditableObject false none Reserved for internal use. An abstract object for handling audit information.
    »»» id integer false none The primary key that uniquely identifies this metadata object.
    »»» createdBy string false none The user ID that created this metadata object.
    »»» createdAt string(date-time) false none The timestamp that indicates when this metadata object was created.
    »»» lastUpdatedBy string false none The user ID that most recently modified this metadata object.
    »»» lastUpdatedAt string(date-time) false none The timestamp that indicates when this metadata object was last modified.


    Name Type Required Restrictions Description
    »» anonymous object false none none
    »»» name string false none The name of the data store.
    »»» type string false none The type of the data store.
    »»» defaultSchemaName string false none The default schema name to be used for the data store.
    »»» version integer false none The internal version number for this data store.
    »»» connectionType string false none The type of database the system.
    »»» host string false none The host name for the database server.
    »»» port string false none The TCP/IP port number for connecting to the database server.
    »»» username string false none The user name for connecting to the database server.
    »»» password string false none The password for connecting to the database server.
    »»» databaseNameOrServiceName string false none The name of the database to which to connect.
    »»» schema string false none The name of the target schema within the database.
    »»» reindexRequired boolean false none Specifies whether all entity, relationship, and transaction types need to be reindexed after making an update to the data store.
    »»» isCasDistributedDataLoadSupported boolean false none Specifies whether the data store supports the CAS "Distributed Data Load" feature.
    »»» initialSize integer false none The initial starting size for the database connection pool.
    »»» maxIdle integer false none The maximum number of idle connections that are allowed in the connection pool.
    »»» minIdle integer false none The minimum number of idle connections that are allowed in the connection pool.
    »»» maxActive integer false none The maximum number of active connections that are allowed in the connection pool.
    »»» handle string false none A string that is used to group key/value pairs that belong to a single data store (analogous to a folder). When creating a data store, this value must be unique. No other data store can have the same "handle" value. It is the responsibility of the client to determine a unique value.
    »»» urlAppendedParameters string false none Additional JDBC connection parameters that are appended to the end of the connection string.
    »»» advancedProperties sasProperties false none Additional properties that are needed by other modules while interacting with this data store. For example, when loading data into CAS, etc.
    »»»» version integer false none The version number of the API representation. This is version 1.
    »»»» properties [sasProperty] false none A list of name/value pairs.
    »»»»» SAS Property sasProperty false none A pair that consists of a string name and a string value. This is based on http://{SAS API Portal}/reference/schema/property/v1/property.json.
    »»»»»» name string false none The property name.
    »»»»»» value string false none The property value.
    »»»» links [object] false none Links to associated resources and operations. APIs might provide links for the link relations self',update(to replace the attributes),patch` (to update some attributes), or others.
    »»» assignedTimeZone string false none The default timezone for timestamp values that are stored in the database.
    Enumerated Values
    Property Value
    connectionType internal_postgres
    connectionType postgres
    connectionType db2
    connectionType MySQL
    connectionType oracle
    connectionType SQL Server
    connectionType teradata

    Get headers for user name and password for a data store

    Code samples

    # You can also use wget
    curl -X HEAD{dataStoreId}/credentials
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
      method: 'HEAD'
    .then(function(res) {
        return res.json();
    }).then(function(body) {
    import requests
    r = requests.head('{dataStoreId}/credentials')
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
        data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
        req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "{dataStoreId}/credentials", data)
        req.Header = headers
        client := &http.Client{}
        resp, err := client.Do(req)
        // ...

    HEAD /admin/dataStores/{dataStoreId}/credentials

    Retrieves headers for the data store user name and password. Other metadata about the data store is not included in the response. This endpoint requires the "svi.administration.datastore_credentials" capability. Be careful about who is given this capability. This endpoint is designed to be used by other SAS services that need the data store credentials.

    Name In Type Required Description
    dataStoreId path integer true The ID of the data store.
    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK The request succeeded. The requested data store credential object is returned. The password is Base64-encoded. None
    404 Not Found Invalid data store ID. None

    Fetch user name and password for a data store

    Code samples

    # You can also use wget
    curl -X GET{dataStoreId}/credentials \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
      -H 'Accept: application/json'
    const headers = {
      method: 'GET',
      headers: headers
    .then(function(res) {
        return res.json();
    }).then(function(body) {
    import requests
    headers = {
      'Accept': 'application/json'
    r = requests.get('{dataStoreId}/credentials', headers = headers)
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
        headers := map[string][]string{
            "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
        data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
        req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{dataStoreId}/credentials", data)
        req.Header = headers
        client := &http.Client{}
        resp, err := client.Do(req)
        // ...

    GET /admin/dataStores/{dataStoreId}/credentials

    Retrieves the data store user name and password. Other metadata about the data store is not included in the response. This endpoint requires the "svi.administration.datastore_credentials" capability. Be careful about who is given this capability. This endpoint is designed to be used by other SAS services that need the data store credentials.

    Name In Type Required Description
    dataStoreId path integer true The ID of the data store.

    Example responses

    200 Response

      "username": "testUser",
      "password": "dGVzdFBhc3N3b3JkMTIz"

    404 Response

      "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
      "id": "DH9999",
      "errorCode": 9999,
      "httpStatusCode": 400,
      "details": [
        "See the log for additional details."
      "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK The request succeeded. The requested data store credential object is returned. The password is Base64-encoded. dataStoreCredentials
    404 Not Found Invalid data store ID. sasError

    Test the connection to the data store that is in the request body

    Code samples

    # You can also use wget
    curl -X POST \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -H 'Accept: application/json'
    const inputBody = '{
      "description": "Example of a Data Store object.",
      "value": {
        "id": 103000,
        "createdBy": "videmo",
        "createdAt": "2018-08-29T12:51:58.254Z",
        "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
        "lastUpdatedAt": "2018-08-29T12:51:58.254Z",
        "name": "MyOracleDatabase",
        "type": "RELATIONAL",
        "defaultSchemaName": "MySchema",
        "version": 0,
        "connectionType": "oracle",
        "host": "",
        "port": "15658",
        "username": "MyUserName",
        "reindexRequired": false,
        "isCasDistributedDataLoadSupported": true,
        "password": "*****",
        "databaseNameOrServiceName": "MyOracleServiceName",
        "schema": "MY_SCHEMA",
        "initialSize": 1,
        "handle": "MyOracleDatabasenRXFB",
        "urlAppendedParameters": "FailoverPreconnect=false;JavaDoubleToString=false",
        "advancedProperties": {
          "ConnectionRetryCount": "5",
          "ConnectionRetryDelay": "1",
          "EnableBulkLoad": "1"
      "x-widdershins-oldRef": "#/components/examples/dataStoreExample"
    const headers = {
      method: 'POST',
      body: inputBody,
      headers: headers
    .then(function(res) {
        return res.json();
    }).then(function(body) {
    import requests
    headers = {
      'Content-Type': 'application/json',
      'Accept': 'application/json'
    r ='', headers = headers)
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
        headers := map[string][]string{
            "Content-Type": []string{"application/json"},
            "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
        data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
        req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "", data)
        req.Header = headers
        client := &http.Client{}
        resp, err := client.Do(req)
        // ...

    POST /admin/dataStores/connectionTest

    Attempts to connect to the data store that is specified in the request body. This endpoint requires the "svi.administration.core_metadata" capability.

    Body parameter

      "description": "Example of a Data Store object.",
      "value": {
        "id": 103000,
        "createdBy": "videmo",
        "createdAt": "2018-08-29T12:51:58.254Z",
        "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
        "lastUpdatedAt": "2018-08-29T12:51:58.254Z",
        "name": "MyOracleDatabase",
        "type": "RELATIONAL",
        "defaultSchemaName": "MySchema",
        "version": 0,
        "connectionType": "oracle",
        "host": "",
        "port": "15658",
        "username": "MyUserName",
        "reindexRequired": false,
        "isCasDistributedDataLoadSupported": true,
        "password": "*****",
        "databaseNameOrServiceName": "MyOracleServiceName",
        "schema": "MY_SCHEMA",
        "initialSize": 1,
        "handle": "MyOracleDatabasenRXFB",
        "urlAppendedParameters": "FailoverPreconnect=false;JavaDoubleToString=false",
        "advancedProperties": {
          "ConnectionRetryCount": "5",
          "ConnectionRetryDelay": "1",
          "EnableBulkLoad": "1"
      "x-widdershins-oldRef": "#/components/examples/dataStoreExample"
    Name In Type Required Description
    body body dataStore true The data store object that is used to test the connection.

    Example responses

    400 Response

      "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
      "id": "DH9999",
      "errorCode": 9999,
      "httpStatusCode": 400,
      "details": [
        "See the log for additional details."
      "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
    Status Meaning Description Schema
    204 No Content The connection attempt was successful or connection testing has been disabled via the configuration settings. None
    400 Bad Request Bad request. The possible causes are an invalid database type, an invalid database name, a missing host or port, or the inability to establish a socket connection. The error message and logs should clarify the issue. sasError

    Get the default data store

    Code samples

    # You can also use wget
    curl -X GET \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
      -H 'Accept: application/json'
    const headers = {
      method: 'GET',
      headers: headers
    .then(function(res) {
        return res.json();
    }).then(function(body) {
    import requests
    headers = {
      'Accept': 'application/json'
    r = requests.get('', headers = headers)
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
        headers := map[string][]string{
            "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
        data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
        req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "", data)
        req.Header = headers
        client := &http.Client{}
        resp, err := client.Do(req)
        // ...

    GET /admin/dataStores/default

    Retrieves the default data store. This endpoint requires the "svi.administration.core_metadata" capability.

    Example responses

    200 Response

      "id": 103000,
      "createdBy": "videmo",
      "createdAt": "2018-08-29T12:51:58.254Z",
      "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
      "lastUpdatedAt": "2018-08-29T12:51:58.254Z",
      "name": "MyOracleDatabase",
      "type": "RELATIONAL",
      "defaultSchemaName": "MySchema",
      "version": 0,
      "connectionType": "oracle",
      "host": "",
      "port": "15658",
      "username": "MyUserName",
      "reindexRequired": false,
      "isCasDistributedDataLoadSupported": true,
      "password": "*****",
      "databaseNameOrServiceName": "MyOracleServiceName",
      "schema": "MY_SCHEMA",
      "initialSize": 1,
      "handle": "MyOracleDatabasenRXFB",
      "urlAppendedParameters": "FailoverPreconnect=false;JavaDoubleToString=false",
      "advancedProperties": {
        "ConnectionRetryCount": "5",
        "ConnectionRetryDelay": "1",
        "EnableBulkLoad": "1"
    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK Request succeeded. The default data store object is returned. dataStore

    Gets a list of supported database types

    Code samples

    # You can also use wget
    curl -X GET \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
      -H 'Accept: application/json'
    const headers = {
      method: 'GET',
      headers: headers
    .then(function(res) {
        return res.json();
    }).then(function(body) {
    import requests
    headers = {
      'Accept': 'application/json'
    r = requests.get('', headers = headers)
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
        headers := map[string][]string{
            "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
        data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
        req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "", data)
        req.Header = headers
        client := &http.Client{}
        resp, err := client.Do(req)
        // ...

    GET /admin/dataStores/supportedDatabaseTypes

    Retrieves a list of supported database types. This endpoint requires the "svi.administration.core_metadata" capability.

    Name In Type Required Description
    includeAll query boolean false By default, this operation returns only manageable types. These are the types that you can add/modify/delete in the SAS Visual Investigator Administration user interface. To force all the types to be returned, set this property to true.
    Detailed descriptions

    includeAll: By default, this operation returns only manageable types. These are the types that you can add/modify/delete in the SAS Visual Investigator Administration user interface. To force all the types to be returned, set this property to true.

    Example responses

    200 Response

        "type": "postgres",
        "requiredFields": [
        "type": "oracle",
        "requiredFields": [
        "type": "teradata",
        "requiredFields": [
        "type": "db2",
        "requiredFields": [
        "type": "MySQL",
        "requiredFields": [
        "type": "SQL Server",
        "requiredFields": [
    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK The request succeeded. A list of supported database types is returned. Inline
    Response Schema

    Status Code 200

    Name Type Required Restrictions Description
    anonymous [dataStoreSupportedType] false none [A supported database for a data store.]
    » Data Store Supported Type dataStoreSupportedType false none A supported database for a data store.
    »» type string false none The type of database.
    »» requiredFields [string] false none The required fields for the data store with the database type.
    »» defaultAdditionalFields object false none A map of additional default fields for the data store with the database type.
    »»» additionalProperties object false none none
    »»»» fieldKey string false none none
    »»»» fieldValue string false none none

    Get headers for a data store by ID

    Code samples

    # You can also use wget
    curl -X HEAD{dataStoreId}
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
      method: 'HEAD'
    .then(function(res) {
        return res.json();
    }).then(function(body) {
    import requests
    r = requests.head('{dataStoreId}')
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
        data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
        req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "{dataStoreId}", data)
        req.Header = headers
        client := &http.Client{}
        resp, err := client.Do(req)
        // ...

    HEAD /admin/dataStores/{dataStoreId}

    Retrieves headers for a data store that matches the specified data store ID. The user name and password for the data store (required for the Create operation) are not returned in the response. This endpoint requires the "svi.administration.core_metadata" capability.

    Name In Type Required Description
    dataStoreId path integer true The ID of the data store.
    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK The request succeeded. The data store with the specified ID is returned. If no data store exists with that ID, null is returned. None

    Get a data store by ID

    Code samples

    # You can also use wget
    curl -X GET{dataStoreId} \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
      -H 'Accept: application/json'
    const headers = {
      method: 'GET',
      headers: headers
    .then(function(res) {
        return res.json();
    }).then(function(body) {
    import requests
    headers = {
      'Accept': 'application/json'
    r = requests.get('{dataStoreId}', headers = headers)
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
        headers := map[string][]string{
            "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
        data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
        req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{dataStoreId}", data)
        req.Header = headers
        client := &http.Client{}
        resp, err := client.Do(req)
        // ...

    GET /admin/dataStores/{dataStoreId}

    Retrieves a data store that matches the specified data store ID. The user name and password for the data store (required for the Create operation) are not returned in the response. This endpoint requires the "svi.administration.core_metadata" capability.

    Name In Type Required Description
    dataStoreId path integer true The ID of the data store.

    Example responses

    200 Response

      "id": 103000,
      "createdBy": "videmo",
      "createdAt": "2018-08-29T12:51:58.254Z",
      "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
      "lastUpdatedAt": "2018-08-29T12:51:58.254Z",
      "name": "MyOracleDatabase",
      "type": "RELATIONAL",
      "defaultSchemaName": "MySchema",
      "version": 0,
      "connectionType": "oracle",
      "host": "",
      "port": "15658",
      "username": "MyUserName",
      "reindexRequired": false,
      "isCasDistributedDataLoadSupported": true,
      "password": "*****",
      "databaseNameOrServiceName": "MyOracleServiceName",
      "schema": "MY_SCHEMA",
      "initialSize": 1,
      "handle": "MyOracleDatabasenRXFB",
      "urlAppendedParameters": "FailoverPreconnect=false;JavaDoubleToString=false",
      "advancedProperties": {
        "ConnectionRetryCount": "5",
        "ConnectionRetryDelay": "1",
        "EnableBulkLoad": "1"
    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK The request succeeded. The data store with the specified ID is returned. If no data store exists with that ID, null is returned. dataStore

    Delete a data store by ID

    Code samples

    # You can also use wget
    curl -X DELETE{dataStoreId}
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
      method: 'DELETE'
    .then(function(res) {
        return res.json();
    }).then(function(body) {
    import requests
    r = requests.delete('{dataStoreId}')
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
        data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
        req, err := http.NewRequest("DELETE", "{dataStoreId}", data)
        req.Header = headers
        client := &http.Client{}
        resp, err := client.Do(req)
        // ...

    DELETE /admin/dataStores/{dataStoreId}

    Deletes the data store that matches the specified data store ID. This endpoint requires the "svi.administration.core_metadata" capability.

    Name In Type Required Description
    dataStoreId path integer true The ID of the data store.
    Status Meaning Description Schema
    204 No Content The data store was deleted or there was no data store with the specified ID. None

    Update a data store by ID

    Code samples

    # You can also use wget
    curl -X PUT{dataStoreId} \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -H 'Accept: application/json'
    const inputBody = '{
      "description": "Example of a Data Store object.",
      "value": {
        "id": 103000,
        "createdBy": "videmo",
        "createdAt": "2018-08-29T12:51:58.254Z",
        "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
        "lastUpdatedAt": "2018-08-29T12:51:58.254Z",
        "name": "MyOracleDatabase",
        "type": "RELATIONAL",
        "defaultSchemaName": "MySchema",
        "version": 0,
        "connectionType": "oracle",
        "host": "",
        "port": "15658",
        "username": "MyUserName",
        "reindexRequired": false,
        "isCasDistributedDataLoadSupported": true,
        "password": "*****",
        "databaseNameOrServiceName": "MyOracleServiceName",
        "schema": "MY_SCHEMA",
        "initialSize": 1,
        "handle": "MyOracleDatabasenRXFB",
        "urlAppendedParameters": "FailoverPreconnect=false;JavaDoubleToString=false",
        "advancedProperties": {
          "ConnectionRetryCount": "5",
          "ConnectionRetryDelay": "1",
          "EnableBulkLoad": "1"
      "x-widdershins-oldRef": "#/components/examples/dataStoreExample"
    const headers = {
      method: 'PUT',
      body: inputBody,
      headers: headers
    .then(function(res) {
        return res.json();
    }).then(function(body) {
    import requests
    headers = {
      'Content-Type': 'application/json',
      'Accept': 'application/json'
    r = requests.put('{dataStoreId}', headers = headers)
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
        headers := map[string][]string{
            "Content-Type": []string{"application/json"},
            "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
        data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
        req, err := http.NewRequest("PUT", "{dataStoreId}", data)
        req.Header = headers
        client := &http.Client{}
        resp, err := client.Do(req)
        // ...

    PUT /admin/dataStores/{dataStoreId}

    Updates the data store with the specified ID to the data store definition that is contained in the request body. This endpoint requires the "svi.administration.core_metadata" capability.

    Body parameter

      "description": "Example of a Data Store object.",
      "value": {
        "id": 103000,
        "createdBy": "videmo",
        "createdAt": "2018-08-29T12:51:58.254Z",
        "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
        "lastUpdatedAt": "2018-08-29T12:51:58.254Z",
        "name": "MyOracleDatabase",
        "type": "RELATIONAL",
        "defaultSchemaName": "MySchema",
        "version": 0,
        "connectionType": "oracle",
        "host": "",
        "port": "15658",
        "username": "MyUserName",
        "reindexRequired": false,
        "isCasDistributedDataLoadSupported": true,
        "password": "*****",
        "databaseNameOrServiceName": "MyOracleServiceName",
        "schema": "MY_SCHEMA",
        "initialSize": 1,
        "handle": "MyOracleDatabasenRXFB",
        "urlAppendedParameters": "FailoverPreconnect=false;JavaDoubleToString=false",
        "advancedProperties": {
          "ConnectionRetryCount": "5",
          "ConnectionRetryDelay": "1",
          "EnableBulkLoad": "1"
      "x-widdershins-oldRef": "#/components/examples/dataStoreExample"
    Name In Type Required Description
    dataStoreId path integer true The ID of the data store.
    body body dataStore true The data store object to update the existing data store.

    Example responses

    200 Response

      "id": 103000,
      "createdBy": "videmo",
      "createdAt": "2018-08-29T12:51:58.254Z",
      "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
      "lastUpdatedAt": "2018-08-29T12:51:58.254Z",
      "name": "MyOracleDatabase",
      "type": "RELATIONAL",
      "defaultSchemaName": "MySchema",
      "version": 0,
      "connectionType": "oracle",
      "host": "",
      "port": "15658",
      "username": "MyUserName",
      "reindexRequired": false,
      "isCasDistributedDataLoadSupported": true,
      "password": "*****",
      "databaseNameOrServiceName": "MyOracleServiceName",
      "schema": "MY_SCHEMA",
      "initialSize": 1,
      "handle": "MyOracleDatabasenRXFB",
      "urlAppendedParameters": "FailoverPreconnect=false;JavaDoubleToString=false",
      "advancedProperties": {
        "ConnectionRetryCount": "5",
        "ConnectionRetryDelay": "1",
        "EnableBulkLoad": "1"

    400 Response

      "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
      "id": "DH9999",
      "errorCode": 9999,
      "httpStatusCode": 400,
      "details": [
        "See the log for additional details."
      "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK The request succeeded. The updated data store is returned. dataStore
    400 Bad Request The request was invalid. The error message should clarify the issue. Possible reasons include: - The data store credentials are null in the request body's data store definition. - The data store handle is changed in the request body (this is not allowed). - The name is changed in the request body (this is not allowed). - A property is missing in the request body's data store definition. sasError

    Get headers for all table names from a data store

    Code samples

    # You can also use wget
    curl -X HEAD{dataStoreId}/tables
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
      method: 'HEAD'
    .then(function(res) {
        return res.json();
    }).then(function(body) {
    import requests
    r = requests.head('{dataStoreId}/tables')
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
        data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
        req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "{dataStoreId}/tables", data)
        req.Header = headers
        client := &http.Client{}
        resp, err := client.Do(req)
        // ...

    HEAD /admin/dataStores/{dataStoreId}/tables

    Returns headers for a list of all table names from the data store with the specified ID. This endpoint requires the "svi.administration.core_metadata" capability.

    Name In Type Required Description
    dataStoreId path integer true The ID of the data store from which to get the table names.
    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK The request succeeded. A list of the data store's table names is returned. None
    404 Not Found A data store with the specified ID was not found. None

    Get all table names from a data store

    Code samples

    # You can also use wget
    curl -X GET{dataStoreId}/tables \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
      -H 'Accept: application/json'
    const headers = {
      method: 'GET',
      headers: headers
    .then(function(res) {
        return res.json();
    }).then(function(body) {
    import requests
    headers = {
      'Accept': 'application/json'
    r = requests.get('{dataStoreId}/tables', headers = headers)
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
        headers := map[string][]string{
            "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
        data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
        req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{dataStoreId}/tables", data)
        req.Header = headers
        client := &http.Client{}
        resp, err := client.Do(req)
        // ...

    GET /admin/dataStores/{dataStoreId}/tables

    Returns a list of all table names from the data store with the specified ID. This endpoint requires the "svi.administration.core_metadata" capability.

    Name In Type Required Description
    dataStoreId path integer true The ID of the data store from which to get the table names.

    Example responses

    200 Response


    404 Response

      "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
      "id": "DH9999",
      "errorCode": 9999,
      "httpStatusCode": 400,
      "details": [
        "See the log for additional details."
      "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK The request succeeded. A list of the data store's table names is returned. Inline
    404 Not Found A data store with the specified ID was not found. sasError
    Response Schema

    Get headers for table metadata from a data store

    Code samples

    # You can also use wget
    curl -X HEAD{dataStoreId}/tables/{tableName}
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
      method: 'HEAD'
    .then(function(res) {
        return res.json();
    }).then(function(body) {
    import requests
    r = requests.head('{dataStoreId}/tables/{tableName}')
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
        data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
        req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "{dataStoreId}/tables/{tableName}", data)
        req.Header = headers
        client := &http.Client{}
        resp, err := client.Do(req)
        // ...

    HEAD /admin/dataStores/{dataStoreId}/tables/{tableName}

    Returns headers for table metadata from a data store for the specified data store ID and table name. This endpoint requires the "svi.administration.core_metadata" capability.

    Name In Type Required Description
    dataStoreId path integer true The ID of the data store from which to get the table.
    tableName path string true The name of the table from which to get the metadata.
    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK The request succeeded. The metadata for the table is returned. None
    404 Not Found A data store with the specified ID was not found. None

    Get table metadata from a data store

    Code samples

    # You can also use wget
    curl -X GET{dataStoreId}/tables/{tableName} \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
      -H 'Accept: application/json'
    const headers = {
      method: 'GET',
      headers: headers
    .then(function(res) {
        return res.json();
    }).then(function(body) {
    import requests
    headers = {
      'Accept': 'application/json'
    r = requests.get('{dataStoreId}/tables/{tableName}', headers = headers)
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
        headers := map[string][]string{
            "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
        data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
        req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{dataStoreId}/tables/{tableName}", data)
        req.Header = headers
        client := &http.Client{}
        resp, err := client.Do(req)
        // ...

    GET /admin/dataStores/{dataStoreId}/tables/{tableName}

    Returns table metadata from a data store for the specified data store ID and table name. This endpoint requires the "svi.administration.core_metadata" capability.

    Name In Type Required Description
    dataStoreId path integer true The ID of the data store from which to get the table.
    tableName path string true The name of the table from which to get the metadata.

    Example responses

    200 Response

      "name": "person",
      "schema": "my_schema",
      "type": "TABLE",
      "databaseProductName": "PostgreSQL",
      "columns": [
          "name": "birthday",
          "dataType": "TIMESTAMP",
          "required": false,
          "primaryKeyColumn": false,
          "ordinalPosition": 0,
          "primaryKeySeqNo": 0
          "name": "created_at_dttm",
          "dataType": "TIMESTAMP",
          "required": true,
          "primaryKeyColumn": false,
          "ordinalPosition": 1,
          "primaryKeySeqNo": 0
          "name": "created_by_user_id",
          "dataType": "STRING",
          "length": 255,
          "required": true,
          "primaryKeyColumn": false,
          "ordinalPosition": 2,
          "primaryKeySeqNo": 0
          "name": "first_name",
          "dataType": "STRING",
          "length": 15,
          "required": false,
          "primaryKeyColumn": false,
          "ordinalPosition": 3,
          "primaryKeySeqNo": 0
          "name": "id",
          "dataType": "STRING",
          "length": 36,
          "required": true,
          "primaryKeyColumn": true,
          "ordinalPosition": 5,
          "primaryKeySeqNo": 1
          "name": "last_name",
          "dataType": "STRING",
          "length": 15,
          "required": false,
          "primaryKeyColumn": false,
          "ordinalPosition": 6,
          "primaryKeySeqNo": 0
          "name": "last_updated_at_dttm",
          "dataType": "TIMESTAMP",
          "required": true,
          "primaryKeyColumn": false,
          "ordinalPosition": 7,
          "primaryKeySeqNo": 0
          "name": "last_updated_by_user_id",
          "dataType": "STRING",
          "length": 255,
          "required": true,
          "primaryKeyColumn": false,
          "ordinalPosition": 8,
          "primaryKeySeqNo": 0
          "name": "version",
          "dataType": "LONG",
          "required": true,
          "primaryKeyColumn": false,
          "ordinalPosition": 9,
          "primaryKeySeqNo": 0

    404 Response

      "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
      "id": "DH9999",
      "errorCode": 9999,
      "httpStatusCode": 400,
      "details": [
        "See the log for additional details."
      "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK The request succeeded. The metadata for the table is returned. tableMetadata
    404 Not Found A data store with the specified ID was not found. sasError


    Contains the operations related to documents.

    Create a new internal document

    Code samples

    # You can also use wget
    curl -X POST \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -H 'Accept: application/json'
    const inputBody = '{
      "description": "Example of an Enriched Document object.",
      "value": {
        "objectTypeName": "person",
        "objectTypeId": 100515,
        "objectTypeVersion": 4,
        "id": "2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
        "fieldValues": {
          "birthday": "2020-01-05T00:00:00Z",
          "created_at_dttm": "2020-04-13T19:17:47.84Z",
          "created_by_user_id": "viuser",
          "first_name": "John",
          "id": "2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
          "last_name": "Smith",
          "last_updated_at_dttm": "2020-04-13T19:31:37.097Z",
          "last_updated_by_user_id": "viuser",
          "version": 4
        "createdAt": "2020-04-13T19:17:47.840Z",
        "lastUpdatedAt": "2020-04-13T19:31:37.097Z",
        "validFrom": "2020-01-05T00:00:00.000Z",
        "fieldRestrictions": {
          "person": {
            "ssn": {
              "masked": {
                "currentUserIsAuthorizedToReveal": true
        "sheets": [
            "id": 201,
            "type": "WORKSHEET",
            "name": "Workspace-1",
            "version": 2,
            "created": "2020-04-13T19:27:08.105Z",
            "createdBy": "viuser",
            "lastModified": "2020-04-13T19:27:26.175Z",
            "lastModifiedBy": "viuser",
            "tabOrder": 0,
            "uxState": {
              "commonToolPane": {
                "expanded": true,
                "width": 340
              "filterPanel": {
                "expanded": true,
                "width": 200
            "cells": [
                "type": "LIVE",
                "id": 301,
                "row": 0,
                "position": 0,
                "height": 0,
                "width": 0,
                "version": 1,
                "documents": [
                    "type": "person",
                    "id": "2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
                    "uniqueId": "person#2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d"
                    "type": "person",
                    "id": "ba0f8afd-b6e0-4763-91a8-9c6810d0156b",
                    "uniqueId": "person#ba0f8afd-b6e0-4763-91a8-9c6810d0156b"
                "visualizationType": "Network",
                "resultsPerPage": 0,
                "networkData": {
                  "links": [],
                  "nodes": {
                    "person~2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d": {
                      "id": "person~2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
                      "transitionStart": {
                        "x": 667,
                        "y": 206.5
                      "type": "person",
                      "typeLabel": "Person",
                      "x": 711.99394815911,
                      "y": 220.234232742122
                    "person~ba0f8afd-b6e0-4763-91a8-9c6810d0156b": {
                      "id": "person~ba0f8afd-b6e0-4763-91a8-9c6810d0156b",
                      "transitionStart": {
                        "x": 339.81315560960843,
                        "y": 106.62745147130762
                      "type": "person",
                      "typeLabel": "Person",
                      "x": 621.6305200034983,
                      "y": 192.65113758282533
                  "numNodes": 2,
                  "options": {
                    "activeNodes": false,
                    "centralityType": null,
                    "displayableTransactionType": null,
                    "groupCtr": 1,
                    "layout": {
                      "charge": 25,
                      "linkDistance": 130,
                      "linkStrength": 0.4,
                      "velocityDecay": 0.45
                    "nodeCtr": 1,
                    "scale": 2.0766116941529233,
                    "showLegend": true,
                    "showLinkLabels": false,
                    "showNodeAnnotation": true,
                    "showNodeLabels": true,
                    "showTimeline": false,
                    "showTransactionDetails": false,
                    "showTransactionLinks": false,
                    "toolsPane": {
                      "activeTool": "Object Inspector",
                      "open": true
                    "transactionTypeIndex": 0,
                    "translate": [
        "comments": [
            "id": 1,
            "author": {
              "id": "viuser",
              "name": "Test viuser"
            "createDate": "2020-04-13T19:18:05.087Z",
            "lastUpdatedAt": "2020-04-13T19:18:05.087Z",
            "lastUpdatedBy": "viuser",
            "detail": "Sample comment<br />"
        "attachmentsCount": 2,
        "x-widdershins-oldRef": "#/components/examples/enrichedDocumentExample/value"
      "x-widdershins-oldRef": "#/components/examples/enrichedDocumentExample"
    const headers = {
      method: 'POST',
      body: inputBody,
      headers: headers
    .then(function(res) {
        return res.json();
    }).then(function(body) {
    import requests
    headers = {
      'Content-Type': 'application/json',
      'Accept': 'application/json'
    r ='', headers = headers)
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
        headers := map[string][]string{
            "Content-Type": []string{"application/json"},
            "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
        data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
        req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "", data)
        req.Header = headers
        client := &http.Client{}
        resp, err := client.Do(req)
        // ...

    POST /documents

    Create a new internal document. If child documents are included in the request body, new child documents are also created.

    Body parameter

      "description": "Example of an Enriched Document object.",
      "value": {
        "objectTypeName": "person",
        "objectTypeId": 100515,
        "objectTypeVersion": 4,
        "id": "2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
        "fieldValues": {
          "birthday": "2020-01-05T00:00:00Z",
          "created_at_dttm": "2020-04-13T19:17:47.84Z",
          "created_by_user_id": "viuser",
          "first_name": "John",
          "id": "2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
          "last_name": "Smith",
          "last_updated_at_dttm": "2020-04-13T19:31:37.097Z",
          "last_updated_by_user_id": "viuser",
          "version": 4
        "createdAt": "2020-04-13T19:17:47.840Z",
        "lastUpdatedAt": "2020-04-13T19:31:37.097Z",
        "validFrom": "2020-01-05T00:00:00.000Z",
        "fieldRestrictions": {
          "person": {
            "ssn": {
              "masked": {
                "currentUserIsAuthorizedToReveal": true
        "sheets": [
            "id": 201,
            "type": "WORKSHEET",
            "name": "Workspace-1",
            "version": 2,
            "created": "2020-04-13T19:27:08.105Z",
            "createdBy": "viuser",
            "lastModified": "2020-04-13T19:27:26.175Z",
            "lastModifiedBy": "viuser",
            "tabOrder": 0,
            "uxState": {
              "commonToolPane": {
                "expanded": true,
                "width": 340
              "filterPanel": {
                "expanded": true,
                "width": 200
            "cells": [
                "type": "LIVE",
                "id": 301,
                "row": 0,
                "position": 0,
                "height": 0,
                "width": 0,
                "version": 1,
                "documents": [
                    "type": "person",
                    "id": "2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
                    "uniqueId": "person#2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d"
                    "type": "person",
                    "id": "ba0f8afd-b6e0-4763-91a8-9c6810d0156b",
                    "uniqueId": "person#ba0f8afd-b6e0-4763-91a8-9c6810d0156b"
                "visualizationType": "Network",
                "resultsPerPage": 0,
                "networkData": {
                  "links": [],
                  "nodes": {
                    "person~2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d": {
                      "id": "person~2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
                      "transitionStart": {
                        "x": 667,
                        "y": 206.5
                      "type": "person",
                      "typeLabel": "Person",
                      "x": 711.99394815911,
                      "y": 220.234232742122
                    "person~ba0f8afd-b6e0-4763-91a8-9c6810d0156b": {
                      "id": "person~ba0f8afd-b6e0-4763-91a8-9c6810d0156b",
                      "transitionStart": {
                        "x": 339.81315560960843,
                        "y": 106.62745147130762
                      "type": "person",
                      "typeLabel": "Person",
                      "x": 621.6305200034983,
                      "y": 192.65113758282533
                  "numNodes": 2,
                  "options": {
                    "activeNodes": false,
                    "centralityType": null,
                    "displayableTransactionType": null,
                    "groupCtr": 1,
                    "layout": {
                      "charge": 25,
                      "linkDistance": 130,
                      "linkStrength": 0.4,
                      "velocityDecay": 0.45
                    "nodeCtr": 1,
                    "scale": 2.0766116941529233,
                    "showLegend": true,
                    "showLinkLabels": false,
                    "showNodeAnnotation": true,
                    "showNodeLabels": true,
                    "showTimeline": false,
                    "showTransactionDetails": false,
                    "showTransactionLinks": false,
                    "toolsPane": {
                      "activeTool": "Object Inspector",
                      "open": true
                    "transactionTypeIndex": 0,
                    "translate": [
        "comments": [
            "id": 1,
            "author": {
              "id": "viuser",
              "name": "Test viuser"
            "createDate": "2020-04-13T19:18:05.087Z",
            "lastUpdatedAt": "2020-04-13T19:18:05.087Z",
            "lastUpdatedBy": "viuser",
            "detail": "Sample comment<br />"
        "attachmentsCount": 2,
        "x-widdershins-oldRef": "#/components/examples/enrichedDocumentExample/value"
      "x-widdershins-oldRef": "#/components/examples/enrichedDocumentExample"
    Name In Type Required Description
    _operation query string false When this query parameter is set to CREATE_AND_LINK, the request body contains both an enriched document and a link. Both the enriched document and the link are created in one operation. In this case, the client can set the Accept header of this request to application/ If it does, any masked data in the response will be replaced with dots. Otherwise, masked data in the response is omitted.
    body body enrichedDocument false The document to be created.
    Detailed descriptions

    _operation: When this query parameter is set to CREATE_AND_LINK, the request body contains both an enriched document and a link. Both the enriched document and the link are created in one operation. In this case, the client can set the Accept header of this request to application/ If it does, any masked data in the response will be replaced with dots. Otherwise, masked data in the response is omitted.

    Enumerated Values
    Parameter Value
    _operation CREATE_AND_LINK

    Example responses

    Example of an Enriched Document object.

      "objectTypeName": "person",
      "objectTypeId": 100515,
      "objectTypeVersion": 4,
      "id": "2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
      "fieldValues": {
        "birthday": "2020-01-05T00:00:00Z",
        "created_at_dttm": "2020-04-13T19:17:47.84Z",
        "created_by_user_id": "viuser",
        "first_name": "John",
        "id": "2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
        "last_name": "Smith",
        "last_updated_at_dttm": "2020-04-13T19:31:37.097Z",
        "last_updated_by_user_id": "viuser",
        "version": 4
      "createdAt": "2020-04-13T19:17:47.840Z",
      "lastUpdatedAt": "2020-04-13T19:31:37.097Z",
      "validFrom": "2020-01-05T00:00:00.000Z",
      "fieldRestrictions": {
        "person": {
          "ssn": {
            "masked": {
              "currentUserIsAuthorizedToReveal": true
      "sheets": [
          "id": 201,
          "type": "WORKSHEET",
          "name": "Workspace-1",
          "version": 2,
          "created": "2020-04-13T19:27:08.105Z",
          "createdBy": "viuser",
          "lastModified": "2020-04-13T19:27:26.175Z",
          "lastModifiedBy": "viuser",
          "tabOrder": 0,
          "uxState": {
            "commonToolPane": {
              "expanded": true,
              "width": 340
            "filterPanel": {
              "expanded": true,
              "width": 200
          "cells": [
              "type": "LIVE",
              "id": 301,
              "row": 0,
              "position": 0,
              "height": 0,
              "width": 0,
              "version": 1,
              "documents": [
                  "type": "person",
                  "id": "2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
                  "uniqueId": "person#2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d"
                  "type": "person",
                  "id": "ba0f8afd-b6e0-4763-91a8-9c6810d0156b",
                  "uniqueId": "person#ba0f8afd-b6e0-4763-91a8-9c6810d0156b"
              "visualizationType": "Network",
              "resultsPerPage": 0,
              "networkData": {
                "links": [],
                "nodes": {
                  "person~2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d": {
                    "id": "person~2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
                    "transitionStart": {
                      "x": 667,
                      "y": 206.5
                    "type": "person",
                    "typeLabel": "Person",
                    "x": 711.99394815911,
                    "y": 220.234232742122
                  "person~ba0f8afd-b6e0-4763-91a8-9c6810d0156b": {
                    "id": "person~ba0f8afd-b6e0-4763-91a8-9c6810d0156b",
                    "transitionStart": {
                      "x": 339.81315560960843,
                      "y": 106.62745147130762
                    "type": "person",
                    "typeLabel": "Person",
                    "x": 621.6305200034983,
                    "y": 192.65113758282533
                "numNodes": 2,
                "options": {
                  "activeNodes": false,
                  "centralityType": null,
                  "displayableTransactionType": null,
                  "groupCtr": 1,
                  "layout": {
                    "charge": 25,
                    "linkDistance": 130,
                    "linkStrength": 0.4,
                    "velocityDecay": 0.45
                  "nodeCtr": 1,
                  "scale": 2.0766116941529233,
                  "showLegend": true,
                  "showLinkLabels": false,
                  "showNodeAnnotation": true,
                  "showNodeLabels": true,
                  "showTimeline": false,
                  "showTransactionDetails": false,
                  "showTransactionLinks": false,
                  "toolsPane": {
                    "activeTool": "Object Inspector",
                    "open": true
                  "transactionTypeIndex": 0,
                  "translate": [
      "comments": [
          "id": 1,
          "author": {
            "id": "viuser",
            "name": "Test viuser"
          "createDate": "2020-04-13T19:18:05.087Z",
          "lastUpdatedAt": "2020-04-13T19:18:05.087Z",
          "lastUpdatedBy": "viuser",
          "detail": "Sample comment<br />"
      "attachmentsCount": 2

    Example of a Document and Link Bundle

      "document": {
        "objectTypeName": "person",
        "objectTypeId": 100515,
        "objectTypeVersion": 4,
        "id": "2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
        "fieldValues": {
          "birthday": "2020-01-05T00:00:00Z",
          "created_at_dttm": "2020-04-13T19:17:47.84Z",
          "created_by_user_id": "viuser",
          "first_name": "John",
          "id": "2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
          "last_name": "Smith",
          "last_updated_at_dttm": "2020-04-13T19:31:37.097Z",
          "last_updated_by_user_id": "viuser",
          "version": 4
        "fieldRestrictions": {
          "person": {
            "ssn": {
              "masked": {
                "currentUserIsAuthorizedToReveal": true
        "createdAt": "2020-04-13T19:17:47.840Z",
        "lastUpdatedAt": "2020-04-13T19:31:37.097Z",
        "validFrom": "2020-01-05T00:00:00.000Z",
        "sheets": [
            "id": 201,
            "type": "WORKSHEET",
            "name": "Workspace-1",
            "version": 2,
            "created": "2020-04-13T19:27:08.105Z",
            "createdBy": "viuser",
            "lastModified": "2020-04-13T19:27:26.175Z",
            "lastModifiedBy": "viuser",
            "tabOrder": 0,
            "uxState": {
              "commonToolPane": {
                "expanded": true,
                "width": 340
              "filterPanel": {
                "expanded": true,
                "width": 200
            "cells": [
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                "id": 301,
                "row": 0,
                "position": 0,
                "height": 0,
                "width": 0,
                "version": 1,
                "documents": [
                    "type": "person",
                    "id": "2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
                    "uniqueId": "person#2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d"
                    "type": "person",
                    "id": "ba0f8afd-b6e0-4763-91a8-9c6810d0156b",
                    "uniqueId": "person#ba0f8afd-b6e0-4763-91a8-9c6810d0156b"
                "visualizationType": "Network",
                "resultsPerPage": 0,
                "networkData": {
                  "links": [],
                  "nodes": {
                    "person~2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d": {
                      "id": "person~2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
                      "transitionStart": {
                        "x": 667,
                        "y": 206.5
                      "type": "person",
                      "typeLabel": "Person",
                      "x": 711.99394815911,
                      "y": 220.234232742122
                    "person~ba0f8afd-b6e0-4763-91a8-9c6810d0156b": {
                      "id": "person~ba0f8afd-b6e0-4763-91a8-9c6810d0156b",
                      "transitionStart": {
                        "x": 339.81315560960843,
                        "y": 106.62745147130762
                      "type": "person",
                      "typeLabel": "Person",
                      "x": 621.6305200034983,
                      "y": 192.65113758282533
                  "numNodes": 2,
                  "options": {
                    "activeNodes": false,
                    "centralityType": null,
                    "displayableTransactionType": null,
                    "groupCtr": 1,
                    "layout": {
                      "charge": 25,
                      "linkDistance": 130,
                      "linkStrength": 0.4,
                      "velocityDecay": 0.45
                    "nodeCtr": 1,
                    "scale": 2.0766116941529233,
                    "showLegend": true,
                    "showLinkLabels": false,
                    "showNodeAnnotation": true,
                    "showNodeLabels": true,
                    "showTimeline": false,
                    "showTransactionDetails": false,
                    "showTransactionLinks": false,
                    "toolsPane": {
                      "activeTool": "Object Inspector",
                      "open": true
                    "transactionTypeIndex": 0,
                    "translate": [
        "comments": [
            "id": 1,
            "author": {
              "id": "viuser",
              "name": "Test viuser"
            "createDate": "2020-04-13T19:18:05.087Z",
            "lastUpdatedAt": "2020-04-13T19:18:05.087Z",
            "lastUpdatedBy": "viuser",
            "detail": "Sample comment<br />"
        "attachmentsCount": 2
      "documentLink": {
        "relationshipTypeName": "witnessed_by",
        "relationshipTypeVersion": 1,
        "relationshipTypeLabel": "Witnessed by",
        "id": "witnessed_by|_|intel_report|_|person|_|e5343e0e-3d68-11e8-b467-0ed5f89f718b",
        "createdAt": "2015-10-01T18:30:03.656Z",
        "lastUpdatedAt": "2015-10-01T18:30:03.656Z",
        "displayLabel": "Witnessed by",
        "fromObjectTypeName": "intel_report",
        "fromObjectTypeVersion": 3,
        "fromObjectId": "uuid_502",
        "fromObjectDisplayLabel": "John Smith",
        "toObjectTypeName": "person",
        "toObjectTypeVersion": 6,
        "toObjectId": "uuid_102",
        "toObjectDisplayLabel": "John Smith",
        "fieldValues": {
          "auto_generated_sk": "e5343e0e-3d68-11e8-b467-0ed5f89f718b",
          "created_at_dttm": "2015-10-01T18:30:03.656Z",
          "created_by_user_id": "unit_test",
          "intelReportId": "uuid_502",
          "last_updated_at_dttm": "2015-10-01T18:30:03.656Z",
          "last_updated_by_user_id": "unit_test",
          "personId": "uuid_102",
          "version": 1
        "qualifiedTypeName": "intel_report__witnessed_by"

    201 Response

    400 Response

      "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
      "id": "DH9999",
      "errorCode": 9999,
      "httpStatusCode": 400,
      "details": [
        "See the log for additional details."
      "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
    Status Meaning Description Schema
    201 Created The internal document was created. maskedDocumentAndLink
    400 Bad Request The request was invalid. sasError
    Response Headers
    Status Header Type Format Description
    201 Location string The URI of the newly created document.

    Get headers for a collection of documents by entity type

    Code samples

    # You can also use wget
    curl -X HEAD{entityTypeName} \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
      -H 'Accept-Item: application/json'
    const headers = {
      method: 'HEAD',
      headers: headers
    .then(function(res) {
        return res.json();
    }).then(function(body) {
    import requests
    headers = {
      'Accept-Item': 'application/json'
    r = requests.head('{entityTypeName}', headers = headers)
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
        headers := map[string][]string{
            "Accept-Item": []string{"application/json"},
        data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
        req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "{entityTypeName}", data)
        req.Header = headers
        client := &http.Client{}
        resp, err := client.Do(req)
        // ...

    HEAD /documents/{entityTypeName}

    Gets headers for a collection of documents for the specified entity type. To filter the collection of documents, submit a GET via POST request.

    Name In Type Required Description
    Accept-Item header string false The media type that the client accepts for items within the response collection.
    entityTypeName path string true The name of the entity type to which the document belongs.
    start query integer false The starting index of the first document in a page.
    limit query integer false The maximum number of documents to return in this page of results. The actual number of returned documents is fewer if the collection is exhausted.
    depth query string false The depth of child documents to return. The value can be either:
      includeDisplayLabel query boolean false Indicates whether to generate and include the display label in the document.
      Detailed descriptions

      limit: The maximum number of documents to return in this page of results. The actual number of returned documents is fewer if the collection is exhausted.

      depth: The depth of child documents to return. The value can be either:

      Enumerated Values
      Parameter Value
      Accept-Item application/json
      Accept-Item application/
      Accept-Item application/
      Accept-Item application/
      Accept-Item application/
      Accept-Item application/
      Accept-Item application/
      Status Meaning Description Schema
      200 OK The request succeeded. None
      404 Not Found The entity type was not found. None
      415 Unsupported Media Type The endpoint cannot produce collection items of the type specified in the Accept-Item header. None

      Get a collection of documents by entity type

      Code samples

      # You can also use wget
      curl -X GET{entityTypeName} \
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
        -H 'Accept: application/json' \
        -H 'Accept-Item: application/json'
      const headers = {
        method: 'GET',
        headers: headers
      .then(function(res) {
          return res.json();
      }).then(function(body) {
      import requests
      headers = {
        'Accept': 'application/json',
        'Accept-Item': 'application/json'
      r = requests.get('{entityTypeName}', headers = headers)
      package main
      import (
      func main() {
          headers := map[string][]string{
              "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
              "Accept-Item": []string{"application/json"},
          data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
          req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{entityTypeName}", data)
          req.Header = headers
          client := &http.Client{}
          resp, err := client.Do(req)
          // ...

      GET /documents/{entityTypeName}

      Gets a collection of documents for the specified entity type. To filter the collection of documents, submit a GET via POST request.

      Name In Type Required Description
      Accept-Item header string false The media type that the client accepts for items within the response collection.
      entityTypeName path string true The name of the entity type to which the document belongs.
      start query integer false The starting index of the first document in a page.
      limit query integer false The maximum number of documents to return in this page of results. The actual number of returned documents is fewer if the collection is exhausted.
      depth query string false The depth of child documents to return. The value can be either:
        includeDisplayLabel query boolean false Indicates whether to generate and include the display label in the document.
        Detailed descriptions

        limit: The maximum number of documents to return in this page of results. The actual number of returned documents is fewer if the collection is exhausted.

        depth: The depth of child documents to return. The value can be either:

        Enumerated Values
        Parameter Value
        Accept-Item application/json
        Accept-Item application/
        Accept-Item application/
        Accept-Item application/
        Accept-Item application/
        Accept-Item application/
        Accept-Item application/

        Example responses

        Example of a collection of Enriched Documents.

            "objectTypeName": "person",
            "objectTypeId": 100515,
            "objectTypeVersion": 4,
            "id": "2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
            "fieldValues": {
              "birthday": "2020-01-05T00:00:00Z",
              "created_at_dttm": "2020-04-13T19:17:47.84Z",
              "created_by_user_id": "viuser",
              "first_name": "John",
              "id": "2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
              "last_name": "Smith",
              "last_updated_at_dttm": "2020-04-13T19:31:37.097Z",
              "last_updated_by_user_id": "viuser",
              "version": 4
            "createdAt": "2020-04-13T19:17:47.840Z",
            "lastUpdatedAt": "2020-04-13T19:31:37.097Z",
            "validFrom": "2020-01-05T00:00:00.000Z",
            "fieldRestrictions": {
              "person": {
                "ssn": {
                  "masked": {
                    "currentUserIsAuthorizedToReveal": true
            "sheets": [
                "id": 201,
                "type": "WORKSHEET",
                "name": "Workspace-1",
                "version": 2,
                "created": "2020-04-13T19:27:08.105Z",
                "createdBy": "viuser",
                "lastModified": "2020-04-13T19:27:26.175Z",
                "lastModifiedBy": "viuser",
                "tabOrder": 0,
                "uxState": {
                  "commonToolPane": {
                    "expanded": true,
                    "width": 340
                  "filterPanel": {
                    "expanded": true,
                    "width": 200
                "cells": [
                    "type": "LIVE",
                    "id": 301,
                    "row": 0,
                    "position": 0,
                    "height": 0,
                    "width": 0,
                    "version": 1,
                    "documents": [
                        "type": "person",
                        "id": "2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
                        "uniqueId": "person#2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d"
                        "type": "person",
                        "id": "ba0f8afd-b6e0-4763-91a8-9c6810d0156b",
                        "uniqueId": "person#ba0f8afd-b6e0-4763-91a8-9c6810d0156b"
                    "visualizationType": "Network",
                    "resultsPerPage": 0,
                    "networkData": {
                      "links": [],
                      "nodes": {
                        "person~2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d": {
                          "id": "person~2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
                          "transitionStart": {
                            "x": 667,
                            "y": 206.5
                          "type": "person",
                          "typeLabel": "Person",
                          "x": 711.99394815911,
                          "y": 220.234232742122
                        "person~ba0f8afd-b6e0-4763-91a8-9c6810d0156b": {
                          "id": "person~ba0f8afd-b6e0-4763-91a8-9c6810d0156b",
                          "transitionStart": {
                            "x": 339.81315560960843,
                            "y": 106.62745147130762
                          "type": "person",
                          "typeLabel": "Person",
                          "x": 621.6305200034983,
                          "y": 192.65113758282533
                      "numNodes": 2,
                      "options": {
                        "activeNodes": false,
                        "centralityType": null,
                        "displayableTransactionType": null,
                        "groupCtr": 1,
                        "layout": {
                          "charge": 25,
                          "linkDistance": 130,
                          "linkStrength": 0.4,
                          "velocityDecay": 0.45
                        "nodeCtr": 1,
                        "scale": 2.0766116941529233,
                        "showLegend": true,
                        "showLinkLabels": false,
                        "showNodeAnnotation": true,
                        "showNodeLabels": true,
                        "showTimeline": false,
                        "showTransactionDetails": false,
                        "showTransactionLinks": false,
                        "toolsPane": {
                          "activeTool": "Object Inspector",
                          "open": true
                        "transactionTypeIndex": 0,
                        "translate": [
            "comments": [
                "id": 1,
                "author": {
                  "id": "viuser",
                  "name": "Test viuser"
                "createDate": "2020-04-13T19:18:05.087Z",
                "lastUpdatedAt": "2020-04-13T19:18:05.087Z",
                "lastUpdatedBy": "viuser",
                "detail": "Sample comment<br />"
            "attachmentsCount": 2

        Example of a collection of Masked Enriched Documents.

            "objectTypeName": "person",
            "objectTypeId": 100515,
            "objectTypeVersion": 4,
            "id": "2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
            "fieldValues": {
              "birthday": "2020-01-05T00:00:00Z",
              "created_at_dttm": "2020-04-13T19:17:47.84Z",
              "created_by_user_id": "viuser",
              "first_name": "John",
              "id": "2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
              "last_name": "Smith",
              "ssn": "•••••••••",
              "last_updated_at_dttm": "2020-04-13T19:31:37.097Z",
              "last_updated_by_user_id": "viuser",
              "version": 4
            "createdAt": "2020-04-13T19:17:47.840Z",
            "lastUpdatedAt": "2020-04-13T19:31:37.097Z",
            "validFrom": "2020-01-05T00:00:00.000Z",
            "fieldRestrictions": {
              "person": {
                "ssn": {
                  "masked": {
                    "currentUserIsAuthorizedToReveal": true
            "sheets": [
                "id": 201,
                "type": "WORKSHEET",
                "name": "Workspace-1",
                "version": 2,
                "created": "2020-04-13T19:27:08.105Z",
                "createdBy": "viuser",
                "lastModified": "2020-04-13T19:27:26.175Z",
                "lastModifiedBy": "viuser",
                "tabOrder": 0,
                "uxState": {
                  "commonToolPane": {
                    "expanded": true,
                    "width": 340
                  "filterPanel": {
                    "expanded": true,
                    "width": 200
                "cells": [
                    "type": "LIVE",
                    "id": 301,
                    "row": 0,
                    "position": 0,
                    "height": 0,
                    "width": 0,
                    "version": 1,
                    "documents": [
                        "type": "person",
                        "id": "2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
                        "uniqueId": "person#2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d"
                        "type": "person",
                        "id": "ba0f8afd-b6e0-4763-91a8-9c6810d0156b",
                        "uniqueId": "person#ba0f8afd-b6e0-4763-91a8-9c6810d0156b"
                    "visualizationType": "Network",
                    "resultsPerPage": 0,
                    "networkData": {
                      "links": [],
                      "nodes": {
                        "person~2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d": {
                          "id": "person~2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
                          "transitionStart": {
                            "x": 667,
                            "y": 206.5
                          "type": "person",
                          "typeLabel": "Person",
                          "x": 711.99394815911,
                          "y": 220.234232742122
                        "person~ba0f8afd-b6e0-4763-91a8-9c6810d0156b": {
                          "id": "person~ba0f8afd-b6e0-4763-91a8-9c6810d0156b",
                          "transitionStart": {
                            "x": 339.81315560960843,
                            "y": 106.62745147130762
                          "type": "person",
                          "typeLabel": "Person",
                          "x": 621.6305200034983,
                          "y": 192.65113758282533
                      "numNodes": 2,
                      "options": {
                        "activeNodes": false,
                        "centralityType": null,
                        "displayableTransactionType": null,
                        "groupCtr": 1,
                        "layout": {
                          "charge": 25,
                          "linkDistance": 130,
                          "linkStrength": 0.4,
                          "velocityDecay": 0.45
                        "nodeCtr": 1,
                        "scale": 2.0766116941529233,
                        "showLegend": true,
                        "showLinkLabels": false,
                        "showNodeAnnotation": true,
                        "showNodeLabels": true,
                        "showTimeline": false,
                        "showTransactionDetails": false,
                        "showTransactionLinks": false,
                        "toolsPane": {
                          "activeTool": "Object Inspector",
                          "open": true
                        "transactionTypeIndex": 0,
                        "translate": [
            "comments": [
                "id": 1,
                "author": {
                  "id": "viuser",
                  "name": "Test viuser"
                "createDate": "2020-04-13T19:18:05.087Z",
                "lastUpdatedAt": "2020-04-13T19:18:05.087Z",
                "lastUpdatedBy": "viuser",
                "detail": "Sample comment<br />"
            "attachmentsCount": 2

        Example of a collection of Minimally-Masked Enriched Documents.

            "objectTypeName": "person",
            "objectTypeId": 100515,
            "objectTypeVersion": 4,
            "id": "2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
            "fieldValues": {
              "birthday": "2020-01-05T00:00:00Z",
              "created_at_dttm": "2020-04-13T19:17:47.84Z",
              "created_by_user_id": "viuser",
              "first_name": "John",
              "id": "2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
              "last_name": "Smith",
              "ssn": "123456789",
              "last_updated_at_dttm": "2020-04-13T19:31:37.097Z",
              "last_updated_by_user_id": "viuser",
              "version": 4
            "createdAt": "2020-04-13T19:17:47.840Z",
            "lastUpdatedAt": "2020-04-13T19:31:37.097Z",
            "validFrom": "2020-01-05T00:00:00.000Z",
            "fieldRestrictions": {
              "person": {
                "ssn": {
                  "masked": {
                    "currentUserIsAuthorizedToReveal": true
            "sheets": [
                "id": 201,
                "type": "WORKSHEET",
                "name": "Workspace-1",
                "version": 2,
                "created": "2020-04-13T19:27:08.105Z",
                "createdBy": "viuser",
                "lastModified": "2020-04-13T19:27:26.175Z",
                "lastModifiedBy": "viuser",
                "tabOrder": 0,
                "uxState": {
                  "commonToolPane": {
                    "expanded": true,
                    "width": 340
                  "filterPanel": {
                    "expanded": true,
                    "width": 200
                "cells": [
                    "type": "LIVE",
                    "id": 301,
                    "row": 0,
                    "position": 0,
                    "height": 0,
                    "width": 0,
                    "version": 1,
                    "documents": [
                        "type": "person",
                        "id": "2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
                        "uniqueId": "person#2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d"
                        "type": "person",
                        "id": "ba0f8afd-b6e0-4763-91a8-9c6810d0156b",
                        "uniqueId": "person#ba0f8afd-b6e0-4763-91a8-9c6810d0156b"
                    "visualizationType": "Network",
                    "resultsPerPage": 0,
                    "networkData": {
                      "links": [],
                      "nodes": {
                        "person~2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d": {
                          "id": "person~2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
                          "transitionStart": {
                            "x": 667,
                            "y": 206.5
                          "type": "person",
                          "typeLabel": "Person",
                          "x": 711.99394815911,
                          "y": 220.234232742122
                        "person~ba0f8afd-b6e0-4763-91a8-9c6810d0156b": {
                          "id": "person~ba0f8afd-b6e0-4763-91a8-9c6810d0156b",
                          "transitionStart": {
                            "x": 339.81315560960843,
                            "y": 106.62745147130762
                          "type": "person",
                          "typeLabel": "Person",
                          "x": 621.6305200034983,
                          "y": 192.65113758282533
                      "numNodes": 2,
                      "options": {
                        "activeNodes": false,
                        "centralityType": null,
                        "displayableTransactionType": null,
                        "groupCtr": 1,
                        "layout": {
                          "charge": 25,
                          "linkDistance": 130,
                          "linkStrength": 0.4,
                          "velocityDecay": 0.45
                        "nodeCtr": 1,
                        "scale": 2.0766116941529233,
                        "showLegend": true,
                        "showLinkLabels": false,
                        "showNodeAnnotation": true,
                        "showNodeLabels": true,
                        "showTimeline": false,
                        "showTransactionDetails": false,
                        "showTransactionLinks": false,
                        "toolsPane": {
                          "activeTool": "Object Inspector",
                          "open": true
                        "transactionTypeIndex": 0,
                        "translate": [
            "comments": [
                "id": 1,
                "author": {
                  "id": "viuser",
                  "name": "Test viuser"
                "createDate": "2020-04-13T19:18:05.087Z",
                "lastUpdatedAt": "2020-04-13T19:18:05.087Z",
                "lastUpdatedBy": "viuser",
                "detail": "Sample comment<br />"
            "attachmentsCount": 2

        404 Response

          "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
          "id": "DH9999",
          "errorCode": 9999,
          "httpStatusCode": 400,
          "details": [
            "See the log for additional details."
          "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."

        415 Response

          "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
          "id": "DH9999",
          "errorCode": 9999,
          "httpStatusCode": 400,
          "details": [
            "See the log for additional details."
          "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
        Status Meaning Description Schema
        200 OK The request succeeded. Inline
        404 Not Found The entity type was not found. sasError
        415 Unsupported Media Type The endpoint cannot produce collection items of the type specified in the Accept-Item header. sasError
        Response Schema
        Enumerated Values
        Property Value
        type WORKSHEET
        type NOTESHEET
        type LIVE
        type STATIC
        type IMAGE
        type TEXT
        fieldDataType REFERENCE_DATA
        fieldDataType USER_GROUP
        fieldDataType BOOLEAN
        fieldDataType STRING
        fieldDataType SMALLINT
        fieldDataType INTEGER
        fieldDataType LONG
        fieldDataType FLOAT
        fieldDataType DOUBLE
        fieldDataType NUMERIC
        fieldDataType DATE
        fieldDataType TIMESTAMP
        fieldDataType TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIME_ZONE
        fieldDataType JSON
        userSelectionStrategy USERS
        userSelectionStrategy GROUPS
        userSelectionStrategy USERS_AND_GROUPS

        Filter a collection of documents

        Code samples

        # You can also use wget
        curl -X POST{entityTypeName} \
          -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
          -H 'Content-Type: application/' \
          -H 'Accept: application/json' \
          -H 'Accept-Item: application/json'
        const inputBody = '{
          "filter": "string",
          "start": 0,
          "limit": 20,
          "depth": 0,
          "includeDisplayLabel": false,
          "sortBy": "first_name:ascending;last_name:descending"
        const headers = {
          method: 'POST',
          body: inputBody,
          headers: headers
        .then(function(res) {
            return res.json();
        }).then(function(body) {
        import requests
        headers = {
          'Content-Type': 'application/',
          'Accept': 'application/json',
          'Accept-Item': 'application/json'
        r ='{entityTypeName}', headers = headers)
        package main
        import (
        func main() {
            headers := map[string][]string{
                "Content-Type": []string{"application/"},
                "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                "Accept-Item": []string{"application/json"},
            data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
            req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "{entityTypeName}", data)
            req.Header = headers
            client := &http.Client{}
            resp, err := client.Do(req)
            // ...

        POST /documents/{entityTypeName}

        Filters a collection of documents by document ID or by using a custom filter. The type of filtering determines the media types to specify in the Content-Type header. This endpoint is a GET via POST. The reasoning for why a POST is needed is specified for each type of request.

        The client can specify the type of document returned in the Accept-Item header for both types of requests. The options are:

        Enriched documents are the document plus sheets (i.e, workspaces) and comments. A regular document does not include the enrichment data. Getting enriched documents is potentially less efficient than getting a document. You should use "application/" unless the enrichment data is required.

        Specifying "application/json" in a header indicates that the client would like to use the default media type for that header. The default media types for this endpoint are:

        HTTP Header Value in header Value interpreted by server
        Content-Type application/json application/
        Accept application/json application/
        Accept-Item application/json application/

        Using the default value for the Content-Type header means that the user is making a Document Filter request. Document Filter requests are requests for collections of documents that use a custom filter.

        The default item type returned is an enriched document for legacy reasons.

        Custom filter (Document Filter Request)

        Filter a collection of documents given the type and a filter string. This is a GET via POST request. The endpoint uses this design to keep the values used for filtering (the value of the "filter" property) from being logged.

        This request must have the following header and value:

        HTTP Header HTTP Header value
        Content-Type application/

        The body of the request will be a Document Filter Request. See the Document Filter Request model for more details.

        Microsoft SQL Server and Azure SQL Server have limitations on the number of parameters that can be used when querying databases. When using this endpoint to filter documents that are stored in an SQL Server data store, large and complex filter strings that contain over 2000 parameters might fail. To circumvent this limitation, split your filter expression into smaller expressions and make multiple requests to this endpoint. Then, combine the results as appropriate.

        Filter By ID (Document ID Request)

        Request specific documents by providing an entity type name and an array of document ID values. Use this request when many documents by ID need to be requested. There is a similar document endpoint that accepts multiple "id" query parameters, but it is limited by the maximum URI size allowed. This request overcomes that limitation by placing the list of IDs in the body of a POST request.

        Document ID Requests must have the following header and value:

        HTTP Header HTTP Header value
        Content-Type application/

        The body of the request will be a Document ID Request. See the Document ID Request model for more details.

        Body parameter

        Name In Type Required Description
        entityTypeName path string true The name of the entity type to which the document collection belongs.
        Accept-Item header string false When making a request to filter documents, specifies the media type of the items returned.
        body body documentFilterRequest false The parameters that are used for filtering, sorting, display labels, and the inclusion of child documents. There are two types of requests that can be made: request by ID or by using a custom filter. The default is using a custom filter. See the description for this endpoint for more details.
        Detailed descriptions

        body: The parameters that are used for filtering, sorting, display labels, and the inclusion of child documents. There are two types of requests that can be made: request by ID or by using a custom filter. The default is using a custom filter. See the description for this endpoint for more details.

        Enumerated Values
        Parameter Value
        Accept-Item application/json
        Accept-Item application/
        Accept-Item application/
        Accept-Item application/
        Accept-Item application/
        Accept-Item application/
        Accept-Item application/
        Accept-Item application/
        Accept-Item application/

        Example responses

        Example of a Resource Collection that contains Enriched Document objects.

          "links": [
              "method": "POST",
              "rel": "self",
              "href": "/documents/person",
              "uri": "/documents/person",
              "type": "application/",
              "itemType": "application/",
              "body": {
                "start": 0,
                "limit": 10,
                "includeDisplayLabel": true,
                "depth": "0",
                "sortBy": "id",
                "filter": "eq(first_name, 'John')"
              "method": "GET",
              "rel": "collection",
              "href": "/documents/person",
              "uri": "/documents/person",
              "type": "application/"
          "name": "documents",
          "accept": "application/",
          "start": 0,
          "count": 1,
          "items": [
              "objectTypeName": "person",
              "objectTypeId": 100924,
              "objectTypeVersion": 6,
              "id": "uuid_100",
              "fieldValues": {
                "created_at_dttm": "2015-10-01T18:30:03.656Z",
                "created_by_user_id": "unit_test",
                "first_name": "John",
                "id": "uuid_100",
                "last_name": "Smith",
                "last_updated_at_dttm": "2015-10-01T18:30:03.656Z",
                "last_updated_by_user_id": "unit_test",
                "version": 1
              "fieldRestrictions": {
                "person": {
                  "ssn": {
                    "masked": {
                      "currentUserIsAuthorizedToReveal": true
              "displayLabel": "John Smith",
              "createdAt": "2015-10-01T18:30:03.656Z",
              "lastUpdatedAt": "2015-10-01T18:30:03.656Z",
              "attachmentsCount": 0
          "limit": 10,
          "version": 2

        Example of a Resource Collection that contains Document objects.

          "links": [],
          "name": "documents",
          "count": 1,
          "version": 2,
          "items": [
              "objectTypeName": "person",
              "objectTypeId": 100515,
              "objectTypeVersion": 4,
              "id": "2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
              "fieldValues": {
                "birthday": "2020-01-05T00:00:00Z",
                "created_at_dttm": "2020-04-13T19:17:47.84Z",
                "created_by_user_id": "viuser",
                "first_name": "John",
                "id": "2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
                "last_name": "Smith",
                "last_updated_at_dttm": "2020-04-13T19:31:37.097Z",
                "last_updated_by_user_id": "viuser",
                "version": 4
              "createdAt": "2020-04-13T19:17:47.840Z",
              "lastUpdatedAt": "2020-04-13T19:31:37.097Z",
              "validFrom": "2020-01-05T00:00:00.000Z"

        Example of a Resource Collection that contains Masked Enriched Document objects.

          "links": [
              "method": "POST",
              "rel": "self",
              "href": "/documents/person",
              "uri": "/documents/person",
              "type": "application/",
              "itemType": "application/",
              "body": {
                "start": 0,
                "limit": 10,
                "includeDisplayLabel": true,
                "depth": "0",
                "sortBy": "id",
                "filter": "eq(first_name, 'John')"
              "method": "GET",
              "rel": "collection",
              "href": "/documents/person",
              "uri": "/documents/person",
              "type": "application/"
          "name": "documents",
          "accept": "application/",
          "start": 0,
          "count": 1,
          "items": [
              "objectTypeName": "person",
              "objectTypeId": 100924,
              "objectTypeVersion": 6,
              "id": "uuid_100",
              "fieldValues": {
                "created_at_dttm": "2015-10-01T18:30:03.656Z",
                "created_by_user_id": "unit_test",
                "first_name": "John",
                "id": "uuid_100",
                "last_name": "Smith",
                "ssn": "•••••••••",
                "last_updated_at_dttm": "2015-10-01T18:30:03.656Z",
                "last_updated_by_user_id": "unit_test",
                "version": 1
              "fieldRestrictions": {
                "person": {
                  "ssn": {
                    "masked": {
                      "currentUserIsAuthorizedToReveal": true
              "displayLabel": "John Smith",
              "createdAt": "2015-10-01T18:30:03.656Z",
              "lastUpdatedAt": "2015-10-01T18:30:03.656Z",
              "attachmentsCount": 0
          "limit": 10,
          "version": 2

        Example of a Resource Collection that contains Masked Document objects.

          "links": [],
          "name": "documents",
          "count": 1,
          "version": 2,
          "items": [
              "objectTypeName": "person",
              "objectTypeId": 100515,
              "objectTypeVersion": 4,
              "id": "2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
              "fieldValues": {
                "birthday": "2020-01-05T00:00:00Z",
                "created_at_dttm": "2020-04-13T19:17:47.84Z",
                "created_by_user_id": "viuser",
                "first_name": "John",
                "id": "2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
                "last_name": "Smith",
                "ssn": "•••••••••",
                "last_updated_at_dttm": "2020-04-13T19:31:37.097Z",
                "last_updated_by_user_id": "viuser",
                "version": 4
              "createdAt": "2020-04-13T19:17:47.840Z",
              "lastUpdatedAt": "2020-04-13T19:31:37.097Z",
              "validFrom": "2020-01-05T00:00:00.000Z"

        Example of a Resource Collection that contains Enriched Document objects.

        Example of a Resource Collection that contains Document objects.

        Example of a Resource Collection that contains Masked Enriched Document objects.

        Example of a Resource Collection that contains Masked Document objects.

        400 Response

          "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
          "id": "DH9999",
          "errorCode": 9999,
          "httpStatusCode": 400,
          "details": [
            "See the log for additional details."
          "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."

        404 Response

          "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
          "id": "DH9999",
          "errorCode": 9999,
          "httpStatusCode": 400,
          "details": [
            "See the log for additional details."
          "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."

        415 Response

          "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
          "id": "DH9999",
          "errorCode": 9999,
          "httpStatusCode": 400,
          "details": [
            "See the log for additional details."
          "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
        Status Meaning Description Schema
        200 OK The request succeeded. Inline
        400 Bad Request The request was invalid. sasError
        404 Not Found The type of document was not found. sasError
        415 Unsupported Media Type An unsupported media type was provided. sasError
        Response Schema
        Enumerated Values
        Property Value
        type WORKSHEET
        type NOTESHEET
        type LIVE
        type STATIC
        type IMAGE
        type TEXT
        fieldDataType REFERENCE_DATA
        fieldDataType USER_GROUP
        fieldDataType BOOLEAN
        fieldDataType STRING
        fieldDataType SMALLINT
        fieldDataType INTEGER
        fieldDataType LONG
        fieldDataType FLOAT
        fieldDataType DOUBLE
        fieldDataType NUMERIC
        fieldDataType DATE
        fieldDataType TIMESTAMP
        fieldDataType TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIME_ZONE
        fieldDataType JSON
        userSelectionStrategy USERS
        userSelectionStrategy GROUPS
        userSelectionStrategy USERS_AND_GROUPS

        Get headers for a document by ID

        Code samples

        # You can also use wget
        curl -X HEAD{entityTypeName}/{documentId}
          -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
          method: 'HEAD'
        .then(function(res) {
            return res.json();
        }).then(function(body) {
        import requests
        r = requests.head('{entityTypeName}/{documentId}')
        package main
        import (
        func main() {
            data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
            req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "{entityTypeName}/{documentId}", data)
            req.Header = headers
            client := &http.Client{}
            resp, err := client.Do(req)
            // ...

        HEAD /documents/{entityTypeName}/{documentId}

        Gets headers for a document by ID. Both internal and external documents can be read.

        Name In Type Required Description
        entityTypeName path string true The name of the entity type to which the document belongs.
        documentId path string true The ID for the document.
        depth query string false The depth of child documents to return. Valid values are:
          includeDisplayLabel query boolean false Indicates whether to generate and include the display label in the document.
          Detailed descriptions

          depth: The depth of child documents to return. Valid values are:

          Status Meaning Description Schema
          200 OK The request succeeded. None
          400 Bad Request The request was invalid. errorResponse
          404 Not Found The document was not found. None

          Get a document by ID

          Code samples

          # You can also use wget
          curl -X GET{entityTypeName}/{documentId} \
            -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
            -H 'Accept: application/json'
          const headers = {
            method: 'GET',
            headers: headers
          .then(function(res) {
              return res.json();
          }).then(function(body) {
          import requests
          headers = {
            'Accept': 'application/json'
          r = requests.get('{entityTypeName}/{documentId}', headers = headers)
          package main
          import (
          func main() {
              headers := map[string][]string{
                  "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
              data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
              req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{entityTypeName}/{documentId}", data)
              req.Header = headers
              client := &http.Client{}
              resp, err := client.Do(req)
              // ...

          GET /documents/{entityTypeName}/{documentId}

          Gets a document by ID. You can use a parameter to specify whether child documents are returned. Both internal and external documents can be read.

          Name In Type Required Description
          entityTypeName path string true The name of the entity type to which the document belongs.
          documentId path string true The ID for the document.
          depth query string false The depth of child documents to return. Valid values are:
            includeDisplayLabel query boolean false Indicates whether to generate and include the display label in the document.
            Detailed descriptions

            depth: The depth of child documents to return. Valid values are:

            Example responses

            200 Response

              "objectTypeName": "person",
              "objectTypeId": 100515,
              "objectTypeVersion": 4,
              "id": "2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
              "fieldValues": {
                "birthday": "2020-01-05T00:00:00Z",
                "created_at_dttm": "2020-04-13T19:17:47.84Z",
                "created_by_user_id": "viuser",
                "first_name": "John",
                "id": "2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
                "last_name": "Smith",
                "last_updated_at_dttm": "2020-04-13T19:31:37.097Z",
                "last_updated_by_user_id": "viuser",
                "version": 4
              "createdAt": "2020-04-13T19:17:47.840Z",
              "lastUpdatedAt": "2020-04-13T19:31:37.097Z",
              "validFrom": "2020-01-05T00:00:00.000Z",
              "fieldRestrictions": {
                "person": {
                  "ssn": {
                    "masked": {
                      "currentUserIsAuthorizedToReveal": true
              "sheets": [
                  "id": 201,
                  "type": "WORKSHEET",
                  "name": "Workspace-1",
                  "version": 2,
                  "created": "2020-04-13T19:27:08.105Z",
                  "createdBy": "viuser",
                  "lastModified": "2020-04-13T19:27:26.175Z",
                  "lastModifiedBy": "viuser",
                  "tabOrder": 0,
                  "uxState": {
                    "commonToolPane": {
                      "expanded": true,
                      "width": 340
                    "filterPanel": {
                      "expanded": true,
                      "width": 200
                  "cells": [
                      "type": "LIVE",
                      "id": 301,
                      "row": 0,
                      "position": 0,
                      "height": 0,
                      "width": 0,
                      "version": 1,
                      "documents": [
                          "type": "person",
                          "id": "2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
                          "uniqueId": "person#2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d"
                          "type": "person",
                          "id": "ba0f8afd-b6e0-4763-91a8-9c6810d0156b",
                          "uniqueId": "person#ba0f8afd-b6e0-4763-91a8-9c6810d0156b"
                      "visualizationType": "Network",
                      "resultsPerPage": 0,
                      "networkData": {
                        "links": [],
                        "nodes": {
                          "person~2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d": {
                            "id": "person~2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
                            "transitionStart": {
                              "x": 667,
                              "y": 206.5
                            "type": "person",
                            "typeLabel": "Person",
                            "x": 711.99394815911,
                            "y": 220.234232742122
                          "person~ba0f8afd-b6e0-4763-91a8-9c6810d0156b": {
                            "id": "person~ba0f8afd-b6e0-4763-91a8-9c6810d0156b",
                            "transitionStart": {
                              "x": 339.81315560960843,
                              "y": 106.62745147130762
                            "type": "person",
                            "typeLabel": "Person",
                            "x": 621.6305200034983,
                            "y": 192.65113758282533
                        "numNodes": 2,
                        "options": {
                          "activeNodes": false,
                          "centralityType": null,
                          "displayableTransactionType": null,
                          "groupCtr": 1,
                          "layout": {
                            "charge": 25,
                            "linkDistance": 130,
                            "linkStrength": 0.4,
                            "velocityDecay": 0.45
                          "nodeCtr": 1,
                          "scale": 2.0766116941529233,
                          "showLegend": true,
                          "showLinkLabels": false,
                          "showNodeAnnotation": true,
                          "showNodeLabels": true,
                          "showTimeline": false,
                          "showTransactionDetails": false,
                          "showTransactionLinks": false,
                          "toolsPane": {
                            "activeTool": "Object Inspector",
                            "open": true
                          "transactionTypeIndex": 0,
                          "translate": [
              "comments": [
                  "id": 1,
                  "author": {
                    "id": "viuser",
                    "name": "Test viuser"
                  "createDate": "2020-04-13T19:18:05.087Z",
                  "lastUpdatedAt": "2020-04-13T19:18:05.087Z",
                  "lastUpdatedBy": "viuser",
                  "detail": "Sample comment<br />"
              "attachmentsCount": 2

            400 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."

            404 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
            Status Meaning Description Schema
            200 OK The request succeeded. minimallyMaskedEnrichedDocument
            400 Bad Request The request was invalid. sasError
            404 Not Found The document was not found. sasError

            Update an internal document

            Code samples

            # You can also use wget
            curl -X PUT{entityTypeName}/{documentId} \
              -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
              -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
              -H 'Accept: application/json' \
              -H 'Accept: application/json'
            const inputBody = '{
              "description": "Example of an Enriched Document object.",
              "value": {
                "objectTypeName": "person",
                "objectTypeId": 100515,
                "objectTypeVersion": 4,
                "id": "2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
                "fieldValues": {
                  "birthday": "2020-01-05T00:00:00Z",
                  "created_at_dttm": "2020-04-13T19:17:47.84Z",
                  "created_by_user_id": "viuser",
                  "first_name": "John",
                  "id": "2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
                  "last_name": "Smith",
                  "last_updated_at_dttm": "2020-04-13T19:31:37.097Z",
                  "last_updated_by_user_id": "viuser",
                  "version": 4
                "createdAt": "2020-04-13T19:17:47.840Z",
                "lastUpdatedAt": "2020-04-13T19:31:37.097Z",
                "validFrom": "2020-01-05T00:00:00.000Z",
                "fieldRestrictions": {
                  "person": {
                    "ssn": {
                      "masked": {
                        "currentUserIsAuthorizedToReveal": true
                "sheets": [
                    "id": 201,
                    "type": "WORKSHEET",
                    "name": "Workspace-1",
                    "version": 2,
                    "created": "2020-04-13T19:27:08.105Z",
                    "createdBy": "viuser",
                    "lastModified": "2020-04-13T19:27:26.175Z",
                    "lastModifiedBy": "viuser",
                    "tabOrder": 0,
                    "uxState": {
                      "commonToolPane": {
                        "expanded": true,
                        "width": 340
                      "filterPanel": {
                        "expanded": true,
                        "width": 200
                    "cells": [
                        "type": "LIVE",
                        "id": 301,
                        "row": 0,
                        "position": 0,
                        "height": 0,
                        "width": 0,
                        "version": 1,
                        "documents": [
                            "type": "person",
                            "id": "2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
                            "uniqueId": "person#2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d"
                            "type": "person",
                            "id": "ba0f8afd-b6e0-4763-91a8-9c6810d0156b",
                            "uniqueId": "person#ba0f8afd-b6e0-4763-91a8-9c6810d0156b"
                        "visualizationType": "Network",
                        "resultsPerPage": 0,
                        "networkData": {
                          "links": [],
                          "nodes": {
                            "person~2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d": {
                              "id": "person~2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
                              "transitionStart": {
                                "x": 667,
                                "y": 206.5
                              "type": "person",
                              "typeLabel": "Person",
                              "x": 711.99394815911,
                              "y": 220.234232742122
                            "person~ba0f8afd-b6e0-4763-91a8-9c6810d0156b": {
                              "id": "person~ba0f8afd-b6e0-4763-91a8-9c6810d0156b",
                              "transitionStart": {
                                "x": 339.81315560960843,
                                "y": 106.62745147130762
                              "type": "person",
                              "typeLabel": "Person",
                              "x": 621.6305200034983,
                              "y": 192.65113758282533
                          "numNodes": 2,
                          "options": {
                            "activeNodes": false,
                            "centralityType": null,
                            "displayableTransactionType": null,
                            "groupCtr": 1,
                            "layout": {
                              "charge": 25,
                              "linkDistance": 130,
                              "linkStrength": 0.4,
                              "velocityDecay": 0.45
                            "nodeCtr": 1,
                            "scale": 2.0766116941529233,
                            "showLegend": true,
                            "showLinkLabels": false,
                            "showNodeAnnotation": true,
                            "showNodeLabels": true,
                            "showTimeline": false,
                            "showTransactionDetails": false,
                            "showTransactionLinks": false,
                            "toolsPane": {
                              "activeTool": "Object Inspector",
                              "open": true
                            "transactionTypeIndex": 0,
                            "translate": [
                "comments": [
                    "id": 1,
                    "author": {
                      "id": "viuser",
                      "name": "Test viuser"
                    "createDate": "2020-04-13T19:18:05.087Z",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2020-04-13T19:18:05.087Z",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": "viuser",
                    "detail": "Sample comment<br />"
                "attachmentsCount": 2
              "x-widdershins-oldRef": "#/components/examples/enrichedDocumentExample"
            const headers = {
              method: 'PUT',
              body: inputBody,
              headers: headers
            .then(function(res) {
                return res.json();
            }).then(function(body) {
            import requests
            headers = {
              'Content-Type': 'application/json',
              'Accept': 'application/json',
              'Accept': 'application/json'
            r = requests.put('{entityTypeName}/{documentId}', headers = headers)
            package main
            import (
            func main() {
                headers := map[string][]string{
                    "Content-Type": []string{"application/json"},
                    "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                    "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                req, err := http.NewRequest("PUT", "{entityTypeName}/{documentId}", data)
                req.Header = headers
                client := &http.Client{}
                resp, err := client.Do(req)
                // ...

            PUT /documents/{entityTypeName}/{documentId}

            Updates an internal document. This is an appropriate way to add child documents or worksheets to the document. The content of the request is the existing document. Updating external documents is not allowed.

            Body parameter

              "description": "Example of an Enriched Document object.",
              "value": {
                "objectTypeName": "person",
                "objectTypeId": 100515,
                "objectTypeVersion": 4,
                "id": "2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
                "fieldValues": {
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                  "created_at_dttm": "2020-04-13T19:17:47.84Z",
                  "created_by_user_id": "viuser",
                  "first_name": "John",
                  "id": "2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
                  "last_name": "Smith",
                  "last_updated_at_dttm": "2020-04-13T19:31:37.097Z",
                  "last_updated_by_user_id": "viuser",
                  "version": 4
                "createdAt": "2020-04-13T19:17:47.840Z",
                "lastUpdatedAt": "2020-04-13T19:31:37.097Z",
                "validFrom": "2020-01-05T00:00:00.000Z",
                "fieldRestrictions": {
                  "person": {
                    "ssn": {
                      "masked": {
                        "currentUserIsAuthorizedToReveal": true
                "sheets": [
                    "id": 201,
                    "type": "WORKSHEET",
                    "name": "Workspace-1",
                    "version": 2,
                    "created": "2020-04-13T19:27:08.105Z",
                    "createdBy": "viuser",
                    "lastModified": "2020-04-13T19:27:26.175Z",
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                            "type": "person",
                            "id": "ba0f8afd-b6e0-4763-91a8-9c6810d0156b",
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                              "transitionStart": {
                                "x": 667,
                                "y": 206.5
                              "type": "person",
                              "typeLabel": "Person",
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                            "person~ba0f8afd-b6e0-4763-91a8-9c6810d0156b": {
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                "comments": [
                    "id": 1,
                    "author": {
                      "id": "viuser",
                      "name": "Test viuser"
                    "createDate": "2020-04-13T19:18:05.087Z",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2020-04-13T19:18:05.087Z",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": "viuser",
                    "detail": "Sample comment<br />"
                "attachmentsCount": 2
              "x-widdershins-oldRef": "#/components/examples/enrichedDocumentExample"
            Name In Type Required Description
            entityTypeName path string true The name of the entity type to which the document belongs.
            documentId path string true The ID for the document.
            Accept header string false For document fields that use data masking, it is important to avoid accidentally overwriting values in the database with masked values that have been loaded by the client. In general, masking dots should not be stored in the database. The "Accept" HTTP header can be used to control how masked fields are handled during updates. If this HTTP header is not provided or is set to "application/json", then masked field values that are set to null will be ignored. If the "Accept" header is set to "application/" then masked fields that are set to the mask template (nine dots) will be ignored. The "Accept" header value should match the data masking approach that was used to fetch data before an update is performed.
            body body enrichedDocument false A modified version of an existing document.
            Detailed descriptions

            Accept: For document fields that use data masking, it is important to avoid accidentally overwriting values in the database with masked values that have been loaded by the client. In general, masking dots should not be stored in the database. The "Accept" HTTP header can be used to control how masked fields are handled during updates. If this HTTP header is not provided or is set to "application/json", then masked field values that are set to null will be ignored. If the "Accept" header is set to "application/" then masked fields that are set to the mask template (nine dots) will be ignored. The "Accept" header value should match the data masking approach that was used to fetch data before an update is performed.

            Enumerated Values
            Parameter Value
            Accept application/json
            Accept application/
            Accept application/

            Example responses

            200 Response

              "objectTypeName": "person",
              "objectTypeId": 100515,
              "objectTypeVersion": 4,
              "id": "2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
              "fieldValues": {
                "birthday": "2020-01-05T00:00:00Z",
                "created_at_dttm": "2020-04-13T19:17:47.84Z",
                "created_by_user_id": "viuser",
                "first_name": "John",
                "id": "2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
                "last_name": "Smith",
                "last_updated_at_dttm": "2020-04-13T19:31:37.097Z",
                "last_updated_by_user_id": "viuser",
                "version": 4
              "createdAt": "2020-04-13T19:17:47.840Z",
              "lastUpdatedAt": "2020-04-13T19:31:37.097Z",
              "validFrom": "2020-01-05T00:00:00.000Z",
              "fieldRestrictions": {
                "person": {
                  "ssn": {
                    "masked": {
                      "currentUserIsAuthorizedToReveal": true
              "sheets": [
                  "id": 201,
                  "type": "WORKSHEET",
                  "name": "Workspace-1",
                  "version": 2,
                  "created": "2020-04-13T19:27:08.105Z",
                  "createdBy": "viuser",
                  "lastModified": "2020-04-13T19:27:26.175Z",
                  "lastModifiedBy": "viuser",
                  "tabOrder": 0,
                  "uxState": {
                    "commonToolPane": {
                      "expanded": true,
                      "width": 340
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                      "expanded": true,
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                      "documents": [
                          "type": "person",
                          "id": "2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
                          "uniqueId": "person#2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d"
                          "type": "person",
                          "id": "ba0f8afd-b6e0-4763-91a8-9c6810d0156b",
                          "uniqueId": "person#ba0f8afd-b6e0-4763-91a8-9c6810d0156b"
                      "visualizationType": "Network",
                      "resultsPerPage": 0,
                      "networkData": {
                        "links": [],
                        "nodes": {
                          "person~2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d": {
                            "id": "person~2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
                            "transitionStart": {
                              "x": 667,
                              "y": 206.5
                            "type": "person",
                            "typeLabel": "Person",
                            "x": 711.99394815911,
                            "y": 220.234232742122
                          "person~ba0f8afd-b6e0-4763-91a8-9c6810d0156b": {
                            "id": "person~ba0f8afd-b6e0-4763-91a8-9c6810d0156b",
                            "transitionStart": {
                              "x": 339.81315560960843,
                              "y": 106.62745147130762
                            "type": "person",
                            "typeLabel": "Person",
                            "x": 621.6305200034983,
                            "y": 192.65113758282533
                        "numNodes": 2,
                        "options": {
                          "activeNodes": false,
                          "centralityType": null,
                          "displayableTransactionType": null,
                          "groupCtr": 1,
                          "layout": {
                            "charge": 25,
                            "linkDistance": 130,
                            "linkStrength": 0.4,
                            "velocityDecay": 0.45
                          "nodeCtr": 1,
                          "scale": 2.0766116941529233,
                          "showLegend": true,
                          "showLinkLabels": false,
                          "showNodeAnnotation": true,
                          "showNodeLabels": true,
                          "showTimeline": false,
                          "showTransactionDetails": false,
                          "showTransactionLinks": false,
                          "toolsPane": {
                            "activeTool": "Object Inspector",
                            "open": true
                          "transactionTypeIndex": 0,
                          "translate": [
              "comments": [
                  "id": 1,
                  "author": {
                    "id": "viuser",
                    "name": "Test viuser"
                  "createDate": "2020-04-13T19:18:05.087Z",
                  "lastUpdatedAt": "2020-04-13T19:18:05.087Z",
                  "lastUpdatedBy": "viuser",
                  "detail": "Sample comment<br />"
              "attachmentsCount": 2

            400 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."

            404 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."

            412 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."

            428 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
            Status Meaning Description Schema
            200 OK The request succeeded. maskedEnrichedDocument
            400 Bad Request The request was invalid. sasError
            404 Not Found The document was not found. sasError
            412 Precondition Failed The document in the request body was out of date. sasError
            428 Precondition Required The document in the request body did not contain a version. sasError

            Patch a document

            Code samples

            # You can also use wget
            curl -X PATCH{entityTypeName}/{documentId} \
              -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
              -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
              -H 'Accept: application/json' \
              -H 'If-Match: 0'
            const inputBody = '[
                "path": "string",
                "op": "string",
                "value": null
            const headers = {
              method: 'PATCH',
              body: inputBody,
              headers: headers
            .then(function(res) {
                return res.json();
            }).then(function(body) {
            import requests
            headers = {
              'Content-Type': 'application/json',
              'Accept': 'application/json',
              'If-Match': '0'
            r = requests.patch('{entityTypeName}/{documentId}', headers = headers)
            package main
            import (
            func main() {
                headers := map[string][]string{
                    "Content-Type": []string{"application/json"},
                    "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                    "If-Match": []string{"0"},
                data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                req, err := http.NewRequest("PATCH", "{entityTypeName}/{documentId}", data)
                req.Header = headers
                client := &http.Client{}
                resp, err := client.Do(req)
                // ...

            PATCH /documents/{entityTypeName}/{documentId}

            Applies a patch to a document. This enables a client to make changes to a document without needing to load the entire document. The request body contains a description of the changes to be made to the document, which is represented by a json-patch object. For more information about json-patch, refer to

            Body parameter

                "path": "string",
                "op": "string",
                "value": null
            Name In Type Required Description
            entityTypeName path string true The name of the entity type to which the document belongs.
            documentId path string true The ID for the document.
            If-Match header integer false The version of the document to update. This parameter is required for documents of entity types that have a version field configured. If a version field is configured, this value must match the most recent version of the document. If the value does not match the most recent version of the document, the patch operation fails. This helps prevent conflicting edits from being applied to a document.
            body body jsonPatch false A json-patch specification of changes to make to the document. Copy and move operations cannot use a masked field value as their source. Test operations cannot reference masked field values.
            Detailed descriptions

            If-Match: The version of the document to update. This parameter is required for documents of entity types that have a version field configured. If a version field is configured, this value must match the most recent version of the document. If the value does not match the most recent version of the document, the patch operation fails. This helps prevent conflicting edits from being applied to a document.

            body: A json-patch specification of changes to make to the document. Copy and move operations cannot use a masked field value as their source. Test operations cannot reference masked field values.

            Example responses

            200 Response

              "objectTypeName": "person",
              "objectTypeId": 100515,
              "objectTypeVersion": 4,
              "id": "2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
              "fieldValues": {
                "birthday": "2020-01-05T00:00:00Z",
                "created_at_dttm": "2020-04-13T19:17:47.84Z",
                "created_by_user_id": "viuser",
                "first_name": "John",
                "id": "2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
                "last_name": "Smith",
                "last_updated_at_dttm": "2020-04-13T19:31:37.097Z",
                "last_updated_by_user_id": "viuser",
                "version": 4
              "createdAt": "2020-04-13T19:17:47.840Z",
              "lastUpdatedAt": "2020-04-13T19:31:37.097Z",
              "validFrom": "2020-01-05T00:00:00.000Z",
              "fieldRestrictions": {
                "person": {
                  "ssn": {
                    "masked": {
                      "currentUserIsAuthorizedToReveal": true
              "sheets": [
                  "id": 201,
                  "type": "WORKSHEET",
                  "name": "Workspace-1",
                  "version": 2,
                  "created": "2020-04-13T19:27:08.105Z",
                  "createdBy": "viuser",
                  "lastModified": "2020-04-13T19:27:26.175Z",
                  "lastModifiedBy": "viuser",
                  "tabOrder": 0,
                  "uxState": {
                    "commonToolPane": {
                      "expanded": true,
                      "width": 340
                    "filterPanel": {
                      "expanded": true,
                      "width": 200
                  "cells": [
                      "type": "LIVE",
                      "id": 301,
                      "row": 0,
                      "position": 0,
                      "height": 0,
                      "width": 0,
                      "version": 1,
                      "documents": [
                          "type": "person",
                          "id": "2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
                          "uniqueId": "person#2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d"
                          "type": "person",
                          "id": "ba0f8afd-b6e0-4763-91a8-9c6810d0156b",
                          "uniqueId": "person#ba0f8afd-b6e0-4763-91a8-9c6810d0156b"
                      "visualizationType": "Network",
                      "resultsPerPage": 0,
                      "networkData": {
                        "links": [],
                        "nodes": {
                          "person~2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d": {
                            "id": "person~2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
                            "transitionStart": {
                              "x": 667,
                              "y": 206.5
                            "type": "person",
                            "typeLabel": "Person",
                            "x": 711.99394815911,
                            "y": 220.234232742122
                          "person~ba0f8afd-b6e0-4763-91a8-9c6810d0156b": {
                            "id": "person~ba0f8afd-b6e0-4763-91a8-9c6810d0156b",
                            "transitionStart": {
                              "x": 339.81315560960843,
                              "y": 106.62745147130762
                            "type": "person",
                            "typeLabel": "Person",
                            "x": 621.6305200034983,
                            "y": 192.65113758282533
                        "numNodes": 2,
                        "options": {
                          "activeNodes": false,
                          "centralityType": null,
                          "displayableTransactionType": null,
                          "groupCtr": 1,
                          "layout": {
                            "charge": 25,
                            "linkDistance": 130,
                            "linkStrength": 0.4,
                            "velocityDecay": 0.45
                          "nodeCtr": 1,
                          "scale": 2.0766116941529233,
                          "showLegend": true,
                          "showLinkLabels": false,
                          "showNodeAnnotation": true,
                          "showNodeLabels": true,
                          "showTimeline": false,
                          "showTransactionDetails": false,
                          "showTransactionLinks": false,
                          "toolsPane": {
                            "activeTool": "Object Inspector",
                            "open": true
                          "transactionTypeIndex": 0,
                          "translate": [
              "comments": [
                  "id": 1,
                  "author": {
                    "id": "viuser",
                    "name": "Test viuser"
                  "createDate": "2020-04-13T19:18:05.087Z",
                  "lastUpdatedAt": "2020-04-13T19:18:05.087Z",
                  "lastUpdatedBy": "viuser",
                  "detail": "Sample comment<br />"
              "attachmentsCount": 2

            400 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."

            404 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."

            412 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."

            428 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
            Status Meaning Description Schema
            200 OK The request succeeded. The response body contains the document after the application of the patch. maskedEnrichedDocument
            400 Bad Request The request was invalid. sasError
            404 Not Found The document was not found. sasError
            412 Precondition Failed The document in the request body was out of date. sasError
            428 Precondition Required The document in the request body did not contain a version. sasError

            Delete an internal document

            Code samples

            # You can also use wget
            curl -X DELETE{entityTypeName}/{documentId} \
              -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
              -H 'Accept: application/json'
            const headers = {
              method: 'DELETE',
              headers: headers
            .then(function(res) {
                return res.json();
            }).then(function(body) {
            import requests
            headers = {
              'Accept': 'application/json'
            r = requests.delete('{entityTypeName}/{documentId}', headers = headers)
            package main
            import (
            func main() {
                headers := map[string][]string{
                    "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                req, err := http.NewRequest("DELETE", "{entityTypeName}/{documentId}", data)
                req.Header = headers
                client := &http.Client{}
                resp, err := client.Do(req)
                // ...

            DELETE /documents/{entityTypeName}/{documentId}

            Deletes an internal document. Deleting external documents is not allowed.

            Name In Type Required Description
            entityTypeName path string true The name of the entity type to which the document belongs.
            documentId path string true The ID for the document.

            Example responses

            404 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
            Status Meaning Description Schema
            204 No Content The document was deleted. None
            404 Not Found The document was not found. sasError

            Bulk create and update documents

            Code samples

            # You can also use wget
            curl -X POST \
              -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
              -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
              -H 'Accept: application/json' \
              -H 'Content-Item-Type: application/'
            const inputBody = '{
              "name": "string",
              "start": 0,
              "limit": 0,
              "count": 0,
              "accept": "string",
              "links": [
                  "method": "string",
                  "rel": "string",
                  "uri": "string",
                  "href": "string",
                  "title": "string",
                  "type": "string",
                  "itemType": "string",
                  "responseType": "string",
                  "responseItemType": "string"
              "version": 0
            const headers = {
              method: 'POST',
              body: inputBody,
              headers: headers
            .then(function(res) {
                return res.json();
            }).then(function(body) {
            import requests
            headers = {
              'Content-Type': 'application/json',
              'Accept': 'application/json',
              'Content-Item-Type': 'application/'
            r ='', headers = headers)
            package main
            import (
            func main() {
                headers := map[string][]string{
                    "Content-Type": []string{"application/json"},
                    "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                    "Content-Item-Type": []string{"application/"},
                data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "", data)
                req.Header = headers
                client := &http.Client{}
                resp, err := client.Do(req)
                // ...

            POST /documents/bulk

            Creates and updates internal documents in bulk. The input is a list of document objects. Each document represents either a Create or Update operation, depending on its form. The output is a list of operation summary results.

            The input for the request is a SAS collection, which looks like the following: json { "items":[...] } Each element in "items" represents a series of records to be inserted or updated. If a given record includes a primary key, then it is treated as an update. Otherwise, it is a Create operation. All locks, unlocks, creates, and updates are processed internally by the server.

            The response from the request is another SAS collection with summary results for each item that was sent. Result items are in the same order as the input collection. This is especially important if you need to capture the newly generated primary keys of values that were inserted. If there is a problem, there will be an "error" property in the results for the item that had issues. If some items return errors, it does not prevent other valid records from being successfully processed.

            Body parameter

              "name": "string",
              "start": 0,
              "limit": 0,
              "count": 0,
              "accept": "string",
              "links": [
                  "method": "string",
                  "rel": "string",
                  "uri": "string",
                  "href": "string",
                  "title": "string",
                  "type": "string",
                  "itemType": "string",
                  "responseType": "string",
                  "responseItemType": "string"
              "version": 0
            Name In Type Required Description
            Content-Item-Type header string false For document fields that use data masking, it is important to avoid accidentally overwriting values in the database with masked values that have been loaded by the client. In general, masking dots should not be stored in the database. The "Content-Item-Type" HTTP header can be used to control how masked fields are handled with bulk updates. If this HTTP header is not provided, then masked field values that are set to null will be ignored. If the "Content-Item-Type" header is set to "application/" then masked fields that are set to the mask template (nine dots) will be ignored. The "Content-Item-Type" header value should match the data masking approach that was used to fetch data before an update is performed.
            body body sasCollection false none
            Detailed descriptions

            Content-Item-Type: For document fields that use data masking, it is important to avoid accidentally overwriting values in the database with masked values that have been loaded by the client. In general, masking dots should not be stored in the database. The "Content-Item-Type" HTTP header can be used to control how masked fields are handled with bulk updates. If this HTTP header is not provided, then masked field values that are set to null will be ignored. If the "Content-Item-Type" header is set to "application/" then masked fields that are set to the mask template (nine dots) will be ignored. The "Content-Item-Type" header value should match the data masking approach that was used to fetch data before an update is performed.

            Enumerated Values
            Parameter Value
            Content-Item-Type application/

            Example responses

            201 Response

              "links": [],
              "name": "entities",
              "count": 1,
              "items": [
                  "id": "uuid_100",
                  "entityType": "person",
                  "operation": "UPDATE"
              "version": 2

            400 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."

            415 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
            Status Meaning Description Schema
            201 Created Internal documents were created or updated. See items in the collection to determine whether the operation for an individual document succeeded or failed. bulkOperationResultCollection
            400 Bad Request The request was invalid. sasError
            415 Unsupported Media Type The endpoint does not support collection items of the type specified in the Content-Item-Type request header. sasError

            Code samples

            # You can also use wget
            curl -X HEAD{entityTypeName}/{documentId}/{relationshipTypeName} \
              -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
              -H 'Accept-Item: application/json'
            const headers = {
              method: 'HEAD',
              headers: headers
            .then(function(res) {
                return res.json();
            }).then(function(body) {
            import requests
            headers = {
              'Accept-Item': 'application/json'
            r = requests.head('{entityTypeName}/{documentId}/{relationshipTypeName}', headers = headers)
            package main
            import (
            func main() {
                headers := map[string][]string{
                    "Accept-Item": []string{"application/json"},
                data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "{entityTypeName}/{documentId}/{relationshipTypeName}", data)
                req.Header = headers
                client := &http.Client{}
                resp, err := client.Do(req)
                // ...

            HEAD /documents/{entityTypeName}/{documentId}/{relationshipTypeName}

            For a given document and relationship type name, finds all the documents that are related to the given document according to the given relationship type.

            Since the child documents of a top-level document are related to it by a special kind of relationship type, this endpoint can be used to fetch children of a document. In this case, the name of the relationship type is identical to the child entity type, so use the child entity type name as the relationshipTypeName path parameter.

            The related documents can be filtered by a date range using the date and time fields on the entity type of the related document.

            It is important to clarify that there are two entity types to consider: the entity type that is specified in the path and the related entity type that is returned. Distinguishing between the two is important when filtering by a date range.

            For example, assume there is a relationship type defined between an entity type named "entityTypeA" and another entity type named "entityTypeB" that is called "fromAToB". For the request GET /documents/entityTypeA/{documentId}/fromAtoB, "entityTypeB" is the related entity type and a collection of "entityTypeB" documents are returned.

            The number of related documents can be filtered by fields on the related entity type using a combination of the "earliestValidFrom", "latestValidFrom", "earliestValidTo", "latestValidTo", "dateFieldName", "earliestDate", and "latestDate" parameters. Each of these parameters refer to a Date, Timestamp, or Timestamp With Time Zone field on the related entity type.

            When using the "earliestValidFrom" and "latestValidFrom" parameters, the results are filtered by the field name that is specified in the "validFromFieldName" property in the related entity type.

            When using the "earliestValidTo" and "latestValidTo" parameters, the results are filtered by the field name that is specified in the "validToFieldName" property in the related entity type.

            The "dateFieldName" parameter is used to specify an arbitrary Date, Timestamp, or Timestamp With Time Zone field name on the related entity type. When specified, include "earliestDate", "latestDate", or both parameters.

            Name In Type Required Description
            Accept-Item header string false The media type that the client accepts for items within the response collection.
            entityTypeName path string true The name of the entity type to which the document belongs.
            documentId path string true The ID for the document.
            relationshipTypeName path string true The name of a relationship type that is associated with the entity type name defined in the parameter "entityTypeName".
            start query integer false The starting index of the first document in a page.
            limit query integer false The maximum number of documents to return in this page of results. The actual number of returned documents is fewer if the collection is exhausted.
            earliestValidFrom query string(date-time) false The earliest value that is allowed for the related entity's "Valid From" date or timestamp field. If the "Valid From" field is a Date field, a date value with no timestamp is allowed. Otherwise, use an ISO-8601 timestamp value. By default, the field configured as the "validFromField" in the document's entity type is used for filtering. If the query parameter "dateFieldName" is provided, the field that is specified there overrides the entity type's configuration, and that field is used instead.
            earliestValidTo query string(date-time) false The earliest value that is allowed for the related document's "Valid To" date or timestamp field. If the "Valid To" field is a Date field, a date value with no timestamp is allowed. Otherwise, use an ISO-8601 timestamp value. By default, the field configured as the "validToField" in the document's entity type is used for filtering. If the query parameter "dateFieldName" is provided, the field that is specified there overrides the entity type's configuration, and that field is used instead.
            latestValidFrom query string(date-time) false The latest value that is allowed for the related document's "Valid From" date or timestamp field. If the "Valid From" field is a Date field, a date value with no timestamp is allowed. Otherwise, use an ISO-8601 timestamp value. By default, the field configured as the "validFromField" in the document's entity type is used for filtering. If the query parameter "dateFieldName" is provided, the field that is specified there overrides the entity type's configuration, and that field is used instead.
            latestValidTo query string(date-time) false The latest value that is allowed for the related document's "Valid To" date or timestamp field. If the "Valid To" field is a Date field, a date value with no timestamp is allowed. Otherwise, use an ISO-8601 timestamp value. By default, the field configured as the "validToField" in the document's entity type is used for filtering. If the query parameter "dateFieldName" is provided, the field that is specified there overrides the entity type's configuration, and that field is used instead.
            dateFieldName query string false An arbitrary Date, Timestamp, or Timestamp With Time Zone field in the related entity type. If a value is provided, the field with this name is used to filter documents against the given "earliestValidFrom", "earliestValidTo", "latestValidFrom", and "latestValidTo" parameters.
            Detailed descriptions

            relationshipTypeName: The name of a relationship type that is associated with the entity type name defined in the parameter "entityTypeName".

            limit: The maximum number of documents to return in this page of results. The actual number of returned documents is fewer if the collection is exhausted.

            earliestValidFrom: The earliest value that is allowed for the related entity's "Valid From" date or timestamp field. If the "Valid From" field is a Date field, a date value with no timestamp is allowed. Otherwise, use an ISO-8601 timestamp value. By default, the field configured as the "validFromField" in the document's entity type is used for filtering. If the query parameter "dateFieldName" is provided, the field that is specified there overrides the entity type's configuration, and that field is used instead.

            earliestValidTo: The earliest value that is allowed for the related document's "Valid To" date or timestamp field. If the "Valid To" field is a Date field, a date value with no timestamp is allowed. Otherwise, use an ISO-8601 timestamp value. By default, the field configured as the "validToField" in the document's entity type is used for filtering. If the query parameter "dateFieldName" is provided, the field that is specified there overrides the entity type's configuration, and that field is used instead.

            latestValidFrom: The latest value that is allowed for the related document's "Valid From" date or timestamp field. If the "Valid From" field is a Date field, a date value with no timestamp is allowed. Otherwise, use an ISO-8601 timestamp value. By default, the field configured as the "validFromField" in the document's entity type is used for filtering. If the query parameter "dateFieldName" is provided, the field that is specified there overrides the entity type's configuration, and that field is used instead.

            latestValidTo: The latest value that is allowed for the related document's "Valid To" date or timestamp field. If the "Valid To" field is a Date field, a date value with no timestamp is allowed. Otherwise, use an ISO-8601 timestamp value. By default, the field configured as the "validToField" in the document's entity type is used for filtering. If the query parameter "dateFieldName" is provided, the field that is specified there overrides the entity type's configuration, and that field is used instead.

            dateFieldName: An arbitrary Date, Timestamp, or Timestamp With Time Zone field in the related entity type. If a value is provided, the field with this name is used to filter documents against the given "earliestValidFrom", "earliestValidTo", "latestValidFrom", and "latestValidTo" parameters.

            Enumerated Values
            Parameter Value
            Accept-Item application/json
            Accept-Item application/
            Accept-Item application/
            Accept-Item application/
            Accept-Item application/
            Accept-Item application/
            Accept-Item application/
            Status Meaning Description Schema
            200 OK The request succeeded. None
            404 Not Found No documents were found that are associated with the given documents and relationship type None
            415 Unsupported Media Type The endpoint cannot produce collection items of the type specified in the Accept-Item header. None

            Code samples

            # You can also use wget
            curl -X GET{entityTypeName}/{documentId}/{relationshipTypeName} \
              -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
              -H 'Accept: application/json' \
              -H 'Accept-Item: application/json'
            const headers = {
              method: 'GET',
              headers: headers
            .then(function(res) {
                return res.json();
            }).then(function(body) {
            import requests
            headers = {
              'Accept': 'application/json',
              'Accept-Item': 'application/json'
            r = requests.get('{entityTypeName}/{documentId}/{relationshipTypeName}', headers = headers)
            package main
            import (
            func main() {
                headers := map[string][]string{
                    "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                    "Accept-Item": []string{"application/json"},
                data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{entityTypeName}/{documentId}/{relationshipTypeName}", data)
                req.Header = headers
                client := &http.Client{}
                resp, err := client.Do(req)
                // ...

            GET /documents/{entityTypeName}/{documentId}/{relationshipTypeName}

            For a given document and relationship type name, finds all the documents that are related to the given document according to the given relationship type.

            Since the child documents of a top-level document are related to it by a special kind of relationship type, this endpoint can be used to fetch children of a document. In this case, the name of the relationship type is identical to the child entity type, so use the child entity type name as the relationshipTypeName path parameter.

            The related documents can be filtered by a date range using the date and time fields on the related document's entity type.

            For the purpose of this documentation, it is important to clarify that there are two entity types to consider: the entity type that is specified in the path and the related entity type that is returned. Distinguishing between the two is important when filtering by a date range.

            For example, assume there is a relationship type defined between an entity type named "entityTypeA" and another entity type named "entityTypeB" that is called "fromAToB". For the request GET /documents/entityTypeA/{documentId}/fromAtoB, "entityTypeB" is the related entity type and a collection of "entityTypeB" documents are returned.

            The number of related documents can be filtered by fields on the related entity type using a combination of the "earliestValidFrom", "latestValidFrom", "earliestValidTo", "latestValidTo", "dateFieldName", "earliestDate", and "latestDate" parameters. Each of these parameters refer to a Date, Timestamp, or Timestamp With Time Zone field on the related entity type.

            When using the "earliestValidFrom" and "latestValidFrom" parameters, the results are filtered by the field name that is specified in the "validFromFieldName" property in the related entity type.

            When using the "earliestValidTo" and "latestValidTo" parameters, the results are filtered by the field name that is specified in the "validToFieldName" property in the related entity type.

            The "dateFieldName" parameter is used to specify an arbitrary Date, Timestamp, or Timestamp With Time Zone field name on the related entity type. When specified, include "earliestDate", "latestDate", or both parameters.

            Name In Type Required Description
            Accept-Item header string false The media type that the client accepts for items within the response collection.
            entityTypeName path string true The name of the entity type to which the document belongs.
            documentId path string true The ID for the document.
            relationshipTypeName path string true The name of a relationship type that is associated with the entity type name defined in the parameter "entityTypeName".
            start query integer false The starting index of the first document in a page.
            limit query integer false The maximum number of documents to return in this page of results. The actual number of returned documents is fewer if the collection is exhausted.
            earliestValidFrom query string(date-time) false The earliest value that is allowed for the related entity's "Valid From" date or timestamp field. If the "Valid From" field is a Date field, a date value with no timestamp is allowed. Otherwise, use an ISO-8601 timestamp value. By default, the field configured as the "validFromField" in the document's entity type is used for filtering. If the query parameter "dateFieldName" is provided, the field that is specified there overrides the entity type's configuration, and that field is used instead.
            earliestValidTo query string(date-time) false The earliest value that is allowed for the related document's "Valid To" date or timestamp field. If the "Valid To" field is a Date field, a date value with no timestamp is allowed. Otherwise, use an ISO-8601 timestamp value. By default, the field configured as the "validToField" in the document's entity type is used for filtering. If the query parameter "dateFieldName" is provided, the field that is specified there overrides the entity type's configuration, and that field is used instead.
            latestValidFrom query string(date-time) false The latest value that is allowed for the related document's "Valid From" date or timestamp field. If the "Valid From" field is a Date field, a date value with no timestamp is allowed. Otherwise, use an ISO-8601 timestamp value. By default, the field configured as the "validFromField" in the document's entity type is used for filtering. If the query parameter "dateFieldName" is provided, the field that is specified there overrides the entity type's configuration, and that field is used instead.
            latestValidTo query string(date-time) false The latest value that is allowed for the related document's "Valid To" date or timestamp field. If the "Valid To" field is a Date field, a date value with no timestamp is allowed. Otherwise, use an ISO-8601 timestamp value. By default, the field configured as the "validToField" in the document's entity type is used for filtering. If the query parameter "dateFieldName" is provided, the field that is specified there overrides the entity type's configuration, and that field is used instead.
            dateFieldName query string false An arbitrary Date, Timestamp, or Timestamp With Time Zone field in the related entity type. If a value is provided, the field with this name is used to filter documents against the given "earliestValidFrom", "earliestValidTo", "latestValidFrom", and "latestValidTo" parameters.
            Detailed descriptions

            relationshipTypeName: The name of a relationship type that is associated with the entity type name defined in the parameter "entityTypeName".

            limit: The maximum number of documents to return in this page of results. The actual number of returned documents is fewer if the collection is exhausted.

            earliestValidFrom: The earliest value that is allowed for the related entity's "Valid From" date or timestamp field. If the "Valid From" field is a Date field, a date value with no timestamp is allowed. Otherwise, use an ISO-8601 timestamp value. By default, the field configured as the "validFromField" in the document's entity type is used for filtering. If the query parameter "dateFieldName" is provided, the field that is specified there overrides the entity type's configuration, and that field is used instead.

            earliestValidTo: The earliest value that is allowed for the related document's "Valid To" date or timestamp field. If the "Valid To" field is a Date field, a date value with no timestamp is allowed. Otherwise, use an ISO-8601 timestamp value. By default, the field configured as the "validToField" in the document's entity type is used for filtering. If the query parameter "dateFieldName" is provided, the field that is specified there overrides the entity type's configuration, and that field is used instead.

            latestValidFrom: The latest value that is allowed for the related document's "Valid From" date or timestamp field. If the "Valid From" field is a Date field, a date value with no timestamp is allowed. Otherwise, use an ISO-8601 timestamp value. By default, the field configured as the "validFromField" in the document's entity type is used for filtering. If the query parameter "dateFieldName" is provided, the field that is specified there overrides the entity type's configuration, and that field is used instead.

            latestValidTo: The latest value that is allowed for the related document's "Valid To" date or timestamp field. If the "Valid To" field is a Date field, a date value with no timestamp is allowed. Otherwise, use an ISO-8601 timestamp value. By default, the field configured as the "validToField" in the document's entity type is used for filtering. If the query parameter "dateFieldName" is provided, the field that is specified there overrides the entity type's configuration, and that field is used instead.

            dateFieldName: An arbitrary Date, Timestamp, or Timestamp With Time Zone field in the related entity type. If a value is provided, the field with this name is used to filter documents against the given "earliestValidFrom", "earliestValidTo", "latestValidFrom", and "latestValidTo" parameters.

            Enumerated Values
            Parameter Value
            Accept-Item application/json
            Accept-Item application/
            Accept-Item application/
            Accept-Item application/
            Accept-Item application/
            Accept-Item application/
            Accept-Item application/

            Example responses

            200 Response

              "links": [],
              "name": "documents",
              "count": 1,
              "version": 2,
              "items": [
                  "objectTypeName": "person",
                  "objectTypeId": 100515,
                  "objectTypeVersion": 4,
                  "id": "2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
                  "fieldValues": {
                    "birthday": "2020-01-05T00:00:00Z",
                    "created_at_dttm": "2020-04-13T19:17:47.84Z",
                    "created_by_user_id": "viuser",
                    "first_name": "John",
                    "id": "2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
                    "last_name": "Smith",
                    "last_updated_at_dttm": "2020-04-13T19:31:37.097Z",
                    "last_updated_by_user_id": "viuser",
                    "version": 4
                  "createdAt": "2020-04-13T19:17:47.840Z",
                  "lastUpdatedAt": "2020-04-13T19:31:37.097Z",
                  "validFrom": "2020-01-05T00:00:00.000Z"

            Example of a Resource Collection that contains Document objects.

            Example of a Resource Collection that contains Masked Document objects.

            Example of a Resource Collection that contains Minimally-Masked Document objects.

            404 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."

            415 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
            Status Meaning Description Schema
            200 OK The request succeeded. The media type of the items inside the response collection depends on the value of the Accept-Item header in the request. Inline
            404 Not Found No documents were found that are associated with the given documents and relationship type sasError
            415 Unsupported Media Type The endpoint cannot produce collection items of the type specified in the Accept-Item header. sasError

            Get headers for field values for document

            Code samples

            # You can also use wget
            curl -X HEAD{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/fields?fieldName=string
              -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
              method: 'HEAD'
            .then(function(res) {
                return res.json();
            }).then(function(body) {
            import requests
            r = requests.head('{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/fields', params={
              'fieldName': [
            package main
            import (
            func main() {
                data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/fields", data)
                req.Header = headers
                client := &http.Client{}
                resp, err := client.Do(req)
                // ...

            HEAD /documents/{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/fields

            Gets headers for a representation of multiple fields values for a top-level document. Since the GET operation for this endpoint does not produce an error if the user is not authorized to reveal the value of a masked field, this HEAD operation does not either.

            Name In Type Required Description
            objectTypeName path string true The object type of the document.
            documentId path string true The ID of the document.
            fieldName query array[string] true The names of the fields.
            Status Meaning Description Schema
            200 OK The request succeeded. None
            404 Not Found The document or field was not found. None

            Get field values for document

            Code samples

            # You can also use wget
            curl -X GET{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/fields?fieldName=string \
              -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
              -H 'Accept: application/json'
            const headers = {
              method: 'GET',
              headers: headers
            .then(function(res) {
                return res.json();
            }).then(function(body) {
            import requests
            headers = {
              'Accept': 'application/json'
            r = requests.get('{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/fields', params={
              'fieldName': [
            }, headers = headers)
            package main
            import (
            func main() {
                headers := map[string][]string{
                    "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/fields", data)
                req.Header = headers
                client := &http.Client{}
                resp, err := client.Do(req)
                // ...

            GET /documents/{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/fields

            Gets a representation of multiple fields values for a top-level document. If any of the fields is configured for masking, and if the requesting user is authorized to reveal the value of the masked field, the raw unmasked value of the field is returned. If any of the fields are configured for masking and the requesting user is not authorized to reveal the value of the masked field, the value will be omitted from the response.

            Name In Type Required Description
            objectTypeName path string true The object type of the document.
            documentId path string true The ID of the document.
            fieldName query array[string] true The names of the fields.

            Example responses

            200 Response

              "count": 2,
              "items": [
                  "fieldName": "ssn",
                  "raw": "012345678"
                  "fieldName": "last_name",
                  "raw": "Smith"

            404 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
            Status Meaning Description Schema
            200 OK The request succeeded. fieldValueCollection
            404 Not Found The document or field was not found. sasError

            Get headers for field value for document

            Code samples

            # You can also use wget
            curl -X HEAD{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/fields/{fieldName}
              -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
              method: 'HEAD'
            .then(function(res) {
                return res.json();
            }).then(function(body) {
            import requests
            r = requests.head('{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/fields/{fieldName}')
            package main
            import (
            func main() {
                data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/fields/{fieldName}", data)
                req.Header = headers
                client := &http.Client{}
                resp, err := client.Do(req)
                // ...

            HEAD /documents/{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/fields/{fieldName}

            Gets headers for a representation of a field value for a top-level document. If the field is configured for masking, and if the requesting user is authorized to reveal the value of the masked field, the request will succeed. If the field is configured for masking and the requesting user is not authorized to reveal the value of the masked field, the request will fail.

            Name In Type Required Description
            objectTypeName path string true The object type of the document.
            documentId path string true The ID of the document.
            fieldName path string true The name of the field.
            Status Meaning Description Schema
            200 OK The request succeeded. None
            404 Not Found The document or field was not found. None

            Get field value for document

            Code samples

            # You can also use wget
            curl -X GET{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/fields/{fieldName} \
              -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
              -H 'Accept: application/json'
            const headers = {
              method: 'GET',
              headers: headers
            .then(function(res) {
                return res.json();
            }).then(function(body) {
            import requests
            headers = {
              'Accept': 'application/json'
            r = requests.get('{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/fields/{fieldName}', headers = headers)
            package main
            import (
            func main() {
                headers := map[string][]string{
                    "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/fields/{fieldName}", data)
                req.Header = headers
                client := &http.Client{}
                resp, err := client.Do(req)
                // ...

            GET /documents/{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/fields/{fieldName}

            Gets a representation of a field value for a top-level document. If the field is configured for masking, and if the requesting user is authorized to reveal the value of the masked field, the raw unmasked value of the field is returned. If the field is configured for masking and the requesting user is not authorized to reveal the value of the masked field, the result is an error.

            Name In Type Required Description
            objectTypeName path string true The object type of the document.
            documentId path string true The ID of the document.
            fieldName path string true The name of the field.

            Example responses

            200 Response

              "fieldName": "ssn",
              "raw": "012345678"

            404 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
            Status Meaning Description Schema
            200 OK The request succeeded. fieldValue
            404 Not Found The document or field was not found. sasError

            Get headers for historical field value for document

            Code samples

            # You can also use wget
            curl -X HEAD{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/fields/{fieldName}?version=0
              -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
              method: 'HEAD'
            .then(function(res) {
                return res.json();
            }).then(function(body) {
            import requests
            r = requests.head('{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/fields/{fieldName}', params={
              'version': '0'
            package main
            import (
            func main() {
                data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/fields/{fieldName}", data)
                req.Header = headers
                client := &http.Client{}
                resp, err := client.Do(req)
                // ...

            HEAD /documents/history/{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/fields/{fieldName}

            Gets headers for a representation of a field value for a top-level document at a certain point in its history. If the field is currently configured for masking, and if the requesting user is authorized to reveal the value of the masked field, the request will succeed. If the field is currently configured for masking and the requesting user is not authorized to reveal the value of the masked field, the request will fail.

            Name In Type Required Description
            objectTypeName path string true The object type of the document.
            documentId path string true The ID of the document.
            fieldName path string true The name of the field.
            version query integer true The version of the document in history.
            Status Meaning Description Schema
            200 OK The request succeeded. None
            404 Not Found The document or field was not found. None

            Get historical field value for document

            Code samples

            # You can also use wget
            curl -X GET{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/fields/{fieldName}?version=0 \
              -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
              -H 'Accept: application/json'
            const headers = {
              method: 'GET',
              headers: headers
            .then(function(res) {
                return res.json();
            }).then(function(body) {
            import requests
            headers = {
              'Accept': 'application/json'
            r = requests.get('{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/fields/{fieldName}', params={
              'version': '0'
            }, headers = headers)
            package main
            import (
            func main() {
                headers := map[string][]string{
                    "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/fields/{fieldName}", data)
                req.Header = headers
                client := &http.Client{}
                resp, err := client.Do(req)
                // ...

            GET /documents/history/{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/fields/{fieldName}

            Gets a representation of a field value for a top-level document at a certain point in its history. If the field is currently configured for masking, and if the requesting user is authorized to reveal the value of the masked field, the raw unmasked value of the field is returned. If the field is currently configured for masking and the requesting user is not authorized to reveal the value of the masked field, the result is an error.

            Name In Type Required Description
            objectTypeName path string true The object type of the document.
            documentId path string true The ID of the document.
            fieldName path string true The name of the field.
            version query integer true The version of the document in history.

            Example responses

            200 Response

              "fieldName": "ssn",
              "raw": "012345678"

            404 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
            Status Meaning Description Schema
            200 OK The request succeeded. fieldValue
            404 Not Found The document or field was not found. sasError

            Get headers for field values for child document

            Code samples

            # You can also use wget
            curl -X HEAD{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/children/{childDocType}/{childDocId}/fields?fieldName=string
              -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
              method: 'HEAD'
            .then(function(res) {
                return res.json();
            }).then(function(body) {
            import requests
            r = requests.head('{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/children/{childDocType}/{childDocId}/fields', params={
              'fieldName': [
            package main
            import (
            func main() {
                data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/children/{childDocType}/{childDocId}/fields", data)
                req.Header = headers
                client := &http.Client{}
                resp, err := client.Do(req)
                // ...

            HEAD /documents/{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/children/{childDocType}/{childDocId}/fields

            Gets headers for a representation of multiple fields values for a child document. Since the GET operation for this endpoint does not produce an error if the user is not authorized to reveal the value of a masked field, this HEAD operation does not either.

            Name In Type Required Description
            objectTypeName path string true The object type of the document.
            documentId path string true The ID of the document.
            childDocType path string true The object type of the child document.
            childDocId path string true The ID of the child document.
            fieldName query array[string] true The names of the fields.
            Status Meaning Description Schema
            200 OK The request succeeded. None
            404 Not Found The document or field was not found. None

            Get field values for child document

            Code samples

            # You can also use wget
            curl -X GET{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/children/{childDocType}/{childDocId}/fields?fieldName=string \
              -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
              -H 'Accept: application/json'
            const headers = {
              method: 'GET',
              headers: headers
            .then(function(res) {
                return res.json();
            }).then(function(body) {
            import requests
            headers = {
              'Accept': 'application/json'
            r = requests.get('{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/children/{childDocType}/{childDocId}/fields', params={
              'fieldName': [
            }, headers = headers)
            package main
            import (
            func main() {
                headers := map[string][]string{
                    "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/children/{childDocType}/{childDocId}/fields", data)
                req.Header = headers
                client := &http.Client{}
                resp, err := client.Do(req)
                // ...

            GET /documents/{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/children/{childDocType}/{childDocId}/fields

            Gets a representation of multiple fields values for a child document. If any of the fields is configured for masking, and if the requesting user is authorized to reveal the value of the masked field, the raw unmasked value of the field is returned. If any of the fields is configured for masking and the requesting user is not authorized to reveal the value of the masked field, the value will be omitted from the response.

            Name In Type Required Description
            objectTypeName path string true The object type of the document.
            documentId path string true The ID of the document.
            childDocType path string true The object type of the child document.
            childDocId path string true The ID of the child document.
            fieldName query array[string] true The names of the fields.

            Example responses

            200 Response

              "count": 2,
              "items": [
                  "fieldName": "ssn",
                  "raw": "012345678"
                  "fieldName": "last_name",
                  "raw": "Smith"

            404 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
            Status Meaning Description Schema
            200 OK The request succeeded. fieldValueCollection
            404 Not Found The document or field was not found. sasError

            Get headers for field value for child document

            Code samples

            # You can also use wget
            curl -X HEAD{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/children/{childDocType}/{childDocId}/fields/{fieldName}
              -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
              method: 'HEAD'
            .then(function(res) {
                return res.json();
            }).then(function(body) {
            import requests
            r = requests.head('{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/children/{childDocType}/{childDocId}/fields/{fieldName}')
            package main
            import (
            func main() {
                data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/children/{childDocType}/{childDocId}/fields/{fieldName}", data)
                req.Header = headers
                client := &http.Client{}
                resp, err := client.Do(req)
                // ...

            HEAD /documents/{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/children/{childDocType}/{childDocId}/fields/{fieldName}

            Gets headers for a representation of a field value for a child document. If the field is configured for masking, and if the requesting user is authorized to reveal the value of the masked field, the request will succeed. If the field is configured for masking and the requesting user is not authorized to reveal the value of the masked field, the request will fail.

            Name In Type Required Description
            objectTypeName path string true The object type of the document.
            documentId path string true The ID of the document.
            childDocType path string true The object type of the child document.
            childDocId path string true The ID of the child document.
            fieldName path string true The name of the field.
            Status Meaning Description Schema
            200 OK The request succeeded. None
            404 Not Found The document or field was not found. None

            Get field value for child document

            Code samples

            # You can also use wget
            curl -X GET{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/children/{childDocType}/{childDocId}/fields/{fieldName} \
              -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
              -H 'Accept: application/json'
            const headers = {
              method: 'GET',
              headers: headers
            .then(function(res) {
                return res.json();
            }).then(function(body) {
            import requests
            headers = {
              'Accept': 'application/json'
            r = requests.get('{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/children/{childDocType}/{childDocId}/fields/{fieldName}', headers = headers)
            package main
            import (
            func main() {
                headers := map[string][]string{
                    "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/children/{childDocType}/{childDocId}/fields/{fieldName}", data)
                req.Header = headers
                client := &http.Client{}
                resp, err := client.Do(req)
                // ...

            GET /documents/{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/children/{childDocType}/{childDocId}/fields/{fieldName}

            Gets a representation of a field value for a child document. If the field is configured for masking, and if the requesting user is authorized to reveal the value of the masked field, the raw unmasked value of the field is returned. If the field is configured for masking and the requesting user is not authorized to reveal the value of the masked field, the result is an error.

            Name In Type Required Description
            objectTypeName path string true The object type of the document.
            documentId path string true The ID of the document.
            childDocType path string true The object type of the child document.
            childDocId path string true The ID of the child document.
            fieldName path string true The name of the field.

            Example responses

            200 Response

              "fieldName": "ssn",
              "raw": "012345678"

            404 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
            Status Meaning Description Schema
            200 OK The request succeeded. fieldValue
            404 Not Found The document or field was not found. sasError

            Get headers for historical field value for child document

            Code samples

            # You can also use wget
            curl -X HEAD{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/children/{childDocType}/{childDocId}/fields/{fieldName}?version=0
              -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
              method: 'HEAD'
            .then(function(res) {
                return res.json();
            }).then(function(body) {
            import requests
            r = requests.head('{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/children/{childDocType}/{childDocId}/fields/{fieldName}', params={
              'version': '0'
            package main
            import (
            func main() {
                data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/children/{childDocType}/{childDocId}/fields/{fieldName}", data)
                req.Header = headers
                client := &http.Client{}
                resp, err := client.Do(req)
                // ...

            HEAD /documents/history/{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/children/{childDocType}/{childDocId}/fields/{fieldName}

            Gets headers for a representation of a field value for a child document at a certain point in its history. If the field is currently configured for masking, and if the requesting user is authorized to reveal the value of the masked field, the request will succeed. If the field is currently configured for masking and the requesting user is not authorized to reveal the value of the masked field, the request will fail.

            Name In Type Required Description
            objectTypeName path string true The object type of the document.
            documentId path string true The ID of the document.
            childDocType path string true The object type of the child document.
            childDocId path string true The ID of the child document.
            fieldName path string true The name of the field.
            version query integer true The version of the document in history.
            Status Meaning Description Schema
            200 OK The request succeeded. None
            404 Not Found The document or field was not found. None

            Get historical field value for child document

            Code samples

            # You can also use wget
            curl -X GET{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/children/{childDocType}/{childDocId}/fields/{fieldName}?version=0 \
              -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
              -H 'Accept: application/json'
            const headers = {
              method: 'GET',
              headers: headers
            .then(function(res) {
                return res.json();
            }).then(function(body) {
            import requests
            headers = {
              'Accept': 'application/json'
            r = requests.get('{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/children/{childDocType}/{childDocId}/fields/{fieldName}', params={
              'version': '0'
            }, headers = headers)
            package main
            import (
            func main() {
                headers := map[string][]string{
                    "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/children/{childDocType}/{childDocId}/fields/{fieldName}", data)
                req.Header = headers
                client := &http.Client{}
                resp, err := client.Do(req)
                // ...

            GET /documents/history/{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/children/{childDocType}/{childDocId}/fields/{fieldName}

            Gets a representation of a field value for a child document at a certain point in its history. If the field is currently configured for masking, and if the requesting user is authorized to reveal the value of the masked field, the raw unmasked value of the field is returned. If the field is currently configured for masking and the requesting user is not authorized to reveal the value of the masked field, the result is an error.

            Name In Type Required Description
            objectTypeName path string true The object type of the document.
            documentId path string true The ID of the document.
            childDocType path string true The object type of the child document.
            childDocId path string true The ID of the child document.
            fieldName path string true The name of the field.
            version query integer true The version of the document in history.

            Example responses

            200 Response

              "fieldName": "ssn",
              "raw": "012345678"

            404 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
            Status Meaning Description Schema
            200 OK The request succeeded. fieldValue
            404 Not Found The document or field was not found. sasError

            Get headers for summary of action history for a document

            Code samples

            # You can also use wget
            curl -X HEAD{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/actions \
              -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
              -H 'Accept-Item: string'
            const headers = {
              method: 'HEAD',
              headers: headers
            .then(function(res) {
                return res.json();
            }).then(function(body) {
            import requests
            headers = {
              'Accept-Item': 'string'
            r = requests.head('{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/actions', headers = headers)
            package main
            import (
            func main() {
                headers := map[string][]string{
                    "Accept-Item": []string{"string"},
                data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/actions", data)
                req.Header = headers
                client := &http.Client{}
                resp, err := client.Do(req)
                // ...

            HEAD /documents/{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/actions

            Gets headers for a summary of action history for a document. Action history summaries contain a link to fetch the full representation. The 'Accept-Item' request header can be used to fetch the available action types for this document. If the 'Accept-Item' header is set to "application/", this endpoint returns a collection of action types. This collection represents all of the action types that exist historically for the specified document, providing an exhaustive list of all possible filter options.

            Name In Type Required Description
            objectTypeName path string true The object type of the document.
            documentId path string true The ID of the document.
            start query integer false The start index. This is used for paging.
            limit query integer false The maximum number of items to return in a page of results.
            sortBy query string false The sort criteria for the request. The only supported sort criteria are 'createdAt' ascending and 'createdAt' descending.
            actionType query string false The filter criteria for the request. Basic selection filter syntax for the 'actionType' field is supported. For example: '?actionType=DOCUMENT_EDIT
            Accept-Item header string false If set to 'application/', the available action types are returned.
            Detailed descriptions

            objectTypeName: The object type of the document.

            start: The start index. This is used for paging.

            limit: The maximum number of items to return in a page of results.

            sortBy: The sort criteria for the request. The only supported sort criteria are 'createdAt' ascending and 'createdAt' descending.

            actionType: The filter criteria for the request. Basic selection filter syntax for the 'actionType' field is supported. For example: '?actionType=DOCUMENT_EDIT|COMMENT_CREATE' returns only DOCUMENT_EDIT or COMMENT_CREATE actions.

            Accept-Item: If set to 'application/', the available action types are returned.

            Status Meaning Description Schema
            200 OK The request succeeded. None
            400 Bad Request Action history was not available for the specified document. None
            404 Not Found The specified document was not found. None

            Get summary of action history for a document

            Code samples

            # You can also use wget
            curl -X GET{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/actions \
              -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
              -H 'Accept: application/json' \
              -H 'Accept-Item: string'
            const headers = {
              method: 'GET',
              headers: headers
            .then(function(res) {
                return res.json();
            }).then(function(body) {
            import requests
            headers = {
              'Accept': 'application/json',
              'Accept-Item': 'string'
            r = requests.get('{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/actions', headers = headers)
            package main
            import (
            func main() {
                headers := map[string][]string{
                    "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                    "Accept-Item": []string{"string"},
                data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/actions", data)
                req.Header = headers
                client := &http.Client{}
                resp, err := client.Do(req)
                // ...

            GET /documents/{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/actions

            Gets a summary of action history for a document. Action history summaries contain a link to fetch the full representation. The 'Accept-Item' request header can be used to fetch the available action types for this document. If the 'Accept-Item' header is set to "application/", this endpoint returns a collection of action types. This collection represents all of the action types that exist historically for the specified document, providing an exhaustive list of all possible filter options.

            Name In Type Required Description
            objectTypeName path string true The object type of the document.
            documentId path string true The ID of the document.
            start query integer false The start index. This is used for paging.
            limit query integer false The maximum number of items to return in a page of results.
            sortBy query string false The sort criteria for the request. The only supported sort criteria are 'createdAt' ascending and 'createdAt' descending.
            actionType query string false The filter criteria for the request. Basic selection filter syntax for the 'actionType' field is supported. For example: '?actionType=DOCUMENT_EDIT
            Accept-Item header string false If set to 'application/', the available action types are returned.
            Detailed descriptions

            objectTypeName: The object type of the document.

            start: The start index. This is used for paging.

            limit: The maximum number of items to return in a page of results.

            sortBy: The sort criteria for the request. The only supported sort criteria are 'createdAt' ascending and 'createdAt' descending.

            actionType: The filter criteria for the request. Basic selection filter syntax for the 'actionType' field is supported. For example: '?actionType=DOCUMENT_EDIT|COMMENT_CREATE' returns only DOCUMENT_EDIT or COMMENT_CREATE actions.

            Accept-Item: If set to 'application/', the available action types are returned.

            Example responses

            200 Response

              "links": [
                  "method": "GET",
                  "rel": "collection",
                  "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/person/uuid_100/actions",
                  "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/person/uuid_100/actions",
                  "type": "application/",
                  "itemType": "application/"
                  "method": "GET",
                  "rel": "self",
                  "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/person/uuid_100/actions?start=0&limit=10",
                  "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/person/uuid_100/actions?start=0&limit=10",
                  "type": "application/",
                  "itemType": "application/"
                  "method": "GET",
                  "rel": "availableActionTypes",
                  "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/person/uuid_100/actions",
                  "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/person/uuid_100/actions",
                  "type": "application/",
                  "itemType": "application/"
              "name": "actions",
              "start": 0,
              "count": 1,
              "items": [
                  "actionId": "2",
                  "action": "Edited the Person",
                  "actionType": "DOCUMENT_EDIT",
                  "objectType": "Person",
                  "objectId": "uuid_100",
                  "objectVersion": "2",
                  "createdBy": "videmo",
                  "createdAt": "2023-06-28T19:28:42.948Z",
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/person/uuid_100/actions/2?actionType=DOCUMENT_EDIT",
                      "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/person/uuid_100/actions/2?actionType=DOCUMENT_EDIT",
                      "type": "application/"
                  "version": 1
              "limit": 10,
              "version": 2

            400 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."

            404 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
            Status Meaning Description Schema
            200 OK The request succeeded. Inline
            400 Bad Request Action history was not available for the specified document. sasError
            404 Not Found The specified document was not found. sasError
            Response Schema
            Enumerated Values
            Property Value
            actionType DOCUMENT_CREATE
            actionType DOCUMENT_EDIT
            actionType DOCUMENT_DELETE
            actionType DOCUMENT_UNKNOWN
            actionType RELATIONSHIP_CREATE
            actionType RELATIONSHIP_EDIT
            actionType RELATIONSHIP_DELETE
            actionType RELATIONSHIP_UNKNOWN
            actionType OBJECT_LINKED
            actionType OBJECT_LINK_EDIT
            actionType OBJECT_UNLINKED
            actionType OBJECT_LINK_UNKNOWN
            actionType COMMENT_CREATE
            actionType COMMENT_EDIT
            actionType FILE_UPLOAD
            actionType FILE_DELETE

            Get headers for an action for a document

            Code samples

            # You can also use wget
            curl -X HEAD{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/actions/{actionId}
              -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
              method: 'HEAD'
            .then(function(res) {
                return res.json();
            }).then(function(body) {
            import requests
            r = requests.head('{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/actions/{actionId}')
            package main
            import (
            func main() {
                data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/actions/{actionId}", data)
                req.Header = headers
                client := &http.Client{}
                resp, err := client.Do(req)
                // ...

            HEAD /documents/{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/actions/{actionId}

            Gets headers for the full representation of an action from a document's action history. A link to this representation is returned in the links property of an action summary.

            Name In Type Required Description
            objectTypeName path string true The object type of the document.
            documentId path string true The ID of the document.
            actionId path string true The ID of the action. This could be a document version or the ID of an action.
            tableLimit query integer false Specifies the length at which to truncate child document action history.
            actionType query string false The type of the action. This is one of the available action types for the document. Currently, this parameter is not required by the server, but omitting it is deprecated. This parameter will be required in a future version of the API. Certain action types will not be available from this endpoint if the actionType parameter is not provided.
            Detailed descriptions

            objectTypeName: The object type of the document.

            documentId: The ID of the document.

            actionId: The ID of the action. This could be a document version or the ID of an action.

            tableLimit: Specifies the length at which to truncate child document action history. For example, assume that a request is made with this query parameter set to 5. If, for a given child document type, there is less than 5 child documents for a specific action (Create/Edit/Delete), then 'n' child documents are returned. If 'n' is greater than 5, a message instructs the user to use the Versions control to view the child documents.

            actionType: The type of the action. This is one of the available action types for the document. Currently, this parameter is not required by the server, but omitting it is deprecated. This parameter will be required in a future version of the API. Certain action types will not be available from this endpoint if the actionType parameter is not provided.

            Status Meaning Description Schema
            200 OK The request succeeded. None
            400 Bad Request Action history was not available for the specified document. None
            404 Not Found The specified document or action was not found. None

            Get an action for a document

            Code samples

            # You can also use wget
            curl -X GET{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/actions/{actionId} \
              -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
              -H 'Accept: application/json'
            const headers = {
              method: 'GET',
              headers: headers
            .then(function(res) {
                return res.json();
            }).then(function(body) {
            import requests
            headers = {
              'Accept': 'application/json'
            r = requests.get('{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/actions/{actionId}', headers = headers)
            package main
            import (
            func main() {
                headers := map[string][]string{
                    "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/actions/{actionId}", data)
                req.Header = headers
                client := &http.Client{}
                resp, err := client.Do(req)
                // ...

            GET /documents/{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/actions/{actionId}

            Gets the full representation of an action from a document's action history. A link to this representation is returned in the links property of an action summary.

            Name In Type Required Description
            objectTypeName path string true The object type of the document.
            documentId path string true The ID of the document.
            actionId path string true The ID of the action. This could be a document version or the ID of an action.
            tableLimit query integer false Specifies the length at which to truncate child document action history.
            actionType query string false The type of the action. This is one of the available action types for the document. Currently, this parameter is not required by the server, but omitting it is deprecated. This parameter will be required in a future version of the API. Certain action types will not be available from this endpoint if the actionType parameter is not provided.
            Detailed descriptions

            objectTypeName: The object type of the document.

            documentId: The ID of the document.

            actionId: The ID of the action. This could be a document version or the ID of an action.

            tableLimit: Specifies the length at which to truncate child document action history. For example, assume that a request is made with this query parameter set to 5. If, for a given child document type, there is less than 5 child documents for a specific action (Create/Edit/Delete), then 'n' child documents are returned. If 'n' is greater than 5, a message instructs the user to use the Versions control to view the child documents.

            actionType: The type of the action. This is one of the available action types for the document. Currently, this parameter is not required by the server, but omitting it is deprecated. This parameter will be required in a future version of the API. Certain action types will not be available from this endpoint if the actionType parameter is not provided.

            Example responses

            200 Response

              "actionId": "2",
              "action": "Edited the Person",
              "actionType": "DOCUMENT_EDIT",
              "objectType": "Person",
              "objectId": "uuid_100",
              "objectVersion": "2",
              "createdBy": "videmo",
              "createdAt": "2023-06-28T00:00:00.000Z",
              "links": [
                  "method": "GET",
                  "rel": "self",
                  "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/person/uuid_100/actions/2?actionType=DOCUMENT_EDIT",
                  "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/person/uuid_100/actions/2?actionType=DOCUMENT_EDIT",
                  "type": "application/"
              "version": 1,
              "items": [
                  "type": "tableItem",
                  "action": "Changed fields",
                  "headings": [
                    "Original Value",
                    "New Value"
                  "rows": [
                        "value": "Person Id",
                        "type": "STRING"
                        "value": "uuid_100",
                        "type": "STRING"
                        "value": "First Name",
                        "type": "STRING"
                        "value": "John",
                        "type": "STRING"
                        "value": "Last Name",
                        "type": "STRING"
                        "value": "Smith",
                        "type": "STRING"
                        "value": "Created By",
                        "type": "STRING"
                        "value": "unit_test",
                        "type": "STRING"
                        "value": "Last Updated By",
                        "type": "STRING"
                        "value": "videmo",
                        "type": "STRING"

            400 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."

            404 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
            Status Meaning Description Schema
            200 OK The request succeeded. action
            400 Bad Request Action history was not available for the specified document. sasError
            404 Not Found The specified document or action was not found. sasError

            Get headers for summary of version history for a document

            Code samples

            # You can also use wget
            curl -X HEAD{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/versions
              -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
              method: 'HEAD'
            .then(function(res) {
                return res.json();
            }).then(function(body) {
            import requests
            r = requests.head('{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/versions')
            package main
            import (
            func main() {
                data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/versions", data)
                req.Header = headers
                client := &http.Client{}
                resp, err := client.Do(req)
                // ...

            HEAD /documents/{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/versions

            Gets headers for a summary of version history for a document. Version summaries contain a link to fetch the full version representation.

            Name In Type Required Description
            objectTypeName path string true The object type of the document.
            documentId path string true The ID of the document.
            start query integer false The start index. This is used for paging.
            limit query integer false The maximum number of items to return in a page of results.
            sortBy query string false The sort criteria for the request.
            includeDisplayLabel query boolean false Indicates whether to include the display label for the document.
            Detailed descriptions

            objectTypeName: The object type of the document.

            start: The start index. This is used for paging.

            limit: The maximum number of items to return in a page of results.

            sortBy: The sort criteria for the request.

            includeDisplayLabel: Indicates whether to include the display label for the document.

            Status Meaning Description Schema
            200 OK The request succeeded. None
            400 Bad Request Version history was not available for the specified document. None
            404 Not Found The specified document was not found. None

            Get summary of version history for a document

            Code samples

            # You can also use wget
            curl -X GET{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/versions \
              -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
              -H 'Accept: application/json'
            const headers = {
              method: 'GET',
              headers: headers
            .then(function(res) {
                return res.json();
            }).then(function(body) {
            import requests
            headers = {
              'Accept': 'application/json'
            r = requests.get('{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/versions', headers = headers)
            package main
            import (
            func main() {
                headers := map[string][]string{
                    "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/versions", data)
                req.Header = headers
                client := &http.Client{}
                resp, err := client.Do(req)
                // ...

            GET /documents/{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/versions

            Gets a summary of version history for a document. Version summaries contain a link to fetch the full version representation.

            Name In Type Required Description
            objectTypeName path string true The object type of the document.
            documentId path string true The ID of the document.
            start query integer false The start index. This is used for paging.
            limit query integer false The maximum number of items to return in a page of results.
            sortBy query string false The sort criteria for the request.
            includeDisplayLabel query boolean false Indicates whether to include the display label for the document.
            Detailed descriptions

            objectTypeName: The object type of the document.

            start: The start index. This is used for paging.

            limit: The maximum number of items to return in a page of results.

            sortBy: The sort criteria for the request.

            includeDisplayLabel: Indicates whether to include the display label for the document.

            Example responses

            200 Response

              "links": [
                  "method": "GET",
                  "rel": "collection",
                  "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/person/uuid_100/versions",
                  "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/person/uuid_100/versions",
                  "type": "application/"
                  "method": "GET",
                  "rel": "next",
                  "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/person/uuid_100/versions?start=40&limit=40",
                  "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/person/uuid_100/versions?start=40&limit=40",
                  "type": "application/"
                  "method": "GET",
                  "rel": "self",
                  "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/person/uuid_100/versions?start=0&limit=40",
                  "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/person/uuid_100/versions?start=0&limit=40",
                  "type": "application/"
              "name": "versions",
              "start": 0,
              "count": 1,
              "items": [
                  "typeName": "person",
                  "id": "uuid_100",
                  "version": "2",
                  "operation": "update",
                  "createdBy": "videmo",
                  "createdAt": "2023-06-28T19:28:42.948Z",
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/person/uuid_100/versions/2",
                      "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/person/uuid_100/versions/2",
                      "type": "application/"
              "limit": 40,
              "version": 2

            400 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."

            404 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
            Status Meaning Description Schema
            200 OK The request succeeded. versionSummaryCollection
            400 Bad Request Version history was not available for the specified document. sasError
            404 Not Found The specified document was not found. sasError

            Get headers for a document version

            Code samples

            # You can also use wget
            curl -X HEAD{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/versions/{version}
              -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
              method: 'HEAD'
            .then(function(res) {
                return res.json();
            }).then(function(body) {
            import requests
            r = requests.head('{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/versions/{version}')
            package main
            import (
            func main() {
                data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/versions/{version}", data)
                req.Header = headers
                client := &http.Client{}
                resp, err := client.Do(req)
                // ...

            HEAD /documents/{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/versions/{version}

            Gets headers for the full representation of a version from a document's version history. A link to this representation is returned in the links property of a version summary.

            Name In Type Required Description
            objectTypeName path string true The object type of the document.
            documentId path string true The ID of the document.
            version path string true The version of the document.
            changedOnly query boolean false Indicates whether to return only the fields that have changed between the previous and requested document version.
            includeDisplayLabel query boolean false Indicates whether to include the display label for the document in the version.
            Detailed descriptions

            objectTypeName: The object type of the document.

            documentId: The ID of the document.

            version: The version of the document.

            changedOnly: Indicates whether to return only the fields that have changed between the previous and requested document version.

            includeDisplayLabel: Indicates whether to include the display label for the document in the version.

            Status Meaning Description Schema
            200 OK The request succeeded. None
            400 Bad Request Version history was not available for the specified document. None
            404 Not Found The specified document or document version was not found. None

            Get a version for a document

            Code samples

            # You can also use wget
            curl -X GET{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/versions/{version} \
              -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
              -H 'Accept: application/json'
            const headers = {
              method: 'GET',
              headers: headers
            .then(function(res) {
                return res.json();
            }).then(function(body) {
            import requests
            headers = {
              'Accept': 'application/json'
            r = requests.get('{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/versions/{version}', headers = headers)
            package main
            import (
            func main() {
                headers := map[string][]string{
                    "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/versions/{version}", data)
                req.Header = headers
                client := &http.Client{}
                resp, err := client.Do(req)
                // ...

            GET /documents/{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/versions/{version}

            Gets the full representation of a version from a document's version history. A link to this representation is returned in the links property of a version summary.

            Name In Type Required Description
            objectTypeName path string true The object type of the document.
            documentId path string true The ID of the document.
            version path string true The version of the document.
            changedOnly query boolean false Indicates whether to return only the fields that have changed between the previous and requested document version.
            includeDisplayLabel query boolean false Indicates whether to include the display label for the document in the version.
            Detailed descriptions

            objectTypeName: The object type of the document.

            documentId: The ID of the document.

            version: The version of the document.

            changedOnly: Indicates whether to return only the fields that have changed between the previous and requested document version.

            includeDisplayLabel: Indicates whether to include the display label for the document in the version.

            Example responses

            200 Response

              "typeName": "person",
              "id": "uuid_100",
              "version": "2",
              "operation": "update",
              "createdBy": "videmo",
              "createdAt": "2023-06-28T19:28:42.948Z",
              "links": [
                  "method": "GET",
                  "rel": "self",
                  "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/person/uuid_100/versions/2",
                  "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/person/uuid_100/versions/2",
                  "type": "application/"
              "values": [
                  "name": "created_at_dttm",
                  "label": "Created At",
                  "value": "2015-10-01T18:30:03.656Z",
                  "type": "TIMESTAMP",
                  "valueChanged": true
                  "name": "created_by_user_id",
                  "label": "Created By",
                  "value": "unit_test",
                  "type": "STRING",
                  "valueChanged": true
                  "name": "first_name",
                  "label": "First Name",
                  "value": "John",
                  "type": "STRING",
                  "valueChanged": true
                  "name": "last_name",
                  "label": "Last Name",
                  "value": "Smith",
                  "type": "STRING",
                  "valueChanged": true
                  "name": "last_updated_at_dttm",
                  "label": "Last Updated At",
                  "value": "2023-06-28T19:28:42.948Z",
                  "type": "TIMESTAMP",
                  "valueChanged": true
                  "name": "last_updated_by_user_id",
                  "label": "Last Updated By",
                  "value": "videmo",
                  "type": "STRING",
                  "valueChanged": true
                  "name": "id",
                  "label": "Person Id",
                  "value": "uuid_100",
                  "type": "STRING",
                  "valueChanged": true
                  "name": "version",
                  "label": "Version",
                  "value": 2,
                  "type": "LONG",
                  "valueChanged": true
                  "name": "birthday",
                  "label": "Birthday",
                  "type": "TIMESTAMP",
                  "valueChanged": false
                  "name": "gender",
                  "label": "Gender",
                  "type": "REFERENCE_DATA",
                  "valueChanged": false
                  "name": "ps_inc",
                  "label": "Ps Inc",
                  "type": "NUMERIC",
                  "valueChanged": false

            400 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."

            404 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
            Status Meaning Description Schema
            200 OK The request succeeded. version
            400 Bad Request Version history was not available for the specified document. sasError
            404 Not Found The specified document or document version was not found. sasError

            Get headers for a summary of version history for a child document

            Code samples

            # You can also use wget
            curl -X HEAD{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/versions/{version}/children/{childDocType}
              -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
              method: 'HEAD'
            .then(function(res) {
                return res.json();
            }).then(function(body) {
            import requests
            r = requests.head('{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/versions/{version}/children/{childDocType}')
            package main
            import (
            func main() {
                data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/versions/{version}/children/{childDocType}", data)
                req.Header = headers
                client := &http.Client{}
                resp, err := client.Do(req)
                // ...

            HEAD /documents/{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/versions/{version}/children/{childDocType}

            Gets headers for a summary of version history for a child document. Child version summaries contain a link to fetch the full child version representation.

            Name In Type Required Description
            objectTypeName path string true The object type of the child document's parent document.
            documentId path string true The ID of the child document's parent document.
            version path string true The version of the child document's parent document.
            childDocType path string true The object type of the child document.
            start query integer false The start index. This is used for paging.
            limit query integer false The maximum number of items to return in a page of results.
            sortBy query string false The sort criteria for the request.
            includeDisplayLabel query boolean false Indicates whether to include the display label for the child document in the version.
            operation query string false A query parameter that can be used to filter the child documents by their operation.
            Detailed descriptions

            objectTypeName: The object type of the child document's parent document.

            start: The start index. This is used for paging.

            limit: The maximum number of items to return in a page of results.

            sortBy: The sort criteria for the request.

            includeDisplayLabel: Indicates whether to include the display label for the child document in the version.

            operation: A query parameter that can be used to filter the child documents by their operation. The available operations are:

            Status Meaning Description Schema
            200 OK The request succeeded. None
            400 Bad Request Version history was not available for the specified child document. None
            404 Not Found The specified child document or parent document was not found. None

            Get a summary of version history for a child document

            Code samples

            # You can also use wget
            curl -X GET{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/versions/{version}/children/{childDocType} \
              -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
              -H 'Accept: application/'
            const headers = {
              method: 'GET',
              headers: headers
            .then(function(res) {
                return res.json();
            }).then(function(body) {
            import requests
            headers = {
              'Accept': 'application/'
            r = requests.get('{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/versions/{version}/children/{childDocType}', headers = headers)
            package main
            import (
            func main() {
                headers := map[string][]string{
                    "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/versions/{version}/children/{childDocType}", data)
                req.Header = headers
                client := &http.Client{}
                resp, err := client.Do(req)
                // ...

            GET /documents/{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/versions/{version}/children/{childDocType}

            Gets a summary of version history for a child document. Child version summaries contain a link to fetch the full child version representation.

            Name In Type Required Description
            objectTypeName path string true The object type of the child document's parent document.
            documentId path string true The ID of the child document's parent document.
            version path string true The version of the child document's parent document.
            childDocType path string true The object type of the child document.
            start query integer false The start index. This is used for paging.
            limit query integer false The maximum number of items to return in a page of results.
            sortBy query string false The sort criteria for the request.
            includeDisplayLabel query boolean false Indicates whether to include the display label for the child document in the version.
            operation query string false A query parameter that can be used to filter the child documents by their operation.
            Detailed descriptions

            objectTypeName: The object type of the child document's parent document.

            start: The start index. This is used for paging.

            limit: The maximum number of items to return in a page of results.

            sortBy: The sort criteria for the request.

            includeDisplayLabel: Indicates whether to include the display label for the child document in the version.

            operation: A query parameter that can be used to filter the child documents by their operation. The available operations are:

            Example responses

            200 Response

              "links": [
                  "method": "GET",
                  "rel": "collection",
                  "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/intel_report/uuid_502/versions/4/children/intel_address",
                  "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/intel_report/uuid_502/versions/4/children/intel_address",
                  "type": "application/"
                  "method": "GET",
                  "rel": "next",
                  "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/intel_report/uuid_502/versions/4/children/intel_address?start=40&limit=40",
                  "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/intel_report/uuid_502/versions/4/children/intel_address?start=40&limit=40",
                  "type": "application/"
                  "method": "GET",
                  "rel": "self",
                  "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/intel_report/uuid_502/versions/4/children/intel_address?start=0&limit=40",
                  "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/intel_report/uuid_502/versions/4/children/intel_address?start=0&limit=40",
                  "type": "application/"
              "name": "versions",
              "start": 0,
              "count": 1,
              "items": [
                  "typeName": "intel_address",
                  "id": "ee0634fb-fb3c-48c8-a9e3-9233376f96d3",
                  "version": "4",
                  "operation": "update",
                  "createdBy": "videmo",
                  "createdAt": "2023-06-28T20:45:01.643Z",
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/intel_report/uuid_502/versions/4/children/intel_address/ee0634fb-fb3c-48c8-a9e3-9233376f96d3",
                      "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/intel_report/uuid_502/versions/4/children/intel_address/ee0634fb-fb3c-48c8-a9e3-9233376f96d3",
                      "type": "application/"
                  "parentTypeName": "intel_report",
                  "parentId": "uuid_502",
                  "parentVersion": "4"
              "limit": 40,
              "version": 2

            400 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."

            404 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
            Status Meaning Description Schema
            200 OK The request succeeded. childVersionSummaryCollection
            400 Bad Request Version history was not available for the specified child document. sasError
            404 Not Found The specified child document or parent document was not found. sasError

            Get headers for a child document version

            Code samples

            # You can also use wget
            curl -X HEAD{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/versions/{version}/children/{childDocType}/{childDocId}
              -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
              method: 'HEAD'
            .then(function(res) {
                return res.json();
            }).then(function(body) {
            import requests
            r = requests.head('{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/versions/{version}/children/{childDocType}/{childDocId}')
            package main
            import (
            func main() {
                data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/versions/{version}/children/{childDocType}/{childDocId}", data)
                req.Header = headers
                client := &http.Client{}
                resp, err := client.Do(req)
                // ...

            HEAD /documents/{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/versions/{version}/children/{childDocType}/{childDocId}

            Gets headers for the full representation of a child version from a child document's version history. A link to this representation is returned in the "links" property of a child version summary.

            Name In Type Required Description
            objectTypeName path string true The object type of the child document's parent document.
            documentId path string true The ID of the child document's parent document.
            version path string true The version of the child document's parent document.
            childDocType path string true The object type of the child document.
            childDocId path string true The ID of the child document.
            changedOnly query boolean false Specifies whether to return only the fields that have changed between the previous and requested child document version.
            includeDisplayLabel query boolean false Specifies whether to include the display label for the child document.
            Detailed descriptions

            objectTypeName: The object type of the child document's parent document.

            documentId: The ID of the child document's parent document.

            version: The version of the child document's parent document.

            childDocType: The object type of the child document.

            childDocId: The ID of the child document.

            changedOnly: Specifies whether to return only the fields that have changed between the previous and requested child document version.

            includeDisplayLabel: Specifies whether to include the display label for the child document.

            Status Meaning Description Schema
            200 OK The request succeeded. None
            400 Bad Request Version history was not available for the specified child document. None
            404 Not Found The specified child document, parent document, or parent document version was not found. None

            Get a child version for a child document

            Code samples

            # You can also use wget
            curl -X GET{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/versions/{version}/children/{childDocType}/{childDocId} \
              -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
              -H 'Accept: application/json'
            const headers = {
              method: 'GET',
              headers: headers
            .then(function(res) {
                return res.json();
            }).then(function(body) {
            import requests
            headers = {
              'Accept': 'application/json'
            r = requests.get('{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/versions/{version}/children/{childDocType}/{childDocId}', headers = headers)
            package main
            import (
            func main() {
                headers := map[string][]string{
                    "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/versions/{version}/children/{childDocType}/{childDocId}", data)
                req.Header = headers
                client := &http.Client{}
                resp, err := client.Do(req)
                // ...

            GET /documents/{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/versions/{version}/children/{childDocType}/{childDocId}

            Gets the full representation of a child version from a child document's version history. A link to this representation is returned in the "links" property of a child version summary.

            Name In Type Required Description
            objectTypeName path string true The object type of the child document's parent document.
            documentId path string true The ID of the child document's parent document.
            version path string true The version of the child document's parent document.
            childDocType path string true The object type of the child document.
            childDocId path string true The ID of the child document.
            changedOnly query boolean false Specifies whether to return only the fields that have changed between the previous and requested child document version.
            includeDisplayLabel query boolean false Specifies whether to include the display label for the child document.
            Detailed descriptions

            objectTypeName: The object type of the child document's parent document.

            documentId: The ID of the child document's parent document.

            version: The version of the child document's parent document.

            childDocType: The object type of the child document.

            childDocId: The ID of the child document.

            changedOnly: Specifies whether to return only the fields that have changed between the previous and requested child document version.

            includeDisplayLabel: Specifies whether to include the display label for the child document.

            Example responses

            200 Response

              "typeName": "intel_address",
              "id": "ee0634fb-fb3c-48c8-a9e3-9233376f96d3",
              "version": "4",
              "operation": "update",
              "createdBy": "videmo",
              "createdAt": "2023-06-28T20:45:01.643Z",
              "links": [
                  "method": "GET",
                  "rel": "self",
                  "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/intel_report/uuid_502/versions/4/children/intel_address/ee0634fb-fb3c-48c8-a9e3-9233376f96d3",
                  "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/intel_report/uuid_502/versions/4/children/intel_address/ee0634fb-fb3c-48c8-a9e3-9233376f96d3",
                  "type": "application/"
              "parentTypeName": "intel_report",
              "parentId": "uuid_502",
              "parentVersion": "4",
              "values": [
                  "name": "city",
                  "label": "City",
                  "value": "some city",
                  "type": "STRING",
                  "valueChanged": true
                  "name": "id",
                  "label": "Address Id",
                  "previousVersionValue": "ee0634fb-fb3c-48c8-a9e3-9233376f96d3",
                  "value": "ee0634fb-fb3c-48c8-a9e3-9233376f96d3",
                  "type": "STRING",
                  "valueChanged": false
                  "name": "intel_report_id",
                  "label": "Report Id",
                  "previousVersionValue": "uuid_502",
                  "value": "uuid_502",
                  "type": "STRING",
                  "valueChanged": false
                  "name": "state",
                  "label": "State",
                  "type": "STRING",
                  "valueChanged": false
                  "name": "street",
                  "label": "Street",
                  "previousVersionValue": "some street",
                  "value": "some street",
                  "type": "STRING",
                  "valueChanged": false
                  "name": "zip",
                  "label": "Zip code",
                  "type": "STRING",
                  "valueChanged": false

            400 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."

            404 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
            Status Meaning Description Schema
            200 OK The request succeeded. childVersion
            400 Bad Request Version history was not available for the specified child document. sasError
            404 Not Found The specified child document, parent document, or parent document version was not found. sasError

            Get headers for additional history information about a historical document version

            Code samples

            # You can also use wget
            curl -X HEAD{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/versions/{version}/items
              -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
              method: 'HEAD'
            .then(function(res) {
                return res.json();
            }).then(function(body) {
            import requests
            r = requests.head('{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/versions/{version}/items')
            package main
            import (
            func main() {
                data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/versions/{version}/items", data)
                req.Header = headers
                client := &http.Client{}
                resp, err := client.Do(req)
                // ...

            HEAD /documents/{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/versions/{version}/items

            Gets headers for additional history information about a historical document version. For example, this could be Create, Edit, and Delete operations on Insight objects associated with the document.

            Name In Type Required Description
            objectTypeName path string true The object type of the document.
            documentId path string true The ID of the document.
            version path string true The version of the document for which to fetch additional history information.
            start query integer false The start index. This is used for paging.
            limit query integer false The maximum number of items to return in a page of results.
            sortBy query string false The sort criteria for the request.
            Detailed descriptions

            objectTypeName: The object type of the document.

            documentId: The ID of the document.

            version: The version of the document for which to fetch additional history information.

            start: The start index. This is used for paging.

            limit: The maximum number of items to return in a page of results.

            sortBy: The sort criteria for the request.

            Status Meaning Description Schema
            200 OK The request succeeded. None
            400 Bad Request Additional history information was not available for the specified document. None
            404 Not Found The specified document or document version was not found. None

            Get additional history information about a historical document version

            Code samples

            # You can also use wget
            curl -X GET{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/versions/{version}/items \
              -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
              -H 'Accept: application/json'
            const headers = {
              method: 'GET',
              headers: headers
            .then(function(res) {
                return res.json();
            }).then(function(body) {
            import requests
            headers = {
              'Accept': 'application/json'
            r = requests.get('{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/versions/{version}/items', headers = headers)
            package main
            import (
            func main() {
                headers := map[string][]string{
                    "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/versions/{version}/items", data)
                req.Header = headers
                client := &http.Client{}
                resp, err := client.Do(req)
                // ...

            GET /documents/{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/versions/{version}/items

            Gets additional history information about a historical document version. For example, this could be Create, Edit, and Delete operations on Insight objects associated with the document.

            Name In Type Required Description
            objectTypeName path string true The object type of the document.
            documentId path string true The ID of the document.
            version path string true The version of the document for which to fetch additional history information.
            start query integer false The start index. This is used for paging.
            limit query integer false The maximum number of items to return in a page of results.
            sortBy query string false The sort criteria for the request.
            Detailed descriptions

            objectTypeName: The object type of the document.

            documentId: The ID of the document.

            version: The version of the document for which to fetch additional history information.

            start: The start index. This is used for paging.

            limit: The maximum number of items to return in a page of results.

            sortBy: The sort criteria for the request.

            Example responses

            200 Response

              "links": [
                  "method": "GET",
                  "rel": "self",
                  "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/intel_report/uuid_502/versions/6/items?start=0&limit=40",
                  "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/intel_report/uuid_502/versions/6/items?start=0&limit=40",
                  "type": "application/",
                  "itemType": "application/"
                  "method": "GET",
                  "rel": "collection",
                  "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/intel_report/uuid_502/versions/6/items",
                  "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/intel_report/uuid_502/versions/6/items",
                  "type": "application/",
                  "itemType": "application/"
              "name": "owner",
              "accept": "application/",
              "start": 0,
              "count": 1,
              "items": [
                  "historyInfoId": 501,
                  "itemRefId": "50",
                  "itemType": "Insight",
                  "itemLabel": "Insight-1",
                  "operation": "Added",
                  "ownerType": "intel_report",
                  "ownerId": "uuid_502",
                  "ownerVersion": "6"
              "limit": 40,
              "version": 2

            400 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."

            404 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
            Status Meaning Description Schema
            200 OK The request succeeded. historyinfoCollection
            400 Bad Request Additional history information was not available for the specified document. sasError
            404 Not Found The specified document or document version was not found. sasError

            Get headers for additional history information for a child document at a specific parent document version

            Code samples

            # You can also use wget
            curl -X HEAD{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/versions/{version}/children/{childDocType}/{childDocId}/items
              -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
              method: 'HEAD'
            .then(function(res) {
                return res.json();
            }).then(function(body) {
            import requests
            r = requests.head('{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/versions/{version}/children/{childDocType}/{childDocId}/items')
            package main
            import (
            func main() {
                data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/versions/{version}/children/{childDocType}/{childDocId}/items", data)
                req.Header = headers
                client := &http.Client{}
                resp, err := client.Do(req)
                // ...

            HEAD /documents/{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/versions/{version}/children/{childDocType}/{childDocId}/items

            Gets headers for additional history information for a child document at a specific parent document version.

            Name In Type Required Description
            objectTypeName path string true The object type of the child document's parent document.
            documentId path string true The ID of the child document's parent document.
            version path string true The version of the child document's parent document.
            childDocType path string true The object type of the child document.
            childDocId path string true The ID of the child document.
            start query integer false The start index. This is used for paging.
            limit query integer false The maximum number of items to return in a page of results.
            sortBy query string false The sort criteria for the request.
            Detailed descriptions

            objectTypeName: The object type of the child document's parent document.

            documentId: The ID of the child document's parent document.

            version: The version of the child document's parent document.

            childDocType: The object type of the child document.

            childDocId: The ID of the child document.

            start: The start index. This is used for paging.

            limit: The maximum number of items to return in a page of results.

            sortBy: The sort criteria for the request.

            Status Meaning Description Schema
            200 OK The request succeeded. None
            400 Bad Request Additional history information was not available for the given child document. None
            404 Not Found The specified parent document, child document, or parent document version was not found. None

            Get additional history information for a child document at a specific parent document version

            Code samples

            # You can also use wget
            curl -X GET{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/versions/{version}/children/{childDocType}/{childDocId}/items \
              -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
              -H 'Accept: application/json'
            const headers = {
              method: 'GET',
              headers: headers
            .then(function(res) {
                return res.json();
            }).then(function(body) {
            import requests
            headers = {
              'Accept': 'application/json'
            r = requests.get('{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/versions/{version}/children/{childDocType}/{childDocId}/items', headers = headers)
            package main
            import (
            func main() {
                headers := map[string][]string{
                    "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/versions/{version}/children/{childDocType}/{childDocId}/items", data)
                req.Header = headers
                client := &http.Client{}
                resp, err := client.Do(req)
                // ...

            GET /documents/{objectTypeName}/{documentId}/versions/{version}/children/{childDocType}/{childDocId}/items

            Gets additional history information for a child document at a specific parent document version.

            Name In Type Required Description
            objectTypeName path string true The object type of the child document's parent document.
            documentId path string true The ID of the child document's parent document.
            version path string true The version of the child document's parent document.
            childDocType path string true The object type of the child document.
            childDocId path string true The ID of the child document.
            start query integer false The start index. This is used for paging.
            limit query integer false The maximum number of items to return in a page of results.
            sortBy query string false The sort criteria for the request.
            Detailed descriptions

            objectTypeName: The object type of the child document's parent document.

            documentId: The ID of the child document's parent document.

            version: The version of the child document's parent document.

            childDocType: The object type of the child document.

            childDocId: The ID of the child document.

            start: The start index. This is used for paging.

            limit: The maximum number of items to return in a page of results.

            sortBy: The sort criteria for the request.

            Example responses

            200 Response

              "links": [
                  "method": "GET",
                  "rel": "self",
                  "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/intel_report/uuid_502/versions/6/items?start=0&limit=40",
                  "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/intel_report/uuid_502/versions/6/items?start=0&limit=40",
                  "type": "application/",
                  "itemType": "application/"
                  "method": "GET",
                  "rel": "collection",
                  "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/intel_report/uuid_502/versions/6/items",
                  "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/intel_report/uuid_502/versions/6/items",
                  "type": "application/",
                  "itemType": "application/"
              "name": "owner",
              "accept": "application/",
              "start": 0,
              "count": 1,
              "items": [
                  "historyInfoId": 501,
                  "itemRefId": "50",
                  "itemType": "Insight",
                  "itemLabel": "Insight-1",
                  "operation": "Added",
                  "ownerType": "intel_report",
                  "ownerId": "uuid_502",
                  "ownerVersion": "6"
              "limit": 40,
              "version": 2

            400 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."

            404 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
            Status Meaning Description Schema
            200 OK The request succeeded. historyinfoCollection
            400 Bad Request Additional history information was not available for the given child document. sasError
            404 Not Found The specified parent document, child document, or parent document version was not found. sasError

            Lock a document for editing and deletion

            Code samples

            # You can also use wget
            curl -X POST \
              -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
              -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
              -H 'Accept: application/json'
            const inputBody = 'null';
            const headers = {
              method: 'POST',
              body: inputBody,
              headers: headers
            .then(function(res) {
                return res.json();
            }).then(function(body) {
            import requests
            headers = {
              'Content-Type': 'application/json',
              'Accept': 'application/json'
            r ='', params={
              'type': 'string',  'id': 'string'
            }, headers = headers)
            package main
            import (
            func main() {
                headers := map[string][]string{
                    "Content-Type": []string{"application/json"},
                    "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "", data)
                req.Header = headers
                client := &http.Client{}
                resp, err := client.Do(req)
                // ...

            POST /locks/documents

            Places a lock on a document prior to modifying or deleting the document. If another user has a lock on the object, the request fails. Be sure to delete the lock after editing the document. A document lock times out after two hours or when the session ends; whichever occurs first.

            Body parameter

            Name In Type Required Description
            type query string true The entity type name of the document.
            id query string true The ID of the document.
            body body any false none

            Example responses

            201 Response


            400 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."

            404 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."

            409 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
            Status Meaning Description Schema
            201 Created A lock was placed on the document. There is no body in the response. Inline
            400 Bad Request The request was invalid. sasError
            404 Not Found The document was not found. sasError
            409 Conflict Unable to place a lock on the document because another user has already locked it. sasError
            Response Schema

            Release a document lock

            Code samples

            # You can also use wget
            curl -X DELETE
              -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
              method: 'DELETE'
            .then(function(res) {
                return res.json();
            }).then(function(body) {
            import requests
            r = requests.delete('', params={
              'type': 'string',  'id': 'string'
            package main
            import (
            func main() {
                data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                req, err := http.NewRequest("DELETE", "", data)
                req.Header = headers
                client := &http.Client{}
                resp, err := client.Do(req)
                // ...

            DELETE /locks/documents

            Releases a document lock. A document lock times out after two hours or when the session ends; whichever occurs first.

            Name In Type Required Description
            type query string true The entity type name of the document.
            id query string true The ID of the document.
            Status Meaning Description Schema
            204 No Content The lock was released. If there was no lock, a 204 is still returned. None

            Query document lock for user

            Code samples

            # You can also use wget
            curl -X GET \
              -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
              -H 'Accept: application/json'
            const headers = {
              method: 'GET',
              headers: headers
            .then(function(res) {
                return res.json();
            }).then(function(body) {
            import requests
            headers = {
              'Accept': 'application/json'
            r = requests.get('', params={
              'type': 'string',  'id': 'string'
            }, headers = headers)
            package main
            import (
            func main() {
                headers := map[string][]string{
                    "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "", data)
                req.Header = headers
                client := &http.Client{}
                resp, err := client.Do(req)
                // ...

            GET /locks/documents

            Determines whether the user has a lock on a document.

            Name In Type Required Description
            type query string true The entity type name of the document.
            id query string true The ID of the document.

            Example responses

            200 Response


            404 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
            Status Meaning Description Schema
            200 OK The request succeeded. The response is a Boolean value that indicates whether the user has a lock on the document. boolean
            404 Not Found The document was not found. sasError

            Contains the operations related to relationship links.

            Code samples

            # You can also use wget
            curl -X POST \
              -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
              -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
              -H 'Accept: application/json'
            const inputBody = '{
              "relationshipTypeName": "string",
              "relationshipTypeVersion": 0,
              "relationshipTypeLabel": "string",
              "id": "string",
              "qualifiedTypeName": "string",
              "fromObjectTypeName": "string",
              "fromObjectTypeVersion": 0,
              "fromObjectId": "string",
              "fromObjectDisplayLabel": "string",
              "toObjectTypeName": "string",
              "toObjectTypeVersion": 0,
              "toObjectId": "string",
              "toObjectDisplayLabel": "string",
              "validFrom": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
              "validTo": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
              "fieldValues": {},
              "restrictedFields": {
                "property1": {
                  "masked": {
                    "currentUserIsAuthorizedToReveal": true,
                    "revealUrl": "string"
                  "required": true,
                  "readOnly": true,
                  "maxLength": 0,
                  "systemReserved": true,
                  "fieldDataType": "REFERENCE_DATA",
                  "precision": 0,
                  "scale": 0,
                  "constrainingListName": "string",
                  "cascadingReferenceDataFilterByCode": "string",
                  "cascadingReferenceDataFilterByField": "string",
                  "allowMultipleSelections": true,
                  "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS"
                "property2": {
                  "masked": {
                    "currentUserIsAuthorizedToReveal": true,
                    "revealUrl": "string"
                  "required": true,
                  "readOnly": true,
                  "maxLength": 0,
                  "systemReserved": true,
                  "fieldDataType": "REFERENCE_DATA",
                  "precision": 0,
                  "scale": 0,
                  "constrainingListName": "string",
                  "cascadingReferenceDataFilterByCode": "string",
                  "cascadingReferenceDataFilterByField": "string",
                  "allowMultipleSelections": true,
                  "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS"
              "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
              "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
            const headers = {
              method: 'POST',
              body: inputBody,
              headers: headers
            .then(function(res) {
                return res.json();
            }).then(function(body) {
            import requests
            headers = {
              'Content-Type': 'application/json',
              'Accept': 'application/json'
            r ='', params={
              'includeEntityLabels': 'false'
            }, headers = headers)
            package main
            import (
            func main() {
                headers := map[string][]string{
                    "Content-Type": []string{"application/json"},
                    "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "", data)
                req.Header = headers
                client := &http.Client{}
                resp, err := client.Do(req)
                // ...

            POST /links

            Creates a new relationship link between two documents. A link is an instance of a relationship type. A relationship type that describes the link must already exist. The relationship type must have an internal bridge table to create links.

            Body parameter

              "relationshipTypeName": "string",
              "relationshipTypeVersion": 0,
              "relationshipTypeLabel": "string",
              "id": "string",
              "qualifiedTypeName": "string",
              "fromObjectTypeName": "string",
              "fromObjectTypeVersion": 0,
              "fromObjectId": "string",
              "fromObjectDisplayLabel": "string",
              "toObjectTypeName": "string",
              "toObjectTypeVersion": 0,
              "toObjectId": "string",
              "toObjectDisplayLabel": "string",
              "validFrom": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
              "validTo": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
              "fieldValues": {},
              "restrictedFields": {
                "property1": {
                  "masked": {
                    "currentUserIsAuthorizedToReveal": true,
                    "revealUrl": "string"
                  "required": true,
                  "readOnly": true,
                  "maxLength": 0,
                  "systemReserved": true,
                  "fieldDataType": "REFERENCE_DATA",
                  "precision": 0,
                  "scale": 0,
                  "constrainingListName": "string",
                  "cascadingReferenceDataFilterByCode": "string",
                  "cascadingReferenceDataFilterByField": "string",
                  "allowMultipleSelections": true,
                  "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS"
                "property2": {
                  "masked": {
                    "currentUserIsAuthorizedToReveal": true,
                    "revealUrl": "string"
                  "required": true,
                  "readOnly": true,
                  "maxLength": 0,
                  "systemReserved": true,
                  "fieldDataType": "REFERENCE_DATA",
                  "precision": 0,
                  "scale": 0,
                  "constrainingListName": "string",
                  "cascadingReferenceDataFilterByCode": "string",
                  "cascadingReferenceDataFilterByField": "string",
                  "allowMultipleSelections": true,
                  "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS"
              "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
              "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
            Name In Type Required Description
            includeEntityLabels query boolean true Compute and include display labels for both to and from documents in the response.
            body body relationshipLink false An object that represents the link.

            Example responses

            201 Response

              "relationshipTypeName": "witnessed_by",
              "relationshipTypeVersion": 1,
              "relationshipTypeLabel": "Witnessed by",
              "id": "witnessed_by|_|intel_report|_|person|_|e5343e0e-3d68-11e8-b467-0ed5f89f718b",
              "createdAt": "2015-10-01T18:30:03.656Z",
              "lastUpdatedAt": "2015-10-01T18:30:03.656Z",
              "displayLabel": "Witnessed by",
              "fromObjectTypeName": "intel_report",
              "fromObjectTypeVersion": 3,
              "fromObjectId": "uuid_502",
              "fromObjectDisplayLabel": "John Smith",
              "toObjectTypeName": "person",
              "toObjectTypeVersion": 6,
              "toObjectId": "uuid_102",
              "toObjectDisplayLabel": "John Smith",
              "fieldValues": {
                "auto_generated_sk": "e5343e0e-3d68-11e8-b467-0ed5f89f718b",
                "created_at_dttm": "2015-10-01T18:30:03.656Z",
                "created_by_user_id": "unit_test",
                "intelReportId": "uuid_502",
                "last_updated_at_dttm": "2015-10-01T18:30:03.656Z",
                "last_updated_by_user_id": "unit_test",
                "personId": "uuid_102",
                "version": 1
              "qualifiedTypeName": "intel_report__witnessed_by",
              "restrictedFields": {
                "ssn": {
                  "masked": {
                    "currentUserIsAuthorizedToReveal": true

            400 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
            Status Meaning Description Schema
            201 Created A new relationship link between two documents was created. maskedRelationshipLink
            400 Bad Request The request was invalid. sasError

            Code samples

            # You can also use wget
            curl -X GET \
              -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
              -H 'Accept: application/json' \
              -H 'Accept-Item: application/json'
            const headers = {
              method: 'GET',
              headers: headers
            .then(function(res) {
                return res.json();
            }).then(function(body) {
            import requests
            headers = {
              'Accept': 'application/json',
              'Accept-Item': 'application/json'
            r = requests.get('', headers = headers)
            package main
            import (
            func main() {
                headers := map[string][]string{
                    "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                    "Accept-Item": []string{"application/json"},
                data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "", data)
                req.Header = headers
                client := &http.Client{}
                resp, err := client.Do(req)
                // ...

            GET /links

            Gets either a list of links that are associated with a document or an individual link. The type of request is determined by the included query parameters. Do not mix the query parameters for both types of requests.

            Name In Type Required Description
            _relationshipName query string false The name of the relationship type upon which the link is based.
            _fromEntityTypeName query string false The entity type of the starting point of the link.
            _entityId query string false The unique identifier for the entity that is the starting point of the link.
            _entityTypeName query string false The same value as _fromEntityTypeName. (This is required for legacy reasons.)
            _includeEntityLabels query boolean false Compute and include display labels for both to and from documents.
            relationshipName query string false The name of the relationship type upon which the link is based.
            fromEntityTypeName query string false The entity type of the starting point of the link.
            fromEntityId query string false The unique identifier for the entity that is the starting point of the link.
            toEntityTypeName query string false The entity type of the destination point of the link.
            toEntityId query string false The unique identifier for the entity that is the destination point of the link.
            includeEntityLabels query boolean false Compute and include display labels for both the to document and the from document.
            Accept-Item header string false The media type that the client accepts for items within the response collection. This value is ignored when this operation is fetching a single relationship link.
            Detailed descriptions

            Accept-Item: The media type that the client accepts for items within the response collection. This value is ignored when this operation is fetching a single relationship link.

            Enumerated Values
            Parameter Value
            Accept-Item application/json
            Accept-Item application/
            Accept-Item application/
            Accept-Item application/
            Accept-Item application/

            Example responses

            Example of a Relationship Link object.

              "relationshipTypeName": "witnessed_by",
              "relationshipTypeVersion": 1,
              "relationshipTypeLabel": "Witnessed by",
              "id": "witnessed_by|_|intel_report|_|person|_|e5343e0e-3d68-11e8-b467-0ed5f89f718b",
              "createdAt": "2015-10-01T18:30:03.656Z",
              "lastUpdatedAt": "2015-10-01T18:30:03.656Z",
              "displayLabel": "Witnessed by",
              "fromObjectTypeName": "intel_report",
              "fromObjectTypeVersion": 3,
              "fromObjectId": "uuid_502",
              "fromObjectDisplayLabel": "John Smith",
              "toObjectTypeName": "person",
              "toObjectTypeVersion": 6,
              "toObjectId": "uuid_102",
              "toObjectDisplayLabel": "John Smith",
              "fieldValues": {
                "auto_generated_sk": "e5343e0e-3d68-11e8-b467-0ed5f89f718b",
                "created_at_dttm": "2015-10-01T18:30:03.656Z",
                "created_by_user_id": "unit_test",
                "intelReportId": "uuid_502",
                "last_updated_at_dttm": "2015-10-01T18:30:03.656Z",
                "last_updated_by_user_id": "unit_test",
                "personId": "uuid_102",
                "version": 1
              "qualifiedTypeName": "intel_report__witnessed_by",
              "restrictedFields": {
                "ssn": {
                  "masked": {
                    "currentUserIsAuthorizedToReveal": true

            Example of a Resource Collection that contains Relationship Link objects.

              "links": [],
              "name": "documentLinks",
              "items": [
                  "relationshipTypeName": "witnessed_by",
                  "relationshipTypeVersion": 1,
                  "relationshipTypeLabel": "Witnessed by",
                  "id": "witnessed_by|_|intel_report|_|person|_|e5343e0e-3d68-11e8-b467-0ed5f89f718b",
                  "createdAt": "2015-10-01T18:30:03.656Z",
                  "lastUpdatedAt": "2015-10-01T18:30:03.656Z",
                  "displayLabel": "Witnessed by",
                  "fromObjectTypeName": "intel_report",
                  "fromObjectTypeVersion": 3,
                  "fromObjectId": "uuid_502",
                  "fromObjectDisplayLabel": "John Smith",
                  "toObjectTypeName": "person",
                  "toObjectTypeVersion": 6,
                  "toObjectId": "uuid_102",
                  "toObjectDisplayLabel": "John Smith",
                  "fieldValues": {
                    "auto_generated_sk": "e5343e0e-3d68-11e8-b467-0ed5f89f718b",
                    "created_at_dttm": "2015-10-01T18:30:03.656Z",
                    "created_by_user_id": "unit_test",
                    "intelReportId": "uuid_502",
                    "last_updated_at_dttm": "2015-10-01T18:30:03.656Z",
                    "last_updated_by_user_id": "unit_test",
                    "personId": "uuid_102",
                    "version": 1
                  "qualifiedTypeName": "intel_report__witnessed_by",
                  "restrictedFields": {
                    "ssn": {
                      "masked": {
                        "currentUserIsAuthorizedToReveal": true
              "version": 2

            Example of a Resource Collection that contains Masked Relationship Link objects.

              "links": [],
              "name": "documentLinks",
              "items": [
                  "relationshipTypeName": "witnessed_by",
                  "relationshipTypeVersion": 1,
                  "relationshipTypeLabel": "Witnessed by",
                  "id": "witnessed_by|_|intel_report|_|person|_|e5343e0e-3d68-11e8-b467-0ed5f89f718b",
                  "createdAt": "2015-10-01T18:30:03.656Z",
                  "lastUpdatedAt": "2015-10-01T18:30:03.656Z",
                  "displayLabel": "Witnessed by",
                  "fromObjectTypeName": "intel_report",
                  "fromObjectTypeVersion": 3,
                  "fromObjectId": "uuid_502",
                  "fromObjectDisplayLabel": "John Smith",
                  "toObjectTypeName": "person",
                  "toObjectTypeVersion": 6,
                  "toObjectId": "uuid_102",
                  "toObjectDisplayLabel": "John Smith",
                  "fieldValues": {
                    "auto_generated_sk": "e5343e0e-3d68-11e8-b467-0ed5f89f718b",
                    "created_at_dttm": "2015-10-01T18:30:03.656Z",
                    "created_by_user_id": "unit_test",
                    "intelReportId": "uuid_502",
                    "last_updated_at_dttm": "2015-10-01T18:30:03.656Z",
                    "last_updated_by_user_id": "unit_test",
                    "personId": "uuid_102",
                    "ssn": "•••••••••",
                    "version": 1
                  "qualifiedTypeName": "intel_report__witnessed_by",
                  "restrictedFields": {
                    "ssn": {
                      "masked": {
                        "currentUserIsAuthorizedToReveal": true
              "version": 2

            Example of a Resource Collection that contains Relationship Link objects.

            Example of a Resource Collection that contains Masked Relationship Link objects.

            404 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."

            415 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
            Status Meaning Description Schema
            200 OK The request succeeded. The response is either an individual link or a Resource Collection of links. Inline
            404 Not Found Unable to find a link or links based on the values that are provided in the request. sasError
            415 Unsupported Media Type The endpoint cannot produce collection items of the type specified in the Accept-Item header. sasError
            Enumerated Values
            Property Value
            fieldDataType REFERENCE_DATA
            fieldDataType USER_GROUP
            fieldDataType BOOLEAN
            fieldDataType STRING
            fieldDataType SMALLINT
            fieldDataType INTEGER
            fieldDataType LONG
            fieldDataType FLOAT
            fieldDataType DOUBLE
            fieldDataType NUMERIC
            fieldDataType DATE
            fieldDataType TIMESTAMP
            fieldDataType TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIME_ZONE
            fieldDataType JSON
            userSelectionStrategy USERS
            userSelectionStrategy GROUPS
            userSelectionStrategy USERS_AND_GROUPS

            Code samples

            # You can also use wget
            curl -X PUT \
              -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
              -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
              -H 'Accept: application/json' \
              -H 'Accept: application/json'
            const inputBody = '{
              "relationshipTypeName": "string",
              "relationshipTypeVersion": 0,
              "relationshipTypeLabel": "string",
              "id": "string",
              "qualifiedTypeName": "string",
              "fromObjectTypeName": "string",
              "fromObjectTypeVersion": 0,
              "fromObjectId": "string",
              "fromObjectDisplayLabel": "string",
              "toObjectTypeName": "string",
              "toObjectTypeVersion": 0,
              "toObjectId": "string",
              "toObjectDisplayLabel": "string",
              "validFrom": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
              "validTo": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
              "fieldValues": {},
              "restrictedFields": {
                "property1": {
                  "masked": {
                    "currentUserIsAuthorizedToReveal": true,
                    "revealUrl": "string"
                  "required": true,
                  "readOnly": true,
                  "maxLength": 0,
                  "systemReserved": true,
                  "fieldDataType": "REFERENCE_DATA",
                  "precision": 0,
                  "scale": 0,
                  "constrainingListName": "string",
                  "cascadingReferenceDataFilterByCode": "string",
                  "cascadingReferenceDataFilterByField": "string",
                  "allowMultipleSelections": true,
                  "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS"
                "property2": {
                  "masked": {
                    "currentUserIsAuthorizedToReveal": true,
                    "revealUrl": "string"
                  "required": true,
                  "readOnly": true,
                  "maxLength": 0,
                  "systemReserved": true,
                  "fieldDataType": "REFERENCE_DATA",
                  "precision": 0,
                  "scale": 0,
                  "constrainingListName": "string",
                  "cascadingReferenceDataFilterByCode": "string",
                  "cascadingReferenceDataFilterByField": "string",
                  "allowMultipleSelections": true,
                  "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS"
              "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
              "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
            const headers = {
              method: 'PUT',
              body: inputBody,
              headers: headers
            .then(function(res) {
                return res.json();
            }).then(function(body) {
            import requests
            headers = {
              'Content-Type': 'application/json',
              'Accept': 'application/json',
              'Accept': 'application/json'
            r = requests.put('', params={
              '_id': 'string'
            }, headers = headers)
            package main
            import (
            func main() {
                headers := map[string][]string{
                    "Content-Type": []string{"application/json"},
                    "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                    "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                req, err := http.NewRequest("PUT", "", data)
                req.Header = headers
                client := &http.Client{}
                resp, err := client.Do(req)
                // ...

            PUT /links/@item

            Updates an existing relationship link where the relationship type has an internal bridge table.

            Body parameter

              "relationshipTypeName": "string",
              "relationshipTypeVersion": 0,
              "relationshipTypeLabel": "string",
              "id": "string",
              "qualifiedTypeName": "string",
              "fromObjectTypeName": "string",
              "fromObjectTypeVersion": 0,
              "fromObjectId": "string",
              "fromObjectDisplayLabel": "string",
              "toObjectTypeName": "string",
              "toObjectTypeVersion": 0,
              "toObjectId": "string",
              "toObjectDisplayLabel": "string",
              "validFrom": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
              "validTo": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
              "fieldValues": {},
              "restrictedFields": {
                "property1": {
                  "masked": {
                    "currentUserIsAuthorizedToReveal": true,
                    "revealUrl": "string"
                  "required": true,
                  "readOnly": true,
                  "maxLength": 0,
                  "systemReserved": true,
                  "fieldDataType": "REFERENCE_DATA",
                  "precision": 0,
                  "scale": 0,
                  "constrainingListName": "string",
                  "cascadingReferenceDataFilterByCode": "string",
                  "cascadingReferenceDataFilterByField": "string",
                  "allowMultipleSelections": true,
                  "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS"
                "property2": {
                  "masked": {
                    "currentUserIsAuthorizedToReveal": true,
                    "revealUrl": "string"
                  "required": true,
                  "readOnly": true,
                  "maxLength": 0,
                  "systemReserved": true,
                  "fieldDataType": "REFERENCE_DATA",
                  "precision": 0,
                  "scale": 0,
                  "constrainingListName": "string",
                  "cascadingReferenceDataFilterByCode": "string",
                  "cascadingReferenceDataFilterByField": "string",
                  "allowMultipleSelections": true,
                  "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS"
              "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
              "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
            Name In Type Required Description
            _id query string true The ID for an individual link. A link ID uses the following format:
            _includeEntityLabels query boolean false Specifies whether to compute and include display labels for both the to document and the from document in the response.
            Accept header string false For relationship link fields that use data masking, it is important to avoid accidentally overwriting values in the database with masked values that have been loaded by the client. In general, masking dots should not be stored in the database. The "Accept" HTTP header can be used to control how masked fields are handled during updates. If this HTTP header is not provided or is set to "application/json", then masked field values that are set to null will be ignored. If the "Accept" header is set to "application/" then masked fields that are set to the mask template (nine dots) will be ignored. The "Accept" header value should match the data masking approach that was used to fetch data before an update is performed.
            body body relationshipLink false An object that represents the link.
            Detailed descriptions

            _id: The ID for an individual link. A link ID uses the following format: ${relationshipName}|_|${fromEntityTypeName}|_|${toEntityTypeName}|_|${fromEntityId}|_|${toEntityId} where |_| is the delimiter between link ID components.

            Link ID component details: * relationshipName - The relationship type name that defines the link. * fromEntityTypeName - The entity type name of the starting point for the link. * fromEntityId - The unique identifier of the entity that is the starting point for the link. * toEntityTypeName - The entity type name of the destination point for the link. * toEntityId - The unique identifier of the entity that is the destination point for the link.

            When submitting the request, the pipe character (|) must be percent-encoded as %7C. See below for an example of the pipe character properly encoded: ${relationshipName}%7C_%7C${fromEntityTypeName}%7C_%7C${toEntityTypeName}%7C_%7C${fromEntityId}%7C_%7C${toEntityId}

            _includeEntityLabels: Specifies whether to compute and include display labels for both the to document and the from document in the response.

            Accept: For relationship link fields that use data masking, it is important to avoid accidentally overwriting values in the database with masked values that have been loaded by the client. In general, masking dots should not be stored in the database. The "Accept" HTTP header can be used to control how masked fields are handled during updates. If this HTTP header is not provided or is set to "application/json", then masked field values that are set to null will be ignored. If the "Accept" header is set to "application/" then masked fields that are set to the mask template (nine dots) will be ignored. The "Accept" header value should match the data masking approach that was used to fetch data before an update is performed.

            Enumerated Values
            Parameter Value
            Accept application/json
            Accept application/

            Example responses

            200 Response

              "relationshipTypeName": "witnessed_by",
              "relationshipTypeVersion": 1,
              "relationshipTypeLabel": "Witnessed by",
              "id": "witnessed_by|_|intel_report|_|person|_|e5343e0e-3d68-11e8-b467-0ed5f89f718b",
              "createdAt": "2015-10-01T18:30:03.656Z",
              "lastUpdatedAt": "2015-10-01T18:30:03.656Z",
              "displayLabel": "Witnessed by",
              "fromObjectTypeName": "intel_report",
              "fromObjectTypeVersion": 3,
              "fromObjectId": "uuid_502",
              "fromObjectDisplayLabel": "John Smith",
              "toObjectTypeName": "person",
              "toObjectTypeVersion": 6,
              "toObjectId": "uuid_102",
              "toObjectDisplayLabel": "John Smith",
              "fieldValues": {
                "auto_generated_sk": "e5343e0e-3d68-11e8-b467-0ed5f89f718b",
                "created_at_dttm": "2015-10-01T18:30:03.656Z",
                "created_by_user_id": "unit_test",
                "intelReportId": "uuid_502",
                "last_updated_at_dttm": "2015-10-01T18:30:03.656Z",
                "last_updated_by_user_id": "unit_test",
                "personId": "uuid_102",
                "version": 1
              "qualifiedTypeName": "intel_report__witnessed_by",
              "restrictedFields": {
                "ssn": {
                  "masked": {
                    "currentUserIsAuthorizedToReveal": true

            400 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."

            404 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."

            412 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."

            428 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
            Status Meaning Description Schema
            200 OK The request succeeded. relationshipLink
            400 Bad Request The request was invalid. sasError
            404 Not Found Unable to find the link. sasError
            412 Precondition Failed The link in the request body was out of date. sasError
            428 Precondition Required The link in the request body did not contain a version. sasError

            Code samples

            # You can also use wget
            curl -X GET \
              -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
              -H 'Accept: application/json'
            const headers = {
              method: 'GET',
              headers: headers
            .then(function(res) {
                return res.json();
            }).then(function(body) {
            import requests
            headers = {
              'Accept': 'application/json'
            r = requests.get('', params={
              '_id': 'string'
            }, headers = headers)
            package main
            import (
            func main() {
                headers := map[string][]string{
                    "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "", data)
                req.Header = headers
                client := &http.Client{}
                resp, err := client.Do(req)
                // ...

            GET /links/@item

            Retrieves an individual link using an ID string.

            Name In Type Required Description
            _id query string true The ID for an individual link. A link ID uses the following format:
            _includeDisplayLabel query boolean false Specifies whether to compute and include display labels for both the to document and the from document in the response.
            Detailed descriptions

            _id: The ID for an individual link. A link ID uses the following format: ${relationshipName}|_|${fromEntityTypeName}|_|${toEntityTypeName}|_|${fromEntityId}|_|${toEntityId} where |_| is the delimiter between link ID components.

            Link ID component details: * relationshipName - The relationship type name that defines the link. * fromEntityTypeName - The entity type name of the starting point for the link. * fromEntityId - The unique identifier of the entity that is the starting point for the link. * toEntityTypeName - The entity type name of the destination point for the link. * toEntityId - The unique identifier of the entity that is the destination point for the link.

            When submitting the request, the pipe character (|) must be percent-encoded as %7C. See below for an example of the pipe character properly encoded: ${relationshipName}%7C_%7C${fromEntityTypeName}%7C_%7C${toEntityTypeName}%7C_%7C${fromEntityId}%7C_%7C${toEntityId}

            _includeDisplayLabel: Specifies whether to compute and include display labels for both the to document and the from document in the response.

            Example responses

            200 Response

              "relationshipTypeName": "witnessed_by",
              "relationshipTypeVersion": 1,
              "relationshipTypeLabel": "Witnessed by",
              "id": "witnessed_by|_|intel_report|_|person|_|e5343e0e-3d68-11e8-b467-0ed5f89f718b",
              "createdAt": "2015-10-01T18:30:03.656Z",
              "lastUpdatedAt": "2015-10-01T18:30:03.656Z",
              "displayLabel": "Witnessed by",
              "fromObjectTypeName": "intel_report",
              "fromObjectTypeVersion": 3,
              "fromObjectId": "uuid_502",
              "fromObjectDisplayLabel": "John Smith",
              "toObjectTypeName": "person",
              "toObjectTypeVersion": 6,
              "toObjectId": "uuid_102",
              "toObjectDisplayLabel": "John Smith",
              "fieldValues": {
                "auto_generated_sk": "e5343e0e-3d68-11e8-b467-0ed5f89f718b",
                "created_at_dttm": "2015-10-01T18:30:03.656Z",
                "created_by_user_id": "unit_test",
                "intelReportId": "uuid_502",
                "last_updated_at_dttm": "2015-10-01T18:30:03.656Z",
                "last_updated_by_user_id": "unit_test",
                "personId": "uuid_102",
                "version": 1
              "qualifiedTypeName": "intel_report__witnessed_by",
              "restrictedFields": {
                "ssn": {
                  "masked": {
                    "currentUserIsAuthorizedToReveal": true

            400 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."

            404 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
            Status Meaning Description Schema
            200 OK The request succeeded. An individual link is returned. maskedRelationshipLink
            400 Bad Request The request was invalid. sasError
            404 Not Found Unable to find the link. sasError

            Code samples

            # You can also use wget
            curl -X PATCH \
              -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
              -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
              -H 'Accept: application/json' \
              -H 'If-Match: 0'
            const inputBody = '[
                "path": "string",
                "op": "string",
                "value": null
            const headers = {
              method: 'PATCH',
              body: inputBody,
              headers: headers
            .then(function(res) {
                return res.json();
            }).then(function(body) {
            import requests
            headers = {
              'Content-Type': 'application/json',
              'Accept': 'application/json',
              'If-Match': '0'
            r = requests.patch('', params={
              '_id': 'string'
            }, headers = headers)
            package main
            import (
            func main() {
                headers := map[string][]string{
                    "Content-Type": []string{"application/json"},
                    "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                    "If-Match": []string{"0"},
                data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                req, err := http.NewRequest("PATCH", "", data)
                req.Header = headers
                client := &http.Client{}
                resp, err := client.Do(req)
                // ...

            PATCH /links/@item

            Applies a patch to a relationship link. This enables a client to make changes to a link without needing to load the entire link. The request body contains a description of changes to be made to the link, which is represented by a json-patch object. For more information about json-patch, refer to

            Body parameter

                "path": "string",
                "op": "string",
                "value": null
            Name In Type Required Description
            _id query string true The ID for an individual link. A link ID uses the following format:
            _includeEntityLabels query boolean false Specifies whether to compute and include display labels for both the to document and the from document in the response.
            If-Match header integer true The version of the relationship link to update. This value must match the most recent version of the relationship link. If the value does not match the most recent version of the relationship link, the patch operation fails. This helps prevent conflicting edits from being applied to a relationship link.
            body body jsonPatch false A json-patch specification of changes to make to the relationship link. Copy and move operations cannot use a masked field value as their source. Test operations cannot reference masked field values.
            Detailed descriptions

            _id: The ID for an individual link. A link ID uses the following format: ${relationshipName}|_|${fromEntityTypeName}|_|${toEntityTypeName}|_|${fromEntityId}|_|${toEntityId} where |_| is the delimiter between link ID components.

            Link ID component details: * relationshipName - The relationship type name that defines the link. * fromEntityTypeName - The entity type name of the starting point for the link. * fromEntityId - The unique identifier of the entity that is the starting point for the link. * toEntityTypeName - The entity type name of the destination point for the link. * toEntityId - The unique identifier of the entity that is the destination point for the link.

            When submitting the request, the pipe character (|) must be percent-encoded as %7C. See below for an example of the pipe character properly encoded: ${relationshipName}%7C_%7C${fromEntityTypeName}%7C_%7C${toEntityTypeName}%7C_%7C${fromEntityId}%7C_%7C${toEntityId}

            _includeEntityLabels: Specifies whether to compute and include display labels for both the to document and the from document in the response.

            If-Match: The version of the relationship link to update. This value must match the most recent version of the relationship link. If the value does not match the most recent version of the relationship link, the patch operation fails. This helps prevent conflicting edits from being applied to a relationship link.

            body: A json-patch specification of changes to make to the relationship link. Copy and move operations cannot use a masked field value as their source. Test operations cannot reference masked field values.

            Example responses

            200 Response

              "relationshipTypeName": "witnessed_by",
              "relationshipTypeVersion": 1,
              "relationshipTypeLabel": "Witnessed by",
              "id": "witnessed_by|_|intel_report|_|person|_|e5343e0e-3d68-11e8-b467-0ed5f89f718b",
              "createdAt": "2015-10-01T18:30:03.656Z",
              "lastUpdatedAt": "2015-10-01T18:30:03.656Z",
              "displayLabel": "Witnessed by",
              "fromObjectTypeName": "intel_report",
              "fromObjectTypeVersion": 3,
              "fromObjectId": "uuid_502",
              "fromObjectDisplayLabel": "John Smith",
              "toObjectTypeName": "person",
              "toObjectTypeVersion": 6,
              "toObjectId": "uuid_102",
              "toObjectDisplayLabel": "John Smith",
              "fieldValues": {
                "auto_generated_sk": "e5343e0e-3d68-11e8-b467-0ed5f89f718b",
                "created_at_dttm": "2015-10-01T18:30:03.656Z",
                "created_by_user_id": "unit_test",
                "intelReportId": "uuid_502",
                "last_updated_at_dttm": "2015-10-01T18:30:03.656Z",
                "last_updated_by_user_id": "unit_test",
                "personId": "uuid_102",
                "version": 1
              "qualifiedTypeName": "intel_report__witnessed_by",
              "restrictedFields": {
                "ssn": {
                  "masked": {
                    "currentUserIsAuthorizedToReveal": true

            400 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."

            404 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."

            412 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."

            428 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
            Status Meaning Description Schema
            200 OK The request succeeded. The response body contains the relationship link after the application of the patch. maskedRelationshipLink
            400 Bad Request The request was invalid. sasError
            404 Not Found The relationship link was not found. sasError
            412 Precondition Failed The relationship link in the request body was out of date. sasError
            428 Precondition Required The relationship link in the request body did not contain a version. sasError

            Code samples

            # You can also use wget
            curl -X DELETE \
              -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
              -H 'Accept: application/json'
            const headers = {
              method: 'DELETE',
              headers: headers
            .then(function(res) {
                return res.json();
            }).then(function(body) {
            import requests
            headers = {
              'Accept': 'application/json'
            r = requests.delete('', params={
              '_id': 'string'
            }, headers = headers)
            package main
            import (
            func main() {
                headers := map[string][]string{
                    "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                req, err := http.NewRequest("DELETE", "", data)
                req.Header = headers
                client := &http.Client{}
                resp, err := client.Do(req)
                // ...

            DELETE /links/@item

            Deletes an existing relationship link where the relationship type has an internal bridge table.

            Name In Type Required Description
            _id query string true The ID for an individual link. A link ID uses the following format:
            Detailed descriptions

            _id: The ID for an individual link. A link ID uses the following format: ${relationshipName}|_|${fromEntityTypeName}|_|${toEntityTypeName}|_|${fromEntityId}|_|${toEntityId} where |_| is the delimiter between link ID components.

            Link ID component details: * relationshipName - The relationship type name that defines the link. * fromEntityTypeName - The entity type name of the starting point for the link. * fromEntityId - The unique identifier of the entity that is the starting point for the link. * toEntityTypeName - The entity type name of the destination point for the link. * toEntityId - The unique identifier of the entity that is the destination point for the link.

            When submitting the request, the pipe character (|) must be percent-encoded as %7C. See below for an example of the pipe character properly encoded: ${relationshipName}%7C_%7C${fromEntityTypeName}%7C_%7C${toEntityTypeName}%7C_%7C${fromEntityId}%7C_%7C${toEntityId}

            Example responses

            404 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
            Status Meaning Description Schema
            204 No Content The request succeeded. None
            404 Not Found Unable to find a link or links based on the values that are provided in the request. sasError

            Code samples

            # You can also use wget
            curl -X HEAD
              -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
              method: 'HEAD'
            .then(function(res) {
                return res.json();
            }).then(function(body) {
            import requests
            r = requests.head('', params={
              '_id': 'string',  'fieldName': [
            package main
            import (
            func main() {
                data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "", data)
                req.Header = headers
                client := &http.Client{}
                resp, err := client.Do(req)
                // ...

            HEAD /links/@item/fields

            Gets headers for a representation of multiple field values for a relationship link. Since the GET operation for this endpoint does not produce an error if the user is not authorized to reveal the value of a masked field, this HEAD operation does not either.

            Name In Type Required Description
            _id query string true The ID for an individual link. A link ID uses the following format:
            fieldName query array[string] true The names of the fields.
            Detailed descriptions

            _id: The ID for an individual link. A link ID uses the following format: ${relationshipName}|_|${fromEntityTypeName}|_|${toEntityTypeName}|_|${fromEntityId}|_|${toEntityId} where |_| is the delimiter between link ID components.

            Link ID component details: * relationshipName - The relationship type name that defines the link. * fromEntityTypeName - The entity type name of the starting point for the link. * fromEntityId - The unique identifier of the entity that is the starting point for the link. * toEntityTypeName - The entity type name of the destination point for the link. * toEntityId - The unique identifier of the entity that is the destination point for the link.

            When submitting the request, the pipe character (|) must be percent-encoded as %7C. See below for an example of the pipe character properly encoded: ${relationshipName}%7C_%7C${fromEntityTypeName}%7C_%7C${toEntityTypeName}%7C_%7C${fromEntityId}%7C_%7C${toEntityId}

            Status Meaning Description Schema
            200 OK The request succeeded. None
            404 Not Found The relationship link or field was not found. None

            Code samples

            # You can also use wget
            curl -X GET \
              -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
              -H 'Accept: application/json'
            const headers = {
              method: 'GET',
              headers: headers
            .then(function(res) {
                return res.json();
            }).then(function(body) {
            import requests
            headers = {
              'Accept': 'application/json'
            r = requests.get('', params={
              '_id': 'string',  'fieldName': [
            }, headers = headers)
            package main
            import (
            func main() {
                headers := map[string][]string{
                    "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "", data)
                req.Header = headers
                client := &http.Client{}
                resp, err := client.Do(req)
                // ...

            GET /links/@item/fields

            Gets a representation of multiple field values for a relationship link. If any of the fields is configured for masking, and if the requesting user is authorized to reveal the value of the masked field, the raw unmasked value of the field is returned. If any of the fields are configured for masking and the requesting user is not authorized to reveal the value of the masked field, the value will be omitted from the response.

            Name In Type Required Description
            _id query string true The ID for an individual link. A link ID uses the following format:
            fieldName query array[string] true The names of the fields.
            Detailed descriptions

            _id: The ID for an individual link. A link ID uses the following format: ${relationshipName}|_|${fromEntityTypeName}|_|${toEntityTypeName}|_|${fromEntityId}|_|${toEntityId} where |_| is the delimiter between link ID components.

            Link ID component details: * relationshipName - The relationship type name that defines the link. * fromEntityTypeName - The entity type name of the starting point for the link. * fromEntityId - The unique identifier of the entity that is the starting point for the link. * toEntityTypeName - The entity type name of the destination point for the link. * toEntityId - The unique identifier of the entity that is the destination point for the link.

            When submitting the request, the pipe character (|) must be percent-encoded as %7C. See below for an example of the pipe character properly encoded: ${relationshipName}%7C_%7C${fromEntityTypeName}%7C_%7C${toEntityTypeName}%7C_%7C${fromEntityId}%7C_%7C${toEntityId}

            Example responses

            200 Response

              "count": 2,
              "items": [
                  "fieldName": "ssn",
                  "raw": "012345678"
                  "fieldName": "last_name",
                  "raw": "Smith"

            404 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
            Status Meaning Description Schema
            200 OK The request succeeded. fieldValueCollection
            404 Not Found The relationship link or field was not found. sasError

            Code samples

            # You can also use wget
            curl -X HEAD{fieldName}?_id=string
              -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
              method: 'HEAD'
            .then(function(res) {
                return res.json();
            }).then(function(body) {
            import requests
            r = requests.head('{fieldName}', params={
              '_id': 'string'
            package main
            import (
            func main() {
                data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "{fieldName}", data)
                req.Header = headers
                client := &http.Client{}
                resp, err := client.Do(req)
                // ...

            HEAD /links/@item/fields/{fieldName}

            Gets headers for a representation of a field value for a relationship link. If the field is configured for masking, and if the requesting user is authorized to reveal the value of the masked field, the request will succeed. If the field is configured for masking and the requesting user is not authorized to reveal the value of the masked field, the request will fail.

            Name In Type Required Description
            _id query string true The ID for an individual link. A link ID uses the following format:
            fieldName path string true The name of the field.
            Detailed descriptions

            _id: The ID for an individual link. A link ID uses the following format: ${relationshipName}|_|${fromEntityTypeName}|_|${toEntityTypeName}|_|${fromEntityId}|_|${toEntityId} where |_| is the delimiter between link ID components.

            Link ID component details: * relationshipName - The relationship type name that defines the link. * fromEntityTypeName - The entity type name of the starting point for the link. * fromEntityId - The unique identifier of the entity that is the starting point for the link. * toEntityTypeName - The entity type name of the destination point for the link. * toEntityId - The unique identifier of the entity that is the destination point for the link.

            When submitting the request, the pipe character (|) must be percent-encoded as %7C. See below for an example of the pipe character properly encoded: ${relationshipName}%7C_%7C${fromEntityTypeName}%7C_%7C${toEntityTypeName}%7C_%7C${fromEntityId}%7C_%7C${toEntityId}

            Status Meaning Description Schema
            200 OK The request succeeded. None
            404 Not Found The relationship link or field was not found. None

            Code samples

            # You can also use wget
            curl -X GET{fieldName}?_id=string \
              -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
              -H 'Accept: application/json'
            const headers = {
              method: 'GET',
              headers: headers
            .then(function(res) {
                return res.json();
            }).then(function(body) {
            import requests
            headers = {
              'Accept': 'application/json'
            r = requests.get('{fieldName}', params={
              '_id': 'string'
            }, headers = headers)
            package main
            import (
            func main() {
                headers := map[string][]string{
                    "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{fieldName}", data)
                req.Header = headers
                client := &http.Client{}
                resp, err := client.Do(req)
                // ...

            GET /links/@item/fields/{fieldName}

            Gets a representation of a field value for a relationship link. If the field is configured for masking, and if the requesting user is authorized to reveal the value of the masked field, the raw unmasked value of the field is returned. If the field is configured for masking and the requesting user is not authorized to reveal the value of the masked field, the result is an error.

            Name In Type Required Description
            _id query string true The ID for an individual link. A link ID uses the following format:
            fieldName path string true The name of the field.
            Detailed descriptions

            _id: The ID for an individual link. A link ID uses the following format: ${relationshipName}|_|${fromEntityTypeName}|_|${toEntityTypeName}|_|${fromEntityId}|_|${toEntityId} where |_| is the delimiter between link ID components.

            Link ID component details: * relationshipName - The relationship type name that defines the link. * fromEntityTypeName - The entity type name of the starting point for the link. * fromEntityId - The unique identifier of the entity that is the starting point for the link. * toEntityTypeName - The entity type name of the destination point for the link. * toEntityId - The unique identifier of the entity that is the destination point for the link.

            When submitting the request, the pipe character (|) must be percent-encoded as %7C. See below for an example of the pipe character properly encoded: ${relationshipName}%7C_%7C${fromEntityTypeName}%7C_%7C${toEntityTypeName}%7C_%7C${fromEntityId}%7C_%7C${toEntityId}

            Example responses

            200 Response

              "fieldName": "ssn",
              "raw": "012345678"

            404 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
            Status Meaning Description Schema
            200 OK The request succeeded. fieldValue
            404 Not Found The relationship link or field was not found. sasError

            Code samples

            # You can also use wget
            curl -X HEAD{fieldName}?_id=string&version=0
              -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
              method: 'HEAD'
            .then(function(res) {
                return res.json();
            }).then(function(body) {
            import requests
            r = requests.head('{fieldName}', params={
              '_id': 'string',  'version': '0'
            package main
            import (
            func main() {
                data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "{fieldName}", data)
                req.Header = headers
                client := &http.Client{}
                resp, err := client.Do(req)
                // ...

            HEAD /links/history/@item/fields/{fieldName}

            Gets headers for a representation of a field value for a relationship link at a certain point in its history. If the field is currently configured for masking, and if the requesting user is authorized to reveal the value of the masked field, the request will succeed. If the field is currently configured for masking and the requesting user is not authorized to reveal the value of the masked field, the request will fail.

            Name In Type Required Description
            _id query string true The ID for an individual link. A link ID uses the following format:
            fieldName path string true The name of the field.
            version query integer true The version of the document in history.
            Detailed descriptions

            _id: The ID for an individual link. A link ID uses the following format: ${relationshipName}|_|${fromEntityTypeName}|_|${toEntityTypeName}|_|${fromEntityId}|_|${toEntityId} where |_| is the delimiter between link ID components.

            Link ID component details: * relationshipName - The relationship type name that defines the link. * fromEntityTypeName - The entity type name of the starting point for the link. * fromEntityId - The unique identifier of the entity that is the starting point for the link. * toEntityTypeName - The entity type name of the destination point for the link. * toEntityId - The unique identifier of the entity that is the destination point for the link.

            When submitting the request, the pipe character (|) must be percent-encoded as %7C. See below for an example of the pipe character properly encoded: ${relationshipName}%7C_%7C${fromEntityTypeName}%7C_%7C${toEntityTypeName}%7C_%7C${fromEntityId}%7C_%7C${toEntityId}

            Status Meaning Description Schema
            200 OK The request succeeded. None
            404 Not Found The relationship link or field was not found. None

            Code samples

            # You can also use wget
            curl -X GET{fieldName}?_id=string&version=0 \
              -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
              -H 'Accept: application/json'
            const headers = {
              method: 'GET',
              headers: headers
            .then(function(res) {
                return res.json();
            }).then(function(body) {
            import requests
            headers = {
              'Accept': 'application/json'
            r = requests.get('{fieldName}', params={
              '_id': 'string',  'version': '0'
            }, headers = headers)
            package main
            import (
            func main() {
                headers := map[string][]string{
                    "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{fieldName}", data)
                req.Header = headers
                client := &http.Client{}
                resp, err := client.Do(req)
                // ...

            GET /links/history/@item/fields/{fieldName}

            Gets a representation of a field value for a relationship link at a certain point in its history. If the field is currently configured for masking, and if the requesting user is authorized to reveal the value of the masked field, the raw unmasked value of the field is returned. If the field is currently configured for masking and the requesting user is not authorized to reveal the value of the masked field, the result is an error.

            Name In Type Required Description
            _id query string true The ID for an individual link. A link ID uses the following format:
            fieldName path string true The name of the field.
            version query integer true The version of the document in history.
            Detailed descriptions

            _id: The ID for an individual link. A link ID uses the following format: ${relationshipName}|_|${fromEntityTypeName}|_|${toEntityTypeName}|_|${fromEntityId}|_|${toEntityId} where |_| is the delimiter between link ID components.

            Link ID component details: * relationshipName - The relationship type name that defines the link. * fromEntityTypeName - The entity type name of the starting point for the link. * fromEntityId - The unique identifier of the entity that is the starting point for the link. * toEntityTypeName - The entity type name of the destination point for the link. * toEntityId - The unique identifier of the entity that is the destination point for the link.

            When submitting the request, the pipe character (|) must be percent-encoded as %7C. See below for an example of the pipe character properly encoded: ${relationshipName}%7C_%7C${fromEntityTypeName}%7C_%7C${toEntityTypeName}%7C_%7C${fromEntityId}%7C_%7C${toEntityId}

            Example responses

            200 Response

              "fieldName": "ssn",
              "raw": "012345678"

            404 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
            Status Meaning Description Schema
            200 OK The request succeeded. fieldValue
            404 Not Found The relationship link or field was not found. sasError

            Code samples

            # You can also use wget
            curl -X GET \
              -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
              -H 'Accept: application/json' \
              -H 'Accept-Item: string'
            const headers = {
              method: 'GET',
              headers: headers
            .then(function(res) {
                return res.json();
            }).then(function(body) {
            import requests
            headers = {
              'Accept': 'application/json',
              'Accept-Item': 'string'
            r = requests.get('', params={
              '_id': 'string'
            }, headers = headers)
            package main
            import (
            func main() {
                headers := map[string][]string{
                    "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                    "Accept-Item": []string{"string"},
                data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "", data)
                req.Header = headers
                client := &http.Client{}
                resp, err := client.Do(req)
                // ...

            GET /links/@item/actions

            Gets a summary of action history for a link. Action history summaries contain a link to fetch the full representation. The 'Accept-Item' request header can be used to fetch the 'available action types' for this link. If the 'Accept-Item' header is set to "application/", this endpoint returns a collection of action types. This collection represents all of the action types that exist historically for the specified link, providing an exhaustive list of all possible filter options.

            Name In Type Required Description
            _id query string true The ID for an individual link. A link ID uses the following format:
            start query integer false The start index. This is used for paging.
            limit query integer false The maximum number of items to return in a page of results.
            sortBy query string false The sort criteria for the request. Only sorting by the 'createdAt' field descending or ascending is supported.
            actionType query string false The filter criteria for the request. The Basic Selection filter syntax for the 'actionType' field is supported. For example: '?actionType=RELATIONSHIP_EDIT' would return only RELATIONSHIP_EDIT actions.
            Accept-Item header string false If set to 'application/', the 'available action types' are returned.
            Detailed descriptions

            _id: The ID for an individual link. A link ID uses the following format: ${relationshipName}|_|${fromEntityTypeName}|_|${toEntityTypeName}|_|${fromEntityId}|_|${toEntityId} where |_| is the delimiter between link ID components.

            Link ID component details: * relationshipName - The relationship type name that defines the link. * fromEntityTypeName - The entity type name of the starting point for the link. * fromEntityId - The unique identifier of the entity that is the starting point for the link. * toEntityTypeName - The entity type name of the destination point for the link. * toEntityId - The unique identifier of the entity that is the destination point for the link.

            When submitting the request, the pipe character (|) must be percent-encoded as %7C. See below for an example of the pipe character properly encoded: ${relationshipName}%7C_%7C${fromEntityTypeName}%7C_%7C${toEntityTypeName}%7C_%7C${fromEntityId}%7C_%7C${toEntityId}

            start: The start index. This is used for paging.

            limit: The maximum number of items to return in a page of results.

            sortBy: The sort criteria for the request. Only sorting by the 'createdAt' field descending or ascending is supported.

            actionType: The filter criteria for the request. The Basic Selection filter syntax for the 'actionType' field is supported. For example: '?actionType=RELATIONSHIP_EDIT' would return only RELATIONSHIP_EDIT actions.

            Accept-Item: If set to 'application/', the 'available action types' are returned.

            Example responses

            200 Response

              "links": [
                  "method": "GET",
                  "rel": "self",
                  "href": "/svi-datahub/links/@item/actions?_id=witnessed_by%7C_%7Cintel_report%7C_%7Cperson%7C_%7Ce5343e0e-3d68-11e8-b467-0ed5f89f718b&start=0&limit=10",
                  "uri": "/svi-datahub/links/@item/actions?_id=witnessed_by%7C_%7Cintel_report%7C_%7Cperson%7C_%7Ce5343e0e-3d68-11e8-b467-0ed5f89f718b&start=0&limit=10",
                  "type": "application/",
                  "itemType": "application/"
                  "method": "GET",
                  "rel": "collection",
                  "href": "/svi-datahub/links/@item/actions?_id=witnessed_by|_|intel_report|_|person|_|e5343e0e-3d68-11e8-b467-0ed5f89f718b",
                  "uri": "/svi-datahub/links/@item/actions?_id=witnessed_by|_|intel_report|_|person|_|e5343e0e-3d68-11e8-b467-0ed5f89f718b",
                  "type": "application/",
                  "itemType": "application/"
                  "method": "GET",
                  "rel": "up",
                  "href": "/svi-datahub/links/@item?_id=witnessed_by|_|intel_report|_|person|_|e5343e0e-3d68-11e8-b467-0ed5f89f718b",
                  "uri": "/svi-datahub/links/@item?_id=witnessed_by|_|intel_report|_|person|_|e5343e0e-3d68-11e8-b467-0ed5f89f718b",
                  "type": "application/"
                  "method": "GET",
                  "rel": "availableActionTypes",
                  "href": "/svi-datahub/links/@item/actions?_id=witnessed_by|_|intel_report|_|person|_|e5343e0e-3d68-11e8-b467-0ed5f89f718b",
                  "uri": "/svi-datahub/links/@item/actions?_id=witnessed_by|_|intel_report|_|person|_|e5343e0e-3d68-11e8-b467-0ed5f89f718b",
                  "type": "application/",
                  "itemType": "application/"
              "name": "actions",
              "start": 0,
              "count": 1,
              "items": [
                  "actionId": "2",
                  "action": "Edited the relationship",
                  "actionType": "RELATIONSHIP_EDIT",
                  "objectType": "Witnessed by",
                  "objectId": "witnessed_by|_|intel_report|_|person|_|e5343e0e-3d68-11e8-b467-0ed5f89f718b",
                  "objectVersion": "2",
                  "createdBy": "videmo",
                  "createdAt": "2023-06-29T22:17:51.061Z",
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-datahub/links/@item/actions/2?_id=witnessed_by|_|intel_report|_|person|_|e5343e0e-3d68-11e8-b467-0ed5f89f718b",
                      "uri": "/svi-datahub/links/@item/actions/2?_id=witnessed_by|_|intel_report|_|person|_|e5343e0e-3d68-11e8-b467-0ed5f89f718b",
                      "type": "application/"
                  "version": 1
              "limit": 10,
              "version": 2

            400 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."

            404 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
            Status Meaning Description Schema
            200 OK The request succeeded. Inline
            400 Bad Request Action history was not available for the specified link. sasError
            404 Not Found The specified link was not found. sasError
            Enumerated Values
            Property Value
            actionType DOCUMENT_CREATE
            actionType DOCUMENT_EDIT
            actionType DOCUMENT_DELETE
            actionType DOCUMENT_UNKNOWN
            actionType RELATIONSHIP_CREATE
            actionType RELATIONSHIP_EDIT
            actionType RELATIONSHIP_DELETE
            actionType RELATIONSHIP_UNKNOWN
            actionType OBJECT_LINKED
            actionType OBJECT_LINK_EDIT
            actionType OBJECT_UNLINKED
            actionType OBJECT_LINK_UNKNOWN
            actionType COMMENT_CREATE
            actionType COMMENT_EDIT
            actionType FILE_UPLOAD
            actionType FILE_DELETE

            Code samples

            # You can also use wget
            curl -X HEAD{actionId}?_id=string
              -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
              method: 'HEAD'
            .then(function(res) {
                return res.json();
            }).then(function(body) {
            import requests
            r = requests.head('{actionId}', params={
              '_id': 'string'
            package main
            import (
            func main() {
                data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "{actionId}", data)
                req.Header = headers
                client := &http.Client{}
                resp, err := client.Do(req)
                // ...

            HEAD /links/@item/actions/{actionId}

            Gets headers for the full representation of an action from a link's action history. A link to this representation is returned in the links property of an action summary.

            Name In Type Required Description
            actionId path string true The ID of the action.
            _id query string true The ID for an individual link. A link ID uses the following format:
            Detailed descriptions

            actionId: The ID of the action.

            _id: The ID for an individual link. A link ID uses the following format: ${relationshipName}|_|${fromEntityTypeName}|_|${toEntityTypeName}|_|${fromEntityId}|_|${toEntityId} where |_| is the delimiter between link ID components.

            Link ID component details: * relationshipName - The relationship type name that defines the link. * fromEntityTypeName - The entity type name of the starting point for the link. * fromEntityId - The unique identifier of the entity that is the starting point for the link. * toEntityTypeName - The entity type name of the destination point for the link. * toEntityId - The unique identifier of the entity that is the destination point for the link.

            When submitting the request, the pipe character (|) must be percent-encoded as %7C. See below for an example of the pipe character properly encoded: ${relationshipName}%7C_%7C${fromEntityTypeName}%7C_%7C${toEntityTypeName}%7C_%7C${fromEntityId}%7C_%7C${toEntityId}

            Status Meaning Description Schema
            200 OK The request succeeded. None
            400 Bad Request Action history was not available for the specified link. None
            404 Not Found The specified link or requested action was not found. None

            Code samples

            # You can also use wget
            curl -X GET{actionId}?_id=string \
              -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
              -H 'Accept: application/json'
            const headers = {
              method: 'GET',
              headers: headers
            .then(function(res) {
                return res.json();
            }).then(function(body) {
            import requests
            headers = {
              'Accept': 'application/json'
            r = requests.get('{actionId}', params={
              '_id': 'string'
            }, headers = headers)
            package main
            import (
            func main() {
                headers := map[string][]string{
                    "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{actionId}", data)
                req.Header = headers
                client := &http.Client{}
                resp, err := client.Do(req)
                // ...

            GET /links/@item/actions/{actionId}

            Gets the full representation of an action from a link's action history. A link to this representation is returned in the links property of an action summary.

            Name In Type Required Description
            actionId path string true The ID of the action.
            _id query string true The ID for an individual link. A link ID uses the following format:
            Detailed descriptions

            actionId: The ID of the action.

            _id: The ID for an individual link. A link ID uses the following format: ${relationshipName}|_|${fromEntityTypeName}|_|${toEntityTypeName}|_|${fromEntityId}|_|${toEntityId} where |_| is the delimiter between link ID components.

            Link ID component details: * relationshipName - The relationship type name that defines the link. * fromEntityTypeName - The entity type name of the starting point for the link. * fromEntityId - The unique identifier of the entity that is the starting point for the link. * toEntityTypeName - The entity type name of the destination point for the link. * toEntityId - The unique identifier of the entity that is the destination point for the link.

            When submitting the request, the pipe character (|) must be percent-encoded as %7C. See below for an example of the pipe character properly encoded: ${relationshipName}%7C_%7C${fromEntityTypeName}%7C_%7C${toEntityTypeName}%7C_%7C${fromEntityId}%7C_%7C${toEntityId}

            Example responses

            200 Response

              "actionId": "2",
              "action": "Edited the relationship",
              "actionType": "RELATIONSHIP_EDIT",
              "objectType": "Witnessed by",
              "objectId": "witnessed_by|_|intel_report|_|person|_|e5343e0e-3d68-11e8-b467-0ed5f89f718b",
              "objectVersion": "2",
              "createdBy": "videmo",
              "createdAt": "2023-06-29T00:00:00.000Z",
              "links": [
                  "method": "GET",
                  "rel": "self",
                  "href": "/svi-datahub/links/@item/actions/2?_id=witnessed_by|_|intel_report|_|person|_|e5343e0e-3d68-11e8-b467-0ed5f89f718b",
                  "uri": "/svi-datahub/links/@item/actions/2?_id=witnessed_by|_|intel_report|_|person|_|e5343e0e-3d68-11e8-b467-0ed5f89f718b",
                  "type": "application/"
              "version": 1,
              "items": [
                  "type": "tableItem",
                  "action": "Changed properties",
                  "headings": [
                    "Original Value",
                    "New Value"
                  "rows": [
                        "value": "Auto Generated Sk",
                        "type": "STRING"
                        "value": "e5343e0e-3d68-11e8-b467-0ed5f89f718b",
                        "type": "STRING"
                        "value": "Person Id",
                        "type": "STRING"
                        "value": "uuid_102",
                        "type": "STRING"
                        "value": "Report Id",
                        "type": "STRING"
                        "value": "uuid_502",
                        "type": "STRING"
                        "value": "Description",
                        "type": "STRING"
                        "value": "some description",
                        "type": "STRING"
                        "value": "Created By User Id",
                        "type": "STRING"
                        "value": "unit_test",
                        "type": "STRING"
                        "value": "Last Updated By User Id",
                        "type": "STRING"
                        "value": "videmo",
                        "type": "STRING"

            400 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."

            404 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
            Status Meaning Description Schema
            200 OK The request succeeded. action
            400 Bad Request Action history was not available for the specified link. sasError
            404 Not Found The specified link or requested action was not found. sasError

            Code samples

            # You can also use wget
            curl -X GET \
              -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
              -H 'Accept: application/json'
            const headers = {
              method: 'GET',
              headers: headers
            .then(function(res) {
                return res.json();
            }).then(function(body) {
            import requests
            headers = {
              'Accept': 'application/json'
            r = requests.get('', params={
              '_id': 'string'
            }, headers = headers)
            package main
            import (
            func main() {
                headers := map[string][]string{
                    "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "", data)
                req.Header = headers
                client := &http.Client{}
                resp, err := client.Do(req)
                // ...

            GET /links/@item/versions

            Gets a summary of version history for a link. Version summaries contain a link to fetch the full version representation.

            Name In Type Required Description
            _id query string true The ID for an individual link. A link ID uses the following format:
            includeDisplayLabel query boolean false Specifies whether to include the display label for the link.
            start query integer false The start index. This is used for paging.
            limit query integer false The maximum number of items to return in a page of results.
            Detailed descriptions

            _id: The ID for an individual link. A link ID uses the following format: ${relationshipName}|_|${fromEntityTypeName}|_|${toEntityTypeName}|_|${fromEntityId}|_|${toEntityId} where |_| is the delimiter between link ID components.

            Link ID component details: * relationshipName - The relationship type name that defines the link. * fromEntityTypeName - The entity type name of the starting point for the link. * fromEntityId - The unique identifier of the entity that is the starting point for the link. * toEntityTypeName - The entity type name of the destination point for the link. * toEntityId - The unique identifier of the entity that is the destination point for the link.

            When submitting the request, the pipe character (|) must be percent-encoded as %7C. See below for an example of the pipe character properly encoded: ${relationshipName}%7C_%7C${fromEntityTypeName}%7C_%7C${toEntityTypeName}%7C_%7C${fromEntityId}%7C_%7C${toEntityId}

            includeDisplayLabel: Specifies whether to include the display label for the link.

            start: The start index. This is used for paging.

            limit: The maximum number of items to return in a page of results.

            Example responses

            200 Response

              "links": [
                  "method": "GET",
                  "rel": "self",
                  "href": "/svi-datahub/links/@item/versions?start=0&limit=40",
                  "uri": "/svi-datahub/links/@item/versions?start=0&limit=40",
                  "type": "application/",
                  "itemType": "application/"
                  "method": "GET",
                  "rel": "collection",
                  "href": "/svi-datahub/links/@item/versions",
                  "uri": "/svi-datahub/links/@item/versions",
                  "type": "application/",
                  "itemType": "application/"
              "name": "versions",
              "accept": "application/json application/",
              "count": 1,
              "items": [
                  "typeName": "intel_report__witnessed_by",
                  "id": "witnessed_by|_|intel_report|_|person|_|e5343e0e-3d68-11e8-b467-0ed5f89f718b",
                  "version": "2",
                  "operation": "update",
                  "createdBy": "videmo",
                  "createdAt": "2023-06-29T22:17:51.061Z"
              "version": 2

            400 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."

            404 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
            Status Meaning Description Schema
            200 OK The request succeeded. versionSummaryCollection
            400 Bad Request Version history was not available for the specified link. sasError
            404 Not Found The specified link was not found. sasError

            Code samples

            # You can also use wget
            curl -X HEAD{version}?_id=string
              -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
              method: 'HEAD'
            .then(function(res) {
                return res.json();
            }).then(function(body) {
            import requests
            r = requests.head('{version}', params={
              '_id': 'string'
            package main
            import (
            func main() {
                data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "{version}", data)
                req.Header = headers
                client := &http.Client{}
                resp, err := client.Do(req)
                // ...

            HEAD /links/@item/versions/{version}

            Gets headers for the full representation of a version from a link's version history. The link to fetch the full representation is returned with version summaries.

            Name In Type Required Description
            version path string true - The version of the links history to fetch.
            _id query string true The ID for an individual link. A link ID uses the following format:
            includeDisplayLabel query boolean false Specifies whether to include the display label for the link in the version.
            changedOnly query boolean false Specifies whether to return only fields that have changed between the previous and requested link version.
            Detailed descriptions

            version: - The version of the links history to fetch.

            _id: The ID for an individual link. A link ID uses the following format: ${relationshipName}|_|${fromEntityTypeName}|_|${toEntityTypeName}|_|${fromEntityId}|_|${toEntityId} where |_| is the delimiter between link ID components.

            Link ID component details: * relationshipName - The relationship type name that defines the link. * fromEntityTypeName - The entity type name of the starting point for the link. * fromEntityId - The unique identifier of the entity that is the starting point for the link. * toEntityTypeName - The entity type name of the destination point for the link. * toEntityId - The unique identifier of the entity that is the destination point for the link.

            When submitting the request, the pipe character (|) must be percent-encoded as %7C. See below for an example of the pipe character properly encoded: ${relationshipName}%7C_%7C${fromEntityTypeName}%7C_%7C${toEntityTypeName}%7C_%7C${fromEntityId}%7C_%7C${toEntityId}

            includeDisplayLabel: Specifies whether to include the display label for the link in the version.

            changedOnly: Specifies whether to return only fields that have changed between the previous and requested link version.

            Status Meaning Description Schema
            200 OK The request succeeded. None
            400 Bad Request Version history was not available for the specified link. None
            404 Not Found The specified link or the requested version was not found. None

            Code samples

            # You can also use wget
            curl -X GET{version}?_id=string \
              -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
              -H 'Accept: application/json'
            const headers = {
              method: 'GET',
              headers: headers
            .then(function(res) {
                return res.json();
            }).then(function(body) {
            import requests
            headers = {
              'Accept': 'application/json'
            r = requests.get('{version}', params={
              '_id': 'string'
            }, headers = headers)
            package main
            import (
            func main() {
                headers := map[string][]string{
                    "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{version}", data)
                req.Header = headers
                client := &http.Client{}
                resp, err := client.Do(req)
                // ...

            GET /links/@item/versions/{version}

            Gets the full representation of a version from a link's version history. The link to fetch the full representation is returned with version summaries.

            Name In Type Required Description
            version path string true - The version of the links history to fetch.
            _id query string true The ID for an individual link. A link ID uses the following format:
            includeDisplayLabel query boolean false Specifies whether to include the display label for the link in the version.
            changedOnly query boolean false Specifies whether to return only fields that have changed between the previous and requested link version.
            Detailed descriptions

            version: - The version of the links history to fetch.

            _id: The ID for an individual link. A link ID uses the following format: ${relationshipName}|_|${fromEntityTypeName}|_|${toEntityTypeName}|_|${fromEntityId}|_|${toEntityId} where |_| is the delimiter between link ID components.

            Link ID component details: * relationshipName - The relationship type name that defines the link. * fromEntityTypeName - The entity type name of the starting point for the link. * fromEntityId - The unique identifier of the entity that is the starting point for the link. * toEntityTypeName - The entity type name of the destination point for the link. * toEntityId - The unique identifier of the entity that is the destination point for the link.

            When submitting the request, the pipe character (|) must be percent-encoded as %7C. See below for an example of the pipe character properly encoded: ${relationshipName}%7C_%7C${fromEntityTypeName}%7C_%7C${toEntityTypeName}%7C_%7C${fromEntityId}%7C_%7C${toEntityId}

            includeDisplayLabel: Specifies whether to include the display label for the link in the version.

            changedOnly: Specifies whether to return only fields that have changed between the previous and requested link version.

            Example responses

            200 Response

              "typeName": "intel_report__witnessed_by",
              "id": "witnessed_by|_|intel_report|_|person|_|e5343e0e-3d68-11e8-b467-0ed5f89f718b",
              "version": "2",
              "operation": "update",
              "createdBy": "videmo",
              "createdAt": "2023-06-29T22:17:51.061Z",
              "values": [
                  "name": "auto_generated_sk",
                  "label": "Auto Generated Sk",
                  "value": "e5343e0e-3d68-11e8-b467-0ed5f89f718b",
                  "type": "STRING",
                  "valueChanged": true
                  "name": "personId",
                  "label": "Person Id",
                  "value": "uuid_102",
                  "type": "STRING",
                  "valueChanged": true
                  "name": "intelReportId",
                  "label": "Report Id",
                  "value": "uuid_502",
                  "type": "STRING",
                  "valueChanged": true
                  "name": "description",
                  "label": "Description",
                  "value": "updated description",
                  "type": "STRING",
                  "valueChanged": true
                  "name": "version",
                  "label": "Version",
                  "value": 2,
                  "type": "LONG",
                  "valueChanged": true
                  "name": "created_by_user_id",
                  "label": "Created By User Id",
                  "value": "unit_test",
                  "type": "STRING",
                  "valueChanged": true
                  "name": "created_at_dttm",
                  "label": "Created at Date/Time",
                  "value": "2015-10-01T18:30:03.656Z",
                  "type": "TIMESTAMP",
                  "valueChanged": true
                  "name": "last_updated_by_user_id",
                  "label": "Last Updated By User Id",
                  "value": "videmo",
                  "type": "STRING",
                  "valueChanged": true
                  "name": "last_updated_at_dttm",
                  "label": "Last Updated at Date/Time",
                  "value": "2023-06-29T22:17:51.061Z",
                  "type": "TIMESTAMP",
                  "valueChanged": true

            400 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."

            404 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
            Status Meaning Description Schema
            200 OK The request succeeded. version
            400 Bad Request Version history was not available for the specified link. sasError
            404 Not Found The specified link or the requested version was not found. sasError

            Code samples

            # You can also use wget
            curl -X POST \
              -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
              -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
              -H 'Accept: application/json'
            const inputBody = '{
              "name": "string",
              "start": 0,
              "limit": 0,
              "count": 0,
              "accept": "string",
              "links": [
                  "method": "string",
                  "rel": "string",
                  "uri": "string",
                  "href": "string",
                  "title": "string",
                  "type": "string",
                  "itemType": "string",
                  "responseType": "string",
                  "responseItemType": "string"
              "version": 0
            const headers = {
              method: 'POST',
              body: inputBody,
              headers: headers
            .then(function(res) {
                return res.json();
            }).then(function(body) {
            import requests
            headers = {
              'Content-Type': 'application/json',
              'Accept': 'application/json'
            r ='', headers = headers)
            package main
            import (
            func main() {
                headers := map[string][]string{
                    "Content-Type": []string{"application/json"},
                    "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "", data)
                req.Header = headers
                client := &http.Client{}
                resp, err := client.Do(req)
                // ...

            POST /links/bulk

            Creates and Updates internal links in bulk. The input is a list of link objects. Each link represents either a Create or Update operation, depending on its form. The output is a list of operation summary results. The input for the request is a SAS collection, which looks like the following: json { "items":[...] } Each element in "items" represents a series of records to be inserted or updated. If a specified record includes a link id, then it is treated as an Update operation. Otherwise, it is a Create operation. All Create and Update operations are processed internally by the server. The response from the request is another SAS collection with summary results for each item that was sent. Result items are in the same order as the input collection. If there is a problem, there will be an "error" property in the results for the item that had issues. If some items return errors, it does not prevent other valid records from being successfully processed.

            Body parameter

              "name": "string",
              "start": 0,
              "limit": 0,
              "count": 0,
              "accept": "string",
              "links": [
                  "method": "string",
                  "rel": "string",
                  "uri": "string",
                  "href": "string",
                  "title": "string",
                  "type": "string",
                  "itemType": "string",
                  "responseType": "string",
                  "responseItemType": "string"
              "version": 0
            Name In Type Required Description
            body body sasCollection false none

            Example responses

            200 Response

              "links": [],
              "name": "links",
              "count": 2,
              "items": [
                  "id": "primary_victim|_|police_report|_|person|_|id_600",
                  "relationshipTypeName": "primary_victim",
                  "fromId": "id_600",
                  "fromEntityType": "police_report",
                  "toId": "id_104",
                  "toEntityType": "person",
                  "operation": "UPDATE"
                  "error": {
                    "errorCode": 0,
                    "message": "The entity type with name \"TestChild\" was not found or the current user does not have the necessary permissions to view the entity type.",
                    "details": [
                      "From Entity Type: TestChild",
                      "From Entity ID: 3cf75c6d-439a-4b74-ac9f-ca2b5eb80c18",
                      "To Entity Type: Case",
                      "To Entity ID: 106f65d1-73be-4b7e-a78d-a33d38dbf057",
                      "Relationship Type Name: case_rev"
                    "id": "DH6106",
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 404
              "version": 2

            400 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
            Status Meaning Description Schema
            200 OK Links were created or updated. See items in the collection to determine whether the operation for an individual link succeeded or failed. linkBulkOperationResultCollection
            400 Bad Request The request was invalid. sasError

            Code samples

            # You can also use wget
            curl -X GET \
              -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
              -H 'Accept: application/json' \
              -H 'Accept-Item: application/'
            const headers = {
              method: 'GET',
              headers: headers
            .then(function(res) {
                return res.json();
            }).then(function(body) {
            import requests
            headers = {
              'Accept': 'application/json',
              'Accept-Item': 'application/'
            r = requests.get('', params={
              'entityTypeName': 'string',  'entityId': 'string'
            }, headers = headers)
            package main
            import (
            func main() {
                headers := map[string][]string{
                    "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                    "Accept-Item": []string{"application/"},
                data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "", data)
                req.Header = headers
                client := &http.Client{}
                resp, err := client.Do(req)
                // ...

            GET /links/count

            For a given entityTypeName and entityId, searches for all related entities and returns a summary of the total number of links found for each related entity type. This method finds all links that are related to an entity and from an entity.

            Name In Type Required Description
            entityTypeName query string true Specifies the name of the entity type for which to search.
            entityId query string true Specifies the ID of the entity for which to search.
            Accept-Item header string true When making a request to count links, specifies the media type of the items returned.
            Enumerated Values
            Parameter Value
            Accept-Item application/

            Example responses

            200 Response

              "links": [],
              "name": "links",
              "count": 2,
              "items": [
                  "relationshipId": 101300,
                  "relationshipName": "customer_to_order",
                  "relationshipLabel": "Customer to Order",
                  "relationshipQualifiedName": "customer__customer_to_order",
                  "relationshipReverseName": "order_to_customer",
                  "relationshipReverseLabel": "Order to Customer",
                  "fromEntityTypeName": "customer",
                  "fromEntityTypeLabel": "Customer",
                  "toEntityTypeName": "order",
                  "toEntityTypeLabel": "Order",
                  "linkCount": 4
                  "relationshipId": 104200,
                  "relationshipName": "customer_to_address",
                  "relationshipLabel": "Customer to Address",
                  "relationshipQualifiedName": "customer__customer_to_address",
                  "relationshipReverseName": "address_to_customer",
                  "relationshipReverseLabel": "Address to Customer",
                  "fromEntityTypeName": "customer",
                  "fromEntityTypeLabel": "Customer",
                  "toEntityTypeName": "address",
                  "toEntityTypeLabel": "Address",
                  "linkCount": 2
              "version": 2
              "links": [],
              "name": "links",
              "count": 2,
              "items": [
                  "relationshipId": 101300,
                  "relationshipName": "customer_to_order",
                  "relationshipLabel": "Customer to Order",
                  "relationshipQualifiedName": "customer__customer_to_order",
                  "relationshipReverseName": "order_to_customer",
                  "relationshipReverseLabel": "Order to Customer",
                  "fromEntityTypeName": "customer",
                  "fromEntityTypeLabel": "Customer",
                  "toEntityTypeName": "order",
                  "toEntityTypeLabel": "Order",
                  "linkCount": 4
                  "relationshipId": 104200,
                  "relationshipName": "customer_to_address",
                  "relationshipLabel": "Customer to Address",
                  "relationshipQualifiedName": "customer__customer_to_address",
                  "relationshipReverseName": "address_to_customer",
                  "relationshipReverseLabel": "Address to Customer",
                  "fromEntityTypeName": "customer",
                  "fromEntityTypeLabel": "Customer",
                  "toEntityTypeName": "address",
                  "toEntityTypeLabel": "Address",
                  "linkCount": 2
              "version": 2

            400 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
            Status Meaning Description Schema
            200 OK The request succeeded. A summary of all related links is returned. countLinksResultCollection
            400 Bad Request The request was invalid. sasError

            Entity Types

            Contains the operations related to managing entity type metadata.

            Retrieve an entity type object by name

            Code samples

            # You can also use wget
            curl -X GET \
              -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
              -H 'Accept: application/json'
            const headers = {
              method: 'GET',
              headers: headers
            .then(function(res) {
                return res.json();
            }).then(function(body) {
            import requests
            headers = {
              'Accept': 'application/json'
            r = requests.get('', headers = headers)
            package main
            import (
            func main() {
                headers := map[string][]string{
                    "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "", data)
                req.Header = headers
                client := &http.Client{}
                resp, err := client.Do(req)
                // ...

            GET /admin/storedObjects

            Retrieves an entity type by name. An entity type is the metadata that is associated with documents.

            The client can request a representation that contains additional metadata from this endpoint by specifying one of the following media types in the Accept header.

            Value in Accept header Additional data in representation
            application/json No additional data beyond the default Entity Type representation.
            application/;version=2 The default Entity Type representation, plus additional File Category metadata1.
            application/ The default Entity Type representation, plus additional File Category metadata1, plus metadata for audit object virtual fields2.

            1 Additional File Category metadata includes, for each File Category in the Entity Type metadata, whether files exist under that File Category, and a collection of Templates that reference that File Category.

            2 Audit object virtual fields expose the values in "Created By User" fields and "Last Updated By User" fields as serialized JSON objects that can be consumed by User/Group Selection controls. An Entity Type without a "Created By User" field (that is, a field that has a name similar to "created_by_user") will not have an audit object virtual field for "Created By User." Likewise, an Entity Type without a "Last Updated By User" field (as defined by the field's role) will not have a "Last Updated By User" audit object virtual field.

            Name In Type Required Description
            name query string false The name of an entity type object.
            excludeUnauthorized query boolean false Specifies whether to exclude the results that the user is not authorized to view. Only admin users can set this to true.
            Detailed descriptions

            excludeUnauthorized: Specifies whether to exclude the results that the user is not authorized to view. Only admin users can set this to true.

            Example responses

            200 Response

              "id": 100924,
              "createdBy": "sasboot",
              "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:03.513Z",
              "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
              "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-28T18:19:17.984Z",
              "label": "Person",
              "description": "Person",
              "localizedLabels": [
                  "id": 102942,
                  "createdBy": "sasboot",
                  "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:03.514Z",
                  "lastUpdatedBy": "sasboot",
                  "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:03.514Z",
                  "label": "Person",
                  "version": 0,
                  "localeCd": "en-US"
              "localizedDescriptions": [
                  "id": 101015,
                  "createdBy": "sasboot",
                  "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:03.514Z",
                  "lastUpdatedBy": "sasboot",
                  "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:03.514Z",
                  "description": "Person",
                  "version": 0,
                  "localeCd": "en-US"
              "name": "person",
              "dataStoreName": "DEFAULT_STORE",
              "dataStoreDefaultSchemaName": "fdhdata",
              "tableName": "person",
              "systemReserved": false,
              "historyEnabled": true,
              "version": 6,
              "validFromFieldName": "birthday",
              "lastUpdatedAtTimeFieldName": "last_updated_at_dttm",
              "createdAtTimeFieldName": "created_at_dttm",
              "displayTextFields": [
                  "name": "first_name",
                  "displayIndex": 0
                  "name": "last_name",
                  "displayIndex": 1
              "dataStoreAssignedTimeZone": "Etc/UTC",
              "solutionName": "sas_visual_investigator_default",
              "solutionLabel": "SAS Visual Investigator",
              "historyTableName": "person",
              "lastUpdatedByUserIdFieldName": "last_updated_by_user_id",
              "versionNumberFieldName": "version",
              "createFlagHistoryColumnName": "created_flg",
              "deleteFlagHistoryColumnName": "archived_flg",
              "deleteTableName": "VdkDmdiNifqGgq8jOL3QwNHwZQxVkD",
              "updateFlagHistoryColumnName": "updated_flg",
              "type": "MANAGED",
              "markerColor": "#0293a0",
              "nodeShape": "square",
              "nodeColor": "#ffffff",
              "borderColor": "#BFBFBF",
              "borderWidth": 1,
              "scale": 1,
              "nodeDecoration": {},
              "elementGroupRoot": false,
              "indexedForSearch": true,
              "attachmentsIndexedForSearch": false,
              "reindexRequired": false,
              "fields": [
                  "id": 102858,
                  "createdBy": "sasboot",
                  "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:03.515Z",
                  "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
                  "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-28T18:19:17.986Z",
                  "label": "Person Id",
                  "localizedLabels": [
                      "id": 102948,
                      "createdBy": "sasboot",
                      "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:03.515Z",
                      "lastUpdatedBy": "sasboot",
                      "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:03.515Z",
                      "label": "Person Id",
                      "version": 0,
                      "localeCd": "en-US"
                  "name": "id",
                  "columnName": "id",
                  "dataType": "STRING",
                  "length": 36,
                  "required": true,
                  "primaryKeyField": true,
                  "unique": true,
                  "autoGenerated": true,
                  "systemReserved": true,
                  "displayIndex": 0,
                  "version": 6,
                  "primaryKeySeqNo": 1,
                  "readOnly": true,
                  "indexedForSearch": true,
                  "showTimeZone": false,
                  "ownerName": "person",
                  "masked": false
                  "id": 102856,
                  "createdBy": "sasboot",
                  "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:03.514Z",
                  "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
                  "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-28T18:19:17.986Z",
                  "label": "First Name",
                  "localizedLabels": [
                      "id": 102946,
                      "createdBy": "sasboot",
                      "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:03.515Z",
                      "lastUpdatedBy": "sasboot",
                      "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:03.515Z",
                      "label": "First Name",
                      "version": 0,
                      "localeCd": "en-US"
                  "name": "first_name",
                  "columnName": "first_name",
                  "dataType": "STRING",
                  "length": 15,
                  "required": true,
                  "primaryKeyField": false,
                  "unique": false,
                  "autoGenerated": false,
                  "systemReserved": false,
                  "displayIndex": 1,
                  "version": 6,
                  "readOnly": false,
                  "indexedForSearch": true,
                  "showTimeZone": false,
                  "ownerName": "person",
                  "masked": false
                  "id": 102859,
                  "createdBy": "sasboot",
                  "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:03.515Z",
                  "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
                  "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-28T18:19:17.986Z",
                  "label": "Last Name",
                  "localizedLabels": [
                      "id": 102949,
                      "createdBy": "sasboot",
                      "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:03.515Z",
                      "lastUpdatedBy": "sasboot",
                      "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:03.515Z",
                      "label": "Last Name",
                      "version": 0,
                      "localeCd": "en-US"
                  "name": "last_name",
                  "columnName": "last_name",
                  "dataType": "STRING",
                  "length": 15,
                  "required": true,
                  "primaryKeyField": false,
                  "unique": false,
                  "autoGenerated": false,
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                  "version": 6,
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                  "indexedForSearch": true,
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                  "ownerName": "person",
                  "masked": false
                  "id": 102853,
                  "createdBy": "sasboot",
                  "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:03.514Z",
                  "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
                  "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-28T18:19:17.986Z",
                  "label": "Birthday",
                  "localizedLabels": [
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                      "createdBy": "sasboot",
                      "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:03.514Z",
                      "lastUpdatedBy": "sasboot",
                      "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:03.514Z",
                      "label": "Birthday",
                      "version": 0,
                      "localeCd": "en-US"
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                  "createdBy": "sasboot",
                  "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:03.515Z",
                  "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
                  "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-28T18:19:17.986Z",
                  "label": "Version",
                  "localizedLabels": [
                      "id": 102952,
                      "createdBy": "sasboot",
                      "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:03.515Z",
                      "lastUpdatedBy": "sasboot",
                      "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:03.515Z",
                      "label": "Version",
                      "version": 0,
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                  "dataType": "LONG",
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                      "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:03.515Z",
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                      "version": 0,
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                  "createdBy": "sasboot",
                  "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:03.515Z",
                  "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
                  "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-28T18:19:17.986Z",
                  "label": "Gender",
                  "localizedLabels": [
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                      "createdBy": "sasboot",
                      "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:03.515Z",
                      "lastUpdatedBy": "sasboot",
                      "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:03.515Z",
                      "label": "Gender",
                      "version": 0,
                      "localeCd": "en-US"
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                  "dataType": "REFERENCE_DATA",
                  "length": 10,
                  "required": false,
                  "primaryKeyField": false,
                  "unique": false,
                  "autoGenerated": false,
                  "systemReserved": false,
                  "displayIndex": 9,
                  "version": 6,
                  "constrainingListName": "Gender",
                  "readOnly": false,
                  "indexedForSearch": true,
                  "showTimeZone": false,
                  "ownerName": "person",
                  "masked": false
                  "id": 103052,
                  "createdBy": "videmo",
                  "createdAt": "2023-06-28T17:22:53.701Z",
                  "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
                  "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-28T18:19:17.986Z",
                  "label": "Ps Inc",
                  "localizedLabels": [
                      "id": 103282,
                      "createdBy": "videmo",
                      "createdAt": "2023-06-28T17:22:53.702Z",
                      "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
                      "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-28T17:22:53.702Z",
                      "label": "Ps Inc",
                      "version": 0,
                      "localeCd": "en-US"
                  "name": "ps_inc",
                  "columnName": "ps_inc",
                  "dataType": "NUMERIC",
                  "precision": 6,
                  "scale": 6,
                  "required": false,
                  "primaryKeyField": false,
                  "unique": false,
                  "autoGenerated": false,
                  "systemReserved": false,
                  "displayIndex": 10,
                  "version": 2,
                  "readOnly": false,
                  "indexedForSearch": true,
                  "showTimeZone": false,
                  "ownerName": "person",
                  "masked": false
              "relationshipsTo": [
                  "id": 101324,
                  "createdBy": "sasboot",
                  "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:09.117Z",
                  "lastUpdatedBy": "sasboot",
                  "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:29.144Z",
                  "label": "Primary Victim",
                  "localizedLabels": [
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            404 Response

              "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
              "id": "DH9999",
              "errorCode": 9999,
              "httpStatusCode": 400,
              "details": [
                "See the log for additional details."
              "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
            Status Meaning Description Schema
            200 OK The request succeeded. entityType
            404 Not Found The request did not find an entity type with a matching name. sasError

            Retrieve headers for an entity type object by ID

            Code samples

            # You can also use wget
            curl -X HEAD{entityTypeId}
              -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
              method: 'HEAD'
            .then(function(res) {
                return res.json();
            }).then(function(body) {
            import requests
            r = requests.head('{entityTypeId}')
            package main
            import (
            func main() {
                data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "{entityTypeId}", data)
                req.Header = headers
                client := &http.Client{}
                resp, err := client.Do(req)
                // ...

            HEAD /admin/storedObjects/{entityTypeId}

            Retrieves headers for an entity type by ID. An entity type is the metadata that is associated with documents.

            Name In Type Required Description
            entityTypeId path string true The ID of the entity type object.
            excludeUnauthorized query boolean false Specifies whether to exclude the results that the user is not authorized to view. Only admin users can set this to true.
            Detailed descriptions

            excludeUnauthorized: Specifies whether to exclude the results that the user is not authorized to view. Only admin users can set this to true.

            Status Meaning Description Schema
            200 OK The request succeeded. None
            404 Not Found The request did not find an entity type with a matching name. None

            Retrieve an entity type object by ID

            Code samples

            # You can also use wget
            curl -X GET{entityTypeId} \
              -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
              -H 'Accept: application/json'
            const headers = {
              method: 'GET',
              headers: headers
            .then(function(res) {
                return res.json();
            }).then(function(body) {
            import requests
            headers = {
              'Accept': 'application/json'
            r = requests.get('{entityTypeId}', headers = headers)
            package main
            import (
            func main() {
                headers := map[string][]string{
                    "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{entityTypeId}", data)
                req.Header = headers
                client := &http.Client{}
                resp, err := client.Do(req)
                // ...

            GET /admin/storedObjects/{entityTypeId}

            Retrieves an entity type by ID. An entity type is the metadata that is associated with documents.

            Name In Type Required Description
            entityTypeId path string true The ID of the entity type object.
            excludeUnauthorized query boolean false Specifies whether to exclude the results that the user is not authorized to view. Only admin users can set this to true.
            Detailed descriptions

            excludeUnauthorized: Specifies whether to exclude the results that the user is not authorized to view. Only admin users can set this to true.

            Example responses

            200 Response

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            r = requests.get('', headers = headers)
            package main
            import (
            func main() {
                headers := map[string][]string{
                    "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "", data)
                req.Header = headers
                client := &http.Client{}
                resp, err := client.Do(req)
                // ...

            GET /admin/storedObjects/all

            Retrieves all entity types in the full representation.

            Name In Type Required Description
            excludeUnauthorized query boolean false Specifies whether to exclude the results that the user is not authorized to view. Only administrative users can set this to true.
            Detailed descriptions

            excludeUnauthorized: Specifies whether to exclude the results that the user is not authorized to view. Only administrative users can set this to true.

            Example responses

            200 Response

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                        "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:30.025Z",
                        "label": "Created By User Id",
                        "localizedLabels": [
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                            "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.043Z",
                            "lastUpdatedBy": "sasboot",
                            "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.043Z",
                            "label": "Created By User Id",
                            "version": 0,
                            "localeCd": "en-US"
                        "name": "created_by_user_id",
                        "columnName": "created_by_user_id",
                        "dataType": "STRING",
                        "length": 255,
                        "required": false,
                        "primaryKeyField": false,
                        "unique": false,
                        "autoGenerated": false,
                        "systemReserved": true,
                        "displayIndex": 5,
                        "version": 1,
                        "readOnly": true,
                        "indexedForSearch": false,
                        "showTimeZone": false,
                        "ownerName": "intel_report.reported_by",
                        "masked": false
                        "id": 101546,
                        "createdBy": "sasboot",
                        "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.043Z",
                        "lastUpdatedBy": "sasboot",
                        "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:30.025Z",
                        "label": "Created at Date/Time",
                        "localizedLabels": [
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                            "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.043Z",
                            "lastUpdatedBy": "sasboot",
                            "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.043Z",
                            "label": "Created at Date/Time",
                            "version": 0,
                            "localeCd": "en-US"
                        "name": "created_at_dttm",
                        "columnName": "created_at_dttm",
                        "dataType": "TIMESTAMP",
                        "required": false,
                        "primaryKeyField": false,
                        "unique": false,
                        "autoGenerated": false,
                        "systemReserved": true,
                        "displayIndex": 6,
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                        "showTimeZone": false,
                        "ownerName": "intel_report.reported_by",
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                        "id": 101550,
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                        "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.044Z",
                        "lastUpdatedBy": "sasboot",
                        "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:30.025Z",
                        "label": "Last Updated By User Id",
                        "localizedLabels": [
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                            "createdBy": "sasboot",
                            "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.044Z",
                            "lastUpdatedBy": "sasboot",
                            "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.044Z",
                            "label": "Last Updated By User Id",
                            "version": 0,
                            "localeCd": "en-US"
                        "name": "last_updated_by_user_id",
                        "columnName": "last_updated_by_user_id",
                        "dataType": "STRING",
                        "length": 255,
                        "required": false,
                        "primaryKeyField": false,
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                        "id": 101549,
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                        "label": "Last Updated at Date/Time",
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                            "version": 0,
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                        "required": false,
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                        "masked": false
                    "localizedReverseLabels": [
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                        "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.044Z",
                        "lastUpdatedBy": "sasboot",
                        "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.044Z",
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                        "version": 0,
                        "localeCd": "en-US"
                    "useCustomIndex": false,
                    "color": "#c3c3c3",
                    "width": 1,
                    "dashType": "solid",
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                    "readOnly": false,
                    "qualifiedName": "intel_report__reported_by"
                "defaultRegularIcon": {
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                  "createdBy": "sas.datahub",
                  "createdAt": "2016-08-29T20:28:03.829Z",
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                  "name": "Individual16Teal",
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                  "imageLocation": "/svi-datahub/icons/Individual16Teal/image",
                  "version": 1,
                  "solutionName": "sas_visual_investigator_default",
                  "solutionLabel": "SAS Visual Investigator"
                "allowElementGroupRootAssignment": false,
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                "requireSearchBeforeCreate": false,
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                "publishCode": "OPEN",
                "readOnly": false,
                "icons": [
                    "id": 1011,
                    "createdBy": "sas.datahub",
                    "createdAt": "2016-08-29T20:28:03.829Z",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": "sas.svi-datahub",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:22:49.225Z",
                    "name": "Individual16Teal",
                    "imageType": "SVG",
                    "imageLocation": "/svi-datahub/icons/Individual16Teal/image",
                    "version": 1,
                    "solutionName": "sas_visual_investigator_default",
                    "solutionLabel": "SAS Visual Investigator"
            Status Meaning Description Schema
            200 OK The request succeeded. Inline
            Response Schema

            Status Code 200

            Name Type Required Restrictions Description
            anonymous [allOf] false none [The metadata that defines a class of entities. This definition includes a list of fields, language-specific labels, icons, and other relevant information.
            » Entity Type any false none The metadata that defines a class of entities. This definition includes a list of fields, language-specific labels, icons, and other relevant information.


            Name Type Required Restrictions Description
            »» anonymous dataObject false none Reserved for internal use. An abstract object for representing an object that is associated with a data table.


            Name Type Required Restrictions Description
            »»» anonymous localizableObject false none Reserved for internal use. An abstract object for handling the localizable label and description.


            Name Type Required Restrictions Description
            »»»» anonymous auditableObject false none Reserved for internal use. An abstract object for handling audit information.
            »»»»» id integer false none The primary key that uniquely identifies this metadata object.
            »»»»» createdBy string false none The user ID that created this metadata object.
            »»»»» createdAt string(date-time) false none The timestamp that indicates when this metadata object was created.
            »»»»» lastUpdatedBy string false none The user ID that most recently modified this metadata object.
            »»»»» lastUpdatedAt string(date-time) false none The timestamp that indicates when this metadata object was last modified.


            Name Type Required Restrictions Description
            »»»» anonymous object false none none
            »»»»» label string false none The locale neutral label for this metadata object.
            »»»»» description string false none The locale neutral description for this metadata object.
            »»»»» localizedLabels [allOf] false none The localized labels that are associated with this metadata object.
            »»»»»» Localized Label any false none The description text that is associated with a specific locale.


            Name Type Required Restrictions Description
            »»»»»»» anonymous auditableObject false none Reserved for internal use. An abstract object for handling audit information.


            Name Type Required Restrictions Description
            »»»»»»» anonymous object false none none
            »»»»»»»» version integer false none The internal Data Hub version for the localized text entry.
            »»»»»»»» locale string false none A standardized two letter language and two letter country code. Here are some examples: "en-GB", "en-US", and "zh-CN".
            »»»»»»»» label string false none The text value that is expressed in a specific language.


            Name Type Required Restrictions Description
            »»»»» localizedDescriptions [allOf] false none The localized descriptions that are associated with this metadata object.
            »»»»»» Localized Description any false none The description text that is associated with a specific locale.


            Name Type Required Restrictions Description
            »»»»»»» anonymous auditableObject false none Reserved for internal use. An abstract object for handling audit information.


            Name Type Required Restrictions Description
            »»»»»»» anonymous object false none none
            »»»»»»»» version integer false none The internal Data Hub version for the localized text entry.
            »»»»»»»» locale string false none A standardized two letter language and two letter country code. Here are some examples: "en-GB", "en-US", and "zh-CN".
            »»»»»»»» description string false none The text value that is expressed in a specific language.


            Name Type Required Restrictions Description
            »»» anonymous object false none none
            »»»» name string false none The name of this metadata object.
            »»»» dataStoreName string false none The name of the data store where this type of metadata will be stored.
            »»»» tableName string false none The name of the database table where this type of metadata will be stored.
            »»»» systemReserved boolean false none Specifies whether this metadata object is reserved for internal use only.
            »»»» historyEnabled boolean false none Specifies whether changes to instances of this entity will be audited.
            »»»» version integer false none The internal Data Hub version for this metadata object.
            »»»» validFromFieldName string false none The name of the field that contain the validFrom date/time value.
            »»»» validToFieldName string false none The name of the field that contains the validTo date/time value.
            »»»» lastUpdatedAtTimeFieldName string false none The name of the field that contains the last updated date/time value.
            »»»» createdAtTimeFieldName string false none The name of the field that contains the creation date/time value.
            »»»» displayTextFields [sortableNameReference] false none Specifies the fields to be concatenated to form the display label. The values of any masked fields will appear in their raw, unmasked form in the display label.
            »»»»» Sortable Name Reference object false none A name (typically a field name) with an ordinal that indicates its position in a sequence.
            »»»»»» name string false none The name of the reference.
            »»»»»» displayIndex integer false none The ordinal for the name. This is typically a field name.
            »»»» dataStoreAssignedTimeZone string false none The value of the "assignedTimeZone" property in the data store that is associated with this metadata object. This property is read-only.


            Name Type Required Restrictions Description
            »» anonymous object false none none
            »»» type string false none Indicates whether the entity type is managed internally or exists in an external read-only database:

            • MANAGED - an internal entity type

            • SOURCE - an external entity type

            »»» markerColor string false none The color that is used to display the marker for this entity type on a network diagram.
            »»» nodeShape string false none The shape that is used to display the marker for this entity type on a network diagram.
            »»» nodeColor string false none The color that is used to display the marker for this entity type on a network diagram.
            »»» borderColor string false none The color that is used to display the border for this entity type on a network diagram.
            »»» borderWidth number(double) false none The width of the border when displaying this entity type as a selected node on a network diagram.
            »»» scale number(double) false none A value that adjusts the relative size when selecting a node of this entity type on a network diagram. The value is applied as a ratio to 1. For example, a value of 2 doubles the size and a value of 1 does not change the size.
            »»» styles [allOf] false none Additional styling that is conditional.
            »»»» Entity Style any false none The properties for styling an icon, nodes, and map pins for an entity type. The style is tied to a condition. When the condition is true, the style is applied.


            Name Type Required Restrictions Description
            »»»»» anonymous object false none The shared style icon properties for a condition. When the condition is true, the style is applied.
            »»»»»» id string false none A unique ID value for the style properties.
            »»»»»» conditionId string false none The ID of the condition with which the style is associated.
            »»»»»» evaluationOrder integer false none The order in which the condition should be evaluated.


            Name Type Required Restrictions Description
            »»»»» anonymous object false none none
            »»»»»» iconName string false none The name of the icon properties.
            »»»»»» markerCode string false none A hexadecimal color value for the background color to use for map pins.
            »»»»»» nodeColor string false none A hexadecimal color value to use when an object is represented as a node.
            »»»»»» borderColor string false none A hexadecimal color value to use for the node border.
            »»»»»» borderWidth number(double) false none The width of the node border.


            Name Type Required Restrictions Description
            »»» elementGroupRoot boolean false none Indicates whether this entity type is the root for an element group.
            »»» indexedForSearch boolean false none Indicates whether this entity type should be indexed for full text searching.
            »»» fields [allOf] false none An array that contains the fields that are associated with this entity type.
            »»»» Entity Type Field entityTypeField false none A single field that is associated with an entity type object.


            Name Type Required Restrictions Description
            »»»»» anonymous dataField false none Reserved for internal use. An abstract object representing the metadata that all data object fields have in common.


            Name Type Required Restrictions Description
            »»»»»» anonymous localizableObject false none Reserved for internal use. An abstract object for handling the localizable label and description.


            Name Type Required Restrictions Description
            »»»»»» anonymous object false none none
            »»»»»»» name string false none The name of the field.
            »»»»»»» columnName string false none The name of the database column that is associated with this field.
            »»»»»»» dataType string false none The type of the database column that is associated with this field. Note: The "json" data type is only partially supported for internal use with Postgres.
            »»»»»»» length integer false none The size of the data type. This value is used primarily for managing the length of string fields.
            »»»»»»» precision integer false none The number of significant digits for a numeric type. The maximum value for precision is database dependent. For example, it is 38 for Oracle.
            »»»»»»» scale integer false none The number of decimal digits for a numeric type. Integers have a scale of zero. A negative scale value can be used to control the maximum number of digits to the left of the decimal point.
            »»»»»»» required boolean false none Indicates whether the field value must be provided.
            »»»»»»» primaryKeyField boolean false none Indicates whether the field value is used as part of primary key. Primary key fields cannot be masked.
            »»»»»»» unique boolean false none Indicates whether duplicate values are allowed for the field.
            »»»»»»» autoGenerated boolean false none Indicates whether the values for this field are automatically generated.
            »»»»»»» systemReserved boolean false none Indicates whether modifications are allowed for this field type. Some fields are created for internal use only. System reserved fields cannot be masked.
            »»»»»»» displayIndex integer false none The order in which fields occur within the database. This index is one-based.
            »»»»»»» version integer false none The internal Data Hub version for this field.
            »»»»»»» constrainingListName string false none The name of a Reference List that determines the list of valid values for this field.
            »»»»»»» userSelectionStrategy string false none Indicates the types of values that are allowed in this field.
            »»»»»»» allowMultipleSelections boolean false none Indicates whether multiple selections are allowed.
            »»»»»»» primaryKeySeqNo integer false none The position this field occupies in a primary key. This index is one-based.
            »»»»»»» readOnly boolean false none Indicates whether modifications are allowed for this field type.
            »»»»»»» indexedForSearch boolean false none Indicates whether this field should be added to the search index.
            »»»»»»» logicalDataType string false none Optional data subtype value for handling user groups and reference data.
            »»»»»»» masked boolean false none Indicates whether this field should be masked from users and groups that are not authorized to reveal the masking. Fields cannot be masked if they are system reserved, if they participate in a primary key, or if they are referenced in a Relationship Type or Transaction Type's join configuration.
            »»»»»»» authorizedToRevealMasked [userGroupChooserSelection] false none A list of users or groups that identifies who is authorized to reveal the field if it is masked.
            »»»»»»»» User Group Chooser Selection object false none A user or group account.
            »»»»»»»»» id string false none The name of the user or group.
            »»»»»»»»» type string false none Denotes whether the account is a user or group.


            Name Type Required Restrictions Description
            »»»»» anonymous object false none none
            »»»»»» ownerName string false none The name of the owner.
            »»»»»» relatedElementName string false none The name of the related element.


            Name Type Required Restrictions Description
            »»» relationshipsFrom [allOf] false none A collection of relationships that point from this entity type.
            »»»» Relationship Type any false none The definition of a connection that can be established between two entities.


            Name Type Required Restrictions Description
            »»»»» anonymous dataObject false none Reserved for internal use. An abstract object for representing an object that is associated with a data table.


            Name Type Required Restrictions Description
            »»»»» anonymous object false none none
            »»»»»» reverseName string false none The name of the relationship from the opposite perspective.
            »»»»»» reverseLabel string false none The label for the relationship from the opposite perspective.
            »»»»»» fromObjectName string false none The name of the side of the relationship that is pointed away from another entity.
            »»»»»» fromObjectLabel string false none The label for the side of the relationship that is pointed away from another entity.
            »»»»»» toObjectName string false none The name of the side of the relationship that is pointed toward another entity.
            »»»»»» toObjectLabel string false none The label for the side of the relationship that is pointed toward another entity.
            »»»»»» required boolean false none Indicates whether the relationship is required.
            »»»»»» cardinality string false none The cardinality for the relationship. The possible values are: "ONE_TO_ONE", "ONE_TO_MANY", "MANY_TO_ONE", "MANY_TO_MANY"
            »»»»»» sortCriteria object false none The criteria that specifies how to sort a collection.
            »»»»»»» fieldName string false none The name of the field.
            »»»»»»» sortOrder string false none The order in which to sort the field.
            »»»»»» type string false none The type of relationship. DIRECT_CHILD relationships are parent-child relationships. LINK relationships are general relationships between one type and another.
            »»»»»» symmetric boolean false none Indicates whether the relationship is symmetric.
            »»»»»» managed boolean false none Indicates whether the relationship is managed.
            »»»»»» toObjectTypeFieldName string false none Only used for heterogeneous relationships with no bridge table. The value indicates a field in the "from" entity type. If a document of the "from" entity type has a value for this field, it will contain the entity type name of a document of the "to" entity type to which it is linked under this relationship type. This field in the "from" entity type may not be masked.
            »»»»»» toObjectTypeNames [string] false none The names of the entity types on the "to" side of the relationship.
            »»»»»» joinKeyFieldName string false none Only used for heterogeneous relationships with no bridge table. The value indicates a field in "from" entity type. If a document of the "from" entity type has a value for this field, it will contain the entity ID of a document of the "to" entity type to which it is linked under this relationship type. This field in the "from" entity type may not be masked.
            »»»»»» joinConditions [allOf] false none The list of expressions that are used to perform the join. Join conditions may not reference masked fields.
            »»»»»»» Boolean Expression entityTypeExpressionBoolean false none The abstract type that represents a conditional or a logical expression.
            »»»»»»»» type string false none The type of expression. Valid values include:

            • FieldRef

            • Literal

            • StrExpr

            • BoolExpr

            • Function

            • ArithExpr

              »»»»»» fields [allOf] false none The list of fields that are part of the relationship.
              »»»»»»» Relationship Type Field any false none A field within a relationship type.


              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              »»»»»»»» anonymous dataField false none Reserved for internal use. An abstract object representing the metadata that all data object fields have in common.


              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              »»»»»»»» anonymous object false none none
              »»»»»»»»» ownerName string false none The owner of the relationship type.


              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              »»»»»» localizedReverseLabels [allOf] false none [The description text that is associated with a specific locale.]
              »»»»»»» Localized Label any false none The description text that is associated with a specific locale.
              »»»»»» deleteTableName string false none The name of the table that is used for tracking deleted records.
              »»»»»» useCustomIndex boolean false none Indicates whether the relationship should use a custom index.
              »»»»»» color string false none The color of links displayed in network view for this relationship type.
              »»»»»» width number(double) false none The width of links displayed in network view for this relationship type.
              »»»»»» dashType string false none The type of line displayed when viewing a relationship link.
              »»»»»» styles [allOf] false none Additional styling that is conditional.
              »»»»»»» Relationship Style relationshipStyle false none The properties for styling of links for a relationship type.


              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              »»»»»»»» anonymous object false none The shared style icon properties for a condition. When the condition is true, the style is applied.


              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              »»»»»»»» anonymous object false none none
              »»»»»»»»» color string false none The color of links that are displayed in network view for this relationship type.
              »»»»»»»»» width number(double) false none The width of links that are displayed in network view for this relationship type. Specify a whole number.
              »»»»»»»»» dashType string false none The type of line that is displayed when viewing a relationship link.


              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              »»»»»» reindexRequired boolean false none Indicates whether reindexing is required. After a relationship type is updated, this value is true if the relationship needs to be reindexed.
              »»» relationshipsTo [allOf] false none A collection of relationships that point toward this entity type.
              »»»» Relationship Type any false none The definition of a connection that can be established between two entities.
              »»» defaultRegularIcon icon false none The icon that is displayed in the Network-Link Diagram.
              »»» defaultMapIcon icon false none Deprecated. Should not be used.
              »»» parentName string false none The name of the parent entity type for this entity type.
              »»» allowElementGroupRootAssignment boolean false none Indicates whether this entity can be used as an element group root.
              »»» deleteTableName string false none The name of SQL table where deleted records are tracked.
              »»» urnFormat string false none The URN format string that is used to automatically generate primary keys.
              »»» urnLength integer false none The maximum length of the generated URN.
              »»» urnStartValue integer(int64) false none If sequential numbers are used as part of the URN, the start value to use for that sequence.
              »»» urnType string false none The type of URN generation that this entity uses.
              »»» requireSearchBeforeCreate boolean false none Indicates whether a search operation must be performed before inserting a new instance of this entity. Set to true to require this.
              »»» enableCasDistributedDataLoad boolean false none Indicates whether all nodes on the grid are used for table loading. This option affects only data for use with Scenario Administration.
              When set to true, this option uses the value distribution of the first numeric column in the table to structure the shared load. Therefore, you should confirm that the first numeric column contains well-dispersed values.
              For example, if the first numeric column contains binary flag data with a 90/10 value distribution, 90% of the table is loaded to one node and the remaining 10% is loaded to a second node.
              »»» attachmentsIndexedForSearch boolean false none Indicates whether entity type attachment content is added to the search index.
              When instances of this entity type have files attached to them, if this flag is set to "true", the contents of those attachments are extracted and added to the search index. This allows users to find instances of this entity type by searching for terms that might be in files attached to them.
              When this flag is updated from "false" to "true", if there are attachments to any instances of this entity type, the entity type must be reindexed before searching can match on attachment contents as described above.
              »»» reindexRequired boolean false none Read only. Setting this property on input has no effect.
              Certain Update operations on entity types require the entity type to be reindexed before changes can be fully active. When such an update has been made, this flag is set to "true" in the representation of the entity type that is provided in the response to the update. This is not a persistent state of the entity type. It is provided as advice to the client once per such an update. Subsequent responses representing the entity type might not have this flag set, even if the advised reindex has not been performed.
              For example, a client sends a PUT request to update an entity type's attachmentsIndexedForSearch flag from "false" to "true". There are instances of the entity type that have attachments; therefore reindexing becomes necessary before searching can match based on attachment contents. This is indicated by a "true" value in this property in the response to the PUT request. Subsequent GET or PUT requests that return a representation of the entity type might have reindexRequired set to "false" even if the entity type has not been reindexed. This is because in that subsequent request, no update was made that would require reindexing before taking effect.
              »»» mobileOfflineEnabled boolean false none Indicates whether offline support is enabled for SAS Mobile Investigator.
              »»» publishCode string false none Indicates the publication status that is assigned to an item:

              • OPEN - Content that is free to customize

              • PUBLISHED - Content that might be upgraded in the future and should be customized with care

              • MODIFIED - Published content that has been customized

              Enumerated Values
              Property Value
              type MANAGED
              type SOURCE
              nodeShape circle
              nodeShape square
              nodeShape diamond
              nodeShape ellipse
              nodeShape hexagon
              nodeShape pentagon
              nodeShape triangle
              dataType BOOLEAN
              dataType STRING
              dataType SMALLINT
              dataType INTEGER
              dataType LONG
              dataType FLOAT
              dataType DOUBLE
              dataType NUMERIC
              dataType DATE
              dataType TIMESTAMP
              dataType TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIME_ZONE
              dataType REFERENCE_DATA
              dataType JSON
              userSelectionStrategy USERS
              userSelectionStrategy GROUPS
              userSelectionStrategy USERS_AND_GROUPS
              logicalDataType USER_GROUP
              logicalDataType REFERENCE_DATA
              type user
              type group
              cardinality ONE_TO_ONE
              cardinality ONE_TO_MANY
              cardinality MANY_TO_ONE
              cardinality MANY_TO_MANY
              sortOrder asc
              sortOrder desc
              type DIRECT_CHILD
              type LINK
              type Conditional
              type FieldRef
              type Literal
              type StrExpr
              type BoolExpr
              type Function
              type ArithExpr
              dashType solid
              dashType dotted
              dashType dashed
              dashType shortDash
              dashType dashDot
              dashType longDash
              dashType longDashDot
              dashType longDashDotDot
              dashType solid
              dashType dotted
              dashType dashed
              dashType shortDash
              dashType dashDot
              dashType longDash
              dashType longDashDot
              dashType longDashDotDot
              urnType UUID
              urnType RANDOM_DIGITS
              urnType SEQUENTIAL
              publishCode OPEN
              publishCode PUBLISHED
              publishCode MODIFIED

              Retrieve all entity types in a summary representation

              Code samples

              # You can also use wget
              curl -X GET \
                -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                -H 'Accept: application/json'
              const headers = {
                method: 'GET',
                headers: headers
              .then(function(res) {
                  return res.json();
              }).then(function(body) {
              import requests
              headers = {
                'Accept': 'application/json'
              r = requests.get('', headers = headers)
              package main
              import (
              func main() {
                  headers := map[string][]string{
                      "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                  data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                  req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "", data)
                  req.Header = headers
                  client := &http.Client{}
                  resp, err := client.Do(req)
                  // ...

              GET /admin/storedObjects/listAll

              Retrieves all entity types where each object is a summary representation of the entity type.

              Name In Type Required Description
              excludeUnauthorized query boolean false Specifies whether to exclude the results that the user is not authorized to view. Only admin users can set this to true.
              Detailed descriptions

              excludeUnauthorized: Specifies whether to exclude the results that the user is not authorized to view. Only admin users can set this to true.

              Example responses

              200 Response

                  "id": 100924,
                  "label": "Person",
                  "description": "Person",
                  "name": "person",
                  "dataStoreName": "DEFAULT_STORE",
                  "dataStoreDefaultSchemaName": "fdhdata",
                  "tableName": "person",
                  "systemReserved": false,
                  "historyEnabled": true,
                  "validFromFieldName": "birthday",
                  "dataStoreAssignedTimeZone": "Etc/UTC",
                  "solutionName": "sas_visual_investigator_default",
                  "solutionLabel": "SAS Visual Investigator",
                  "deleteTableName": "VdkDmdiNifqGgq8jOL3QwNHwZQxVkD",
                  "type": "MANAGED",
                  "markerColor": "#0293a0",
                  "nodeShape": "square",
                  "nodeColor": "#ffffff",
                  "borderColor": "#BFBFBF",
                  "borderWidth": 1,
                  "scale": 1,
                  "nodeDecoration": {},
                  "indexedForSearch": true,
                  "attachmentsIndexedForSearch": false,
                  "reindexRequired": false,
                  "fields": [
                      "id": 102858,
                      "label": "Person Id",
                      "name": "id",
                      "columnName": "id",
                      "dataType": "STRING",
                      "length": 36,
                      "required": true,
                      "primaryKeyField": true,
                      "unique": true,
                      "autoGenerated": true,
                      "systemReserved": true,
                      "displayIndex": 0,
                      "primaryKeySeqNo": 1,
                      "readOnly": true,
                      "indexedForSearch": true,
                      "showTimeZone": false,
                      "ownerName": "person",
                      "masked": false
                      "id": 102856,
                      "label": "First Name",
                      "name": "first_name",
                      "columnName": "first_name",
                      "dataType": "STRING",
                      "length": 15,
                      "required": true,
                      "primaryKeyField": false,
                      "unique": false,
                      "autoGenerated": false,
                      "systemReserved": false,
                      "displayIndex": 1,
                      "readOnly": false,
                      "indexedForSearch": true,
                      "showTimeZone": false,
                      "ownerName": "person",
                      "masked": false
                      "id": 102859,
                      "label": "Last Name",
                      "name": "last_name",
                      "columnName": "last_name",
                      "dataType": "STRING",
                      "length": 15,
                      "required": true,
                      "primaryKeyField": false,
                      "unique": false,
                      "autoGenerated": false,
                      "systemReserved": false,
                      "displayIndex": 2,
                      "readOnly": false,
                      "indexedForSearch": true,
                      "showTimeZone": false,
                      "ownerName": "person",
                      "masked": false
                      "id": 102853,
                      "label": "Birthday",
                      "name": "birthday",
                      "columnName": "birthday",
                      "dataType": "TIMESTAMP",
                      "required": false,
                      "primaryKeyField": false,
                      "unique": false,
                      "autoGenerated": false,
                      "systemReserved": false,
                      "displayIndex": 3,
                      "readOnly": false,
                      "indexedForSearch": true,
                      "showTimeZone": false,
                      "ownerName": "person",
                      "masked": false
                      "id": 102862,
                      "label": "Version",
                      "name": "version",
                      "columnName": "version",
                      "dataType": "LONG",
                      "required": true,
                      "primaryKeyField": false,
                      "unique": false,
                      "autoGenerated": false,
                      "systemReserved": true,
                      "displayIndex": 4,
                      "readOnly": true,
                      "indexedForSearch": true,
                      "showTimeZone": false,
                      "ownerName": "person",
                      "masked": false
                      "id": 102855,
                      "label": "Created By",
                      "name": "created_by_user_id",
                      "columnName": "created_by_user_id",
                      "dataType": "STRING",
                      "length": 255,
                      "required": false,
                      "primaryKeyField": false,
                      "unique": false,
                      "autoGenerated": false,
                      "systemReserved": true,
                      "displayIndex": 5,
                      "readOnly": true,
                      "indexedForSearch": true,
                      "showTimeZone": false,
                      "ownerName": "person",
                      "masked": false
                      "id": 102854,
                      "label": "Created At",
                      "name": "created_at_dttm",
                      "columnName": "created_at_dttm",
                      "dataType": "TIMESTAMP",
                      "required": false,
                      "primaryKeyField": false,
                      "unique": false,
                      "autoGenerated": false,
                      "systemReserved": true,
                      "displayIndex": 6,
                      "readOnly": true,
                      "indexedForSearch": true,
                      "showTimeZone": false,
                      "ownerName": "person",
                      "masked": false
                      "id": 102861,
                      "label": "Last Updated By",
                      "name": "last_updated_by_user_id",
                      "columnName": "last_updated_by_user_id",
                      "dataType": "STRING",
                      "length": 255,
                      "required": false,
                      "primaryKeyField": false,
                      "unique": false,
                      "autoGenerated": false,
                      "systemReserved": true,
                      "displayIndex": 7,
                      "readOnly": true,
                      "indexedForSearch": true,
                      "showTimeZone": false,
                      "ownerName": "person",
                      "masked": false
                      "id": 102860,
                      "label": "Last Updated At",
                      "name": "last_updated_at_dttm",
                      "columnName": "last_updated_at_dttm",
                      "dataType": "TIMESTAMP",
                      "required": false,
                      "primaryKeyField": false,
                      "unique": false,
                      "autoGenerated": false,
                      "systemReserved": true,
                      "displayIndex": 8,
                      "readOnly": true,
                      "indexedForSearch": true,
                      "showTimeZone": false,
                      "ownerName": "person",
                      "masked": false
                      "id": 102857,
                      "label": "Gender",
                      "name": "gender",
                      "columnName": "gender",
                      "dataType": "REFERENCE_DATA",
                      "length": 10,
                      "required": false,
                      "primaryKeyField": false,
                      "unique": false,
                      "autoGenerated": false,
                      "systemReserved": false,
                      "displayIndex": 9,
                      "constrainingListName": "Gender",
                      "readOnly": false,
                      "indexedForSearch": true,
                      "showTimeZone": false,
                      "ownerName": "person",
                      "masked": false
                      "id": 103052,
                      "label": "Ps Inc",
                      "name": "ps_inc",
                      "columnName": "ps_inc",
                      "dataType": "NUMERIC",
                      "precision": 6,
                      "scale": 6,
                      "required": false,
                      "primaryKeyField": false,
                      "unique": false,
                      "autoGenerated": false,
                      "systemReserved": false,
                      "displayIndex": 10,
                      "readOnly": false,
                      "indexedForSearch": true,
                      "showTimeZone": false,
                      "ownerName": "person",
                      "masked": false
                  "allowElementGroupRootAssignment": false,
                  "icons": [
                      "id": 1011,
                      "name": "Individual16Teal",
                      "imageType": "SVG",
                      "imageLocation": "/svi-datahub/icons/Individual16Teal/image",
                      "solutionLabel": "SAS Visual Investigator"
              Status Meaning Description Schema
              200 OK The request succeeded. Inline
              Response Schema

              Status Code 200

              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              anonymous [entityTypeSummary] false none [A short summary of an entity type.]
              » Entity Type Summary entityTypeSummary false none A short summary of an entity type.
              »» id integer(int64) false none The primary key that uniquely identifies this entity type.
              »» label string false none The locale neutral label for this entity type.
              »» name string false none The name of this entity type.
              »» dataStoreName string false none The name of the data store where this type of entity is stored.
              »» tableName string false none The name of the database table where this type of entity is stored.
              »» systemReserved boolean false none Indicates whether this entity is reserved for internal use only.
              »» validFromFieldName string false none The name of the field that contains the validFrom date/time value.
              »» type string false none Indicates whether this entity is managed internally or if it resides in an external read-only database.
              »» markerColor string false none The color that is used to display the marker for this entity on a map.
              »» indexedForSearch boolean false none Indicates whether this entity should be indexed for search.
              »» fields [allOf] false none An array that contains the fields that are associated with this entity type.
              »»» Entity Type Field entityTypeField false none A single field that is associated with an entity type object.


              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              »»»» anonymous dataField false none Reserved for internal use. An abstract object representing the metadata that all data object fields have in common.


              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              »»»»» anonymous localizableObject false none Reserved for internal use. An abstract object for handling the localizable label and description.


              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              »»»»»» anonymous auditableObject false none Reserved for internal use. An abstract object for handling audit information.
              »»»»»»» id integer false none The primary key that uniquely identifies this metadata object.
              »»»»»»» createdBy string false none The user ID that created this metadata object.
              »»»»»»» createdAt string(date-time) false none The timestamp that indicates when this metadata object was created.
              »»»»»»» lastUpdatedBy string false none The user ID that most recently modified this metadata object.
              »»»»»»» lastUpdatedAt string(date-time) false none The timestamp that indicates when this metadata object was last modified.


              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              »»»»»» anonymous object false none none
              »»»»»»» label string false none The locale neutral label for this metadata object.
              »»»»»»» description string false none The locale neutral description for this metadata object.
              »»»»»»» localizedLabels [allOf] false none The localized labels that are associated with this metadata object.
              »»»»»»»» Localized Label any false none The description text that is associated with a specific locale.


              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              »»»»»»»»» anonymous auditableObject false none Reserved for internal use. An abstract object for handling audit information.


              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              »»»»»»»»» anonymous object false none none
              »»»»»»»»»» version integer false none The internal Data Hub version for the localized text entry.
              »»»»»»»»»» locale string false none A standardized two letter language and two letter country code. Here are some examples: "en-GB", "en-US", and "zh-CN".
              »»»»»»»»»» label string false none The text value that is expressed in a specific language.


              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              »»»»»»» localizedDescriptions [allOf] false none The localized descriptions that are associated with this metadata object.
              »»»»»»»» Localized Description any false none The description text that is associated with a specific locale.


              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              »»»»»»»»» anonymous auditableObject false none Reserved for internal use. An abstract object for handling audit information.


              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              »»»»»»»»» anonymous object false none none
              »»»»»»»»»» version integer false none The internal Data Hub version for the localized text entry.
              »»»»»»»»»» locale string false none A standardized two letter language and two letter country code. Here are some examples: "en-GB", "en-US", and "zh-CN".
              »»»»»»»»»» description string false none The text value that is expressed in a specific language.


              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              »»»»» anonymous object false none none
              »»»»»» name string false none The name of the field.
              »»»»»» columnName string false none The name of the database column that is associated with this field.
              »»»»»» dataType string false none The type of the database column that is associated with this field. Note: The "json" data type is only partially supported for internal use with Postgres.
              »»»»»» length integer false none The size of the data type. This value is used primarily for managing the length of string fields.
              »»»»»» precision integer false none The number of significant digits for a numeric type. The maximum value for precision is database dependent. For example, it is 38 for Oracle.
              »»»»»» scale integer false none The number of decimal digits for a numeric type. Integers have a scale of zero. A negative scale value can be used to control the maximum number of digits to the left of the decimal point.
              »»»»»» required boolean false none Indicates whether the field value must be provided.
              »»»»»» primaryKeyField boolean false none Indicates whether the field value is used as part of primary key. Primary key fields cannot be masked.
              »»»»»» unique boolean false none Indicates whether duplicate values are allowed for the field.
              »»»»»» autoGenerated boolean false none Indicates whether the values for this field are automatically generated.
              »»»»»» systemReserved boolean false none Indicates whether modifications are allowed for this field type. Some fields are created for internal use only. System reserved fields cannot be masked.
              »»»»»» displayIndex integer false none The order in which fields occur within the database. This index is one-based.
              »»»»»» version integer false none The internal Data Hub version for this field.
              »»»»»» constrainingListName string false none The name of a Reference List that determines the list of valid values for this field.
              »»»»»» userSelectionStrategy string false none Indicates the types of values that are allowed in this field.
              »»»»»» allowMultipleSelections boolean false none Indicates whether multiple selections are allowed.
              »»»»»» primaryKeySeqNo integer false none The position this field occupies in a primary key. This index is one-based.
              »»»»»» readOnly boolean false none Indicates whether modifications are allowed for this field type.
              »»»»»» indexedForSearch boolean false none Indicates whether this field should be added to the search index.
              »»»»»» logicalDataType string false none Optional data subtype value for handling user groups and reference data.
              »»»»»» masked boolean false none Indicates whether this field should be masked from users and groups that are not authorized to reveal the masking. Fields cannot be masked if they are system reserved, if they participate in a primary key, or if they are referenced in a Relationship Type or Transaction Type's join configuration.
              »»»»»» authorizedToRevealMasked [userGroupChooserSelection] false none A list of users or groups that identifies who is authorized to reveal the field if it is masked.
              »»»»»»» User Group Chooser Selection object false none A user or group account.
              »»»»»»»» id string false none The name of the user or group.
              »»»»»»»» type string false none Denotes whether the account is a user or group.


              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              »»»» anonymous object false none none
              »»»»» ownerName string false none The name of the owner.
              »»»»» relatedElementName string false none The name of the related element.


              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              »» parentName string false none The name of parent entity type for this entity type.
              »» allowElementGroupRootAssignment boolean false none Indicates whether this entity can be used as an element group root.
              Enumerated Values
              Property Value
              type MANAGED
              type SOURCE
              dataType BOOLEAN
              dataType STRING
              dataType SMALLINT
              dataType INTEGER
              dataType LONG
              dataType FLOAT
              dataType DOUBLE
              dataType NUMERIC
              dataType DATE
              dataType TIMESTAMP
              dataType TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIME_ZONE
              dataType REFERENCE_DATA
              dataType JSON
              userSelectionStrategy USERS
              userSelectionStrategy GROUPS
              userSelectionStrategy USERS_AND_GROUPS
              logicalDataType USER_GROUP
              logicalDataType REFERENCE_DATA
              type user
              type group

              Trigger entity type metadata reconstruction

              Code samples

              # You can also use wget
              curl -X POST{entityTypeId}/reconstruct \
                -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
                -H 'Accept: application/json'
              const inputBody = 'null';
              const headers = {
                method: 'POST',
                body: inputBody,
                headers: headers
              .then(function(res) {
                  return res.json();
              }).then(function(body) {
              import requests
              headers = {
                'Content-Type': 'application/json',
                'Accept': 'application/json'
              r ='{entityTypeId}/reconstruct', headers = headers)
              package main
              import (
              func main() {
                  headers := map[string][]string{
                      "Content-Type": []string{"application/json"},
                      "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                  data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                  req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "{entityTypeId}/reconstruct", data)
                  req.Header = headers
                  client := &http.Client{}
                  resp, err := client.Do(req)
                  // ...

              POST /admin/storedObjects/{entityTypeId}/reconstruct

              Synchronizes an entity type's field metadata with the schema for the database table that contains the entity type's records. This can be used to repair the entity type's metadata if the table that backs the entity type changes. Care should be taken when using this operation as it does not automatically update other services in SAS Visual Investigator to reflect the metadata changes. Users who do not understand how their metadata is used in SAS Visual Investigator or are not prepared to repair inconsistencies downstream from Data Hub are not advised to use this endpoint. The request body should be empty.

              Body parameter

              Name In Type Required Description
              entityTypeId path string true The id of the entity type object.
              body body any false The request body should be empty.

              Example responses

              200 Response

                "id": 100924,
                "createdBy": "sasboot",
                "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:03.513Z",
                "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
                "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-28T18:19:17.984Z",
                "label": "Person",
                "description": "Person",
                "localizedLabels": [
                    "id": 102942,
                    "createdBy": "sasboot",
                    "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:03.514Z",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": "sasboot",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:03.514Z",
                    "label": "Person",
                    "version": 0,
                    "localeCd": "en-US"
                "localizedDescriptions": [
                    "id": 101015,
                    "createdBy": "sasboot",
                    "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:03.514Z",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": "sasboot",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:03.514Z",
                    "description": "Person",
                    "version": 0,
                    "localeCd": "en-US"
                "name": "person",
                "dataStoreName": "DEFAULT_STORE",
                "dataStoreDefaultSchemaName": "fdhdata",
                "tableName": "person",
                "systemReserved": false,
                "historyEnabled": true,
                "version": 6,
                "validFromFieldName": "birthday",
                "lastUpdatedAtTimeFieldName": "last_updated_at_dttm",
                "createdAtTimeFieldName": "created_at_dttm",
                "displayTextFields": [
                    "name": "first_name",
                    "displayIndex": 0
                    "name": "last_name",
                    "displayIndex": 1
                "dataStoreAssignedTimeZone": "Etc/UTC",
                "solutionName": "sas_visual_investigator_default",
                "solutionLabel": "SAS Visual Investigator",
                "historyTableName": "person",
                "lastUpdatedByUserIdFieldName": "last_updated_by_user_id",
                "versionNumberFieldName": "version",
                "createFlagHistoryColumnName": "created_flg",
                "deleteFlagHistoryColumnName": "archived_flg",
                "deleteTableName": "VdkDmdiNifqGgq8jOL3QwNHwZQxVkD",
                "updateFlagHistoryColumnName": "updated_flg",
                "type": "MANAGED",
                "markerColor": "#0293a0",
                "nodeShape": "square",
                "nodeColor": "#ffffff",
                "borderColor": "#BFBFBF",
                "borderWidth": 1,
                "scale": 1,
                "nodeDecoration": {},
                "elementGroupRoot": false,
                "indexedForSearch": true,
                "attachmentsIndexedForSearch": false,
                "reindexRequired": false,
                "fields": [
                    "id": 102858,
                    "createdBy": "sasboot",
                    "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:03.515Z",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-28T18:19:17.986Z",
                    "label": "Person Id",
                    "localizedLabels": [
                        "id": 102948,
                        "createdBy": "sasboot",
                        "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:03.515Z",
                        "lastUpdatedBy": "sasboot",
                        "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:03.515Z",
                        "label": "Person Id",
                        "version": 0,
                        "localeCd": "en-US"
                    "name": "id",
                    "columnName": "id",
                    "dataType": "STRING",
                    "length": 36,
                    "required": true,
                    "primaryKeyField": true,
                    "unique": true,
                    "autoGenerated": true,
                    "systemReserved": true,
                    "displayIndex": 0,
                    "version": 6,
                    "primaryKeySeqNo": 1,
                    "readOnly": true,
                    "indexedForSearch": true,
                    "showTimeZone": false,
                    "ownerName": "person",
                    "masked": false
                    "id": 102856,
                    "createdBy": "sasboot",
                    "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:03.514Z",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-28T18:19:17.986Z",
                    "label": "First Name",
                    "localizedLabels": [
                        "id": 102946,
                        "createdBy": "sasboot",
                        "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:03.515Z",
                        "lastUpdatedBy": "sasboot",
                        "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:03.515Z",
                        "label": "First Name",
                        "version": 0,
                        "localeCd": "en-US"
                    "name": "first_name",
                    "columnName": "first_name",
                    "dataType": "STRING",
                    "length": 15,
                    "required": true,
                    "primaryKeyField": false,
                    "unique": false,
                    "autoGenerated": false,
                    "systemReserved": false,
                    "displayIndex": 1,
                    "version": 6,
                    "readOnly": false,
                    "indexedForSearch": true,
                    "showTimeZone": false,
                    "ownerName": "person",
                    "masked": false
                    "id": 102859,
                    "createdBy": "sasboot",
                    "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:03.515Z",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-28T18:19:17.986Z",
                    "label": "Last Name",
                    "localizedLabels": [
                        "id": 102949,
                        "createdBy": "sasboot",
                        "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:03.515Z",
                        "lastUpdatedBy": "sasboot",
                        "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:03.515Z",
                        "label": "Last Name",
                        "version": 0,
                        "localeCd": "en-US"
                    "name": "last_name",
                    "columnName": "last_name",
                    "dataType": "STRING",
                    "length": 15,
                    "required": true,
                    "primaryKeyField": false,
                    "unique": false,
                    "autoGenerated": false,
                    "systemReserved": false,
                    "displayIndex": 2,
                    "version": 6,
                    "readOnly": false,
                    "indexedForSearch": true,
                    "showTimeZone": false,
                    "ownerName": "person",
                    "masked": false
                    "id": 102853,
                    "createdBy": "sasboot",
                    "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:03.514Z",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-28T18:19:17.986Z",
                    "label": "Birthday",
                    "localizedLabels": [
                        "id": 102943,
                        "createdBy": "sasboot",
                        "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:03.514Z",
                        "lastUpdatedBy": "sasboot",
                        "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:03.514Z",
                        "label": "Birthday",
                        "version": 0,
                        "localeCd": "en-US"
                    "name": "birthday",
                    "columnName": "birthday",
                    "dataType": "TIMESTAMP",
                    "required": false,
                    "primaryKeyField": false,
                    "unique": false,
                    "autoGenerated": false,
                    "systemReserved": false,
                    "displayIndex": 3,
                    "version": 6,
                    "readOnly": false,
                    "indexedForSearch": true,
                    "showTimeZone": false,
                    "ownerName": "person",
                    "masked": false
                    "id": 102862,
                    "createdBy": "sasboot",
                    "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:03.515Z",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-28T18:19:17.986Z",
                    "label": "Version",
                    "localizedLabels": [
                        "id": 102952,
                        "createdBy": "sasboot",
                        "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:03.515Z",
                        "lastUpdatedBy": "sasboot",
                        "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:03.515Z",
                        "label": "Version",
                        "version": 0,
                        "localeCd": "en-US"
                    "name": "version",
                    "columnName": "version",
                    "dataType": "LONG",
                    "required": true,
                    "primaryKeyField": false,
                    "unique": false,
                    "autoGenerated": false,
                    "systemReserved": true,
                    "displayIndex": 4,
                    "version": 6,
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              400 Response

                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."

              404 Response

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                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
              Status Meaning Description Schema
              200 OK The request succeeded. entityType
              400 Bad Request The request was invalid. sasError
              404 Not Found The request did not find an entity type with a matching ID or the entity type was found but the table backing it was not found. sasError

              Reference Lists

              Contains the operations related to managing reference list metadata.

              Fetch all reference list or lists

              Code samples

              # You can also use wget
              curl -X GET \
                -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                -H 'Accept: application/json'
              const headers = {
                method: 'GET',
                headers: headers
              .then(function(res) {
                  return res.json();
              }).then(function(body) {
              import requests
              headers = {
                'Accept': 'application/json'
              r = requests.get('', headers = headers)
              package main
              import (
              func main() {
                  headers := map[string][]string{
                      "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                  data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                  req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "", data)
                  req.Header = headers
                  client := &http.Client{}
                  resp, err := client.Do(req)
                  // ...

              GET /admin/lists

              Fetches all reference lists or a single reference list by specifying the name of the list.

              Name In Type Required Description
              name query string false The name of a reference list. If this parameter is specified, only the reference list with that name is returned. If this parameter is omitted, all reference lists are returned.

              Example responses

              200 Response

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                "lastUpdatedBy": "sasboot",
                "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:46:52.571Z",
                "label": "Dispresn Insurance Domain",
                "localizedLabels": [
                    "id": 101663,
                    "createdBy": "sasboot",
                    "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:46:52.571Z",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": "sasboot",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:46:52.571Z",
                    "label": "Dispresn Insurance Domain",
                    "version": 0,
                    "localeCd": "en-US"
                "name": "DispResn_insurance_domain",
                "archived": false,
                "maxCodeLength": 20,
                "alphabeticalSort": false,
                "hierarchyLevel": 0,
                "referenceListType": "LIST",
                "usedByField": false,
                "solutionName": "sas_visual_investigator_default",
                "solutionLabel": "SAS Visual Investigator"

              404 Response

                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
              Status Meaning Description Schema
              200 OK The request succeeded. referenceListSummaryCollection
              404 Not Found The reference list was not found. sasError
              Response Headers
              Status Header Type Format Description
              200 Last-Modified string date-time A timestamp that indicates when the reference list was last modified.

              Create a new reference list

              Code samples

              # You can also use wget
              curl -X POST \
                -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
                -H 'Accept: application/json'
              const inputBody = '{
                "id": 0,
                "createdBy": "string",
                "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                "lastUpdatedBy": "string",
                "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                "label": "string",
                "description": "string",
                "localizedLabels": [
                    "id": 0,
                    "createdBy": "string",
                    "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": "string",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                    "version": 0,
                    "locale": "en-US",
                    "label": "string"
                "localizedDescriptions": [
                    "id": 0,
                    "createdBy": "string",
                    "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": "string",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                    "version": 0,
                    "locale": "en-US",
                    "description": "string"
                "name": "string",
                "archived": true,
                "maxCodeLength": 0,
                "alphabeticalSort": true,
                "items": [
                    "id": 0,
                    "createdBy": "string",
                    "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": "string",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                    "label": "string",
                    "description": "string",
                    "localizedLabels": [
                        "id": 0,
                        "createdBy": "string",
                        "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                        "lastUpdatedBy": "string",
                        "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                        "version": 0,
                        "locale": "en-US",
                        "label": "string"
                    "localizedDescriptions": [
                        "id": 0,
                        "createdBy": "string",
                        "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                        "lastUpdatedBy": "string",
                        "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                        "version": 0,
                        "locale": "en-US",
                        "description": "string"
                    "code": "string",
                    "archived": true,
                    "displayIndex": 0
              const headers = {
                method: 'POST',
                body: inputBody,
                headers: headers
              .then(function(res) {
                  return res.json();
              }).then(function(body) {
              import requests
              headers = {
                'Content-Type': 'application/json',
                'Accept': 'application/json'
              r ='', headers = headers)
              package main
              import (
              func main() {
                  headers := map[string][]string{
                      "Content-Type": []string{"application/json"},
                      "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                  data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                  req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "", data)
                  req.Header = headers
                  client := &http.Client{}
                  resp, err := client.Do(req)
                  // ...

              POST /admin/lists

              Creates a new reference list.

              Body parameter

                "id": 0,
                "createdBy": "string",
                "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                "lastUpdatedBy": "string",
                "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                "label": "string",
                "description": "string",
                "localizedLabels": [
                    "id": 0,
                    "createdBy": "string",
                    "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": "string",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                    "version": 0,
                    "locale": "en-US",
                    "label": "string"
                "localizedDescriptions": [
                    "id": 0,
                    "createdBy": "string",
                    "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": "string",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                    "version": 0,
                    "locale": "en-US",
                    "description": "string"
                "name": "string",
                "archived": true,
                "maxCodeLength": 0,
                "alphabeticalSort": true,
                "items": [
                    "id": 0,
                    "createdBy": "string",
                    "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": "string",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                    "label": "string",
                    "description": "string",
                    "localizedLabels": [
                        "id": 0,
                        "createdBy": "string",
                        "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                        "lastUpdatedBy": "string",
                        "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                        "version": 0,
                        "locale": "en-US",
                        "label": "string"
                    "localizedDescriptions": [
                        "id": 0,
                        "createdBy": "string",
                        "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                        "lastUpdatedBy": "string",
                        "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                        "version": 0,
                        "locale": "en-US",
                        "description": "string"
                    "code": "string",
                    "archived": true,
                    "displayIndex": 0
              Name In Type Required Description
              body body referenceList false The reference list to be created.

              Example responses

              201 Response

                "id": 100606,
                "createdBy": "sasboot",
                "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:46:52.571Z",
                "lastUpdatedBy": "sasboot",
                "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:46:52.571Z",
                "label": "Dispresn Insurance Domain",
                "localizedLabels": [
                    "id": 101663,
                    "createdBy": "sasboot",
                    "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:46:52.571Z",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": "sasboot",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:46:52.571Z",
                    "label": "Dispresn Insurance Domain",
                    "version": 0,
                    "localeCd": "en-US"
                "name": "DispResn_insurance_domain",
                "archived": false,
                "maxCodeLength": 20,
                "alphabeticalSort": false,
                "hierarchyLevel": 0,
                "referenceListType": "LIST",
                "usedByField": false,
                "solutionName": "sas_visual_investigator_default",
                "solutionLabel": "SAS Visual Investigator"

              400 Response

                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
              Status Meaning Description Schema
              201 Created A new reference list was created. referenceList
              400 Bad Request The request was invalid. sasError
              Response Headers
              Status Header Type Format Description
              201 Last-Modified string date-time A timestamp that indicates when the reference list was last modified.
              201 Location string The URI of the newly created reference list.

              Update a reference list

              Code samples

              # You can also use wget
              curl -X PUT{referenceListId} \
                -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
                -H 'Accept: application/json'
              const inputBody = '{
                "id": 0,
                "createdBy": "string",
                "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                "lastUpdatedBy": "string",
                "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                "label": "string",
                "description": "string",
                "localizedLabels": [
                    "id": 0,
                    "createdBy": "string",
                    "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": "string",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                    "version": 0,
                    "locale": "en-US",
                    "label": "string"
                "localizedDescriptions": [
                    "id": 0,
                    "createdBy": "string",
                    "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": "string",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                    "version": 0,
                    "locale": "en-US",
                    "description": "string"
                "name": "string",
                "archived": true,
                "maxCodeLength": 0,
                "alphabeticalSort": true,
                "items": [
                    "id": 0,
                    "createdBy": "string",
                    "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": "string",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                    "label": "string",
                    "description": "string",
                    "localizedLabels": [
                        "id": 0,
                        "createdBy": "string",
                        "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                        "lastUpdatedBy": "string",
                        "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                        "version": 0,
                        "locale": "en-US",
                        "label": "string"
                    "localizedDescriptions": [
                        "id": 0,
                        "createdBy": "string",
                        "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                        "lastUpdatedBy": "string",
                        "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                        "version": 0,
                        "locale": "en-US",
                        "description": "string"
                    "code": "string",
                    "archived": true,
                    "displayIndex": 0
              const headers = {
                method: 'PUT',
                body: inputBody,
                headers: headers
              .then(function(res) {
                  return res.json();
              }).then(function(body) {
              import requests
              headers = {
                'Content-Type': 'application/json',
                'Accept': 'application/json'
              r = requests.put('{referenceListId}', headers = headers)
              package main
              import (
              func main() {
                  headers := map[string][]string{
                      "Content-Type": []string{"application/json"},
                      "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                  data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                  req, err := http.NewRequest("PUT", "{referenceListId}", data)
                  req.Header = headers
                  client := &http.Client{}
                  resp, err := client.Do(req)
                  // ...

              PUT /admin/lists/{referenceListId}

              Updates a reference list by ID.

              Body parameter

                "id": 0,
                "createdBy": "string",
                "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                "lastUpdatedBy": "string",
                "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                "label": "string",
                "description": "string",
                "localizedLabels": [
                    "id": 0,
                    "createdBy": "string",
                    "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": "string",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                    "version": 0,
                    "locale": "en-US",
                    "label": "string"
                "localizedDescriptions": [
                    "id": 0,
                    "createdBy": "string",
                    "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": "string",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                    "version": 0,
                    "locale": "en-US",
                    "description": "string"
                "name": "string",
                "archived": true,
                "maxCodeLength": 0,
                "alphabeticalSort": true,
                "items": [
                    "id": 0,
                    "createdBy": "string",
                    "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": "string",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                    "label": "string",
                    "description": "string",
                    "localizedLabels": [
                        "id": 0,
                        "createdBy": "string",
                        "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                        "lastUpdatedBy": "string",
                        "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                        "version": 0,
                        "locale": "en-US",
                        "label": "string"
                    "localizedDescriptions": [
                        "id": 0,
                        "createdBy": "string",
                        "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                        "lastUpdatedBy": "string",
                        "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                        "version": 0,
                        "locale": "en-US",
                        "description": "string"
                    "code": "string",
                    "archived": true,
                    "displayIndex": 0
              Name In Type Required Description
              referenceListId path string true The ID of the reference list to update.
              body body referenceList false The reference list to be updated.

              Example responses

              200 Response

                "id": 100606,
                "createdBy": "sasboot",
                "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:46:52.571Z",
                "lastUpdatedBy": "sasboot",
                "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:46:52.571Z",
                "label": "Dispresn Insurance Domain",
                "localizedLabels": [
                    "id": 101663,
                    "createdBy": "sasboot",
                    "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:46:52.571Z",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": "sasboot",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:46:52.571Z",
                    "label": "Dispresn Insurance Domain",
                    "version": 0,
                    "localeCd": "en-US"
                "name": "DispResn_insurance_domain",
                "archived": false,
                "maxCodeLength": 20,
                "alphabeticalSort": false,
                "hierarchyLevel": 0,
                "referenceListType": "LIST",
                "usedByField": false,
                "solutionName": "sas_visual_investigator_default",
                "solutionLabel": "SAS Visual Investigator"

              400 Response

                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."

              412 Response

                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."

              428 Response

                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
              Status Meaning Description Schema
              200 OK The request succeeded. referenceList
              400 Bad Request The request was invalid. sasError
              412 Precondition Failed The reference list in the request body was out of date. sasError
              428 Precondition Required The reference list in the request body did not contain a version. sasError
              Response Headers
              Status Header Type Format Description
              200 Last-Modified string date-time A timestamp that indicates when the reference list was last modified.
              200 Location string The URI of the newly created reference list.

              Relationship Types

              Contains the operations related to managing relationship type metadata.

              Fetch a single relationship type or an array of relationship types

              Code samples

              # You can also use wget
              curl -X GET \
                -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                -H 'Accept: application/json'
              const headers = {
                method: 'GET',
                headers: headers
              .then(function(res) {
                  return res.json();
              }).then(function(body) {
              import requests
              headers = {
                'Accept': 'application/json'
              r = requests.get('', headers = headers)
              package main
              import (
              func main() {
                  headers := map[string][]string{
                      "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                  data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                  req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "", data)
                  req.Header = headers
                  client := &http.Client{}
                  resp, err := client.Do(req)
                  // ...

              GET /admin/relationships

              Depending on the query parameter used, returns either a single relationship by qualified name or all relationships of a given type. Using both query parameters in a single request is not supported. Use the "qualifiedName" parameter when the looking up an individual relationship by its qualified name. The qualified name can be determined from the "qualifiedName" property in the relationship type or by constructing one. Use the "type" parameter when looking up all relationships of a given type.

              Name In Type Required Description
              type query string false Specifies the type of the relationships for which to search. LINK relationships are all relationships that link one Entity Type to one or many other Entity Types. DIRECT_CHILD relationships are a relationship between a parent Entity Type and a child Entity Type.
              qualifiedName query string false The qualified name that uniquely identifies the relationship type. The components of a qualified name are:
              Detailed descriptions

              type: Specifies the type of the relationships for which to search. LINK relationships are all relationships that link one Entity Type to one or many other Entity Types. DIRECT_CHILD relationships are a relationship between a parent Entity Type and a child Entity Type.

              qualifiedName: The qualified name that uniquely identifies the relationship type. The components of a qualified name are: {"from" Entity Type name} + "__" + {Relationship Type name}

              Enumerated Values
              Parameter Value
              type DIRECT_CHILD
              type LINK

              Example responses

              200 Response

                "id": 101321,
                "createdBy": "sasboot",
                "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.039Z",
                "lastUpdatedBy": "sasboot",
                "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:30.024Z",
                "label": "Reported by",
                "localizedLabels": [
                    "id": 103196,
                    "createdBy": "sasboot",
                    "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.042Z",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": "sasboot",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.042Z",
                    "label": "Reported by",
                    "version": 0,
                    "localeCd": "en-US"
                "name": "reported_by",
                "dataStoreName": "DEFAULT_STORE",
                "dataStoreDefaultSchemaName": "fdhdata",
                "tableName": "reported_by",
                "systemReserved": false,
                "historyEnabled": false,
                "version": 1,
                "lastUpdatedAtTimeFieldName": "last_updated_at_dttm",
                "createdAtTimeFieldName": "created_at_dttm",
                "dataStoreAssignedTimeZone": "Etc/UTC",
                "solutionName": "sas_visual_investigator_default",
                "solutionLabel": "SAS Visual Investigator",
                "historyTableName": "reported_by",
                "lastUpdatedByUserIdFieldName": "last_updated_by_user_id",
                "versionNumberFieldName": "version",
                "createFlagHistoryColumnName": "created_flg",
                "deleteFlagHistoryColumnName": "archived_flg",
                "updateFlagHistoryColumnName": "updated_flg",
                "reverseName": "reported",
                "reverseLabel": "Reported",
                "fromObjectName": "intel_report",
                "fromObjectLabel": "Intelligence Report",
                "toObjectName": "person",
                "toObjectLabel": "Person",
                "required": false,
                "cascadeType": "NONE",
                "cardinality": "MANY_TO_MANY",
                "type": "LINK",
                "symmetric": false,
                "managed": true,
                "joinConditions": [
                    "type": "Conditional",
                    "leftOperand": {
                      "type": "FieldRef",
                      "objectName": "intel_report",
                      "fieldName": "id"
                    "rightOperands": [
                        "type": "FieldRef",
                        "objectName": "^RELATION^",
                        "fieldName": "intelReportId"
                    "operator": "EQ"
                    "type": "Conditional",
                    "leftOperand": {
                      "type": "FieldRef",
                      "objectName": "^RELATION^",
                      "fieldName": "personId"
                    "rightOperands": [
                        "type": "FieldRef",
                        "objectName": "person",
                        "fieldName": "id"
                    "operator": "EQ"
                "fields": [
                    "id": 101545,
                    "createdBy": "sasboot",
                    "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.042Z",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": "sasboot",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:30.024Z",
                    "label": "Auto Generated Sk",
                    "localizedLabels": [
                        "id": 103197,
                        "createdBy": "sasboot",
                        "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.043Z",
                        "lastUpdatedBy": "sasboot",
                        "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.043Z",
                        "label": "Auto Generated Sk",
                        "version": 0,
                        "localeCd": "en-US"
                    "name": "auto_generated_sk",
                    "columnName": "auto_generated_sk",
                    "dataType": "STRING",
                    "length": 36,
                    "required": true,
                    "primaryKeyField": true,
                    "unique": false,
                    "autoGenerated": true,
                    "systemReserved": true,
                    "displayIndex": 0,
                    "version": 1,
                    "primaryKeySeqNo": 1,
                    "readOnly": true,
                    "indexedForSearch": false,
                    "showTimeZone": false,
                    "ownerName": "intel_report.reported_by",
                    "masked": false
                    "id": 101548,
                    "createdBy": "sasboot",
                    "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.043Z",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": "sasboot",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:30.024Z",
                    "label": "Report Id",
                    "localizedLabels": [
                        "id": 103200,
                        "createdBy": "sasboot",
                        "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.043Z",
                        "lastUpdatedBy": "sasboot",
                        "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.043Z",
                        "label": "Report Id",
                        "version": 0,
                        "localeCd": "en-US"
                    "name": "intelReportId",
                    "columnName": "intel_report_id",
                    "dataType": "STRING",
                    "length": 36,
                    "required": true,
                    "primaryKeyField": false,
                    "unique": false,
                    "autoGenerated": false,
                    "systemReserved": true,
                    "displayIndex": 1,
                    "version": 1,
                    "readOnly": false,
                    "indexedForSearch": false,
                    "showTimeZone": false,
                    "ownerName": "intel_report.reported_by",
                    "masked": false
                    "id": 101551,
                    "createdBy": "sasboot",
                    "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.044Z",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": "sasboot",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:30.025Z",
                    "label": "Person Id",
                    "localizedLabels": [
                        "id": 103203,
                        "createdBy": "sasboot",
                        "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.044Z",
                        "lastUpdatedBy": "sasboot",
                        "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.044Z",
                        "label": "Person Id",
                        "version": 0,
                        "localeCd": "en-US"
                    "name": "personId",
                    "columnName": "person_id",
                    "dataType": "STRING",
                    "length": 36,
                    "required": true,
                    "primaryKeyField": false,
                    "unique": false,
                    "autoGenerated": false,
                    "systemReserved": true,
                    "displayIndex": 1,
                    "version": 1,
                    "readOnly": false,
                    "indexedForSearch": false,
                    "showTimeZone": false,
                    "ownerName": "intel_report.reported_by",
                    "masked": false
                    "id": 101552,
                    "createdBy": "sasboot",
                    "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.044Z",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": "sasboot",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:30.025Z",
                    "label": "Version",
                    "localizedLabels": [
                        "id": 103204,
                        "createdBy": "sasboot",
                        "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.044Z",
                        "lastUpdatedBy": "sasboot",
                        "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.044Z",
                        "label": "Version",
                        "version": 0,
                        "localeCd": "en-US"
                    "name": "version",
                    "columnName": "version",
                    "dataType": "LONG",
                    "required": true,
                    "primaryKeyField": false,
                    "unique": false,
                    "autoGenerated": false,
                    "systemReserved": true,
                    "displayIndex": 4,
                    "version": 1,
                    "readOnly": true,
                    "indexedForSearch": false,
                    "showTimeZone": false,
                    "ownerName": "intel_report.reported_by",
                    "masked": false
                    "id": 101547,
                    "createdBy": "sasboot",
                    "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.043Z",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": "sasboot",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:30.025Z",
                    "label": "Created By User Id",
                    "localizedLabels": [
                        "id": 103199,
                        "createdBy": "sasboot",
                        "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.043Z",
                        "lastUpdatedBy": "sasboot",
                        "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.043Z",
                        "label": "Created By User Id",
                        "version": 0,
                        "localeCd": "en-US"
                    "name": "created_by_user_id",
                    "columnName": "created_by_user_id",
                    "dataType": "STRING",
                    "length": 255,
                    "required": false,
                    "primaryKeyField": false,
                    "unique": false,
                    "autoGenerated": false,
                    "systemReserved": true,
                    "displayIndex": 5,
                    "version": 1,
                    "readOnly": true,
                    "indexedForSearch": false,
                    "showTimeZone": false,
                    "ownerName": "intel_report.reported_by",
                    "masked": false
                    "id": 101546,
                    "createdBy": "sasboot",
                    "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.043Z",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": "sasboot",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:30.025Z",
                    "label": "Created at Date/Time",
                    "localizedLabels": [
                        "id": 103198,
                        "createdBy": "sasboot",
                        "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.043Z",
                        "lastUpdatedBy": "sasboot",
                        "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.043Z",
                        "label": "Created at Date/Time",
                        "version": 0,
                        "localeCd": "en-US"
                    "name": "created_at_dttm",
                    "columnName": "created_at_dttm",
                    "dataType": "TIMESTAMP",
                    "required": false,
                    "primaryKeyField": false,
                    "unique": false,
                    "autoGenerated": false,
                    "systemReserved": true,
                    "displayIndex": 6,
                    "version": 1,
                    "readOnly": true,
                    "indexedForSearch": false,
                    "showTimeZone": false,
                    "ownerName": "intel_report.reported_by",
                    "masked": false
                    "id": 101550,
                    "createdBy": "sasboot",
                    "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.044Z",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": "sasboot",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:30.025Z",
                    "label": "Last Updated By User Id",
                    "localizedLabels": [
                        "id": 103202,
                        "createdBy": "sasboot",
                        "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.044Z",
                        "lastUpdatedBy": "sasboot",
                        "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.044Z",
                        "label": "Last Updated By User Id",
                        "version": 0,
                        "localeCd": "en-US"
                    "name": "last_updated_by_user_id",
                    "columnName": "last_updated_by_user_id",
                    "dataType": "STRING",
                    "length": 255,
                    "required": false,
                    "primaryKeyField": false,
                    "unique": false,
                    "autoGenerated": false,
                    "systemReserved": true,
                    "displayIndex": 7,
                    "version": 1,
                    "readOnly": true,
                    "indexedForSearch": false,
                    "showTimeZone": false,
                    "ownerName": "intel_report.reported_by",
                    "masked": false
                    "id": 101549,
                    "createdBy": "sasboot",
                    "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.044Z",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": "sasboot",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:30.025Z",
                    "label": "Last Updated at Date/Time",
                    "localizedLabels": [
                        "id": 103201,
                        "createdBy": "sasboot",
                        "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.044Z",
                        "lastUpdatedBy": "sasboot",
                        "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.044Z",
                        "label": "Last Updated at Date/Time",
                        "version": 0,
                        "localeCd": "en-US"
                    "name": "last_updated_at_dttm",
                    "columnName": "last_updated_at_dttm",
                    "dataType": "TIMESTAMP",
                    "required": false,
                    "primaryKeyField": false,
                    "unique": false,
                    "autoGenerated": false,
                    "systemReserved": true,
                    "displayIndex": 8,
                    "version": 1,
                    "readOnly": true,
                    "indexedForSearch": false,
                    "showTimeZone": false,
                    "ownerName": "intel_report.reported_by",
                    "masked": false
                "localizedReverseLabels": [
                    "id": 103205,
                    "createdBy": "sasboot",
                    "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.044Z",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": "sasboot",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.044Z",
                    "label": "Reported",
                    "version": 0,
                    "localeCd": "en-US"
                "useCustomIndex": false,
                "color": "#c3c3c3",
                "width": 1,
                "dashType": "solid",
                "reindexRequired": false,
                "readOnly": false,
                "qualifiedName": "intel_report__reported_by"

              404 Response

                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
              Status Meaning Description Schema
              200 OK The request succeeded. Either a single relationship type or an array of relationship types are returned. relationshipType
              404 Not Found The relationship type specified in qualifiedName was not found. sasError

              Trigger relationship type metadata reconstruction

              Code samples

              # You can also use wget
              curl -X POST{relationshipTypeId}/reconstruct \
                -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
                -H 'Accept: application/json'
              const inputBody = 'null';
              const headers = {
                method: 'POST',
                body: inputBody,
                headers: headers
              .then(function(res) {
                  return res.json();
              }).then(function(body) {
              import requests
              headers = {
                'Content-Type': 'application/json',
                'Accept': 'application/json'
              r ='{relationshipTypeId}/reconstruct', headers = headers)
              package main
              import (
              func main() {
                  headers := map[string][]string{
                      "Content-Type": []string{"application/json"},
                      "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                  data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                  req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "{relationshipTypeId}/reconstruct", data)
                  req.Header = headers
                  client := &http.Client{}
                  resp, err := client.Do(req)
                  // ...

              POST /admin/relationships/{relationshipTypeId}/reconstruct

              Synchronizes the relationship type's field metadata with the schema for the database table that contains the relationship type's records. This can be used to repair the relationship type's metadata if the table that backs the relationship type changes. Care should be taken when using this operation as it does not automatically update other services in SAS Visual Investigator to reflect the metadata changes. Users who do not understand how their metadata is used in SAS Visual Investigator or are not prepared to repair inconsistencies downstream from Data Hub are not advised to use this endpoint. The request body should be empty.

              Body parameter

              Name In Type Required Description
              relationshipTypeId path string true The numerical ID of the relationship type object.
              body body any false Request body should be empty.

              Example responses

              200 Response

                "id": 101321,
                "createdBy": "sasboot",
                "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.039Z",
                "lastUpdatedBy": "sasboot",
                "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:30.024Z",
                "label": "Reported by",
                "localizedLabels": [
                    "id": 103196,
                    "createdBy": "sasboot",
                    "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.042Z",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": "sasboot",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.042Z",
                    "label": "Reported by",
                    "version": 0,
                    "localeCd": "en-US"
                "name": "reported_by",
                "dataStoreName": "DEFAULT_STORE",
                "dataStoreDefaultSchemaName": "fdhdata",
                "tableName": "reported_by",
                "systemReserved": false,
                "historyEnabled": false,
                "version": 1,
                "lastUpdatedAtTimeFieldName": "last_updated_at_dttm",
                "createdAtTimeFieldName": "created_at_dttm",
                "dataStoreAssignedTimeZone": "Etc/UTC",
                "solutionName": "sas_visual_investigator_default",
                "solutionLabel": "SAS Visual Investigator",
                "historyTableName": "reported_by",
                "lastUpdatedByUserIdFieldName": "last_updated_by_user_id",
                "versionNumberFieldName": "version",
                "createFlagHistoryColumnName": "created_flg",
                "deleteFlagHistoryColumnName": "archived_flg",
                "updateFlagHistoryColumnName": "updated_flg",
                "reverseName": "reported",
                "reverseLabel": "Reported",
                "fromObjectName": "intel_report",
                "fromObjectLabel": "Intelligence Report",
                "toObjectName": "person",
                "toObjectLabel": "Person",
                "required": false,
                "cascadeType": "NONE",
                "cardinality": "MANY_TO_MANY",
                "type": "LINK",
                "symmetric": false,
                "managed": true,
                "joinConditions": [
                    "type": "Conditional",
                    "leftOperand": {
                      "type": "FieldRef",
                      "objectName": "intel_report",
                      "fieldName": "id"
                    "rightOperands": [
                        "type": "FieldRef",
                        "objectName": "^RELATION^",
                        "fieldName": "intelReportId"
                    "operator": "EQ"
                    "type": "Conditional",
                    "leftOperand": {
                      "type": "FieldRef",
                      "objectName": "^RELATION^",
                      "fieldName": "personId"
                    "rightOperands": [
                        "type": "FieldRef",
                        "objectName": "person",
                        "fieldName": "id"
                    "operator": "EQ"
                "fields": [
                    "id": 101545,
                    "createdBy": "sasboot",
                    "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.042Z",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": "sasboot",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:30.024Z",
                    "label": "Auto Generated Sk",
                    "localizedLabels": [
                        "id": 103197,
                        "createdBy": "sasboot",
                        "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.043Z",
                        "lastUpdatedBy": "sasboot",
                        "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.043Z",
                        "label": "Auto Generated Sk",
                        "version": 0,
                        "localeCd": "en-US"
                    "name": "auto_generated_sk",
                    "columnName": "auto_generated_sk",
                    "dataType": "STRING",
                    "length": 36,
                    "required": true,
                    "primaryKeyField": true,
                    "unique": false,
                    "autoGenerated": true,
                    "systemReserved": true,
                    "displayIndex": 0,
                    "version": 1,
                    "primaryKeySeqNo": 1,
                    "readOnly": true,
                    "indexedForSearch": false,
                    "showTimeZone": false,
                    "ownerName": "intel_report.reported_by",
                    "masked": false
                    "id": 101548,
                    "createdBy": "sasboot",
                    "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.043Z",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": "sasboot",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:30.024Z",
                    "label": "Report Id",
                    "localizedLabels": [
                        "id": 103200,
                        "createdBy": "sasboot",
                        "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.043Z",
                        "lastUpdatedBy": "sasboot",
                        "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.043Z",
                        "label": "Report Id",
                        "version": 0,
                        "localeCd": "en-US"
                    "name": "intelReportId",
                    "columnName": "intel_report_id",
                    "dataType": "STRING",
                    "length": 36,
                    "required": true,
                    "primaryKeyField": false,
                    "unique": false,
                    "autoGenerated": false,
                    "systemReserved": true,
                    "displayIndex": 1,
                    "version": 1,
                    "readOnly": false,
                    "indexedForSearch": false,
                    "showTimeZone": false,
                    "ownerName": "intel_report.reported_by",
                    "masked": false
                    "id": 101551,
                    "createdBy": "sasboot",
                    "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.044Z",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": "sasboot",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:30.025Z",
                    "label": "Person Id",
                    "localizedLabels": [
                        "id": 103203,
                        "createdBy": "sasboot",
                        "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.044Z",
                        "lastUpdatedBy": "sasboot",
                        "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.044Z",
                        "label": "Person Id",
                        "version": 0,
                        "localeCd": "en-US"
                    "name": "personId",
                    "columnName": "person_id",
                    "dataType": "STRING",
                    "length": 36,
                    "required": true,
                    "primaryKeyField": false,
                    "unique": false,
                    "autoGenerated": false,
                    "systemReserved": true,
                    "displayIndex": 1,
                    "version": 1,
                    "readOnly": false,
                    "indexedForSearch": false,
                    "showTimeZone": false,
                    "ownerName": "intel_report.reported_by",
                    "masked": false
                    "id": 101552,
                    "createdBy": "sasboot",
                    "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.044Z",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": "sasboot",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:30.025Z",
                    "label": "Version",
                    "localizedLabels": [
                        "id": 103204,
                        "createdBy": "sasboot",
                        "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.044Z",
                        "lastUpdatedBy": "sasboot",
                        "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.044Z",
                        "label": "Version",
                        "version": 0,
                        "localeCd": "en-US"
                    "name": "version",
                    "columnName": "version",
                    "dataType": "LONG",
                    "required": true,
                    "primaryKeyField": false,
                    "unique": false,
                    "autoGenerated": false,
                    "systemReserved": true,
                    "displayIndex": 4,
                    "version": 1,
                    "readOnly": true,
                    "indexedForSearch": false,
                    "showTimeZone": false,
                    "ownerName": "intel_report.reported_by",
                    "masked": false
                    "id": 101547,
                    "createdBy": "sasboot",
                    "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.043Z",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": "sasboot",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:30.025Z",
                    "label": "Created By User Id",
                    "localizedLabels": [
                        "id": 103199,
                        "createdBy": "sasboot",
                        "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.043Z",
                        "lastUpdatedBy": "sasboot",
                        "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.043Z",
                        "label": "Created By User Id",
                        "version": 0,
                        "localeCd": "en-US"
                    "name": "created_by_user_id",
                    "columnName": "created_by_user_id",
                    "dataType": "STRING",
                    "length": 255,
                    "required": false,
                    "primaryKeyField": false,
                    "unique": false,
                    "autoGenerated": false,
                    "systemReserved": true,
                    "displayIndex": 5,
                    "version": 1,
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                    "masked": false
                    "id": 101546,
                    "createdBy": "sasboot",
                    "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.043Z",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": "sasboot",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:30.025Z",
                    "label": "Created at Date/Time",
                    "localizedLabels": [
                        "id": 103198,
                        "createdBy": "sasboot",
                        "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.043Z",
                        "lastUpdatedBy": "sasboot",
                        "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.043Z",
                        "label": "Created at Date/Time",
                        "version": 0,
                        "localeCd": "en-US"
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                    "columnName": "created_at_dttm",
                    "dataType": "TIMESTAMP",
                    "required": false,
                    "primaryKeyField": false,
                    "unique": false,
                    "autoGenerated": false,
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                    "displayIndex": 6,
                    "version": 1,
                    "readOnly": true,
                    "indexedForSearch": false,
                    "showTimeZone": false,
                    "ownerName": "intel_report.reported_by",
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                    "id": 101550,
                    "createdBy": "sasboot",
                    "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.044Z",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": "sasboot",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:30.025Z",
                    "label": "Last Updated By User Id",
                    "localizedLabels": [
                        "id": 103202,
                        "createdBy": "sasboot",
                        "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.044Z",
                        "lastUpdatedBy": "sasboot",
                        "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.044Z",
                        "label": "Last Updated By User Id",
                        "version": 0,
                        "localeCd": "en-US"
                    "name": "last_updated_by_user_id",
                    "columnName": "last_updated_by_user_id",
                    "dataType": "STRING",
                    "length": 255,
                    "required": false,
                    "primaryKeyField": false,
                    "unique": false,
                    "autoGenerated": false,
                    "systemReserved": true,
                    "displayIndex": 7,
                    "version": 1,
                    "readOnly": true,
                    "indexedForSearch": false,
                    "showTimeZone": false,
                    "ownerName": "intel_report.reported_by",
                    "masked": false
                    "id": 101549,
                    "createdBy": "sasboot",
                    "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.044Z",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": "sasboot",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:30.025Z",
                    "label": "Last Updated at Date/Time",
                    "localizedLabels": [
                        "id": 103201,
                        "createdBy": "sasboot",
                        "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.044Z",
                        "lastUpdatedBy": "sasboot",
                        "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.044Z",
                        "label": "Last Updated at Date/Time",
                        "version": 0,
                        "localeCd": "en-US"
                    "name": "last_updated_at_dttm",
                    "columnName": "last_updated_at_dttm",
                    "dataType": "TIMESTAMP",
                    "required": false,
                    "primaryKeyField": false,
                    "unique": false,
                    "autoGenerated": false,
                    "systemReserved": true,
                    "displayIndex": 8,
                    "version": 1,
                    "readOnly": true,
                    "indexedForSearch": false,
                    "showTimeZone": false,
                    "ownerName": "intel_report.reported_by",
                    "masked": false
                "localizedReverseLabels": [
                    "id": 103205,
                    "createdBy": "sasboot",
                    "createdAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.044Z",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": "sasboot",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-23T20:47:08.044Z",
                    "label": "Reported",
                    "version": 0,
                    "localeCd": "en-US"
                "useCustomIndex": false,
                "color": "#c3c3c3",
                "width": 1,
                "dashType": "solid",
                "reindexRequired": false,
                "readOnly": false,
                "qualifiedName": "intel_report__reported_by"

              400 Response

                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."

              404 Response

                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
              Status Meaning Description Schema
              200 OK The request succeeded. relationshipType
              400 Bad Request The request was invalid. sasError
              404 Not Found The request did not find a relationship type with a matching ID or the relationship type was found but the table backing it was not found. sasError


              Contains the operations related to managing solution metadata.

              Mark the items in a solution as published

              Code samples

              # You can also use wget
              curl -X POST{solutionName}/publish \
                -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
                -H 'Accept: application/json'
              const inputBody = 'null';
              const headers = {
                method: 'POST',
                body: inputBody,
                headers: headers
              .then(function(res) {
                  return res.json();
              }).then(function(body) {
              import requests
              headers = {
                'Content-Type': 'application/json',
                'Accept': 'application/json'
              r ='{solutionName}/publish', headers = headers)
              package main
              import (
              func main() {
                  headers := map[string][]string{
                      "Content-Type": []string{"application/json"},
                      "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                  data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                  req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "{solutionName}/publish", data)
                  req.Header = headers
                  client := &http.Client{}
                  resp, err := client.Do(req)
                  // ...

              POST /solutions/{solutionName}/publish

              Marks all entity types, page templates, and page contexts as published. This makes it possible to differentiate published items from open and modified items.

              Body parameter

              Name In Type Required Description
              solutionName path string true The name of the solution.
              body body any false The request body should be empty.

              Example responses

              200 Response

                "solutionName": "my_solution",
                "solutionLabel": "My Solution",
                "successful": 2,
                "failed": 1,
                "results": [
                    "type": "ENTITY_TYPE",
                    "label": "My Entity Type",
                    "successful": 1,
                    "failed": 0,
                    "errors": []
                    "type": "PAGE_TEMPLATE",
                    "label": "My Page Template",
                    "successful": 1,
                    "failed": 0,
                    "errors": []
                    "type": "ENTITY_TYPE",
                    "label": "Some Other Entity Type",
                    "successful": 0,
                    "failed": 1,
                    "errors": [
                        "name": "some_other_entity_type",
                        "label": "Some Other Entity Type",
                        "message": "Some error message describing the error encountered while attempting to publish Some Other Entity Type."

              400 Response

                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."

              404 Response

                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
              Status Meaning Description Schema
              200 OK The request succeeded. The solution was published. solutionPublishResult
              400 Bad Request There was a problem with the solution in the request body. sasError
              404 Not Found The solution was not found. sasError

              Transaction Types

              Contains the operations related to managing transaction type metadata.

              Retrieve a transaction type by name

              Code samples

              # You can also use wget
              curl -X GET \
                -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                -H 'Accept: application/json'
              const headers = {
                method: 'GET',
                headers: headers
              .then(function(res) {
                  return res.json();
              }).then(function(body) {
              import requests
              headers = {
                'Accept': 'application/json'
              r = requests.get('', headers = headers)
              package main
              import (
              func main() {
                  headers := map[string][]string{
                      "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                  data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                  req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "", data)
                  req.Header = headers
                  client := &http.Client{}
                  resp, err := client.Do(req)
                  // ...

              GET /admin/transactions

              Retrieves a transaction type object by name. Transaction types are metadata describing transaction links.

              Name In Type Required Description
              name query string false The name of a transaction type object.

              Example responses

              200 Response

                "id": 103401,
                "createdBy": "videmo",
                "createdAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.241Z",
                "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
                "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.241Z",
                "label": "Business Transactions",
                "localizedLabels": [
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                    "createdBy": "videmo",
                    "createdAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.246Z",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.246Z",
                    "label": "Business Transactions",
                    "version": 0,
                    "localeCd": "en-US"
                "name": "business_transactions",
                "dataStoreName": "FINANCE_STORE",
                "dataStoreDefaultSchemaName": "finance",
                "tableName": "business_transactions",
                "systemReserved": false,
                "version": 0,
                "dataStoreAssignedTimeZone": "Etc/UTC",
                "solutionName": "sas_visual_investigator_default",
                "solutionLabel": "SAS Visual Investigator",
                "fromObjectName": "business_account",
                "toObjectName": "business_customers",
                "fromObjJoinCondition": {
                  "type": "Conditional",
                  "leftOperand": {
                    "type": "FieldRef",
                    "objectName": "business_account",
                    "fieldName": "primary_account_number"
                  "rightOperands": [
                      "type": "FieldRef",
                      "objectName": "^RELATION^",
                      "fieldName": "primary_account_number"
                  "operator": "EQ"
                "toObjJoinCondition": {
                  "type": "Conditional",
                  "leftOperand": {
                    "type": "FieldRef",
                    "objectName": "^RELATION^",
                    "fieldName": "customer_id_number"
                  "rightOperands": [
                      "type": "FieldRef",
                      "objectName": "business_customers",
                      "fieldName": "customer_id_number"
                  "operator": "EQ"
                "fields": [
                    "id": 103533,
                    "createdBy": "videmo",
                    "createdAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.248Z",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.248Z",
                    "label": "Transaction Id",
                    "localizedLabels": [
                        "id": 103619,
                        "createdBy": "videmo",
                        "createdAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.248Z",
                        "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
                        "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.248Z",
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                        "version": 0,
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                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.249Z",
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                        "version": 0,
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                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.249Z",
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                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.249Z",
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                        "version": 0,
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                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.249Z",
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                        "createdAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.249Z",
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                        "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.249Z",
                        "label": "Orig Tran Amt Cash",
                        "version": 0,
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                    "name": "orig_tran_amt_cash",
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                    "id": 103540,
                    "createdBy": "videmo",
                    "createdAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.249Z",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.249Z",
                    "label": "Tran Unique Id",
                    "localizedLabels": [
                        "id": 103626,
                        "createdBy": "videmo",
                        "createdAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.249Z",
                        "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
                        "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.249Z",
                        "label": "Tran Unique Id",
                        "version": 0,
                        "localeCd": "en-US"
                    "name": "tran_unique_id",
                    "columnName": "tran_unique_id",
                    "dataType": "STRING",
                    "length": 25,
                    "required": false,
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                    "unique": false,
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                    "version": 0,
                    "readOnly": true,
                    "indexedForSearch": true,
                    "showTimeZone": false,
                    "ownerName": "business_transactions",
                    "masked": false
                "readOnly": true,
                "transactionDateFieldName": "transaction_date"

              404 Response

                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
              Status Meaning Description Schema
              200 OK The request succeeded. transactionType
              404 Not Found The request did not find a transaction type with a matching name. sasError

              Retrieve headers for a transaction type object by ID

              Code samples

              # You can also use wget
              curl -X HEAD{transactionTypeId}
                -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                method: 'HEAD'
              .then(function(res) {
                  return res.json();
              }).then(function(body) {
              import requests
              r = requests.head('{transactionTypeId}')
              package main
              import (
              func main() {
                  data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                  req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "{transactionTypeId}", data)
                  req.Header = headers
                  client := &http.Client{}
                  resp, err := client.Do(req)
                  // ...

              HEAD /admin/transactions/{transactionTypeId}

              Retrieves headers for a transaction type object by ID. Transaction types are metadata that describe transaction links.

              Name In Type Required Description
              transactionTypeId path string true The ID of the transaction type object.
              Status Meaning Description Schema
              200 OK The request succeeded. None
              404 Not Found The request did not find a transaction type with a matching name. None

              Retrieve a transaction type object by ID

              Code samples

              # You can also use wget
              curl -X GET{transactionTypeId} \
                -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                -H 'Accept: application/json'
              const headers = {
                method: 'GET',
                headers: headers
              .then(function(res) {
                  return res.json();
              }).then(function(body) {
              import requests
              headers = {
                'Accept': 'application/json'
              r = requests.get('{transactionTypeId}', headers = headers)
              package main
              import (
              func main() {
                  headers := map[string][]string{
                      "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                  data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                  req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{transactionTypeId}", data)
                  req.Header = headers
                  client := &http.Client{}
                  resp, err := client.Do(req)
                  // ...

              GET /admin/transactions/{transactionTypeId}

              Retrieves a transaction type object by ID. Transaction types are metadata that describe transaction links.

              Name In Type Required Description
              transactionTypeId path string true The ID of the transaction type object.

              Example responses

              200 Response

                "id": 103401,
                "createdBy": "videmo",
                "createdAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.241Z",
                "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
                "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.241Z",
                "label": "Business Transactions",
                "localizedLabels": [
                    "id": 103618,
                    "createdBy": "videmo",
                    "createdAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.246Z",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.246Z",
                    "label": "Business Transactions",
                    "version": 0,
                    "localeCd": "en-US"
                "name": "business_transactions",
                "dataStoreName": "FINANCE_STORE",
                "dataStoreDefaultSchemaName": "finance",
                "tableName": "business_transactions",
                "systemReserved": false,
                "version": 0,
                "dataStoreAssignedTimeZone": "Etc/UTC",
                "solutionName": "sas_visual_investigator_default",
                "solutionLabel": "SAS Visual Investigator",
                "fromObjectName": "business_account",
                "toObjectName": "business_customers",
                "fromObjJoinCondition": {
                  "type": "Conditional",
                  "leftOperand": {
                    "type": "FieldRef",
                    "objectName": "business_account",
                    "fieldName": "primary_account_number"
                  "rightOperands": [
                      "type": "FieldRef",
                      "objectName": "^RELATION^",
                      "fieldName": "primary_account_number"
                  "operator": "EQ"
                "toObjJoinCondition": {
                  "type": "Conditional",
                  "leftOperand": {
                    "type": "FieldRef",
                    "objectName": "^RELATION^",
                    "fieldName": "customer_id_number"
                  "rightOperands": [
                      "type": "FieldRef",
                      "objectName": "business_customers",
                      "fieldName": "customer_id_number"
                  "operator": "EQ"
                "fields": [
                    "id": 103533,
                    "createdBy": "videmo",
                    "createdAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.248Z",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.248Z",
                    "label": "Transaction Id",
                    "localizedLabels": [
                        "id": 103619,
                        "createdBy": "videmo",
                        "createdAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.248Z",
                        "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
                        "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.248Z",
                        "label": "Transaction Id",
                        "version": 0,
                        "localeCd": "en-US"
                    "name": "transaction_id",
                    "columnName": "transaction_id",
                    "dataType": "STRING",
                    "length": 14,
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                    "primaryKeyField": true,
                    "unique": false,
                    "autoGenerated": false,
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                    "displayIndex": 0,
                    "version": 0,
                    "primaryKeySeqNo": 1,
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                    "indexedForSearch": true,
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                    "ownerName": "business_transactions",
                    "masked": false
                    "id": 103534,
                    "createdBy": "videmo",
                    "createdAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.249Z",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.249Z",
                    "label": "Customer Id Number",
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                "transactionDateFieldName": "transaction_date"

              404 Response

                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
              Status Meaning Description Schema
              200 OK The request succeeded. transactionType
              404 Not Found The request did not find a transaction type with a matching name. sasError

              Retrieve all transaction types

              Code samples

              # You can also use wget
              curl -X GET \
                -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                -H 'Accept: application/json'
              const headers = {
                method: 'GET',
                headers: headers
              .then(function(res) {
                  return res.json();
              }).then(function(body) {
              import requests
              headers = {
                'Accept': 'application/json'
              r = requests.get('', headers = headers)
              package main
              import (
              func main() {
                  headers := map[string][]string{
                      "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                  data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                  req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "", data)
                  req.Header = headers
                  client := &http.Client{}
                  resp, err := client.Do(req)
                  // ...

              GET /admin/transactions/all

              Retrieves all transaction types. Transaction types are metadata that describe transaction links.

              Example responses

              200 Response

                  "id": 103401,
                  "createdBy": "videmo",
                  "createdAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.241Z",
                  "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
                  "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.241Z",
                  "label": "Business Transactions",
                  "localizedLabels": [
                      "id": 103618,
                      "createdBy": "videmo",
                      "createdAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.246Z",
                      "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
                      "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.246Z",
                      "label": "Business Transactions",
                      "version": 0,
                      "localeCd": "en-US"
                  "name": "business_transactions",
                  "dataStoreName": "FINANCE_STORE",
                  "dataStoreDefaultSchemaName": "finance",
                  "tableName": "business_transactions",
                  "systemReserved": false,
                  "version": 0,
                  "dataStoreAssignedTimeZone": "Etc/UTC",
                  "solutionName": "sas_visual_investigator_default",
                  "solutionLabel": "SAS Visual Investigator",
                  "fromObjectName": "business_account",
                  "toObjectName": "business_customers",
                  "fromObjJoinCondition": {
                    "type": "Conditional",
                    "leftOperand": {
                      "type": "FieldRef",
                      "objectName": "business_account",
                      "fieldName": "primary_account_number"
                    "rightOperands": [
                        "type": "FieldRef",
                        "objectName": "^RELATION^",
                        "fieldName": "primary_account_number"
                    "operator": "EQ"
                  "toObjJoinCondition": {
                    "type": "Conditional",
                    "leftOperand": {
                      "type": "FieldRef",
                      "objectName": "^RELATION^",
                      "fieldName": "customer_id_number"
                    "rightOperands": [
                        "type": "FieldRef",
                        "objectName": "business_customers",
                        "fieldName": "customer_id_number"
                    "operator": "EQ"
                  "fields": [
                      "id": 103533,
                      "createdBy": "videmo",
                      "createdAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.248Z",
                      "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
                      "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.248Z",
                      "label": "Transaction Id",
                      "localizedLabels": [
                          "id": 103619,
                          "createdBy": "videmo",
                          "createdAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.248Z",
                          "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
                          "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.248Z",
                          "label": "Transaction Id",
                          "version": 0,
                          "localeCd": "en-US"
                      "name": "transaction_id",
                      "columnName": "transaction_id",
                      "dataType": "STRING",
                      "length": 14,
                      "required": true,
                      "primaryKeyField": true,
                      "unique": false,
                      "autoGenerated": false,
                      "systemReserved": false,
                      "displayIndex": 0,
                      "version": 0,
                      "primaryKeySeqNo": 1,
                      "readOnly": true,
                      "indexedForSearch": true,
                      "showTimeZone": false,
                      "ownerName": "business_transactions",
                      "masked": false
                      "id": 103534,
                      "createdBy": "videmo",
                      "createdAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.249Z",
                      "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
                      "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.249Z",
                      "label": "Customer Id Number",
                      "localizedLabels": [
                          "id": 103620,
                          "createdBy": "videmo",
                          "createdAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.249Z",
                          "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
                          "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.249Z",
                          "label": "Customer Id Number",
                          "version": 0,
                          "localeCd": "en-US"
                      "name": "customer_id_number",
                      "columnName": "customer_id_number",
                      "dataType": "NUMERIC",
                      "precision": 32,
                      "scale": 0,
                      "required": false,
                      "primaryKeyField": false,
                      "unique": false,
                      "autoGenerated": false,
                      "systemReserved": false,
                      "displayIndex": 1,
                      "version": 0,
                      "readOnly": true,
                      "indexedForSearch": true,
                      "showTimeZone": false,
                      "ownerName": "business_transactions",
                      "masked": false
                      "id": 103535,
                      "createdBy": "videmo",
                      "createdAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.249Z",
                      "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
                      "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.249Z",
                      "label": "Primary Account Number",
                      "localizedLabels": [
                          "id": 103621,
                          "createdBy": "videmo",
                          "createdAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.249Z",
                          "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
                          "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.249Z",
                          "label": "Primary Account Number",
                          "version": 0,
                          "localeCd": "en-US"
                      "name": "primary_account_number",
                      "columnName": "primary_account_number",
                      "dataType": "NUMERIC",
                      "precision": 32,
                      "scale": 0,
                      "required": false,
                      "primaryKeyField": false,
                      "unique": false,
                      "autoGenerated": false,
                      "systemReserved": false,
                      "displayIndex": 2,
                      "version": 0,
                      "readOnly": true,
                      "indexedForSearch": true,
                      "showTimeZone": false,
                      "ownerName": "business_transactions",
                      "masked": false
                      "id": 103536,
                      "createdBy": "videmo",
                      "createdAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.249Z",
                      "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
                      "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.249Z",
                      "label": "Transaction Date",
                      "localizedLabels": [
                          "id": 103622,
                          "createdBy": "videmo",
                          "createdAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.249Z",
                          "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
                          "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.249Z",
                          "label": "Transaction Date",
                          "version": 0,
                          "localeCd": "en-US"
                      "name": "transaction_date",
                      "columnName": "transaction_date",
                      "dataType": "TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIME_ZONE",
                      "required": false,
                      "primaryKeyField": false,
                      "unique": false,
                      "autoGenerated": false,
                      "systemReserved": false,
                      "displayIndex": 3,
                      "version": 0,
                      "readOnly": true,
                      "indexedForSearch": true,
                      "showTimeZone": false,
                      "ownerName": "business_transactions",
                      "masked": false
                      "id": 103537,
                      "createdBy": "videmo",
                      "createdAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.249Z",
                      "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
                      "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.249Z",
                      "label": "Id",
                      "localizedLabels": [
                          "id": 103623,
                          "createdBy": "videmo",
                          "createdAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.249Z",
                          "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
                          "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.249Z",
                          "label": "Id",
                          "version": 0,
                          "localeCd": "en-US"
                      "name": "id",
                      "columnName": "id",
                      "dataType": "STRING",
                      "length": 2,
                      "required": false,
                      "primaryKeyField": false,
                      "unique": false,
                      "autoGenerated": false,
                      "systemReserved": false,
                      "displayIndex": 4,
                      "version": 0,
                      "readOnly": true,
                      "indexedForSearch": true,
                      "showTimeZone": false,
                      "ownerName": "business_transactions",
                      "masked": false
                      "id": 103538,
                      "createdBy": "videmo",
                      "createdAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.249Z",
                      "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
                      "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.249Z",
                      "label": "Tran Desc",
                      "localizedLabels": [
                          "id": 103624,
                          "createdBy": "videmo",
                          "createdAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.249Z",
                          "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
                          "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.249Z",
                          "label": "Tran Desc",
                          "version": 0,
                          "localeCd": "en-US"
                      "name": "tran_desc",
                      "columnName": "tran_desc",
                      "dataType": "STRING",
                      "length": 24,
                      "required": false,
                      "primaryKeyField": false,
                      "unique": false,
                      "autoGenerated": false,
                      "systemReserved": false,
                      "displayIndex": 5,
                      "version": 0,
                      "readOnly": true,
                      "indexedForSearch": true,
                      "showTimeZone": false,
                      "ownerName": "business_transactions",
                      "masked": false
                      "id": 103539,
                      "createdBy": "videmo",
                      "createdAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.249Z",
                      "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
                      "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.249Z",
                      "label": "Orig Tran Amt Cash",
                      "localizedLabels": [
                          "id": 103625,
                          "createdBy": "videmo",
                          "createdAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.249Z",
                          "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
                          "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.249Z",
                          "label": "Orig Tran Amt Cash",
                          "version": 0,
                          "localeCd": "en-US"
                      "name": "orig_tran_amt_cash",
                      "columnName": "orig_tran_amt_cash",
                      "dataType": "NUMERIC",
                      "precision": 15,
                      "scale": 2,
                      "required": false,
                      "primaryKeyField": false,
                      "unique": false,
                      "autoGenerated": false,
                      "systemReserved": false,
                      "displayIndex": 6,
                      "version": 0,
                      "readOnly": true,
                      "indexedForSearch": true,
                      "showTimeZone": false,
                      "ownerName": "business_transactions",
                      "masked": false
                      "id": 103540,
                      "createdBy": "videmo",
                      "createdAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.249Z",
                      "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
                      "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.249Z",
                      "label": "Tran Unique Id",
                      "localizedLabels": [
                          "id": 103626,
                          "createdBy": "videmo",
                          "createdAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.249Z",
                          "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
                          "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.249Z",
                          "label": "Tran Unique Id",
                          "version": 0,
                          "localeCd": "en-US"
                      "name": "tran_unique_id",
                      "columnName": "tran_unique_id",
                      "dataType": "STRING",
                      "length": 25,
                      "required": false,
                      "primaryKeyField": false,
                      "unique": false,
                      "autoGenerated": false,
                      "systemReserved": false,
                      "displayIndex": 7,
                      "version": 0,
                      "readOnly": true,
                      "indexedForSearch": true,
                      "showTimeZone": false,
                      "ownerName": "business_transactions",
                      "masked": false
                  "readOnly": true,
                  "transactionDateFieldName": "transaction_date"
              Status Meaning Description Schema
              200 OK The request succeeded. Inline
              Response Schema

              Status Code 200

              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              anonymous [allOf] false none [The metadata that defines a class of transactions. This definition includes a "from" entity type, a "to" entity type, a date-time field, as well as on optional list of additional fields. A transaction, which is an instance of a transaction type, defines an action that was performed between two entities at a specific point in time.
              » Transaction Type any false none The metadata that defines a class of transactions. This definition includes a "from" entity type, a "to" entity type, a date-time field, as well as on optional list of additional fields. A transaction, which is an instance of a transaction type, defines an action that was performed between two entities at a specific point in time.


              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              »» anonymous dataObject false none Reserved for internal use. An abstract object for representing an object that is associated with a data table.


              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              »»» anonymous localizableObject false none Reserved for internal use. An abstract object for handling the localizable label and description.


              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              »»»» anonymous auditableObject false none Reserved for internal use. An abstract object for handling audit information.
              »»»»» id integer false none The primary key that uniquely identifies this metadata object.
              »»»»» createdBy string false none The user ID that created this metadata object.
              »»»»» createdAt string(date-time) false none The timestamp that indicates when this metadata object was created.
              »»»»» lastUpdatedBy string false none The user ID that most recently modified this metadata object.
              »»»»» lastUpdatedAt string(date-time) false none The timestamp that indicates when this metadata object was last modified.


              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              »»»» anonymous object false none none
              »»»»» label string false none The locale neutral label for this metadata object.
              »»»»» description string false none The locale neutral description for this metadata object.
              »»»»» localizedLabels [allOf] false none The localized labels that are associated with this metadata object.
              »»»»»» Localized Label any false none The description text that is associated with a specific locale.


              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              »»»»»»» anonymous auditableObject false none Reserved for internal use. An abstract object for handling audit information.


              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              »»»»»»» anonymous object false none none
              »»»»»»»» version integer false none The internal Data Hub version for the localized text entry.
              »»»»»»»» locale string false none A standardized two letter language and two letter country code. Here are some examples: "en-GB", "en-US", and "zh-CN".
              »»»»»»»» label string false none The text value that is expressed in a specific language.


              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              »»»»» localizedDescriptions [allOf] false none The localized descriptions that are associated with this metadata object.
              »»»»»» Localized Description any false none The description text that is associated with a specific locale.


              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              »»»»»»» anonymous auditableObject false none Reserved for internal use. An abstract object for handling audit information.


              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              »»»»»»» anonymous object false none none
              »»»»»»»» version integer false none The internal Data Hub version for the localized text entry.
              »»»»»»»» locale string false none A standardized two letter language and two letter country code. Here are some examples: "en-GB", "en-US", and "zh-CN".
              »»»»»»»» description string false none The text value that is expressed in a specific language.


              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              »»» anonymous object false none none
              »»»» name string false none The name of this metadata object.
              »»»» dataStoreName string false none The name of the data store where this type of metadata will be stored.
              »»»» tableName string false none The name of the database table where this type of metadata will be stored.
              »»»» systemReserved boolean false none Specifies whether this metadata object is reserved for internal use only.
              »»»» historyEnabled boolean false none Specifies whether changes to instances of this entity will be audited.
              »»»» version integer false none The internal Data Hub version for this metadata object.
              »»»» validFromFieldName string false none The name of the field that contain the validFrom date/time value.
              »»»» validToFieldName string false none The name of the field that contains the validTo date/time value.
              »»»» lastUpdatedAtTimeFieldName string false none The name of the field that contains the last updated date/time value.
              »»»» createdAtTimeFieldName string false none The name of the field that contains the creation date/time value.
              »»»» displayTextFields [sortableNameReference] false none Specifies the fields to be concatenated to form the display label. The values of any masked fields will appear in their raw, unmasked form in the display label.
              »»»»» Sortable Name Reference object false none A name (typically a field name) with an ordinal that indicates its position in a sequence.
              »»»»»» name string false none The name of the reference.
              »»»»»» displayIndex integer false none The ordinal for the name. This is typically a field name.
              »»»» dataStoreAssignedTimeZone string false none The value of the "assignedTimeZone" property in the data store that is associated with this metadata object. This property is read-only.


              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              »» anonymous object false none none
              »»» fromObjectName string false none The entity type on the "from" side of the transaction.
              »»» toObjectName string false none The entity type on the "to" side of the transaction.
              »»» fromObjJoinCondition entityTypeExpressionBoolean false none The join condition that identifies the "from" entity type. Join conditions cannot reference masked fields.
              »»» toObjJoinCondition entityTypeExpressionBoolean false none The join condition that identifies the "to" entity type. Join conditions cannot reference masked fields.
              »»» fromObjectRefFieldName string false none The name of the field that contains the reference key to the "from" entity. This field cannot be masked.
              »»» toObjectRefFieldName string false none The name of the field that contains the reference key to the "to" entity. This field cannot be masked.
              »»» fromObjectTypeFieldName string false none If the transactions can have different "from" entity types, the name of the field that contains the "from" entity type. This field cannot be masked.
              »»» toObjectTypeFieldName string false none If the transactions can have different "to" entity types, name of the field that contains the "to" entity type. This field cannot be masked.
              »»» lineWidthFieldName string false none The field that is used to calculate the line width used when displaying the transaction on a network diagram.
              »»» lineWidthFunctionType string false none The aggregate function that is used (on the field identified in lineWidthFieldName property) to calculate the line width when displaying the transaction on a network diagram.
              »»» lineColorFieldName string false none The field that is used to determine line color when displaying the transaction on a network diagram.
              »»» lineColorFunctionType string false none The aggregate function that is used (on field identified in lineColorFieldName property) to determine the line color when displaying the transaction on a network diagram.
              »»» validFromFieldName string false none The field that is used to determine the earliest time this transaction is valid. This field cannot be masked.
              »»» fields [allOf] false none The array that contains the fields that are associated with this transaction type.
              »»»» Transaction Type Field transactionTypeField false none A single field that is associated with a transaction type object.


              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              »»»»» anonymous dataField false none Reserved for internal use. An abstract object representing the metadata that all data object fields have in common.


              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              »»»»»» anonymous localizableObject false none Reserved for internal use. An abstract object for handling the localizable label and description.


              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              »»»»»» anonymous object false none none
              »»»»»»» name string false none The name of the field.
              »»»»»»» columnName string false none The name of the database column that is associated with this field.
              »»»»»»» dataType string false none The type of the database column that is associated with this field. Note: The "json" data type is only partially supported for internal use with Postgres.
              »»»»»»» length integer false none The size of the data type. This value is used primarily for managing the length of string fields.
              »»»»»»» precision integer false none The number of significant digits for a numeric type. The maximum value for precision is database dependent. For example, it is 38 for Oracle.
              »»»»»»» scale integer false none The number of decimal digits for a numeric type. Integers have a scale of zero. A negative scale value can be used to control the maximum number of digits to the left of the decimal point.
              »»»»»»» required boolean false none Indicates whether the field value must be provided.
              »»»»»»» primaryKeyField boolean false none Indicates whether the field value is used as part of primary key. Primary key fields cannot be masked.
              »»»»»»» unique boolean false none Indicates whether duplicate values are allowed for the field.
              »»»»»»» autoGenerated boolean false none Indicates whether the values for this field are automatically generated.
              »»»»»»» systemReserved boolean false none Indicates whether modifications are allowed for this field type. Some fields are created for internal use only. System reserved fields cannot be masked.
              »»»»»»» displayIndex integer false none The order in which fields occur within the database. This index is one-based.
              »»»»»»» version integer false none The internal Data Hub version for this field.
              »»»»»»» constrainingListName string false none The name of a Reference List that determines the list of valid values for this field.
              »»»»»»» userSelectionStrategy string false none Indicates the types of values that are allowed in this field.
              »»»»»»» allowMultipleSelections boolean false none Indicates whether multiple selections are allowed.
              »»»»»»» primaryKeySeqNo integer false none The position this field occupies in a primary key. This index is one-based.
              »»»»»»» readOnly boolean false none Indicates whether modifications are allowed for this field type.
              »»»»»»» indexedForSearch boolean false none Indicates whether this field should be added to the search index.
              »»»»»»» logicalDataType string false none Optional data subtype value for handling user groups and reference data.
              »»»»»»» masked boolean false none Indicates whether this field should be masked from users and groups that are not authorized to reveal the masking. Fields cannot be masked if they are system reserved, if they participate in a primary key, or if they are referenced in a Relationship Type or Transaction Type's join configuration.
              »»»»»»» authorizedToRevealMasked [userGroupChooserSelection] false none A list of users or groups that identifies who is authorized to reveal the field if it is masked.
              »»»»»»»» User Group Chooser Selection object false none A user or group account.
              »»»»»»»»» id string false none The name of the user or group.
              »»»»»»»»» type string false none Denotes whether the account is a user or group.


              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              »»»»» anonymous object false none none
              »»»»»» ownerName string false none The name of the owner.
              Enumerated Values
              Property Value
              lineWidthFunctionType SUM
              lineWidthFunctionType COUNT
              lineWidthFunctionType AVERAGE
              lineWidthFunctionType MIN
              lineWidthFunctionType MAX
              lineColorFunctionType SUM
              lineColorFunctionType COUNT
              lineColorFunctionType AVERAGE
              lineColorFunctionType MIN
              lineColorFunctionType MAX
              dataType BOOLEAN
              dataType STRING
              dataType SMALLINT
              dataType INTEGER
              dataType LONG
              dataType FLOAT
              dataType DOUBLE
              dataType NUMERIC
              dataType DATE
              dataType TIMESTAMP
              dataType TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIME_ZONE
              dataType REFERENCE_DATA
              dataType JSON
              userSelectionStrategy USERS
              userSelectionStrategy GROUPS
              userSelectionStrategy USERS_AND_GROUPS
              logicalDataType USER_GROUP
              logicalDataType REFERENCE_DATA
              type user
              type group

              Trigger transaction type metadata reconstruction

              Code samples

              # You can also use wget
              curl -X POST{transactionTypeId}/reconstruct \
                -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
                -H 'Accept: application/json'
              const inputBody = 'null';
              const headers = {
                method: 'POST',
                body: inputBody,
                headers: headers
              .then(function(res) {
                  return res.json();
              }).then(function(body) {
              import requests
              headers = {
                'Content-Type': 'application/json',
                'Accept': 'application/json'
              r ='{transactionTypeId}/reconstruct', headers = headers)
              package main
              import (
              func main() {
                  headers := map[string][]string{
                      "Content-Type": []string{"application/json"},
                      "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                  data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                  req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "{transactionTypeId}/reconstruct", data)
                  req.Header = headers
                  client := &http.Client{}
                  resp, err := client.Do(req)
                  // ...

              POST /admin/transactions/{transactionTypeId}/reconstruct

              Synchronizes the transaction type's field metadata with the schema for the database table that contains the transaction type's records. This can be used to repair the transaction type's metadata if the table that backs the transaction type changes. Care should be taken when using this operation as it does not automatically update other services in SAS Visual Investigator to reflect the metadata changes. Users who do not understand how their metadata is used in SAS Visual Investigator or are not prepared to repair inconsistencies downstream from Data Hub are not advised to use this endpoint. The request body should be empty.

              Body parameter

              Name In Type Required Description
              transactionTypeId path string true The numerical ID of the transaction type object.
              body body any false The request body should be empty.

              Example responses

              200 Response

                "id": 103401,
                "createdBy": "videmo",
                "createdAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.241Z",
                "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
                "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.241Z",
                "label": "Business Transactions",
                "localizedLabels": [
                    "id": 103618,
                    "createdBy": "videmo",
                    "createdAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.246Z",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.246Z",
                    "label": "Business Transactions",
                    "version": 0,
                    "localeCd": "en-US"
                "name": "business_transactions",
                "dataStoreName": "FINANCE_STORE",
                "dataStoreDefaultSchemaName": "finance",
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                "systemReserved": false,
                "version": 0,
                "dataStoreAssignedTimeZone": "Etc/UTC",
                "solutionName": "sas_visual_investigator_default",
                "solutionLabel": "SAS Visual Investigator",
                "fromObjectName": "business_account",
                "toObjectName": "business_customers",
                "fromObjJoinCondition": {
                  "type": "Conditional",
                  "leftOperand": {
                    "type": "FieldRef",
                    "objectName": "business_account",
                    "fieldName": "primary_account_number"
                  "rightOperands": [
                      "type": "FieldRef",
                      "objectName": "^RELATION^",
                      "fieldName": "primary_account_number"
                  "operator": "EQ"
                "toObjJoinCondition": {
                  "type": "Conditional",
                  "leftOperand": {
                    "type": "FieldRef",
                    "objectName": "^RELATION^",
                    "fieldName": "customer_id_number"
                  "rightOperands": [
                      "type": "FieldRef",
                      "objectName": "business_customers",
                      "fieldName": "customer_id_number"
                  "operator": "EQ"
                "fields": [
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                    "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.248Z",
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                    "localizedLabels": [
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                        "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
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                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.249Z",
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                    "localizedLabels": [
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                        "createdAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.249Z",
                        "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
                        "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.249Z",
                        "label": "Customer Id Number",
                        "version": 0,
                        "localeCd": "en-US"
                    "name": "customer_id_number",
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                    "dataType": "NUMERIC",
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                    "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.249Z",
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                    "localizedLabels": [
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                        "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.249Z",
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                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.249Z",
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                        "createdAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.249Z",
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                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.249Z",
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                        "createdAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.249Z",
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                        "version": 0,
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                    "createdAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.249Z",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.249Z",
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                    "localizedLabels": [
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                        "createdAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.249Z",
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                        "version": 0,
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                    "ownerName": "business_transactions",
                    "masked": false
                    "id": 103540,
                    "createdBy": "videmo",
                    "createdAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.249Z",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.249Z",
                    "label": "Tran Unique Id",
                    "localizedLabels": [
                        "id": 103626,
                        "createdBy": "videmo",
                        "createdAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.249Z",
                        "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
                        "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-06-30T15:38:17.249Z",
                        "label": "Tran Unique Id",
                        "version": 0,
                        "localeCd": "en-US"
                    "name": "tran_unique_id",
                    "columnName": "tran_unique_id",
                    "dataType": "STRING",
                    "length": 25,
                    "required": false,
                    "primaryKeyField": false,
                    "unique": false,
                    "autoGenerated": false,
                    "systemReserved": false,
                    "displayIndex": 7,
                    "version": 0,
                    "readOnly": true,
                    "indexedForSearch": true,
                    "showTimeZone": false,
                    "ownerName": "business_transactions",
                    "masked": false
                "readOnly": true,
                "transactionDateFieldName": "transaction_date"

              400 Response

                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."

              404 Response

                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
              Status Meaning Description Schema
              200 OK The request succeeded. transactionType
              400 Bad Request The request was invalid. sasError
              404 Not Found The request did not find a transaction type with a matching ID or the transaction type was found but the table backing it was not found. sasError


              Contains the operations related to attachments.

              Get headers for all file attachment metadata associated with a document

              Code samples

              # You can also use wget
              curl -X HEAD{entityTypeName}/{documentId}/attachments
                -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                method: 'HEAD'
              .then(function(res) {
                  return res.json();
              }).then(function(body) {
              import requests
              r = requests.head('{entityTypeName}/{documentId}/attachments')
              package main
              import (
              func main() {
                  data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                  req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "{entityTypeName}/{documentId}/attachments", data)
                  req.Header = headers
                  client := &http.Client{}
                  resp, err := client.Do(req)
                  // ...

              HEAD /documents/{entityTypeName}/{documentId}/attachments

              Gets headers for all file attachment metadata that is associated with a document. The "location" property in the response contains the relative URI path to the document. To retrieve the contents of an attachment, use that URI to download the document from the Files service: GET ${hostAndPort}${valueOfLocationProperty} .

              Note that hostAndPort is the host and port of the Files service.

              Name In Type Required Description
              entityTypeName path string true The name of the entity type to which the document belongs.
              documentId path string true The ID for the document.
              start query integer false The starting index of the first document in a page.
              limit query integer false The maximum number of attachments to return in this page of results. The actual number of returned items is fewer if the collection is exhausted.
              sortBy query string false The criteria by which to sort the attachments.
              filter query string false The criteria by which to filter the attachments.
              Detailed descriptions

              limit: The maximum number of attachments to return in this page of results. The actual number of returned items is fewer if the collection is exhausted.

              Status Meaning Description Schema
              200 OK The request succeeded. None
              400 Bad Request The request was invalid. errorResponse

              Get all file attachment metadata associated with a document

              Code samples

              # You can also use wget
              curl -X GET{entityTypeName}/{documentId}/attachments \
                -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                -H 'Accept: application/json'
              const headers = {
                method: 'GET',
                headers: headers
              .then(function(res) {
                  return res.json();
              }).then(function(body) {
              import requests
              headers = {
                'Accept': 'application/json'
              r = requests.get('{entityTypeName}/{documentId}/attachments', headers = headers)
              package main
              import (
              func main() {
                  headers := map[string][]string{
                      "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                  data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                  req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{entityTypeName}/{documentId}/attachments", data)
                  req.Header = headers
                  client := &http.Client{}
                  resp, err := client.Do(req)
                  // ...

              GET /documents/{entityTypeName}/{documentId}/attachments

              The "location" property in the response contains the relative URI path to the document. To retrieve the contents of an attachment, use that URI to download the document from the Files service: GET ${hostAndPort}${valueOfLocationProperty} .

              Note that hostAndPort is the host and port of the Files service.

              Name In Type Required Description
              entityTypeName path string true The name of the entity type to which the document belongs.
              documentId path string true The ID for the document.
              start query integer false The starting index of the first document in a page.
              limit query integer false The maximum number of attachments to return in this page of results. The actual number of returned items is fewer if the collection is exhausted.
              sortBy query string false The criteria by which to sort the attachments.
              filter query string false The criteria by which to filter the attachments.
              Detailed descriptions

              limit: The maximum number of attachments to return in this page of results. The actual number of returned items is fewer if the collection is exhausted.

              Example responses

              200 Response

                "links": [
                    "method": "GET",
                    "rel": "self",
                    "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files?start=0&limit=10",
                    "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files?start=0&limit=10",
                    "type": "application/",
                    "itemType": "application/"
                    "method": "GET",
                    "rel": "collection",
                    "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files",
                    "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files",
                    "type": "application/",
                    "itemType": "application/"
                    "method": "POST",
                    "rel": "create",
                    "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files",
                    "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files",
                    "type": "application/",
                    "responseType": "application/"
                "name": "files",
                "accept": "application/",
                "start": 0,
                "count": 2,
                "items": [
                    "version": 1,
                    "id": "237f217b-4911-4f5b-9e1a-bc36a6c06ab0",
                    "name": "DocumentsPdf.pdf",
                    "originalName": "DocumentsPdf.pdf",
                    "category": "Attachment",
                    "location": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files/237f217b-4911-4f5b-9e1a-bc36a6c06ab0",
                    "type": "application/pdf",
                    "size": 22159,
                    "uploadedAt": "2022-05-31T12:23:14.493Z",
                    "uploadedBy": "videmo",
                    "links": [
                        "method": "GET",
                        "rel": "self",
                        "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files/237f217b-4911-4f5b-9e1a-bc36a6c06ab0",
                        "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files/237f217b-4911-4f5b-9e1a-bc36a6c06ab0",
                        "type": "application/"
                        "method": "GET",
                        "rel": "content",
                        "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files/237f217b-4911-4f5b-9e1a-bc36a6c06ab0/content",
                        "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files/237f217b-4911-4f5b-9e1a-bc36a6c06ab0/content",
                        "type": "application/pdf"
                        "method": "DELETE",
                        "rel": "delete",
                        "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files/237f217b-4911-4f5b-9e1a-bc36a6c06ab0",
                        "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files/237f217b-4911-4f5b-9e1a-bc36a6c06ab0"
                        "method": "GET",
                        "rel": "up",
                        "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files",
                        "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files",
                        "type": "application/",
                        "itemType": "application/"
                        "method": "POST",
                        "rel": "addFile",
                        "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files",
                        "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files",
                        "type": "application/",
                        "responseType": "application/"
                    "version": 1,
                    "id": "1ebb707a-9e54-47ec-a957-9b2bd64d62a0",
                    "name": "super.txt",
                    "originalName": "super.txt",
                    "category": "Attachment",
                    "location": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files/1ebb707a-9e54-47ec-a957-9b2bd64d62a0",
                    "type": "text/plain",
                    "size": 5,
                    "uploadedAt": "2022-05-31T12:22:42.067Z",
                    "uploadedBy": "videmo",
                    "links": [
                        "method": "GET",
                        "rel": "self",
                        "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files/1ebb707a-9e54-47ec-a957-9b2bd64d62a0",
                        "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files/1ebb707a-9e54-47ec-a957-9b2bd64d62a0",
                        "type": "application/"
                        "method": "GET",
                        "rel": "content",
                        "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files/1ebb707a-9e54-47ec-a957-9b2bd64d62a0/content",
                        "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files/1ebb707a-9e54-47ec-a957-9b2bd64d62a0/content",
                        "type": "text/plain"
                        "method": "DELETE",
                        "rel": "delete",
                        "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files/1ebb707a-9e54-47ec-a957-9b2bd64d62a0",
                        "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files/1ebb707a-9e54-47ec-a957-9b2bd64d62a0"
                        "method": "GET",
                        "rel": "up",
                        "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files",
                        "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files",
                        "type": "application/",
                        "itemType": "application/"
                        "method": "POST",
                        "rel": "addFile",
                        "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files",
                        "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files",
                        "type": "application/",
                        "responseType": "application/"
                "limit": 10,
                "version": 2

              400 Response

                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
              Status Meaning Description Schema
              200 OK The request succeeded. fileCollection
              400 Bad Request The request was invalid. sasError

              Create file attachment metadata on a document

              Code samples

              # You can also use wget
              curl -X POST{entityTypeName}/{documentId}/attachments \
                -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
                -H 'Accept: application/json'
              const inputBody = '{
                "description": "Example of a file association object.",
                "value": {
                  "creationTimeStamp": "2019-11-06T22:01:23.809Z",
                  "modifiedTimeStamp": "2019-11-06T22:01:23.809Z",
                  "createdBy": "videmo",
                  "modifiedBy": "videmo",
                  "id": "608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                  "location": "/svi-datahub/documents/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                  "properties": {},
                  "contentDisposition": "attachment; filename=\"2cb2668d-218a-2f8a-a5aa-6a9ce54ff739\"",
                  "contentType": "text/plain",
                  "encoding": "UTF-8",
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                      "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "alternate",
                      "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                      "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "PATCH",
                      "rel": "patch",
                      "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                      "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "update",
                      "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                      "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "delete",
                      "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                      "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "content",
                      "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/content",
                      "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/content",
                      "type": "text/plain"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "updateContent",
                      "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/content",
                      "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/content",
                      "type": "*/*",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "copyFile",
                      "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/copy",
                      "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/copy",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "create",
                      "href": "/files/files",
                      "uri": "/files/files",
                      "type": "*/*",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                  "name": "2cb2668d-218a-2f8a-a5aa-6a9ce54ff739",
                  "originalName": "My Attachment.txt",
                  "size": 443,
                  "typeDefName": "file",
                  "isLink": false,
                  "version": 3,
                  "x-widdershins-oldRef": "#/components/examples/fileExample/value"
                "x-widdershins-oldRef": "#/components/examples/fileExample"
              const headers = {
                method: 'POST',
                body: inputBody,
                headers: headers
              .then(function(res) {
                  return res.json();
              }).then(function(body) {
              import requests
              headers = {
                'Content-Type': 'application/json',
                'Accept': 'application/json'
              r ='{entityTypeName}/{documentId}/attachments', headers = headers)
              package main
              import (
              func main() {
                  headers := map[string][]string{
                      "Content-Type": []string{"application/json"},
                      "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                  data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                  req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "{entityTypeName}/{documentId}/attachments", data)
                  req.Header = headers
                  client := &http.Client{}
                  resp, err := client.Do(req)
                  // ...

              POST /documents/{entityTypeName}/{documentId}/attachments

              Creates file attachment metadata on a document. To create an attachment, upload the file to the SAS Viya Files service, and then use the Files service response to construct a request to the Data Hub createDocumentAttachment endpoint.

              Here is an example of how to upload a file to the Files service (as of version 1.1 of the Files service):

              POST /files/files?parentFolderUri=/folders/folders/${clientGeneratedUuid}

              The payload of the request is the file. Refer to the Files API documentation for complete information about how to upload a file.

              The client generates the UUID, which acts as the file name. That UUID is used in the Data Hub attachments request in the "id" and "location" properties. The "location" property is the relative URI path to download the document from the Files service. Obtain additional property values, such as "type" and "size", from the response of the POST request to the Files service.

              Body parameter

                "description": "Example of a file association object.",
                "value": {
                  "creationTimeStamp": "2019-11-06T22:01:23.809Z",
                  "modifiedTimeStamp": "2019-11-06T22:01:23.809Z",
                  "createdBy": "videmo",
                  "modifiedBy": "videmo",
                  "id": "608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                  "location": "/svi-datahub/documents/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                  "properties": {},
                  "contentDisposition": "attachment; filename=\"2cb2668d-218a-2f8a-a5aa-6a9ce54ff739\"",
                  "contentType": "text/plain",
                  "encoding": "UTF-8",
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                      "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "alternate",
                      "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                      "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "PATCH",
                      "rel": "patch",
                      "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                      "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "update",
                      "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                      "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "delete",
                      "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                      "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "content",
                      "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/content",
                      "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/content",
                      "type": "text/plain"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "updateContent",
                      "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/content",
                      "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/content",
                      "type": "*/*",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "copyFile",
                      "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/copy",
                      "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/copy",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "create",
                      "href": "/files/files",
                      "uri": "/files/files",
                      "type": "*/*",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                  "name": "2cb2668d-218a-2f8a-a5aa-6a9ce54ff739",
                  "originalName": "My Attachment.txt",
                  "size": 443,
                  "typeDefName": "file",
                  "isLink": false,
                  "version": 3,
                  "x-widdershins-oldRef": "#/components/examples/fileExample/value"
                "x-widdershins-oldRef": "#/components/examples/fileExample"
              Name In Type Required Description
              entityTypeName path string true The name of the entity type to which the document belongs.
              documentId path string true The ID for the document.
              body body file true The metadata that associates a file with a document.

              Example responses

              201 Response

                "creationTimeStamp": "2019-11-06T22:01:23.809Z",
                "modifiedTimeStamp": "2019-11-06T22:01:23.809Z",
                "createdBy": "videmo",
                "modifiedBy": "videmo",
                "id": "608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                "location": "/svi-datahub/documents/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                "properties": {},
                "contentDisposition": "attachment; filename=\"2cb2668d-218a-2f8a-a5aa-6a9ce54ff739\"",
                "contentType": "text/plain",
                "encoding": "UTF-8",
                "links": [
                    "method": "GET",
                    "rel": "self",
                    "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                    "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                    "type": "application/"
                    "method": "GET",
                    "rel": "alternate",
                    "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                    "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                    "type": "application/"
                    "method": "PATCH",
                    "rel": "patch",
                    "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                    "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                    "type": "application/",
                    "responseType": "application/"
                    "method": "PUT",
                    "rel": "update",
                    "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                    "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                    "type": "application/",
                    "responseType": "application/"
                    "method": "DELETE",
                    "rel": "delete",
                    "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                    "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84"
                    "method": "GET",
                    "rel": "content",
                    "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/content",
                    "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/content",
                    "type": "text/plain"
                    "method": "PUT",
                    "rel": "updateContent",
                    "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/content",
                    "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/content",
                    "type": "*/*",
                    "responseType": "application/"
                    "method": "POST",
                    "rel": "copyFile",
                    "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/copy",
                    "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/copy",
                    "responseType": "application/"
                    "method": "POST",
                    "rel": "create",
                    "href": "/files/files",
                    "uri": "/files/files",
                    "type": "*/*",
                    "responseType": "application/"
                "name": "2cb2668d-218a-2f8a-a5aa-6a9ce54ff739",
                "originalName": "My Attachment.txt",
                "size": 443,
                "typeDefName": "file",
                "isLink": false,
                "version": 3

              400 Response

                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
              Status Meaning Description Schema
              201 Created The file attachment metadata on a document was created. file
              400 Bad Request The request was invalid. sasError
              Response Headers
              Status Header Type Format Description
              201 Location string A path to the newly created attachment.

              Get headers for file attachment metadata associated with a document

              Code samples

              # You can also use wget
              curl -X HEAD{entityTypeName}/{documentId}/attachments/{attachmentId}
                -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                method: 'HEAD'
              .then(function(res) {
                  return res.json();
              }).then(function(body) {
              import requests
              r = requests.head('{entityTypeName}/{documentId}/attachments/{attachmentId}')
              package main
              import (
              func main() {
                  data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                  req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "{entityTypeName}/{documentId}/attachments/{attachmentId}", data)
                  req.Header = headers
                  client := &http.Client{}
                  resp, err := client.Do(req)
                  // ...

              HEAD /documents/{entityTypeName}/{documentId}/attachments/{attachmentId}

              Gets headers for the file attachment metadata that is associated with a document. The "location" property is the relative URI path to download the document from the Files service. To retrieve the contents of an attachment, use the URI that is provided in the "location" field: GET ${hostAndPort}${valueOfLocationProperty} .

              Note that hostAndPort is the host and port of the Files service.

              Name In Type Required Description
              entityTypeName path string true The name of the entity type to which the document belongs.
              documentId path string true The ID for the document.
              attachmentId path string true The ID for the attachment metadata.
              Status Meaning Description Schema
              200 OK The request succeeded. None
              400 Bad Request The request was invalid. errorResponse
              404 Not Found The attachment was not found. None

              Get file attachment metadata associated with a document

              Code samples

              # You can also use wget
              curl -X GET{entityTypeName}/{documentId}/attachments/{attachmentId} \
                -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                -H 'Accept: application/json'
              const headers = {
                method: 'GET',
                headers: headers
              .then(function(res) {
                  return res.json();
              }).then(function(body) {
              import requests
              headers = {
                'Accept': 'application/json'
              r = requests.get('{entityTypeName}/{documentId}/attachments/{attachmentId}', headers = headers)
              package main
              import (
              func main() {
                  headers := map[string][]string{
                      "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                  data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                  req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{entityTypeName}/{documentId}/attachments/{attachmentId}", data)
                  req.Header = headers
                  client := &http.Client{}
                  resp, err := client.Do(req)
                  // ...

              GET /documents/{entityTypeName}/{documentId}/attachments/{attachmentId}

              Gets the file attachment metadata that is associated with a document. The "location" property is the relative URI path to download the document from the Files service. To retrieve the contents of an attachment, use the URI that is provided in the "location" field: GET ${hostAndPort}${valueOfLocationProperty} .

              Note that hostAndPort is the host and port of the Files service.

              Name In Type Required Description
              entityTypeName path string true The name of the entity type to which the document belongs.
              documentId path string true The ID for the document.
              attachmentId path string true The ID for the attachment metadata.

              Example responses

              200 Response

                "creationTimeStamp": "2019-11-06T22:01:23.809Z",
                "modifiedTimeStamp": "2019-11-06T22:01:23.809Z",
                "createdBy": "videmo",
                "modifiedBy": "videmo",
                "id": "608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                "location": "/svi-datahub/documents/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                "properties": {},
                "contentDisposition": "attachment; filename=\"2cb2668d-218a-2f8a-a5aa-6a9ce54ff739\"",
                "contentType": "text/plain",
                "encoding": "UTF-8",
                "links": [
                    "method": "GET",
                    "rel": "self",
                    "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                    "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                    "type": "application/"
                    "method": "GET",
                    "rel": "alternate",
                    "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                    "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                    "type": "application/"
                    "method": "PATCH",
                    "rel": "patch",
                    "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                    "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                    "type": "application/",
                    "responseType": "application/"
                    "method": "PUT",
                    "rel": "update",
                    "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                    "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                    "type": "application/",
                    "responseType": "application/"
                    "method": "DELETE",
                    "rel": "delete",
                    "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                    "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84"
                    "method": "GET",
                    "rel": "content",
                    "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/content",
                    "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/content",
                    "type": "text/plain"
                    "method": "PUT",
                    "rel": "updateContent",
                    "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/content",
                    "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/content",
                    "type": "*/*",
                    "responseType": "application/"
                    "method": "POST",
                    "rel": "copyFile",
                    "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/copy",
                    "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/copy",
                    "responseType": "application/"
                    "method": "POST",
                    "rel": "create",
                    "href": "/files/files",
                    "uri": "/files/files",
                    "type": "*/*",
                    "responseType": "application/"
                "name": "2cb2668d-218a-2f8a-a5aa-6a9ce54ff739",
                "originalName": "My Attachment.txt",
                "size": 443,
                "typeDefName": "file",
                "isLink": false,
                "version": 3

              400 Response

                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."

              404 Response

                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
              Status Meaning Description Schema
              200 OK The request succeeded. file
              400 Bad Request The request was invalid. sasError
              404 Not Found The attachment was not found. sasError

              Delete an attachment from a document

              Code samples

              # You can also use wget
              curl -X DELETE{entityTypeName}/{documentId}/attachments/{attachmentId} \
                -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                -H 'Accept: application/json'
              const headers = {
                method: 'DELETE',
                headers: headers
              .then(function(res) {
                  return res.json();
              }).then(function(body) {
              import requests
              headers = {
                'Accept': 'application/json'
              r = requests.delete('{entityTypeName}/{documentId}/attachments/{attachmentId}', headers = headers)
              package main
              import (
              func main() {
                  headers := map[string][]string{
                      "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                  data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                  req, err := http.NewRequest("DELETE", "{entityTypeName}/{documentId}/attachments/{attachmentId}", data)
                  req.Header = headers
                  client := &http.Client{}
                  resp, err := client.Do(req)
                  // ...

              DELETE /documents/{entityTypeName}/{documentId}/attachments/{attachmentId}

              Deletes an attachment that is associated with a document. The metadata and the file that are stored by the Files service are deleted.

              Name In Type Required Description
              entityTypeName path string true The name of the entity type to which the document belongs.
              documentId path string true The ID for the document.
              attachmentId path string true The ID for the attachment metadata.

              Example responses

              404 Response

                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
              Status Meaning Description Schema
              204 No Content The attachment was deleted. None
              404 Not Found The attachment was not found. sasError


              Contains the operations related to administering the service.

              Clear and reload the rules caches

              Code samples

              # You can also use wget
              curl -X DELETE
                -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                method: 'DELETE'
              .then(function(res) {
                  return res.json();
              }).then(function(body) {
              import requests
              r = requests.delete('')
              package main
              import (
              func main() {
                  data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                  req, err := http.NewRequest("DELETE", "", data)
                  req.Header = headers
                  client := &http.Client{}
                  resp, err := client.Do(req)
                  // ...

              DELETE /admin/rules/cache

              Deletes the data that is contained in rules caches, and then reloads the data. Includes data for page rules, field rules, and node link diagram rules.

              Status Meaning Description Schema
              204 No Content The data in the rules caches was cleared and reloaded. None


              Contains the operations related to comments.

              Get headers for a collection of comments associated with an object

              Code samples

              # You can also use wget
              curl -X HEAD{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/comments
                -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                method: 'HEAD'
              .then(function(res) {
                  return res.json();
              }).then(function(body) {
              import requests
              r = requests.head('{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/comments')
              package main
              import (
              func main() {
                  data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                  req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/comments", data)
                  req.Header = headers
                  client := &http.Client{}
                  resp, err := client.Do(req)
                  // ...

              HEAD /documents/{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/comments

              Gets headers for a collection of comments by object type and ID.

              Name In Type Required Description
              objectTypeName path string true The name of the object type to which the object belongs.
              objectId path string true The ID of the object from which to get the comments.
              start query integer false The starting index of the first comment on the object.
              limit query integer false The maximum number of comments to return in this page of results. The actual number of returned comments is fewer if the collection is exhausted.
              sortBy query string false The sort criteria for the request.
              filter query string false The filter criteria for the request.
              Detailed descriptions

              limit: The maximum number of comments to return in this page of results. The actual number of returned comments is fewer if the collection is exhausted.

              Status Meaning Description Schema
              200 OK The request succeeded. None
              400 Bad Request The request was invalid. The objectTypeName or ID was null or empty. None
              404 Not Found The object was not found or the user did not have permission to view it. None

              Get a collection of comments associated with an object

              Code samples

              # You can also use wget
              curl -X GET{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/comments \
                -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                -H 'Accept: application/json'
              const headers = {
                method: 'GET',
                headers: headers
              .then(function(res) {
                  return res.json();
              }).then(function(body) {
              import requests
              headers = {
                'Accept': 'application/json'
              r = requests.get('{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/comments', headers = headers)
              package main
              import (
              func main() {
                  headers := map[string][]string{
                      "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                  data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                  req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/comments", data)
                  req.Header = headers
                  client := &http.Client{}
                  resp, err := client.Do(req)
                  // ...

              GET /documents/{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/comments

              Gets a collection of comments by object type and ID.

              Name In Type Required Description
              objectTypeName path string true The name of the object type to which the object belongs.
              objectId path string true The ID of the object from which to get the comments.
              start query integer false The starting index of the first comment on the object.
              limit query integer false The maximum number of comments to return in this page of results. The actual number of returned comments is fewer if the collection is exhausted.
              sortBy query string false The sort criteria for the request.
              filter query string false The filter criteria for the request.
              Detailed descriptions

              limit: The maximum number of comments to return in this page of results. The actual number of returned comments is fewer if the collection is exhausted.

              Example responses

              200 Response

                "links": [
                    "method": "GET",
                    "rel": "collection",
                    "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/example_entity/entity_id/comments",
                    "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/example_entity/entity_id/comments",
                    "type": "application/"
                    "method": "GET",
                    "rel": "next",
                    "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/example_entity/entity_id/comments?start=10&limit=10",
                    "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/example_entity/entity_id/comments?start=10&limit=10",
                    "type": "application/"
                    "method": "GET",
                    "rel": "self",
                    "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/example_entity/entity_id/comments?start=0&limit=10",
                    "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/example_entity/entity_id/comments?start=0&limit=10",
                    "type": "application/"
                "name": "comments",
                "start": 0,
                "count": 2,
                "items": [
                    "id": 2,
                    "category": "ExampleCategory2",
                    "author": {
                      "id": "example",
                      "name": "TestExample"
                    "createDate": "2022-03-17T18:29:08.689Z",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2022-03-17T18:29:08.689Z",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": "example",
                    "detail": "ExampleComment2"
                    "id": 1,
                    "category": "ExampleCategory",
                    "author": {
                      "id": "example",
                      "name": "TestExample"
                    "createDate": "2022-03-17T17:47:41.845Z",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2022-03-17T17:47:41.845Z",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": "example",
                    "detail": "ExampleComment"
                "limit": 10,
                "version": 2

              400 Response

                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."

              404 Response

                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
              Status Meaning Description Schema
              200 OK The request succeeded. commentCollection
              400 Bad Request The request was invalid. The objectTypeName or ID was null or empty. sasError
              404 Not Found The object was not found or the user did not have permission to view it. sasError

              Create a new comment

              Code samples

              # You can also use wget
              curl -X POST{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/comments \
                -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
                -H 'Accept: application/json'
              const inputBody = '{
                "description": "Example of a comment object.",
                "value": {
                  "id": 1,
                  "category": "ExampleCategory",
                  "author": {
                    "id": "example",
                    "name": "ExampleUser"
                  "createDate": "2022-03-17T17:47:41.845Z",
                  "lastUpdatedAt": "2022-03-17T17:47:41.845Z",
                  "lastUpdatedBy": "example",
                  "detail": "ExampleComment",
                  "x-widdershins-oldRef": "#/components/examples/commentExample/value"
                "x-widdershins-oldRef": "#/components/examples/commentExample"
              const headers = {
                method: 'POST',
                body: inputBody,
                headers: headers
              .then(function(res) {
                  return res.json();
              }).then(function(body) {
              import requests
              headers = {
                'Content-Type': 'application/json',
                'Accept': 'application/json'
              r ='{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/comments', headers = headers)
              package main
              import (
              func main() {
                  headers := map[string][]string{
                      "Content-Type": []string{"application/json"},
                      "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                  data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                  req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/comments", data)
                  req.Header = headers
                  client := &http.Client{}
                  resp, err := client.Do(req)
                  // ...

              POST /documents/{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/comments

              Creates a new comment for the specified object type and object ID.

              Body parameter

                "description": "Example of a comment object.",
                "value": {
                  "id": 1,
                  "category": "ExampleCategory",
                  "author": {
                    "id": "example",
                    "name": "ExampleUser"
                  "createDate": "2022-03-17T17:47:41.845Z",
                  "lastUpdatedAt": "2022-03-17T17:47:41.845Z",
                  "lastUpdatedBy": "example",
                  "detail": "ExampleComment",
                  "x-widdershins-oldRef": "#/components/examples/commentExample/value"
                "x-widdershins-oldRef": "#/components/examples/commentExample"
              Name In Type Required Description
              objectTypeName path string true The name of the object type to which the object belongs.
              objectId path string true The ID of the object to which to post the comment.
              body body comment false The comment was created.

              Example responses

              400 Response

                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."

              404 Response

                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
              Status Meaning Description Schema
              201 Created The comment was successfully created. None
              400 Bad Request Potential reasons for a 400 error: -The objectTypeName was null or empty. -The ID was null or empty. -The comment was null. -The comment detail was empty.
              The error message that is returned clarifies the reason for the 400 error. sasError
              404 Not Found The object was not found or the user did not have permission to view it. sasError

              Update a comment

              Code samples

              # You can also use wget
              curl -X PUT{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/comments \
                -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
                -H 'Accept: application/json'
              const inputBody = '{
                "description": "Example of a comment object.",
                "value": {
                  "id": 1,
                  "category": "ExampleCategory",
                  "author": {
                    "id": "example",
                    "name": "ExampleUser"
                  "createDate": "2022-03-17T17:47:41.845Z",
                  "lastUpdatedAt": "2022-03-17T17:47:41.845Z",
                  "lastUpdatedBy": "example",
                  "detail": "ExampleComment",
                  "x-widdershins-oldRef": "#/components/examples/commentExample/value"
                "x-widdershins-oldRef": "#/components/examples/commentExample"
              const headers = {
                method: 'PUT',
                body: inputBody,
                headers: headers
              .then(function(res) {
                  return res.json();
              }).then(function(body) {
              import requests
              headers = {
                'Content-Type': 'application/json',
                'Accept': 'application/json'
              r = requests.put('{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/comments', headers = headers)
              package main
              import (
              func main() {
                  headers := map[string][]string{
                      "Content-Type": []string{"application/json"},
                      "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                  data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                  req, err := http.NewRequest("PUT", "{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/comments", data)
                  req.Header = headers
                  client := &http.Client{}
                  resp, err := client.Do(req)
                  // ...

              PUT /documents/{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/comments

              Updates a comment on an object by specifying the object type and ID. During an Update operation, all properties of a comment are read-only except the category. This is for security and audit purposes in order to keep historical data accurate.

              Body parameter

                "description": "Example of a comment object.",
                "value": {
                  "id": 1,
                  "category": "ExampleCategory",
                  "author": {
                    "id": "example",
                    "name": "ExampleUser"
                  "createDate": "2022-03-17T17:47:41.845Z",
                  "lastUpdatedAt": "2022-03-17T17:47:41.845Z",
                  "lastUpdatedBy": "example",
                  "detail": "ExampleComment",
                  "x-widdershins-oldRef": "#/components/examples/commentExample/value"
                "x-widdershins-oldRef": "#/components/examples/commentExample"
              Name In Type Required Description
              objectTypeName path string true The name of the object type to which the object belongs.
              objectId path string true The ID of the object in which to update the comment.
              body body comment false The comment to update.

              Example responses

              200 Response

                "id": 1,
                "category": "ExampleCategory",
                "author": {
                  "id": "example",
                  "name": "ExampleUser"
                "createDate": "2022-03-17T17:47:41.845Z",
                "lastUpdatedAt": "2022-03-17T17:47:41.845Z",
                "lastUpdatedBy": "example",
                "detail": "ExampleComment"

              400 Response

                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."

              404 Response

                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
              Status Meaning Description Schema
              200 OK The request succeeded. The comment was created. comment
              400 Bad Request Potential reasons for a 400 error: - The objectTypeName was null or empty. - The ID was null or empty. - The comment was null. - Anything other than the comment category was changed.
              The error message that is returned clarifies the reason for the 400 error. sasError
              404 Not Found The object was not found, the user did not have permission to view it, or the comment does not exist. sasError

              Get headers for a collection of comment category summaries that are associated with an object

              Code samples

              # You can also use wget
              curl -X HEAD{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/comments/categories
                -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                method: 'HEAD'
              .then(function(res) {
                  return res.json();
              }).then(function(body) {
              import requests
              r = requests.head('{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/comments/categories')
              package main
              import (
              func main() {
                  data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                  req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/comments/categories", data)
                  req.Header = headers
                  client := &http.Client{}
                  resp, err := client.Do(req)
                  // ...

              HEAD /documents/{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/comments/categories

              Gets headers for a collection of comment category summaries by object type and ID.

              Name In Type Required Description
              objectTypeName path string true The name of the object type to which the object belongs.
              objectId path string true The ID of the object from which to get the comments.
              Status Meaning Description Schema
              200 OK The request succeeded. None
              400 Bad Request The objectTypeName or ID was null or empty. None
              404 Not Found The object was not found or the user did not have permission to view it. None

              Get a collection of comment category summaries that are associated with an object

              Code samples

              # You can also use wget
              curl -X GET{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/comments/categories \
                -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                -H 'Accept: application/json'
              const headers = {
                method: 'GET',
                headers: headers
              .then(function(res) {
                  return res.json();
              }).then(function(body) {
              import requests
              headers = {
                'Accept': 'application/json'
              r = requests.get('{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/comments/categories', headers = headers)
              package main
              import (
              func main() {
                  headers := map[string][]string{
                      "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                  data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                  req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/comments/categories", data)
                  req.Header = headers
                  client := &http.Client{}
                  resp, err := client.Do(req)
                  // ...

              GET /documents/{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/comments/categories

              Gets a collection of comment category summaries by object type and ID.

              Name In Type Required Description
              objectTypeName path string true The name of the object type to which the object belongs.
              objectId path string true The ID of the object from which to get the comments.

              Example responses

              200 Response

                  "category": "ExampleCategory",
                  "count": 2
                  "category": "ExampleCategory2",
                  "count": 1

              400 Response

                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."

              404 Response

                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
              Status Meaning Description Schema
              200 OK The request succeeded. Inline
              400 Bad Request The objectTypeName or ID was null or empty. sasError
              404 Not Found The object was not found or the user did not have permission to view it. sasError
              Response Schema

              Status Code 200

              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              anonymous [commentCategorySummary] false none [Contains the comment category name and the count of that category on the object.]
              » Comment Category Summary commentCategorySummary false none Contains the comment category name and the count of that category on the object.
              »» category string false none The name of the category.
              »» count integer false none The number of comments that have the category on the object.


              Contains the operations related to files.

              Create a file association object and associate it with an object

              Code samples

              # You can also use wget
              curl -X POST{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/files \
                -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
                -H 'Accept: application/json'
              const inputBody = '{
                "description": "Example of a file association object.",
                "value": {
                  "creationTimeStamp": "2019-11-06T22:01:23.809Z",
                  "modifiedTimeStamp": "2019-11-06T22:01:23.809Z",
                  "createdBy": "videmo",
                  "modifiedBy": "videmo",
                  "id": "608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                  "location": "/svi-datahub/documents/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                  "properties": {},
                  "contentDisposition": "attachment; filename=\"2cb2668d-218a-2f8a-a5aa-6a9ce54ff739\"",
                  "contentType": "text/plain",
                  "encoding": "UTF-8",
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                      "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "alternate",
                      "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                      "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "PATCH",
                      "rel": "patch",
                      "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                      "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "update",
                      "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                      "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "delete",
                      "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                      "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "content",
                      "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/content",
                      "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/content",
                      "type": "text/plain"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "updateContent",
                      "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/content",
                      "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/content",
                      "type": "*/*",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "copyFile",
                      "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/copy",
                      "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/copy",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "create",
                      "href": "/files/files",
                      "uri": "/files/files",
                      "type": "*/*",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                  "name": "2cb2668d-218a-2f8a-a5aa-6a9ce54ff739",
                  "originalName": "My Attachment.txt",
                  "size": 443,
                  "typeDefName": "file",
                  "isLink": false,
                  "version": 3
                "x-widdershins-oldRef": "#/components/examples/fileExample"
              const headers = {
                method: 'POST',
                body: inputBody,
                headers: headers
              .then(function(res) {
                  return res.json();
              }).then(function(body) {
              import requests
              headers = {
                'Content-Type': 'application/json',
                'Accept': 'application/json'
              r ='{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/files', headers = headers)
              package main
              import (
              func main() {
                  headers := map[string][]string{
                      "Content-Type": []string{"application/json"},
                      "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                  data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                  req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/files", data)
                  req.Header = headers
                  client := &http.Client{}
                  resp, err := client.Do(req)
                  // ...

              POST /documents/{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/files

              Creates a file association. You can create a file association by using the representation that is contained in the request body or by reusing a file that is already associated with an object. To create a file association using the representation that is contained in the request body, the file to which the file association points (via its Location property) must exist in the Files service and must not be associated with another object. To create a file association by using a file that is already associated with an object, call this endpoint without a request body and use the copyFileFrom parameter to identify the file. The Data Hub service copies the file enabling it to be associated with a different object. The object that is identified by the objectTypeName and objectId in the path is associated with the copied file.

              Body parameter

                "description": "Example of a file association object.",
                "value": {
                  "creationTimeStamp": "2019-11-06T22:01:23.809Z",
                  "modifiedTimeStamp": "2019-11-06T22:01:23.809Z",
                  "createdBy": "videmo",
                  "modifiedBy": "videmo",
                  "id": "608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                  "location": "/svi-datahub/documents/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                  "properties": {},
                  "contentDisposition": "attachment; filename=\"2cb2668d-218a-2f8a-a5aa-6a9ce54ff739\"",
                  "contentType": "text/plain",
                  "encoding": "UTF-8",
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                      "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "alternate",
                      "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                      "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "PATCH",
                      "rel": "patch",
                      "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                      "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "update",
                      "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                      "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "delete",
                      "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                      "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "content",
                      "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/content",
                      "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/content",
                      "type": "text/plain"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "updateContent",
                      "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/content",
                      "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/content",
                      "type": "*/*",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "copyFile",
                      "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/copy",
                      "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/copy",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "create",
                      "href": "/files/files",
                      "uri": "/files/files",
                      "type": "*/*",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                  "name": "2cb2668d-218a-2f8a-a5aa-6a9ce54ff739",
                  "originalName": "My Attachment.txt",
                  "size": 443,
                  "typeDefName": "file",
                  "isLink": false,
                  "version": 3
                "x-widdershins-oldRef": "#/components/examples/fileExample"
              Name In Type Required Description
              objectTypeName path string true The name of the object type to which the object belongs.
              objectId path string true The ID of the object.
              copyFileFrom query string false The ID of the file to copy. If this parameter is used, do not include a request body.
              body body file true The metadata that associates a file with a document. If the copyFileFrom parameter is used, do not include a request body.
              Detailed descriptions

              body: The metadata that associates a file with a document. If the copyFileFrom parameter is used, do not include a request body.

              Example responses

              201 Response

                "creationTimeStamp": "2019-11-06T22:01:23.809Z",
                "modifiedTimeStamp": "2019-11-06T22:01:23.809Z",
                "createdBy": "videmo",
                "modifiedBy": "videmo",
                "id": "608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                "location": "/svi-datahub/documents/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                "properties": {},
                "contentDisposition": "attachment; filename=\"2cb2668d-218a-2f8a-a5aa-6a9ce54ff739\"",
                "contentType": "text/plain",
                "encoding": "UTF-8",
                "links": [
                    "method": "GET",
                    "rel": "self",
                    "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                    "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                    "type": "application/"
                    "method": "GET",
                    "rel": "alternate",
                    "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                    "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                    "type": "application/"
                    "method": "PATCH",
                    "rel": "patch",
                    "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                    "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                    "type": "application/",
                    "responseType": "application/"
                    "method": "PUT",
                    "rel": "update",
                    "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                    "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                    "type": "application/",
                    "responseType": "application/"
                    "method": "DELETE",
                    "rel": "delete",
                    "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                    "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84"
                    "method": "GET",
                    "rel": "content",
                    "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/content",
                    "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/content",
                    "type": "text/plain"
                    "method": "PUT",
                    "rel": "updateContent",
                    "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/content",
                    "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/content",
                    "type": "*/*",
                    "responseType": "application/"
                    "method": "POST",
                    "rel": "copyFile",
                    "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/copy",
                    "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/copy",
                    "responseType": "application/"
                    "method": "POST",
                    "rel": "create",
                    "href": "/files/files",
                    "uri": "/files/files",
                    "type": "*/*",
                    "responseType": "application/"
                "name": "2cb2668d-218a-2f8a-a5aa-6a9ce54ff739",
                "originalName": "My Attachment.txt",
                "size": 443,
                "typeDefName": "file",
                "isLink": false,
                "version": 3

              400 Response

                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."

              404 Response

                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
              Status Meaning Description Schema
              201 Created The file metadata was created and associated with the object. file
              400 Bad Request The request failed. The file association in the request body was invalid. sasError
              404 Not Found The object does not exist or the user does not have the correct permissions to view the object. sasError
              Response Headers
              Status Header Type Format Description
              201 Location string The path to the newly created file.

              Get headers for the files that are associated with an object

              Code samples

              # You can also use wget
              curl -X HEAD{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/files \
                -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                -H 'Accept: application/json'
              const headers = {
                method: 'HEAD',
                headers: headers
              .then(function(res) {
                  return res.json();
              }).then(function(body) {
              import requests
              headers = {
                'Accept': 'application/json'
              r = requests.head('{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/files', headers = headers)
              package main
              import (
              func main() {
                  headers := map[string][]string{
                      "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                  data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                  req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/files", data)
                  req.Header = headers
                  client := &http.Client{}
                  resp, err := client.Do(req)
                  // ...

              HEAD /documents/{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/files

              Gets headers for the files that are associated with an object and returns them as a collection.

              Name In Type Required Description
              objectTypeName path string true The name of the object type to which the object belongs.
              objectId path string true The ID of the object.
              start query integer false The starting index of the first file in the collection.
              limit query integer false The maximum number of files to return in this page of results. The actual number of returned items is fewer if the collection is exhausted.
              sortBy query string false The criteria by which to sort the files.
              filter query string false The criteria by which to filter the files.
              Detailed descriptions

              limit: The maximum number of files to return in this page of results. The actual number of returned items is fewer if the collection is exhausted.

              Example responses

              200 Response

                "links": [
                    "method": "GET",
                    "rel": "self",
                    "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files?start=0&limit=10",
                    "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files?start=0&limit=10",
                    "type": "application/",
                    "itemType": "application/"
                    "method": "GET",
                    "rel": "collection",
                    "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files",
                    "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files",
                    "type": "application/",
                    "itemType": "application/"
                    "method": "POST",
                    "rel": "create",
                    "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files",
                    "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files",
                    "type": "application/",
                    "responseType": "application/"
                "name": "files",
                "accept": "application/",
                "start": 0,
                "count": 2,
                "items": [
                    "version": 1,
                    "id": "237f217b-4911-4f5b-9e1a-bc36a6c06ab0",
                    "name": "DocumentsPdf.pdf",
                    "originalName": "DocumentsPdf.pdf",
                    "category": "Attachment",
                    "location": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files/237f217b-4911-4f5b-9e1a-bc36a6c06ab0",
                    "type": "application/pdf",
                    "size": 22159,
                    "uploadedAt": "2022-05-31T12:23:14.493Z",
                    "uploadedBy": "videmo",
                    "links": [
                        "method": "GET",
                        "rel": "self",
                        "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files/237f217b-4911-4f5b-9e1a-bc36a6c06ab0",
                        "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files/237f217b-4911-4f5b-9e1a-bc36a6c06ab0",
                        "type": "application/"
                        "method": "GET",
                        "rel": "content",
                        "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files/237f217b-4911-4f5b-9e1a-bc36a6c06ab0/content",
                        "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files/237f217b-4911-4f5b-9e1a-bc36a6c06ab0/content",
                        "type": "application/pdf"
                        "method": "DELETE",
                        "rel": "delete",
                        "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files/237f217b-4911-4f5b-9e1a-bc36a6c06ab0",
                        "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files/237f217b-4911-4f5b-9e1a-bc36a6c06ab0"
                        "method": "GET",
                        "rel": "up",
                        "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files",
                        "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files",
                        "type": "application/",
                        "itemType": "application/"
                        "method": "POST",
                        "rel": "addFile",
                        "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files",
                        "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files",
                        "type": "application/",
                        "responseType": "application/"
                    "version": 1,
                    "id": "1ebb707a-9e54-47ec-a957-9b2bd64d62a0",
                    "name": "super.txt",
                    "originalName": "super.txt",
                    "category": "Attachment",
                    "location": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files/1ebb707a-9e54-47ec-a957-9b2bd64d62a0",
                    "type": "text/plain",
                    "size": 5,
                    "uploadedAt": "2022-05-31T12:22:42.067Z",
                    "uploadedBy": "videmo",
                    "links": [
                        "method": "GET",
                        "rel": "self",
                        "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files/1ebb707a-9e54-47ec-a957-9b2bd64d62a0",
                        "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files/1ebb707a-9e54-47ec-a957-9b2bd64d62a0",
                        "type": "application/"
                        "method": "GET",
                        "rel": "content",
                        "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files/1ebb707a-9e54-47ec-a957-9b2bd64d62a0/content",
                        "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files/1ebb707a-9e54-47ec-a957-9b2bd64d62a0/content",
                        "type": "text/plain"
                        "method": "DELETE",
                        "rel": "delete",
                        "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files/1ebb707a-9e54-47ec-a957-9b2bd64d62a0",
                        "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files/1ebb707a-9e54-47ec-a957-9b2bd64d62a0"
                        "method": "GET",
                        "rel": "up",
                        "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files",
                        "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files",
                        "type": "application/",
                        "itemType": "application/"
                        "method": "POST",
                        "rel": "addFile",
                        "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files",
                        "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files",
                        "type": "application/",
                        "responseType": "application/"
                "limit": 10,
                "version": 2
              Status Meaning Description Schema
              200 OK The request succeeded. A collection of metadata for the files that are associated with the object was returned. fileCollection
              400 Bad Request The start or limit parameter was invalid. None
              404 Not Found The object does not exist or the user does not have the correct permissions to view the object. None

              Get the files that are associated with an object

              Code samples

              # You can also use wget
              curl -X GET{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/files \
                -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                -H 'Accept: application/json'
              const headers = {
                method: 'GET',
                headers: headers
              .then(function(res) {
                  return res.json();
              }).then(function(body) {
              import requests
              headers = {
                'Accept': 'application/json'
              r = requests.get('{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/files', headers = headers)
              package main
              import (
              func main() {
                  headers := map[string][]string{
                      "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                  data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                  req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/files", data)
                  req.Header = headers
                  client := &http.Client{}
                  resp, err := client.Do(req)
                  // ...

              GET /documents/{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/files

              Gets the files that are associated with an object and returns them as a collection.

              Name In Type Required Description
              objectTypeName path string true The name of the object type to which the object belongs.
              objectId path string true The ID of the object.
              start query integer false The starting index of the first file in the collection.
              limit query integer false The maximum number of files to return in this page of results. The actual number of returned items is fewer if the collection is exhausted.
              sortBy query string false The criteria by which to sort the files.
              filter query string false The criteria by which to filter the files.
              Detailed descriptions

              limit: The maximum number of files to return in this page of results. The actual number of returned items is fewer if the collection is exhausted.

              Example responses

              200 Response

                "links": [
                    "method": "GET",
                    "rel": "self",
                    "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files?start=0&limit=10",
                    "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files?start=0&limit=10",
                    "type": "application/",
                    "itemType": "application/"
                    "method": "GET",
                    "rel": "collection",
                    "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files",
                    "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files",
                    "type": "application/",
                    "itemType": "application/"
                    "method": "POST",
                    "rel": "create",
                    "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files",
                    "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files",
                    "type": "application/",
                    "responseType": "application/"
                "name": "files",
                "accept": "application/",
                "start": 0,
                "count": 2,
                "items": [
                    "version": 1,
                    "id": "237f217b-4911-4f5b-9e1a-bc36a6c06ab0",
                    "name": "DocumentsPdf.pdf",
                    "originalName": "DocumentsPdf.pdf",
                    "category": "Attachment",
                    "location": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files/237f217b-4911-4f5b-9e1a-bc36a6c06ab0",
                    "type": "application/pdf",
                    "size": 22159,
                    "uploadedAt": "2022-05-31T12:23:14.493Z",
                    "uploadedBy": "videmo",
                    "links": [
                        "method": "GET",
                        "rel": "self",
                        "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files/237f217b-4911-4f5b-9e1a-bc36a6c06ab0",
                        "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files/237f217b-4911-4f5b-9e1a-bc36a6c06ab0",
                        "type": "application/"
                        "method": "GET",
                        "rel": "content",
                        "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files/237f217b-4911-4f5b-9e1a-bc36a6c06ab0/content",
                        "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files/237f217b-4911-4f5b-9e1a-bc36a6c06ab0/content",
                        "type": "application/pdf"
                        "method": "DELETE",
                        "rel": "delete",
                        "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files/237f217b-4911-4f5b-9e1a-bc36a6c06ab0",
                        "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files/237f217b-4911-4f5b-9e1a-bc36a6c06ab0"
                        "method": "GET",
                        "rel": "up",
                        "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files",
                        "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files",
                        "type": "application/",
                        "itemType": "application/"
                        "method": "POST",
                        "rel": "addFile",
                        "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files",
                        "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files",
                        "type": "application/",
                        "responseType": "application/"
                    "version": 1,
                    "id": "1ebb707a-9e54-47ec-a957-9b2bd64d62a0",
                    "name": "super.txt",
                    "originalName": "super.txt",
                    "category": "Attachment",
                    "location": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files/1ebb707a-9e54-47ec-a957-9b2bd64d62a0",
                    "type": "text/plain",
                    "size": 5,
                    "uploadedAt": "2022-05-31T12:22:42.067Z",
                    "uploadedBy": "videmo",
                    "links": [
                        "method": "GET",
                        "rel": "self",
                        "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files/1ebb707a-9e54-47ec-a957-9b2bd64d62a0",
                        "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files/1ebb707a-9e54-47ec-a957-9b2bd64d62a0",
                        "type": "application/"
                        "method": "GET",
                        "rel": "content",
                        "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files/1ebb707a-9e54-47ec-a957-9b2bd64d62a0/content",
                        "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files/1ebb707a-9e54-47ec-a957-9b2bd64d62a0/content",
                        "type": "text/plain"
                        "method": "DELETE",
                        "rel": "delete",
                        "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files/1ebb707a-9e54-47ec-a957-9b2bd64d62a0",
                        "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files/1ebb707a-9e54-47ec-a957-9b2bd64d62a0"
                        "method": "GET",
                        "rel": "up",
                        "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files",
                        "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files",
                        "type": "application/",
                        "itemType": "application/"
                        "method": "POST",
                        "rel": "addFile",
                        "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files",
                        "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files",
                        "type": "application/",
                        "responseType": "application/"
                "limit": 10,
                "version": 2

              400 Response

                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."

              404 Response

                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
              Status Meaning Description Schema
              200 OK The request succeeded. A collection of metadata for the files that are associated with the object was returned. fileCollection
              400 Bad Request The start or limit parameter was invalid. sasError
              404 Not Found The object does not exist or the user does not have the correct permissions to view the object. sasError

              Get headers for file metadata

              Code samples

              # You can also use wget
              curl -X HEAD{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/files/{fileId}
                -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                method: 'HEAD'
              .then(function(res) {
                  return res.json();
              }).then(function(body) {
              import requests
              r = requests.head('{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/files/{fileId}')
              package main
              import (
              func main() {
                  data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                  req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/files/{fileId}", data)
                  req.Header = headers
                  client := &http.Client{}
                  resp, err := client.Do(req)
                  // ...

              HEAD /documents/{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/files/{fileId}

              Gets headers for the file metadata for the file with the specified object type, object type ID, and file ID.

              Name In Type Required Description
              objectTypeName path string true The name of the object type to which the object belongs.
              objectId path string true The ID of the object.
              fileId path string true The ID of the file.
              includeExtractedContent query boolean false If the file metadata contains any extracted content and this parameter is set to true, extracted file content is included in the response.
              Detailed descriptions

              includeExtractedContent: If the file metadata contains any extracted content and this parameter is set to true, extracted file content is included in the response.

              Status Meaning Description Schema
              200 OK The file metadata request was successful. None
              400 Bad Request The request was invalid. The file ID cannot be null. None
              404 Not Found The object does not exist or the user does not have the correct permissions to view the object. None

              Get file metadata

              Code samples

              # You can also use wget
              curl -X GET{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/files/{fileId} \
                -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                -H 'Accept: application/json'
              const headers = {
                method: 'GET',
                headers: headers
              .then(function(res) {
                  return res.json();
              }).then(function(body) {
              import requests
              headers = {
                'Accept': 'application/json'
              r = requests.get('{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/files/{fileId}', headers = headers)
              package main
              import (
              func main() {
                  headers := map[string][]string{
                      "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                  data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                  req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/files/{fileId}", data)
                  req.Header = headers
                  client := &http.Client{}
                  resp, err := client.Do(req)
                  // ...

              GET /documents/{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/files/{fileId}

              Gets the file metadata for the file with the specified object type, object type ID, and file ID.

              Name In Type Required Description
              objectTypeName path string true The name of the object type to which the object belongs.
              objectId path string true The ID of the object.
              fileId path string true The ID of the file.
              includeExtractedContent query boolean false If the file metadata contains any extracted content and this parameter is set to true, extracted file content is included in the response.
              Detailed descriptions

              includeExtractedContent: If the file metadata contains any extracted content and this parameter is set to true, extracted file content is included in the response.

              Example responses

              200 Response

                "creationTimeStamp": "2019-11-06T22:01:23.809Z",
                "modifiedTimeStamp": "2019-11-06T22:01:23.809Z",
                "createdBy": "videmo",
                "modifiedBy": "videmo",
                "id": "608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                "location": "/svi-datahub/documents/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                "properties": {},
                "contentDisposition": "attachment; filename=\"2cb2668d-218a-2f8a-a5aa-6a9ce54ff739\"",
                "contentType": "text/plain",
                "encoding": "UTF-8",
                "links": [
                    "method": "GET",
                    "rel": "self",
                    "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                    "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                    "type": "application/"
                    "method": "GET",
                    "rel": "alternate",
                    "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                    "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                    "type": "application/"
                    "method": "PATCH",
                    "rel": "patch",
                    "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                    "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                    "type": "application/",
                    "responseType": "application/"
                    "method": "PUT",
                    "rel": "update",
                    "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                    "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                    "type": "application/",
                    "responseType": "application/"
                    "method": "DELETE",
                    "rel": "delete",
                    "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                    "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84"
                    "method": "GET",
                    "rel": "content",
                    "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/content",
                    "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/content",
                    "type": "text/plain"
                    "method": "PUT",
                    "rel": "updateContent",
                    "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/content",
                    "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/content",
                    "type": "*/*",
                    "responseType": "application/"
                    "method": "POST",
                    "rel": "copyFile",
                    "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/copy",
                    "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/copy",
                    "responseType": "application/"
                    "method": "POST",
                    "rel": "create",
                    "href": "/files/files",
                    "uri": "/files/files",
                    "type": "*/*",
                    "responseType": "application/"
                "name": "2cb2668d-218a-2f8a-a5aa-6a9ce54ff739",
                "originalName": "My Attachment.txt",
                "size": 443,
                "typeDefName": "file",
                "isLink": false,
                "version": 3

              400 Response

                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."

              404 Response

                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
              Status Meaning Description Schema
              200 OK The file metadata request was successful. file
              400 Bad Request The request was invalid. The file ID cannot be null. sasError
              404 Not Found The object does not exist or the user does not have the correct permissions to view the object. sasError

              Update the file association object with the specified file ID

              Code samples

              # You can also use wget
              curl -X PUT{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/files/{fileId} \
                -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                -H 'Accept: application/json'
              const headers = {
                method: 'PUT',
                headers: headers
              .then(function(res) {
                  return res.json();
              }).then(function(body) {
              import requests
              headers = {
                'Accept': 'application/json'
              r = requests.put('{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/files/{fileId}', headers = headers)
              package main
              import (
              func main() {
                  headers := map[string][]string{
                      "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                  data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                  req, err := http.NewRequest("PUT", "{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/files/{fileId}", data)
                  req.Header = headers
                  client := &http.Client{}
                  resp, err := client.Do(req)
                  // ...

              PUT /documents/{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/files/{fileId}

              Updates the file metadata for the file with the specified object type, object type ID, and file ID. You can update the following fields: name, description, displayOrder and properties. If the file association is a link to an external file, you can also update the extractedContent field. Updates to any other fields are ignored.

              Name In Type Required Description
              objectTypeName path string true The name of the object type to which the object belongs.
              objectId path string true The ID of the object.
              fileId path string true The ID of the file.
              includeExtractedContent query boolean false If the file metadata contains any extracted content and this parameter is set to true, extracted file content is included in the response.
              Detailed descriptions

              includeExtractedContent: If the file metadata contains any extracted content and this parameter is set to true, extracted file content is included in the response.

              Example responses

              200 Response

                "creationTimeStamp": "2019-11-06T22:01:23.809Z",
                "modifiedTimeStamp": "2019-11-06T22:01:23.809Z",
                "createdBy": "videmo",
                "modifiedBy": "videmo",
                "id": "608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                "location": "/svi-datahub/documents/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                "properties": {},
                "contentDisposition": "attachment; filename=\"2cb2668d-218a-2f8a-a5aa-6a9ce54ff739\"",
                "contentType": "text/plain",
                "encoding": "UTF-8",
                "links": [
                    "method": "GET",
                    "rel": "self",
                    "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                    "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                    "type": "application/"
                    "method": "GET",
                    "rel": "alternate",
                    "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                    "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                    "type": "application/"
                    "method": "PATCH",
                    "rel": "patch",
                    "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                    "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                    "type": "application/",
                    "responseType": "application/"
                    "method": "PUT",
                    "rel": "update",
                    "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                    "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                    "type": "application/",
                    "responseType": "application/"
                    "method": "DELETE",
                    "rel": "delete",
                    "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                    "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84"
                    "method": "GET",
                    "rel": "content",
                    "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/content",
                    "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/content",
                    "type": "text/plain"
                    "method": "PUT",
                    "rel": "updateContent",
                    "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/content",
                    "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/content",
                    "type": "*/*",
                    "responseType": "application/"
                    "method": "POST",
                    "rel": "copyFile",
                    "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/copy",
                    "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/copy",
                    "responseType": "application/"
                    "method": "POST",
                    "rel": "create",
                    "href": "/files/files",
                    "uri": "/files/files",
                    "type": "*/*",
                    "responseType": "application/"
                "name": "2cb2668d-218a-2f8a-a5aa-6a9ce54ff739",
                "originalName": "My Attachment.txt",
                "size": 443,
                "typeDefName": "file",
                "isLink": false,
                "version": 3

              400 Response

                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."

              404 Response

                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."

              412 Response

                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
              Status Meaning Description Schema
              200 OK The file metadata update was successful. file
              400 Bad Request The request was invalid. The file ID cannot be null. sasError
              404 Not Found The object does not exist, the user does not have the correct permissions to view the object, or the file ID in the request body does not match the file ID in the URI path. sasError
              412 Precondition Failed The file association in the request body was out of date or it did not include a version number. sasError

              Delete the file with the specified file ID

              Code samples

              # You can also use wget
              curl -X DELETE{fileId} \
                -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                -H 'Accept: application/json'
              const headers = {
                method: 'DELETE',
                headers: headers
              .then(function(res) {
                  return res.json();
              }).then(function(body) {
              import requests
              headers = {
                'Accept': 'application/json'
              r = requests.delete('{fileId}', headers = headers)
              package main
              import (
              func main() {
                  headers := map[string][]string{
                      "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                  data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                  req, err := http.NewRequest("DELETE", "{fileId}", data)
                  req.Header = headers
                  client := &http.Client{}
                  resp, err := client.Do(req)
                  // ...

              DELETE /files/{fileId}

              Deletes the file with the specified ID, if it is not attached to an object. Use the /documents/{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/files/{fileId} endpoint if the file is attached to an object.

              Name In Type Required Description
              fileId path string true The ID of the file.

              Example responses

              400 Response

                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."

              403 Response

                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."

              404 Response

                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
              Status Meaning Description Schema
              204 No Content The file was successfully deleted. None
              400 Bad Request The request failed because the file ID could not be parsed correctly. The file ID must be a UUID. sasError
              403 Forbidden The request failed. The object does not exist, the user does not have the correct permissions to view the object, or the file is attached to an object. sasError
              404 Not Found The request failed. The file could not be deleted. sasError

              Gets headers when downloading the file with the specified file ID

              Code samples

              # You can also use wget
              curl -X HEAD{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/files/{fileId}/content \
                -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                -H 'range: Range' \
                -H 'ifRange: If-Range'
              const headers = {
                method: 'HEAD',
                headers: headers
              .then(function(res) {
                  return res.json();
              }).then(function(body) {
              import requests
              headers = {
                'range': 'Range',
                'ifRange': 'If-Range'
              r = requests.head('{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/files/{fileId}/content', headers = headers)
              package main
              import (
              func main() {
                  headers := map[string][]string{
                      "range": []string{"Range"},
                      "ifRange": []string{"If-Range"},
                  data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                  req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/files/{fileId}/content", data)
                  req.Header = headers
                  client := &http.Client{}
                  resp, err := client.Do(req)
                  // ...

              HEAD /documents/{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/files/{fileId}/content

              Gets the headers when downloading the file with the specified ID from the object that is specified in the path.

              Name In Type Required Description
              objectTypeName path string true The name of the object type to which the object belongs.
              objectId path string true The ID of the object.
              fileId path string true The ID of the file.
              range header string false Sets the range of the file that is downloaded.
              ifRange header string false Sets the end of the range of the file that is downloaded.
              changeContentDisposition query boolean false A true value sets an 'inline' value in the Content-Disposition header. A false value sets an 'attachment' value in the Content-Disposition header.
              Detailed descriptions

              changeContentDisposition: A true value sets an 'inline' value in the Content-Disposition header. A false value sets an 'attachment' value in the Content-Disposition header.

              Status Meaning Description Schema
              200 OK The request succeeded. The file with the specified file ID was returned. None
              400 Bad Request The file location is not valid. None
              404 Not Found The object does not exist, the user does not have the correct permissions to view the object, or the file association is a link to an external file. External files cannot be downloaded via this endpoint. None
              Response Headers
              Status Header Type Format Description
              200 Location string The path to the file.

              Download the file with the specified file ID

              Code samples

              # You can also use wget
              curl -X GET{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/files/{fileId}/content \
                -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                -H 'Accept: */*' \
                -H 'range: Range' \
                -H 'ifRange: If-Range'
              const headers = {
                method: 'GET',
                headers: headers
              .then(function(res) {
                  return res.json();
              }).then(function(body) {
              import requests
              headers = {
                'Accept': '*/*',
                'range': 'Range',
                'ifRange': 'If-Range'
              r = requests.get('{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/files/{fileId}/content', headers = headers)
              package main
              import (
              func main() {
                  headers := map[string][]string{
                      "Accept": []string{"*/*"},
                      "range": []string{"Range"},
                      "ifRange": []string{"If-Range"},
                  data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                  req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/files/{fileId}/content", data)
                  req.Header = headers
                  client := &http.Client{}
                  resp, err := client.Do(req)
                  // ...

              GET /documents/{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/files/{fileId}/content

              Downloads the file with the specified ID from the object that is specified in the path.

              Name In Type Required Description
              objectTypeName path string true The name of the object type to which the object belongs.
              objectId path string true The ID of the object.
              fileId path string true The ID of the file.
              range header string false Sets the range of the file that is downloaded.
              ifRange header string false Sets the end of the range of the file that is downloaded.
              changeContentDisposition query boolean false A true value sets an 'inline' value in the Content-Disposition header. A false value sets an 'attachment' value in the Content-Disposition header.
              Detailed descriptions

              changeContentDisposition: A true value sets an 'inline' value in the Content-Disposition header. A false value sets an 'attachment' value in the Content-Disposition header.

              Example responses

              200 Response

              400 Response

                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."

              404 Response

                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
              Status Meaning Description Schema
              200 OK The request succeeded. The file with the specified file ID was returned. Inline
              400 Bad Request The file location is not valid. sasError
              404 Not Found The object does not exist, the user does not have the correct permissions to view the object, or the file association is a link to an external file. External files cannot be downloaded via this endpoint. sasError
              Response Schema
              Response Headers
              Status Header Type Format Description
              200 Location string The path to the file.

              Gets headers for downloading the detached file with the specified file ID

              Code samples

              # You can also use wget
              curl -X HEAD{fileId}/content \
                -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                -H 'range: Range' \
                -H 'ifRange: If-Range'
              const headers = {
                method: 'HEAD',
                headers: headers
              .then(function(res) {
                  return res.json();
              }).then(function(body) {
              import requests
              headers = {
                'range': 'Range',
                'ifRange': 'If-Range'
              r = requests.head('{fileId}/content', headers = headers)
              package main
              import (
              func main() {
                  headers := map[string][]string{
                      "range": []string{"Range"},
                      "ifRange": []string{"If-Range"},
                  data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                  req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "{fileId}/content", data)
                  req.Header = headers
                  client := &http.Client{}
                  resp, err := client.Do(req)
                  // ...

              HEAD /files/{fileId}/content

              Gets the headers when downloading the file with the specified ID, for a file that is not attached to an object. Use the /documents/{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/files/{fileId}/content endpoint for a file that is attached to an object.

              Name In Type Required Description
              fileId path string true The ID of the file.
              range header string false Sets the range of the file that is downloaded.
              ifRange header string false Sets the end of the range of the file that is downloaded.
              changeContentDisposition query boolean false A true value sets an 'inline' value in the Content-Disposition header. A false value sets an 'attachment' value in the Content-Disposition header.
              Detailed descriptions

              changeContentDisposition: A true value sets an 'inline' value in the Content-Disposition header. A false value sets an 'attachment' value in the Content-Disposition header.

              Status Meaning Description Schema
              200 OK The request succeeded. The file with the specified file ID was returned. None
              400 Bad Request The request failed because the file ID could not be parsed correctly. The file ID must be a UUID. None
              403 Forbidden The request failed. The object does not exist, the user does not have the correct permissions to view the object, or the file is attached to an object. None
              Response Headers
              Status Header Type Format Description
              200 Location string The path to the file.

              Download the detached file with the specified file ID

              Code samples

              # You can also use wget
              curl -X GET{fileId}/content \
                -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                -H 'Accept: */*' \
                -H 'range: Range' \
                -H 'ifRange: If-Range'
              const headers = {
                method: 'GET',
                headers: headers
              .then(function(res) {
                  return res.json();
              }).then(function(body) {
              import requests
              headers = {
                'Accept': '*/*',
                'range': 'Range',
                'ifRange': 'If-Range'
              r = requests.get('{fileId}/content', headers = headers)
              package main
              import (
              func main() {
                  headers := map[string][]string{
                      "Accept": []string{"*/*"},
                      "range": []string{"Range"},
                      "ifRange": []string{"If-Range"},
                  data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                  req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{fileId}/content", data)
                  req.Header = headers
                  client := &http.Client{}
                  resp, err := client.Do(req)
                  // ...

              GET /files/{fileId}/content

              Downloads the file with the specified ID, for a file that is not attached to an object. Use the /documents/{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/files/{fileId}/content endpoint for a file that ißs attached to an object.

              Name In Type Required Description
              fileId path string true The ID of the file.
              range header string false Sets the range of the file that is downloaded.
              ifRange header string false Sets the end of the range of the file that is downloaded.
              changeContentDisposition query boolean false A true value sets an 'inline' value in the Content-Disposition header. A false value sets an 'attachment' value in the Content-Disposition header.
              Detailed descriptions

              changeContentDisposition: A true value sets an 'inline' value in the Content-Disposition header. A false value sets an 'attachment' value in the Content-Disposition header.

              Example responses

              200 Response

              400 Response

                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."

              403 Response

                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
              Status Meaning Description Schema
              200 OK The request succeeded. The file with the specified file ID was returned. Inline
              400 Bad Request The request failed because the file ID could not be parsed correctly. The file ID must be a UUID. sasError
              403 Forbidden The request failed. The object does not exist, the user does not have the correct permissions to view the object, or the file is attached to an object. sasError
              Response Schema
              Response Headers
              Status Header Type Format Description
              200 Location string The path to the file.

              Get headers for the files that are associated with a child object

              Code samples

              # You can also use wget
              curl -X HEAD{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/children/{childDocType}/{childDocId}/files
                -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                method: 'HEAD'
              .then(function(res) {
                  return res.json();
              }).then(function(body) {
              import requests
              r = requests.head('{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/children/{childDocType}/{childDocId}/files')
              package main
              import (
              func main() {
                  data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                  req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/children/{childDocType}/{childDocId}/files", data)
                  req.Header = headers
                  client := &http.Client{}
                  resp, err := client.Do(req)
                  // ...

              HEAD /documents/{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/children/{childDocType}/{childDocId}/files

              Gets headers for the files that are associated with a child object and returns them as a collection.

              Name In Type Required Description
              objectTypeName path string true The name of the parent object type to which the parent object belongs.
              objectId path string true The ID of the parent object.
              childDocType path string true The name of the child document type to which the child document belongs.
              childDocId path string true The ID of the child document.
              start query integer false The starting index of the first file in the collection.
              limit query integer false The maximum number of files to return in this page of results. The actual number of returned items is fewer if the collection is exhausted.
              sortBy query string false The criteria by which to sort the files.
              filter query string false The criteria by which to filter the files.
              Detailed descriptions

              limit: The maximum number of files to return in this page of results. The actual number of returned items is fewer if the collection is exhausted.

              Status Meaning Description Schema
              200 OK The request succeeded. A collection of metadata for the files that are associated with the child object was returned. None
              400 Bad Request The request failed. The parent object type name, parent object ID, child document type name, and child ID cannot be null or empty. None
              404 Not Found The request failed. One or more of the following conditions could have caused the failure: the parent object does not exist, the child object does not exist, or the user does not have the correct permissions to view the object. None

              Get the files that are associated with a child object

              Code samples

              # You can also use wget
              curl -X GET{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/children/{childDocType}/{childDocId}/files \
                -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                -H 'Accept: application/json'
              const headers = {
                method: 'GET',
                headers: headers
              .then(function(res) {
                  return res.json();
              }).then(function(body) {
              import requests
              headers = {
                'Accept': 'application/json'
              r = requests.get('{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/children/{childDocType}/{childDocId}/files', headers = headers)
              package main
              import (
              func main() {
                  headers := map[string][]string{
                      "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                  data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                  req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/children/{childDocType}/{childDocId}/files", data)
                  req.Header = headers
                  client := &http.Client{}
                  resp, err := client.Do(req)
                  // ...

              GET /documents/{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/children/{childDocType}/{childDocId}/files

              Gets the files that are associated with a child object and returns them as a collection.

              Name In Type Required Description
              objectTypeName path string true The name of the parent object type to which the parent object belongs.
              objectId path string true The ID of the parent object.
              childDocType path string true The name of the child document type to which the child document belongs.
              childDocId path string true The ID of the child document.
              start query integer false The starting index of the first file in the collection.
              limit query integer false The maximum number of files to return in this page of results. The actual number of returned items is fewer if the collection is exhausted.
              sortBy query string false The criteria by which to sort the files.
              filter query string false The criteria by which to filter the files.
              Detailed descriptions

              limit: The maximum number of files to return in this page of results. The actual number of returned items is fewer if the collection is exhausted.

              Example responses

              200 Response

                "links": [
                    "method": "GET",
                    "rel": "self",
                    "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files?start=0&limit=10",
                    "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files?start=0&limit=10",
                    "type": "application/",
                    "itemType": "application/"
                    "method": "GET",
                    "rel": "collection",
                    "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files",
                    "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files",
                    "type": "application/",
                    "itemType": "application/"
                    "method": "POST",
                    "rel": "create",
                    "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files",
                    "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files",
                    "type": "application/",
                    "responseType": "application/"
                "name": "files",
                "accept": "application/",
                "start": 0,
                "count": 2,
                "items": [
                    "version": 1,
                    "id": "237f217b-4911-4f5b-9e1a-bc36a6c06ab0",
                    "name": "DocumentsPdf.pdf",
                    "originalName": "DocumentsPdf.pdf",
                    "category": "Attachment",
                    "location": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files/237f217b-4911-4f5b-9e1a-bc36a6c06ab0",
                    "type": "application/pdf",
                    "size": 22159,
                    "uploadedAt": "2022-05-31T12:23:14.493Z",
                    "uploadedBy": "videmo",
                    "links": [
                        "method": "GET",
                        "rel": "self",
                        "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files/237f217b-4911-4f5b-9e1a-bc36a6c06ab0",
                        "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files/237f217b-4911-4f5b-9e1a-bc36a6c06ab0",
                        "type": "application/"
                        "method": "GET",
                        "rel": "content",
                        "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files/237f217b-4911-4f5b-9e1a-bc36a6c06ab0/content",
                        "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files/237f217b-4911-4f5b-9e1a-bc36a6c06ab0/content",
                        "type": "application/pdf"
                        "method": "DELETE",
                        "rel": "delete",
                        "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files/237f217b-4911-4f5b-9e1a-bc36a6c06ab0",
                        "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files/237f217b-4911-4f5b-9e1a-bc36a6c06ab0"
                        "method": "GET",
                        "rel": "up",
                        "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files",
                        "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files",
                        "type": "application/",
                        "itemType": "application/"
                        "method": "POST",
                        "rel": "addFile",
                        "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files",
                        "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files",
                        "type": "application/",
                        "responseType": "application/"
                    "version": 1,
                    "id": "1ebb707a-9e54-47ec-a957-9b2bd64d62a0",
                    "name": "super.txt",
                    "originalName": "super.txt",
                    "category": "Attachment",
                    "location": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files/1ebb707a-9e54-47ec-a957-9b2bd64d62a0",
                    "type": "text/plain",
                    "size": 5,
                    "uploadedAt": "2022-05-31T12:22:42.067Z",
                    "uploadedBy": "videmo",
                    "links": [
                        "method": "GET",
                        "rel": "self",
                        "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files/1ebb707a-9e54-47ec-a957-9b2bd64d62a0",
                        "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files/1ebb707a-9e54-47ec-a957-9b2bd64d62a0",
                        "type": "application/"
                        "method": "GET",
                        "rel": "content",
                        "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files/1ebb707a-9e54-47ec-a957-9b2bd64d62a0/content",
                        "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files/1ebb707a-9e54-47ec-a957-9b2bd64d62a0/content",
                        "type": "text/plain"
                        "method": "DELETE",
                        "rel": "delete",
                        "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files/1ebb707a-9e54-47ec-a957-9b2bd64d62a0",
                        "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files/1ebb707a-9e54-47ec-a957-9b2bd64d62a0"
                        "method": "GET",
                        "rel": "up",
                        "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files",
                        "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files",
                        "type": "application/",
                        "itemType": "application/"
                        "method": "POST",
                        "rel": "addFile",
                        "href": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files",
                        "uri": "/svi-datahub/documents/alerts/281eb4b9-c936-4918-a36a-7d2ae57fbee6/files",
                        "type": "application/",
                        "responseType": "application/"
                "limit": 10,
                "version": 2

              400 Response

                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."

              404 Response

                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
              Status Meaning Description Schema
              200 OK The request succeeded. A collection of metadata for the files that are associated with the child object was returned. fileCollection
              400 Bad Request The request failed. The parent object type name, parent object ID, child document type name, and child ID cannot be null or empty. sasError
              404 Not Found The request failed. One or more of the following conditions could have caused the failure: the parent object does not exist, the child object does not exist, or the user does not have the correct permissions to view the object. sasError

              Download a file associated with a child object

              Code samples

              # You can also use wget
              curl -X GET{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/children/{childDocType}/{childDocId}/files/{fileId}/content \
                -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                -H 'Accept: */*' \
                -H 'range: Range' \
                -H 'ifRange: If-Range'
              const headers = {
                method: 'GET',
                headers: headers
              .then(function(res) {
                  return res.json();
              }).then(function(body) {
              import requests
              headers = {
                'Accept': '*/*',
                'range': 'Range',
                'ifRange': 'If-Range'
              r = requests.get('{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/children/{childDocType}/{childDocId}/files/{fileId}/content', headers = headers)
              package main
              import (
              func main() {
                  headers := map[string][]string{
                      "Accept": []string{"*/*"},
                      "range": []string{"Range"},
                      "ifRange": []string{"If-Range"},
                  data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                  req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/children/{childDocType}/{childDocId}/files/{fileId}/content", data)
                  req.Header = headers
                  client := &http.Client{}
                  resp, err := client.Do(req)
                  // ...

              GET /documents/{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/children/{childDocType}/{childDocId}/files/{fileId}/content

              Downloads the file with the specified ID from the child object that is specified in the path.

              Name In Type Required Description
              objectTypeName path string true The name of the parent object type to which the parent object belongs.
              objectId path string true The ID of the parent object.
              childDocType path string true The name of the child document type to which the child document belongs.
              childDocId path string true The ID of the child document.
              fileId path string true The ID of the file.
              range header string false Sets the range of the file that is downloaded.
              ifRange header string false Sets the end of the range of the file that is downloaded.
              changeContentDisposition query boolean false A true value sets an 'inline' value in the Content-Disposition header. A false value sets an 'attachment' value in the Content-Disposition header.
              Detailed descriptions

              changeContentDisposition: A true value sets an 'inline' value in the Content-Disposition header. A false value sets an 'attachment' value in the Content-Disposition header.

              Example responses

              200 Response

              400 Response

                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."

              404 Response

                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
              Status Meaning Description Schema
              200 OK The request succeeded. The file with the specified file ID was returned. Inline
              400 Bad Request The request failed. One or more of the following conditions could have caused the failure: the parent object type name was null or empty, the parent object ID was null or empty, the child document type name was null or empty, the child document ID was null or empty, or the file location was invalid. sasError
              404 Not Found The request failed. One or more of the following conditions could have caused the failure: the parent object does not exist, the child object does not exist, the user does not have the correct permissions to view the object, the file with the given ID does not exist, or the file association is a link to an external file. External files cannot be downloaded via this endpoint. sasError
              Response Schema
              Response Headers
              Status Header Type Format Description
              200 Location string The path to the file.

              Get headers when downloading a file associated with a child object

              Code samples

              # You can also use wget
              curl -X HEAD{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/children/{childDocType}/{childDocId}/files/{fileId}/content \
                -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                -H 'range: Range' \
                -H 'ifRange: If-Range'
              const headers = {
                method: 'HEAD',
                headers: headers
              .then(function(res) {
                  return res.json();
              }).then(function(body) {
              import requests
              headers = {
                'range': 'Range',
                'ifRange': 'If-Range'
              r = requests.head('{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/children/{childDocType}/{childDocId}/files/{fileId}/content', headers = headers)
              package main
              import (
              func main() {
                  headers := map[string][]string{
                      "range": []string{"Range"},
                      "ifRange": []string{"If-Range"},
                  data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                  req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/children/{childDocType}/{childDocId}/files/{fileId}/content", data)
                  req.Header = headers
                  client := &http.Client{}
                  resp, err := client.Do(req)
                  // ...

              HEAD /documents/{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/children/{childDocType}/{childDocId}/files/{fileId}/content

              Gets the headers when downloading the file with the specified ID from the child object that is specified in the path.

              Name In Type Required Description
              objectTypeName path string true The name of the parent object type to which the parent object belongs.
              objectId path string true The ID of the parent object.
              childDocType path string true The name of the child document type to which the child document belongs.
              childDocId path string true The ID of the child document.
              fileId path string true The ID of the file.
              range header string false Sets the range of the file that is downloaded.
              ifRange header string false Sets the end of the range of the file that is downloaded.
              changeContentDisposition query boolean false A true value sets an 'inline' value in the Content-Disposition header. A false value sets an 'attachment' value in the Content-Disposition header.
              Detailed descriptions

              changeContentDisposition: A true value sets an 'inline' value in the Content-Disposition header. A false value sets an 'attachment' value in the Content-Disposition header.

              Status Meaning Description Schema
              200 OK The request succeeded. The file with the specified file ID was returned. None
              400 Bad Request The request failed. One or more of the following conditions could have caused the failure: the parent object type name was null or empty, the parent object ID was null or empty, the child document type name was null or empty, the child document ID was null or empty, or the file location was invalid. None
              404 Not Found The request failed. One or more of the following conditions could have caused the failure: the parent object does not exist, the child object does not exist, the user does not have the correct permissions to view the object, the file with the given ID does not exist, or the file association is a link to an external file. External files cannot be downloaded via this endpoint. None
              Response Headers
              Status Header Type Format Description
              200 Location string The path to the file.


              Contains the operations related to sheets.

              Get headers for a list of sheets by object type and object ID

              Code samples

              # You can also use wget
              curl -X HEAD{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/sheets
                -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                method: 'HEAD'
              .then(function(res) {
                  return res.json();
              }).then(function(body) {
              import requests
              r = requests.head('{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/sheets')
              package main
              import (
              func main() {
                  data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                  req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/sheets", data)
                  req.Header = headers
                  client := &http.Client{}
                  resp, err := client.Do(req)
                  // ...

              HEAD /documents/{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/sheets

              Gets headers for a list of the sheets that are associated with the object specified in the path. To modify a sheet, update the sheets property on the object using a separate endpoint.

              Name In Type Required Description
              objectTypeName path string true The name of the object type.
              objectId path string true The ID of the object.
              Status Meaning Description Schema
              200 OK The request succeeded. A list of sheets was returned. None
              400 Bad Request The request failed. The parameters cannot be null or empty. None
              404 Not Found The request failed. The object was not found or the user did not have permission to view the object. None

              Get a list of sheets by object type and object ID

              Code samples

              # You can also use wget
              curl -X GET{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/sheets \
                -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                -H 'Accept: application/json'
              const headers = {
                method: 'GET',
                headers: headers
              .then(function(res) {
                  return res.json();
              }).then(function(body) {
              import requests
              headers = {
                'Accept': 'application/json'
              r = requests.get('{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/sheets', headers = headers)
              package main
              import (
              func main() {
                  headers := map[string][]string{
                      "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                  data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                  req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/sheets", data)
                  req.Header = headers
                  client := &http.Client{}
                  resp, err := client.Do(req)
                  // ...

              GET /documents/{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/sheets

              Gets a list of the sheets that are associated with the object specified in the path. To modify a sheet, update the sheets property on the object using a separate endpoint.

              Name In Type Required Description
              objectTypeName path string true The name of the object type.
              objectId path string true The ID of the object.

              Example responses

              200 Response

                  "id": 201,
                  "type": "WORKSHEET",
                  "name": "Workspace-1",
                  "version": 2,
                  "created": "2020-04-13T19:27:08.105Z",
                  "createdBy": "viuser",
                  "lastModified": "2020-04-13T19:27:26.175Z",
                  "lastModifiedBy": "viuser",
                  "tabOrder": 0,
                  "uxState": {
                    "commonToolPane": {
                      "expanded": true,
                      "width": 340
                    "filterPanel": {
                      "expanded": true,
                      "width": 200
                  "cells": [
                      "type": "LIVE",
                      "id": 301,
                      "row": 0,
                      "position": 0,
                      "height": 0,
                      "width": 0,
                      "version": 1,
                      "documents": [
                          "type": "person",
                          "id": "2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
                          "uniqueId": "person#2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d"
                          "type": "person",
                          "id": "ba0f8afd-b6e0-4763-91a8-9c6810d0156b",
                          "uniqueId": "person#ba0f8afd-b6e0-4763-91a8-9c6810d0156b"
                      "visualizationType": "Network",
                      "resultsPerPage": 0,
                      "networkData": {
                        "links": [],
                        "nodes": {
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                            "transitionStart": {
                              "x": 667,
                              "y": 206.5
                            "type": "person",
                            "typeLabel": "Person",
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                            "transitionStart": {
                              "x": 339.81315560960843,
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                            "type": "person",
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                        "numNodes": 2,
                        "options": {
                          "activeNodes": false,
                          "centralityType": null,
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                            "charge": 25,
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                          "showNodeAnnotation": true,
                          "showNodeLabels": true,
                          "showTimeline": false,
                          "showTransactionDetails": false,
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                            "activeTool": "Object Inspector",
                            "open": true
                          "transactionTypeIndex": 0,
                          "translate": [
                  "id": 305,
                  "type": "WORKSHEET",
                  "name": "Workspace-2",
                  "version": 2,
                  "created": "2020-05-13T19:27:08.105Z",
                  "createdBy": "viuser",
                  "lastModified": "2020-05-13T19:27:26.175Z",
                  "lastModifiedBy": "viuser",
                  "tabOrder": 0,
                  "uxState": {
                    "commonToolPane": {
                      "expanded": true,
                      "width": 340
                    "filterPanel": {
                      "expanded": true,
                      "width": 200
                  "cells": [
                      "type": "LIVE",
                      "id": 401,
                      "row": 0,
                      "position": 0,
                      "height": 0,
                      "width": 0,
                      "version": 1,
                      "documents": [
                          "type": "person",
                          "id": "2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
                          "uniqueId": "person#2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d"
                          "type": "person",
                          "id": "ba0f8afd-b6e0-4763-91a8-9c6810d0156b",
                          "uniqueId": "person#ba0f8afd-b6e0-4763-91a8-9c6810d0156b"
                      "visualizationType": "Network",
                      "resultsPerPage": 0,
                      "networkData": {
                        "links": [],
                        "nodes": {
                          "person~2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d": {
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                            "x": 711.99394815911,
                            "y": 220.234232742122
                          "person~ba0f8afd-b6e0-4763-91a8-9c6810d0156b": {
                            "id": "person~ba0f8afd-b6e0-4763-91a8-9c6810d0156b",
                            "transitionStart": {
                              "x": 339.81315560960843,
                              "y": 106.62745147130762
                            "type": "person",
                            "typeLabel": "Person",
                            "x": 621.6305200034983,
                            "y": 192.65113758282533
                        "numNodes": 2,
                        "options": {
                          "activeNodes": false,
                          "centralityType": null,
                          "displayableTransactionType": null,
                          "groupCtr": 1,
                          "layout": {
                            "charge": 25,
                            "linkDistance": 130,
                            "linkStrength": 0.4,
                            "velocityDecay": 0.45
                          "nodeCtr": 1,
                          "scale": 2.0766116941529233,
                          "showLegend": true,
                          "showLinkLabels": false,
                          "showNodeAnnotation": true,
                          "showNodeLabels": true,
                          "showTimeline": false,
                          "showTransactionDetails": false,
                          "showTransactionLinks": false,
                          "toolsPane": {
                            "activeTool": "Object Inspector",
                            "open": true
                          "transactionTypeIndex": 0,
                          "translate": [

              400 Response

                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."

              404 Response

                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
              Status Meaning Description Schema
              200 OK The request succeeded. A list of sheets was returned. Inline
              400 Bad Request The request failed. The parameters cannot be null or empty. sasError
              404 Not Found The request failed. The object was not found or the user did not have permission to view the object. sasError
              Response Schema

              Status Code 200

              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              anonymous [sheet] false none [An instance of an insight or workspace.]
              » Sheet sheet false none An instance of an insight or workspace.
              »» id integer(int64) false none A value that uniquely identifies the insight or workspace.
              »» name string false none The name of the insight or workspace.
              »» tabOrder integer false none The tab order for the insight or workspace.
              »» type string false none Indicates the type of "sheet", either a workspace or an insight:

              • WORKSHEET - a workspace

              • NOTESHEET - an insight

              »» cells [sheetCell] false none The individual cells on the sheet.
              »»» Cell sheetCell false none An individual cell on a workspace or an insight.
              »»»» id integer(int64) false none A value that uniquely identifies the cell.
              »»»» row integer false none The row of the worksight or insight in which the cell exists.
              »»»» position integer false none The position of the cell in the row.
              »»»» type string false none The type of the cell:

              • LIVE - live visualization

              • STATIC - static visualization or network

              • IMAGE - Base64 encoded image and annotations

              • TEXT - simple text cell for HTML

              »»»» height integer false none The height of the cell.
              »»»» width integer false none The width of the cell.
              »»»» lastModified string(date-time) false none The timestamp that indicates when this cell was last modified.
              »» lastModified string(date-time) false none The timestamp that indicates when this cell was last modified.
              Enumerated Values
              Property Value
              type WORKSHEET
              type NOTESHEET
              type LIVE
              type STATIC
              type IMAGE
              type TEXT

              Copy selected sheets to the provided object

              Code samples

              # You can also use wget
              curl -X POST{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/sheets \
                -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
                -H 'Accept: application/json'
              const inputBody = '{
                "sheetIds": [
                "objectTypeName": "string",
                "objectId": "string"
              const headers = {
                method: 'POST',
                body: inputBody,
                headers: headers
              .then(function(res) {
                  return res.json();
              }).then(function(body) {
              import requests
              headers = {
                'Content-Type': 'application/json',
                'Accept': 'application/json'
              r ='{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/sheets', headers = headers)
              package main
              import (
              func main() {
                  headers := map[string][]string{
                      "Content-Type": []string{"application/json"},
                      "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                  data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                  req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/sheets", data)
                  req.Header = headers
                  client := &http.Client{}
                  resp, err := client.Do(req)
                  // ...

              POST /documents/{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/sheets

              The sheet copy selection included in the request body is used to copy the sheets from their location. The sheets are copied to the object specified in the path. The object to which the sheets were copied is returned as an enriched document.

              Body parameter

                "sheetIds": [
                "objectTypeName": "string",
                "objectId": "string"
              Name In Type Required Description
              objectTypeName path string true The name of the object type.
              objectId path string true The ID of the object.
              body body sheetCopySelection false The sheet copy selection identifies the sheets to copy to the target object.

              Example responses

              201 Response

                "objectTypeName": "person",
                "objectTypeId": 100515,
                "objectTypeVersion": 4,
                "id": "2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
                "fieldValues": {
                  "birthday": "2020-01-05T00:00:00Z",
                  "created_at_dttm": "2020-04-13T19:17:47.84Z",
                  "created_by_user_id": "viuser",
                  "first_name": "John",
                  "id": "2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
                  "last_name": "Smith",
                  "last_updated_at_dttm": "2020-04-13T19:31:37.097Z",
                  "last_updated_by_user_id": "viuser",
                  "version": 4
                "createdAt": "2020-04-13T19:17:47.840Z",
                "lastUpdatedAt": "2020-04-13T19:31:37.097Z",
                "validFrom": "2020-01-05T00:00:00.000Z",
                "fieldRestrictions": {
                  "person": {
                    "ssn": {
                      "masked": {
                        "currentUserIsAuthorizedToReveal": true
                "sheets": [
                    "id": 201,
                    "type": "WORKSHEET",
                    "name": "Workspace-1",
                    "version": 2,
                    "created": "2020-04-13T19:27:08.105Z",
                    "createdBy": "viuser",
                    "lastModified": "2020-04-13T19:27:26.175Z",
                    "lastModifiedBy": "viuser",
                    "tabOrder": 0,
                    "uxState": {
                      "commonToolPane": {
                        "expanded": true,
                        "width": 340
                      "filterPanel": {
                        "expanded": true,
                        "width": 200
                    "cells": [
                        "type": "LIVE",
                        "id": 301,
                        "row": 0,
                        "position": 0,
                        "height": 0,
                        "width": 0,
                        "version": 1,
                        "documents": [
                            "type": "person",
                            "id": "2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
                            "uniqueId": "person#2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d"
                            "type": "person",
                            "id": "ba0f8afd-b6e0-4763-91a8-9c6810d0156b",
                            "uniqueId": "person#ba0f8afd-b6e0-4763-91a8-9c6810d0156b"
                        "visualizationType": "Network",
                        "resultsPerPage": 0,
                        "networkData": {
                          "links": [],
                          "nodes": {
                            "person~2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d": {
                              "id": "person~2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
                              "transitionStart": {
                                "x": 667,
                                "y": 206.5
                              "type": "person",
                              "typeLabel": "Person",
                              "x": 711.99394815911,
                              "y": 220.234232742122
                            "person~ba0f8afd-b6e0-4763-91a8-9c6810d0156b": {
                              "id": "person~ba0f8afd-b6e0-4763-91a8-9c6810d0156b",
                              "transitionStart": {
                                "x": 339.81315560960843,
                                "y": 106.62745147130762
                              "type": "person",
                              "typeLabel": "Person",
                              "x": 621.6305200034983,
                              "y": 192.65113758282533
                          "numNodes": 2,
                          "options": {
                            "activeNodes": false,
                            "centralityType": null,
                            "displayableTransactionType": null,
                            "groupCtr": 1,
                            "layout": {
                              "charge": 25,
                              "linkDistance": 130,
                              "linkStrength": 0.4,
                              "velocityDecay": 0.45
                            "nodeCtr": 1,
                            "scale": 2.0766116941529233,
                            "showLegend": true,
                            "showLinkLabels": false,
                            "showNodeAnnotation": true,
                            "showNodeLabels": true,
                            "showTimeline": false,
                            "showTransactionDetails": false,
                            "showTransactionLinks": false,
                            "toolsPane": {
                              "activeTool": "Object Inspector",
                              "open": true
                            "transactionTypeIndex": 0,
                            "translate": [
                "comments": [
                    "id": 1,
                    "author": {
                      "id": "viuser",
                      "name": "Test viuser"
                    "createDate": "2020-04-13T19:18:05.087Z",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2020-04-13T19:18:05.087Z",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": "viuser",
                    "detail": "Sample comment<br />"
                "attachmentsCount": 2

              400 Response

                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."

              404 Response

                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
              Status Meaning Description Schema
              201 Created The request succeeded. The enriched document to which the sheets were copied was returned. enrichedDocument
              400 Bad Request The request failed. The parameters and the sheet IDs cannot be null or empty. sasError
              404 Not Found The request failed. The object or sheet was not found or the user did not have permission to view the object. sasError

              Get headers for a sheet

              Code samples

              # You can also use wget
              curl -X HEAD{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/sheets/{sheetId}
                -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                method: 'HEAD'
              .then(function(res) {
                  return res.json();
              }).then(function(body) {
              import requests
              r = requests.head('{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/sheets/{sheetId}')
              package main
              import (
              func main() {
                  data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                  req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/sheets/{sheetId}", data)
                  req.Header = headers
                  client := &http.Client{}
                  resp, err := client.Do(req)
                  // ...

              HEAD /documents/{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/sheets/{sheetId}

              Gets headers for the sheet with the given ID from the object that is specified in the path. To modify a sheet, update the sheets property on the object using a separate endpoint.

              Name In Type Required Description
              objectTypeName path string true The name of the object type.
              objectId path string true The ID of the object.
              sheetId path string true The ID of the sheet.
              Status Meaning Description Schema
              200 OK The request succeeded. The sheet with the specified ID was returned. None
              400 Bad Request The request failed. The parameters cannot be null or empty. None
              404 Not Found The request failed. The object or sheet was not found or the user did not have permission to view the object. None

              Get a sheet

              Code samples

              # You can also use wget
              curl -X GET{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/sheets/{sheetId} \
                -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                -H 'Accept: application/json'
              const headers = {
                method: 'GET',
                headers: headers
              .then(function(res) {
                  return res.json();
              }).then(function(body) {
              import requests
              headers = {
                'Accept': 'application/json'
              r = requests.get('{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/sheets/{sheetId}', headers = headers)
              package main
              import (
              func main() {
                  headers := map[string][]string{
                      "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                  data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                  req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/sheets/{sheetId}", data)
                  req.Header = headers
                  client := &http.Client{}
                  resp, err := client.Do(req)
                  // ...

              GET /documents/{objectTypeName}/{objectId}/sheets/{sheetId}

              Gets a sheet with the given ID from the object that is specified in the path. To modify a sheet, update the sheets property on the object using a separate endpoint.

              Name In Type Required Description
              objectTypeName path string true The name of the object type.
              objectId path string true The ID of the object.
              sheetId path string true The ID of the sheet.

              Example responses

              200 Response

                "id": 201,
                "type": "WORKSHEET",
                "name": "Workspace-1",
                "version": 2,
                "created": "2020-04-13T19:27:08.105Z",
                "createdBy": "viuser",
                "lastModified": "2020-04-13T19:27:26.175Z",
                "lastModifiedBy": "viuser",
                "tabOrder": 0,
                "uxState": {
                  "commonToolPane": {
                    "expanded": true,
                    "width": 340
                  "filterPanel": {
                    "expanded": true,
                    "width": 200
                "cells": [
                    "type": "LIVE",
                    "id": 301,
                    "row": 0,
                    "position": 0,
                    "height": 0,
                    "width": 0,
                    "version": 1,
                    "documents": [
                        "type": "person",
                        "id": "2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
                        "uniqueId": "person#2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d"
                        "type": "person",
                        "id": "ba0f8afd-b6e0-4763-91a8-9c6810d0156b",
                        "uniqueId": "person#ba0f8afd-b6e0-4763-91a8-9c6810d0156b"
                    "visualizationType": "Network",
                    "resultsPerPage": 0,
                    "networkData": {
                      "links": [],
                      "nodes": {
                        "person~2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d": {
                          "id": "person~2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
                          "transitionStart": {
                            "x": 667,
                            "y": 206.5
                          "type": "person",
                          "typeLabel": "Person",
                          "x": 711.99394815911,
                          "y": 220.234232742122
                        "person~ba0f8afd-b6e0-4763-91a8-9c6810d0156b": {
                          "id": "person~ba0f8afd-b6e0-4763-91a8-9c6810d0156b",
                          "transitionStart": {
                            "x": 339.81315560960843,
                            "y": 106.62745147130762
                          "type": "person",
                          "typeLabel": "Person",
                          "x": 621.6305200034983,
                          "y": 192.65113758282533
                      "numNodes": 2,
                      "options": {
                        "activeNodes": false,
                        "centralityType": null,
                        "displayableTransactionType": null,
                        "groupCtr": 1,
                        "layout": {
                          "charge": 25,
                          "linkDistance": 130,
                          "linkStrength": 0.4,
                          "velocityDecay": 0.45
                        "nodeCtr": 1,
                        "scale": 2.0766116941529233,
                        "showLegend": true,
                        "showLinkLabels": false,
                        "showNodeAnnotation": true,
                        "showNodeLabels": true,
                        "showTimeline": false,
                        "showTransactionDetails": false,
                        "showTransactionLinks": false,
                        "toolsPane": {
                          "activeTool": "Object Inspector",
                          "open": true
                        "transactionTypeIndex": 0,
                        "translate": [

              400 Response

                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."

              404 Response

                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
              Status Meaning Description Schema
              200 OK The request succeeded. The sheet with the specified ID was returned. sheet
              400 Bad Request The request failed. The parameters cannot be null or empty. sasError
              404 Not Found The request failed. The object or sheet was not found or the user did not have permission to view the object. sasError


              Contains the operations related to icons.

              Retrieve metadata for one or more icons

              Code samples

              # You can also use wget
              curl -X GET \
                -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                -H 'Accept: application/json'
              const headers = {
                method: 'GET',
                headers: headers
              .then(function(res) {
                  return res.json();
              }).then(function(body) {
              import requests
              headers = {
                'Accept': 'application/json'
              r = requests.get('', headers = headers)
              package main
              import (
              func main() {
                  headers := map[string][]string{
                      "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                  data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                  req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "", data)
                  req.Header = headers
                  client := &http.Client{}
                  resp, err := client.Do(req)
                  // ...

              GET /icons

              Retrieves metadata for one or more icons.

              Name In Type Required Description
              objectTypeName query string false The name of the icon. If an objectTypeName is specified, then only one icon is returned. Without an objectTypeName, this call returns all icons.
              Detailed descriptions

              objectTypeName: The name of the icon. If an objectTypeName is specified, then only one icon is returned. Without an objectTypeName, this call returns all icons.

              Example responses

              200 Response

                "description": "Example of an Icon object.",
                "value": [
                    "id": 1007,
                    "name": "Address16Brown",
                    "imageType": "SVG",
                    "imageLocation": "/svi-datahub/icons/Address16Brown/image",
                    "solutionName": "sas_visual_investigator_default",
                    "solutionLabel": "SAS Visual Investigator",
                    "version": 1

              404 Response

                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
              Status Meaning Description Schema
              200 OK The request succeeded. Inline
              404 Not Found The request did not find an icon with a matching object type name. sasError
              Response Schema
              Enumerated Values
              Property Value
              imageType GIF
              imageType JPEG
              imageType PNG
              imageType SVG
              imageType SVG+XML

              Request header for icon metadata by object type name

              Code samples

              # You can also use wget
              curl -X HEAD \
                -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                -H 'Accept: application/json'
              const headers = {
                method: 'HEAD',
                headers: headers
              .then(function(res) {
                  return res.json();
              }).then(function(body) {
              import requests
              headers = {
                'Accept': 'application/json'
              r = requests.head('', params={
                'objectTypeName': 'string'
              }, headers = headers)
              package main
              import (
              func main() {
                  headers := map[string][]string{
                      "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                  data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                  req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "", data)
                  req.Header = headers
                  client := &http.Client{}
                  resp, err := client.Do(req)
                  // ...

              HEAD /icons

              Retrieves an icon's metadata by name. Icon metadata contains information about an image.

              Name In Type Required Description
              objectTypeName query string true The name of the icon.

              Example responses

              404 Response

                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
              Status Meaning Description Schema
              200 OK The request succeeded. None
              404 Not Found The request did not find an icon with a matching object type name. sasError
              Response Schema

              Retrieve icon metadata by name

              Code samples

              # You can also use wget
              curl -X GET{name} \
                -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                -H 'Accept: application/json'
              const headers = {
                method: 'GET',
                headers: headers
              .then(function(res) {
                  return res.json();
              }).then(function(body) {
              import requests
              headers = {
                'Accept': 'application/json'
              r = requests.get('{name}', headers = headers)
              package main
              import (
              func main() {
                  headers := map[string][]string{
                      "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                  data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                  req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{name}", data)
                  req.Header = headers
                  client := &http.Client{}
                  resp, err := client.Do(req)
                  // ...

              GET /icons/{name}

              Retrieves an icon's metadata by name. Icon metadata contains information about an image.

              Name In Type Required Description
              name path string true The name of the icon.

              Example responses

              200 Response

                "description": "Example of an Icon object.",
                "value": [
                    "id": 1007,
                    "name": "Address16Brown",
                    "imageType": "SVG",
                    "imageLocation": "/svi-datahub/icons/Address16Brown/image",
                    "solutionName": "sas_visual_investigator_default",
                    "solutionLabel": "SAS Visual Investigator",
                    "version": 1

              404 Response

                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
              Status Meaning Description Schema
              200 OK The request succeeded. icon
              404 Not Found The request did not find an icon with a matching name. sasError

              Request header for icon metadata by name

              Code samples

              # You can also use wget
              curl -X HEAD{name} \
                -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                -H 'Accept: application/json'
              const headers = {
                method: 'HEAD',
                headers: headers
              .then(function(res) {
                  return res.json();
              }).then(function(body) {
              import requests
              headers = {
                'Accept': 'application/json'
              r = requests.head('{name}', headers = headers)
              package main
              import (
              func main() {
                  headers := map[string][]string{
                      "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                  data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                  req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "{name}", data)
                  req.Header = headers
                  client := &http.Client{}
                  resp, err := client.Do(req)
                  // ...

              HEAD /icons/{name}

              Retrieves an icon's metadata by name. Icon metadata contains information about an image.

              Name In Type Required Description
              name path string true The name of the icon.

              Example responses

              404 Response

                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
              Status Meaning Description Schema
              200 OK The request succeeded. None
              404 Not Found The request did not find an icon with a matching name. sasError
              Response Schema

              Retrieve an icon image by name

              Code samples

              # You can also use wget
              curl -X GET{name}/image \
                -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                -H 'Accept: */*'
              const headers = {
                method: 'GET',
                headers: headers
              .then(function(res) {
                  return res.json();
              }).then(function(body) {
              import requests
              headers = {
                'Accept': '*/*'
              r = requests.get('{name}/image', headers = headers)
              package main
              import (
              func main() {
                  headers := map[string][]string{
                      "Accept": []string{"*/*"},
                  data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                  req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{name}/image", data)
                  req.Header = headers
                  client := &http.Client{}
                  resp, err := client.Do(req)
                  // ...

              GET /icons/{name}/image

              Retrieves the bytes comprising an icon image.

              Name In Type Required Description
              name path string true The name of the icon.

              Example responses

              200 Response

              404 Response

                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
              Status Meaning Description Schema
              200 OK The request succeeded. Inline
              404 Not Found The request did not find an icon with a matching name. sasError
              Response Schema

              Request header for an icon image by name

              Code samples

              # You can also use wget
              curl -X HEAD{name}/image \
                -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                -H 'Accept: application/json'
              const headers = {
                method: 'HEAD',
                headers: headers
              .then(function(res) {
                  return res.json();
              }).then(function(body) {
              import requests
              headers = {
                'Accept': 'application/json'
              r = requests.head('{name}/image', headers = headers)
              package main
              import (
              func main() {
                  headers := map[string][]string{
                      "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                  data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                  req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "{name}/image", data)
                  req.Header = headers
                  client := &http.Client{}
                  resp, err := client.Do(req)
                  // ...

              HEAD /icons/{name}/image

              Retrieves the bytes comprising an icon image.

              Name In Type Required Description
              name path string true The name of the icon.

              Example responses

              404 Response

                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
              Status Meaning Description Schema
              200 OK The request succeeded. None
              404 Not Found The request did not find an icon with a matching name. sasError
              Response Schema

              Retrieve an icon image by filter

              Code samples

              # You can also use wget
              curl -X GET \
                -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                -H 'Accept: */*'
              const headers = {
                method: 'GET',
                headers: headers
              .then(function(res) {
                  return res.json();
              }).then(function(body) {
              import requests
              headers = {
                'Accept': '*/*'
              r = requests.get('', params={
                'objectTypeName': 'string'
              }, headers = headers)
              package main
              import (
              func main() {
                  headers := map[string][]string{
                      "Accept": []string{"*/*"},
                  data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                  req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "", data)
                  req.Header = headers
                  client := &http.Client{}
                  resp, err := client.Do(req)
                  // ...

              GET /icons/image

              Retrieves the bytes comprising an icon image.

              Name In Type Required Description
              objectTypeName query string true The name of the icon.

              Example responses

              200 Response

              404 Response

                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
              Status Meaning Description Schema
              200 OK The request succeeded. Inline
              404 Not Found The request did not find an icon with a matching object type name. sasError
              Response Schema

              Request header for an icon image by filter

              Code samples

              # You can also use wget
              curl -X HEAD \
                -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                -H 'Accept: application/json'
              const headers = {
                method: 'HEAD',
                headers: headers
              .then(function(res) {
                  return res.json();
              }).then(function(body) {
              import requests
              headers = {
                'Accept': 'application/json'
              r = requests.head('', params={
                'objectTypeName': 'string'
              }, headers = headers)
              package main
              import (
              func main() {
                  headers := map[string][]string{
                      "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                  data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                  req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "", data)
                  req.Header = headers
                  client := &http.Client{}
                  resp, err := client.Do(req)
                  // ...

              HEAD /icons/image

              Retrieves the bytes comprising an icon image.

              Name In Type Required Description
              objectTypeName query string true The name of the icon.

              Example responses

              404 Response

                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
              Status Meaning Description Schema
              200 OK The request succeeded. None
              404 Not Found The request did not find an icon with a matching name. sasError
              Response Schema

              Retrieve the decoration for an icon

              Code samples

              # You can also use wget
              curl -X GET \
                -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                -H 'Accept: application/json'
              const headers = {
                method: 'GET',
                headers: headers
              .then(function(res) {
                  return res.json();
              }).then(function(body) {
              import requests
              headers = {
                'Accept': 'application/json'
              r = requests.get('', params={
                'objectTypeName': 'string'
              }, headers = headers)
              package main
              import (
              func main() {
                  headers := map[string][]string{
                      "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                  data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                  req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "", data)
                  req.Header = headers
                  client := &http.Client{}
                  resp, err := client.Do(req)
                  // ...

              GET /icons/decoration

              Retrieves a node decorator for an Entity or Document.

              Name In Type Required Description
              objectTypeName query string true The name of the icon.

              Example responses

              200 Response

                "description": "Example of a Node Decoration object.",
                "value": {
                  "label": "Officer Smith",
                  "icons": [
                      "field": "f1",
                      "position": "p1"
                      "field": "f2",
                      "position": "p2"

              404 Response

                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
              Status Meaning Description Schema
              200 OK The request succeeded. nodeDecoration
              404 Not Found The request did not find an icon with a matching object type name. sasError

              Request header for the decoration for an icon

              Code samples

              # You can also use wget
              curl -X HEAD \
                -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                -H 'Accept: application/json'
              const headers = {
                method: 'HEAD',
                headers: headers
              .then(function(res) {
                  return res.json();
              }).then(function(body) {
              import requests
              headers = {
                'Accept': 'application/json'
              r = requests.head('', params={
                'objectTypeName': 'string'
              }, headers = headers)
              package main
              import (
              func main() {
                  headers := map[string][]string{
                      "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                  data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                  req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "", data)
                  req.Header = headers
                  client := &http.Client{}
                  resp, err := client.Do(req)
                  // ...

              HEAD /icons/decoration

              Retrieves a node decorator for an Entity or Document.

              Name In Type Required Description
              objectTypeName query string true The name of the icon.

              Example responses

              404 Response

                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
              Status Meaning Description Schema
              200 OK The request succeeded. None
              404 Not Found The request did not find an icon with a matching name. sasError
              Response Schema


              Contains the operations related to conditions.

              Bulk evaluate conditions

              Code samples

              # You can also use wget
              curl -X POST \
                -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
                -H 'Accept: application/json'
              const inputBody = '{
                "requests": [
                    "conditionId": "string",
                    "objectTypeName": "string",
                    "objectId": "string"
              const headers = {
                method: 'POST',
                body: inputBody,
                headers: headers
              .then(function(res) {
                  return res.json();
              }).then(function(body) {
              import requests
              headers = {
                'Content-Type': 'application/json',
                'Accept': 'application/json'
              r ='', headers = headers)
              package main
              import (
              func main() {
                  headers := map[string][]string{
                      "Content-Type": []string{"application/json"},
                      "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                  data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                  req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "", data)
                  req.Header = headers
                  client := &http.Client{}
                  resp, err := client.Do(req)
                  // ...

              POST /conditionEvaluations

              Evaluate a bulk condition evaluation request. The response is a bulk condition evaluation response indicating the results of evaluating the conditions. Each individual evaluation request in the bulk request can succeed or fail independently. Each successful evaluation yields a condition evaluation response object that contains a result property. Each failed evaluation yields a condition evaluation response object that contains error details. Duplicate condition evaluation request objects in the REST request are ignored, and together result in only one condition evaluation response object in the REST response. The order of the condition evaluation response objects in the REST response is not guaranteed. In order to determine which condition evaluation response corresponds to which condition evaluation request, do not use the ordering. Instead, check the requested property of the condition evaluation response object to determine which request it corresponds to.

              Body parameter

                "requests": [
                    "conditionId": "string",
                    "objectTypeName": "string",
                    "objectId": "string"
              Name In Type Required Description
              body body bulkConditionEvaluationRequest false The bulk condition evaluation request.

              Example responses

              201 Response

                "responses": [
                    "requested": {
                      "conditionId": "1c4cdebb-c125-41ea-99c2-ac0aeedb646e",
                      "objectTypeName": "person",
                      "objectId": "9da58bba-3961-41fb-be16-cdbf8b504451"
                    "result": true
                    "requested": {
                      "conditionId": "1c4cdebb-c125-41ea-99c2-ac0aeedb646e",
                      "objectTypeName": "person",
                      "objectId": "4688f7e9-cd70-4a87-930e-55b6f8cbb264"
                    "result": false
                    "requested": {
                      "conditionId": "590acf3d-b226-4db0-b92f-001c44aa6503",
                      "objectTypeName": "account",
                      "objectId": "89bf6f8f-a307-4116-ba3c-90d16ddd177b"
                    "result": true
                    "requested": {
                      "conditionId": "590acf3d-b226-4db0-b92f-001c44aa6503",
                      "objectTypeName": "account",
                      "objectId": "6007d257-dd08-4247-b29c-6e685452df0c"
                    "errorCode": "DH6200",
                    "errorMessage": "The object with the ID \"6007d257-dd08-4247-b29c-6e685452df0c\" was not found for the \"account\" entity type.\n"

              400 Response

                "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                "id": "DH9999",
                "errorCode": 9999,
                "httpStatusCode": 400,
                "details": [
                  "See the log for additional details."
                "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
              Status Meaning Description Schema
              201 Created The condition evaluation requests were processed. bulkConditionEvaluationResponse
              400 Bad Request The request was invalid. sasError



                "version": 0,
                "id": "string",
                "name": "string",
                "description": "string",
                "status": "pending",
                "message": "string",
                "parent": "string",
                "startedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                "endedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                "parameters": {
                  "property1": "string",
                  "property2": "string"
                "subTasks": [


              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              version integer true none This media type's schema version number. This representation is version 1.
              id string false none A system-assigned unique identifier (UUID) for this task
              name string true none A human readable name that could help in identifying this task
              description string false none A brief description of this task
              status string false none Execution status of this task
              message string false none Messages - generally about any failures or cancellations
              parent string false none UUID of the parent job or task
              startedAt string(date-time) false none Execution start timestamp
              endedAt string(date-time) false none Execution end timestamp
              parameters object true none Parameters required for the task
              » additionalProperties string false none none
              subTasks [task] false none Sub-tasks, if any
              Enumerated Values
              Property Value
              status pending
              status running
              status cancelled
              status completed
              status failed
              status reverted
              status invalid


                "version": 0,
                "id": "string",
                "name": "string",
                "description": "string",
                "tags": [
                "status": "pending",
                "message": "string",
                "startedBy": "string",
                "startedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                "endedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                "parameters": {
                  "property1": "string",
                  "property2": "string"
                "tasks": [
                    "version": 0,
                    "id": "string",
                    "name": "string",
                    "description": "string",
                    "status": "pending",
                    "message": "string",
                    "parent": "string",
                    "startedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                    "endedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                    "parameters": {
                      "property1": "string",
                      "property2": "string"
                    "subTasks": [


              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              version integer true none This media type's schema version number. This representation is version 1.
              id string false none A system-assigned unique identifier (UUID) for this job
              name string false none A human readable name that could help in identifying this job
              description string false none A brief description of this job
              tags [string] false none A list of tags that could be used to search this job
              status string false none Execution status of this job
              message string false none Messages - generally about any failures or cancellations
              startedBy string false none User who submitted this job for execution
              startedAt string(date-time) false none Execution start timestamp
              endedAt string(date-time) false none Execution end timestamp
              parameters object true none Parameters required for the job
              » additionalProperties string false none none
              tasks [task] false none Tasks that are part of this job
              Enumerated Values
              Property Value
              status pending
              status running
              status cancelled
              status completed
              status failed
              status reverted
              status invalid


                "description": "Example of a file association object.",
                "value": {
                  "creationTimeStamp": "2019-11-06T22:01:23.809Z",
                  "modifiedTimeStamp": "2019-11-06T22:01:23.809Z",
                  "createdBy": "videmo",
                  "modifiedBy": "videmo",
                  "id": "608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                  "location": "/svi-datahub/documents/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                  "properties": {},
                  "contentDisposition": "attachment; filename=\"2cb2668d-218a-2f8a-a5aa-6a9ce54ff739\"",
                  "contentType": "text/plain",
                  "encoding": "UTF-8",
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                      "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "alternate",
                      "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                      "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "PATCH",
                      "rel": "patch",
                      "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                      "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "update",
                      "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                      "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "delete",
                      "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                      "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "content",
                      "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/content",
                      "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/content",
                      "type": "text/plain"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "updateContent",
                      "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/content",
                      "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/content",
                      "type": "*/*",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "copyFile",
                      "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/copy",
                      "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/copy",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "create",
                      "href": "/files/files",
                      "uri": "/files/files",
                      "type": "*/*",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                  "name": "2cb2668d-218a-2f8a-a5aa-6a9ce54ff739",
                  "originalName": "My Attachment.txt",
                  "size": 443,
                  "typeDefName": "file",
                  "isLink": false,
                  "version": 3
                "x-widdershins-oldRef": "#/components/examples/fileExample"

              File Association Object



              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              anonymous linkableObject false none Reserved for internal use. Abstract object that contains links to other resources.


              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              anonymous object false none none
              » id string(uuid) false none A UUID that uniquely identifies this file.
              » name string false none The name of the file.
              » originalName string false none The original name of the file when it was uploaded.
              » category string false none The category to which the file belongs.
              » location string false none A URI for the content of the file.
              » type string false none The MIME type of the file.
              » size integer(base64) false none The size (in KB) of the file.
              » description string false none A description of the file.
              » properties object false none The properties to associate with the file.
              »» additionalProperties string false none none
              » uploadedAt string(date-time) false none The timestamp that indicates when the file was uploaded.
              » uploadedBy string false none The user who uploaded the file.
              » extractedContent string false none Any content that has been extracted for indexing. If the file assocation is an external link, this field can be used to provide extracted content that will be indexed.
              » isLink boolean false none Identifies the location of the content. True is assigned if the file association is a link to an external file. False is assigned if the file has been uploaded to the system as an attachment. This field is read-only. Incoming values are ignored.


                "name": "string",
                "start": 0,
                "limit": 0,
                "count": 0,
                "accept": "string",
                "links": [
                    "method": "string",
                    "rel": "string",
                    "uri": "string",
                    "href": "string",
                    "title": "string",
                    "type": "string",
                    "itemType": "string",
                    "responseType": "string",
                    "responseItemType": "string"
                "version": 0,
                "items": [
                    "description": "Example of a file association object.",
                    "value": {
                      "creationTimeStamp": "2019-11-06T22:01:23.809Z",
                      "modifiedTimeStamp": "2019-11-06T22:01:23.809Z",
                      "createdBy": "videmo",
                      "modifiedBy": "videmo",
                      "id": "608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                      "location": "/svi-datahub/documents/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                      "properties": {},
                      "contentDisposition": "attachment; filename=\"2cb2668d-218a-2f8a-a5aa-6a9ce54ff739\"",
                      "contentType": "text/plain",
                      "encoding": "UTF-8",
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                          "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                          "type": "application/"
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "alternate",
                          "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                          "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                          "type": "application/"
                          "method": "PATCH",
                          "rel": "patch",
                          "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                          "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "update",
                          "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                          "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "DELETE",
                          "rel": "delete",
                          "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84",
                          "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84"
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "content",
                          "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/content",
                          "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/content",
                          "type": "text/plain"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "updateContent",
                          "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/content",
                          "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/content",
                          "type": "*/*",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "POST",
                          "rel": "copyFile",
                          "href": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/copy",
                          "uri": "/files/files/608f37fb-d3b5-4381-bff0-4a6fee1c0e84/copy",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "POST",
                          "rel": "create",
                          "href": "/files/files",
                          "uri": "/files/files",
                          "type": "*/*",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                      "name": "2cb2668d-218a-2f8a-a5aa-6a9ce54ff739",
                      "originalName": "My Attachment.txt",
                      "size": 443,
                      "typeDefName": "file",
                      "isLink": false,
                      "version": 3

              File Association Collection



              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              anonymous sasCollection false none This is a base schema that is used to define paginated collections of resources. It is based on http://{SAS API Portal}/reference/schema/baseCollection/v2/baseCollection2.json. Other APIs can extend this base schema by adding an "items" array property.


              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              anonymous object false none none
              » items [file] true none The array that contains the files.


                "id": "string",
                "entityType": "string",
                "operation": "CREATE",
                "error": {
                  "name": "string",
                  "start": 0,
                  "limit": 0,
                  "count": 0,
                  "accept": "string",
                  "links": [
                      "method": "string",
                      "rel": "string",
                      "uri": "string",
                      "href": "string",
                      "title": "string",
                      "type": "string",
                      "itemType": "string",
                      "responseType": "string",
                      "responseItemType": "string"
                  "version": 0

              Bulk Operation Result

              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              id string false none The ID for the document.
              entityType string false none The entity type of the document.
              operation string false none The type of operation being performed for the document.
              error sasCollection false none Details about why the operation failed for this document. If this property has a value, the operation failed.
              Enumerated Values
              Property Value
              operation CREATE
              operation UPDATE


                "name": "string",
                "start": 0,
                "limit": 0,
                "count": 0,
                "accept": "string",
                "links": [
                    "method": "string",
                    "rel": "string",
                    "uri": "string",
                    "href": "string",
                    "title": "string",
                    "type": "string",
                    "itemType": "string",
                    "responseType": "string",
                    "responseItemType": "string"
                "version": 0,
                "items": [
                    "id": "string",
                    "entityType": "string",
                    "operation": "CREATE",
                    "error": {
                      "name": "string",
                      "start": 0,
                      "limit": 0,
                      "count": 0,
                      "accept": "string",
                      "links": [
                          "method": "string",
                          "rel": "string",
                          "uri": "string",
                          "href": "string",
                          "title": "string",
                          "type": "string",
                          "itemType": "string",
                          "responseType": "string",
                          "responseItemType": "string"
                      "version": 0

              Bulk Operation Result Collection



              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              anonymous sasCollection false none This is a base schema that is used to define paginated collections of resources. It is based on http://{SAS API Portal}/reference/schema/baseCollection/v2/baseCollection2.json. Other APIs can extend this base schema by adding an "items" array property.


              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              anonymous object false none none
              » items [bulkOperationResult] true none The array that contains the bulk operation results.


                "id": "primary_victim|_|police_report|_|person|_|id_600",
                "relationshipTypeName": "primary_victim",
                "fromEntityType": "police_report",
                "fromId": "id_600",
                "toId": "id_104",
                "toEntityType": "person",
                "operation": "UPDATE",
                "x-widdershins-oldRef": "#/components/examples/linkBulkOperationResultExample/value"

              Link Bulk Operation Result

              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              id string false none The ID for the link object that connects the "from" and "to" documents.
              fromEntityType string false none The entity type of the "from" document.
              fromId string false none The ID for the "from" document.
              toEntityType string false none The entity type of the "to" document.
              toId string false none The ID for the "to" document.
              relationshipTypeName string false none The relationship type name of the link.
              operation string false none The type of operation being performed for the link.
              error sasCollection false none Details about why the operation failed for this link. If this property has a value, the operation failed.
              Enumerated Values
              Property Value
              operation CREATE
              operation UPDATE


                "links": [],
                "name": "links",
                "count": 2,
                "items": [
                    "id": "primary_victim|_|police_report|_|person|_|id_600",
                    "relationshipTypeName": "primary_victim",
                    "fromId": "id_600",
                    "fromEntityType": "police_report",
                    "toId": "id_104",
                    "toEntityType": "person",
                    "operation": "UPDATE"
                    "error": {
                      "errorCode": 0,
                      "message": "The entity type with name \"TestChild\" was not found or the current user does not have the necessary permissions to view the entity type.",
                      "details": [
                        "From Entity Type: TestChild",
                        "From Entity ID: 3cf75c6d-439a-4b74-ac9f-ca2b5eb80c18",
                        "To Entity Type: Case",
                        "To Entity ID: 106f65d1-73be-4b7e-a78d-a33d38dbf057",
                        "Relationship Type Name: case_rev"
                      "id": "DH6106",
                      "version": 2,
                      "httpStatusCode": 404
                "version": 2

              Link Bulk Operation Result Collection



              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              anonymous sasCollection false none This is a base schema that is used to define paginated collections of resources. It is based on http://{SAS API Portal}/reference/schema/baseCollection/v2/baseCollection2.json. Other APIs can extend this base schema by adding an "items" array property.


              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              anonymous object false none none
              » items [linkBulkOperationResult] true none The array that contains the link bulk operation results.


                "description": "Example of a comment object.",
                "value": {
                  "id": 1,
                  "category": "ExampleCategory",
                  "author": {
                    "id": "example",
                    "name": "ExampleUser"
                  "createDate": "2022-03-17T17:47:41.845Z",
                  "lastUpdatedAt": "2022-03-17T17:47:41.845Z",
                  "lastUpdatedBy": "example",
                  "detail": "ExampleComment"
                "x-widdershins-oldRef": "#/components/examples/commentExample"


              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              id integer(int64) false none The unique identifier for the comment.
              category string false none The category of the comment.
              author commentUser false none Information about an author of a comment.
              createDate string(date-time) false none The date on which the comment was created.
              lastUpdatedAt string(date-time) false none The date on which the comment was updated.
              lastUpdatedBy string false none The user who last updated the comment.
              detail string false none Text of the comment.


                "id": "string",
                "name": "string"

              Comment Author

              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              id string false none The unique identifier of the comment author.
              name string false none The name of the user who is the comment author.


                "description": "Example of a comment category object.",
                "value": {
                  "category": "ExampleCategory",
                  "count": 2
                "x-widdershins-oldRef": "#/components/examples/commentCategoryExample"

              Comment Category Summary

              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              category string false none The name of the category.
              count integer false none The number of comments that have the category on the object.


                "name": "string",
                "start": 0,
                "limit": 0,
                "count": 0,
                "accept": "string",
                "links": [
                    "method": "string",
                    "rel": "string",
                    "uri": "string",
                    "href": "string",
                    "title": "string",
                    "type": "string",
                    "itemType": "string",
                    "responseType": "string",
                    "responseItemType": "string"
                "version": 0,
                "items": [
                    "description": "Example of a comment object.",
                    "value": {
                      "id": 1,
                      "category": "ExampleCategory",
                      "author": {
                        "id": "example",
                        "name": "ExampleUser"
                      "createDate": "2022-03-17T17:47:41.845Z",
                      "lastUpdatedAt": "2022-03-17T17:47:41.845Z",
                      "lastUpdatedBy": "example",
                      "detail": "ExampleComment"

              Comment Collection



              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              anonymous sasCollection false none This is a base schema that is used to define paginated collections of resources. It is based on http://{SAS API Portal}/reference/schema/baseCollection/v2/baseCollection2.json. Other APIs can extend this base schema by adding an "items" array property.


              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              anonymous object false none none
              » items [comment] true none The array that contains the comments.


                "id": 0,
                "createdBy": "string",
                "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                "lastUpdatedBy": "string",
                "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                "label": "string",
                "description": "string",
                "localizedLabels": [
                    "id": 0,
                    "createdBy": "string",
                    "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": "string",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                    "version": 0,
                    "locale": "en-US",
                    "label": "string"
                "localizedDescriptions": [
                    "id": 0,
                    "createdBy": "string",
                    "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": "string",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                    "version": 0,
                    "locale": "en-US",
                    "description": "string"
                "name": "string",
                "columnName": "string",
                "dataType": "BOOLEAN",
                "length": 0,
                "precision": 0,
                "scale": 0,
                "required": true,
                "primaryKeyField": true,
                "unique": true,
                "autoGenerated": true,
                "systemReserved": true,
                "displayIndex": 0,
                "version": 0,
                "constrainingListName": "string",
                "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS",
                "allowMultipleSelections": true,
                "primaryKeySeqNo": 0,
                "readOnly": true,
                "indexedForSearch": true,
                "logicalDataType": "USER_GROUP",
                "masked": true,
                "authorizedToRevealMasked": [
                    "id": "string",
                    "type": "user"

              Data Field



              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              anonymous localizableObject false none Reserved for internal use. An abstract object for handling the localizable label and description.


              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              anonymous object false none none
              » name string false none The name of the field.
              » columnName string false none The name of the database column that is associated with this field.
              » dataType string false none The type of the database column that is associated with this field. Note: The "json" data type is only partially supported for internal use with Postgres.
              » length integer false none The size of the data type. This value is used primarily for managing the length of string fields.
              » precision integer false none The number of significant digits for a numeric type. The maximum value for precision is database dependent. For example, it is 38 for Oracle.
              » scale integer false none The number of decimal digits for a numeric type. Integers have a scale of zero. A negative scale value can be used to control the maximum number of digits to the left of the decimal point.
              » required boolean false none Indicates whether the field value must be provided.
              » primaryKeyField boolean false none Indicates whether the field value is used as part of primary key. Primary key fields cannot be masked.
              » unique boolean false none Indicates whether duplicate values are allowed for the field.
              » autoGenerated boolean false none Indicates whether the values for this field are automatically generated.
              » systemReserved boolean false none Indicates whether modifications are allowed for this field type. Some fields are created for internal use only. System reserved fields cannot be masked.
              » displayIndex integer false none The order in which fields occur within the database. This index is one-based.
              » version integer false none The internal Data Hub version for this field.
              » constrainingListName string false none The name of a Reference List that determines the list of valid values for this field.
              » userSelectionStrategy string false none Indicates the types of values that are allowed in this field.
              » allowMultipleSelections boolean false none Indicates whether multiple selections are allowed.
              » primaryKeySeqNo integer false none The position this field occupies in a primary key. This index is one-based.
              » readOnly boolean false none Indicates whether modifications are allowed for this field type.
              » indexedForSearch boolean false none Indicates whether this field should be added to the search index.
              » logicalDataType string false none Optional data subtype value for handling user groups and reference data.
              » masked boolean false none Indicates whether this field should be masked from users and groups that are not authorized to reveal the masking. Fields cannot be masked if they are system reserved, if they participate in a primary key, or if they are referenced in a Relationship Type or Transaction Type's join configuration.
              » authorizedToRevealMasked [userGroupChooserSelection] false none A list of users or groups that identifies who is authorized to reveal the field if it is masked.
              Enumerated Values
              Property Value
              dataType BOOLEAN
              dataType STRING
              dataType SMALLINT
              dataType INTEGER
              dataType LONG
              dataType FLOAT
              dataType DOUBLE
              dataType NUMERIC
              dataType DATE
              dataType TIMESTAMP
              dataType TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIME_ZONE
              dataType REFERENCE_DATA
              dataType JSON
              userSelectionStrategy USERS
              userSelectionStrategy GROUPS
              userSelectionStrategy USERS_AND_GROUPS
              logicalDataType USER_GROUP
              logicalDataType REFERENCE_DATA


                "links": [
                    "method": "string",
                    "rel": "string",
                    "uri": "string",
                    "href": "string",
                    "title": "string",
                    "type": "string",
                    "itemType": "string",
                    "responseType": "string",
                    "responseItemType": "string"

              Linkable Object

              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              links [sasLink] false none A list of objects as per Link representation.


                "id": 0,
                "createdBy": "string",
                "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                "lastUpdatedBy": "string",
                "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"

              Auditable Object

              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              id integer false none The primary key that uniquely identifies this metadata object.
              createdBy string false none The user ID that created this metadata object.
              createdAt string(date-time) false none The timestamp that indicates when this metadata object was created.
              lastUpdatedBy string false none The user ID that most recently modified this metadata object.
              lastUpdatedAt string(date-time) false none The timestamp that indicates when this metadata object was last modified.


                "id": 0,
                "createdBy": "string",
                "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                "lastUpdatedBy": "string",
                "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                "label": "string",
                "description": "string",
                "localizedLabels": [
                    "id": 0,
                    "createdBy": "string",
                    "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": "string",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                    "version": 0,
                    "locale": "en-US",
                    "label": "string"
                "localizedDescriptions": [
                    "id": 0,
                    "createdBy": "string",
                    "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": "string",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                    "version": 0,
                    "locale": "en-US",
                    "description": "string"

              Localizable Object



              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              anonymous auditableObject false none Reserved for internal use. An abstract object for handling audit information.


              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              anonymous object false none none
              » label string false none The locale neutral label for this metadata object.
              » description string false none The locale neutral description for this metadata object.
              » localizedLabels [labelLocalized] false none The localized labels that are associated with this metadata object.
              » localizedDescriptions [descriptionLocalized] false none The localized descriptions that are associated with this metadata object.


                "id": 0,
                "createdBy": "string",
                "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                "lastUpdatedBy": "string",
                "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                "label": "string",
                "description": "string",
                "localizedLabels": [
                    "id": 0,
                    "createdBy": "string",
                    "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": "string",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                    "version": 0,
                    "locale": "en-US",
                    "label": "string"
                "localizedDescriptions": [
                    "id": 0,
                    "createdBy": "string",
                    "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                    "lastUpdatedBy": "string",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                    "version": 0,
                    "locale": "en-US",
                    "description": "string"
                "name": "string",
                "dataStoreName": "string",
                "tableName": "string",
                "systemReserved": true,
                "historyEnabled": true,
                "version": 0,
                "validFromFieldName": "string",
                "validToFieldName": "string",
                "lastUpdatedAtTimeFieldName": "string",
                "createdAtTimeFieldName": "string",
                "displayTextFields": [
                    "name": "string",
                    "displayIndex": 0
                "dataStoreAssignedTimeZone": "string"

              Data Object



              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              anonymous localizableObject false none Reserved for internal use. An abstract object for handling the localizable label and description.


              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              anonymous object false none none
              » name string false none The name of this metadata object.
              » dataStoreName string false none The name of the data store where this type of metadata will be stored.
              » tableName string false none The name of the database table where this type of metadata will be stored.
              » systemReserved boolean false none Specifies whether this metadata object is reserved for internal use only.
              » historyEnabled boolean false none Specifies whether changes to instances of this entity will be audited.
              » version integer false none The internal Data Hub version for this metadata object.
              » validFromFieldName string false none The name of the field that contain the validFrom date/time value.
              » validToFieldName string false none The name of the field that contains the validTo date/time value.
              » lastUpdatedAtTimeFieldName string false none The name of the field that contains the last updated date/time value.
              » createdAtTimeFieldName string false none The name of the field that contains the creation date/time value.
              » displayTextFields [sortableNameReference] false none Specifies the fields to be concatenated to form the display label. The values of any masked fields will appear in their raw, unmasked form in the display label.
              » dataStoreAssignedTimeZone string false none The value of the "assignedTimeZone" property in the data store that is associated with this metadata object. This property is read-only.


                "id": 0,
                "createdBy": "string",
                "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                "lastUpdatedBy": "string",
                "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                "version": 0,
                "locale": "en-US",
                "description": "string"

              Localized Description

              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              Localized Description any false none The description text that is associated with a specific locale.


              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              anonymous auditableObject false none Reserved for internal use. An abstract object for handling audit information.


              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              anonymous object false none none
              » version integer false none The internal Data Hub version for the localized text entry.
              » locale string false none A standardized two letter language and two letter country code. Here are some examples: "en-GB", "en-US", and "zh-CN".
              » description string false none The text value that is expressed in a specific language.


                "id": 0,
                "createdBy": "string",
                "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                "lastUpdatedBy": "string",
                "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                "version": 0,
                "locale": "en-US",
                "label": "string"

              Localized Label

              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              Localized Label any false none The description text that is associated with a specific locale.


              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              anonymous auditableObject false none Reserved for internal use. An abstract object for handling audit information.


              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              anonymous object false none none
              » version integer false none The internal Data Hub version for the localized text entry.
              » locale string false none A standardized two letter language and two letter country code. Here are some examples: "en-GB", "en-US", and "zh-CN".
              » label string false none The text value that is expressed in a specific language.


                "fieldName": "string",
                "sortOrder": "asc"

              Sort Criteria

              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              fieldName string false none The name of the field.
              sortOrder string false none The order in which to sort the field.
              Enumerated Values
              Property Value
              sortOrder asc
              sortOrder desc


                "id": "string",
                "type": "user"

              User Group Chooser Selection

              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              id string false none The name of the user or group.
              type string false none Denotes whether the account is a user or group.
              Enumerated Values
              Property Value
              type user
              type group


                "conditionId": "string",
                "objectTypeName": "string",
                "objectId": "string"

              Condition Evaluation Request

              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              conditionId string true none The ID of the condition to evaluate. This condition must be applicable to the entity type of the object that this request specifies.
              objectTypeName string true none The entity type of the object that this request specifies.
              objectId string true none The ID of the object that this request specifies.


                "requested": {
                  "conditionId": "string",
                  "objectTypeName": "string",
                  "objectId": "string"
                "result": true,
                "errorCode": "string",
                "errorMessage": "string"

              Condition Evaluation Response

              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              requested conditionEvaluationRequest true none The request specification to which this object responds.
              result boolean false none The result of a successfully completed evaluation. This property is omitted if the evaluation fails.
              errorCode string false none An error code that explains why the evaluation failed. This property is omitted if the evaluation succeeds.
              errorMessage string false none An error message that explains why the evaluation failed. This property is omitted if the evaluation succeeds.


                "requests": [
                    "conditionId": "string",
                    "objectTypeName": "string",
                    "objectId": "string"

              Bulk Condition Evaluation Request

              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              requests [conditionEvaluationRequest] true none A set of condition evaluation requests to be processed.


                "responses": [
                    "requested": {
                      "conditionId": "string",
                      "objectTypeName": "string",
                      "objectId": "string"
                    "result": true,
                    "errorCode": "string",
                    "errorMessage": "string"

              Bulk Condition Evaluation Response

              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              responses [conditionEvaluationResponse] true none The results of processing the condition evaluation requests.


                "description": "Example of a Data Store object.",
                "value": {
                  "id": 103000,
                  "createdBy": "videmo",
                  "createdAt": "2018-08-29T12:51:58.254Z",
                  "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
                  "lastUpdatedAt": "2018-08-29T12:51:58.254Z",
                  "name": "MyOracleDatabase",
                  "type": "RELATIONAL",
                  "defaultSchemaName": "MySchema",
                  "version": 0,
                  "connectionType": "oracle",
                  "host": "",
                  "port": "15658",
                  "username": "MyUserName",
                  "reindexRequired": false,
                  "isCasDistributedDataLoadSupported": true,
                  "password": "*****",
                  "databaseNameOrServiceName": "MyOracleServiceName",
                  "schema": "MY_SCHEMA",
                  "initialSize": 1,
                  "handle": "MyOracleDatabasenRXFB",
                  "urlAppendedParameters": "FailoverPreconnect=false;JavaDoubleToString=false",
                  "advancedProperties": {
                    "ConnectionRetryCount": "5",
                    "ConnectionRetryDelay": "1",
                    "EnableBulkLoad": "1"
                "x-widdershins-oldRef": "#/components/examples/dataStoreExample"

              Data Store



              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              anonymous auditableObject false none Reserved for internal use. An abstract object for handling audit information.


              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              anonymous object false none none
              » name string false none The name of the data store.
              » type string false none The type of the data store.
              » defaultSchemaName string false none The default schema name to be used for the data store.
              » version integer false none The internal version number for this data store.
              » connectionType string false none The type of database the system.
              » host string false none The host name for the database server.
              » port string false none The TCP/IP port number for connecting to the database server.
              » username string false none The user name for connecting to the database server.
              » password string false none The password for connecting to the database server.
              » databaseNameOrServiceName string false none The name of the database to which to connect.
              » schema string false none The name of the target schema within the database.
              » reindexRequired boolean false none Specifies whether all entity, relationship, and transaction types need to be reindexed after making an update to the data store.
              » isCasDistributedDataLoadSupported boolean false none Specifies whether the data store supports the CAS "Distributed Data Load" feature.
              » initialSize integer false none The initial starting size for the database connection pool.
              » maxIdle integer false none The maximum number of idle connections that are allowed in the connection pool.
              » minIdle integer false none The minimum number of idle connections that are allowed in the connection pool.
              » maxActive integer false none The maximum number of active connections that are allowed in the connection pool.
              » handle string false none A string that is used to group key/value pairs that belong to a single data store (analogous to a folder). When creating a data store, this value must be unique. No other data store can have the same "handle" value. It is the responsibility of the client to determine a unique value.
              » urlAppendedParameters string false none Additional JDBC connection parameters that are appended to the end of the connection string.
              » advancedProperties sasProperties false none Additional properties that are needed by other modules while interacting with this data store. For example, when loading data into CAS, etc.
              » assignedTimeZone string false none The default timezone for timestamp values that are stored in the database.
              Enumerated Values
              Property Value
              type RELATIONAL
              connectionType internal_postgres
              connectionType postgres
              connectionType db2
              connectionType MySQL
              connectionType oracle
              connectionType SQL Server
              connectionType teradata


                "description": "Example of a Data Store credential object.",
                "value": {
                  "username": "testUser",
                  "password": "dGVzdFBhc3N3b3JkMTIz"
                "x-widdershins-oldRef": "#/components/examples/dataStoreCredentialExample"

              Data Store Credentials

              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              username string false none The user name of the data store credentials.
              password string false none The password of the data store credentials. This value is encoded with Base64.


                "type": "string",
                "requiredFields": [
                "defaultAdditionalFields": {
                  "property1": {
                    "fieldKey": "string",
                    "fieldValue": "string"
                  "property2": {
                    "fieldKey": "string",
                    "fieldValue": "string"

              Data Store Supported Type

              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              type string false none The type of database.
              requiredFields [string] false none The required fields for the data store with the database type.
              defaultAdditionalFields object false none A map of additional default fields for the data store with the database type.
              » additionalProperties object false none none
              »» fieldKey string false none none
              »» fieldValue string false none none


                "type": "string",
                "name": "string",
                "schema": "string",
                "dataStoreName": "string",
                "databaseProductName": "string",
                "selectable": true,
                "columns": [
                    "dataType": "BOOLEAN",
                    "name": "string",
                    "length": 0,
                    "precision": 0,
                    "scale": 0,
                    "required": true,
                    "primaryKeyColumn": true,
                    "ordinalPosition": 0,
                    "primaryKeySeqNo": 0

              Table Metadata

              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              type string false none The type of database.
              name string false none The name of the table.
              schema string false none The database schema.
              dataStoreName string false none The name of the data store.
              databaseProductName string false none The name of the database.
              selectable boolean false none Specifies whether the table is selectable. Set to True if the table is selectable and False if it is not selectable.
              columns [columnMetadata] false none A list of all column metadata for the table.


                "dataType": "BOOLEAN",
                "name": "string",
                "length": 0,
                "precision": 0,
                "scale": 0,
                "required": true,
                "primaryKeyColumn": true,
                "ordinalPosition": 0,
                "primaryKeySeqNo": 0

              Table Metadata

              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              dataType columnDataType false none The enum for all the column data types.
              name string false none The column name.
              length integer false none The column length.
              precision integer false none The precision of the column.
              scale integer false none The scale of the column.
              required boolean false none Specifies whether the value in the column is a required value. Set to True if the value is required.
              primaryKeyColumn boolean false none Specifies whether the column is a primary key. Set to True if the column is a primary key.
              ordinalPosition integer false none The ordinal position of the column.
              primaryKeySeqNo integer false none The primary key sequence number.



              The enum for all the column data types.

              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              anonymous string false none The enum for all the column data types.
              Enumerated Values
              Property Value
              anonymous BOOLEAN
              anonymous STRING
              anonymous SMALLINT
              anonymous INTEGER
              anonymous LONG
              anonymous FLOAT
              anonymous DOUBLE
              anonymous NUMERIC
              anonymous DATE
              anonymous TIMESTAMP
              anonymous TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIME_ZONE
              anonymous JSON
              anonymous OTHER


                "description": "Example of a Document object.",
                "value": {
                  "objectTypeName": "person",
                  "objectTypeId": 100515,
                  "objectTypeVersion": 4,
                  "id": "2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
                  "fieldValues": {
                    "birthday": "2020-01-05T00:00:00Z",
                    "created_at_dttm": "2020-04-13T19:17:47.84Z",
                    "created_by_user_id": "viuser",
                    "first_name": "John",
                    "id": "2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
                    "last_name": "Smith",
                    "last_updated_at_dttm": "2020-04-13T19:31:37.097Z",
                    "last_updated_by_user_id": "viuser",
                    "version": 4
                  "createdAt": "2020-04-13T19:17:47.840Z",
                  "lastUpdatedAt": "2020-04-13T19:31:37.097Z",
                  "validFrom": "2020-01-05T00:00:00.000Z"
                "x-widdershins-oldRef": "#/components/examples/documentExample"


              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              objectTypeName string false none The name of the entity type with which the document is associated.
              objectTypeId integer(int64) false none The ID of the entity type with which the document is associated.
              objectTypeVersion integer false none The internal Data Hub version for the entity type that is associated with the document.
              id string false none The qualified ID that uniquely identifies the document.
              displayLabel string false none The value to use for displaying the ID of the document.
              fieldValues object false none The values for the fields and child objects that are defined for the related entity type. The actual data of the document exists here.
              validFrom string(date-time) false none The timestamp value that indicates the starting datetime for when the document is valid.
              validTo string(date-time) false none The timestamp value that indicates the ending datetime for when the document is valid.
              createdAt string(date-time) false none The timestamp that indicates when the document was created.
              lastUpdatedAt string(date-time) false none The timestamp that indicates when the document was last modified.


                "description": "Example of a Document object.",
                "value": {
                  "objectTypeName": "person",
                  "objectTypeId": 100515,
                  "objectTypeVersion": 4,
                  "id": "2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
                  "fieldValues": {
                    "birthday": "2020-01-05T00:00:00Z",
                    "created_at_dttm": "2020-04-13T19:17:47.84Z",
                    "created_by_user_id": "viuser",
                    "first_name": "John",
                    "id": "2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
                    "last_name": "Smith",
                    "last_updated_at_dttm": "2020-04-13T19:31:37.097Z",
                    "last_updated_by_user_id": "viuser",
                    "version": 4
                  "createdAt": "2020-04-13T19:17:47.840Z",
                  "lastUpdatedAt": "2020-04-13T19:31:37.097Z",
                  "validFrom": "2020-01-05T00:00:00.000Z"
                "x-widdershins-oldRef": "#/components/examples/documentExample"

              Minimally-Masked Document

              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              Minimally-Masked Document document false none A representation of a Document that has the minimal amount of field masking applied. That is, for each masked field, if the requesting user is authorized to reveal its value, the value is unmasked in this representation. Otherwise the value will remain masked.


                "description": "Example of a Document object.",
                "value": {
                  "objectTypeName": "person",
                  "objectTypeId": 100515,
                  "objectTypeVersion": 4,
                  "id": "2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
                  "fieldValues": {
                    "birthday": "2020-01-05T00:00:00Z",
                    "created_at_dttm": "2020-04-13T19:17:47.84Z",
                    "created_by_user_id": "viuser",
                    "first_name": "John",
                    "id": "2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
                    "last_name": "Smith",
                    "last_updated_at_dttm": "2020-04-13T19:31:37.097Z",
                    "last_updated_by_user_id": "viuser",
                    "version": 4
                  "createdAt": "2020-04-13T19:17:47.840Z",
                  "lastUpdatedAt": "2020-04-13T19:31:37.097Z",
                  "validFrom": "2020-01-05T00:00:00.000Z"
                "x-widdershins-oldRef": "#/components/examples/documentExample"

              Masked Document

              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              Masked Document document false none A representation of a Document that has masked field values replaced with dot characters. Fields not configured to be masked are represented normally.


                "description": "Example of an Enriched Document object.",
                "value": {
                  "objectTypeName": "person",
                  "objectTypeId": 100515,
                  "objectTypeVersion": 4,
                  "id": "2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
                  "fieldValues": {
                    "birthday": "2020-01-05T00:00:00Z",
                    "created_at_dttm": "2020-04-13T19:17:47.84Z",
                    "created_by_user_id": "viuser",
                    "first_name": "John",
                    "id": "2f21e644-089a-47d8-a503-bbdd4d8dac3d",
                    "last_name": "Smith",
                    "last_updated_at_dttm": "2020-04-13T19:31:37.097Z",
                    "last_updated_by_user_id": "viuser",
                    "version": 4
                  "createdAt": "2020-04-13T19:17:47.840Z",
                  "lastUpdatedAt": "2020-04-13T19:31:37.097Z",
                  "validFrom": "2020-01-05T00:00:00.000Z",
                  "fieldRestrictions": {
                    "person": {
                      "ssn": {
                        "masked": {
                          "currentUserIsAuthorizedToReveal": true
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                      "detail": "Sample comment<br />"
                  "attachmentsCount": 2
                "x-widdershins-oldRef": "#/components/examples/enrichedDocumentExample"

              Enriched Document



              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              anonymous document false none The actual data that is associated with a particular Entity Type. Entity Types are the metadata and Documents are the data. If a field is masked, its value will not appear in the fieldValues object.


              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              anonymous object false none none
              » comments [comment] false none The comments that are associated with the document.
              » sheets [sheet] false none The insights and workspaces that are associated with the document.
              » attachmentsCount integer(int64) false none The number of attachments that are associated with the document.
              » fieldRestrictions fieldRestrictions false none A bundle of field restrictions that apply to fields in the document as well as any embedded child documents.


                "description": "Example of an Enriched Document object.",
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                    "last_updated_at_dttm": "2020-04-13T19:31:37.097Z",
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                "x-widdershins-oldRef": "#/components/examples/enrichedDocumentExample"

              Minimally-Masked Enriched Document

              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              Minimally-Masked Enriched Document enrichedDocument false none A representation of an Enriched Document that has the minimal amount of field masking applied. That is, for each masked field, if the requesting user is authorized to reveal its value, the value is unmasked in this representation. Otherwise the value will remain masked.


                "description": "Example of an Enriched Document object.",
                "value": {
                  "objectTypeName": "person",
                  "objectTypeId": 100515,
                  "objectTypeVersion": 4,
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                "x-widdershins-oldRef": "#/components/examples/enrichedDocumentExample"

              Masked Enriched Document

              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              Masked Enriched Document enrichedDocument false none A representation of an Enriched Document that has masked field values replaced with dot characters. Fields not configured to be masked are represented normally.


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              Enriched Document Collection



              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              anonymous sasCollection false none This is a base schema that is used to define paginated collections of resources. It is based on http://{SAS API Portal}/reference/schema/baseCollection/v2/baseCollection2.json. Other APIs can extend this base schema by adding an "items" array property.


              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              anonymous object false none none
              » items [enrichedDocument] true none The array that contains the enriched documents.


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              Masked Enriched Document Collection



              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              anonymous sasCollection false none This is a base schema that is used to define paginated collections of resources. It is based on http://{SAS API Portal}/reference/schema/baseCollection/v2/baseCollection2.json. Other APIs can extend this base schema by adding an "items" array property.


              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              anonymous object false none none
              » items [maskedEnrichedDocument] true none The array that contains the masked enriched documents.


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                      "lastUpdatedAt": "2020-04-13T19:31:37.097Z",
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              Document Collection



              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              anonymous sasCollection false none This is a base schema that is used to define paginated collections of resources. It is based on http://{SAS API Portal}/reference/schema/baseCollection/v2/baseCollection2.json. Other APIs can extend this base schema by adding an "items" array property.


              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              anonymous object false none none
              » items [document] true none The array that contains the documents.


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              Minimally-Masked Document Collection

              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              Minimally-Masked Document Collection any false none A collection of minimally-masked documents.


              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              anonymous sasCollection false none This is a base schema that is used to define paginated collections of resources. It is based on http://{SAS API Portal}/reference/schema/baseCollection/v2/baseCollection2.json. Other APIs can extend this base schema by adding an "items" array property.


              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              anonymous object false none none
              » items [minimallyMaskedDocument] true none The array that contains the minimally-masked documents.


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              Masked Document Collection

              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              Masked Document Collection any false none A collection of masked documents.


              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              anonymous sasCollection false none This is a base schema that is used to define paginated collections of resources. It is based on http://{SAS API Portal}/reference/schema/baseCollection/v2/baseCollection2.json. Other APIs can extend this base schema by adding an "items" array property.


              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              anonymous object false none none
              » items [maskedDocument] true none The array that contains the masked documents.

                "document": {
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              Document and Link Bundle

              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              document enrichedDocument true none The actual data that is associated with a particular Entity Type. Entity Types are the metadata and Documents are the data. The document is "enriched" with additional data such as comments, insights, and workspaces.
              documentLink relationshipLink true none A link between two documents as defined by a relationship type. If a field is masked, its value will not appear in the fieldValues object.

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                      "allowMultipleSelections": true,
                      "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS"
                  "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"

              Masked Document and Link Bundle

              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              document maskedEnrichedDocument true none A representation of an Enriched Document that has masked field values replaced with dot characters. Fields not configured to be masked are represented normally.
              documentLink maskedRelationshipLink true none A representation of a relationship link that has masked field values replaced with dot characters. Fields not configured to be masked are represented normally.


                "filter": "string",
                "start": 0,
                "limit": 20,
                "depth": 0,
                "includeDisplayLabel": false,
                "sortBy": "first_name:ascending;last_name:descending"

              Document Filter Request

              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              filter string false none Use the filter syntax that is defined in the SAS REST reference guide.
              The only functions supported are "and", "or", and "eq" to reduce the possibility of full table scans.
              The "object attributes" of the filter string correspond to the entity type's field names, not the
              column names.

              Given the limited support for functions, only a select number of entity field types are supported:

              • STRING

              • INTEGER

              • SMALLINT

              • LONG

              • NUMERIC

              • BOOLEAN

              • REFERENCE_DATA (when providing a value to the filter, use the value of the Reference Data item’s “code” property)

              Filter examples:

              • eq(first_name, 'John')

              • and(eq(first_name, 'John'), eq(last_name, 'Smith'))

              • or(eq(first_name, 'John'), eq(last_name, 'Smith'))

              • and(eq(record_id, 1234), or(eq(first_name, 'John'), eq(last_name, 'Smith')))

              start integer(int64) false none The starting index of the first document in a page.
              limit integer false none The maximum number of documents to return in this page of results. The actual number of returned documents is fewer if the collection is exhausted.
              depth string false none Supported values:

              • '0' - No child documents are included in each document

              • '1' - Child documents are included in each document if they exist for that document

              includeDisplayLabel boolean false none Generate and include the display label in the document.
              sortBy string false none Sort a collection by field name. The sorting syntax is defined in the SAS REST reference
              . Only "ascending" and "descending" are supported. Sorting
              behavior is dependent on the type of underlying database in which the document data is stored. Because of this,
              there is a chance that the sorting behavior might differ between entity types. Sorting is not applied by


                "documentIds": [
                "start": 0,
                "limit": 20,
                "depth": 0,
                "includeDisplayLabel": false,
                "sortBy": "first_name:ascending;last_name:descending"

              Document ID Request

              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              documentIds [string] false none An array of document ID values for the entity type that is associated with the request.
              start integer(int64) false none The starting index of the first document in a page.
              limit integer false none The maximum number of documents to return in this page of results. The actual number of returned documents is fewer if the collection is exhausted.
              depth string false none Supported values:

              • '0' - No child documents are included in each document

              • '1' - Child documents are included in each document if they exist for that document

              includeDisplayLabel boolean false none Generate and include the display label in the document.
              sortBy string false none Sort a collection by field name. The sorting syntax is defined in the SAS REST reference
              . Only "ascending" and "descending" are supported. Sorting
              behavior is dependent on the type of underlying database in which the document data is stored. Because of this,
              there is a chance that the sorting behavior might differ between entity types. Sorting is not applied by


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                "fields": [
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                        "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                        "version": 0,
                        "locale": "en-US",
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                    "dataType": "BOOLEAN",
                    "length": 0,
                    "precision": 0,
                    "scale": 0,
                    "required": true,
                    "primaryKeyField": true,
                    "unique": true,
                    "autoGenerated": true,
                    "systemReserved": true,
                    "displayIndex": 0,
                    "version": 0,
                    "constrainingListName": "string",
                    "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS",
                    "allowMultipleSelections": true,
                    "primaryKeySeqNo": 0,
                    "readOnly": true,
                    "indexedForSearch": true,
                    "logicalDataType": "USER_GROUP",
                    "masked": true,
                    "authorizedToRevealMasked": [
                        "id": "string",
                        "type": "user"
                    "ownerName": "string",
                    "relatedElementName": "string"
                "relationshipsFrom": [
                    "id": 0,
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                    "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
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                    "localizedDescriptions": [
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                        "version": 0,
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                    "tableName": "string",
                    "systemReserved": true,
                    "historyEnabled": true,
                    "version": 0,
                    "validFromFieldName": "string",
                    "validToFieldName": "string",
                    "lastUpdatedAtTimeFieldName": "string",
                    "createdAtTimeFieldName": "string",
                    "displayTextFields": [
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                        "displayIndex": 0
                    "dataStoreAssignedTimeZone": "string",
                    "reverseName": "string",
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                    "fromObjectName": "string",
                    "fromObjectLabel": "string",
                    "toObjectName": "string",
                    "toObjectLabel": "string",
                    "required": true,
                    "cardinality": "ONE_TO_ONE",
                    "sortCriteria": {
                      "fieldName": "string",
                      "sortOrder": "asc"
                    "type": "DIRECT_CHILD",
                    "symmetric": true,
                    "managed": true,
                    "toObjectTypeFieldName": "string",
                    "toObjectTypeNames": [
                    "joinKeyFieldName": "string",
                    "joinConditions": [
                        "type": "Conditional"
                    "fields": [
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                        "version": 0,
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                        "width": 0,
                        "dashType": "solid"
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                "defaultRegularIcon": {
                  "id": 0,
                  "createdBy": "string",
                  "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "lastUpdatedBy": "string",
                  "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "name": "string",
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                  "imageLocation": "string",
                  "bytes": "string",
                  "version": 0
                "defaultMapIcon": {
                  "id": 0,
                  "createdBy": "string",
                  "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
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                  "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "name": "string",
                  "imageType": "GIF",
                  "imageLocation": "string",
                  "bytes": "string",
                  "version": 0
                "parentName": "string",
                "allowElementGroupRootAssignment": true,
                "deleteTableName": "string",
                "urnFormat": "string",
                "urnLength": 0,
                "urnStartValue": 0,
                "urnType": "UUID",
                "requireSearchBeforeCreate": true,
                "enableCasDistributedDataLoad": true,
                "attachmentsIndexedForSearch": true,
                "reindexRequired": true,
                "mobileOfflineEnabled": true,
                "publishCode": "OPEN"

              Entity Type

              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              Entity Type any false none The metadata that defines a class of entities. This definition includes a list of fields, language-specific labels, icons, and other relevant information.


              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              anonymous dataObject false none Reserved for internal use. An abstract object for representing an object that is associated with a data table.


              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              anonymous object false none none
              » type string false none Indicates whether the entity type is managed internally or exists in an external read-only database:

              • MANAGED - an internal entity type

              • SOURCE - an external entity type

              » markerColor string false none The color that is used to display the marker for this entity type on a network diagram.
              » nodeShape string false none The shape that is used to display the marker for this entity type on a network diagram.
              » nodeColor string false none The color that is used to display the marker for this entity type on a network diagram.
              » borderColor string false none The color that is used to display the border for this entity type on a network diagram.
              » borderWidth number(double) false none The width of the border when displaying this entity type as a selected node on a network diagram.
              » scale number(double) false none A value that adjusts the relative size when selecting a node of this entity type on a network diagram. The value is applied as a ratio to 1. For example, a value of 2 doubles the size and a value of 1 does not change the size.
              » styles [entityStyle] false none Additional styling that is conditional.
              » elementGroupRoot boolean false none Indicates whether this entity type is the root for an element group.
              » indexedForSearch boolean false none Indicates whether this entity type should be indexed for full text searching.
              » fields [entityTypeField] false none An array that contains the fields that are associated with this entity type.
              » relationshipsFrom [relationshipType] false none A collection of relationships that point from this entity type.
              » relationshipsTo [relationshipType] false none A collection of relationships that point toward this entity type.
              » defaultRegularIcon icon false none The icon that is displayed in the Network-Link Diagram.
              » defaultMapIcon icon false none Deprecated. Should not be used.
              » parentName string false none The name of the parent entity type for this entity type.
              » allowElementGroupRootAssignment boolean false none Indicates whether this entity can be used as an element group root.
              » deleteTableName string false none The name of SQL table where deleted records are tracked.
              » urnFormat string false none The URN format string that is used to automatically generate primary keys.
              » urnLength integer false none The maximum length of the generated URN.
              » urnStartValue integer(int64) false none If sequential numbers are used as part of the URN, the start value to use for that sequence.
              » urnType string false none The type of URN generation that this entity uses.
              » requireSearchBeforeCreate boolean false none Indicates whether a search operation must be performed before inserting a new instance of this entity. Set to true to require this.
              » enableCasDistributedDataLoad boolean false none Indicates whether all nodes on the grid are used for table loading. This option affects only data for use with Scenario Administration.
              When set to true, this option uses the value distribution of the first numeric column in the table to structure the shared load. Therefore, you should confirm that the first numeric column contains well-dispersed values.
              For example, if the first numeric column contains binary flag data with a 90/10 value distribution, 90% of the table is loaded to one node and the remaining 10% is loaded to a second node.
              » attachmentsIndexedForSearch boolean false none Indicates whether entity type attachment content is added to the search index.
              When instances of this entity type have files attached to them, if this flag is set to "true", the contents of those attachments are extracted and added to the search index. This allows users to find instances of this entity type by searching for terms that might be in files attached to them.
              When this flag is updated from "false" to "true", if there are attachments to any instances of this entity type, the entity type must be reindexed before searching can match on attachment contents as described above.
              » reindexRequired boolean false none Read only. Setting this property on input has no effect.
              Certain Update operations on entity types require the entity type to be reindexed before changes can be fully active. When such an update has been made, this flag is set to "true" in the representation of the entity type that is provided in the response to the update. This is not a persistent state of the entity type. It is provided as advice to the client once per such an update. Subsequent responses representing the entity type might not have this flag set, even if the advised reindex has not been performed.
              For example, a client sends a PUT request to update an entity type's attachmentsIndexedForSearch flag from "false" to "true". There are instances of the entity type that have attachments; therefore reindexing becomes necessary before searching can match based on attachment contents. This is indicated by a "true" value in this property in the response to the PUT request. Subsequent GET or PUT requests that return a representation of the entity type might have reindexRequired set to "false" even if the entity type has not been reindexed. This is because in that subsequent request, no update was made that would require reindexing before taking effect.
              » mobileOfflineEnabled boolean false none Indicates whether offline support is enabled for SAS Mobile Investigator.
              » publishCode string false none Indicates the publication status that is assigned to an item:

              • OPEN - Content that is free to customize

              • PUBLISHED - Content that might be upgraded in the future and should be customized with care

              • MODIFIED - Published content that has been customized

              Enumerated Values
              Property Value
              type MANAGED
              type SOURCE
              nodeShape circle
              nodeShape square
              nodeShape diamond
              nodeShape ellipse
              nodeShape hexagon
              nodeShape pentagon
              nodeShape triangle
              urnType UUID
              urnType RANDOM_DIGITS
              urnType SEQUENTIAL
              publishCode OPEN
              publishCode PUBLISHED
              publishCode MODIFIED


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                "precision": 0,
                "scale": 0,
                "required": true,
                "primaryKeyField": true,
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                "autoGenerated": true,
                "systemReserved": true,
                "displayIndex": 0,
                "version": 0,
                "constrainingListName": "string",
                "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS",
                "allowMultipleSelections": true,
                "primaryKeySeqNo": 0,
                "readOnly": true,
                "indexedForSearch": true,
                "logicalDataType": "USER_GROUP",
                "masked": true,
                "authorizedToRevealMasked": [
                    "id": "string",
                    "type": "user"
                "ownerName": "string",
                "relatedElementName": "string"

              Entity Type Field



              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              anonymous dataField false none Reserved for internal use. An abstract object representing the metadata that all data object fields have in common.


              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              anonymous object false none none
              » ownerName string false none The name of the owner.
              » relatedElementName string false none The name of the related element.


                "id": 0,
                "label": "string",
                "name": "string",
                "dataStoreName": "string",
                "tableName": "string",
                "systemReserved": true,
                "validFromFieldName": "string",
                "type": "MANAGED",
                "markerColor": "#9d2b12",
                "indexedForSearch": true,
                "fields": [
                    "id": 0,
                    "createdBy": "string",
                    "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
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                        "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                        "version": 0,
                        "locale": "en-US",
                        "label": "string"
                    "localizedDescriptions": [
                        "id": 0,
                        "createdBy": "string",
                        "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
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                        "version": 0,
                        "locale": "en-US",
                        "description": "string"
                    "name": "string",
                    "columnName": "string",
                    "dataType": "BOOLEAN",
                    "length": 0,
                    "precision": 0,
                    "scale": 0,
                    "required": true,
                    "primaryKeyField": true,
                    "unique": true,
                    "autoGenerated": true,
                    "systemReserved": true,
                    "displayIndex": 0,
                    "version": 0,
                    "constrainingListName": "string",
                    "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS",
                    "allowMultipleSelections": true,
                    "primaryKeySeqNo": 0,
                    "readOnly": true,
                    "indexedForSearch": true,
                    "logicalDataType": "USER_GROUP",
                    "masked": true,
                    "authorizedToRevealMasked": [
                        "id": "string",
                        "type": "user"
                    "ownerName": "string",
                    "relatedElementName": "string"
                "parentName": "string",
                "allowElementGroupRootAssignment": true

              Entity Type Summary

              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              id integer(int64) false none The primary key that uniquely identifies this entity type.
              label string false none The locale neutral label for this entity type.
              name string false none The name of this entity type.
              dataStoreName string false none The name of the data store where this type of entity is stored.
              tableName string false none The name of the database table where this type of entity is stored.
              systemReserved boolean false none Indicates whether this entity is reserved for internal use only.
              validFromFieldName string false none The name of the field that contains the validFrom date/time value.
              type string false none Indicates whether this entity is managed internally or if it resides in an external read-only database.
              markerColor string false none The color that is used to display the marker for this entity on a map.
              indexedForSearch boolean false none Indicates whether this entity should be indexed for search.
              fields [entityTypeField] false none An array that contains the fields that are associated with this entity type.
              parentName string false none The name of parent entity type for this entity type.
              allowElementGroupRootAssignment boolean false none Indicates whether this entity can be used as an element group root.
              Enumerated Values
              Property Value
              type MANAGED
              type SOURCE


                "type": "Conditional"

              Abstract Expression

              Name Type Required Restrictions Description
              type string false none The type of expression. Valid values include:

              • FieldRef

              • Literal

              • StrExpr

              • BoolExpr

              • Function

              • ArithExpr

                Enumerated Values
                Property Value
                type Conditional
                type FieldRef
                type Literal
                type StrExpr
                type BoolExpr
                type Function
                type ArithExpr


                  "type": "Conditional",
                  "leftOperand": {
                    "type": "Conditional"
                  "operator": "ADD",
                  "rightOperand": {
                    "type": "Conditional"

                Arithmetic Expression


                allOf - discriminator: entityTypeExpression.type

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous entityTypeExpression false none The abstract parent class for expression types. Subclasses include the following expression types:

                • Arithmetic

                • Boolean

                • Conditional

                • Field Reference

                • Function Call

                • Literal

                • Logical

                • Named Parameter

                • String


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » leftOperand entityTypeExpression false none The left operand that the operator applies to the right operands.
                » operator string false none The arithmetic operator for the expression:

                • ADD - add

                • MINUS - subtract

                • PROD - multiply

                • DIV - division

                » rightOperand entityTypeExpression false none The operand on the right side to which the left operand and the operator are applied.
                Enumerated Values
                Property Value
                operator ADD
                operator MINUS
                operator PROD
                operator DIV


                  "type": "Conditional"

                Boolean Expression

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                Boolean Expression entityTypeExpression false none The abstract type that represents a conditional or a logical expression.


                  "type": "Conditional",
                  "leftOperand": {
                    "type": "Conditional"
                  "operator": "EQ",
                  "rightOperands": [
                      "type": "Conditional"

                Conditional Expression



                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous entityTypeExpressionBoolean false none The abstract type that represents a conditional or a logical expression.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » leftOperand entityTypeExpression false none The left operand that the operator applies to the right operands.
                » operator string false none The operator for the expression. The supported values are: "eq" (equal), "ne" (not equal), "gt" (greater than), "lt" (less than), "ge" (greater than or equal), "le" (less than or equal), "in", "notIn", "between", "isNull", "isNotNull", "startsWith", "endsWith", and "contains".
                » rightOperands [entityTypeExpression] false none An array of expressions on the right side to which the left operand and the operator are applied.
                Enumerated Values
                Property Value
                operator EQ
                operator NE
                operator GT
                operator LT
                operator GE
                operator LE
                operator IN
                operator NOT_IN
                operator BETWEEN
                operator IS_NULL
                operator IS_NOT_NULL
                operator STARTS_WITH
                operator ENDS_WITH
                operator CONTAINS


                  "type": "Conditional",
                  "objectName": "string",
                  "fieldName": "string"

                Field Reference Expression


                allOf - discriminator: entityTypeExpression.type

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous entityTypeExpression false none The abstract parent class for expression types. Subclasses include the following expression types:

                • Arithmetic

                • Boolean

                • Conditional

                • Field Reference

                • Function Call

                • Literal

                • Logical

                • Named Parameter

                • String


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » objectName string false none The name of the object that is being referenced.
                » fieldName string false none The name of the field within the object that is being referenced.


                  "type": "Conditional",
                  "functionName": "TO_STRING",
                  "arguments": [
                      "type": "Conditional"

                Function Call Expression


                allOf - discriminator: entityTypeExpression.type

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous entityTypeExpression false none The abstract parent class for expression types. Subclasses include the following expression types:

                • Arithmetic

                • Boolean

                • Conditional

                • Field Reference

                • Function Call

                • Literal

                • Logical

                • Named Parameter

                • String


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » functionName string false none The name of the function to call. Valid values are:

                "toString": Convert other data type values into String.
                • Minimum arguments: 1
                • Maximum arguments: 2

                Depending on the underlying data store, a second argument can be passed while converting datetime
                values into String. This indicates the format of the returned value.
                The exact behavior is dependent on the underlying data store. Refer to the data store documentation for details.

                "toDate": Convert other data types to a datetime value.
                • Minimum arguments: 1
                • Maximum arguments: 2

                Depending on the underlying data store, a second argument that indicates the format of the source data
                can be passed. The content of the format string is also dependent on the underlying data store.
                Refer to the data store documentation for supported formats.

                Only String input values in a format that is supported by the underlying data store are supported.

                "toNumber": Convert a String input value into a number. The exact behavior is dependent on the underlying data store.

                "upperCase": Convert all characters in the input String to uppercase.

                "lowerCase": Convert all characters in the input String to lowercase.

                "mod": Calculate modulus of two integer values.

                "pow": Perform exponentiation of the first argument (number) raised to the power of the second argument.
                » arguments [entityTypeExpression] false none An array of parameters to pass to the function.
                Enumerated Values
                Property Value
                functionName TO_STRING
                functionName TO_DATE
                functionName TO_NUMBER
                functionName UPPERCASE
                functionName LOWERCASE
                functionName MOD
                functionName POW


                  "type": "Conditional",
                  "value": {}

                Literal Expression


                allOf - discriminator: entityTypeExpression.type

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous entityTypeExpression false none The abstract parent class for expression types. Subclasses include the following expression types:

                • Arithmetic

                • Boolean

                • Conditional

                • Field Reference

                • Function Call

                • Literal

                • Logical

                • Named Parameter

                • String


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » value object false none A literal value that is referenced in an expression.


                  "type": "Conditional",
                  "leftOperand": {
                    "type": "Conditional"
                  "operator": "AND",
                  "rightOperand": {
                    "type": "Conditional"

                Logical Expression



                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous entityTypeExpressionBoolean false none The abstract type that represents a conditional or a logical expression.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » leftOperand entityTypeExpression false none The left operand that the operator applies to the right operands.
                » operator string false none The operator for the expression.
                » rightOperand entityTypeExpression false none The operand on the right side to which the left operand and the operator are applied.
                Enumerated Values
                Property Value
                operator AND
                operator OR
                operator NOT


                  "type": "Conditional",
                  "parameterName": "string"

                Named Parameter Expression


                allOf - discriminator: entityTypeExpression.type

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous entityTypeExpression false none The abstract parent class for expression types. Subclasses include the following expression types:

                • Arithmetic

                • Boolean

                • Conditional

                • Field Reference

                • Function Call

                • Literal

                • Logical

                • Named Parameter

                • String


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » parameterName string false none The name of the parameter to use in the expression.


                  "type": "Conditional",
                  "leftOperand": {
                    "type": "Conditional"
                  "operator": "CONCAT",
                  "rightOperand": {
                    "type": "Conditional"

                String Expression


                allOf - discriminator: entityTypeExpression.type

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous entityTypeExpression false none The abstract parent class for expression types. Subclasses include the following expression types:

                • Arithmetic

                • Boolean

                • Conditional

                • Field Reference

                • Function Call

                • Literal

                • Logical

                • Named Parameter

                • String


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » leftOperand entityTypeExpression false none The left operand that the operator applies to the right operands.
                » operator string false none The operator for the expression. The supported value is "concat".
                » rightOperand entityTypeExpression false none The operand on the right side to which the left operand and the operator are applied.
                Enumerated Values
                Property Value
                operator CONCAT


                  "currentUserIsAuthorizedToReveal": true,
                  "revealUrl": "string"

                Field Masking Configuration

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                currentUserIsAuthorizedToReveal boolean false none Indicates whether the current user is authorized to reveal the masked value.
                revealUrl string false none A URL that can be used to request the raw (unmasked) value of the field.


                  "masked": {
                    "currentUserIsAuthorizedToReveal": true,
                    "revealUrl": "string"
                  "required": true,
                  "readOnly": true,
                  "maxLength": 0,
                  "systemReserved": true,
                  "fieldDataType": "REFERENCE_DATA",
                  "precision": 0,
                  "scale": 0,
                  "constrainingListName": "string",
                  "cascadingReferenceDataFilterByCode": "string",
                  "cascadingReferenceDataFilterByField": "string",
                  "allowMultipleSelections": true,
                  "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS"

                Field Restriction

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                masked fieldMaskingConfiguration false none A representation of the masking configuration for a single field.
                required boolean false none Indicates whether the field is required.
                readOnly boolean false none Indicates whether the field can be modified.
                maxLength integer false none The maximum length of value allowed for the field.
                systemReserved boolean false none Indicates whether the field is reserved for system use. System-reserved fields are not normally writable. Also, they cannot be masked.
                fieldDataType string false none The data type of the field.
                precision integer false none The numerical precison of the field.
                scale integer false none The numerical scale of the field.
                constrainingListName string false none The reference list that constrains the possible values of this field.
                cascadingReferenceDataFilterByCode string false none The code used to filter the cascading reference data constraining the value of this field.
                cascadingReferenceDataFilterByField string false none The name of the field used to filter the cascading reference data constraining the value of this field.
                allowMultipleSelections boolean false none Indicates whether this field allows multiple selections of users and/or groups.
                userSelectionStrategy string false none Used with user/group selection fields. The possible values are: - "USERS": This field can only indicate a set of users. - "GROUPS": This field can only indicate a set of groups. - "USERS_AND_GROUPS": This field can indicate a set containing both users and groups.
                Enumerated Values
                Property Value
                fieldDataType REFERENCE_DATA
                fieldDataType USER_GROUP
                fieldDataType BOOLEAN
                fieldDataType STRING
                fieldDataType SMALLINT
                fieldDataType INTEGER
                fieldDataType LONG
                fieldDataType FLOAT
                fieldDataType DOUBLE
                fieldDataType NUMERIC
                fieldDataType DATE
                fieldDataType TIMESTAMP
                fieldDataType TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIME_ZONE
                fieldDataType JSON
                userSelectionStrategy USERS
                userSelectionStrategy GROUPS
                userSelectionStrategy USERS_AND_GROUPS


                  "property1": {
                    "masked": {
                      "currentUserIsAuthorizedToReveal": true,
                      "revealUrl": "string"
                    "required": true,
                    "readOnly": true,
                    "maxLength": 0,
                    "systemReserved": true,
                    "fieldDataType": "REFERENCE_DATA",
                    "precision": 0,
                    "scale": 0,
                    "constrainingListName": "string",
                    "cascadingReferenceDataFilterByCode": "string",
                    "cascadingReferenceDataFilterByField": "string",
                    "allowMultipleSelections": true,
                    "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS"
                  "property2": {
                    "masked": {
                      "currentUserIsAuthorizedToReveal": true,
                      "revealUrl": "string"
                    "required": true,
                    "readOnly": true,
                    "maxLength": 0,
                    "systemReserved": true,
                    "fieldDataType": "REFERENCE_DATA",
                    "precision": 0,
                    "scale": 0,
                    "constrainingListName": "string",
                    "cascadingReferenceDataFilterByCode": "string",
                    "cascadingReferenceDataFilterByField": "string",
                    "allowMultipleSelections": true,
                    "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS"

                Restricted Fields Map

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                additionalProperties fieldRestriction false none A representation of the set of field restrictions that are applied to a single field. Not every kind of restriction applies to every field. For example, the "maxLength" restriction will not apply to numerical fields, but "precision" and "scale" might. Note that many endpoints documented in this REST API only populate a subset of these field restrictions (often only "masked").


                  "property1": {
                    "property1": {
                      "masked": {
                        "currentUserIsAuthorizedToReveal": true,
                        "revealUrl": "string"
                      "required": true,
                      "readOnly": true,
                      "maxLength": 0,
                      "systemReserved": true,
                      "fieldDataType": "REFERENCE_DATA",
                      "precision": 0,
                      "scale": 0,
                      "constrainingListName": "string",
                      "cascadingReferenceDataFilterByCode": "string",
                      "cascadingReferenceDataFilterByField": "string",
                      "allowMultipleSelections": true,
                      "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS"
                    "property2": {
                      "masked": {
                        "currentUserIsAuthorizedToReveal": true,
                        "revealUrl": "string"
                      "required": true,
                      "readOnly": true,
                      "maxLength": 0,
                      "systemReserved": true,
                      "fieldDataType": "REFERENCE_DATA",
                      "precision": 0,
                      "scale": 0,
                      "constrainingListName": "string",
                      "cascadingReferenceDataFilterByCode": "string",
                      "cascadingReferenceDataFilterByField": "string",
                      "allowMultipleSelections": true,
                      "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS"
                  "property2": {
                    "property1": {
                      "masked": {
                        "currentUserIsAuthorizedToReveal": true,
                        "revealUrl": "string"
                      "required": true,
                      "readOnly": true,
                      "maxLength": 0,
                      "systemReserved": true,
                      "fieldDataType": "REFERENCE_DATA",
                      "precision": 0,
                      "scale": 0,
                      "constrainingListName": "string",
                      "cascadingReferenceDataFilterByCode": "string",
                      "cascadingReferenceDataFilterByField": "string",
                      "allowMultipleSelections": true,
                      "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS"
                    "property2": {
                      "masked": {
                        "currentUserIsAuthorizedToReveal": true,
                        "revealUrl": "string"
                      "required": true,
                      "readOnly": true,
                      "maxLength": 0,
                      "systemReserved": true,
                      "fieldDataType": "REFERENCE_DATA",
                      "precision": 0,
                      "scale": 0,
                      "constrainingListName": "string",
                      "cascadingReferenceDataFilterByCode": "string",
                      "cascadingReferenceDataFilterByField": "string",
                      "allowMultipleSelections": true,
                      "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS"

                Field Restrictions Bundle

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                additionalProperties restrictedFields false none Represents all of the field restrictions of a datatype as a map of field name to field restriction object. The keys of this map are strings representing field names. The value mapped by each key is the Field Restriction object containing all the field restrictions for the field with that name.


                  "fieldName": "string"

                Field Value

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                fieldName string true none The name of the field whose value is represented by this object.


                  "name": "string",
                  "start": 0,
                  "limit": 0,
                  "count": 0,
                  "accept": "string",
                  "links": [
                      "method": "string",
                      "rel": "string",
                      "uri": "string",
                      "href": "string",
                      "title": "string",
                      "type": "string",
                      "itemType": "string",
                      "responseType": "string",
                      "responseItemType": "string"
                  "version": 0,
                  "items": [
                      "fieldName": "string"

                Field Value Collection



                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous sasCollection false none This is a base schema that is used to define paginated collections of resources. It is based on http://{SAS API Portal}/reference/schema/baseCollection/v2/baseCollection2.json. Other APIs can extend this base schema by adding an "items" array property.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » items [fieldValue] true none The array that contains the field values.


                  "relationshipId": 0,
                  "relationshipName": "string",
                  "relationshipLabel": "string",
                  "relationshipQualifiedName": "string",
                  "relationshipReverseName": "string",
                  "relationshipReverseLabel": "string",
                  "fromEntityTypeName": "string",
                  "fromEntityTypeLabel": "string",
                  "toEntityTypeName": "string",
                  "toEntityTypeLabel": "string",
                  "linkCount": 0

                Count Links Result

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                relationshipId integer false none The id of the relationship type
                relationshipName string false none The name of the relationship type
                relationshipLabel string false none The localized name of the relationship type
                relationshipQualifiedName string false none The full name of the relationship type, which is based on the "from" entity type and the relationship name
                relationshipReverseName string false none The name of the relationship from the opposite perspective
                relationshipReverseLabel string false none The label for the relationship from the opposite perspective
                fromEntityTypeName string false none The type of the "from" entity type
                fromEntityTypeLabel string false none The localized label for the "to" entity type
                toEntityTypeName string false none The type of the "to" entity type
                toEntityTypeLabel string false none The localized label for the "to" entity type
                linkCount integer false none The number of matching links that were found


                  "name": "string",
                  "start": 0,
                  "limit": 0,
                  "count": 0,
                  "accept": "string",
                  "links": [
                      "method": "string",
                      "rel": "string",
                      "uri": "string",
                      "href": "string",
                      "title": "string",
                      "type": "string",
                      "itemType": "string",
                      "responseType": "string",
                      "responseItemType": "string"
                  "version": 0,
                  "items": [
                      "relationshipId": 0,
                      "relationshipName": "string",
                      "relationshipLabel": "string",
                      "relationshipQualifiedName": "string",
                      "relationshipReverseName": "string",
                      "relationshipReverseLabel": "string",
                      "fromEntityTypeName": "string",
                      "fromEntityTypeLabel": "string",
                      "toEntityTypeName": "string",
                      "toEntityTypeLabel": "string",
                      "linkCount": 0

                Count Links Result Collection



                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous sasCollection false none This is a base schema that is used to define paginated collections of resources. It is based on http://{SAS API Portal}/reference/schema/baseCollection/v2/baseCollection2.json. Other APIs can extend this base schema by adding an "items" array property.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » items [countLinksResult] true none The array that contains the link count results.


                  "id": 0,
                  "createdBy": "string",
                  "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "lastUpdatedBy": "string",
                  "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "label": "string",
                  "description": "string",
                  "localizedLabels": [
                      "id": 0,
                      "createdBy": "string",
                      "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "lastUpdatedBy": "string",
                      "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "version": 0,
                      "locale": "en-US",
                      "label": "string"
                  "localizedDescriptions": [
                      "id": 0,
                      "createdBy": "string",
                      "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "lastUpdatedBy": "string",
                      "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "version": 0,
                      "locale": "en-US",
                      "description": "string"
                  "name": "string",
                  "archived": true,
                  "maxCodeLength": 0,
                  "alphabeticalSort": true,
                  "items": [
                      "id": 0,
                      "createdBy": "string",
                      "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "lastUpdatedBy": "string",
                      "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "label": "string",
                      "description": "string",
                      "localizedLabels": [
                          "id": 0,
                          "createdBy": "string",
                          "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                          "lastUpdatedBy": "string",
                          "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                          "version": 0,
                          "locale": "en-US",
                          "label": "string"
                      "localizedDescriptions": [
                          "id": 0,
                          "createdBy": "string",
                          "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                          "lastUpdatedBy": "string",
                          "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                          "version": 0,
                          "locale": "en-US",
                          "description": "string"
                      "code": "string",
                      "archived": true,
                      "displayIndex": 0

                Reference List

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                Reference List any false none Represents a list of choices that the user can select as the value for a field. Common examples might include "Size" (small, medium, large) or "Color" (red, green, blue). In the first example, "Size" is the list and (small, medium, large) are items of that list.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous localizableObject false none Reserved for internal use. An abstract object for handling the localizable label and description.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » name string false none The name of the reference list. The name is limited to 50 characters.
                » archived boolean false none Indicates whether the reference list is archived.
                » maxCodeLength integer false none The maximum length of the string that is used as the code for list items.
                » alphabeticalSort boolean false none Indicates whether the reference list is sorted alphabetically.
                » items [referenceListItem] false none The collection of reference list items.


                  "version": 0,
                  "id": 0,
                  "name": "string",
                  "label": "string",
                  "maxCodeLength": 0,
                  "archived": true,
                  "links": [
                      "method": "string",
                      "rel": "string",
                      "uri": "string",
                      "href": "string",
                      "title": "string",
                      "type": "string",
                      "itemType": "string",
                      "responseType": "string",
                      "responseItemType": "string"

                Reference List Summary

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                version integer false none The internal Data Hub version of the Reference List object.
                id integer false none The numeric identifier of the Reference List object.
                name string false none The locale-independent name of the Reference List object.
                label string false none A localized label for the Reference List object.
                maxCodeLength integer false none The maximum length of the string that is used as the code for list items.
                archived boolean false none Indicates whether the reference list is archived.
                links [sasLink] false none A list of links that are available for this Reference List. This contains the link to fetch the full Reference List representation.


                  "name": "string",
                  "start": 0,
                  "limit": 0,
                  "count": 0,
                  "accept": "string",
                  "links": [
                      "method": "string",
                      "rel": "string",
                      "uri": "string",
                      "href": "string",
                      "title": "string",
                      "type": "string",
                      "itemType": "string",
                      "responseType": "string",
                      "responseItemType": "string"
                  "version": 0,
                  "items": [
                      "version": 0,
                      "id": 0,
                      "name": "string",
                      "label": "string",
                      "maxCodeLength": 0,
                      "archived": true,
                      "links": [
                          "method": "string",
                          "rel": "string",
                          "uri": "string",
                          "href": "string",
                          "title": "string",
                          "type": "string",
                          "itemType": "string",
                          "responseType": "string",
                          "responseItemType": "string"

                Reference List Summary Collection

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                Reference List Summary Collection any false none A Resource Collection that contains Reference List Summary objects.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous sasCollection false none This is a base schema that is used to define paginated collections of resources. It is based on http://{SAS API Portal}/reference/schema/baseCollection/v2/baseCollection2.json. Other APIs can extend this base schema by adding an "items" array property.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » items [referenceListSummary] true none An array of Reference List Summaries.


                  "id": 0,
                  "createdBy": "string",
                  "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "lastUpdatedBy": "string",
                  "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "label": "string",
                  "description": "string",
                  "localizedLabels": [
                      "id": 0,
                      "createdBy": "string",
                      "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "lastUpdatedBy": "string",
                      "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "version": 0,
                      "locale": "en-US",
                      "label": "string"
                  "localizedDescriptions": [
                      "id": 0,
                      "createdBy": "string",
                      "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "lastUpdatedBy": "string",
                      "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "version": 0,
                      "locale": "en-US",
                      "description": "string"
                  "code": "string",
                  "archived": true,
                  "displayIndex": 0

                Reference List Item

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                Reference List Item any false none An option in a reference list.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous localizableObject false none Reserved for internal use. An abstract object for handling the localizable label and description.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » code string false none The unique identifier for this reference list item.
                » archived boolean false none Indicates whether the reference list is archived.
                » displayIndex integer false none Indicates the position in which this item appears in the reference list.

                  "relationshipTypeName": "string",
                  "relationshipTypeVersion": 0,
                  "relationshipTypeLabel": "string",
                  "id": "string",
                  "qualifiedTypeName": "string",
                  "fromObjectTypeName": "string",
                  "fromObjectTypeVersion": 0,
                  "fromObjectId": "string",
                  "fromObjectDisplayLabel": "string",
                  "toObjectTypeName": "string",
                  "toObjectTypeVersion": 0,
                  "toObjectId": "string",
                  "toObjectDisplayLabel": "string",
                  "validFrom": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "validTo": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "fieldValues": {},
                  "restrictedFields": {
                    "property1": {
                      "masked": {
                        "currentUserIsAuthorizedToReveal": true,
                        "revealUrl": "string"
                      "required": true,
                      "readOnly": true,
                      "maxLength": 0,
                      "systemReserved": true,
                      "fieldDataType": "REFERENCE_DATA",
                      "precision": 0,
                      "scale": 0,
                      "constrainingListName": "string",
                      "cascadingReferenceDataFilterByCode": "string",
                      "cascadingReferenceDataFilterByField": "string",
                      "allowMultipleSelections": true,
                      "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS"
                    "property2": {
                      "masked": {
                        "currentUserIsAuthorizedToReveal": true,
                        "revealUrl": "string"
                      "required": true,
                      "readOnly": true,
                      "maxLength": 0,
                      "systemReserved": true,
                      "fieldDataType": "REFERENCE_DATA",
                      "precision": 0,
                      "scale": 0,
                      "constrainingListName": "string",
                      "cascadingReferenceDataFilterByCode": "string",
                      "cascadingReferenceDataFilterByField": "string",
                      "allowMultipleSelections": true,
                      "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS"
                  "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"

                Relationship Link

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                relationshipTypeName string false none The name of the relationship type that defines this link.
                relationshipTypeVersion integer false none The internal Data Hub version of the relationship type.
                relationshipTypeLabel string false none The display label for the relationship type.
                id string false none The ID of the link.
                qualifiedTypeName string false none The qualified name of the relationship type. Qualified names are in the format: fromObjectTypeName + "__" + relationshipTypeName.
                fromObjectTypeName string false none The entity type name for the "From" side of the relationship type.
                fromObjectTypeVersion integer(int64) false none The internal Data Hub version for the entity type for the "From" side of the relationship type.
                fromObjectId string false none The document ID for the "From" side of the relationship type.
                fromObjectDisplayLabel string false none The display label for the document on the "From" side of the relationship type.
                toObjectTypeName string false none The entity type name for the "To" side of the relationship type.
                toObjectTypeVersion integer(int64) false none The internal Data Hub version for the entity type for the "To" side of the relationship type.
                toObjectId string false none The document ID for the "To" side of the relationship type.
                toObjectDisplayLabel string false none The display label for the document on the "To" side of the relationship type.
                validFrom string(date-time) false none The timestamp value that indicates the starting datetime for when the link is valid.
                validTo string(date-time) false none The timestamp value that indicates the ending datetime for when the link is valid.
                fieldValues object false none The values for the fields that are defined as the attributes of the link.
                restrictedFields restrictedFields false none The restrictions that apply to the fields of the link. Currently, only masking field restrictions are represented here.
                createdAt string(date-time) false none The timestamp value that indicates when this link was created.
                lastUpdatedAt string(date-time) false none The timestamp value that indicates when this link was last modified.

                  "relationshipTypeName": "string",
                  "relationshipTypeVersion": 0,
                  "relationshipTypeLabel": "string",
                  "id": "string",
                  "qualifiedTypeName": "string",
                  "fromObjectTypeName": "string",
                  "fromObjectTypeVersion": 0,
                  "fromObjectId": "string",
                  "fromObjectDisplayLabel": "string",
                  "toObjectTypeName": "string",
                  "toObjectTypeVersion": 0,
                  "toObjectId": "string",
                  "toObjectDisplayLabel": "string",
                  "validFrom": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "validTo": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "fieldValues": {},
                  "restrictedFields": {
                    "property1": {
                      "masked": {
                        "currentUserIsAuthorizedToReveal": true,
                        "revealUrl": "string"
                      "required": true,
                      "readOnly": true,
                      "maxLength": 0,
                      "systemReserved": true,
                      "fieldDataType": "REFERENCE_DATA",
                      "precision": 0,
                      "scale": 0,
                      "constrainingListName": "string",
                      "cascadingReferenceDataFilterByCode": "string",
                      "cascadingReferenceDataFilterByField": "string",
                      "allowMultipleSelections": true,
                      "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS"
                    "property2": {
                      "masked": {
                        "currentUserIsAuthorizedToReveal": true,
                        "revealUrl": "string"
                      "required": true,
                      "readOnly": true,
                      "maxLength": 0,
                      "systemReserved": true,
                      "fieldDataType": "REFERENCE_DATA",
                      "precision": 0,
                      "scale": 0,
                      "constrainingListName": "string",
                      "cascadingReferenceDataFilterByCode": "string",
                      "cascadingReferenceDataFilterByField": "string",
                      "allowMultipleSelections": true,
                      "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS"
                  "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"

                Masked Relationship Link

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                Masked Relationship Link relationshipLink false none A representation of a relationship link that has masked field values replaced with dot characters. Fields not configured to be masked are represented normally.


                  "name": "string",
                  "start": 0,
                  "limit": 0,
                  "count": 0,
                  "accept": "string",
                  "links": [
                      "method": "string",
                      "rel": "string",
                      "uri": "string",
                      "href": "string",
                      "title": "string",
                      "type": "string",
                      "itemType": "string",
                      "responseType": "string",
                      "responseItemType": "string"
                  "version": 0,
                  "items": [
                      "relationshipTypeName": "string",
                      "relationshipTypeVersion": 0,
                      "relationshipTypeLabel": "string",
                      "id": "string",
                      "qualifiedTypeName": "string",
                      "fromObjectTypeName": "string",
                      "fromObjectTypeVersion": 0,
                      "fromObjectId": "string",
                      "fromObjectDisplayLabel": "string",
                      "toObjectTypeName": "string",
                      "toObjectTypeVersion": 0,
                      "toObjectId": "string",
                      "toObjectDisplayLabel": "string",
                      "validFrom": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "validTo": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "fieldValues": {},
                      "restrictedFields": {
                        "property1": {
                          "masked": {
                            "currentUserIsAuthorizedToReveal": true,
                            "revealUrl": "string"
                          "required": true,
                          "readOnly": true,
                          "maxLength": 0,
                          "systemReserved": true,
                          "fieldDataType": "REFERENCE_DATA",
                          "precision": 0,
                          "scale": 0,
                          "constrainingListName": "string",
                          "cascadingReferenceDataFilterByCode": "string",
                          "cascadingReferenceDataFilterByField": "string",
                          "allowMultipleSelections": true,
                          "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS"
                        "property2": {
                          "masked": {
                            "currentUserIsAuthorizedToReveal": true,
                            "revealUrl": "string"
                          "required": true,
                          "readOnly": true,
                          "maxLength": 0,
                          "systemReserved": true,
                          "fieldDataType": "REFERENCE_DATA",
                          "precision": 0,
                          "scale": 0,
                          "constrainingListName": "string",
                          "cascadingReferenceDataFilterByCode": "string",
                          "cascadingReferenceDataFilterByField": "string",
                          "allowMultipleSelections": true,
                          "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS"
                      "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"

                Relationship Link Collection



                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous sasCollection false none This is a base schema that is used to define paginated collections of resources. It is based on http://{SAS API Portal}/reference/schema/baseCollection/v2/baseCollection2.json. Other APIs can extend this base schema by adding an "items" array property.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » items [relationshipLink] true none The array that contains the relationship links.


                  "name": "string",
                  "start": 0,
                  "limit": 0,
                  "count": 0,
                  "accept": "string",
                  "links": [
                      "method": "string",
                      "rel": "string",
                      "uri": "string",
                      "href": "string",
                      "title": "string",
                      "type": "string",
                      "itemType": "string",
                      "responseType": "string",
                      "responseItemType": "string"
                  "version": 0,
                  "items": [
                      "relationshipTypeName": "string",
                      "relationshipTypeVersion": 0,
                      "relationshipTypeLabel": "string",
                      "id": "string",
                      "qualifiedTypeName": "string",
                      "fromObjectTypeName": "string",
                      "fromObjectTypeVersion": 0,
                      "fromObjectId": "string",
                      "fromObjectDisplayLabel": "string",
                      "toObjectTypeName": "string",
                      "toObjectTypeVersion": 0,
                      "toObjectId": "string",
                      "toObjectDisplayLabel": "string",
                      "validFrom": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "validTo": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "fieldValues": {},
                      "restrictedFields": {
                        "property1": {
                          "masked": {
                            "currentUserIsAuthorizedToReveal": true,
                            "revealUrl": "string"
                          "required": true,
                          "readOnly": true,
                          "maxLength": 0,
                          "systemReserved": true,
                          "fieldDataType": "REFERENCE_DATA",
                          "precision": 0,
                          "scale": 0,
                          "constrainingListName": "string",
                          "cascadingReferenceDataFilterByCode": "string",
                          "cascadingReferenceDataFilterByField": "string",
                          "allowMultipleSelections": true,
                          "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS"
                        "property2": {
                          "masked": {
                            "currentUserIsAuthorizedToReveal": true,
                            "revealUrl": "string"
                          "required": true,
                          "readOnly": true,
                          "maxLength": 0,
                          "systemReserved": true,
                          "fieldDataType": "REFERENCE_DATA",
                          "precision": 0,
                          "scale": 0,
                          "constrainingListName": "string",
                          "cascadingReferenceDataFilterByCode": "string",
                          "cascadingReferenceDataFilterByField": "string",
                          "allowMultipleSelections": true,
                          "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS"
                      "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"

                Masked Relationship Link Collection



                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous sasCollection false none This is a base schema that is used to define paginated collections of resources. It is based on http://{SAS API Portal}/reference/schema/baseCollection/v2/baseCollection2.json. Other APIs can extend this base schema by adding an "items" array property.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » items [maskedRelationshipLink] true none The array that contains the masked relationship links.

                  "description": "Example of a Relationship Link object.",
                  "value": {
                    "relationshipTypeName": "witnessed_by",
                    "relationshipTypeVersion": 1,
                    "relationshipTypeLabel": "Witnessed by",
                    "id": "witnessed_by|_|intel_report|_|person|_|e5343e0e-3d68-11e8-b467-0ed5f89f718b",
                    "createdAt": "2015-10-01T18:30:03.656Z",
                    "lastUpdatedAt": "2015-10-01T18:30:03.656Z",
                    "displayLabel": "Witnessed by",
                    "fromObjectTypeName": "intel_report",
                    "fromObjectTypeVersion": 3,
                    "fromObjectId": "uuid_502",
                    "fromObjectDisplayLabel": "John Smith",
                    "toObjectTypeName": "person",
                    "toObjectTypeVersion": 6,
                    "toObjectId": "uuid_102",
                    "toObjectDisplayLabel": "John Smith",
                    "fieldValues": {
                      "auto_generated_sk": "e5343e0e-3d68-11e8-b467-0ed5f89f718b",
                      "created_at_dttm": "2015-10-01T18:30:03.656Z",
                      "created_by_user_id": "unit_test",
                      "intelReportId": "uuid_502",
                      "last_updated_at_dttm": "2015-10-01T18:30:03.656Z",
                      "last_updated_by_user_id": "unit_test",
                      "personId": "uuid_102",
                      "version": 1
                    "qualifiedTypeName": "intel_report__witnessed_by",
                    "restrictedFields": {
                      "ssn": {
                        "masked": {
                          "currentUserIsAuthorizedToReveal": true
                  "x-widdershins-oldRef": "#/components/examples/relationshipLinkExample"

                Minimally-Masked Relationship Link

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                Minimally-Masked Relationship Link relationshipLink false none A representation of a Relationship Link that has the minimal amount of field masking applied. That is, for each masked field, if the requesting user is authorized to reveal its value, the value is unmasked in this representation. Otherwise the value will remain masked.


                  "name": "string",
                  "start": 0,
                  "limit": 0,
                  "count": 0,
                  "accept": "string",
                  "links": [
                      "method": "string",
                      "rel": "string",
                      "uri": "string",
                      "href": "string",
                      "title": "string",
                      "type": "string",
                      "itemType": "string",
                      "responseType": "string",
                      "responseItemType": "string"
                  "version": 0,
                  "items": [
                      "description": "Example of a Relationship Link object.",
                      "value": {
                        "relationshipTypeName": "witnessed_by",
                        "relationshipTypeVersion": 1,
                        "relationshipTypeLabel": "Witnessed by",
                        "id": "witnessed_by|_|intel_report|_|person|_|e5343e0e-3d68-11e8-b467-0ed5f89f718b",
                        "createdAt": "2015-10-01T18:30:03.656Z",
                        "lastUpdatedAt": "2015-10-01T18:30:03.656Z",
                        "displayLabel": "Witnessed by",
                        "fromObjectTypeName": "intel_report",
                        "fromObjectTypeVersion": 3,
                        "fromObjectId": "uuid_502",
                        "fromObjectDisplayLabel": "John Smith",
                        "toObjectTypeName": "person",
                        "toObjectTypeVersion": 6,
                        "toObjectId": "uuid_102",
                        "toObjectDisplayLabel": "John Smith",
                        "fieldValues": {
                          "auto_generated_sk": "e5343e0e-3d68-11e8-b467-0ed5f89f718b",
                          "created_at_dttm": "2015-10-01T18:30:03.656Z",
                          "created_by_user_id": "unit_test",
                          "intelReportId": "uuid_502",
                          "last_updated_at_dttm": "2015-10-01T18:30:03.656Z",
                          "last_updated_by_user_id": "unit_test",
                          "personId": "uuid_102",
                          "version": 1
                        "qualifiedTypeName": "intel_report__witnessed_by",
                        "restrictedFields": {
                          "ssn": {
                            "masked": {
                              "currentUserIsAuthorizedToReveal": true

                Minimally-Masked Relationship Link Collection

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                Minimally-Masked Relationship Link Collection any false none A collection of minimally-masked Relationship Links.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous sasCollection false none This is a base schema that is used to define paginated collections of resources. It is based on http://{SAS API Portal}/reference/schema/baseCollection/v2/baseCollection2.json. Other APIs can extend this base schema by adding an "items" array property.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » items [minimallyMaskedRelationshipLink] true none The array that contains the minimally-masked relationship links.


                  "id": 0,
                  "createdBy": "string",
                  "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "lastUpdatedBy": "string",
                  "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "label": "string",
                  "description": "string",
                  "localizedLabels": [
                      "id": 0,
                      "createdBy": "string",
                      "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "lastUpdatedBy": "string",
                      "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "version": 0,
                      "locale": "en-US",
                      "label": "string"
                  "localizedDescriptions": [
                      "id": 0,
                      "createdBy": "string",
                      "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "lastUpdatedBy": "string",
                      "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "version": 0,
                      "locale": "en-US",
                      "description": "string"
                  "name": "string",
                  "dataStoreName": "string",
                  "tableName": "string",
                  "systemReserved": true,
                  "historyEnabled": true,
                  "version": 0,
                  "validFromFieldName": "string",
                  "validToFieldName": "string",
                  "lastUpdatedAtTimeFieldName": "string",
                  "createdAtTimeFieldName": "string",
                  "displayTextFields": [
                      "name": "string",
                      "displayIndex": 0
                  "dataStoreAssignedTimeZone": "string",
                  "reverseName": "string",
                  "reverseLabel": "string",
                  "fromObjectName": "string",
                  "fromObjectLabel": "string",
                  "toObjectName": "string",
                  "toObjectLabel": "string",
                  "required": true,
                  "cardinality": "ONE_TO_ONE",
                  "sortCriteria": {
                    "fieldName": "string",
                    "sortOrder": "asc"
                  "type": "DIRECT_CHILD",
                  "symmetric": true,
                  "managed": true,
                  "toObjectTypeFieldName": "string",
                  "toObjectTypeNames": [
                  "joinKeyFieldName": "string",
                  "joinConditions": [
                      "type": "Conditional"
                  "fields": [
                      "id": 0,
                      "createdBy": "string",
                      "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "lastUpdatedBy": "string",
                      "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "label": "string",
                      "description": "string",
                      "localizedLabels": [
                          "id": 0,
                          "createdBy": "string",
                          "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                          "lastUpdatedBy": "string",
                          "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                          "version": 0,
                          "locale": "en-US",
                          "label": "string"
                      "localizedDescriptions": [
                          "id": 0,
                          "createdBy": "string",
                          "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                          "lastUpdatedBy": "string",
                          "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                          "version": 0,
                          "locale": "en-US",
                          "description": "string"
                      "name": "string",
                      "columnName": "string",
                      "dataType": "BOOLEAN",
                      "length": 0,
                      "precision": 0,
                      "scale": 0,
                      "required": true,
                      "primaryKeyField": true,
                      "unique": true,
                      "autoGenerated": true,
                      "systemReserved": true,
                      "displayIndex": 0,
                      "version": 0,
                      "constrainingListName": "string",
                      "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS",
                      "allowMultipleSelections": true,
                      "primaryKeySeqNo": 0,
                      "readOnly": true,
                      "indexedForSearch": true,
                      "logicalDataType": "USER_GROUP",
                      "masked": true,
                      "authorizedToRevealMasked": [
                          "id": "string",
                          "type": "user"
                      "ownerName": "string"
                  "localizedReverseLabels": [
                      "id": 0,
                      "createdBy": "string",
                      "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "lastUpdatedBy": "string",
                      "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "version": 0,
                      "locale": "en-US",
                      "label": "string"
                  "deleteTableName": "string",
                  "useCustomIndex": true,
                  "color": "string",
                  "width": 0,
                  "dashType": "solid",
                  "styles": [
                      "id": "string",
                      "conditionId": "string",
                      "evaluationOrder": 0,
                      "color": "string",
                      "width": 0,
                      "dashType": "solid"
                  "reindexRequired": true

                Relationship Type

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                Relationship Type any false none The definition of a connection that can be established between two entities.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous dataObject false none Reserved for internal use. An abstract object for representing an object that is associated with a data table.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » reverseName string false none The name of the relationship from the opposite perspective.
                » reverseLabel string false none The label for the relationship from the opposite perspective.
                » fromObjectName string false none The name of the side of the relationship that is pointed away from another entity.
                » fromObjectLabel string false none The label for the side of the relationship that is pointed away from another entity.
                » toObjectName string false none The name of the side of the relationship that is pointed toward another entity.
                » toObjectLabel string false none The label for the side of the relationship that is pointed toward another entity.
                » required boolean false none Indicates whether the relationship is required.
                » cardinality string false none The cardinality for the relationship. The possible values are: "ONE_TO_ONE", "ONE_TO_MANY", "MANY_TO_ONE", "MANY_TO_MANY"
                » sortCriteria sortCriteria false none The criteria that specifies how to sort a collection.
                » type string false none The type of relationship. DIRECT_CHILD relationships are parent-child relationships. LINK relationships are general relationships between one type and another.
                » symmetric boolean false none Indicates whether the relationship is symmetric.
                » managed boolean false none Indicates whether the relationship is managed.
                » toObjectTypeFieldName string false none Only used for heterogeneous relationships with no bridge table. The value indicates a field in the "from" entity type. If a document of the "from" entity type has a value for this field, it will contain the entity type name of a document of the "to" entity type to which it is linked under this relationship type. This field in the "from" entity type may not be masked.
                » toObjectTypeNames [string] false none The names of the entity types on the "to" side of the relationship.
                » joinKeyFieldName string false none Only used for heterogeneous relationships with no bridge table. The value indicates a field in "from" entity type. If a document of the "from" entity type has a value for this field, it will contain the entity ID of a document of the "to" entity type to which it is linked under this relationship type. This field in the "from" entity type may not be masked.
                » joinConditions [entityTypeExpressionBoolean] false none The list of expressions that are used to perform the join. Join conditions may not reference masked fields.
                » fields [relationshipTypeField] false none The list of fields that are part of the relationship.
                » localizedReverseLabels [labelLocalized] false none [The description text that is associated with a specific locale.]
                » deleteTableName string false none The name of the table that is used for tracking deleted records.
                » useCustomIndex boolean false none Indicates whether the relationship should use a custom index.
                » color string false none The color of links displayed in network view for this relationship type.
                » width number(double) false none The width of links displayed in network view for this relationship type.
                » dashType string false none The type of line displayed when viewing a relationship link.
                » styles [relationshipStyle] false none Additional styling that is conditional.
                » reindexRequired boolean false none Indicates whether reindexing is required. After a relationship type is updated, this value is true if the relationship needs to be reindexed.
                Enumerated Values
                Property Value
                cardinality ONE_TO_ONE
                cardinality ONE_TO_MANY
                cardinality MANY_TO_ONE
                cardinality MANY_TO_MANY
                type DIRECT_CHILD
                type LINK
                dashType solid
                dashType dotted
                dashType dashed
                dashType shortDash
                dashType dashDot
                dashType longDash
                dashType longDashDot
                dashType longDashDotDot


                  "id": 0,
                  "createdBy": "string",
                  "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "lastUpdatedBy": "string",
                  "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "label": "string",
                  "description": "string",
                  "localizedLabels": [
                      "id": 0,
                      "createdBy": "string",
                      "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "lastUpdatedBy": "string",
                      "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "version": 0,
                      "locale": "en-US",
                      "label": "string"
                  "localizedDescriptions": [
                      "id": 0,
                      "createdBy": "string",
                      "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "lastUpdatedBy": "string",
                      "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "version": 0,
                      "locale": "en-US",
                      "description": "string"
                  "name": "string",
                  "columnName": "string",
                  "dataType": "BOOLEAN",
                  "length": 0,
                  "precision": 0,
                  "scale": 0,
                  "required": true,
                  "primaryKeyField": true,
                  "unique": true,
                  "autoGenerated": true,
                  "systemReserved": true,
                  "displayIndex": 0,
                  "version": 0,
                  "constrainingListName": "string",
                  "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS",
                  "allowMultipleSelections": true,
                  "primaryKeySeqNo": 0,
                  "readOnly": true,
                  "indexedForSearch": true,
                  "logicalDataType": "USER_GROUP",
                  "masked": true,
                  "authorizedToRevealMasked": [
                      "id": "string",
                      "type": "user"
                  "ownerName": "string"

                Relationship Type Field

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                Relationship Type Field any false none A field within a relationship type.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous dataField false none Reserved for internal use. An abstract object representing the metadata that all data object fields have in common.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » ownerName string false none The owner of the relationship type.


                  "id": 0,
                  "name": "string",
                  "tabOrder": 0,
                  "type": "WORKSHEET",
                  "cells": [
                      "id": 0,
                      "row": 0,
                      "position": 0,
                      "type": "LIVE",
                      "height": 0,
                      "width": 0,
                      "lastModified": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
                  "lastModified": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                id integer(int64) false none A value that uniquely identifies the insight or workspace.
                name string false none The name of the insight or workspace.
                tabOrder integer false none The tab order for the insight or workspace.
                type string false none Indicates the type of "sheet", either a workspace or an insight:

                • WORKSHEET - a workspace

                • NOTESHEET - an insight

                cells [sheetCell] false none The individual cells on the sheet.
                lastModified string(date-time) false none The timestamp that indicates when this cell was last modified.
                Enumerated Values
                Property Value
                type WORKSHEET
                type NOTESHEET


                  "id": 0,
                  "row": 0,
                  "position": 0,
                  "type": "LIVE",
                  "height": 0,
                  "width": 0,
                  "lastModified": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                id integer(int64) false none A value that uniquely identifies the cell.
                row integer false none The row of the worksight or insight in which the cell exists.
                position integer false none The position of the cell in the row.
                type string false none The type of the cell:

                • LIVE - live visualization

                • STATIC - static visualization or network

                • IMAGE - Base64 encoded image and annotations

                • TEXT - simple text cell for HTML

                height integer false none The height of the cell.
                width integer false none The width of the cell.
                lastModified string(date-time) false none The timestamp that indicates when this cell was last modified.
                Enumerated Values
                Property Value
                type LIVE
                type STATIC
                type IMAGE
                type TEXT


                  "sheetIds": [
                  "objectTypeName": "string",
                  "objectId": "string"

                Sheet Copy Selection

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                sheetIds [integer] false none The values that uniquely identify the sheets to copy.
                objectTypeName string false none The object type name of the object to which the sheets are attached.
                objectId string false none The ID of the object to which the sheets are attached.


                  "solutionName": "sample_solution",
                  "solutionLabel": "Sample Solution",
                  "successful": 42,
                  "failed": 1,
                  "results": [
                      "type": "ENTITY_TYPE",
                      "label": "Entity Type",
                      "successful": 42,
                      "failed": 1,
                      "errors": [
                          "name": "sample_item",
                          "label": "Sample Item",
                          "message": "Record is locked by another user."

                Solution Publish Result

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                solutionName string false none The name of the solution.
                solutionLabel string false none The localized name of the solution.
                successful integer false none The number of items that were successfully published.
                failed integer false none The number of items that could not be published.
                results [solutionPublishResultItem] false none [The results of a publish operation for a specific item type. This includes counts of how many items were published and a summary of any that failed.


                  "type": "ENTITY_TYPE",
                  "label": "Entity Type",
                  "successful": 42,
                  "failed": 1,
                  "errors": [
                      "name": "sample_item",
                      "label": "Sample Item",
                      "message": "Record is locked by another user."

                Solution Publish Result Item

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                type string false none The internal name for the item type that was published.
                label string false none The localized name of the item.
                successful integer false none The number of items that were successfully published.
                failed integer false none The number of items that could not be published.
                errors [solutionPublishResultError] false none [Detailed information about an item that was not successfully published.
                Enumerated Values
                Property Value
                type ENTITY_TYPE
                type CONTEXT_MAPPING
                type PAGE_TEMPLATE
                type WORKFLOW_TEMPLATE
                type FLOW


                  "name": "sample_item",
                  "label": "Sample Item",
                  "message": "Record is locked by another user."

                Solution Publish Result Error

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                name string false none The name of the item.
                label string false none The localized name of the item.
                message string false none The error message for the failure.


                  "name": "string",
                  "displayIndex": 0

                Sortable Name Reference

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                name string false none The name of the reference.
                displayIndex integer false none The ordinal for the name. This is typically a field name.


                  "id": "string",
                  "conditionId": "string",
                  "evaluationOrder": 0,
                  "iconName": "string",
                  "markerCode": "string",
                  "nodeColor": "string",
                  "borderColor": "string",
                  "borderWidth": 0

                Entity Style

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                Entity Style any false none The properties for styling an icon, nodes, and map pins for an entity type. The style is tied to a condition. When the condition is true, the style is applied.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous styleCommonProperties false none The shared style icon properties for a condition. When the condition is true, the style is applied.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » iconName string false none The name of the icon properties.
                » markerCode string false none A hexadecimal color value for the background color to use for map pins.
                » nodeColor string false none A hexadecimal color value to use when an object is represented as a node.
                » borderColor string false none A hexadecimal color value to use for the node border.
                » borderWidth number(double) false none The width of the node border.


                  "id": "string",
                  "conditionId": "string",
                  "evaluationOrder": 0,
                  "color": "string",
                  "width": 0,
                  "dashType": "solid"

                Relationship Style



                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous styleCommonProperties false none The shared style icon properties for a condition. When the condition is true, the style is applied.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » color string false none The color of links that are displayed in network view for this relationship type.
                » width number(double) false none The width of links that are displayed in network view for this relationship type. Specify a whole number.
                » dashType string false none The type of line that is displayed when viewing a relationship link.
                Enumerated Values
                Property Value
                dashType solid
                dashType dotted
                dashType dashed
                dashType shortDash
                dashType dashDot
                dashType longDash
                dashType longDashDot
                dashType longDashDotDot


                  "id": "string",
                  "conditionId": "string",
                  "evaluationOrder": 0

                Common Style Properties

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                id string false none A unique ID value for the style properties.
                conditionId string false none The ID of the condition with which the style is associated.
                evaluationOrder integer false none The order in which the condition should be evaluated.


                  "id": 0,
                  "createdBy": "string",
                  "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "lastUpdatedBy": "string",
                  "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "label": "string",
                  "description": "string",
                  "localizedLabels": [
                      "id": 0,
                      "createdBy": "string",
                      "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "lastUpdatedBy": "string",
                      "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "version": 0,
                      "locale": "en-US",
                      "label": "string"
                  "localizedDescriptions": [
                      "id": 0,
                      "createdBy": "string",
                      "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "lastUpdatedBy": "string",
                      "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "version": 0,
                      "locale": "en-US",
                      "description": "string"
                  "name": "string",
                  "dataStoreName": "string",
                  "tableName": "string",
                  "systemReserved": true,
                  "historyEnabled": true,
                  "version": 0,
                  "validFromFieldName": "string",
                  "validToFieldName": "string",
                  "lastUpdatedAtTimeFieldName": "string",
                  "createdAtTimeFieldName": "string",
                  "displayTextFields": [
                      "name": "string",
                      "displayIndex": 0
                  "dataStoreAssignedTimeZone": "string",
                  "fromObjectName": "string",
                  "toObjectName": "string",
                  "fromObjJoinCondition": {
                    "type": "Conditional"
                  "toObjJoinCondition": {
                    "type": "Conditional"
                  "fromObjectRefFieldName": "string",
                  "toObjectRefFieldName": "string",
                  "fromObjectTypeFieldName": "string",
                  "toObjectTypeFieldName": "string",
                  "lineWidthFieldName": "string",
                  "lineWidthFunctionType": "SUM",
                  "lineColorFieldName": "string",
                  "lineColorFunctionType": "SUM",
                  "fields": [
                      "id": 0,
                      "createdBy": "string",
                      "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "lastUpdatedBy": "string",
                      "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "label": "string",
                      "description": "string",
                      "localizedLabels": [
                          "id": 0,
                          "createdBy": "string",
                          "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                          "lastUpdatedBy": "string",
                          "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                          "version": 0,
                          "locale": "en-US",
                          "label": "string"
                      "localizedDescriptions": [
                          "id": 0,
                          "createdBy": "string",
                          "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                          "lastUpdatedBy": "string",
                          "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                          "version": 0,
                          "locale": "en-US",
                          "description": "string"
                      "name": "string",
                      "columnName": "string",
                      "dataType": "BOOLEAN",
                      "length": 0,
                      "precision": 0,
                      "scale": 0,
                      "required": true,
                      "primaryKeyField": true,
                      "unique": true,
                      "autoGenerated": true,
                      "systemReserved": true,
                      "displayIndex": 0,
                      "version": 0,
                      "constrainingListName": "string",
                      "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS",
                      "allowMultipleSelections": true,
                      "primaryKeySeqNo": 0,
                      "readOnly": true,
                      "indexedForSearch": true,
                      "logicalDataType": "USER_GROUP",
                      "masked": true,
                      "authorizedToRevealMasked": [
                          "id": "string",
                          "type": "user"
                      "ownerName": "string"

                Transaction Type

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                Transaction Type any false none The metadata that defines a class of transactions. This definition includes a "from" entity type, a "to" entity type, a date-time field, as well as on optional list of additional fields. A transaction, which is an instance of a transaction type, defines an action that was performed between two entities at a specific point in time.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous dataObject false none Reserved for internal use. An abstract object for representing an object that is associated with a data table.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » fromObjectName string false none The entity type on the "from" side of the transaction.
                » toObjectName string false none The entity type on the "to" side of the transaction.
                » fromObjJoinCondition entityTypeExpressionBoolean false none The join condition that identifies the "from" entity type. Join conditions cannot reference masked fields.
                » toObjJoinCondition entityTypeExpressionBoolean false none The join condition that identifies the "to" entity type. Join conditions cannot reference masked fields.
                » fromObjectRefFieldName string false none The name of the field that contains the reference key to the "from" entity. This field cannot be masked.
                » toObjectRefFieldName string false none The name of the field that contains the reference key to the "to" entity. This field cannot be masked.
                » fromObjectTypeFieldName string false none If the transactions can have different "from" entity types, the name of the field that contains the "from" entity type. This field cannot be masked.
                » toObjectTypeFieldName string false none If the transactions can have different "to" entity types, name of the field that contains the "to" entity type. This field cannot be masked.
                » lineWidthFieldName string false none The field that is used to calculate the line width used when displaying the transaction on a network diagram.
                » lineWidthFunctionType string false none The aggregate function that is used (on the field identified in lineWidthFieldName property) to calculate the line width when displaying the transaction on a network diagram.
                » lineColorFieldName string false none The field that is used to determine line color when displaying the transaction on a network diagram.
                » lineColorFunctionType string false none The aggregate function that is used (on field identified in lineColorFieldName property) to determine the line color when displaying the transaction on a network diagram.
                » validFromFieldName string false none The field that is used to determine the earliest time this transaction is valid. This field cannot be masked.
                » fields [transactionTypeField] false none The array that contains the fields that are associated with this transaction type.
                Enumerated Values
                Property Value
                lineWidthFunctionType SUM
                lineWidthFunctionType COUNT
                lineWidthFunctionType AVERAGE
                lineWidthFunctionType MIN
                lineWidthFunctionType MAX
                lineColorFunctionType SUM
                lineColorFunctionType COUNT
                lineColorFunctionType AVERAGE
                lineColorFunctionType MIN
                lineColorFunctionType MAX


                  "id": 0,
                  "createdBy": "string",
                  "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "lastUpdatedBy": "string",
                  "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "label": "string",
                  "description": "string",
                  "localizedLabels": [
                      "id": 0,
                      "createdBy": "string",
                      "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "lastUpdatedBy": "string",
                      "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "version": 0,
                      "locale": "en-US",
                      "label": "string"
                  "localizedDescriptions": [
                      "id": 0,
                      "createdBy": "string",
                      "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "lastUpdatedBy": "string",
                      "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "version": 0,
                      "locale": "en-US",
                      "description": "string"
                  "name": "string",
                  "columnName": "string",
                  "dataType": "BOOLEAN",
                  "length": 0,
                  "precision": 0,
                  "scale": 0,
                  "required": true,
                  "primaryKeyField": true,
                  "unique": true,
                  "autoGenerated": true,
                  "systemReserved": true,
                  "displayIndex": 0,
                  "version": 0,
                  "constrainingListName": "string",
                  "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS",
                  "allowMultipleSelections": true,
                  "primaryKeySeqNo": 0,
                  "readOnly": true,
                  "indexedForSearch": true,
                  "logicalDataType": "USER_GROUP",
                  "masked": true,
                  "authorizedToRevealMasked": [
                      "id": "string",
                      "type": "user"
                  "ownerName": "string"

                Transaction Type Field



                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous dataField false none Reserved for internal use. An abstract object representing the metadata that all data object fields have in common.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » ownerName string false none The name of the owner.


                  "actionId": "string",
                  "action": "string",
                  "actionType": "DOCUMENT_CREATE",
                  "objectType": "string",
                  "objectId": "string",
                  "objectVersion": "string",
                  "createdBy": "string",
                  "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "links": [
                      "method": "string",
                      "rel": "string",
                      "uri": "string",
                      "href": "string",
                      "title": "string",
                      "type": "string",
                      "itemType": "string",
                      "responseType": "string",
                      "responseItemType": "string"
                  "version": 0

                Action Summary

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                actionId string false none An ID that represents this action.
                action string false none A localized message that describes the action. For example, "Attached a file".
                actionType string false none A string that represents this action. This can be used to filter actions.
                objectType string false none The type of the underlying document or link to which the action was applied.
                objectId string false none The ID of the underlying document or link to which the action was applied.
                objectVersion string false none The version of the underlying document or link to which the action was applied.
                createdBy string false none The ID of the user who created this action.
                createdAt string(date-time) false none The timestamp that indicates when this action was created.
                links [sasLink] false none A list of links that are available for this action. This contains the link to fetch the full action representation.
                version integer false none The version number of the Action Summary MediaType.
                Enumerated Values
                Property Value
                actionType DOCUMENT_CREATE
                actionType DOCUMENT_EDIT
                actionType DOCUMENT_DELETE
                actionType DOCUMENT_UNKNOWN
                actionType RELATIONSHIP_CREATE
                actionType RELATIONSHIP_EDIT
                actionType RELATIONSHIP_DELETE
                actionType RELATIONSHIP_UNKNOWN
                actionType OBJECT_LINKED
                actionType OBJECT_LINK_EDIT
                actionType OBJECT_UNLINKED
                actionType OBJECT_LINK_UNKNOWN
                actionType COMMENT_CREATE
                actionType COMMENT_EDIT
                actionType FILE_UPLOAD
                actionType FILE_DELETE


                  "name": "string",
                  "start": 0,
                  "limit": 0,
                  "count": 0,
                  "accept": "string",
                  "links": [
                      "method": "string",
                      "rel": "string",
                      "uri": "string",
                      "href": "string",
                      "title": "string",
                      "type": "string",
                      "itemType": "string",
                      "responseType": "string",
                      "responseItemType": "string"
                  "version": 0,
                  "items": [
                      "actionId": "string",
                      "action": "string",
                      "actionType": "DOCUMENT_CREATE",
                      "objectType": "string",
                      "objectId": "string",
                      "objectVersion": "string",
                      "createdBy": "string",
                      "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "links": [
                          "method": "string",
                          "rel": "string",
                          "uri": "string",
                          "href": "string",
                          "title": "string",
                          "type": "string",
                          "itemType": "string",
                          "responseType": "string",
                          "responseItemType": "string"
                      "version": 0

                Action Summary Collection

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                Action Summary Collection any false none A collection of action summaries.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous sasCollection false none This is a base schema that is used to define paginated collections of resources. It is based on http://{SAS API Portal}/reference/schema/baseCollection/v2/baseCollection2.json. Other APIs can extend this base schema by adding an "items" array property.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » items [actionSummary] true none An array of action summaries.


                  "type": "subItem",
                  "action": "Edited child objects.",
                  "items": [

                Sub-Action Item

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                type string false none A constant value for this action item that allows clients to display the sub-action item correctly.
                action string false none A localized message that represents this sub-action item.
                items [anyOf] false none A list of action items under this sub-action item. This array can contain:

                • Sub-Action Items

                • Label Action Items

                • Table Action Items


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                » anonymous subActionItem false none An action item representation of a sub-action that occurred inside the scope of an action. For example, the "Deleted child objects" action inside an "Edited the document" action.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                » anonymous labelActionItem false none An action item representation that can be used to display a message to the user.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                » anonymous tableActionItem false none An action item representation that can be used to present a table to the user.
                Enumerated Values
                Property Value
                type subItem


                  "type": "labelItem",
                  "label": "string",
                  "labelType": "STRING",
                  "items": [
                      "type": "subItem",
                      "action": "Edited child objects.",
                      "items": [

                Label Action Item

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                type string false none A constant value for this action item that allows clients to display the label action item correctly.
                label string false none The message that is displayed to the user.
                labelType string false none Indicates the type of the label to the client for formatting and display purposes.
                items [anyOf] false none A list of action items under this label action item. This array can contain:

                • Sub-Action Items

                • Label Action Items

                • Table Action Items


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                » anonymous subActionItem false none An action item representation of a sub-action that occurred inside the scope of an action. For example, the "Deleted child objects" action inside an "Edited the document" action.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                » anonymous labelActionItem false none An action item representation that can be used to display a message to the user.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                » anonymous tableActionItem false none An action item representation that can be used to present a table to the user.
                Enumerated Values
                Property Value
                type labelItem
                labelType STRING
                labelType HTML


                  "type": "tableItem",
                  "action": "Changed fields.",
                  "headings": [
                  "rows": [
                        "value": {},
                        "fieldRestriction": {
                          "masked": {
                            "currentUserIsAuthorizedToReveal": true,
                            "revealUrl": "string"
                          "required": true,
                          "readOnly": true,
                          "maxLength": 0,
                          "systemReserved": true,
                          "fieldDataType": "REFERENCE_DATA",
                          "precision": 0,
                          "scale": 0,
                          "constrainingListName": "string",
                          "cascadingReferenceDataFilterByCode": "string",
                          "cascadingReferenceDataFilterByField": "string",
                          "allowMultipleSelections": true,
                          "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS"
                        "type": "BOOLEAN"

                Table Action Item

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                type string false none A constant value for this action item that allows clients to display the table action item correctly.
                action string false none A localized message that represents this table action item.
                headings [string] false none The localized headers for the table.
                rows [array] false none A list of table rows. Each row contains a list of action table values.
                Enumerated Values
                Property Value
                type tableItem


                  "actionId": "string",
                  "action": "string",
                  "actionType": "DOCUMENT_CREATE",
                  "objectType": "string",
                  "objectId": "string",
                  "objectVersion": "string",
                  "createdBy": "string",
                  "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "links": [
                      "method": "string",
                      "rel": "string",
                      "uri": "string",
                      "href": "string",
                      "title": "string",
                      "type": "string",
                      "itemType": "string",
                      "responseType": "string",
                      "responseItemType": "string"
                  "version": 0,
                  "items": [




                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous actionSummary false none A representation of an action against a document or link.
                For example, an action could be:

                • Created the document

                • Added a comment

                • Deleted an attachment

                The summary version of this representation omits detailed information about the action.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » items [object] false none A list of action items. This represents detailed information about the action. This array can contain:

                • Sub-Action Items

                • Label Action Items

                • Table Action Items


                  "value": {},
                  "fieldRestriction": {
                    "masked": {
                      "currentUserIsAuthorizedToReveal": true,
                      "revealUrl": "string"
                    "required": true,
                    "readOnly": true,
                    "maxLength": 0,
                    "systemReserved": true,
                    "fieldDataType": "REFERENCE_DATA",
                    "precision": 0,
                    "scale": 0,
                    "constrainingListName": "string",
                    "cascadingReferenceDataFilterByCode": "string",
                    "cascadingReferenceDataFilterByField": "string",
                    "allowMultipleSelections": true,
                    "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS"
                  "type": "BOOLEAN"

                Action Table Value

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                value object false none The value of the cell. If the field is configured for masking, this value is replaced with dots.
                fieldRestriction fieldRestriction false none A representation of the set of field restrictions that are applied to a single field. Not every kind of restriction applies to every field. For example, the "maxLength" restriction will not apply to numerical fields, but "precision" and "scale" might. Note that many endpoints documented in this REST API only populate a subset of these field restrictions (often only "masked").
                type string false none Indicates the type of value to the client. This is for display and format purposes.
                Enumerated Values
                Property Value
                type BOOLEAN
                type STRING
                type INTEGER
                type DECIMAL
                type DATE
                type TIMESTAMP
                type TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIME_ZONE
                type JSON
                type HTML
                type REFERENCE_DATA
                type USER_GROUP


                  "actionType": "string",
                  "localizedMessage": "string"

                Action Type

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                actionType string false none A unique string that represents an action.
                For example:

                • DOCUMENT_EDIT

                • COMMENT_CREATE

                • FILE_UPLOAD

                When requesting filtered action history, the client passes this string in the filter parameter.
                localizedMessage string false none A localized message that represents this filter option. This could be displayed in a drop-down filter selection menu.


                  "name": "string",
                  "start": 0,
                  "limit": 0,
                  "count": 0,
                  "accept": "string",
                  "links": [
                      "method": "string",
                      "rel": "string",
                      "uri": "string",
                      "href": "string",
                      "title": "string",
                      "type": "string",
                      "itemType": "string",
                      "responseType": "string",
                      "responseItemType": "string"
                  "version": 0,
                  "items": [
                      "actionType": "string",
                      "localizedMessage": "string"

                Action Type Collection



                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous sasCollection false none This is a base schema that is used to define paginated collections of resources. It is based on http://{SAS API Portal}/reference/schema/baseCollection/v2/baseCollection2.json. Other APIs can extend this base schema by adding an "items" array property.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » items [actionType] true none An array of action types.


                  "historyInfoId": 0,
                  "itemRefId": "string",
                  "itemType": "string",
                  "itemLabel": "string",
                  "operation": "string",
                  "ownerType": "string",
                  "ownerId": "string",
                  "ownerVersion": "string"

                Additional History Information

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                historyInfoId integer false none The ID for this additional history information record.
                itemRefId string false none The ID of the object that this additional history information references. For example, this could be the ID of a file association.
                itemType string false none The type of object that this additional history information references.
                itemLabel string false none A label for the object that this additional history information references.
                operation string false none Represents the generic type of operation that this additional history information references.
                ownerType string false none The object type of the document to which this additional history information belongs.
                ownerId string false none The ID of the document to which this additional history information belongs.
                ownerVersion string false none The version of the document to which this additional history information belongs.


                  "name": "string",
                  "start": 0,
                  "limit": 0,
                  "count": 0,
                  "accept": "string",
                  "links": [
                      "method": "string",
                      "rel": "string",
                      "uri": "string",
                      "href": "string",
                      "title": "string",
                      "type": "string",
                      "itemType": "string",
                      "responseType": "string",
                      "responseItemType": "string"
                  "version": 0,
                  "items": [
                      "historyInfoId": 0,
                      "itemRefId": "string",
                      "itemType": "string",
                      "itemLabel": "string",
                      "operation": "string",
                      "ownerType": "string",
                      "ownerId": "string",
                      "ownerVersion": "string"

                Additional History Information Collection

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                Additional History Information Collection any false none A collection of additional history information.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous sasCollection false none This is a base schema that is used to define paginated collections of resources. It is based on http://{SAS API Portal}/reference/schema/baseCollection/v2/baseCollection2.json. Other APIs can extend this base schema by adding an "items" array property.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » items [historyinfo] true none An array of additional history information.


                  "typeName": "string",
                  "id": "string",
                  "version": "string",
                  "displayLabel": "string",
                  "operation": "string",
                  "createdBy": "string",
                  "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "links": [
                      "method": "string",
                      "rel": "string",
                      "uri": "string",
                      "href": "string",
                      "title": "string",
                      "type": "string",
                      "itemType": "string",
                      "responseType": "string",
                      "responseItemType": "string"

                Version Summary

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                typeName string false none The entity type or relationship type of the underlying document or link.
                id string false none The ID of the underlying document or link.
                version string false none The version of the underlying document or link.
                displayLabel string false none The display label for the underlying document or link.
                operation string false none A string that describes what action caused this version to be created.

                • create

                • delete

                • update

                • unknown

                • unchanged

                createdBy string false none The ID of the user that created this version.
                createdAt string(date-time) false none The timestamp that indicates when this version was created.
                links [sasLink] false none A list of links that are available for this version. This contains a link to the full version representation.


                  "name": "string",
                  "start": 0,
                  "limit": 0,
                  "count": 0,
                  "accept": "string",
                  "links": [
                      "method": "string",
                      "rel": "string",
                      "uri": "string",
                      "href": "string",
                      "title": "string",
                      "type": "string",
                      "itemType": "string",
                      "responseType": "string",
                      "responseItemType": "string"
                  "version": 0,
                  "items": [
                      "typeName": "string",
                      "id": "string",
                      "version": "string",
                      "displayLabel": "string",
                      "operation": "string",
                      "createdBy": "string",
                      "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "links": [
                          "method": "string",
                          "rel": "string",
                          "uri": "string",
                          "href": "string",
                          "title": "string",
                          "type": "string",
                          "itemType": "string",
                          "responseType": "string",
                          "responseItemType": "string"

                Version Summary Collection

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                Version Summary Collection any false none A collection of version summaries.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous sasCollection false none This is a base schema that is used to define paginated collections of resources. It is based on http://{SAS API Portal}/reference/schema/baseCollection/v2/baseCollection2.json. Other APIs can extend this base schema by adding an "items" array property.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » items [versionSummary] true none An array of version summaries.


                  "typeName": "string",
                  "id": "string",
                  "version": "string",
                  "displayLabel": "string",
                  "operation": "string",
                  "createdBy": "string",
                  "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "links": [
                      "method": "string",
                      "rel": "string",
                      "uri": "string",
                      "href": "string",
                      "title": "string",
                      "type": "string",
                      "itemType": "string",
                      "responseType": "string",
                      "responseItemType": "string"
                  "values": [
                      "name": "string",
                      "label": "string",
                      "previousVersionValue": null,
                      "previousValueFieldRestriction": {
                        "masked": {
                          "currentUserIsAuthorizedToReveal": true,
                          "revealUrl": "string"
                        "required": true,
                        "readOnly": true,
                        "maxLength": 0,
                        "systemReserved": true,
                        "fieldDataType": "REFERENCE_DATA",
                        "precision": 0,
                        "scale": 0,
                        "constrainingListName": "string",
                        "cascadingReferenceDataFilterByCode": "string",
                        "cascadingReferenceDataFilterByField": "string",
                        "allowMultipleSelections": true,
                        "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS"
                      "value": null,
                      "fieldRestriction": {
                        "masked": {
                          "currentUserIsAuthorizedToReveal": true,
                          "revealUrl": "string"
                        "required": true,
                        "readOnly": true,
                        "maxLength": 0,
                        "systemReserved": true,
                        "fieldDataType": "REFERENCE_DATA",
                        "precision": 0,
                        "scale": 0,
                        "constrainingListName": "string",
                        "cascadingReferenceDataFilterByCode": "string",
                        "cascadingReferenceDataFilterByField": "string",
                        "allowMultipleSelections": true,
                        "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS"
                      "type": "string",
                      "valueChanged": true


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                Version any false none A representation of a single historical version of document or link. This representation contains an array of values that compares field values between the previous and requested version of the document or link.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous versionSummary false none A representation of a single historical version of document or link. The summary version of this representation omits the comparison of field values between the requested and previous version of the document or link.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » values [versionValue] false none A list of version values.


                  "typeName": "string",
                  "id": "string",
                  "version": "string",
                  "displayLabel": "string",
                  "operation": "string",
                  "createdBy": "string",
                  "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "links": [
                      "method": "string",
                      "rel": "string",
                      "uri": "string",
                      "href": "string",
                      "title": "string",
                      "type": "string",
                      "itemType": "string",
                      "responseType": "string",
                      "responseItemType": "string"
                  "parentTypeName": "string",
                  "parentId": "string",
                  "parentVersion": "string"

                Child Version Summary

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                Child Version Summary any false none A representation of a single version of a child document. The summary version of this representation omits the comparison of field values between the requested and previous version of the child document.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous versionSummary false none A representation of a single historical version of document or link. The summary version of this representation omits the comparison of field values between the requested and previous version of the document or link.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » parentTypeName string false none The object type of the parent document.
                » parentId string false none The ID of the parent document.
                » parentVersion string false none The version of the parent document.


                  "name": "string",
                  "start": 0,
                  "limit": 0,
                  "count": 0,
                  "accept": "string",
                  "links": [
                      "method": "string",
                      "rel": "string",
                      "uri": "string",
                      "href": "string",
                      "title": "string",
                      "type": "string",
                      "itemType": "string",
                      "responseType": "string",
                      "responseItemType": "string"
                  "version": 0,
                  "items": [
                      "typeName": "string",
                      "id": "string",
                      "version": "string",
                      "displayLabel": "string",
                      "operation": "string",
                      "createdBy": "string",
                      "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "links": [
                          "method": "string",
                          "rel": "string",
                          "uri": "string",
                          "href": "string",
                          "title": "string",
                          "type": "string",
                          "itemType": "string",
                          "responseType": "string",
                          "responseItemType": "string"
                      "parentTypeName": "string",
                      "parentId": "string",
                      "parentVersion": "string"

                Child Version Summary Collection

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                Child Version Summary Collection any false none A collection of child version summaries.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous sasCollection false none This is a base schema that is used to define paginated collections of resources. It is based on http://{SAS API Portal}/reference/schema/baseCollection/v2/baseCollection2.json. Other APIs can extend this base schema by adding an "items" array property.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » items [childVersionSummary] true none An array of child version summaries.


                  "typeName": "string",
                  "id": "string",
                  "version": "string",
                  "displayLabel": "string",
                  "operation": "string",
                  "createdBy": "string",
                  "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "links": [
                      "method": "string",
                      "rel": "string",
                      "uri": "string",
                      "href": "string",
                      "title": "string",
                      "type": "string",
                      "itemType": "string",
                      "responseType": "string",
                      "responseItemType": "string"
                  "parentTypeName": "string",
                  "parentId": "string",
                  "parentVersion": "string",
                  "values": [
                      "name": "string",
                      "label": "string",
                      "previousVersionValue": null,
                      "previousValueFieldRestriction": {
                        "masked": {
                          "currentUserIsAuthorizedToReveal": true,
                          "revealUrl": "string"
                        "required": true,
                        "readOnly": true,
                        "maxLength": 0,
                        "systemReserved": true,
                        "fieldDataType": "REFERENCE_DATA",
                        "precision": 0,
                        "scale": 0,
                        "constrainingListName": "string",
                        "cascadingReferenceDataFilterByCode": "string",
                        "cascadingReferenceDataFilterByField": "string",
                        "allowMultipleSelections": true,
                        "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS"
                      "value": null,
                      "fieldRestriction": {
                        "masked": {
                          "currentUserIsAuthorizedToReveal": true,
                          "revealUrl": "string"
                        "required": true,
                        "readOnly": true,
                        "maxLength": 0,
                        "systemReserved": true,
                        "fieldDataType": "REFERENCE_DATA",
                        "precision": 0,
                        "scale": 0,
                        "constrainingListName": "string",
                        "cascadingReferenceDataFilterByCode": "string",
                        "cascadingReferenceDataFilterByField": "string",
                        "allowMultipleSelections": true,
                        "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS"
                      "type": "string",
                      "valueChanged": true

                Child Version

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                Child Version any false none A representation of a single version of child document. This representation contains an array of values that compares field values between the previous and requested version of the child document.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous childVersionSummary false none A representation of a single version of a child document. The summary version of this representation omits the comparison of field values between the requested and previous version of the child document.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » values [versionValue] false none A list of version values.


                  "name": "string",
                  "label": "string",
                  "previousVersionValue": null,
                  "previousValueFieldRestriction": {
                    "masked": {
                      "currentUserIsAuthorizedToReveal": true,
                      "revealUrl": "string"
                    "required": true,
                    "readOnly": true,
                    "maxLength": 0,
                    "systemReserved": true,
                    "fieldDataType": "REFERENCE_DATA",
                    "precision": 0,
                    "scale": 0,
                    "constrainingListName": "string",
                    "cascadingReferenceDataFilterByCode": "string",
                    "cascadingReferenceDataFilterByField": "string",
                    "allowMultipleSelections": true,
                    "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS"
                  "value": null,
                  "fieldRestriction": {
                    "masked": {
                      "currentUserIsAuthorizedToReveal": true,
                      "revealUrl": "string"
                    "required": true,
                    "readOnly": true,
                    "maxLength": 0,
                    "systemReserved": true,
                    "fieldDataType": "REFERENCE_DATA",
                    "precision": 0,
                    "scale": 0,
                    "constrainingListName": "string",
                    "cascadingReferenceDataFilterByCode": "string",
                    "cascadingReferenceDataFilterByField": "string",
                    "allowMultipleSelections": true,
                    "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS"
                  "type": "string",
                  "valueChanged": true

                Version Value

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                name string false none The field name of the underlying field.
                label string false none The localized label for the underlying field.
                previousVersionValue any false none The value of the field in the previous version of the document or link. If the field is currently configured for masking, this value is masked with dots.
                previousValueFieldRestriction fieldRestriction false none A field restriction object containing any relevant masking metadata for the previous version value. This can be used by clients to determine whether the previous version value can be revealed by the current user and what URL can be used to fetch the revealed previous version value.
                value any false none The value of the field in the requested version of the document or link. If the field is currently configured for masking, this value is masked with dots.
                fieldRestriction fieldRestriction false none A field restriction object containing any relevant masking metadata for the field value. This can be used by clients to determine whether the value can be revealed by the current user and what URL can be used to fetch the revealed value.
                type string false none The data type of the field. This can be used by clients for formatting and display purposes.
                valueChanged boolean false none Indicates whether the value has changed between the previous and requested version of the document or link.


                  "name": "string",
                  "start": 0,
                  "limit": 0,
                  "count": 0,
                  "accept": "string",
                  "links": [
                      "method": "string",
                      "rel": "string",
                      "uri": "string",
                      "href": "string",
                      "title": "string",
                      "type": "string",
                      "itemType": "string",
                      "responseType": "string",
                      "responseItemType": "string"
                  "version": 0

                SAS Collection

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                name string false none The name of the collection.
                start integer(int64) false none The zero-based index of the first item in the collection.
                limit integer false none The number of items that were requested for the collection.
                count integer(int64) false none If populated, indicates the number of items in the collection.
                accept string false none A space-delimited list of media types from which an Accept header can be constructed.
                links [sasLink] false none The links that apply to the collection.
                version integer false none The version number of the collection representation. This representation is version 2.


                  "description": "Example of a SAS Error object.",
                  "value": {
                    "message": "There was an error processing your request.",
                    "id": "DH9999",
                    "errorCode": 9999,
                    "httpStatusCode": 400,
                    "details": [
                      "See the log for additional details."
                    "remediation": "Please resolve the error and then resubmit the request."
                  "x-widdershins-oldRef": "#/components/examples/sasErrorExample"

                SAS Error

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                message string false none The message for the error.
                id string false none The string ID for the error.
                errorCode integer false none The numeric ID for the error.
                httpStatusCode integer false none The HTTP status code for the error.
                details [string] false none Messages that provide additional details about the cause of the error.
                remediation string false none A message that describes how to resolve the error.
                errors [object] false none Any additional errors that occurred.
                links [sasLink] false none The links that apply to the error.
                version integer false none The version number of the error representation. This representation is version 2.

                  "method": "string",
                  "rel": "string",
                  "uri": "string",
                  "href": "string",
                  "title": "string",
                  "type": "string",
                  "itemType": "string",
                  "responseType": "string",
                  "responseItemType": "string"

                SAS Link

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                method string false none The HTTP method for the link.
                rel string false none The relationship of the link to the resource.
                uri string false none The relative URI for the link.
                href string false none The URL for the link.
                title string false none The title for the link.
                type string false none The media type or link type for the link.
                itemType string false none If this is a link to a container, itemType is the media type or link type for the items in the container.
                responseType string false none The media type or link type of the response body for a PUT, POST, or PATCH operation.
                responseItemType string false none The media type or link type of the items in the response body for a PUT, POST, or PATCH operation.


                  "version": 1,
                  "properties": [
                      "name": "string",
                      "value": "string"
                  "links": [

                SAS Properties

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                version integer false none The version number of the API representation. This is version 1.
                properties [sasProperty] false none A list of name/value pairs.
                links [object] false none Links to associated resources and operations. APIs might provide links for the link relations self',update(to replace the attributes),patch` (to update some attributes), or others.


                  "name": "string",
                  "value": "string"

                SAS Property

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                name string false none The property name.
                value string false none The property value.


                    "path": "string",
                    "op": "string",
                    "value": null

                JSON Patch

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                JSON Patch [oneOf] false none A specification of changes to make to an object. It consists of an array of patch operations.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous jsonPatchAddOperation false none Specifies a patch operation that adds a value.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous jsonPatchReplaceOperation false none Specifies a patch operation that replaces a value.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous jsonPatchTestOperation false none Specifies a patch operation that tests a value.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous jsonPatchRemoveOperation false none Specifies a patch operation that removes a value.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous jsonPatchMoveOperation false none Specifies a patch operation that moves a value from one location to another.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous jsonPatchCopyOperation false none Specifies a patch operation that copies a value from one location to another.


                  "path": "string",
                  "op": "string",
                  "value": null

                JSON Patch Add Operation

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                path string false none A JSON Pointer path where the Add operation is applied.
                op string false none The operation to perform. For Add operations, this is always "add".
                value any false none The value to add at the location specified by the path.


                  "path": "string",
                  "op": "string",
                  "value": null

                JSON Patch Replace Operation

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                path string false none A JSON Pointer path where the Replace operation is applied.
                op string false none The operation to perform. For Replace operations, this is always "replace".
                value any false none The value to replace at the location specified by the path.


                  "path": "string",
                  "op": "string",
                  "value": null

                JSON Patch Test Operation

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                path string false none A JSON Pointer path where the Test operation is applied.
                op string false none The operation to perform. For Test operations, this is always "test".
                value any false none The value to test at the location specified by the path.


                  "path": "string",
                  "op": "string"

                JSON Patch Remove Operation

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                path string false none A JSON Pointer path where the Remove operation is applied.
                op string false none The operation to perform. For Remove operations, this is always "remove".


                  "from": "string",
                  "path": "string",
                  "op": "string"

                JSON Patch Move Operation

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                from string false none A JSON Pointer path from which the value is moved.
                path string false none A JSON Pointer path to which the value is moved.
                op string false none The operation to perform. For Move operations, this is always "move".


                  "from": "string",
                  "path": "string",
                  "op": "string"

                JSON Patch Copy Operation

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                from string false none A JSON Pointer path from which the value is copied.
                path string false none A JSON Pointer path to which the value is copied.
                op string false none The operation to perform. For Copy operations, this is always "copy".


                  "id": 0,
                  "createdBy": "string",
                  "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "lastUpdatedBy": "string",
                  "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "name": "string",
                  "imageType": "GIF",
                  "imageLocation": "string",
                  "bytes": "string",
                  "version": 0




                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous auditableObject false none Reserved for internal use. An abstract object for handling audit information.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » name string false none The name of the icon.
                » imageType string false none The type of the icon's image.
                » imageLocation string false none The location where the image is stored.
                » bytes string(binary) false none The raw binary data for the icon.
                » version integer false none The internal Data Hub version for this icon.
                Enumerated Values
                Property Value
                imageType GIF
                imageType JPEG
                imageType PNG
                imageType SVG
                imageType SVG+XML


                  "label": "string",
                  "icons": []

                Node Decoration

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                label string false none The label for the icon decoration.
                icons array false none The collection of icon decorations associated with this node.


                Admin APIs

                Access to the /admin version of the API endpoints requires administrator privileges. Typically, the non-admin versions of the endpoints are restricted to Read-Only access to objects for which the user has been granted security permissions. Reading records through the admin endpoints bypasses security permissions and allows available records to be accessed.

                Resource Collections

                Most APIs that return the media type application/ support the following features:

                Data Masking and Media Types

                Fields of Entity Types, Relationship Types, and Transaction Types can be configured for data masking. When data masking is activated for a field, the field value will not normally appear in a representation of a document, relationship link, or transaction link that has a value for that field. Media types control the way masked values are represented. Endpoints that serve documents, relationship links, or transaction links check the request's Accept header value or Accept-Type header value, and behave according to the tables below depending on the media type in the header. Not every endpoint in each category supports every listed media type. Consult the documentation for details on which media types an endpoint supports.

                Document endpoints:

                Media Type Masking Behavior
                application/json Masked values are omitted from the fieldValues object in the document in the response.
                application/ Masked values are omitted from the fieldValues object in the document in the response.
                application/ Masked values are replaced with the string ••••••••• in the response.
                application/ Masked values are replaced with the string ••••••••• in the response unless the requesting user is authorized to unmask the field. In that case, the raw unmasked value is included.

                Enriched document endpoints:

                Media Type Masking Behavior
                application/json Masked values are omitted from the fieldValues object in the document in the response.
                application/ Masked values are omitted from the fieldValues object in the document in the response.
                application/ Masked values are replaced with the string ••••••••• in the response.
                application/ Masked values are replaced with the string ••••••••• in the response unless the requesting user is authorized to unmask the field. In that case, the raw unmasked value is included.
                application/ Masked values are replaced with the string ••••••••• in the response.

                Relationship link endpoints:

                Media Type Masking Behavior
                application/json Masked values are omitted from the fieldValues object in the document in the response.
                application/ Masked values are replaced with the string ••••••••• in the response.
                application/ Masked values are replaced with the string ••••••••• in the response unless the requesting user is authorized to unmask the field. In that case, the raw unmasked value is included.

                Transaction link endpoints:

                Media Type Masking Behavior
                application/json Masked values are omitted from the fieldValues object in the document in the response.
                application/ Masked values are replaced with the string ••••••••• in the response.
                HEAD Requests

                Every GET request in the API can be made as a HEAD request. The documentation for each GET request in the API also applies to its HEAD equivalent, except that HEAD responses have no body.

                Visual Investigator Workflow

                Base URLs:

                Terms of service Email: SAS Developers Web: SAS Developers

                Scroll down for code samples, example requests and responses. Select a language for code samples from the tabs above or the mobile navigation menu.

                The SAS Visual Investigator Workflow API enable users to execute and manage workflows created within SAS Visual Investigator. The SAS Visual Investigator workflows are based on an open-source engine that complies with the Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) 2.0 standard. It supports industry standards for visual representation and behavior, and it provides support for established workflow patterns. SAS Visual Investigator workflows are efficient and scalable, and integrate with other standard business process implementations.

                Usage Notes


                The SAS Visual Investigator Workflow API enables clients to manage workflows used in case management to investigate and process threat analysis.

                Here are the functions that this API provides:

                For more information, see the SAS Visual Investigator Workflow Administration.



                a business object that is managed by SAS Visual Investigator and is represented by a table of related objects.

                entity instance

                represents an object instance within the entity. A workflow runs against an entity instance and might update the data of this object.


                an instance that is currently running the workflow against the entity instance.


                SAS Visual Investigator. Workflow is part of this product.


                a specific workflow item in the workflow model where the user can choose an action to complete. Depending on the action, the workflow might update workflow process variables or entity instance fields.


                defines a model that is used to process a workflow against a select entity instance. A workflow is related to a specific entity. Workflows are versioned on each definition update to ensure that existing processes working tasks against the previous versions can continue.

                Error Codes

                Certain errors are returned automatically by the framework. It is expected clients handle any valid HTTP response accordingly.

                HTTP Status Code Description
                401 Unauthorized (caller does not have appropriate access)
                403 Forbidden

                The following errors are specific to the SAS Visual Investigator Workflow API.

                HTTP Status Code Error Code Description
                404 84000 The workflow "{0}" does not exist.
                404 84001 The workflow entity instance with the ID "{0}" is not associated with a workflow process.
                400 84002 The workflow "{0}" is not the latest version for this workflow definition.
                404 84003 The workflow process "{0}" does not exist.
                404 84004 The workflow process "{0}" does not exist or is not active.
                404 84005 Workflow processes could not be found for entity ID "{0}".
                404 84006 The task with ID "{0}" does not exist. The task process might have been completed, canceled due to an exceeded timer event, or the process was canceled.
                404 84007 The workflow task action does not exist for the workflow definition ID "{0}", task key "{1}".
                500 84008 The workflow task action could not be created for the workflow definition ID "{0}", task key "{1}".
                400 84009 The workflow setting IDs in the URI request and body must match.
                400 84010 Workflow setting ID type and columns are required.
                400 84011 Audit details cannot be modified. Workflow setting ID type and columns must be provided.
                400 84012 The workflow action cannot be completed. The user is not authorized to edit entities of type "{0}".
                400 84013 The workflow setting ID "{0}" is not a valid setting type. Valid workflow setting IDs include: "MYTASKS_HOME_COLUMNS", "TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS"
                400 84014 The administrator workflow setting "{0}" already exists.
                404 84015 The administrator workflow setting "{0}" does not exist.
                500 84016 The administrator workflow setting "{0}" could not be created.
                500 84017 The administrator workflow setting "{0}" could not be updated.
                500 84018 The administrator workflow setting "{0}" could not be deleted.
                500 84019 All administrator workflow settings could not be deleted.
                400 84020 The list of columns contains an invalid column name "{0}".
                400 84021 The list of columns contains an invalid sort direction "{0}".
                500 84022 The name and description details for workflow "{0}" could not be saved.
                500 84023 The name and description details for workflow "{0}" could not be saved.
                500 84024 The name and description details for workflow "{0}" could not be deleted.
                400 84025 The workflow IDs in the URI request and body must match.
                500 84026 The new workflow definition for "{0}" could not be created for the entity "{1}" (entity ID "{2}"). The entity must be an internal entity, and cannot be a child of an existing entity. Please try again with another internal entity.
                400 84027 The entity with the ID "{0}" does not exist. Please try again with another internal entity.
                404 84028 The entity instance with the ID "{0}" and name "{1}" does not exist. Please try again with another internal entity instance.
                400 84029 The workflow name "{0}" is already used in another workflow definition. Please enter another name.
                400 84030 The workflow label "{0}" is already used in another workflow definition for entity "{1}". Please enter another label.
                404 84031 A workflow has not been configured for the entity "{0}".
                404 84032 A workflow has not been configured using name "{0}".
                400 84033 Workflow name and entity details cannot be modified.
                400 84034 Workflow name, entity details, and model are required.
                400 84035 The workflow processes were not started for the following entity instances because they are already running under existing workflow processes: "{0}".
                400 84036 The workflow processes could not be started for the following entity instances because they do not exist: "{0}".
                400 84037 Workflow processes were not started for the following entity instances because they are already running under existing workflow processes: "{0}". The following entity instances could not be started as they do not exist: "{1}".
                400 84038 A new workflow definition was created but the workflow process could not be started. Reason: There are missing entity instance IDs.
                400 84039 The workflow name "{0}" provided contains invalid characters. Valid characters include the alphanumeric characters A-Z and 0-9, hyphens (-), underscores (_), and periods. (.) Also, names cannot begin with a numeric value, hyphen, or period.
                400 84040 A workflow name must be less than 255 characters in length.
                400 84041 A workflow description must be less than 2000 characters in length.
                400 84042 The workflow task ID for node ID "{0}" (type: "{1}") is not specified. The task ID must contain alphanumeric characters only.
                400 84043 The workflow task ID for the node ID "{0}" (type: "{1}") is invalid. Task IDs must contain alphanumeric characters only.
                400 84044 The workflow task name for the node "{0}" (type: "{1}") is invalid. Task names cannot contain the following characters: ", <, >, or &. Check the model and try again.
                400 84045 The workflow task name for the node ID "{0}" (type: "{1}") is too long. Please enter a name of less than 255 characters.
                400 84046 The workflow task description for the node ID "{0}" (type: "{1}") is too long. Please enter a description of less than 2000 characters.
                400 84047 Audit details cannot be modified. Workflow name, entity details, and either the JSON or XML model must be provided.
                400 84048 Workflow formats for both JSON models and XML models were specified but only one is allowed. Specify one of the models.
                400 84049 The following sort request is invalid: "{0}". Specify a comma-separated list of sort properties using the following formula: (columnName):(ascending
                400 84050 The following filter request is invalid: {0}. Either the specified field property or the filter request is invalid. The filter request requires that the format use prefix function syntax (for example functionName(arguments)). The supported filter functions for numeric values include: eq, ne, ge, gt, le, and lt. The supported filter functions for string values include: eq, ne, contains, startsWith, and endsWith.
                400 84051 The following filter collator is invalid: {0}. The supported filter collators for string functions are $primary for case-insensitivity, or $identical for case-sensitive.
                400 84052 The workflow "{0}" was not updated because it is not the most recent version. Refresh the workflow list and try your query with the most recent workflow definition.
                400 84053 The workflow "{0}" not started. Attempting to start a process using an older version of this workflow definition. You can start only the workflow process using the latest version. Refresh and attempt the query with latest workflow definition.
                400 84054 The workflow process could not be started for workflow "{0}". Exception: "{1}"
                500 84055 The workflow process could not be started for workflow "{0}" because the specified due date or timer boundary event date is invalid. The date, time, and duration for a task must conform to the ISO 8601 format.
                400 84056 The workflow process could not be started for workflow "{0}" as the workflow is not enabled.
                500 84057 The workflow process with the ID "{0}" could not be stopped. Exception: {1}
                400 84058 The workflow process with the ID "{0}" could not be suspended as the workflow is already suspended.
                500 84059 The workflow process with the ID "{0}" could not be suspended. Exception: {1}
                400 84060 The workflow process with the ID "{0}" could not resume as the workflow is currently active.
                500 84061 The workflow process with the ID "{0}" could not resume. Exception: {1}
                500 84062 The action "{0}" is not a valid process action. Processes can only be: canceled (CANCEL), suspended (SUSPEND) or resumed (RESUME).
                500 84063 The suspend audit details for the workflow process with the ID "{0}" could not be updated.
                500 84064 The resume audit details for the workflow process with the ID "{0}" could not be updated.
                500 84065 The cancel audit details for the workflow process with the ID "{0}" could not be updated.
                400 84066 The following workflow processes for the entity "{0}" could not be stopped: {1}
                500 84067 The following workflow processes could not be suspended: {0}
                500 84068 The following workflow processes could not be resumed: {0}
                500 84069 The following workflow processes could not be canceled: {0}
                500 84070 The workflow definition "{0}" could not be created. The Flowable database could not be updated. Reason: "{1}"
                500 84071 The workflow definition ID "{0}" could not be deleted. The Flowable database could not be updated. Reason: "{1}"
                400 84072 Workflow tasks were not claimed for the following task IDs: {0} /n/ Possible reasons: workflow process was suspended or ended, the task has been completed, the task is already claimed, or the user is not a participant of the task and does not have the privilege to claim the task.
                400 84073 Claims were not released for the following workflow task IDs: {0} /n/ Possible reasons: workflow process was suspended or ended, the task has been completed, or the user is not a participant of the task and does not have the privilege to release the claim on the task.
                400 84074 The task "{0}" could not be claimed for user "{1}". Exception: {2}
                400 84075 You do not have permission to claim task "{0}" for user "{1}"
                400 84076 The task "{0}" could not be claimed for user "{1}" because the workflow is currently suspended.
                400 84077 The task "{0}" could not be claimed for user "{1}" because the request did not provide a user name.
                400 84078 The task "{0}" could not be claimed for user "{1}" because it is already claimed. Release the current claim and try again.
                400 84079 The claim could not be released for the task "{0}" because the workflow is currently suspended.
                400 84080 The claim could not be released for the task "{0}". Exception: {1}
                500 84081 The workflow definitions could not be deleted for the following entity: name "{0}", ID "{1}".
                500 84082 The workflow "{0}" could not be deleted.
                500 84083 The workflow definition ID "{0}" could not be deleted.
                400 84084 The requested action could not be completed because no resources were selected. Provide a list of resource IDs and try again.
                404 84085 The request action could not be completed because the following resource IDs do not exist: {0}
                400 84086 The user "{0}" could not be set as a participant for the task "{1}" because the user does not exist on the system.
                400 84087 The group "{0}" could not be set as a participant for task "{1}" because the group does not exist on system.
                400 84088 The user "{0}" cannot perform the task "{1}"
                400 84089 The identities for all users and groups could not be retrieved.
                400 84090 The user could not be found.
                500 84091 The value for "{0}" could not be used in the exclusive gateway sequence flow. The value "{1}" is invalid for the "{2}" data type.
                500 84092 The value for "{0}" could not be updated. The value "{1}" is invalid for the "{2}" data type.
                500 84093 The variable value could not be updated. The value "{0}" is invalid for the "{1}" data type.
                500 84094 The task "{0}" could not be completed because the workflow is currently suspended.
                400 84095 The task "{0}" could not be completed. Exception: {1}
                400 84096 The task "{0}" could not be completed because you have not been assigned the task.
                400 84097 The task "{0}" could not be completed because the action "{1}" was not found.
                400 84098 The task "{0}" could not be completed because field values are missing. Enter a value for the following fields: "{1}"
                500 84099 The task "{0}" could not be completed because the due date or timer boundary event date specified is invalid. The due date and timer boundary event date for a task must conform to the ISO 8601 format.
                500 84100 There was an error on the sequence path following an exceeded boundary timer event and the workflow cannot proceed. Contact your system administrator.
                404 84101 The task with ID "{0}" does not exist. The task process was completed, the task was canceled due to an exceeded timer event, or the process was canceled.
                404 84102 The process with ID "{0}" does not exist. The process either was completed or canceled.
                500 84103 The entity fields could not be updated for the entity name "{0}", entity instance "{1}": {2}
                500 84104 The entity fields could not be updated for the entity name "{0}", entity instance "{1}". Exception: {2}
                500 84105 The entity fields could not be updated for the workflow process ID "{0}". Exception: {1}
                500 84106 Changes to the workflow could not be saved. Ensure that the model is in a valid JSON format. Reason: {0}
                400 84107 Changes to the workflow could not be saved because the model contained the following invalid event or task type: {0}. Check the model and try again.
                400 84108 Changes to the workflow could not be saved. The model contains a link to an event or task ({0}) that does not exist. Check the model and try again.
                400 84109 Changes to the workflow could not be saved. The model contains an invalid sequence flow (from "{0}" to "{1}"). Check the model and try again.
                400 84110 Changes to the workflow could not be saved. The model requires a script in order to configure a script task for the node "{0}". Check the model and try again.
                400 84111 Changes to the workflow could not be saved. The model does not contain a START event. The model should contain exactly one START event. Check the model and try again.
                400 84112 Changes to the workflow could not be saved because the model contains more than one START event. Models must contain exactly one START event. Check the model and try again.
                400 84113 Changes to the workflow could not be saved because the model does not contain an END event. The model requires at least one END event. Check the model and try again.
                400 84114 Changes to the workflow could not be saved. The model contains an END event that has a sequence flow (from "{0}" to "{1}") to another task or event. Check the model and try again.
                400 84115 Changes to the workflow could not be saved. The model contains an event or task ({0}) that has an outgoing sequence flow to the START event. Check the model and try again.
                400 84116 Changes to the workflow could not be saved. The model contains a sequence flow (from"{0}" to "{1}") with a condition. A condition can be set only for exclusive gateway sequence flows. Check the model and try again.
                400 84117 Changes to the workflow could not be saved. The model contains a sequence flow with a condition that using an invalid operator ({0}). The condition definition allows only "AND" and "OR" options. Check the model and try again.
                400 84118 Changes to the workflow could not be saved. The model contains a sequence flow with a condition that using an invalid operator ({0}). The condition definition allows only "equals", "not_equals", "is_missing", and "not_missing" operators. Check the model and try again.
                400 84119 Changes to the workflow could not be saved. The model contains a stranded event or task ({0}) that does not have a sequence flow to another task, gateway, or event. Check the model and try again.
                400 84120 Changes to the workflow could not be saved. The START event must always be at the initial start of a workflow and cannot have outgoing sequence flows to more than one task or gateway. Check the model and try again.
                400 84121 Changes to the workflow could not be saved. The model contains an END node ({0}) that does not end a workflow process. Check the model and try again.
                400 84122 Changes to the workflow could not be saved. The model contains a task ({0}) with either no incoming or outgoing sequence flows to a task, gateway, or end event. Check the model and try again.
                400 84123 Changes to the workflow could not be saved. The model contains a gateway ({0}) with either no incoming or outgoing sequence flows to a task, gateway, or end event. Check the model and try again.
                400 84124 Changes to the workflow could not be saved. The model contains a task ({0}) with outgoing sequence flows to more than one task, gateway, or end event. Check the model and try again.
                400 84125 Changes to the workflow could not be saved. The model contains an event or task ({0}) that flows back to itself. Events, tasks, and gateways cannot have sequence flows back to themselves. Check the model and try again.
                400 84126 There are too many distinct participants specified for this workflow. Consolidate the participants into super groups as applicable.
                400 84127 Changes to the workflow could not be saved. The model contains invalid participant details for the task "{0}". Check the model and try again.
                400 84128 Changes to the workflow could not be saved. The workflow variable "{0}" for the task "{1}" cannot be used to save the participant details. The workflow variable must be of USER_GROUP data type. Check the model and try again.
                400 84129 Changes to the workflow could not be saved. The workflow variable "{0}" for the task "{1}" cannot be used to save the assignee details. The workflow variable must be of USER_GROUP data type and can hold only a single user value. Check the model and try again.
                400 84130 Changes to the workflow could not be saved. The model contains invalid action details for the task "{0}". Check the model and try again.
                400 84131 Changes to the workflow could not be saved. The model contains an invalid workflow variable of USER_GROUP data type "{0}" for the task "{1}". The variable must also define the user selection strategy (USERS, GROUPS, USERS_AND_GROUPS) and whether this variable can support an array of multiple users or groups. Check the model and try again.
                400 84132 Changes to the workflow could not be saved. The model contains an invalid workflow variable of USER_GROUP data type "{0}". The variable must also define the user selection strategy (USERS, GROUPS, USERS_AND_GROUPS) and whether this variable can support an array of multiple users or groups. Check the model and try again.
                400 84133 Changes to the workflow could not be saved. The value "{0}" is invalid for the USER_GROUP workflow variable "{1}" for the task "{2}". The value must be a USER_GROUP JSON string. It can contain only entries that match the variable user selection strategy (USERS, GROUPS, or USERS_AND_GROUPS). If the variable is not set to accept multiple entries, the value can contain only one item. Check the model and try again.
                400 84134 The value "{0}" is invalid for the USER_GROUP variable "{1}" for the task "{2}". The value must be a USER_GROUP JSON string. It can contain only entries that match the variable user selection strategy (USERS, GROUPS, or USERS_AND_GROUPS). If the variable is not set to accept multiple entries, the value can contain only one item.
                400 84135 The JSON string "{0}" cannot be converted to a USER_GROUP object representation as the string is invalid.
                400 84136 The script task "{0}" may have incorrectly updated a workflow variable of USER_GROUP data type. The value of a workflow variable of USER_GROUP data type must be a valid user and/or group. The values of the following workflow variables are invalid: {1}
                400 84137 Changes to the workflow could not be saved. The model contains invalid variable details for the task "{0}". Check the model and try again.
                400 84138 Changes to the workflow could not be saved. The model contains invalid boundary event details for the event that references task "{0}". Check the model and try again.
                400 84139 Changes to the workflow could not be saved. Reason: Entity fields could not be validated or obtained for the process variable for entity "{0}". Check the model and try again.
                400 84140 Changes to the workflow could not be saved. Entity-defined process variables contain an entity field that does not exist in the fields for entity "{0}". Check the model and try again.
                400 84141 Changes to the workflow could not be saved. Reason: Task "{0}" references an entity field "{1}" that does not exist in the entity. Check the model and try again.
                400 84142 Changes to the workflow could not be saved. The task "{0}" references an entity field "{1}" that either does not exist in the entity or cannot be edited. The entity field must exist in the entity and cannot be a primary key, auto-generated, or reserved for the system. Check the model and try again.
                400 84143 Changes to the workflow could not be saved. The page prompt details are missing for task "{0}", action "{1}".
                400 84144 Changes to the workflow could not be saved. The user task "{0}" requires that at least one participant be provided. Check the model and try again.
                400 84145 "Changes to the workflow could not be saved. The user task "{0}" has values for both participant properties. Either provide a list of users and groups or specify a workflow variable that contains the list of users and groups to use for authorization. Check the model and try again.
                400 84146 Changes to the workflow could not be saved. The gateway sequence flow "{0}" specifies more than one condition as a default where no condition is defined. A gateway must specify a single sequence flow as a default. All other sequence flows must specify a condition. Check the model and try again.
                400 84147 Changes to the workflow could not be saved. There is only one gateway sequence flow "{0}" and it has a condition specified. If a gateway has only one sequence flow, then it must be specified as a default condition where no condition is defined. Either remove the condition from the sequence flow or create another sequence flow with a condition. Check the model and try again.
                400 84148 Changes to the workflow could not be saved. There is a script task that contains an embedded XML string. Remove the XML from the script and try again.
                500 84149 The new workflow process could not be added for the process with the ID "{0}".
                500 84150 The display label could not be updated for the following entity instance: ID "{0}", entity ID "{1}", entity name "{2}".
                500 84151 The display label could not be updated for the following entity instance: ID "{0}", process ID "{1}".
                500 84152 The workflow details for the entity ID "{0}" could not be deleted.
                500 84153 The workflow details for the workflow ID "{0}" could not be deleted.
                500 84154 The workflow processes for the entity ID "{0}" could not be deleted.
                500 84155 The workflow processes for the workflow ID "{0}" could not be deleted.
                500 84156 The workflow task actions for the workflow ID "{0}" could not be deleted.
                400 84157 Changes to the workflow could not be saved. The XML model contains a generic "bpmn:task" annotation. Tasks must clearly specify the user, service, or script type of the task. Check the model and try again.
                400 84158 Changes to the workflow could not be saved. The XML model is missing a START node or an END node. Check the model and try again.
                500 84159 An unexpected error occurred while building the service task "{0}". The workflow definition could not be saved. Contact your system administrator.
                400 84160 Changes to the workflow could not be saved. The service task "{0}" does not specify an HTTP method. Specify "GET", "POST", "PUT", or "DELETE" and try again.
                400 84161 Changes to the workflow could not be saved. The service task "{0}" has an invalid value "{1}" specified for its method parameter. Specify "GET", "POST", "PUT", or "DELETE" and try again.
                400 84162 Changes to the workflow could not be saved. The service task "{0}" has an invalid value for its method parameter. Specify "GET", "POST", "PUT", or "DELETE" and try again.
                400 84163 Changes to the workflow could not be saved. The service task "{0}" does not specify a REST URL. Specify a REST URL and try again.
                400 84164 Changes to the workflow could not be saved. The service task "{0}" has an invalid value "{1}" for its URL template. Change this value to a string and try again.
                400 84165 Changes to the workflow could not be saved. The service task "{0}" has a blank REST URL, which is not allowed. Provide a value for the REST URL and try again.
                400 84166 Changes to the workflow could not be saved. The service task "{0}" has an invalid value for its REST URL parameters. Correct this issue and try again.
                400 84167 Changes to the workflow could not be saved. The service task "{0}" has a blank request body, which is not allowed. Provide a value for the request body and try again.
                400 84168 Changes to the workflow could not be saved. The service task "{0}" has an invalid request body. The request body must be a string property that supports JSON format. Update the request body content and try again.
                400 84169 Changes to the workflow could not be saved. The service task "{0}" has an invalid request body. The request body must be in JSON format. Update the request body content and try again.
                400 84170 Changes to the workflow could not be saved. The service task "{0}" specifies an invalid value in its mapping of response fields to workflow variables. Correct this issue and try again.
                400 84171 Changes to the workflow could not be saved. The URL template that was specified for the service task "{0}" contains references to URL parameters not specified in the URL template parameters. Correct this issue and try again.
                400 84172 Changes to the workflow could not be saved. The URL template parameters that were specified for the service task "{0}" contain references to URL parameters that are not specified in the URL template. Correct this issue and try again.
                400 84173 Changes to the workflow could not be saved. The service task "{0}" is missing a value for field "{1}" in response-mapping property.
                400 84174 Changes to the workflow could not be saved. The service task "{0}" writes to the workflow variable "{1}" (type "{2}"), which is not supported. Correct this issue and try again.
                500 84175 The list data could not be retrieved. Reason: {0}
                500 84176 The map data could not be retrieved. Reason: {0}
                500 84177 Unable to retrieve data. Reason: {0}
                500 84178 The URI could not be created.
                500 84179 The HTTP GET method returned an error. Status Code: {0}
                500 84180 The REST GET method returned an error.
                401 84181 You do not have permission to perform this action.
                500 84182 The script task failed. Reason: {0}
                400 84183 The service task "{0}" failed. The remote call was unsuccessful. Contact your system administrator. Reason: The client request is invalid.
                400 84184 The service task "{0}" failed. The remote call was unsuccessful. Contact your system administrator. Reason: The requested method "{1}" is not supported for the URL "{2}".
                500 84185 The service task "{0}" failed. The remote call was unsuccessful. Contact your system administrator. Reason: You do not have permission to perform this action.
                500 84186 The service task "{0}" failed. The remote call was unsuccessful. Contact your system administrator. Reason: The server could not find the resource.
                500 84187 The service task "{0}" failed. The remote call was unsuccessful. Contact your system administrator.
                500 84188 The service task "{0}" failed. The remote call was unsuccessful. Contact your system administrator. Reason: {1}
                500 84189 The service task "{0}" failed. The remote call was successful, but the expected response data was not returned. Contact your system administrator.
                500 84190 The service task "{0}" failed. The REST call was successful but the value of the JSON field "{1}" is not compatible to its mapped workflow variable "{2}". The workflow variable "{2}" expects a value of data type "{3}". Contact your system administrator.
                500 84191 The service task "{0}" failed. The REST call was successful but the value of the JSON field "{1}" is not compatible to its mapped workflow variable "{2}". The workflow variable "{2}" expects a value of data type "{3}" (userSelectionStrategy "{4}", multiSelection "{5}"). Contact your system administrator.
                500 84192 The service task "{0}" was successful, but the response to the REST call caused an error. Reason: An attempt was made to update a JSON workflow variable, which is not supported. Contact your system administrator.
                400 84193 Attempting to update stale data. Refresh the workflow resource and try again.



                Endpoints to manage workflow templates.

                Get the headers for the workflow definitions

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X HEAD
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  method: 'HEAD'
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                r = requests.head('')
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                HEAD /

                Returns the headers for the workflow definitions.

                Name In Type Required Description
                fields query string false The comma-separated list of resource members to return in the collection.
                filter query string false Filters the collection using prefix function syntax using selected resource members.
                start query integer(int64) false The zero-based index of the first item in the collection.
                limit query integer(int32) false The number of items that were requested for the collection.
                sortBy query string false The sorting preference for selected resource members in the returned collection.
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. None
                400 Bad Request The request was invalid. errorResponse

                Get a list of workflow definitions

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X GET \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const headers = {
                  method: 'GET',
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r = requests.get('', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                GET /

                Retrieves a list of the latest workflow definitions. The returned items are of type application/

                Name In Type Required Description
                fields query string false The comma-separated list of resource members to return in the collection.
                filter query string false Filters the collection using prefix function syntax using selected resource members.
                start query integer(int64) false The zero-based index of the first item in the collection.
                limit query integer(int32) false The number of items that were requested for the collection.
                sortBy query string false The sorting preference for selected resource members in the returned collection.

                Example responses

                A list of active workflow templates

                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/workflows",
                      "uri": "/workflows",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "create",
                      "href": "/workflows",
                      "uri": "/workflows",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                  "name": "workflows",
                  "accept": "application/",
                  "start": 0,
                  "count": 1,
                  "items": [
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/workflows/workflows/Test_workflow_1:1:00e4e535-739b-11ee-a8bf-0242ac11001f",
                          "uri": "/workflows/workflows/Test_workflow_1:1:00e4e535-739b-11ee-a8bf-0242ac11001f",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "update",
                          "href": "/workflows/workflows/Test_workflow_1:1:00e4e535-739b-11ee-a8bf-0242ac11001f",
                          "uri": "/workflows/workflows/Test_workflow_1:1:00e4e535-739b-11ee-a8bf-0242ac11001f",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                      "version": 2,
                      "entityId": 100832,
                      "entityName": "Test",
                      "entityLabel": "Test Entity",
                      "solutionName": "sas_visual_investigator_default",
                      "solutionLabel": "SAS Visual Investigator",
                      "id": "Test_workflow_1:1:00e4e535-739b-11ee-a8bf-0242ac11001f",
                      "labelResource": "svi.workflow.Test.1698282006259.label.txt",
                      "descriptionResource": "svi.workflow.Test.1698282006259.description.txt",
                      "graphicalModel": "{\"linkFromPortIdProperty\":\"fromPort\",\"linkToPortIdProperty\":\"toPort\",\"modelData\":{\"version\":10.21,\"entityIdsUpdated\":true},\"nodeDataArray\":[{\"key\":\"StartEvent1698281985717\",\"category\":\"event\",\"text\":\"Start\",\"textResource\":\"\",\"item\":\"StartEvent\",\"descriptionResource\":\"svi.workflow.Test.1698282006259.StartEvent1698281985717.description.txt\",\"entityFieldVariables\":[],\"loc\":\"0 0\",\"taskActions\":[],\"gateway\":false},{\"key\":\"UserTask1698281989094\",\"category\":\"activity\",\"text\":\"User Task\",\"textResource\":\"\",\"item\":\"UserTask\",\"descriptionResource\":\"svi.workflow.Test.1698282006259.UserTask1698281989094.description.txt\",\"participants\":[{\"id\":\"sviusrs\",\"type\":\"group\",\"name\":\"sviusrs\"}],\"loc\":\"0 102.5\",\"size\":{\"width\":200,\"height\":70},\"taskActions\":[{\"id\":\"taskOption1698281989095\",\"name\":\"Completed\",\"processVariables\":[],\"entityFieldVariables\":[],\"nameResource\":\"\",\"value\":\"taskOption1698281989095\"}],\"stopOnFailure\":true,\"gateway\":false},{\"key\":\"EndEvent1698281990910\",\"category\":\"event\",\"text\":\"End\",\"textResource\":\"\",\"item\":\"EndEvent\",\"descriptionResource\":\"svi.workflow.Test.1698282006259.EndEvent1698281990910.description.txt\",\"loc\":\"-0.5 217\",\"taskActions\":[],\"stopOnFailure\":true,\"gateway\":false}],\"linkDataArray\":[{\"from\":\"StartEvent1698281985717\",\"to\":\"UserTask1698281989094\",\"visible\":true,\"fromPort\":\"bottomPort\",\"toPort\":\"topPort\",\"points\":[0,21,0,51,0,51,0,38,0,38,0,68],\"text\":\"\",\"textResource\":\"\",\"descriptionResource\":\"svi.workflow.Test.1698282006259.StartEvent1698281985717_UserTask1698281989094.description.txt\"},{\"from\":\"UserTask1698281989094\",\"to\":\"EndEvent1698281990910\",\"visible\":true,\"fromPort\":\"bottomPort\",\"toPort\":\"topPort\",\"points\":[0,136,0,166,0,166,0,164,0,164,0,194],\"text\":\"\",\"textResource\":\"\",\"descriptionResource\":\"svi.workflow.Test.1698282006259.UserTask1698281989094_EndEvent1698281990910.description.txt\"}],\"class\":\"go.GraphLinksModel\"}",
                      "resourceStrings": {
                        "svi.workflow.Test.1698282006259.EndEvent1698281990910.description.txt": "",
                        "": "End",
                        "svi.workflow.Test.1698282006259.StartEvent1698281985717.description.txt": "",
                        "": "Start",
                        "svi.workflow.Test.1698282006259.StartEvent1698281985717_UserTask1698281989094.description.txt": "",
                        "": "",
                        "": "Completed",
                        "svi.workflow.Test.1698282006259.UserTask1698281989094.description.txt": "",
                        "": "User Task",
                        "svi.workflow.Test.1698282006259.UserTask1698281989094_EndEvent1698281990910.description.txt": "",
                        "": "",
                        "svi.workflow.Test.1698282006259.description.txt": "",
                        "svi.workflow.Test.1698282006259.label.txt": "Test Workflow"
                      "enabled": true,
                      "useForAutoStart": true,
                      "autoStartOrder": 1,
                      "createdAt": "2023-10-26T01:00:06.790Z",
                      "createdBy": "videmo",
                      "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-10-26T01:00:06.790Z",
                      "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
                      "publishCode": "OPEN",
                      "name": "Test_workflow_1",
                      "label": "Test Workflow",
                      "workflowVersion": 1
                  "limit": 1,
                  "version": 2
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/workflows",
                      "uri": "/workflows",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "create",
                      "href": "/workflows",
                      "uri": "/workflows",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                  "name": "workflows",
                  "accept": "application/",
                  "start": 0,
                  "count": 1,
                  "items": [
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/workflows/workflows/Test_workflow_1:1:00e4e535-739b-11ee-a8bf-0242ac11001f",
                          "uri": "/workflows/workflows/Test_workflow_1:1:00e4e535-739b-11ee-a8bf-0242ac11001f",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "update",
                          "href": "/workflows/workflows/Test_workflow_1:1:00e4e535-739b-11ee-a8bf-0242ac11001f",
                          "uri": "/workflows/workflows/Test_workflow_1:1:00e4e535-739b-11ee-a8bf-0242ac11001f",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                      "version": 2,
                      "entityId": 100832,
                      "entityName": "Test",
                      "entityLabel": "Test Entity",
                      "solutionName": "sas_visual_investigator_default",
                      "solutionLabel": "SAS Visual Investigator",
                      "id": "Test_workflow_1:1:00e4e535-739b-11ee-a8bf-0242ac11001f",
                      "labelResource": "svi.workflow.Test.1698282006259.label.txt",
                      "descriptionResource": "svi.workflow.Test.1698282006259.description.txt",
                      "graphicalModel": "{\"linkFromPortIdProperty\":\"fromPort\",\"linkToPortIdProperty\":\"toPort\",\"modelData\":{\"version\":10.21,\"entityIdsUpdated\":true},\"nodeDataArray\":[{\"key\":\"StartEvent1698281985717\",\"category\":\"event\",\"text\":\"Start\",\"textResource\":\"\",\"item\":\"StartEvent\",\"descriptionResource\":\"svi.workflow.Test.1698282006259.StartEvent1698281985717.description.txt\",\"entityFieldVariables\":[],\"loc\":\"0 0\",\"taskActions\":[],\"gateway\":false},{\"key\":\"UserTask1698281989094\",\"category\":\"activity\",\"text\":\"User Task\",\"textResource\":\"\",\"item\":\"UserTask\",\"descriptionResource\":\"svi.workflow.Test.1698282006259.UserTask1698281989094.description.txt\",\"participants\":[{\"id\":\"sviusrs\",\"type\":\"group\",\"name\":\"sviusrs\"}],\"loc\":\"0 102.5\",\"size\":{\"width\":200,\"height\":70},\"taskActions\":[{\"id\":\"taskOption1698281989095\",\"name\":\"Completed\",\"processVariables\":[],\"entityFieldVariables\":[],\"nameResource\":\"\",\"value\":\"taskOption1698281989095\"}],\"stopOnFailure\":true,\"gateway\":false},{\"key\":\"EndEvent1698281990910\",\"category\":\"event\",\"text\":\"End\",\"textResource\":\"\",\"item\":\"EndEvent\",\"descriptionResource\":\"svi.workflow.Test.1698282006259.EndEvent1698281990910.description.txt\",\"loc\":\"-0.5 217\",\"taskActions\":[],\"stopOnFailure\":true,\"gateway\":false}],\"linkDataArray\":[{\"from\":\"StartEvent1698281985717\",\"to\":\"UserTask1698281989094\",\"visible\":true,\"fromPort\":\"bottomPort\",\"toPort\":\"topPort\",\"points\":[0,21,0,51,0,51,0,38,0,38,0,68],\"text\":\"\",\"textResource\":\"\",\"descriptionResource\":\"svi.workflow.Test.1698282006259.StartEvent1698281985717_UserTask1698281989094.description.txt\"},{\"from\":\"UserTask1698281989094\",\"to\":\"EndEvent1698281990910\",\"visible\":true,\"fromPort\":\"bottomPort\",\"toPort\":\"topPort\",\"points\":[0,136,0,166,0,166,0,164,0,164,0,194],\"text\":\"\",\"textResource\":\"\",\"descriptionResource\":\"svi.workflow.Test.1698282006259.UserTask1698281989094_EndEvent1698281990910.description.txt\"}],\"class\":\"go.GraphLinksModel\"}",
                      "resourceStrings": {
                        "svi.workflow.Test.1698282006259.EndEvent1698281990910.description.txt": "",
                        "": "End",
                        "svi.workflow.Test.1698282006259.StartEvent1698281985717.description.txt": "",
                        "": "Start",
                        "svi.workflow.Test.1698282006259.StartEvent1698281985717_UserTask1698281989094.description.txt": "",
                        "": "",
                        "": "Completed",
                        "svi.workflow.Test.1698282006259.UserTask1698281989094.description.txt": "",
                        "": "User Task",
                        "svi.workflow.Test.1698282006259.UserTask1698281989094_EndEvent1698281990910.description.txt": "",
                        "": "",
                        "svi.workflow.Test.1698282006259.description.txt": "",
                        "svi.workflow.Test.1698282006259.label.txt": "Test Workflow"
                      "enabled": true,
                      "useForAutoStart": true,
                      "autoStartOrder": 1,
                      "createdAt": "2023-10-26T01:00:06.790Z",
                      "createdBy": "videmo",
                      "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-10-26T01:00:06.790Z",
                      "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
                      "publishCode": "OPEN",
                      "name": "Test_workflow_1",
                      "label": "Test Workflow",
                      "workflowVersion": 1
                  "limit": 1,
                  "version": 2

                This is an example of an error returned for bad requests.

                  "httpStatusCode": 400,
                  "message": "example error message",
                  "version": 2
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. workflowRepResourceCollection
                400 Bad Request The request was invalid. error2

                Get the headers for all versions of the workflow definitions

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X HEAD
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  method: 'HEAD'
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                r = requests.head('')
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                HEAD /revisions

                Returns the headers for all versions of the workflow definitions

                Name In Type Required Description
                fields query string false The comma-separated list of resource members to return in the collection.
                filter query string false Filters the collection using prefix function syntax using selected resource members.
                start query integer(int64) false The zero-based index of the first item in the collection.
                limit query integer(int32) false The number of items that were requested for the collection.
                sortBy query string false The sorting preference for selected resource members in the returned collection.
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. None
                400 Bad Request The request was invalid. errorResponse

                Get a list of all versions of the workflow definitions

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X GET \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const headers = {
                  method: 'GET',
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r = requests.get('', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                GET /revisions

                Retrieves a list of all versions of the workflow definitions. The returned items are of type application/

                Name In Type Required Description
                fields query string false The comma-separated list of resource members to return in the collection.
                filter query string false Filters the collection using prefix function syntax using selected resource members.
                start query integer(int64) false The zero-based index of the first item in the collection.
                limit query integer(int32) false The number of items that were requested for the collection.
                sortBy query string false The sorting preference for selected resource members in the returned collection.

                Example responses

                A list of all revisions of workflow templates.

                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/workflows/revisions",
                      "uri": "/workflows/revisions",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "create",
                      "href": "/workflows",
                      "uri": "/workflows",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                  "name": "workflows",
                  "accept": "application/",
                  "start": 0,
                  "count": 1,
                  "items": [
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/workflows/revisions/Test_workflow_1:1:00e4e535-739b-11ee-a8bf-0242ac11001f",
                          "uri": "/workflows/revisions/Test_workflow_1:1:00e4e535-739b-11ee-a8bf-0242ac11001f",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                      "version": 2,
                      "entityId": 100832,
                      "entityName": "Test",
                      "entityLabel": "Test Entity",
                      "solutionName": "sas_visual_investigator_default",
                      "solutionLabel": "SAS Visual Investigator",
                      "id": "Test_workflow_1:1:00e4e535-739b-11ee-a8bf-0242ac11001f",
                      "labelResource": "svi.workflow.Test.1698282006259.label.txt",
                      "descriptionResource": "svi.workflow.Test.1698282006259.description.txt",
                      "graphicalModel": "{\"linkFromPortIdProperty\":\"fromPort\",\"linkToPortIdProperty\":\"toPort\",\"modelData\":{\"version\":10.21,\"entityIdsUpdated\":true},\"nodeDataArray\":[{\"key\":\"StartEvent1698281985717\",\"category\":\"event\",\"text\":\"Start\",\"textResource\":\"\",\"item\":\"StartEvent\",\"descriptionResource\":\"svi.workflow.Test.1698282006259.StartEvent1698281985717.description.txt\",\"entityFieldVariables\":[],\"loc\":\"0 0\",\"taskActions\":[],\"gateway\":false},{\"key\":\"UserTask1698281989094\",\"category\":\"activity\",\"text\":\"User Task\",\"textResource\":\"\",\"item\":\"UserTask\",\"descriptionResource\":\"svi.workflow.Test.1698282006259.UserTask1698281989094.description.txt\",\"participants\":[{\"id\":\"sviusrs\",\"type\":\"group\",\"name\":\"sviusrs\"}],\"loc\":\"0 102.5\",\"size\":{\"width\":200,\"height\":70},\"taskActions\":[{\"id\":\"taskOption1698281989095\",\"name\":\"Completed\",\"processVariables\":[],\"entityFieldVariables\":[],\"nameResource\":\"\",\"value\":\"taskOption1698281989095\"}],\"stopOnFailure\":true,\"gateway\":false},{\"key\":\"EndEvent1698281990910\",\"category\":\"event\",\"text\":\"End\",\"textResource\":\"\",\"item\":\"EndEvent\",\"descriptionResource\":\"svi.workflow.Test.1698282006259.EndEvent1698281990910.description.txt\",\"loc\":\"-0.5 217\",\"taskActions\":[],\"stopOnFailure\":true,\"gateway\":false}],\"linkDataArray\":[{\"from\":\"StartEvent1698281985717\",\"to\":\"UserTask1698281989094\",\"visible\":true,\"fromPort\":\"bottomPort\",\"toPort\":\"topPort\",\"points\":[0,21,0,51,0,51,0,38,0,38,0,68],\"text\":\"\",\"textResource\":\"\",\"descriptionResource\":\"svi.workflow.Test.1698282006259.StartEvent1698281985717_UserTask1698281989094.description.txt\"},{\"from\":\"UserTask1698281989094\",\"to\":\"EndEvent1698281990910\",\"visible\":true,\"fromPort\":\"bottomPort\",\"toPort\":\"topPort\",\"points\":[0,136,0,166,0,166,0,164,0,164,0,194],\"text\":\"\",\"textResource\":\"\",\"descriptionResource\":\"svi.workflow.Test.1698282006259.UserTask1698281989094_EndEvent1698281990910.description.txt\"}],\"class\":\"go.GraphLinksModel\"}",
                      "resourceStrings": {
                        "svi.workflow.Test.1698282006259.EndEvent1698281990910.description.txt": "",
                        "": "End",
                        "svi.workflow.Test.1698282006259.StartEvent1698281985717.description.txt": "",
                        "": "Start",
                        "svi.workflow.Test.1698282006259.StartEvent1698281985717_UserTask1698281989094.description.txt": "",
                        "": "",
                        "": "Completed",
                        "svi.workflow.Test.1698282006259.UserTask1698281989094.description.txt": "",
                        "": "User Task",
                        "svi.workflow.Test.1698282006259.UserTask1698281989094_EndEvent1698281990910.description.txt": "",
                        "": "",
                        "svi.workflow.Test.1698282006259.description.txt": "",
                        "svi.workflow.Test.1698282006259.label.txt": "Test Workflow"
                      "enabled": true,
                      "useForAutoStart": true,
                      "autoStartOrder": 1,
                      "createdAt": "2023-10-26T01:00:06.790Z",
                      "createdBy": "videmo",
                      "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-10-26T01:00:06.790Z",
                      "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
                      "publishCode": "OPEN",
                      "name": "Test_workflow_1",
                      "label": "Test Workflow",
                      "workflowVersion": 1
                  "limit": 1,
                  "version": 2
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/workflows/revisions",
                      "uri": "/workflows/revisions",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "create",
                      "href": "/workflows",
                      "uri": "/workflows",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                  "name": "workflows",
                  "accept": "application/",
                  "start": 0,
                  "count": 1,
                  "items": [
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/workflows/revisions/Test_workflow_1:1:00e4e535-739b-11ee-a8bf-0242ac11001f",
                          "uri": "/workflows/revisions/Test_workflow_1:1:00e4e535-739b-11ee-a8bf-0242ac11001f",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                      "version": 2,
                      "entityId": 100832,
                      "entityName": "Test",
                      "entityLabel": "Test Entity",
                      "solutionName": "sas_visual_investigator_default",
                      "solutionLabel": "SAS Visual Investigator",
                      "id": "Test_workflow_1:1:00e4e535-739b-11ee-a8bf-0242ac11001f",
                      "labelResource": "svi.workflow.Test.1698282006259.label.txt",
                      "descriptionResource": "svi.workflow.Test.1698282006259.description.txt",
                      "graphicalModel": "{\"linkFromPortIdProperty\":\"fromPort\",\"linkToPortIdProperty\":\"toPort\",\"modelData\":{\"version\":10.21,\"entityIdsUpdated\":true},\"nodeDataArray\":[{\"key\":\"StartEvent1698281985717\",\"category\":\"event\",\"text\":\"Start\",\"textResource\":\"\",\"item\":\"StartEvent\",\"descriptionResource\":\"svi.workflow.Test.1698282006259.StartEvent1698281985717.description.txt\",\"entityFieldVariables\":[],\"loc\":\"0 0\",\"taskActions\":[],\"gateway\":false},{\"key\":\"UserTask1698281989094\",\"category\":\"activity\",\"text\":\"User Task\",\"textResource\":\"\",\"item\":\"UserTask\",\"descriptionResource\":\"svi.workflow.Test.1698282006259.UserTask1698281989094.description.txt\",\"participants\":[{\"id\":\"sviusrs\",\"type\":\"group\",\"name\":\"sviusrs\"}],\"loc\":\"0 102.5\",\"size\":{\"width\":200,\"height\":70},\"taskActions\":[{\"id\":\"taskOption1698281989095\",\"name\":\"Completed\",\"processVariables\":[],\"entityFieldVariables\":[],\"nameResource\":\"\",\"value\":\"taskOption1698281989095\"}],\"stopOnFailure\":true,\"gateway\":false},{\"key\":\"EndEvent1698281990910\",\"category\":\"event\",\"text\":\"End\",\"textResource\":\"\",\"item\":\"EndEvent\",\"descriptionResource\":\"svi.workflow.Test.1698282006259.EndEvent1698281990910.description.txt\",\"loc\":\"-0.5 217\",\"taskActions\":[],\"stopOnFailure\":true,\"gateway\":false}],\"linkDataArray\":[{\"from\":\"StartEvent1698281985717\",\"to\":\"UserTask1698281989094\",\"visible\":true,\"fromPort\":\"bottomPort\",\"toPort\":\"topPort\",\"points\":[0,21,0,51,0,51,0,38,0,38,0,68],\"text\":\"\",\"textResource\":\"\",\"descriptionResource\":\"svi.workflow.Test.1698282006259.StartEvent1698281985717_UserTask1698281989094.description.txt\"},{\"from\":\"UserTask1698281989094\",\"to\":\"EndEvent1698281990910\",\"visible\":true,\"fromPort\":\"bottomPort\",\"toPort\":\"topPort\",\"points\":[0,136,0,166,0,166,0,164,0,164,0,194],\"text\":\"\",\"textResource\":\"\",\"descriptionResource\":\"svi.workflow.Test.1698282006259.UserTask1698281989094_EndEvent1698281990910.description.txt\"}],\"class\":\"go.GraphLinksModel\"}",
                      "resourceStrings": {
                        "svi.workflow.Test.1698282006259.EndEvent1698281990910.description.txt": "",
                        "": "End",
                        "svi.workflow.Test.1698282006259.StartEvent1698281985717.description.txt": "",
                        "": "Start",
                        "svi.workflow.Test.1698282006259.StartEvent1698281985717_UserTask1698281989094.description.txt": "",
                        "": "",
                        "": "Completed",
                        "svi.workflow.Test.1698282006259.UserTask1698281989094.description.txt": "",
                        "": "User Task",
                        "svi.workflow.Test.1698282006259.UserTask1698281989094_EndEvent1698281990910.description.txt": "",
                        "": "",
                        "svi.workflow.Test.1698282006259.description.txt": "",
                        "svi.workflow.Test.1698282006259.label.txt": "Test Workflow"
                      "enabled": true,
                      "useForAutoStart": true,
                      "autoStartOrder": 1,
                      "createdAt": "2023-10-26T01:00:06.790Z",
                      "createdBy": "videmo",
                      "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-10-26T01:00:06.790Z",
                      "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo",
                      "publishCode": "OPEN",
                      "name": "Test_workflow_1",
                      "label": "Test Workflow",
                      "workflowVersion": 1
                  "limit": 1,
                  "version": 2

                This is an example of an error returned for bad requests.

                  "httpStatusCode": 400,
                  "message": "example error message",
                  "version": 2
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. workflowRepResourceCollection
                400 Bad Request The request was invalid. error2

                Get the headers for the specified workflow definition

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X HEAD{workflowId}
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  method: 'HEAD'
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                r = requests.head('{workflowId}')
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "{workflowId}", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                HEAD /workflows/{workflowId}

                Returns the headers for the specified workflow definition

                Name In Type Required Description
                workflowId path string true The ID of the workflow definition.
                includeXMLModel query boolean false Includes the generated BPMN model.
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. None
                404 Not Found No workflow definition exists at the requested path. None
                Response Headers
                Status Header Type Format Description
                200 Last-Modified integer int64 The time at which this resource was last updated.

                Get the details for the specified workflow definition

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X GET{workflowId} \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const headers = {
                  method: 'GET',
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r = requests.get('{workflowId}', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{workflowId}", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                GET /workflows/{workflowId}

                Retrieves the details for the specified workflow definition.

                Name In Type Required Description
                workflowId path string true The ID of the workflow definition.
                includeXMLModel query boolean false Includes the generated BPMN model.

                Example responses

                This provides the details of the workflow template.

                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/workflows/workflows/intel_report_workflow:1:f17ee9e4-a5ff-11e8-9397-0242ac110013",
                      "uri": "/workflows/workflows/intel_report_workflow:1:f17ee9e4-a5ff-11e8-9397-0242ac110013",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "create new version",
                      "href": "/workflows/workflows/intel_report_workflow:1:f17ee9e4-a5ff-11e8-9397-0242ac110013",
                      "uri": "/workflows/workflows/intel_report_workflow:1:f17ee9e4-a5ff-11e8-9397-0242ac110013",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                  "version": 1,
                  "entityId": 100515,
                  "entityName": "intel_report",
                  "entityLabel": "Intel Report",
                  "id": "intel_report_workflow:1:f17ee9e4-a5ff-11e8-9397-0242ac110013",
                  "labelResource": "svi.workflow.intel_report.1534937931623.label.txt",
                  "descriptionResource": "svi.workflow.intel_report.1534937931623.description.txt",
                  "graphicalModel": "{\"linkFromPortIdProperty\":\"fromPort\",\"linkToPortIdProperty\":\"toPort\",\"modelData\":{\"version\":10.21,\"entityIdsUpdated\":true},\"nodeDataArray\":[{\"key\":\"StartEvent1534937812963\",\"category\":\"event\",\"text\":\"Start\",\"textResource\":\"\",\"item\":\"StartEvent\",\"descriptionResource\":\"svi.workflow.intel_report.1534937931623.StartEvent1534937812963.description.txt\",\"loc\":\"0 0\"},{\"key\":\"UserTask1534937831345\",\"category\":\"activity\",\"text\":\"User Task\",\"textResource\":\"\",\"item\":\"UserTask\",\"descriptionResource\":\"svi.workflow.intel_report.1534937931623.UserTask1534937831345.description.txt\",\"participants\":[{\"id\":\"user2\",\"type\":\"USER\",\"name\":\"Test user2\"},{\"id\":\"sviusrs\",\"type\":\"GROUP\",\"name\":\"Visual Investigator Users\"}],\"loc\":\"0.5 105\",\"size\":{\"width\":200,\"height\":70,\"class\":\"go.Size\"},\"taskActions\":[{\"id\":\"taskOption1534937831345\",\"name\":\"Completed\",\"processVariables\":[],\"entityFieldVariables\":[],\"nameResource\":\"\",\"value\":\"taskOption1534937831345\"}]},{\"key\":\"EndEvent1534937834926\",\"category\":\"event\",\"text\":\"End\",\"textResource\":\"\",\"item\":\"EndEvent\",\"descriptionResource\":\"svi.workflow.intel_report.1534937931623.EndEvent1534937834926.description.txt\",\"loc\":\"0.5 335\"}],\"linkDataArray\":[{\"from\":\"StartEvent1534937812963\",\"to\":\"UserTask1534937831345\",\"visible\":true,\"fromPort\":\"bottomPort\",\"toPort\":\"topPort\",\"points\":[0,25,0,55,0,55,0,42,0,42,0,72],\"text\":\"\",\"textResource\":\"\",\"descriptionResource\":\"svi.workflow.intel_report.1534937931623.StartEvent1534937812963_UserTask1534937831345.description.txt\"},{\"from\":\"UserTask1534937831345\",\"to\":\"EndEvent1534937834926\",\"fromPort\":\"bottomPort\",\"toPort\":\"topPort\",\"points\":[0,137,0,167,0,224,1,224,1,282,1,312],\"textResource\":\"\",\"key\":\"UserTask1534937831345_EndEvent1534937834926\",\"descriptionResource\":\"svi.workflow.intel_report.1534937931623.UserTask1534937831345_EndEvent1534937834926.description.txt\"}],\"class\":\"go.GraphLinksModel\"}",
                  "userDefinedProcessVariables": [
                      "id": "WorkflowVariable1",
                      "name": "AUTO_ASSIGN_VAR",
                      "label": "AUTO_ASSIGN_VAR",
                      "defaultValue": "[{\"id\":\"user2\",\"type\":\"user\"}]",
                      "type": "USER_GROUP",
                      "isEntity": false,
                      "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS",
                      "allowMultipleSelections": false
                      "id": "WorkflowVariable2",
                      "name": "GET_RUNNING_TASK_USER",
                      "label": "GET_RUNNING_TASK_USER",
                      "defaultValue": "[]",
                      "type": "USER_GROUP",
                      "isEntity": false,
                      "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS",
                      "allowMultipleSelections": false
                      "id": "WorkflowVariable3",
                      "name": "STATUS",
                      "label": "STATUS",
                      "defaultValue": "",
                      "defaultValueResource": "svi.workflow.intel_report.1534937931623.WorkflowVariable3.defaultValue.txt",
                      "type": "STRING",
                      "isEntity": false
                  "entityDefinedProcessVariables": [
                  "startOnNewEntityInstance": false,
                  "createAt": "2018-08-22T11:38:52.236Z",
                  "createBy": "videmo",
                  "lastUpdateAt": "2018-08-22T11:38:52.236Z",
                  "lastUpdateBy": "videmo",
                  "name": "intel_report_workflow",
                  "label": "Intel Report Workflow",
                  "workflowVersion": 1
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/workflows/workflows/intel_report_workflow:1:f17ee9e4-a5ff-11e8-9397-0242ac110013",
                      "uri": "/workflows/workflows/intel_report_workflow:1:f17ee9e4-a5ff-11e8-9397-0242ac110013",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "create new version",
                      "href": "/workflows/workflows/intel_report_workflow:1:f17ee9e4-a5ff-11e8-9397-0242ac110013",
                      "uri": "/workflows/workflows/intel_report_workflow:1:f17ee9e4-a5ff-11e8-9397-0242ac110013",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                  "version": 1,
                  "entityId": 100515,
                  "entityName": "intel_report",
                  "entityLabel": "Intel Report",
                  "id": "intel_report_workflow:1:f17ee9e4-a5ff-11e8-9397-0242ac110013",
                  "labelResource": "svi.workflow.intel_report.1534937931623.label.txt",
                  "descriptionResource": "svi.workflow.intel_report.1534937931623.description.txt",
                  "graphicalModel": "{\"linkFromPortIdProperty\":\"fromPort\",\"linkToPortIdProperty\":\"toPort\",\"modelData\":{\"version\":10.21,\"entityIdsUpdated\":true},\"nodeDataArray\":[{\"key\":\"StartEvent1534937812963\",\"category\":\"event\",\"text\":\"Start\",\"textResource\":\"\",\"item\":\"StartEvent\",\"descriptionResource\":\"svi.workflow.intel_report.1534937931623.StartEvent1534937812963.description.txt\",\"loc\":\"0 0\"},{\"key\":\"UserTask1534937831345\",\"category\":\"activity\",\"text\":\"User Task\",\"textResource\":\"\",\"item\":\"UserTask\",\"descriptionResource\":\"svi.workflow.intel_report.1534937931623.UserTask1534937831345.description.txt\",\"participants\":[{\"id\":\"user2\",\"type\":\"USER\",\"name\":\"Test user2\"},{\"id\":\"sviusrs\",\"type\":\"GROUP\",\"name\":\"Visual Investigator Users\"}],\"loc\":\"0.5 105\",\"size\":{\"width\":200,\"height\":70,\"class\":\"go.Size\"},\"taskActions\":[{\"id\":\"taskOption1534937831345\",\"name\":\"Completed\",\"processVariables\":[],\"entityFieldVariables\":[],\"nameResource\":\"\",\"value\":\"taskOption1534937831345\"}]},{\"key\":\"EndEvent1534937834926\",\"category\":\"event\",\"text\":\"End\",\"textResource\":\"\",\"item\":\"EndEvent\",\"descriptionResource\":\"svi.workflow.intel_report.1534937931623.EndEvent1534937834926.description.txt\",\"loc\":\"0.5 335\"}],\"linkDataArray\":[{\"from\":\"StartEvent1534937812963\",\"to\":\"UserTask1534937831345\",\"visible\":true,\"fromPort\":\"bottomPort\",\"toPort\":\"topPort\",\"points\":[0,25,0,55,0,55,0,42,0,42,0,72],\"text\":\"\",\"textResource\":\"\",\"descriptionResource\":\"svi.workflow.intel_report.1534937931623.StartEvent1534937812963_UserTask1534937831345.description.txt\"},{\"from\":\"UserTask1534937831345\",\"to\":\"EndEvent1534937834926\",\"fromPort\":\"bottomPort\",\"toPort\":\"topPort\",\"points\":[0,137,0,167,0,224,1,224,1,282,1,312],\"textResource\":\"\",\"key\":\"UserTask1534937831345_EndEvent1534937834926\",\"descriptionResource\":\"svi.workflow.intel_report.1534937931623.UserTask1534937831345_EndEvent1534937834926.description.txt\"}],\"class\":\"go.GraphLinksModel\"}",
                  "userDefinedProcessVariables": [
                      "id": "WorkflowVariable1",
                      "name": "AUTO_ASSIGN_VAR",
                      "label": "AUTO_ASSIGN_VAR",
                      "defaultValue": "[{\"id\":\"user2\",\"type\":\"user\"}]",
                      "type": "USER_GROUP",
                      "isEntity": false,
                      "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS",
                      "allowMultipleSelections": false
                      "id": "WorkflowVariable2",
                      "name": "GET_RUNNING_TASK_USER",
                      "label": "GET_RUNNING_TASK_USER",
                      "defaultValue": "[]",
                      "type": "USER_GROUP",
                      "isEntity": false,
                      "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS",
                      "allowMultipleSelections": false
                      "id": "WorkflowVariable3",
                      "name": "STATUS",
                      "label": "STATUS",
                      "defaultValue": "",
                      "defaultValueResource": "svi.workflow.intel_report.1534937931623.WorkflowVariable3.defaultValue.txt",
                      "type": "STRING",
                      "isEntity": false
                  "entityDefinedProcessVariables": [
                  "startOnNewEntityInstance": false,
                  "createAt": "2018-08-22T11:38:52.236Z",
                  "createBy": "videmo",
                  "lastUpdateAt": "2018-08-22T11:38:52.236Z",
                  "lastUpdateBy": "videmo",
                  "name": "intel_report_workflow",
                  "label": "Intel Report Workflow",
                  "workflowVersion": 1

                This is an example of an error returned when a resource is not found.

                  "httpStatusCode": 404,
                  "message": "example error message",
                  "version": 2
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. workflowRep
                404 Not Found No workflow definition exists at the requested path. error2
                Response Headers
                Status Header Type Format Description
                200 Last-Modified integer int64 The time at which this resource was last updated.

                Delete a workflow definition

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X DELETE{workflowId} \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const headers = {
                  method: 'DELETE',
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r = requests.delete('{workflowId}', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("DELETE", "{workflowId}", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                DELETE /workflows/{workflowId}

                Deletes a workflow definition.

                Name In Type Required Description
                workflowId path string true The ID of the workflow definition.

                Example responses

                This is an example of an error returned when a resource is not found.

                  "httpStatusCode": 404,
                  "message": "example error message",
                  "version": 2
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                204 No Content The deletion was successful. None
                404 Not Found No workflow definition exists at the requested path. error2

                Update an existing workflow definition

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X PUT{workflowId} \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Content-Type: application/' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/' \
                  -H 'Content-Type: string' \
                  -H 'If-Unmodified-Since: 0'
                const inputBody = '{
                  "id": "intel_report_workflow:4:4e4bfd6e-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac110013",
                  "label": "Intel Report Update",
                  "description": "",
                  "solutionName": "sas_visual_investigator_default",
                  "enabled": false,
                  "useForAutoStart": false
                const headers = {
                  method: 'PUT',
                  body: inputBody,
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Content-Type': 'application/',
                  'Accept': 'application/',
                  'Content-Type': 'string',
                  'If-Unmodified-Since': '0'
                r = requests.put('{workflowId}', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Content-Type": []string{"application/"},
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                        "Content-Type": []string{"string"},
                        "If-Unmodified-Since": []string{"0"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("PUT", "{workflowId}", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                PUT /workflows/{workflowId}

                Updates an existing workflow definition. When a workflow is updated, a new version of the workflow definition is created. This ensures that existing processes working tasks against the previous versions of this workflow have access to the data needed and can continue. A workflow is not versioned if the updated properties are shared by all workflow versions (label, description, enabled, and useForAutoStart).

                Body parameter

                Update the workflow template.

                  "id": "intel_report_workflow:4:4e4bfd6e-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac110013",
                  "label": "Intel Report Update",
                  "description": "",
                  "solutionName": "sas_visual_investigator_default",
                  "enabled": false,
                  "useForAutoStart": false
                Name In Type Required Description
                workflowId path string true The ID of the workflow.
                Content-Type header string false The version of the workflow in the body.
                If-Unmodified-Since header integer(int64) false The time at which this workflow definition was last modified.
                body body workflowRep true The representation of the workflow definition.

                Example responses

                This provides the details of the workflow template.

                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/workflows/workflows/intel_report_workflow:1:f17ee9e4-a5ff-11e8-9397-0242ac110013",
                      "uri": "/workflows/workflows/intel_report_workflow:1:f17ee9e4-a5ff-11e8-9397-0242ac110013",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "create new version",
                      "href": "/workflows/workflows/intel_report_workflow:1:f17ee9e4-a5ff-11e8-9397-0242ac110013",
                      "uri": "/workflows/workflows/intel_report_workflow:1:f17ee9e4-a5ff-11e8-9397-0242ac110013",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                  "version": 1,
                  "entityId": 100515,
                  "entityName": "intel_report",
                  "entityLabel": "Intel Report",
                  "id": "intel_report_workflow:1:f17ee9e4-a5ff-11e8-9397-0242ac110013",
                  "labelResource": "svi.workflow.intel_report.1534937931623.label.txt",
                  "descriptionResource": "svi.workflow.intel_report.1534937931623.description.txt",
                  "graphicalModel": "{\"linkFromPortIdProperty\":\"fromPort\",\"linkToPortIdProperty\":\"toPort\",\"modelData\":{\"version\":10.21,\"entityIdsUpdated\":true},\"nodeDataArray\":[{\"key\":\"StartEvent1534937812963\",\"category\":\"event\",\"text\":\"Start\",\"textResource\":\"\",\"item\":\"StartEvent\",\"descriptionResource\":\"svi.workflow.intel_report.1534937931623.StartEvent1534937812963.description.txt\",\"loc\":\"0 0\"},{\"key\":\"UserTask1534937831345\",\"category\":\"activity\",\"text\":\"User Task\",\"textResource\":\"\",\"item\":\"UserTask\",\"descriptionResource\":\"svi.workflow.intel_report.1534937931623.UserTask1534937831345.description.txt\",\"participants\":[{\"id\":\"user2\",\"type\":\"USER\",\"name\":\"Test user2\"},{\"id\":\"sviusrs\",\"type\":\"GROUP\",\"name\":\"Visual Investigator Users\"}],\"loc\":\"0.5 105\",\"size\":{\"width\":200,\"height\":70,\"class\":\"go.Size\"},\"taskActions\":[{\"id\":\"taskOption1534937831345\",\"name\":\"Completed\",\"processVariables\":[],\"entityFieldVariables\":[],\"nameResource\":\"\",\"value\":\"taskOption1534937831345\"}]},{\"key\":\"EndEvent1534937834926\",\"category\":\"event\",\"text\":\"End\",\"textResource\":\"\",\"item\":\"EndEvent\",\"descriptionResource\":\"svi.workflow.intel_report.1534937931623.EndEvent1534937834926.description.txt\",\"loc\":\"0.5 335\"}],\"linkDataArray\":[{\"from\":\"StartEvent1534937812963\",\"to\":\"UserTask1534937831345\",\"visible\":true,\"fromPort\":\"bottomPort\",\"toPort\":\"topPort\",\"points\":[0,25,0,55,0,55,0,42,0,42,0,72],\"text\":\"\",\"textResource\":\"\",\"descriptionResource\":\"svi.workflow.intel_report.1534937931623.StartEvent1534937812963_UserTask1534937831345.description.txt\"},{\"from\":\"UserTask1534937831345\",\"to\":\"EndEvent1534937834926\",\"fromPort\":\"bottomPort\",\"toPort\":\"topPort\",\"points\":[0,137,0,167,0,224,1,224,1,282,1,312],\"textResource\":\"\",\"key\":\"UserTask1534937831345_EndEvent1534937834926\",\"descriptionResource\":\"svi.workflow.intel_report.1534937931623.UserTask1534937831345_EndEvent1534937834926.description.txt\"}],\"class\":\"go.GraphLinksModel\"}",
                  "userDefinedProcessVariables": [
                      "id": "WorkflowVariable1",
                      "name": "AUTO_ASSIGN_VAR",
                      "label": "AUTO_ASSIGN_VAR",
                      "defaultValue": "[{\"id\":\"user2\",\"type\":\"user\"}]",
                      "type": "USER_GROUP",
                      "isEntity": false,
                      "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS",
                      "allowMultipleSelections": false
                      "id": "WorkflowVariable2",
                      "name": "GET_RUNNING_TASK_USER",
                      "label": "GET_RUNNING_TASK_USER",
                      "defaultValue": "[]",
                      "type": "USER_GROUP",
                      "isEntity": false,
                      "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS",
                      "allowMultipleSelections": false
                      "id": "WorkflowVariable3",
                      "name": "STATUS",
                      "label": "STATUS",
                      "defaultValue": "",
                      "defaultValueResource": "svi.workflow.intel_report.1534937931623.WorkflowVariable3.defaultValue.txt",
                      "type": "STRING",
                      "isEntity": false
                  "entityDefinedProcessVariables": [
                  "startOnNewEntityInstance": false,
                  "createAt": "2018-08-22T11:38:52.236Z",
                  "createBy": "videmo",
                  "lastUpdateAt": "2018-08-22T11:38:52.236Z",
                  "lastUpdateBy": "videmo",
                  "name": "intel_report_workflow",
                  "label": "Intel Report Workflow",
                  "workflowVersion": 1
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/workflows/workflows/intel_report_workflow:1:f17ee9e4-a5ff-11e8-9397-0242ac110013",
                      "uri": "/workflows/workflows/intel_report_workflow:1:f17ee9e4-a5ff-11e8-9397-0242ac110013",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "create new version",
                      "href": "/workflows/workflows/intel_report_workflow:1:f17ee9e4-a5ff-11e8-9397-0242ac110013",
                      "uri": "/workflows/workflows/intel_report_workflow:1:f17ee9e4-a5ff-11e8-9397-0242ac110013",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                  "version": 1,
                  "entityId": 100515,
                  "entityName": "intel_report",
                  "entityLabel": "Intel Report",
                  "id": "intel_report_workflow:1:f17ee9e4-a5ff-11e8-9397-0242ac110013",
                  "labelResource": "svi.workflow.intel_report.1534937931623.label.txt",
                  "descriptionResource": "svi.workflow.intel_report.1534937931623.description.txt",
                  "graphicalModel": "{\"linkFromPortIdProperty\":\"fromPort\",\"linkToPortIdProperty\":\"toPort\",\"modelData\":{\"version\":10.21,\"entityIdsUpdated\":true},\"nodeDataArray\":[{\"key\":\"StartEvent1534937812963\",\"category\":\"event\",\"text\":\"Start\",\"textResource\":\"\",\"item\":\"StartEvent\",\"descriptionResource\":\"svi.workflow.intel_report.1534937931623.StartEvent1534937812963.description.txt\",\"loc\":\"0 0\"},{\"key\":\"UserTask1534937831345\",\"category\":\"activity\",\"text\":\"User Task\",\"textResource\":\"\",\"item\":\"UserTask\",\"descriptionResource\":\"svi.workflow.intel_report.1534937931623.UserTask1534937831345.description.txt\",\"participants\":[{\"id\":\"user2\",\"type\":\"USER\",\"name\":\"Test user2\"},{\"id\":\"sviusrs\",\"type\":\"GROUP\",\"name\":\"Visual Investigator Users\"}],\"loc\":\"0.5 105\",\"size\":{\"width\":200,\"height\":70,\"class\":\"go.Size\"},\"taskActions\":[{\"id\":\"taskOption1534937831345\",\"name\":\"Completed\",\"processVariables\":[],\"entityFieldVariables\":[],\"nameResource\":\"\",\"value\":\"taskOption1534937831345\"}]},{\"key\":\"EndEvent1534937834926\",\"category\":\"event\",\"text\":\"End\",\"textResource\":\"\",\"item\":\"EndEvent\",\"descriptionResource\":\"svi.workflow.intel_report.1534937931623.EndEvent1534937834926.description.txt\",\"loc\":\"0.5 335\"}],\"linkDataArray\":[{\"from\":\"StartEvent1534937812963\",\"to\":\"UserTask1534937831345\",\"visible\":true,\"fromPort\":\"bottomPort\",\"toPort\":\"topPort\",\"points\":[0,25,0,55,0,55,0,42,0,42,0,72],\"text\":\"\",\"textResource\":\"\",\"descriptionResource\":\"svi.workflow.intel_report.1534937931623.StartEvent1534937812963_UserTask1534937831345.description.txt\"},{\"from\":\"UserTask1534937831345\",\"to\":\"EndEvent1534937834926\",\"fromPort\":\"bottomPort\",\"toPort\":\"topPort\",\"points\":[0,137,0,167,0,224,1,224,1,282,1,312],\"textResource\":\"\",\"key\":\"UserTask1534937831345_EndEvent1534937834926\",\"descriptionResource\":\"svi.workflow.intel_report.1534937931623.UserTask1534937831345_EndEvent1534937834926.description.txt\"}],\"class\":\"go.GraphLinksModel\"}",
                  "userDefinedProcessVariables": [
                      "id": "WorkflowVariable1",
                      "name": "AUTO_ASSIGN_VAR",
                      "label": "AUTO_ASSIGN_VAR",
                      "defaultValue": "[{\"id\":\"user2\",\"type\":\"user\"}]",
                      "type": "USER_GROUP",
                      "isEntity": false,
                      "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS",
                      "allowMultipleSelections": false
                      "id": "WorkflowVariable2",
                      "name": "GET_RUNNING_TASK_USER",
                      "label": "GET_RUNNING_TASK_USER",
                      "defaultValue": "[]",
                      "type": "USER_GROUP",
                      "isEntity": false,
                      "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS",
                      "allowMultipleSelections": false
                      "id": "WorkflowVariable3",
                      "name": "STATUS",
                      "label": "STATUS",
                      "defaultValue": "",
                      "defaultValueResource": "svi.workflow.intel_report.1534937931623.WorkflowVariable3.defaultValue.txt",
                      "type": "STRING",
                      "isEntity": false
                  "entityDefinedProcessVariables": [
                  "startOnNewEntityInstance": false,
                  "createAt": "2018-08-22T11:38:52.236Z",
                  "createBy": "videmo",
                  "lastUpdateAt": "2018-08-22T11:38:52.236Z",
                  "lastUpdateBy": "videmo",
                  "name": "intel_report_workflow",
                  "label": "Intel Report Workflow",
                  "workflowVersion": 1

                This is an example of an error returned for bad requests.

                  "httpStatusCode": 400,
                  "message": "example error message",
                  "version": 2

                This is an example of an error returned when a resource is not found.

                  "httpStatusCode": 404,
                  "message": "example error message",
                  "version": 2

                This is an example of an error returned when a precondition failed.

                  "httpStatusCode": 412,
                  "message": "example error message",
                  "version": 2
                  "httpStatusCode": 412,
                  "message": "example error message",
                  "version": 2

                This is an example of an error returned when a precondition is required.

                  "httpStatusCode": 428,
                  "message": "example error message",
                  "version": 2
                  "httpStatusCode": 428,
                  "message": "example error message",
                  "version": 2
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. workflowRep
                400 Bad Request The request was invalid. error2
                404 Not Found No workflow definition exists at the requested path. error2
                412 Precondition Failed The If-Match request header did not match the resource's entity tag, or the If-Unmodified-Since request header did not match the resource's last modified timestamp. error2
                428 Precondition Required The request headers did not include an If-Match or If-Unmodified-Since precondition. error2
                Response Headers
                Status Header Type Format Description
                200 Last-Modified integer int64 The time at which this resource was last updated.

                Delete all workflow definitions for an entity

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X DELETE{entityName} \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const headers = {
                  method: 'DELETE',
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r = requests.delete('{entityName}', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("DELETE", "{entityName}", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                DELETE /entityName/{entityName}

                Deletes all workflow definitions for an entity.

                Name In Type Required Description
                entityName path string true The name of the entity.

                Example responses

                This is an example of an error returned when a resource is not found.

                  "httpStatusCode": 404,
                  "message": "example error message",
                  "version": 2
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                204 No Content The operation was successful. None
                404 Not Found No entity exists at the requested path. error2

                Delete all workflow revisions by workflow name

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X DELETE{name} \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const headers = {
                  method: 'DELETE',
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r = requests.delete('{name}', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("DELETE", "{name}", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                DELETE /name/{name}

                Deletes all workflow revisions by workflow name.

                Name In Type Required Description
                name path string true The name of the workflow.

                Example responses

                This is an example of an error returned when a resource is not found.

                  "httpStatusCode": 404,
                  "message": "example error message",
                  "version": 2
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                204 No Content The operation was successful. None
                404 Not Found No workflow exists at the requested path. error2

                Get the headers for a specified workflow definition

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X HEAD{workflowId}
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  method: 'HEAD'
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                r = requests.head('{workflowId}')
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "{workflowId}", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                HEAD /revisions/{workflowId}

                Returns the headers for a specified workflow definition

                Name In Type Required Description
                workflowId path string true The ID of the workflow definition.
                includeXMLModel query boolean false Include the generated BPMN model.
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The operation was successful. None
                404 Not Found No workflow definition exists at the requested path. None
                Response Headers
                Status Header Type Format Description
                200 Last-Modified integer int64 The time at which this workflow definition was last updated.

                Get details for a specified workflow definition

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X GET{workflowId} \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const headers = {
                  method: 'GET',
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r = requests.get('{workflowId}', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{workflowId}", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                GET /revisions/{workflowId}

                Retrieves details for a specified workflow definition.

                Name In Type Required Description
                workflowId path string true The ID of the workflow definition.
                includeXMLModel query boolean false Include the generated BPMN model.

                Example responses

                This provides the details of the workflow template.

                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/revisions/intel_report_workflow:4:4e4bfd6e-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac110013",
                      "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/revisions/intel_report_workflow:4:4e4bfd6e-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac110013",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                  "version": 2,
                  "entityId": 100909,
                  "entityName": "intel_report_workflow:4:4e4bfd6e-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac110013",
                  "entityLabel": "Intelligence Report",
                  "solutionName": "sas_visual_investigator_default",
                  "solutionLabel": "SAS Visual Investigator",
                  "id": "intel_report_workflow:1:077599fc-30b7-11ee-9b68-c6e83977fdb1",
                  "labelResource": "svi.workflow.intel_report.1690927313673.label.txt",
                  "descriptionResource": "svi.workflow.intel_report.1690927313673.description.txt",
                  "graphicalModel": "{\"class\":\"go.GraphLinksModel\"}",
                  "enabled": true,
                  "useForAutoStart": true,
                  "autoStartOrder": 1,
                  "createdAt": "2023-08-01T22:01:55.913Z",
                  "createdBy": "user1",
                  "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-08-01T22:01:55.913Z",
                  "lastUpdatedBy": "user",
                  "publishCode": "OPEN",
                  "name": "intel_report_workflow",
                  "label": "Intel Report Workflow",
                  "workflowVersion": 1
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/revisions/intel_report_workflow:4:4e4bfd6e-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac110013",
                      "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/revisions/intel_report_workflow:4:4e4bfd6e-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac110013",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                  "version": 2,
                  "entityId": 100909,
                  "entityName": "intel_report_workflow:4:4e4bfd6e-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac110013",
                  "entityLabel": "Intelligence Report",
                  "solutionName": "sas_visual_investigator_default",
                  "solutionLabel": "SAS Visual Investigator",
                  "id": "intel_report_workflow:1:077599fc-30b7-11ee-9b68-c6e83977fdb1",
                  "labelResource": "svi.workflow.intel_report.1690927313673.label.txt",
                  "descriptionResource": "svi.workflow.intel_report.1690927313673.description.txt",
                  "graphicalModel": "{\"class\":\"go.GraphLinksModel\"}",
                  "enabled": true,
                  "useForAutoStart": true,
                  "autoStartOrder": 1,
                  "createdAt": "2023-08-01T22:01:55.913Z",
                  "createdBy": "user1",
                  "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-08-01T22:01:55.913Z",
                  "lastUpdatedBy": "user",
                  "publishCode": "OPEN",
                  "name": "intel_report_workflow",
                  "label": "Intel Report Workflow",
                  "workflowVersion": 1

                This is an example of an error returned when a resource is not found.

                  "httpStatusCode": 404,
                  "message": "example error message",
                  "version": 2
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The operation was successful. workflowRep
                404 Not Found No workflow definition exists at the requested path. error2
                Response Headers
                Status Header Type Format Description
                200 Last-Modified integer int64 The time at which this workflow definition was last updated.

                Start a workflow process

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X POST{workflowId}/processes \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Content-Type: application/' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const inputBody = '[
                    "entityInstanceId": "c9cea4e9-bc05-42ea-8666-64cedb04804a"
                const headers = {
                  method: 'POST',
                  body: inputBody,
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Content-Type': 'application/',
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r ='{workflowId}/processes', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Content-Type": []string{"application/"},
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "{workflowId}/processes", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                POST /workflows/{workflowId}/processes

                Starts a process instance of a workflow definition.

                Body parameter

                Start workflow processes for the selected entity instances. Both the specified workflow template and the entity instances are related to the same entity.

                    "entityInstanceId": "c9cea4e9-bc05-42ea-8666-64cedb04804a"
                Name In Type Required Description
                workflowId path string true The ID of the workflow process.
                body body workflowInstanceContextRep true The name of the entity instance.

                Example responses

                This is an example response when the workflow processes are started.

                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/workflows/processes",
                      "uri": "/workflows/processes",
                      "type": "application/"
                  "name": "workflowProcesses",
                  "accept": "application/",
                  "start": 0,
                  "count": 1,
                  "items": [
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/workflows/processes/processes/5ef6f52f-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac111543",
                          "uri": "/workflows/processes/processes/5ef6f52f-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac111543",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "suspend",
                          "href": "/workflows/processes/processes/5ef6f52f-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac111543/suspended",
                          "uri": "/workflows/processes/processes/5ef6f52f-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac111543/suspended"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "resume",
                          "href": "/workflows/processes/processes/5ef6f52f-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac111543/resumed",
                          "uri": "/workflows/processes/processes/5ef6f52f-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac111543/resumed"
                          "method": "DELETE",
                          "rel": "cancel",
                          "href": "/workflows/processes/processes/5ef6f52f-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac111543",
                          "uri": "/workflows/processes/processes/5ef6f52f-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac111543"
                      "id": "5ef6f52f-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac111543"
                  "limit": 1,
                  "version": 2
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/workflows/processes",
                      "uri": "/workflows/processes",
                      "type": "application/"
                  "name": "workflowProcesses",
                  "accept": "application/",
                  "start": 0,
                  "count": 1,
                  "items": [
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/workflows/processes/processes/5ef6f52f-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac111543",
                          "uri": "/workflows/processes/processes/5ef6f52f-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac111543",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "suspend",
                          "href": "/workflows/processes/processes/5ef6f52f-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac111543/suspended",
                          "uri": "/workflows/processes/processes/5ef6f52f-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac111543/suspended"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "resume",
                          "href": "/workflows/processes/processes/5ef6f52f-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac111543/resumed",
                          "uri": "/workflows/processes/processes/5ef6f52f-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac111543/resumed"
                          "method": "DELETE",
                          "rel": "cancel",
                          "href": "/workflows/processes/processes/5ef6f52f-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac111543",
                          "uri": "/workflows/processes/processes/5ef6f52f-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac111543"
                      "id": "5ef6f52f-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac111543"
                  "limit": 1,
                  "version": 2

                This is an example of an error returned for bad requests.

                  "httpStatusCode": 400,
                  "message": "example error message",
                  "version": 2

                This is an example of an error returned when a resource is not found.

                  "httpStatusCode": 404,
                  "message": "example error message",
                  "version": 2
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. workflowProcessRepResourceCollection
                400 Bad Request The request was invalid. error2
                404 Not Found No workflow definition exists at the requested path. error2

                Start a workflow definition process instance

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X POST{workflowName} \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Content-Type: application/' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const inputBody = '[
                    "entityInstanceId": "c9cea4e9-bc05-42ea-8666-64cedb04804a"
                const headers = {
                  method: 'POST',
                  body: inputBody,
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Content-Type': 'application/',
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r ='{workflowName}', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Content-Type": []string{"application/"},
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "{workflowName}", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                POST /processes/workflowName/{workflowName}

                Starts a workflow definition process instance.

                Body parameter

                Start workflow processes for the selected entity instances. Both the specified workflow template and the entity instances are related to the same entity.

                    "entityInstanceId": "c9cea4e9-bc05-42ea-8666-64cedb04804a"
                Name In Type Required Description
                workflowName path string true Filters on the workflow name.
                body body workflowInstanceContextRep true entityInstances

                Example responses

                This is an example response when the workflow processes are started.

                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/workflows/processes",
                      "uri": "/workflows/processes",
                      "type": "application/"
                  "name": "workflowProcesses",
                  "accept": "application/",
                  "start": 0,
                  "count": 1,
                  "items": [
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/workflows/processes/processes/5ef6f52f-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac111543",
                          "uri": "/workflows/processes/processes/5ef6f52f-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac111543",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "suspend",
                          "href": "/workflows/processes/processes/5ef6f52f-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac111543/suspended",
                          "uri": "/workflows/processes/processes/5ef6f52f-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac111543/suspended"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "resume",
                          "href": "/workflows/processes/processes/5ef6f52f-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac111543/resumed",
                          "uri": "/workflows/processes/processes/5ef6f52f-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac111543/resumed"
                          "method": "DELETE",
                          "rel": "cancel",
                          "href": "/workflows/processes/processes/5ef6f52f-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac111543",
                          "uri": "/workflows/processes/processes/5ef6f52f-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac111543"
                      "id": "5ef6f52f-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac111543"
                  "limit": 1,
                  "version": 2
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/workflows/processes",
                      "uri": "/workflows/processes",
                      "type": "application/"
                  "name": "workflowProcesses",
                  "accept": "application/",
                  "start": 0,
                  "count": 1,
                  "items": [
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/workflows/processes/processes/5ef6f52f-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac111543",
                          "uri": "/workflows/processes/processes/5ef6f52f-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac111543",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "suspend",
                          "href": "/workflows/processes/processes/5ef6f52f-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac111543/suspended",
                          "uri": "/workflows/processes/processes/5ef6f52f-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac111543/suspended"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "resume",
                          "href": "/workflows/processes/processes/5ef6f52f-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac111543/resumed",
                          "uri": "/workflows/processes/processes/5ef6f52f-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac111543/resumed"
                          "method": "DELETE",
                          "rel": "cancel",
                          "href": "/workflows/processes/processes/5ef6f52f-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac111543",
                          "uri": "/workflows/processes/processes/5ef6f52f-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac111543"
                      "id": "5ef6f52f-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac111543"
                  "limit": 1,
                  "version": 2

                This is an example of an error returned for bad requests.

                  "httpStatusCode": 400,
                  "message": "example error message",
                  "version": 2

                This is an example of an error returned when a resource is not found.

                  "httpStatusCode": 404,
                  "message": "example error message",
                  "version": 2
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. workflowProcessRepResourceCollection
                400 Bad Request The request was invalid. error2
                404 Not Found No workflow definition exists at the requested path. error2


                Endpoints manage workflow processes.

                Get the headers for a list of workflow processes

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X HEAD
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  method: 'HEAD'
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                r = requests.head('')
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                HEAD /processes

                Returns the headers for a list of workflow processes

                Name In Type Required Description
                fields query string false The comma-separated list of resource members to return in the collection.
                filter query string false Filters the collection using prefix function syntax using selected resource members.
                start query integer(int64) false The zero-based index of the first item in the collection.
                limit query integer(int32) false The number of items that were requested for the collection.
                sortBy query string false The sorting preference for selected resource members in the returned collection.
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The operation was successful None

                Get a list of workflow processes

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X GET \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const headers = {
                  method: 'GET',
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r = requests.get('', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                GET /processes

                Retrieves a list of workflow processes. The returned items are of type application/

                Name In Type Required Description
                fields query string false The comma-separated list of resource members to return in the collection.
                filter query string false Filters the collection using prefix function syntax using selected resource members.
                start query integer(int64) false The zero-based index of the first item in the collection.
                limit query integer(int32) false The number of items that were requested for the collection.
                sortBy query string false The sorting preference for selected resource members in the returned collection.

                Example responses

                A list of all workflow processes.

                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/workflows/processes",
                      "uri": "/workflows/processes",
                      "type": "application/"
                  "name": "workflowProcesses",
                  "accept": "application/",
                  "start": 0,
                  "count": 1,
                  "items": [
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/workflows/processes/processes/intel_report_workflow:4:4e4bfd6e-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac11001",
                          "uri": "/workflows/processes/processes/intel_report_workflow:4:4e4bfd6e-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac11001",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "suspend",
                          "href": "/workflows/processes/processes/intel_report_workflow:4:4e4bfd6e-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac11001/suspended",
                          "uri": "/workflows/processes/processes/intel_report_workflow:4:4e4bfd6e-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac11001/suspended"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "resume",
                          "href": "/workflows/processes/processes/intel_report_workflow:4:4e4bfd6e-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac11001/resumed",
                          "uri": "/workflows/processes/processes/intel_report_workflow:4:4e4bfd6e-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac11001/resumed"
                          "method": "DELETE",
                          "rel": "cancel",
                          "href": "/workflows/processes/processes/intel_report_workflow:4:4e4bfd6e-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac11001",
                          "uri": "/workflows/processes/processes/intel_report_workflow:4:4e4bfd6e-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac11001"
                      "version": 1,
                      "entityId": 100513,
                      "entityName": "intel_report",
                      "entityLabel": "Intelligence Report",
                      "workflowDefinitionId": "intel_report_workflow:4:4e4bfd6e-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac110013",
                      "workflowName": "intel_report_workflow",
                      "workflowLabel": "Intel Report Workflow",
                      "workflowLabelResource": "svi.workflow.intel_report.1534446766062.label.txt",
                      "workflowDescriptionResource": "svi.workflow.intel_report.1534446766062.description.txt",
                      "workflowVersion": 4,
                      "entityInstanceId": "7a739103-9d8e-49ab-b8e5-fa120a298c06",
                      "entityInstanceLabel": "test test",
                      "id": "5ef6f52f-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac110013",
                      "isSuspended": false,
                      "lastResumeAt": "2018-08-22T11:12:20.470Z",
                      "lastResumeBy": "videmo",
                      "resumeFailed": false,
                      "lastSuspendAt": "2018-08-22T11:11:16.468Z",
                      "lastSuspendBy": "videmo",
                      "suspendFailed": false,
                      "startBy": "videmo",
                      "startAt": "2018-08-22T10:58:58.845Z",
                      "state": "RUNNING"
                  "limit": 1,
                  "version": 2
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/workflows/processes",
                      "uri": "/workflows/processes",
                      "type": "application/"
                  "name": "workflowProcesses",
                  "accept": "application/",
                  "start": 0,
                  "count": 1,
                  "items": [
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/workflows/processes/processes/intel_report_workflow:4:4e4bfd6e-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac11001",
                          "uri": "/workflows/processes/processes/intel_report_workflow:4:4e4bfd6e-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac11001",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "suspend",
                          "href": "/workflows/processes/processes/intel_report_workflow:4:4e4bfd6e-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac11001/suspended",
                          "uri": "/workflows/processes/processes/intel_report_workflow:4:4e4bfd6e-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac11001/suspended"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "resume",
                          "href": "/workflows/processes/processes/intel_report_workflow:4:4e4bfd6e-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac11001/resumed",
                          "uri": "/workflows/processes/processes/intel_report_workflow:4:4e4bfd6e-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac11001/resumed"
                          "method": "DELETE",
                          "rel": "cancel",
                          "href": "/workflows/processes/processes/intel_report_workflow:4:4e4bfd6e-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac11001",
                          "uri": "/workflows/processes/processes/intel_report_workflow:4:4e4bfd6e-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac11001"
                      "version": 1,
                      "entityId": 100513,
                      "entityName": "intel_report",
                      "entityLabel": "Intelligence Report",
                      "workflowDefinitionId": "intel_report_workflow:4:4e4bfd6e-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac110013",
                      "workflowName": "intel_report_workflow",
                      "workflowLabel": "Intel Report Workflow",
                      "workflowLabelResource": "svi.workflow.intel_report.1534446766062.label.txt",
                      "workflowDescriptionResource": "svi.workflow.intel_report.1534446766062.description.txt",
                      "workflowVersion": 4,
                      "entityInstanceId": "7a739103-9d8e-49ab-b8e5-fa120a298c06",
                      "entityInstanceLabel": "test test",
                      "id": "5ef6f52f-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac110013",
                      "isSuspended": false,
                      "lastResumeAt": "2018-08-22T11:12:20.470Z",
                      "lastResumeBy": "videmo",
                      "resumeFailed": false,
                      "lastSuspendAt": "2018-08-22T11:11:16.468Z",
                      "lastSuspendBy": "videmo",
                      "suspendFailed": false,
                      "startBy": "videmo",
                      "startAt": "2018-08-22T10:58:58.845Z",
                      "state": "RUNNING"
                  "limit": 1,
                  "version": 2
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The operation was successful workflowProcessRepResourceCollection

                Stop and delete all workflow processes

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X DELETE
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  method: 'DELETE'
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                r = requests.delete('')
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("DELETE", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                DELETE /processes

                Stops and deletes all workflow processes.

                Status Meaning Description Schema
                204 No Content The operation was successful. None

                Get the headers for a list of active workflow processes

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X HEAD
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  method: 'HEAD'
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                r = requests.head('')
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                HEAD /processes/actives

                Returns the headers for a list of active workflow processes.

                Name In Type Required Description
                fields query string false The comma-separated list of resource members to return in the collection.
                filter query string false Filters the collection using prefix function syntax using selected resource members.
                start query integer(int64) false The zero-based index of the first item in the collection.
                limit query integer(int32) false The number of items that were requested for the collection.
                sortBy query string false The sorting preference for selected resource members in the returned collection.
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The operation was successful None

                Get a list of active workflow processes

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X GET \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const headers = {
                  method: 'GET',
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r = requests.get('', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                GET /processes/actives

                Retrieves a list of active workflow processes. The returned items are of type application/

                Name In Type Required Description
                fields query string false The comma-separated list of resource members to return in the collection.
                filter query string false Filters the collection using prefix function syntax using selected resource members.
                start query integer(int64) false The zero-based index of the first item in the collection.
                limit query integer(int32) false The number of items that were requested for the collection.
                sortBy query string false The sorting preference for selected resource members in the returned collection.

                Example responses

                A list of all workflow processes.

                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/workflows/processes",
                      "uri": "/workflows/processes",
                      "type": "application/"
                  "name": "workflowProcesses",
                  "accept": "application/",
                  "start": 0,
                  "count": 1,
                  "items": [
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/workflows/processes/processes/intel_report_workflow:4:4e4bfd6e-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac11001",
                          "uri": "/workflows/processes/processes/intel_report_workflow:4:4e4bfd6e-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac11001",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "suspend",
                          "href": "/workflows/processes/processes/intel_report_workflow:4:4e4bfd6e-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac11001/suspended",
                          "uri": "/workflows/processes/processes/intel_report_workflow:4:4e4bfd6e-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac11001/suspended"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "resume",
                          "href": "/workflows/processes/processes/intel_report_workflow:4:4e4bfd6e-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac11001/resumed",
                          "uri": "/workflows/processes/processes/intel_report_workflow:4:4e4bfd6e-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac11001/resumed"
                          "method": "DELETE",
                          "rel": "cancel",
                          "href": "/workflows/processes/processes/intel_report_workflow:4:4e4bfd6e-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac11001",
                          "uri": "/workflows/processes/processes/intel_report_workflow:4:4e4bfd6e-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac11001"
                      "version": 1,
                      "entityId": 100513,
                      "entityName": "intel_report",
                      "entityLabel": "Intelligence Report",
                      "workflowDefinitionId": "intel_report_workflow:4:4e4bfd6e-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac110013",
                      "workflowName": "intel_report_workflow",
                      "workflowLabel": "Intel Report Workflow",
                      "workflowLabelResource": "svi.workflow.intel_report.1534446766062.label.txt",
                      "workflowDescriptionResource": "svi.workflow.intel_report.1534446766062.description.txt",
                      "workflowVersion": 4,
                      "entityInstanceId": "7a739103-9d8e-49ab-b8e5-fa120a298c06",
                      "entityInstanceLabel": "test test",
                      "id": "5ef6f52f-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac110013",
                      "isSuspended": false,
                      "lastResumeAt": "2018-08-22T11:12:20.470Z",
                      "lastResumeBy": "videmo",
                      "resumeFailed": false,
                      "lastSuspendAt": "2018-08-22T11:11:16.468Z",
                      "lastSuspendBy": "videmo",
                      "suspendFailed": false,
                      "startBy": "videmo",
                      "startAt": "2018-08-22T10:58:58.845Z",
                      "state": "RUNNING"
                  "limit": 1,
                  "version": 2
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/workflows/processes",
                      "uri": "/workflows/processes",
                      "type": "application/"
                  "name": "workflowProcesses",
                  "accept": "application/",
                  "start": 0,
                  "count": 1,
                  "items": [
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/workflows/processes/processes/intel_report_workflow:4:4e4bfd6e-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac11001",
                          "uri": "/workflows/processes/processes/intel_report_workflow:4:4e4bfd6e-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac11001",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "suspend",
                          "href": "/workflows/processes/processes/intel_report_workflow:4:4e4bfd6e-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac11001/suspended",
                          "uri": "/workflows/processes/processes/intel_report_workflow:4:4e4bfd6e-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac11001/suspended"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "resume",
                          "href": "/workflows/processes/processes/intel_report_workflow:4:4e4bfd6e-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac11001/resumed",
                          "uri": "/workflows/processes/processes/intel_report_workflow:4:4e4bfd6e-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac11001/resumed"
                          "method": "DELETE",
                          "rel": "cancel",
                          "href": "/workflows/processes/processes/intel_report_workflow:4:4e4bfd6e-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac11001",
                          "uri": "/workflows/processes/processes/intel_report_workflow:4:4e4bfd6e-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac11001"
                      "version": 1,
                      "entityId": 100513,
                      "entityName": "intel_report",
                      "entityLabel": "Intelligence Report",
                      "workflowDefinitionId": "intel_report_workflow:4:4e4bfd6e-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac110013",
                      "workflowName": "intel_report_workflow",
                      "workflowLabel": "Intel Report Workflow",
                      "workflowLabelResource": "svi.workflow.intel_report.1534446766062.label.txt",
                      "workflowDescriptionResource": "svi.workflow.intel_report.1534446766062.description.txt",
                      "workflowVersion": 4,
                      "entityInstanceId": "7a739103-9d8e-49ab-b8e5-fa120a298c06",
                      "entityInstanceLabel": "test test",
                      "id": "5ef6f52f-a5fa-11e8-9397-0242ac110013",
                      "isSuspended": false,
                      "lastResumeAt": "2018-08-22T11:12:20.470Z",
                      "lastResumeBy": "videmo",
                      "resumeFailed": false,
                      "lastSuspendAt": "2018-08-22T11:11:16.468Z",
                      "lastSuspendBy": "videmo",
                      "suspendFailed": false,
                      "startBy": "videmo",
                      "startAt": "2018-08-22T10:58:58.845Z",
                      "state": "RUNNING"
                  "limit": 1,
                  "version": 2
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The operation was successful workflowProcessRepResourceCollection

                Get the headers for specified workflow process

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X HEAD{processId}
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  method: 'HEAD'
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                r = requests.head('{processId}')
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "{processId}", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                HEAD /processes/processes/{processId}

                Returns the headers for the details for a specified workflow process.

                Name In Type Required Description
                processId path string true processId
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. None
                404 Not Found No process exists at the requested path. None

                Get details for specified workflow process

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X GET{processId} \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const headers = {
                  method: 'GET',
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r = requests.get('{processId}', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{processId}", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                GET /processes/processes/{processId}

                Retrieves the details for a specified workflow process.

                Name In Type Required Description
                processId path string true processId

                Example responses

                Provide details of the workflow process.

                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/workflows/processes/processes/0009945e-71d3-11ee-be64-0242ac11001f",
                      "uri": "/workflows/processes/processes/0009945e-71d3-11ee-be64-0242ac11001f",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "suspend",
                      "href": "/workflows/processes/processes/0009945e-71d3-11ee-be64-0242ac11001f/suspended",
                      "uri": "/workflows/processes/processes/0009945e-71d3-11ee-be64-0242ac11001f/suspended"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "resume",
                      "href": "/workflows/processes/processes/0009945e-71d3-11ee-be64-0242ac11001f/resumed",
                      "uri": "/workflows/processes/processes/0009945e-71d3-11ee-be64-0242ac11001f/resumed"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "cancel",
                      "href": "/workflows/processes/processes/0009945e-71d3-11ee-be64-0242ac11001f",
                      "uri": "/workflows/processes/processes/0009945e-71d3-11ee-be64-0242ac11001f"
                  "version": 1,
                  "entityId": 100832,
                  "entityName": "Test",
                  "entityLabel": "Test Entity",
                  "solutionName": "sas_visual_investigator_default",
                  "solutionLabel": "SAS Visual Investigator",
                  "workflowDefinitionId": "Test_workflow:3:2e6a0ee9-71d1-11ee-be64-0242ac11001f",
                  "workflowName": "Test_workflow",
                  "workflowLabel": "Test Workflow",
                  "workflowLabelResource": "svi.workflow.Test.1698186261758.label.txt",
                  "workflowDescriptionResource": "svi.workflow.Test.1698186261758.description.txt",
                  "workflowVersion": 3,
                  "entityInstanceId": "3621b37b-d14a-42d3-a823-fda599e6c839",
                  "entityInstanceLabel": "3621b37b-d14a-42d3-a823-fda599e6c839",
                  "id": "0009945e-71d3-11ee-be64-0242ac11001f",
                  "isSuspended": false,
                  "resumeFailed": false,
                  "suspendFailed": false,
                  "startedBy": "videmo",
                  "startedAt": "2023-10-23T18:35:54.773Z",
                  "state": "RUNNING"
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/workflows/processes/processes/0009945e-71d3-11ee-be64-0242ac11001f",
                      "uri": "/workflows/processes/processes/0009945e-71d3-11ee-be64-0242ac11001f",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "suspend",
                      "href": "/workflows/processes/processes/0009945e-71d3-11ee-be64-0242ac11001f/suspended",
                      "uri": "/workflows/processes/processes/0009945e-71d3-11ee-be64-0242ac11001f/suspended"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "resume",
                      "href": "/workflows/processes/processes/0009945e-71d3-11ee-be64-0242ac11001f/resumed",
                      "uri": "/workflows/processes/processes/0009945e-71d3-11ee-be64-0242ac11001f/resumed"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "cancel",
                      "href": "/workflows/processes/processes/0009945e-71d3-11ee-be64-0242ac11001f",
                      "uri": "/workflows/processes/processes/0009945e-71d3-11ee-be64-0242ac11001f"
                  "version": 1,
                  "entityId": 100832,
                  "entityName": "Test",
                  "entityLabel": "Test Entity",
                  "solutionName": "sas_visual_investigator_default",
                  "solutionLabel": "SAS Visual Investigator",
                  "workflowDefinitionId": "Test_workflow:3:2e6a0ee9-71d1-11ee-be64-0242ac11001f",
                  "workflowName": "Test_workflow",
                  "workflowLabel": "Test Workflow",
                  "workflowLabelResource": "svi.workflow.Test.1698186261758.label.txt",
                  "workflowDescriptionResource": "svi.workflow.Test.1698186261758.description.txt",
                  "workflowVersion": 3,
                  "entityInstanceId": "3621b37b-d14a-42d3-a823-fda599e6c839",
                  "entityInstanceLabel": "3621b37b-d14a-42d3-a823-fda599e6c839",
                  "id": "0009945e-71d3-11ee-be64-0242ac11001f",
                  "isSuspended": false,
                  "resumeFailed": false,
                  "suspendFailed": false,
                  "startedBy": "videmo",
                  "startedAt": "2023-10-23T18:35:54.773Z",
                  "state": "RUNNING"

                This is an example of an error returned when a resource is not found.

                  "httpStatusCode": 404,
                  "message": "example error message",
                  "version": 2
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. workflowProcessRep
                404 Not Found No process exists at the requested path. error2

                Delete a workflow process

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X DELETE{processId} \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const headers = {
                  method: 'DELETE',
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r = requests.delete('{processId}', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("DELETE", "{processId}", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                DELETE /processes/processes/{processId}

                Stops and deletes a workflow process.

                Name In Type Required Description
                processId path string true processId

                Example responses

                This is an example of an error returned when a resource is not found.

                  "httpStatusCode": 404,
                  "message": "example error message",
                  "version": 2
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                204 No Content The operation was successful. None
                404 Not Found No process exists at the requested path. error2

                Suspend a workflow process

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X PUT{processId}/suspended \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const headers = {
                  method: 'PUT',
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r = requests.put('{processId}/suspended', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("PUT", "{processId}/suspended", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                PUT /processes/processes/{processId}/suspended

                Suspends a workflow process.

                Name In Type Required Description
                processId path string true The ID of the process.

                Example responses

                This is an example of an error returned for bad requests.

                  "httpStatusCode": 400,
                  "message": "example error message",
                  "version": 2

                This is an example of an error returned when a resource is not found.

                  "httpStatusCode": 404,
                  "message": "example error message",
                  "version": 2
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                204 No Content The operation was successful. None
                400 Bad Request The request was invalid. error2
                404 Not Found No workflow process exists at the requested path. error2

                Suspend a selection of the workflow processes

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X POST \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Content-Type: application/' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const inputBody = '{
                  "resources": [
                const headers = {
                  method: 'POST',
                  body: inputBody,
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Content-Type': 'application/',
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r ='', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Content-Type": []string{"application/"},
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                POST /processes/suspended

                Suspends a selection of the workflow processes. This request allows for 100 selections.

                Body parameter

                Performs a bulk action for the selected processes. These actions can include suspending, resuming, or canceling the processes.

                  "resources": [
                Name In Type Required Description
                body body selectionRep true selections

                Example responses

                This is an example of an error returned for bad requests.

                  "httpStatusCode": 400,
                  "message": "example error message",
                  "version": 2
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                204 No Content The operation was successful. None
                400 Bad Request The request was invalid. error2

                Suspend all workflow processes

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X PUT \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const headers = {
                  method: 'PUT',
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r = requests.put('', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("PUT", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                PUT /processes/suspended

                Suspends all workflow processes.

                Example responses

                This is an example of an error returned for bad requests.

                  "httpStatusCode": 400,
                  "message": "example error message",
                  "version": 2
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                204 No Content The operation was successful. None
                400 Bad Request The request was invalid. error2

                Suspend a workflow process by entity instance ID

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X PUT{entityName}/entityInstanceId/{entityInstanceId}/suspended \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const headers = {
                  method: 'PUT',
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r = requests.put('{entityName}/entityInstanceId/{entityInstanceId}/suspended', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("PUT", "{entityName}/entityInstanceId/{entityInstanceId}/suspended", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                PUT /processes/entityName/{entityName}/entityInstanceId/{entityInstanceId}/suspended

                Suspends a workflow process by entity instance ID.

                Name In Type Required Description
                entityName path string true The name of the entity.
                entityInstanceId path string true The instance ID of the entity.

                Example responses

                This is an example of an error returned for bad requests.

                  "httpStatusCode": 400,
                  "message": "example error message",
                  "version": 2

                This is an example of an error returned when a resource is not found.

                  "httpStatusCode": 404,
                  "message": "example error message",
                  "version": 2
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                204 No Content The operation was successful. None
                400 Bad Request The request was invalid. error2
                404 Not Found No entity instance ID exists at the requested path. error2

                Suspend all workflow processes for an entity

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X PUT{entityName}/suspended \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const headers = {
                  method: 'PUT',
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r = requests.put('{entityName}/suspended', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("PUT", "{entityName}/suspended", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                PUT /processes/entityName/{entityName}/suspended

                Suspends all workflow processes for an entity.

                Name In Type Required Description
                entityName path string true The name of the entity.

                Example responses

                This is an example of an error returned for bad requests.

                  "httpStatusCode": 400,
                  "message": "example error message",
                  "version": 2

                This is an example of an error returned when a resource is not found.

                  "httpStatusCode": 404,
                  "message": "example error message",
                  "version": 2
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                204 No Content The operation was successful. None
                400 Bad Request The request was invalid. error2
                404 Not Found No entity exists at the requested path. error2

                Resume a previously suspended workflow process

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X PUT{processId}/resumed \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const headers = {
                  method: 'PUT',
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r = requests.put('{processId}/resumed', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("PUT", "{processId}/resumed", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                PUT /processes/processes/{processId}/resumed

                Resumes a previously suspended workflow process.

                Name In Type Required Description
                processId path string true The ID of the process.

                Example responses

                This is an example of an error returned for bad requests.

                  "httpStatusCode": 400,
                  "message": "example error message",
                  "version": 2

                This is an example of an error returned when a resource is not found.

                  "httpStatusCode": 404,
                  "message": "example error message",
                  "version": 2
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                204 No Content The operation was successful. None
                400 Bad Request The request was invalid. error2
                404 Not Found No workflow process exists at the requested path. error2

                Resume a selection of previously suspended workflow processes

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X POST \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Content-Type: application/' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const inputBody = '{
                  "resources": [
                const headers = {
                  method: 'POST',
                  body: inputBody,
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Content-Type': 'application/',
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r ='', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Content-Type": []string{"application/"},
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                POST /processes/resumed

                Resumes a selection of previously suspended workflow processes. This request allows for 100 selections.

                Body parameter

                Performs a bulk action for the selected processes. These actions can include suspending, resuming, or canceling the processes.

                  "resources": [
                Name In Type Required Description
                body body selectionRep true selections

                Example responses

                This is an example of an error returned for bad requests.

                  "httpStatusCode": 400,
                  "message": "example error message",
                  "version": 2
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                204 No Content The operation was successful. None
                400 Bad Request The request was invalid. error2

                Resume all previously suspended workflow processes

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X PUT \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const headers = {
                  method: 'PUT',
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r = requests.put('', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("PUT", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                PUT /processes/resumed

                Resumes all previously suspended workflow processes.

                Example responses

                This is an example of an error returned for bad requests.

                  "httpStatusCode": 400,
                  "message": "example error message",
                  "version": 2
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                204 No Content The operation was successful. None
                400 Bad Request The request was invalid. error2

                Resume a previously suspended workflow process by entity instance ID

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X PUT{entityName}/entityInstanceId/{entityInstanceId}/resumed \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const headers = {
                  method: 'PUT',
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r = requests.put('{entityName}/entityInstanceId/{entityInstanceId}/resumed', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("PUT", "{entityName}/entityInstanceId/{entityInstanceId}/resumed", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                PUT /processes/entityName/{entityName}/entityInstanceId/{entityInstanceId}/resumed

                Resumes a previously suspended workflow process by entity instance ID.

                Name In Type Required Description
                entityName path string true The name of the entity.
                entityInstanceId path string true The instance ID of the entity.

                Example responses

                This is an example of an error returned for bad requests.

                  "httpStatusCode": 400,
                  "message": "example error message",
                  "version": 2

                This is an example of an error returned when a resource is not found.

                  "httpStatusCode": 404,
                  "message": "example error message",
                  "version": 2
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                204 No Content The operation was successful. None
                400 Bad Request The request was invalid. error2
                404 Not Found No entity instance ID exists at the requested path. error2

                Resume all previously suspended workflow process for an entity

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X PUT{entityName}/resumed \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const headers = {
                  method: 'PUT',
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r = requests.put('{entityName}/resumed', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("PUT", "{entityName}/resumed", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                PUT /processes/entityName/{entityName}/resumed

                Resumes all previously suspended workflow process for an entity.

                Name In Type Required Description
                entityName path string true The name of the entity.

                Example responses

                This is an example of an error returned for bad requests.

                  "httpStatusCode": 400,
                  "message": "example error message",
                  "version": 2
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                204 No Content The operation was successful. None
                400 Bad Request The request was invalid. error2

                Stop and delete a selection of workflow processes

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X POST \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Content-Type: application/' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const inputBody = '{
                  "resources": [
                const headers = {
                  method: 'POST',
                  body: inputBody,
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Content-Type': 'application/',
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r ='', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Content-Type": []string{"application/"},
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                POST /processes/cancelled

                Stops and deletes a selection of workflow processes. This request allows for 100 selections.

                Body parameter

                Performs a bulk action for the selected processes. These actions can include suspending, resuming, or canceling the processes.

                  "resources": [
                Name In Type Required Description
                body body selectionRep true selections

                Example responses

                This is an example of an error returned for bad requests.

                  "httpStatusCode": 400,
                  "message": "example error message",
                  "version": 2
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                204 No Content The operation was successful. None
                400 Bad Request The request was invalid. error2

                Stop and delete a workflow process by entity instance ID

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X DELETE{entityName}/entityInstanceId/{entityInstanceId} \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const headers = {
                  method: 'DELETE',
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r = requests.delete('{entityName}/entityInstanceId/{entityInstanceId}', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("DELETE", "{entityName}/entityInstanceId/{entityInstanceId}", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                DELETE /processes/entityName/{entityName}/entityInstanceId/{entityInstanceId}

                Stops and deletes a workflow process by entity instance ID.

                Name In Type Required Description
                entityName path string true The name of the entity.
                entityInstanceId path string true The instance ID of the entity.

                Example responses

                This is an example of an error returned when a resource is not found.

                  "httpStatusCode": 404,
                  "message": "example error message",
                  "version": 2
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                204 No Content The operation was successful. None
                404 Not Found No workflow process exists at the requested path. error2

                Stop and delete all workflow processes for an entity

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X DELETE{entityName} \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const headers = {
                  method: 'DELETE',
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r = requests.delete('{entityName}', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("DELETE", "{entityName}", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                DELETE /processes/entityName/{entityName}

                Stops and deletes all workflow processes for an entity.

                Name In Type Required Description
                entityName path string true The name of the entity.

                Example responses

                This is an example of an error returned when a resource is not found.

                  "httpStatusCode": 404,
                  "message": "example error message",
                  "version": 2
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                204 No Content The operation was successful. None
                404 Not Found No entity exists at the requested path. error2


                Endpoints related to workflow tasks.

                Get the headers for a list of workflow tasks

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X HEAD \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'VI-Client-Application: desktop'
                const headers = {
                  method: 'HEAD',
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'VI-Client-Application': 'desktop'
                r = requests.head('', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "VI-Client-Application": []string{"desktop"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                HEAD /processes/tasks

                Returns the headers for a list of workflow tasks.

                Name In Type Required Description
                fields query string false The comma-separated list of resource members to return in the collection.
                filter query string false Filters the collection using prefix function syntax using selected resource members.
                start query integer(int64) false The zero-based index of the first item in the collection.
                limit query integer(int32) false The number of items that were requested for the collection.
                sortBy query string false The sorting preference for selected resource members in the returned collection.
                includeOnlyWorkableTasks query boolean false Returns only the tasks the calling user is allowed to work.
                VI-Client-Application header string false Indicates which client is issuing the request. Accepted values include desktop and mobile.
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. None

                Get a list of workflow tasks

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X GET \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/' \
                  -H 'VI-Client-Application: desktop'
                const headers = {
                  method: 'GET',
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Accept': 'application/',
                  'VI-Client-Application': 'desktop'
                r = requests.get('', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                        "VI-Client-Application": []string{"desktop"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                GET /processes/tasks

                Retrieves a list of workflow tasks. The returned items are of type application/

                Name In Type Required Description
                fields query string false The comma-separated list of resource members to return in the collection.
                filter query string false Filters the collection using prefix function syntax using selected resource members.
                start query integer(int64) false The zero-based index of the first item in the collection.
                limit query integer(int32) false The number of items that were requested for the collection.
                sortBy query string false The sorting preference for selected resource members in the returned collection.
                includeOnlyWorkableTasks query boolean false Returns only the tasks the calling user is allowed to work.
                VI-Client-Application header string false Indicates which client is issuing the request. Accepted values include desktop and mobile.

                Example responses

                A list of pending tasks.

                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/processes/tasks",
                      "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/processes/tasks",
                      "type": "application/"
                  "name": "workflowTasks",
                  "accept": "application/",
                  "start": 0,
                  "count": 2,
                  "items": [
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/processes/tasks/tasks/94e54bb5-32d2-11ee-9999-8ae1ba173534",
                          "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/processes/tasks/tasks/94e54bb5-32d2-11ee-9999-8ae1ba173534",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "claim",
                          "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/processes/tasks/tasks/94e54bb5-32d2-11ee-9999-8ae1ba173534/claimed",
                          "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/processes/tasks/tasks/94e54bb5-32d2-11ee-9999-8ae1ba173534/claimed",
                          "type": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "release",
                          "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/processes/tasks/tasks/94e54bb5-32d2-11ee-9999-8ae1ba173534/claimReleased",
                          "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/processes/tasks/tasks/94e54bb5-32d2-11ee-9999-8ae1ba173534/claimReleased"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "assign",
                          "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/processes/tasks/tasks/%25s/assigned",
                          "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/processes/tasks/tasks/%25s/assigned",
                          "type": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "complete",
                          "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/processes/tasks/tasks/94e54bb5-32d2-11ee-9999-8ae1ba173534/completed",
                          "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/processes/tasks/tasks/94e54bb5-32d2-11ee-9999-8ae1ba173534/completed",
                          "type": "application/"
                      "version": 1,
                      "entityId": 100932,
                      "entityName": "TestEntity",
                      "entityLabel": "Perf Test",
                      "solutionName": "sas_visual_investigator_default",
                      "solutionLabel": "SAS Visual Investigator",
                      "workflowDefinitionId": "TestEntity_workflow:1:74c5d56f-30da-11ee-9b68-c6e83977fdb1",
                      "workflowName": "TestEntity_workflow",
                      "workflowLabel": "Perf Test Workflow",
                      "workflowLabelResource": "svi.workflow.TestEntity.1690942531204.label.txt",
                      "workflowDescriptionResource": "svi.workflow.TestEntity.1690942531204.description.txt",
                      "workflowVersion": 1,
                      "entityInstanceId": "7b404733-404b-4c03-895e-b3486bef7d4a",
                      "entityInstanceLabel": "7b404733-404b-4c03-895e-b3486bef7d4a",
                      "id": "94e54bb5-32d2-11ee-9999-8ae1ba173534",
                      "name": "Sample User Task",
                      "definitionId": "UserTask1675090585240",
                      "assignee": "testUser",
                      "processInstanceId": "94e4885c-32d2-11ee-9999-8ae1ba173534",
                      "claimedAt": "2023-08-04T14:46:43.991Z",
                      "participants": [
                          "id": "sviusrs",
                          "type": "GROUP",
                          "name": "sviusrs"
                      "isProcessInstanceSuspended": true,
                      "createdAt": "2023-08-04T14:46:43.991Z",
                      "actions": [
                          "id": "taskOption1675090585241",
                          "name": "Completed",
                          "pagePrompt": {
                            "defaults": [
                                "id": "dd9fb065-0121-4f9e-b7d3-9a48016e3ea6",
                                "name": "TestEntityPage"
                  "limit": 1,
                  "version": 2
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/processes/tasks",
                      "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/processes/tasks",
                      "type": "application/"
                  "name": "workflowTasks",
                  "accept": "application/",
                  "start": 0,
                  "count": 2,
                  "items": [
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/processes/tasks/tasks/94e54bb5-32d2-11ee-9999-8ae1ba173534",
                          "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/processes/tasks/tasks/94e54bb5-32d2-11ee-9999-8ae1ba173534",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "claim",
                          "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/processes/tasks/tasks/94e54bb5-32d2-11ee-9999-8ae1ba173534/claimed",
                          "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/processes/tasks/tasks/94e54bb5-32d2-11ee-9999-8ae1ba173534/claimed",
                          "type": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "release",
                          "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/processes/tasks/tasks/94e54bb5-32d2-11ee-9999-8ae1ba173534/claimReleased",
                          "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/processes/tasks/tasks/94e54bb5-32d2-11ee-9999-8ae1ba173534/claimReleased"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "assign",
                          "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/processes/tasks/tasks/%25s/assigned",
                          "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/processes/tasks/tasks/%25s/assigned",
                          "type": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "complete",
                          "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/processes/tasks/tasks/94e54bb5-32d2-11ee-9999-8ae1ba173534/completed",
                          "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/processes/tasks/tasks/94e54bb5-32d2-11ee-9999-8ae1ba173534/completed",
                          "type": "application/"
                      "version": 1,
                      "entityId": 100932,
                      "entityName": "TestEntity",
                      "entityLabel": "Perf Test",
                      "solutionName": "sas_visual_investigator_default",
                      "solutionLabel": "SAS Visual Investigator",
                      "workflowDefinitionId": "TestEntity_workflow:1:74c5d56f-30da-11ee-9b68-c6e83977fdb1",
                      "workflowName": "TestEntity_workflow",
                      "workflowLabel": "Perf Test Workflow",
                      "workflowLabelResource": "svi.workflow.TestEntity.1690942531204.label.txt",
                      "workflowDescriptionResource": "svi.workflow.TestEntity.1690942531204.description.txt",
                      "workflowVersion": 1,
                      "entityInstanceId": "7b404733-404b-4c03-895e-b3486bef7d4a",
                      "entityInstanceLabel": "7b404733-404b-4c03-895e-b3486bef7d4a",
                      "id": "94e54bb5-32d2-11ee-9999-8ae1ba173534",
                      "name": "Sample User Task",
                      "definitionId": "UserTask1675090585240",
                      "assignee": "testUser",
                      "processInstanceId": "94e4885c-32d2-11ee-9999-8ae1ba173534",
                      "claimedAt": "2023-08-04T14:46:43.991Z",
                      "participants": [
                          "id": "sviusrs",
                          "type": "GROUP",
                          "name": "sviusrs"
                      "isProcessInstanceSuspended": true,
                      "createdAt": "2023-08-04T14:46:43.991Z",
                      "actions": [
                          "id": "taskOption1675090585241",
                          "name": "Completed",
                          "pagePrompt": {
                            "defaults": [
                                "id": "dd9fb065-0121-4f9e-b7d3-9a48016e3ea6",
                                "name": "TestEntityPage"
                  "limit": 1,
                  "version": 2
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. workflowTaskRepResourceCollection

                Get the headers for a workflow task

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X HEAD{taskId}
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  method: 'HEAD'
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                r = requests.head('{taskId}')
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "{taskId}", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                HEAD /processes/tasks/tasks/{taskId}

                Returns the headers for the specified workflow task.

                Name In Type Required Description
                taskId path string true The ID of the task.
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. None
                404 Not Found No task exists at the requested path. None

                Get a workflow task

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X GET{taskId} \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const headers = {
                  method: 'GET',
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r = requests.get('{taskId}', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{taskId}", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                GET /processes/tasks/tasks/{taskId}

                Retrieves details for the specified workflow task.

                Name In Type Required Description
                taskId path string true The ID of the task.

                Example responses

                Single task

                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/processes/tasks/tasks/94e54bb5-32d2-11ee-9999-8ae1ba173534",
                      "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/processes/tasks/tasks/94e54bb5-32d2-11ee-9999-8ae1ba173534",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "claim",
                      "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/processes/tasks/tasks/94e54bb5-32d2-11ee-9999-8ae1ba173534/claimed",
                      "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/processes/tasks/tasks/94e54bb5-32d2-11ee-9999-8ae1ba173534/claimed",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "release",
                      "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/processes/tasks/tasks/94e54bb5-32d2-11ee-9999-8ae1ba173534/claimReleased",
                      "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/processes/tasks/tasks/94e54bb5-32d2-11ee-9999-8ae1ba173534/claimReleased"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "assign",
                      "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/processes/tasks/tasks/%25s/assigned",
                      "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/processes/tasks/tasks/%25s/assigned",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "complete",
                      "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/processes/tasks/tasks/94e54bb5-32d2-11ee-9999-8ae1ba173534/completed",
                      "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/processes/tasks/tasks/94e54bb5-32d2-11ee-9999-8ae1ba173534/completed",
                      "type": "application/"
                  "version": 1,
                  "entityId": 100932,
                  "entityName": "TestEntity",
                  "entityLabel": "Perf Test",
                  "solutionName": "sas_visual_investigator_default",
                  "solutionLabel": "SAS Visual Investigator",
                  "workflowDefinitionId": "TestEntity_workflow:1:74c5d56f-30da-11ee-9b68-c6e83977fdb1",
                  "workflowName": "TestEntity_workflow",
                  "workflowLabel": "Perf Test Workflow",
                  "workflowLabelResource": "svi.workflow.TestEntity.1690942531204.label.txt",
                  "workflowDescriptionResource": "svi.workflow.TestEntity.1690942531204.description.txt",
                  "workflowVersion": 1,
                  "entityInstanceId": "7b404733-404b-4c03-895e-b3486bef7d4a",
                  "entityInstanceLabel": "7b404733-404b-4c03-895e-b3486bef7d4a",
                  "id": "94e54bb5-32d2-11ee-9999-8ae1ba173534",
                  "name": "Sample User Task",
                  "definitionId": "UserTask1675090585240",
                  "assignee": "testUser",
                  "processInstanceId": "94e4885c-32d2-11ee-9999-8ae1ba173534",
                  "claimedAt": "2023-08-04T14:46:43.991Z",
                  "participants": [
                      "id": "sviusrs",
                      "type": "GROUP",
                      "name": "sviusrs"
                  "isClaimedByCurrentUser": true,
                  "isProcessInstanceSuspended": true,
                  "createdAt": "2023-08-04T14:46:43.991Z",
                  "actions": [
                      "id": "taskOption1675090585241",
                      "name": "Completed",
                      "pagePrompt": {
                        "defaults": [
                            "id": "dd9fb065-0121-4f9e-b7d3-9a48016e3ea6",
                            "name": "TestEntityPage"
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/processes/tasks/tasks/94e54bb5-32d2-11ee-9999-8ae1ba173534",
                      "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/processes/tasks/tasks/94e54bb5-32d2-11ee-9999-8ae1ba173534",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "claim",
                      "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/processes/tasks/tasks/94e54bb5-32d2-11ee-9999-8ae1ba173534/claimed",
                      "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/processes/tasks/tasks/94e54bb5-32d2-11ee-9999-8ae1ba173534/claimed",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "release",
                      "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/processes/tasks/tasks/94e54bb5-32d2-11ee-9999-8ae1ba173534/claimReleased",
                      "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/processes/tasks/tasks/94e54bb5-32d2-11ee-9999-8ae1ba173534/claimReleased"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "assign",
                      "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/processes/tasks/tasks/%25s/assigned",
                      "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/processes/tasks/tasks/%25s/assigned",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "complete",
                      "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/processes/tasks/tasks/94e54bb5-32d2-11ee-9999-8ae1ba173534/completed",
                      "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/processes/tasks/tasks/94e54bb5-32d2-11ee-9999-8ae1ba173534/completed",
                      "type": "application/"
                  "version": 1,
                  "entityId": 100932,
                  "entityName": "TestEntity",
                  "entityLabel": "Perf Test",
                  "solutionName": "sas_visual_investigator_default",
                  "solutionLabel": "SAS Visual Investigator",
                  "workflowDefinitionId": "TestEntity_workflow:1:74c5d56f-30da-11ee-9b68-c6e83977fdb1",
                  "workflowName": "TestEntity_workflow",
                  "workflowLabel": "Perf Test Workflow",
                  "workflowLabelResource": "svi.workflow.TestEntity.1690942531204.label.txt",
                  "workflowDescriptionResource": "svi.workflow.TestEntity.1690942531204.description.txt",
                  "workflowVersion": 1,
                  "entityInstanceId": "7b404733-404b-4c03-895e-b3486bef7d4a",
                  "entityInstanceLabel": "7b404733-404b-4c03-895e-b3486bef7d4a",
                  "id": "94e54bb5-32d2-11ee-9999-8ae1ba173534",
                  "name": "Sample User Task",
                  "definitionId": "UserTask1675090585240",
                  "assignee": "testUser",
                  "processInstanceId": "94e4885c-32d2-11ee-9999-8ae1ba173534",
                  "claimedAt": "2023-08-04T14:46:43.991Z",
                  "participants": [
                      "id": "sviusrs",
                      "type": "GROUP",
                      "name": "sviusrs"
                  "isClaimedByCurrentUser": true,
                  "isProcessInstanceSuspended": true,
                  "createdAt": "2023-08-04T14:46:43.991Z",
                  "actions": [
                      "id": "taskOption1675090585241",
                      "name": "Completed",
                      "pagePrompt": {
                        "defaults": [
                            "id": "dd9fb065-0121-4f9e-b7d3-9a48016e3ea6",
                            "name": "TestEntityPage"

                This is an example of an error returned when a resource is not found.

                  "httpStatusCode": 404,
                  "message": "example error message",
                  "version": 2
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. workflowTaskRep
                404 Not Found No task exists at the requested path. error2

                Claim a workflow task

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X PUT{taskId}/claimed \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Content-Type: application/' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/' \
                  -H 'VI-Client-Application: desktop'
                const inputBody = '{
                  "assignee": "testUser"
                const headers = {
                  method: 'PUT',
                  body: inputBody,
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Content-Type': 'application/',
                  'Accept': 'application/',
                  'VI-Client-Application': 'desktop'
                r = requests.put('{taskId}/claimed', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Content-Type": []string{"application/"},
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                        "VI-Client-Application": []string{"desktop"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("PUT", "{taskId}/claimed", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                PUT /processes/tasks/tasks/{taskId}/claimed

                Claims a workflow task.

                Body parameter

                Claim a task for the selected user.

                  "assignee": "testUser"
                Name In Type Required Description
                taskId path string true The ID of the task.
                VI-Client-Application header string false This indicates which client is issuing the request. Accepted values include desktop and mobile.
                body body workflowTaskRep true tRep

                Example responses

                This is an example of an error returned for bad requests.

                  "httpStatusCode": 400,
                  "message": "example error message",
                  "version": 2

                This is an example of an error returned when a resource is not found.

                  "httpStatusCode": 404,
                  "message": "example error message",
                  "version": 2
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                204 No Content The operation was successful. None
                400 Bad Request The request was invalid. error2
                404 Not Found No workflow task exists at the requested path. error2

                Claim a selection of workflow tasks

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X POST \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Content-Type: application/' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/' \
                  -H 'VI-Client-Application: desktop'
                const inputBody = '{
                  "user": "testUser",
                  "resources": [
                const headers = {
                  method: 'POST',
                  body: inputBody,
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Content-Type': 'application/',
                  'Accept': 'application/',
                  'VI-Client-Application': 'desktop'
                r ='', params={
                  'assignee': 'string'
                }, headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Content-Type": []string{"application/"},
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                        "VI-Client-Application": []string{"desktop"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                POST /processes/tasks/claimed

                Claims a selection of workflow tasks. This request allows for 100 selections.

                Body parameter

                Performs a bulk claim for the selected tasks.

                  "user": "testUser",
                  "resources": [
                Name In Type Required Description
                assignee query string true The name of the user to whom this task is assigned.
                VI-Client-Application header string false This indicates which client is issuing the request. Accepted values include desktop and mobile.
                body body selectionRep true The name of the selection claimed.

                Example responses

                This is an example of an error returned for bad requests.

                  "httpStatusCode": 400,
                  "message": "example error message",
                  "version": 2
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                204 No Content The operation was successful. None
                400 Bad Request The request was invalid. error2

                Release a claim on a workflow task

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X PUT{taskId}/claimReleased \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const headers = {
                  method: 'PUT',
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r = requests.put('{taskId}/claimReleased', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("PUT", "{taskId}/claimReleased", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                PUT /processes/tasks/tasks/{taskId}/claimReleased

                Releases a claim on a workflow task.k

                Name In Type Required Description
                taskId path string true The ID of the task released.

                Example responses

                This is an example of an error returned for bad requests.

                  "httpStatusCode": 400,
                  "message": "example error message",
                  "version": 2

                This is an example of an error returned when a resource is not found.

                  "httpStatusCode": 404,
                  "message": "example error message",
                  "version": 2
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                204 No Content The operation was successful. None
                400 Bad Request The request was invalid. error2
                404 Not Found No workflow task exists at the requested path. error2

                Release claim on selected workflow tasks

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X POST \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Content-Type: application/' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const inputBody = '{
                  "resources": [
                const headers = {
                  method: 'POST',
                  body: inputBody,
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Content-Type': 'application/',
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r ='', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Content-Type": []string{"application/"},
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                POST /processes/tasks/claimReleased

                Releases a claim on a selection of workflow tasks. This request allows for 100 selections.

                Body parameter

                Performs a bulk claim release for the selected tasks.

                  "resources": [
                Name In Type Required Description
                body body selectionRep true The name of the selection released.

                Example responses

                This is an example of an error returned for bad requests.

                  "httpStatusCode": 400,
                  "message": "example error message",
                  "version": 2
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                204 No Content The operation was successful. None
                400 Bad Request The request was invalid. error2

                Release a claim on a workflow task by the workflow administrator

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X PUT{taskId}/claimReleased/administrator \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const headers = {
                  method: 'PUT',
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r = requests.put('{taskId}/claimReleased/administrator', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("PUT", "{taskId}/claimReleased/administrator", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                PUT /processes/tasks/tasks/{taskId}/claimReleased/administrator

                Releases a claim on a workflow task by the workflow administrator. This follows the same design as the existing /workflows/processes/tasks/tasks/{taskId}/claimReleased REST API. The requirement on this API is that the user must have the workflow administrator capability (svi.administration.workflows.process).

                Name In Type Required Description
                taskId path string true The ID of the task.

                Example responses

                This is an example of an error returned for bad requests.

                  "httpStatusCode": 400,
                  "message": "example error message",
                  "version": 2

                This is an example of an error returned when a resource is not found.

                  "httpStatusCode": 404,
                  "message": "example error message",
                  "version": 2
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                204 No Content The operation was successful. None
                400 Bad Request The request was invalid. error2
                404 Not Found No workflow task exists at the requested path. error2

                Release a claim on a selection of workflow tasks by the workflow administrator

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X POST \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Content-Type: application/' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const inputBody = '{
                  "resources": [
                const headers = {
                  method: 'POST',
                  body: inputBody,
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Content-Type': 'application/',
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r ='', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Content-Type": []string{"application/"},
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                POST /processes/tasks/claimReleased/administrator

                Releases a claim on a selection of workflow tasks by the workflow administrator. This follows the same design as the existing /workflows/processes/tasks/claimReleased REST API. The requirement on this API is that the user must have the workflow administrator capability (svi.administration.workflows.process). This request allows for 100 selections.

                Body parameter

                Performs a bulk claim release for the selected tasks.

                  "resources": [
                Name In Type Required Description
                body body selectionRep true The name of the selection released.

                Example responses

                This is an example of an error returned for bad requests.

                  "httpStatusCode": 400,
                  "message": "example error message",
                  "version": 2
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                204 No Content The operation was successful. None
                400 Bad Request The request was invalid. error2

                Complete a workflow task

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X PUT{taskId}/completed \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Content-Type: application/' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/' \
                  -H 'VI-Client-Application: desktop'
                const inputBody = '{
                  "id": "taskOption1534446735993"
                const headers = {
                  method: 'PUT',
                  body: inputBody,
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Content-Type': 'application/',
                  'Accept': 'application/',
                  'VI-Client-Application': 'desktop'
                r = requests.put('{taskId}/completed', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Content-Type": []string{"application/"},
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                        "VI-Client-Application": []string{"desktop"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("PUT", "{taskId}/completed", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                PUT /processes/tasks/tasks/{taskId}/completed

                Updates the status of a workflow task to complete.

                Body parameter

                Complete the selected task.

                  "id": "taskOption1534446735993"
                Name In Type Required Description
                taskId path string true The ID of the task.
                VI-Client-Application header string false The client that is issuing the request. Accepted values include desktop and mobile.
                body body actionRep true rep

                Example responses

                This is an example of an error returned for bad requests.

                  "httpStatusCode": 400,
                  "message": "example error message",
                  "version": 2

                This is an example of an error returned when a resource is not found.

                  "httpStatusCode": 404,
                  "message": "example error message",
                  "version": 2
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                204 No Content The operation was successful. None
                400 Bad Request The request was invalid. error2
                404 Not Found No task exists at the requested path. error2

                Metrics Summary

                Endpoints to view historical process activity measurements.

                Get the headers for the history metrics summary for all workflows by entity

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X HEAD
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  method: 'HEAD'
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                r = requests.head('')
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                HEAD /entity/processes/history/metrics

                Returns the headers for the history metrics summary for all workflows by entity.

                Name In Type Required Description
                fields query string false The comma-separated list of resource members to return in the collection.
                filter query string false Filters the collection using prefix function syntax using selected resource members.
                start query integer(int64) false The zero-based index of the first item in the collection.
                limit query integer(int32) false The number of items that were requested for the collection.
                sortBy query string false The sorting preference for selected resource members in the returned collection.
                workflowName query string false Filters on the workflow name.
                taskName query string false Filters on the task name.
                taskDefinitionId query string false Filters on the specific task.
                assignee query string false Filters on tasks worked on by this user.
                containsWorkflowName query string false Filters for all tasks whose workflow name contain this value.
                containsTaskName query string false Filters for all task names that contain this value.
                startedAt query string(date-time) false Filters based on this start timestamp.
                endedAt query string(date-time) false Filters based on this end timestamp.
                includeUnclaimedTasks query boolean false Includes those tasks not currently assigned.
                includeCancelledTasks query boolean false Includes tasks whose processes were canceled.
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The operation was successful None

                Get the history metrics summary for all workflows by entity

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X GET \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const headers = {
                  method: 'GET',
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r = requests.get('', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                GET /entity/processes/history/metrics

                Retrieves the history metrics summary for all workflows by entity. The returned items are of type application/

                Name In Type Required Description
                fields query string false The comma-separated list of resource members to return in the collection.
                filter query string false Filters the collection using prefix function syntax using selected resource members.
                start query integer(int64) false The zero-based index of the first item in the collection.
                limit query integer(int32) false The number of items that were requested for the collection.
                sortBy query string false The sorting preference for selected resource members in the returned collection.
                workflowName query string false Filters on the workflow name.
                taskName query string false Filters on the task name.
                taskDefinitionId query string false Filters on the specific task.
                assignee query string false Filters on tasks worked on by this user.
                containsWorkflowName query string false Filters for all tasks whose workflow name contain this value.
                containsTaskName query string false Filters for all task names that contain this value.
                startedAt query string(date-time) false Filters based on this start timestamp.
                endedAt query string(date-time) false Filters based on this end timestamp.
                includeUnclaimedTasks query boolean false Includes those tasks not currently assigned.
                includeCancelledTasks query boolean false Includes tasks whose processes were canceled.

                Example responses

                This displays the workload progress based on the entity.

                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/workflows/processes",
                      "uri": "/workflows/processes",
                      "type": "application/"
                  "name": "workflowProcessHistoryMetricSummary",
                  "accept": "application/",
                  "start": 0,
                  "count": 1,
                  "items": [
                      "version": 1,
                      "name": "person",
                      "id": "person",
                      "label": "Person",
                      "meanTimePerTask": 8861798.406982422,
                      "medianTimePerTask": 4412228.406982422,
                      "timeOnCompletedTasks": 1906564,
                      "timeOnUncompletedTasks": 104435016.88378906,
                      "meanTimePerTaskClaimTimeBasis": 8643283.656982422,
                      "medianTimePerTaskClaimTimeBasis": 3508049.406982422,
                      "timeOnCompletedTasksClaimTimeBasis": 103719403.88378906,
                      "timeOnUncompletedTasksClaimTimeBasis": 103712036.88378906,
                      "workflowNames": [
                          "id": "person_workflow",
                          "name": "Person Workflow"
                  "limit": 1,
                  "version": 2
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/workflows/processes",
                      "uri": "/workflows/processes",
                      "type": "application/"
                  "name": "workflowProcessHistoryMetricSummary",
                  "accept": "application/",
                  "start": 0,
                  "count": 1,
                  "items": [
                      "version": 1,
                      "name": "person",
                      "id": "person",
                      "label": "Person",
                      "meanTimePerTask": 8861798.406982422,
                      "medianTimePerTask": 4412228.406982422,
                      "timeOnCompletedTasks": 1906564,
                      "timeOnUncompletedTasks": 104435016.88378906,
                      "meanTimePerTaskClaimTimeBasis": 8643283.656982422,
                      "medianTimePerTaskClaimTimeBasis": 3508049.406982422,
                      "timeOnCompletedTasksClaimTimeBasis": 103719403.88378906,
                      "timeOnUncompletedTasksClaimTimeBasis": 103712036.88378906,
                      "workflowNames": [
                          "id": "person_workflow",
                          "name": "Person Workflow"
                  "limit": 1,
                  "version": 2
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The operation was successful historicalMetricsSummaryRepResourceCollection

                Get the headers for the history metrics summary for all workflows

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X HEAD
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  method: 'HEAD'
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                r = requests.head('')
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                HEAD /processes/history/metrics

                Returns the headers for the history metrics summary for all workflows.

                Name In Type Required Description
                fields query string false The comma-separated list of resource members to return in the collection.
                filter query string false Filters the collection using prefix function syntax using selected resource members.
                start query integer(int64) false The zero-based index of the first item in the collection.
                limit query integer(int32) false The number of items that were requested for the collection.
                sortBy query string false The sorting preference for selected resource members in the returned collection.
                workflowName query string false Filters on the workflow name.
                taskName query string false Filters on the task name.
                taskDefinitionId query string false Filters on the specific task.
                assignee query string false Filters on tasks worked on by this user.
                containsWorkflowName query string false Filters for all tasks whose workflow name contain this value.
                containsTaskName query string false Filters for all task names that contain this value.
                startAt query integer(int64) false Filters based on this start timestamp.
                endAt query integer(int64) false Filters based on this end timestamp.
                includeUnclaimedTasks query boolean false Includes those tasks not currently assigned.
                includeCancelledTasks query boolean false Includes tasks whose processes were canceled.
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request was successful. None

                Get the history metrics summary for all workflows

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X GET \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const headers = {
                  method: 'GET',
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r = requests.get('', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                GET /processes/history/metrics

                Retrieves the history metrics summary for all workflows. The returned items are of type application/

                Name In Type Required Description
                fields query string false The comma-separated list of resource members to return in the collection.
                filter query string false Filters the collection using prefix function syntax using selected resource members.
                start query integer(int64) false The zero-based index of the first item in the collection.
                limit query integer(int32) false The number of items that were requested for the collection.
                sortBy query string false The sorting preference for selected resource members in the returned collection.
                workflowName query string false Filters on the workflow name.
                taskName query string false Filters on the task name.
                taskDefinitionId query string false Filters on the specific task.
                assignee query string false Filters on tasks worked on by this user.
                containsWorkflowName query string false Filters for all tasks whose workflow name contain this value.
                containsTaskName query string false Filters for all task names that contain this value.
                startAt query integer(int64) false Filters based on this start timestamp.
                endAt query integer(int64) false Filters based on this end timestamp.
                includeUnclaimedTasks query boolean false Includes those tasks not currently assigned.
                includeCancelledTasks query boolean false Includes tasks whose processes were canceled.

                Example responses

                This displays the workload progress.

                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/workflows/processes/history/metrics",
                      "uri": "/workflows/processes/history/metrics",
                      "type": "application/"
                  "name": "workflowProcessHistoryMetricSummary",
                  "accept": "application/",
                  "start": 0,
                  "count": 1,
                  "items": [
                      "version": 1,
                      "name": "Test_workflow",
                      "id": "Test_workflow",
                      "label": "Test Workflow",
                      "meanTimePerTask": 172249732.16896927,
                      "medianTimePerTask": 194848241.05517578,
                      "timeOnCompletedTasks": 0,
                      "timeOnUncompletedTasks": 1519759386926.812,
                      "meanTimePerTaskClaimTimeBasis": 172249732.16896927,
                      "medianTimePerTaskClaimTimeBasis": 194848241.05517578,
                      "timeOnCompletedTasksClaimTimeBasis": 1519759386926.812,
                      "timeOnUncompletedTasksClaimTimeBasis": 1519759386926.812,
                      "workflowVersions": [
                          "id": "Test_workflow:4:15297362-72bc-11ee-a8bf-0242ac11001f",
                          "version": 4
                          "id": "Test_workflow:3:2e6a0ee9-71d1-11ee-be64-0242ac11001f",
                          "version": 3
                  "limit": 1,
                  "version": 2
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/workflows/processes/history/metrics",
                      "uri": "/workflows/processes/history/metrics",
                      "type": "application/"
                  "name": "workflowProcessHistoryMetricSummary",
                  "accept": "application/",
                  "start": 0,
                  "count": 1,
                  "items": [
                      "version": 1,
                      "name": "Test_workflow",
                      "id": "Test_workflow",
                      "label": "Test Workflow",
                      "meanTimePerTask": 172249732.16896927,
                      "medianTimePerTask": 194848241.05517578,
                      "timeOnCompletedTasks": 0,
                      "timeOnUncompletedTasks": 1519759386926.812,
                      "meanTimePerTaskClaimTimeBasis": 172249732.16896927,
                      "medianTimePerTaskClaimTimeBasis": 194848241.05517578,
                      "timeOnCompletedTasksClaimTimeBasis": 1519759386926.812,
                      "timeOnUncompletedTasksClaimTimeBasis": 1519759386926.812,
                      "workflowVersions": [
                          "id": "Test_workflow:4:15297362-72bc-11ee-a8bf-0242ac11001f",
                          "version": 4
                          "id": "Test_workflow:3:2e6a0ee9-71d1-11ee-be64-0242ac11001f",
                          "version": 3
                  "limit": 1,
                  "version": 2
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request was successful. historicalMetricsSummaryRepResourceCollection

                Get the headers for a history metrics summary for all groups

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X HEAD
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  method: 'HEAD'
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                r = requests.head('')
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                HEAD /processes/history/metrics/groups

                Returns the headers for a history metrics summary for all groups.

                Name In Type Required Description
                fields query string false The comma-separated list of resource members to return in the collection.
                filter query string false Filters the collection using prefix function syntax using selected resource members.
                start query integer(int64) false The zero-based index of the first item in the collection.
                limit query integer(int32) false The number of items that were requested for the collection.
                sortBy query string false The sorting preference for selected resource members in the returned collection.
                workflowName query string false Filters on the workflow name.
                taskName query string false Filters on the task name.
                taskDefinitionId query string false Filters on the specific task.
                assignee query string false Filters on tasks worked on by this user.
                containsWorkflowName query string false Filters for all tasks whose workflow name contain this value
                containsTaskName query string false Filters for all task names that contain this value.
                startAt query integer(int64) false Filters based on this start timestamp.
                endAt query integer(int64) false Filters based on this end timestamp.
                includeUnclaimedTasks query boolean false Includes those tasks not currently assigned.
                includeCancelledTasks query boolean false Includes tasks whose processes were canceled.
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The operation was successful None

                Get a history metrics summary for all groups

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X GET \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const headers = {
                  method: 'GET',
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r = requests.get('', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                GET /processes/history/metrics/groups

                Retrieves a history metrics summary for all groups. The returned items are of type application/

                Name In Type Required Description
                fields query string false The comma-separated list of resource members to return in the collection.
                filter query string false Filters the collection using prefix function syntax using selected resource members.
                start query integer(int64) false The zero-based index of the first item in the collection.
                limit query integer(int32) false The number of items that were requested for the collection.
                sortBy query string false The sorting preference for selected resource members in the returned collection.
                workflowName query string false Filters on the workflow name.
                taskName query string false Filters on the task name.
                taskDefinitionId query string false Filters on the specific task.
                assignee query string false Filters on tasks worked on by this user.
                containsWorkflowName query string false Filters for all tasks whose workflow name contain this value
                containsTaskName query string false Filters for all task names that contain this value.
                startAt query integer(int64) false Filters based on this start timestamp.
                endAt query integer(int64) false Filters based on this end timestamp.
                includeUnclaimedTasks query boolean false Includes those tasks not currently assigned.
                includeCancelledTasks query boolean false Includes tasks whose processes were canceled.

                Example responses

                This displays the workload progress based on the groups.

                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/processes/history/metrics",
                      "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/processes/history/metrics",
                      "type": "application/"
                  "name": "workflowProcessHistoryMetricGroupSummary",
                  "accept": "application/",
                  "start": 0,
                  "count": 1,
                  "items": [
                      "version": 1,
                      "name": "Test Group",
                      "id": "testGroup",
                      "meanTimePerTask": 23937.5,
                      "medianTimePerTask": 23937.5,
                      "timeOnCompletedTasks": 47875,
                      "timeOnUncompletedTasks": 0,
                      "meanTimePerTaskClaimTimeBasis": 10562,
                      "medianTimePerTaskClaimTimeBasis": 10562,
                      "timeOnCompletedTasksClaimTimeBasis": 21124,
                      "timeOnUncompletedTasksClaimTimeBasis": 0
                  "limit": 1,
                  "version": 2
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/processes/history/metrics",
                      "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/processes/history/metrics",
                      "type": "application/"
                  "name": "workflowProcessHistoryMetricGroupSummary",
                  "accept": "application/",
                  "start": 0,
                  "count": 1,
                  "items": [
                      "version": 1,
                      "name": "Test Group",
                      "id": "testGroup",
                      "meanTimePerTask": 23937.5,
                      "medianTimePerTask": 23937.5,
                      "timeOnCompletedTasks": 47875,
                      "timeOnUncompletedTasks": 0,
                      "meanTimePerTaskClaimTimeBasis": 10562,
                      "medianTimePerTaskClaimTimeBasis": 10562,
                      "timeOnCompletedTasksClaimTimeBasis": 21124,
                      "timeOnUncompletedTasksClaimTimeBasis": 0
                  "limit": 1,
                  "version": 2
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The operation was successful historicalMetricsSummaryRepResourceCollection

                Get the headers for the history metrics summary for all users

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X HEAD{groupId}/users
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  method: 'HEAD'
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                r = requests.head('{groupId}/users')
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "{groupId}/users", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                HEAD /processes/history/metrics/groups/groups/{groupId}/users

                Returns the headers for the history metrics summary for all users.

                Name In Type Required Description
                groupId path string true The ID of the group.
                fields query string false The comma-separated list of resource members to return in the collection.
                filter query string false Filters the collection by using the prefix function syntax using selected resource members.
                start query integer(int64) false The zero-based index of the first item in the collection.
                limit query integer(int32) false The number of items that were requested for the collection.
                sortBy query string false The sorting preference for selected resource members in the returned collection.
                entityName query string false Filters on the entity name the workflow runs against.
                workflowName query string false Filters on the workflow name.
                taskName query string false Filters on the task name.
                taskDefinitionId query string false Filters on the specific task.
                containsWorkflowName query string false Filters for all tasks whose workflow name contain this value.
                containsTaskName query string false Filters for all task names that contain this value.
                startAt query integer(int64) false Filters based on this start timestamp.
                endAt query integer(int64) false Filters based on this end timestamp.
                includeUnclaimedTasks query boolean false Includes those tasks that are not currently assigned.
                includeCancelledTasks query boolean false Includes tasks whose processes were canceled.
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. None

                Get the history metrics summary for all users

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X GET{groupId}/users \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/json'
                const headers = {
                  method: 'GET',
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Accept': 'application/json'
                r = requests.get('{groupId}/users', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{groupId}/users", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                GET /processes/history/metrics/groups/groups/{groupId}/users

                Retrieves the history metrics summary for all users. The returned items are of type application/

                Name In Type Required Description
                groupId path string true The ID of the group.
                fields query string false The comma-separated list of resource members to return in the collection.
                filter query string false Filters the collection by using the prefix function syntax using selected resource members.
                start query integer(int64) false The zero-based index of the first item in the collection.
                limit query integer(int32) false The number of items that were requested for the collection.
                sortBy query string false The sorting preference for selected resource members in the returned collection.
                entityName query string false Filters on the entity name the workflow runs against.
                workflowName query string false Filters on the workflow name.
                taskName query string false Filters on the task name.
                taskDefinitionId query string false Filters on the specific task.
                containsWorkflowName query string false Filters for all tasks whose workflow name contain this value.
                containsTaskName query string false Filters for all task names that contain this value.
                startAt query integer(int64) false Filters based on this start timestamp.
                endAt query integer(int64) false Filters based on this end timestamp.
                includeUnclaimedTasks query boolean false Includes those tasks that are not currently assigned.
                includeCancelledTasks query boolean false Includes tasks whose processes were canceled.

                Example responses

                This displays the workload progress based on the users.

                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/processes/history/metrics",
                      "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/processes/history/metrics",
                      "type": "application/"
                  "name": "workflowProcessHistoryMetricUserSummary",
                  "accept": "application/",
                  "start": 0,
                  "count": 1,
                  "items": [
                      "version": 1,
                      "name": "Test User",
                      "id": "testUser",
                      "meanTimePerTask": 23937.5,
                      "medianTimePerTask": 23937.5,
                      "timeOnCompletedTasks": 47875,
                      "timeOnUncompletedTasks": 0,
                      "meanTimePerTaskClaimTimeBasis": 10562,
                      "medianTimePerTaskClaimTimeBasis": 10562,
                      "timeOnCompletedTasksClaimTimeBasis": 21124,
                      "timeOnUncompletedTasksClaimTimeBasis": 0
                  "limit": 1,
                  "version": 2
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/processes/history/metrics",
                      "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/processes/history/metrics",
                      "type": "application/"
                  "name": "workflowProcessHistoryMetricUserSummary",
                  "accept": "application/",
                  "start": 0,
                  "count": 1,
                  "items": [
                      "version": 1,
                      "name": "Test User",
                      "id": "testUser",
                      "meanTimePerTask": 23937.5,
                      "medianTimePerTask": 23937.5,
                      "timeOnCompletedTasks": 47875,
                      "timeOnUncompletedTasks": 0,
                      "meanTimePerTaskClaimTimeBasis": 10562,
                      "medianTimePerTaskClaimTimeBasis": 10562,
                      "timeOnCompletedTasksClaimTimeBasis": 21124,
                      "timeOnUncompletedTasksClaimTimeBasis": 0
                  "limit": 1,
                  "version": 2
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. historicalMetricsSummaryRepResourceCollection

                Get the headers for history metrics summary for workflows

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X HEAD{workflowId}/processes/history/metrics
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  method: 'HEAD'
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                r = requests.head('{workflowId}/processes/history/metrics')
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "{workflowId}/processes/history/metrics", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                HEAD /workflows/{workflowId}/processes/history/metrics

                Returns the headers for the history metrics summary for specific workflows.

                Name In Type Required Description
                workflowId path string true The ID of the workflow.
                fields query string false The comma-separated list of resource members to return in the collection.
                filter query string false Filters the collection using prefix function syntax using selected resource members.
                start query integer(int64) false The zero-based index of the first item in the collection.
                limit query integer(int32) false The number of items that were requested for the collection.
                sortBy query string false The sorting preference for selected resource members in the returned collection.
                taskName query string false Filters on the task name.
                taskDefinitionId query string false Filters on the specific task.
                assignee query string false Filters on tasks worked on by this user.
                containsTaskName query string false Filters for all task names that contain this value.
                startAt query integer(int64) false Filters based on this start timestamp.
                endAt query integer(int64) false Filters based on this end timestamp.
                includeUnclaimedTasks query boolean false Includes those tasks not currently assigned.
                includeCancelledTasks query boolean false Includes tasks whose processes were canceled.
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. None
                404 Not Found No workflow exists at the requested path. None

                Get history metrics summary for workflows

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X GET{workflowId}/processes/history/metrics \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const headers = {
                  method: 'GET',
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r = requests.get('{workflowId}/processes/history/metrics', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{workflowId}/processes/history/metrics", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                GET /workflows/{workflowId}/processes/history/metrics

                Retrieves the history metrics summary for specific workflows. The returned items are of type application/

                Name In Type Required Description
                workflowId path string true The ID of the workflow.
                fields query string false The comma-separated list of resource members to return in the collection.
                filter query string false Filters the collection using prefix function syntax using selected resource members.
                start query integer(int64) false The zero-based index of the first item in the collection.
                limit query integer(int32) false The number of items that were requested for the collection.
                sortBy query string false The sorting preference for selected resource members in the returned collection.
                taskName query string false Filters on the task name.
                taskDefinitionId query string false Filters on the specific task.
                assignee query string false Filters on tasks worked on by this user.
                containsTaskName query string false Filters for all task names that contain this value.
                startAt query integer(int64) false Filters based on this start timestamp.
                endAt query integer(int64) false Filters based on this end timestamp.
                includeUnclaimedTasks query boolean false Includes those tasks not currently assigned.
                includeCancelledTasks query boolean false Includes tasks whose processes were canceled.

                Example responses

                This displays the workload progress.

                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/workflows/processes/history/metrics",
                      "uri": "/workflows/processes/history/metrics",
                      "type": "application/"
                  "name": "workflowProcessHistoryMetricSummary",
                  "accept": "application/",
                  "start": 0,
                  "count": 1,
                  "items": [
                      "version": 1,
                      "name": "Test_workflow",
                      "id": "Test_workflow",
                      "label": "Test Workflow",
                      "meanTimePerTask": 172249732.16896927,
                      "medianTimePerTask": 194848241.05517578,
                      "timeOnCompletedTasks": 0,
                      "timeOnUncompletedTasks": 1519759386926.812,
                      "meanTimePerTaskClaimTimeBasis": 172249732.16896927,
                      "medianTimePerTaskClaimTimeBasis": 194848241.05517578,
                      "timeOnCompletedTasksClaimTimeBasis": 1519759386926.812,
                      "timeOnUncompletedTasksClaimTimeBasis": 1519759386926.812,
                      "workflowVersions": [
                          "id": "Test_workflow:4:15297362-72bc-11ee-a8bf-0242ac11001f",
                          "version": 4
                          "id": "Test_workflow:3:2e6a0ee9-71d1-11ee-be64-0242ac11001f",
                          "version": 3
                  "limit": 1,
                  "version": 2
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/workflows/processes/history/metrics",
                      "uri": "/workflows/processes/history/metrics",
                      "type": "application/"
                  "name": "workflowProcessHistoryMetricSummary",
                  "accept": "application/",
                  "start": 0,
                  "count": 1,
                  "items": [
                      "version": 1,
                      "name": "Test_workflow",
                      "id": "Test_workflow",
                      "label": "Test Workflow",
                      "meanTimePerTask": 172249732.16896927,
                      "medianTimePerTask": 194848241.05517578,
                      "timeOnCompletedTasks": 0,
                      "timeOnUncompletedTasks": 1519759386926.812,
                      "meanTimePerTaskClaimTimeBasis": 172249732.16896927,
                      "medianTimePerTaskClaimTimeBasis": 194848241.05517578,
                      "timeOnCompletedTasksClaimTimeBasis": 1519759386926.812,
                      "timeOnUncompletedTasksClaimTimeBasis": 1519759386926.812,
                      "workflowVersions": [
                          "id": "Test_workflow:4:15297362-72bc-11ee-a8bf-0242ac11001f",
                          "version": 4
                          "id": "Test_workflow:3:2e6a0ee9-71d1-11ee-be64-0242ac11001f",
                          "version": 3
                  "limit": 1,
                  "version": 2

                This is an example of an error returned when a resource is not found.

                  "httpStatusCode": 404,
                  "message": "example error message",
                  "version": 2
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. historicalMetricsSummaryRepResourceCollection
                404 Not Found No workflow exists at the requested path. error2

                Get the headers for the history metrics summary for all groups of a selected workflow version

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X HEAD{workflowId}/processes/history/metrics/groups
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  method: 'HEAD'
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                r = requests.head('{workflowId}/processes/history/metrics/groups')
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "{workflowId}/processes/history/metrics/groups", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                HEAD /workflows/{workflowId}/processes/history/metrics/groups

                Returns the headers for the history metrics summary for all groups of a selected workflow version. The returned items are of type application/

                Name In Type Required Description
                workflowId path string true The ID of the workflow.
                fields query string false The comma-separated list of resource members to return in the collection.
                filter query string false Filters the collection using prefix function syntax using selected resource members.
                start query integer(int64) false The zero-based index of the first item in the collection.
                limit query integer(int32) false The number of items that were requested for the collection.
                sortBy query string false The sorting preference for selected resource members in the returned collection.
                taskName query string false Filters on the task name.
                taskDefinitionId query string false Filters on the specific task.
                assignee query string false Filters on tasks worked on by this user.
                containsTaskName query string false Filters for all task names that contain this value.
                startAt query integer(int64) false Filters based on this start timestamp.
                endAt query integer(int64) false Filters based on this end timestamp.
                includeUnclaimedTasks query boolean false Includes those tasks not currently assigned.
                includeCancelledTasks query boolean false Includes tasks whose processes were canceled.
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. None
                404 Not Found No workflow version exists at the requested path. None

                Retrieve the history metrics summary for all groups of a selected workflow version

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X GET{workflowId}/processes/history/metrics/groups \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const headers = {
                  method: 'GET',
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r = requests.get('{workflowId}/processes/history/metrics/groups', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{workflowId}/processes/history/metrics/groups", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                GET /workflows/{workflowId}/processes/history/metrics/groups

                Retrieves the history metrics summary for all groups of a selected workflow version. The returned items are of type application/

                Name In Type Required Description
                workflowId path string true The ID of the workflow.
                fields query string false The comma-separated list of resource members to return in the collection.
                filter query string false Filters the collection using prefix function syntax using selected resource members.
                start query integer(int64) false The zero-based index of the first item in the collection.
                limit query integer(int32) false The number of items that were requested for the collection.
                sortBy query string false The sorting preference for selected resource members in the returned collection.
                taskName query string false Filters on the task name.
                taskDefinitionId query string false Filters on the specific task.
                assignee query string false Filters on tasks worked on by this user.
                containsTaskName query string false Filters for all task names that contain this value.
                startAt query integer(int64) false Filters based on this start timestamp.
                endAt query integer(int64) false Filters based on this end timestamp.
                includeUnclaimedTasks query boolean false Includes those tasks not currently assigned.
                includeCancelledTasks query boolean false Includes tasks whose processes were canceled.

                Example responses

                This displays the workload progress based on the groups.

                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/processes/history/metrics",
                      "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/processes/history/metrics",
                      "type": "application/"
                  "name": "workflowProcessHistoryMetricGroupSummary",
                  "accept": "application/",
                  "start": 0,
                  "count": 1,
                  "items": [
                      "version": 1,
                      "name": "Test Group",
                      "id": "testGroup",
                      "meanTimePerTask": 23937.5,
                      "medianTimePerTask": 23937.5,
                      "timeOnCompletedTasks": 47875,
                      "timeOnUncompletedTasks": 0,
                      "meanTimePerTaskClaimTimeBasis": 10562,
                      "medianTimePerTaskClaimTimeBasis": 10562,
                      "timeOnCompletedTasksClaimTimeBasis": 21124,
                      "timeOnUncompletedTasksClaimTimeBasis": 0
                  "limit": 1,
                  "version": 2
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/processes/history/metrics",
                      "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/processes/history/metrics",
                      "type": "application/"
                  "name": "workflowProcessHistoryMetricGroupSummary",
                  "accept": "application/",
                  "start": 0,
                  "count": 1,
                  "items": [
                      "version": 1,
                      "name": "Test Group",
                      "id": "testGroup",
                      "meanTimePerTask": 23937.5,
                      "medianTimePerTask": 23937.5,
                      "timeOnCompletedTasks": 47875,
                      "timeOnUncompletedTasks": 0,
                      "meanTimePerTaskClaimTimeBasis": 10562,
                      "medianTimePerTaskClaimTimeBasis": 10562,
                      "timeOnCompletedTasksClaimTimeBasis": 21124,
                      "timeOnUncompletedTasksClaimTimeBasis": 0
                  "limit": 1,
                  "version": 2

                This is an example of an error returned when a resource is not found.

                  "httpStatusCode": 404,
                  "message": "example error message",
                  "version": 2
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. historicalMetricsSummaryRepResourceCollection
                404 Not Found No workflow version exists at the requested path. error2

                Get the headers for the history metrics summary for all users of a selected workflow version

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X HEAD{workflowId}/processes/history/metrics/groups/users
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  method: 'HEAD'
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                r = requests.head('{workflowId}/processes/history/metrics/groups/users')
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "{workflowId}/processes/history/metrics/groups/users", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                HEAD /workflows/{workflowId}/processes/history/metrics/groups/users

                Returns the headers for the history metrics summary for all users of a selected workflow version.

                Name In Type Required Description
                workflowId path string true The ID of the workflow version.
                fields query string false The comma-separated list of resource members to return in the collection.
                filter query string false Filters the collection using prefix function syntax using selected resource members.
                start query integer(int64) false The zero-based index of the first item in the collection.
                limit query integer(int32) false The number of items that were requested for the collection.
                sortBy query string false The sorting preference for selected resource members in the returned collection.
                taskName query string false Filters on the task name.
                taskDefinitionId query string false Filters on the specific task.
                containsTaskName query string false Filters for all task names that contain this value.
                startAt query integer(int64) false Filters based on this start timestamp.
                endAt query integer(int64) false Filters based on this end timestamp.
                includeUnclaimedTasks query boolean false Includes those tasks not currently assigned.
                includeCancelledTasks query boolean false Includes tasks whose processes were canceled.
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The operation was successful. None
                404 Not Found No workflow exists at the requested path. None

                Retrieve the history metrics summary for all users of a selected workflow version

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X GET{workflowId}/processes/history/metrics/groups/users \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const headers = {
                  method: 'GET',
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r = requests.get('{workflowId}/processes/history/metrics/groups/users', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{workflowId}/processes/history/metrics/groups/users", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                GET /workflows/{workflowId}/processes/history/metrics/groups/users

                Retrieves the history metrics summary for all users of a selected workflow version. The returned items are of type application/

                Name In Type Required Description
                workflowId path string true The ID of the workflow version.
                fields query string false The comma-separated list of resource members to return in the collection.
                filter query string false Filters the collection using prefix function syntax using selected resource members.
                start query integer(int64) false The zero-based index of the first item in the collection.
                limit query integer(int32) false The number of items that were requested for the collection.
                sortBy query string false The sorting preference for selected resource members in the returned collection.
                taskName query string false Filters on the task name.
                taskDefinitionId query string false Filters on the specific task.
                containsTaskName query string false Filters for all task names that contain this value.
                startAt query integer(int64) false Filters based on this start timestamp.
                endAt query integer(int64) false Filters based on this end timestamp.
                includeUnclaimedTasks query boolean false Includes those tasks not currently assigned.
                includeCancelledTasks query boolean false Includes tasks whose processes were canceled.

                Example responses

                This displays the workload progress based on the users.

                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/processes/history/metrics",
                      "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/processes/history/metrics",
                      "type": "application/"
                  "name": "workflowProcessHistoryMetricUserSummary",
                  "accept": "application/",
                  "start": 0,
                  "count": 1,
                  "items": [
                      "version": 1,
                      "name": "Test User",
                      "id": "testUser",
                      "meanTimePerTask": 23937.5,
                      "medianTimePerTask": 23937.5,
                      "timeOnCompletedTasks": 47875,
                      "timeOnUncompletedTasks": 0,
                      "meanTimePerTaskClaimTimeBasis": 10562,
                      "medianTimePerTaskClaimTimeBasis": 10562,
                      "timeOnCompletedTasksClaimTimeBasis": 21124,
                      "timeOnUncompletedTasksClaimTimeBasis": 0
                  "limit": 1,
                  "version": 2
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/processes/history/metrics",
                      "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/processes/history/metrics",
                      "type": "application/"
                  "name": "workflowProcessHistoryMetricUserSummary",
                  "accept": "application/",
                  "start": 0,
                  "count": 1,
                  "items": [
                      "version": 1,
                      "name": "Test User",
                      "id": "testUser",
                      "meanTimePerTask": 23937.5,
                      "medianTimePerTask": 23937.5,
                      "timeOnCompletedTasks": 47875,
                      "timeOnUncompletedTasks": 0,
                      "meanTimePerTaskClaimTimeBasis": 10562,
                      "medianTimePerTaskClaimTimeBasis": 10562,
                      "timeOnCompletedTasksClaimTimeBasis": 21124,
                      "timeOnUncompletedTasksClaimTimeBasis": 0
                  "limit": 1,
                  "version": 2

                This is an example of an error returned when a resource is not found.

                  "httpStatusCode": 404,
                  "message": "example error message",
                  "version": 2
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The operation was successful. historicalMetricsSummaryRepResourceCollection
                404 Not Found No workflow exists at the requested path. error2

                RetriGet the headers for the history metrics summary for all of the users of a selected workflow version and group

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X HEAD{workflowId}/processes/history/metrics/groups/groups/{groupId}/users
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  method: 'HEAD'
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                r = requests.head('{workflowId}/processes/history/metrics/groups/groups/{groupId}/users')
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "{workflowId}/processes/history/metrics/groups/groups/{groupId}/users", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                HEAD /workflows/{workflowId}/processes/history/metrics/groups/groups/{groupId}/users

                Returns the headers for the history metrics summary for all of the users of a selected workflow version and group.

                Name In Type Required Description
                workflowId path string true The ID of the workflow.
                groupId path string true groupId
                fields query string false The comma-separated list of resource members to return in the collection.
                filter query string false Filters the collection using prefix function syntax using selected resource members.
                start query integer(int64) false The zero-based index of the first item in the collection.
                limit query integer(int32) false The number of items that were requested for the collection.
                sortBy query string false The sorting preference for selected resource members in the returned collection.
                taskName query string false Filters on the task name.
                taskDefinitionId query string false Filters on the specific task.
                containsTaskName query string false Filters for all task names that contain this value.
                startAt query integer(int64) false Filters based on this start timestamp.
                endAt query integer(int64) false Filters based on this end timestamp.
                includeUnclaimedTasks query boolean false Includes those tasks not currently assigned.
                includeCancelledTasks query boolean false Includes tasks whose processes were canceled.
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. None
                404 Not Found No workflow exists at the requested path. None

                Retrieve the history metrics summary for all of the users of a selected workflow version and group

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X GET{workflowId}/processes/history/metrics/groups/groups/{groupId}/users \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const headers = {
                  method: 'GET',
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r = requests.get('{workflowId}/processes/history/metrics/groups/groups/{groupId}/users', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{workflowId}/processes/history/metrics/groups/groups/{groupId}/users", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                GET /workflows/{workflowId}/processes/history/metrics/groups/groups/{groupId}/users

                Retrieves the history metrics summary for all of the users of a selected workflow version and group. The returned items are of type application/

                Name In Type Required Description
                workflowId path string true The ID of the workflow.
                groupId path string true groupId
                fields query string false The comma-separated list of resource members to return in the collection.
                filter query string false Filters the collection using prefix function syntax using selected resource members.
                start query integer(int64) false The zero-based index of the first item in the collection.
                limit query integer(int32) false The number of items that were requested for the collection.
                sortBy query string false The sorting preference for selected resource members in the returned collection.
                taskName query string false Filters on the task name.
                taskDefinitionId query string false Filters on the specific task.
                containsTaskName query string false Filters for all task names that contain this value.
                startAt query integer(int64) false Filters based on this start timestamp.
                endAt query integer(int64) false Filters based on this end timestamp.
                includeUnclaimedTasks query boolean false Includes those tasks not currently assigned.
                includeCancelledTasks query boolean false Includes tasks whose processes were canceled.

                Example responses

                This displays the workload progress based on the users.

                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/processes/history/metrics",
                      "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/processes/history/metrics",
                      "type": "application/"
                  "name": "workflowProcessHistoryMetricUserSummary",
                  "accept": "application/",
                  "start": 0,
                  "count": 1,
                  "items": [
                      "version": 1,
                      "name": "Test User",
                      "id": "testUser",
                      "meanTimePerTask": 23937.5,
                      "medianTimePerTask": 23937.5,
                      "timeOnCompletedTasks": 47875,
                      "timeOnUncompletedTasks": 0,
                      "meanTimePerTaskClaimTimeBasis": 10562,
                      "medianTimePerTaskClaimTimeBasis": 10562,
                      "timeOnCompletedTasksClaimTimeBasis": 21124,
                      "timeOnUncompletedTasksClaimTimeBasis": 0
                  "limit": 1,
                  "version": 2
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/processes/history/metrics",
                      "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/processes/history/metrics",
                      "type": "application/"
                  "name": "workflowProcessHistoryMetricUserSummary",
                  "accept": "application/",
                  "start": 0,
                  "count": 1,
                  "items": [
                      "version": 1,
                      "name": "Test User",
                      "id": "testUser",
                      "meanTimePerTask": 23937.5,
                      "medianTimePerTask": 23937.5,
                      "timeOnCompletedTasks": 47875,
                      "timeOnUncompletedTasks": 0,
                      "meanTimePerTaskClaimTimeBasis": 10562,
                      "medianTimePerTaskClaimTimeBasis": 10562,
                      "timeOnCompletedTasksClaimTimeBasis": 21124,
                      "timeOnUncompletedTasksClaimTimeBasis": 0
                  "limit": 1,
                  "version": 2

                This is an example of an error returned when a resource is not found.

                  "httpStatusCode": 404,
                  "message": "example error message",
                  "version": 2
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. historicalMetricsSummaryRepResourceCollection
                404 Not Found No workflow exists at the requested path. error2


                Endpoint to view history of workflow process activity.

                Get the headers for the history for any number of process instances

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X HEAD
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  method: 'HEAD'
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                r = requests.head('')
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                HEAD /processes/history

                Returns the headers for the history for any number of process instances.

                Name In Type Required Description
                fields query string false The comma-separated list of resource members to return in the collection.
                filter query string false Filters the collection using prefix function syntax using selected resource members.
                start query integer(int64) false The zero-based index of the first item in the collection.
                limit query integer(int32) false The number of items that were requested for the collection.
                sortBy query string false The sorting preference for selected resource members in the returned collection.
                startAt query integer(int64) false Filters based on this start timestamp.
                endAt query integer(int64) false Filters based on this end timestamp.
                removeCancelledProcesses query boolean false Do not include history data for those processes that were canceled.
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. None

                Get the history for any number of process instances

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X GET \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const headers = {
                  method: 'GET',
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r = requests.get('', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                GET /processes/history

                Retrieves the history for any number of process instances. The returned items are of type application/

                Name In Type Required Description
                fields query string false The comma-separated list of resource members to return in the collection.
                filter query string false Filters the collection using prefix function syntax using selected resource members.
                start query integer(int64) false The zero-based index of the first item in the collection.
                limit query integer(int32) false The number of items that were requested for the collection.
                sortBy query string false The sorting preference for selected resource members in the returned collection.
                startAt query integer(int64) false Filters based on this start timestamp.
                endAt query integer(int64) false Filters based on this end timestamp.
                removeCancelledProcesses query boolean false Do not include history data for those processes that were canceled.

                Example responses

                A list of the workflow process and task historical activity.

                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/workflows/processes/history",
                      "uri": "/workflows/processes/history",
                      "type": "application/"
                  "name": "workflowProcessHistory",
                  "accept": "application/",
                  "start": 0,
                  "count": 443,
                  "items": [
                      "version": 1,
                      "entityId": 100514,
                      "entityName": "person",
                      "entityLabel": "Person",
                      "workflowDefinitionId": "person_workflow:2:877ed08b-2bc4-11e9-b00f-f4939fed3251",
                      "workflowName": "person_workflow",
                      "workflowLabel": "Person Workflow",
                      "workflowLabelResource": "svi.workflow.person.1549633087059.label.txt",
                      "workflowDescriptionResource": "svi.workflow.person.1549633087059.description.txt",
                      "workflowVersion": 2,
                      "entityInstanceId": "85490a37-e537-4352-90b1-8eb26906fa48",
                      "entityInstanceLabel": "ll ll",
                      "id": "036cbc80-2bc5-11e9-b00f-f4939fed3251",
                      "name": "User Task PG2 All PP",
                      "definitionId": "UserTask1549632873900",
                      "processInstanceId": "036c9560-2bc5-11e9-b00f-f4939fed3251",
                      "participants": [
                          "id": "sviusrs",
                          "type": "GROUP",
                          "name": "Visual Investigator Users"
                      "duration": 0,
                      "startedAt": "2019-02-08T17:14:37.752Z"
                  "limit": 100,
                  "version": 2
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/workflows/processes/history",
                      "uri": "/workflows/processes/history",
                      "type": "application/"
                  "name": "workflowProcessHistory",
                  "accept": "application/",
                  "start": 0,
                  "count": 443,
                  "items": [
                      "version": 1,
                      "entityId": 100514,
                      "entityName": "person",
                      "entityLabel": "Person",
                      "workflowDefinitionId": "person_workflow:2:877ed08b-2bc4-11e9-b00f-f4939fed3251",
                      "workflowName": "person_workflow",
                      "workflowLabel": "Person Workflow",
                      "workflowLabelResource": "svi.workflow.person.1549633087059.label.txt",
                      "workflowDescriptionResource": "svi.workflow.person.1549633087059.description.txt",
                      "workflowVersion": 2,
                      "entityInstanceId": "85490a37-e537-4352-90b1-8eb26906fa48",
                      "entityInstanceLabel": "ll ll",
                      "id": "036cbc80-2bc5-11e9-b00f-f4939fed3251",
                      "name": "User Task PG2 All PP",
                      "definitionId": "UserTask1549632873900",
                      "processInstanceId": "036c9560-2bc5-11e9-b00f-f4939fed3251",
                      "participants": [
                          "id": "sviusrs",
                          "type": "GROUP",
                          "name": "Visual Investigator Users"
                      "duration": 0,
                      "startedAt": "2019-02-08T17:14:37.752Z"
                  "limit": 100,
                  "version": 2
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. historicalWorkflowTaskRepResourceCollection


                Create a new administrator workflow setting

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X POST \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Content-Type: application/' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/' \
                  -H 'Content-Type: string'
                const inputBody = '{
                  "id": "TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS",
                  "columns": {
                    "defaultColumns": [
                        "name": "isClaimedByCurrentUser",
                        "order": 1
                        "name": "entityLabel",
                        "order": 2
                        "name": "entityInstanceLabel",
                        "order": 3
                        "name": "name",
                        "order": 4
                        "name": "workflowLabel",
                        "order": 5
                        "name": "claimedAt",
                        "order": 6
                        "name": "assignee",
                        "order": 7
                        "name": "createdAt",
                        "order": 8
                        "name": "dueDateTimestamp",
                        "order": 9
                    "defaultSort": [
                        "name": "isClaimedByCurrentUser",
                        "direction": "ascending",
                        "order": 1
                        "name": "dueDateTimestamp",
                        "direction": "ascending",
                        "order": 2
                const headers = {
                  method: 'POST',
                  body: inputBody,
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Content-Type': 'application/',
                  'Accept': 'application/',
                  'Content-Type': 'string'
                r ='', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Content-Type": []string{"application/"},
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                        "Content-Type": []string{"string"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                POST /settings/administrators

                Creates a new administrator workflow setting.

                Body parameter

                Create the task setting.

                  "id": "TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS",
                  "columns": {
                    "defaultColumns": [
                        "name": "isClaimedByCurrentUser",
                        "order": 1
                        "name": "entityLabel",
                        "order": 2
                        "name": "entityInstanceLabel",
                        "order": 3
                        "name": "name",
                        "order": 4
                        "name": "workflowLabel",
                        "order": 5
                        "name": "claimedAt",
                        "order": 6
                        "name": "assignee",
                        "order": 7
                        "name": "createdAt",
                        "order": 8
                        "name": "dueDateTimestamp",
                        "order": 9
                    "defaultSort": [
                        "name": "isClaimedByCurrentUser",
                        "direction": "ascending",
                        "order": 1
                        "name": "dueDateTimestamp",
                        "direction": "ascending",
                        "order": 2
                Name In Type Required Description
                Content-Type header string false The version of the workflow setting in the body.
                body body workflowSettingRep true settings

                Example responses

                Task settings that control display options for the task grids at the tenant level.

                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS",
                      "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "update",
                      "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS",
                      "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "delete",
                      "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS",
                      "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS"
                  "version": 1,
                  "id": "TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS",
                  "user": "<svi_administrator>",
                  "columns": {
                    "defaultColumns": [
                        "name": "isClaimedByCurrentUser",
                        "order": 1
                        "name": "entityLabel",
                        "order": 2
                        "name": "entityInstanceLabel",
                        "order": 3
                        "name": "name",
                        "order": 4
                        "name": "workflowLabel",
                        "order": 5
                        "name": "claimedAt",
                        "order": 6
                        "name": "assignee",
                        "order": 7
                        "name": "createdAt",
                        "order": 8
                        "name": "dueDateTimestamp",
                        "order": 9
                    "defaultSort": [
                        "name": "isClaimedByCurrentUser",
                        "direction": "ascending",
                        "order": 1
                        "name": "dueDateTimestamp",
                        "direction": "ascending",
                        "order": 2
                  "createdAt": "2023-08-01T21:39:31.048Z",
                  "createdBy": "<svi_db_user>",
                  "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-08-04T16:12:55.145Z",
                  "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo"
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS",
                      "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "update",
                      "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS",
                      "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "delete",
                      "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS",
                      "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS"
                  "version": 1,
                  "id": "TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS",
                  "user": "<svi_administrator>",
                  "columns": {
                    "defaultColumns": [
                        "name": "isClaimedByCurrentUser",
                        "order": 1
                        "name": "entityLabel",
                        "order": 2
                        "name": "entityInstanceLabel",
                        "order": 3
                        "name": "name",
                        "order": 4
                        "name": "workflowLabel",
                        "order": 5
                        "name": "claimedAt",
                        "order": 6
                        "name": "assignee",
                        "order": 7
                        "name": "createdAt",
                        "order": 8
                        "name": "dueDateTimestamp",
                        "order": 9
                    "defaultSort": [
                        "name": "isClaimedByCurrentUser",
                        "direction": "ascending",
                        "order": 1
                        "name": "dueDateTimestamp",
                        "direction": "ascending",
                        "order": 2
                  "createdAt": "2023-08-01T21:39:31.048Z",
                  "createdBy": "<svi_db_user>",
                  "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-08-04T16:12:55.145Z",
                  "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo"

                This is an example of an error returned for bad requests.

                  "httpStatusCode": 400,
                  "message": "example error message",
                  "version": 2
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                201 Created A setting was created. workflowSettingRep
                400 Bad Request The request was invalid. error2
                Response Headers
                Status Header Type Format Description
                201 Last-Modified integer int64 The time at which this resource was last updated.
                201 Location string The location of the new resource.

                Get the headers for list of administrator workflow settings

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X HEAD
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  method: 'HEAD'
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                r = requests.head('')
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                HEAD /settings/administrators

                Returns the headers for a list of administrator workflow settings.

                Name In Type Required Description
                fields query string false The comma-separated list of resource members to return in the collection.
                filter query string false Filters the collection using prefix function syntax using selected resource members.
                start query integer(int64) false The zero-based index of the first item in the collection.
                limit query integer(int32) false The number of items that were requested for the collection.
                sortBy query string false The sorting preference for selected resource members in the returned collection.
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. None

                Get a list of administrator workflow settings

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X GET \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const headers = {
                  method: 'GET',
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r = requests.get('', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                GET /settings/administrators

                Retrieves a list of administrator workflow settings. The returned items are of type application/

                Name In Type Required Description
                fields query string false The comma-separated list of resource members to return in the collection.
                filter query string false Filters the collection using prefix function syntax using selected resource members.
                start query integer(int64) false The zero-based index of the first item in the collection.
                limit query integer(int32) false The number of items that were requested for the collection.
                sortBy query string false The sorting preference for selected resource members in the returned collection.

                Example responses

                A list of task settings that control display options for the task grids at the tenant level.

                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "list",
                      "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators",
                      "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "create",
                      "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators",
                      "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "delete all",
                      "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators",
                      "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators"
                  "name": "workflowSettings",
                  "accept": "application/",
                  "start": 0,
                  "count": 2,
                  "items": [
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/MYTASKS_HOME_COLUMNS",
                          "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/MYTASKS_HOME_COLUMNS",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "update",
                          "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/MYTASKS_HOME_COLUMNS",
                          "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/MYTASKS_HOME_COLUMNS",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "DELETE",
                          "rel": "delete",
                          "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/MYTASKS_HOME_COLUMNS",
                          "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/MYTASKS_HOME_COLUMNS"
                      "version": 1,
                      "id": "MYTASKS_HOME_COLUMNS",
                      "user": "<svi_administrator>",
                      "columns": {
                        "defaultColumns": [
                            "name": "entityLabel",
                            "order": 1
                            "name": "entityInstanceLabel",
                            "order": 2
                            "name": "name",
                            "order": 3
                            "name": "description",
                            "order": 4
                            "name": "dueDateTimestamp",
                            "order": 5
                        "defaultSort": [
                            "name": "dueDateTimestamp",
                            "direction": "ascending",
                            "order": 1
                      "createdAt": "2023-08-01T21:39:31.048Z",
                      "createdBy": "<svi_db_user>",
                      "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-08-01T21:39:31.048Z",
                      "lastUpdatedBy": "<svi_db_user>"
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS",
                          "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "update",
                          "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS",
                          "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "DELETE",
                          "rel": "delete",
                          "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS",
                          "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS"
                      "version": 1,
                      "id": "TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS",
                      "user": "<svi_administrator>",
                      "columns": {
                        "defaultColumns": [
                            "name": "isClaimedByCurrentUser",
                            "order": 1
                            "name": "entityLabel",
                            "order": 2
                            "name": "entityInstanceLabel",
                            "order": 3
                            "name": "name",
                            "order": 4
                            "name": "workflowLabel",
                            "order": 5
                            "name": "assignee",
                            "order": 6
                            "name": "claimedAt",
                            "order": 7
                            "name": "createdAt",
                            "order": 8
                            "name": "dueDateTimestamp",
                            "order": 9
                        "defaultSort": [
                            "name": "name",
                            "direction": "descending",
                            "order": 1
                            "name": "dueDateTimestamp",
                            "direction": "ascending",
                            "order": 2
                      "createdAt": "2023-08-01T21:39:31.048Z",
                      "createdBy": "<svi_db_user>",
                      "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-08-16T00:09:49.638Z",
                      "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo"
                  "limit": 2,
                  "version": 2
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "list",
                      "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators",
                      "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "create",
                      "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators",
                      "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "delete all",
                      "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators",
                      "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators"
                  "name": "workflowSettings",
                  "accept": "application/",
                  "start": 0,
                  "count": 2,
                  "items": [
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/MYTASKS_HOME_COLUMNS",
                          "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/MYTASKS_HOME_COLUMNS",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "update",
                          "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/MYTASKS_HOME_COLUMNS",
                          "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/MYTASKS_HOME_COLUMNS",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "DELETE",
                          "rel": "delete",
                          "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/MYTASKS_HOME_COLUMNS",
                          "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/MYTASKS_HOME_COLUMNS"
                      "version": 1,
                      "id": "MYTASKS_HOME_COLUMNS",
                      "user": "<svi_administrator>",
                      "columns": {
                        "defaultColumns": [
                            "name": "entityLabel",
                            "order": 1
                            "name": "entityInstanceLabel",
                            "order": 2
                            "name": "name",
                            "order": 3
                            "name": "description",
                            "order": 4
                            "name": "dueDateTimestamp",
                            "order": 5
                        "defaultSort": [
                            "name": "dueDateTimestamp",
                            "direction": "ascending",
                            "order": 1
                      "createdAt": "2023-08-01T21:39:31.048Z",
                      "createdBy": "<svi_db_user>",
                      "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-08-01T21:39:31.048Z",
                      "lastUpdatedBy": "<svi_db_user>"
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS",
                          "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "update",
                          "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS",
                          "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "DELETE",
                          "rel": "delete",
                          "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS",
                          "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS"
                      "version": 1,
                      "id": "TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS",
                      "user": "<svi_administrator>",
                      "columns": {
                        "defaultColumns": [
                            "name": "isClaimedByCurrentUser",
                            "order": 1
                            "name": "entityLabel",
                            "order": 2
                            "name": "entityInstanceLabel",
                            "order": 3
                            "name": "name",
                            "order": 4
                            "name": "workflowLabel",
                            "order": 5
                            "name": "assignee",
                            "order": 6
                            "name": "claimedAt",
                            "order": 7
                            "name": "createdAt",
                            "order": 8
                            "name": "dueDateTimestamp",
                            "order": 9
                        "defaultSort": [
                            "name": "name",
                            "direction": "descending",
                            "order": 1
                            "name": "dueDateTimestamp",
                            "direction": "ascending",
                            "order": 2
                      "createdAt": "2023-08-01T21:39:31.048Z",
                      "createdBy": "<svi_db_user>",
                      "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-08-16T00:09:49.638Z",
                      "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo"
                  "limit": 2,
                  "version": 2
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. workflowSettingRepResourceCollection

                Delete all of the administrator workflow settings

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X DELETE
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  method: 'DELETE'
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                r = requests.delete('')
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("DELETE", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                DELETE /settings/administrators

                Deletes all of the administrator workflow settings.

                Status Meaning Description Schema
                204 No Content The operation was successful. None

                Get the headers for administrator setting information

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X HEAD{settingId} \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const headers = {
                  method: 'HEAD',
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r = requests.head('{settingId}', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "{settingId}", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                HEAD /settings/administrators/{settingId}

                Returns the headers for the details for a specified administrator workflow setting.

                Name In Type Required Description
                settingId path string true The ID of the setting.

                Example responses

                Task settings that control display options for the task grids at the tenant level.

                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS",
                      "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "update",
                      "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS",
                      "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "delete",
                      "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS",
                      "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS"
                  "version": 1,
                  "id": "TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS",
                  "user": "<svi_administrator>",
                  "columns": {
                    "defaultColumns": [
                        "name": "isClaimedByCurrentUser",
                        "order": 1
                        "name": "entityLabel",
                        "order": 2
                        "name": "entityInstanceLabel",
                        "order": 3
                        "name": "name",
                        "order": 4
                        "name": "workflowLabel",
                        "order": 5
                        "name": "claimedAt",
                        "order": 6
                        "name": "assignee",
                        "order": 7
                        "name": "createdAt",
                        "order": 8
                        "name": "dueDateTimestamp",
                        "order": 9
                    "defaultSort": [
                        "name": "isClaimedByCurrentUser",
                        "direction": "ascending",
                        "order": 1
                        "name": "dueDateTimestamp",
                        "direction": "ascending",
                        "order": 2
                  "createdAt": "2023-08-01T21:39:31.048Z",
                  "createdBy": "<svi_db_user>",
                  "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-08-04T16:12:55.145Z",
                  "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo"
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS",
                      "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "update",
                      "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS",
                      "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "delete",
                      "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS",
                      "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS"
                  "version": 1,
                  "id": "TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS",
                  "user": "<svi_administrator>",
                  "columns": {
                    "defaultColumns": [
                        "name": "isClaimedByCurrentUser",
                        "order": 1
                        "name": "entityLabel",
                        "order": 2
                        "name": "entityInstanceLabel",
                        "order": 3
                        "name": "name",
                        "order": 4
                        "name": "workflowLabel",
                        "order": 5
                        "name": "claimedAt",
                        "order": 6
                        "name": "assignee",
                        "order": 7
                        "name": "createdAt",
                        "order": 8
                        "name": "dueDateTimestamp",
                        "order": 9
                    "defaultSort": [
                        "name": "isClaimedByCurrentUser",
                        "direction": "ascending",
                        "order": 1
                        "name": "dueDateTimestamp",
                        "direction": "ascending",
                        "order": 2
                  "createdAt": "2023-08-01T21:39:31.048Z",
                  "createdBy": "<svi_db_user>",
                  "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-08-04T16:12:55.145Z",
                  "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo"

                This is an example of an error returned when a resource is not found.

                  "httpStatusCode": 404,
                  "message": "example error message",
                  "version": 2
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. workflowSettingRep
                404 Not Found No setting exists at the requested path. error2
                Response Headers
                Status Header Type Format Description
                200 Last-Modified integer int64 The time at which this setting was last updated.

                Get administrator setting information

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X GET{settingId} \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const headers = {
                  method: 'GET',
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r = requests.get('{settingId}', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{settingId}", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                GET /settings/administrators/{settingId}

                Retrieves the details for a specified administrator workflow setting.

                Name In Type Required Description
                settingId path string true The ID of the setting.

                Example responses

                Task settings that control display options for the task grids at the tenant level.

                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS",
                      "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "update",
                      "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS",
                      "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "delete",
                      "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS",
                      "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS"
                  "version": 1,
                  "id": "TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS",
                  "user": "<svi_administrator>",
                  "columns": {
                    "defaultColumns": [
                        "name": "isClaimedByCurrentUser",
                        "order": 1
                        "name": "entityLabel",
                        "order": 2
                        "name": "entityInstanceLabel",
                        "order": 3
                        "name": "name",
                        "order": 4
                        "name": "workflowLabel",
                        "order": 5
                        "name": "claimedAt",
                        "order": 6
                        "name": "assignee",
                        "order": 7
                        "name": "createdAt",
                        "order": 8
                        "name": "dueDateTimestamp",
                        "order": 9
                    "defaultSort": [
                        "name": "isClaimedByCurrentUser",
                        "direction": "ascending",
                        "order": 1
                        "name": "dueDateTimestamp",
                        "direction": "ascending",
                        "order": 2
                  "createdAt": "2023-08-01T21:39:31.048Z",
                  "createdBy": "<svi_db_user>",
                  "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-08-04T16:12:55.145Z",
                  "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo"
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS",
                      "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "update",
                      "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS",
                      "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "delete",
                      "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS",
                      "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS"
                  "version": 1,
                  "id": "TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS",
                  "user": "<svi_administrator>",
                  "columns": {
                    "defaultColumns": [
                        "name": "isClaimedByCurrentUser",
                        "order": 1
                        "name": "entityLabel",
                        "order": 2
                        "name": "entityInstanceLabel",
                        "order": 3
                        "name": "name",
                        "order": 4
                        "name": "workflowLabel",
                        "order": 5
                        "name": "claimedAt",
                        "order": 6
                        "name": "assignee",
                        "order": 7
                        "name": "createdAt",
                        "order": 8
                        "name": "dueDateTimestamp",
                        "order": 9
                    "defaultSort": [
                        "name": "isClaimedByCurrentUser",
                        "direction": "ascending",
                        "order": 1
                        "name": "dueDateTimestamp",
                        "direction": "ascending",
                        "order": 2
                  "createdAt": "2023-08-01T21:39:31.048Z",
                  "createdBy": "<svi_db_user>",
                  "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-08-04T16:12:55.145Z",
                  "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo"

                This is an example of an error returned when a resource is not found.

                  "httpStatusCode": 404,
                  "message": "example error message",
                  "version": 2
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. workflowSettingRep
                404 Not Found No setting exists at the requested path. error2
                Response Headers
                Status Header Type Format Description
                200 Last-Modified integer int64 The time at which this setting was last updated.

                Delete an administrator workflow setting

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X DELETE{settingId} \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const headers = {
                  method: 'DELETE',
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r = requests.delete('{settingId}', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("DELETE", "{settingId}", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                DELETE /settings/administrators/{settingId}

                Deletes an administrator workflow setting.

                Name In Type Required Description
                settingId path string true The ID of the setting.

                Example responses

                This is an example of an error returned when a resource is not found.

                  "httpStatusCode": 404,
                  "message": "example error message",
                  "version": 2
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                204 No Content The operation was successful. None
                404 Not Found No setting exists at the requested path. error2

                Update an existing administrator workflow setting

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X PUT{settingId} \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Content-Type: application/' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/' \
                  -H 'Content-Type: string' \
                  -H 'If-Unmodified-Since: 0'
                const inputBody = '{
                  "id": "TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS",
                  "columns": {
                    "defaultColumns": [
                        "name": "isClaimedByCurrentUser",
                        "order": 1
                        "name": "entityLabel",
                        "order": 2
                        "name": "entityInstanceLabel",
                        "order": 3
                        "name": "name",
                        "order": 4
                        "name": "workflowLabel",
                        "order": 5
                        "name": "assignee",
                        "order": 6
                        "name": "claimedAt",
                        "order": 7
                        "name": "createdAt",
                        "order": 8
                        "name": "dueDateTimestamp",
                        "order": 9
                    "defaultSort": [
                        "name": "name",
                        "direction": "descending",
                        "order": 1
                        "name": "dueDateTimestamp",
                        "direction": "ascending",
                        "order": 2
                const headers = {
                  method: 'PUT',
                  body: inputBody,
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Content-Type': 'application/',
                  'Accept': 'application/',
                  'Content-Type': 'string',
                  'If-Unmodified-Since': '0'
                r = requests.put('{settingId}', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Content-Type": []string{"application/"},
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                        "Content-Type": []string{"string"},
                        "If-Unmodified-Since": []string{"0"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("PUT", "{settingId}", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                PUT /settings/administrators/{settingId}

                Updates an existing administrator workflow setting.

                Body parameter

                Update the task settings.

                  "id": "TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS",
                  "columns": {
                    "defaultColumns": [
                        "name": "isClaimedByCurrentUser",
                        "order": 1
                        "name": "entityLabel",
                        "order": 2
                        "name": "entityInstanceLabel",
                        "order": 3
                        "name": "name",
                        "order": 4
                        "name": "workflowLabel",
                        "order": 5
                        "name": "assignee",
                        "order": 6
                        "name": "claimedAt",
                        "order": 7
                        "name": "createdAt",
                        "order": 8
                        "name": "dueDateTimestamp",
                        "order": 9
                    "defaultSort": [
                        "name": "name",
                        "direction": "descending",
                        "order": 1
                        "name": "dueDateTimestamp",
                        "direction": "ascending",
                        "order": 2
                Name In Type Required Description
                settingId path string true The ID of the setting.
                Content-Type header string false The version of the workflow setting in the body.
                If-Unmodified-Since header integer(int64) false The time at which this setting was last modified.
                body body workflowSettingRep false none

                Example responses

                Task settings that control display options for the task grids at the tenant level.

                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS",
                      "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "update",
                      "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS",
                      "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "delete",
                      "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS",
                      "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS"
                  "version": 1,
                  "id": "TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS",
                  "user": "<svi_administrator>",
                  "columns": {
                    "defaultColumns": [
                        "name": "isClaimedByCurrentUser",
                        "order": 1
                        "name": "entityLabel",
                        "order": 2
                        "name": "entityInstanceLabel",
                        "order": 3
                        "name": "name",
                        "order": 4
                        "name": "workflowLabel",
                        "order": 5
                        "name": "claimedAt",
                        "order": 6
                        "name": "assignee",
                        "order": 7
                        "name": "createdAt",
                        "order": 8
                        "name": "dueDateTimestamp",
                        "order": 9
                    "defaultSort": [
                        "name": "isClaimedByCurrentUser",
                        "direction": "ascending",
                        "order": 1
                        "name": "dueDateTimestamp",
                        "direction": "ascending",
                        "order": 2
                  "createdAt": "2023-08-01T21:39:31.048Z",
                  "createdBy": "<svi_db_user>",
                  "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-08-04T16:12:55.145Z",
                  "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo"
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS",
                      "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "update",
                      "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS",
                      "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "delete",
                      "href": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS",
                      "uri": "/svi-datahub/workflows/settings/administrators/TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS"
                  "version": 1,
                  "id": "TASKS_TAB_COLUMNS",
                  "user": "<svi_administrator>",
                  "columns": {
                    "defaultColumns": [
                        "name": "isClaimedByCurrentUser",
                        "order": 1
                        "name": "entityLabel",
                        "order": 2
                        "name": "entityInstanceLabel",
                        "order": 3
                        "name": "name",
                        "order": 4
                        "name": "workflowLabel",
                        "order": 5
                        "name": "claimedAt",
                        "order": 6
                        "name": "assignee",
                        "order": 7
                        "name": "createdAt",
                        "order": 8
                        "name": "dueDateTimestamp",
                        "order": 9
                    "defaultSort": [
                        "name": "isClaimedByCurrentUser",
                        "direction": "ascending",
                        "order": 1
                        "name": "dueDateTimestamp",
                        "direction": "ascending",
                        "order": 2
                  "createdAt": "2023-08-01T21:39:31.048Z",
                  "createdBy": "<svi_db_user>",
                  "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-08-04T16:12:55.145Z",
                  "lastUpdatedBy": "videmo"

                This is an example of an error returned for bad requests.

                  "httpStatusCode": 400,
                  "message": "example error message",
                  "version": 2

                This is an example of an error returned when a resource is not found.

                  "httpStatusCode": 404,
                  "message": "example error message",
                  "version": 2

                This is an example of an error returned when a precondition failed.

                  "httpStatusCode": 412,
                  "message": "example error message",
                  "version": 2
                  "httpStatusCode": 412,
                  "message": "example error message",
                  "version": 2

                This is an example of an error returned when a precondition is required.

                  "httpStatusCode": 428,
                  "message": "example error message",
                  "version": 2
                  "httpStatusCode": 428,
                  "message": "example error message",
                  "version": 2
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. workflowSettingRep
                400 Bad Request The request was invalid. error2
                404 Not Found No setting exists at the requested path. error2
                412 Precondition Failed The If-Match request header did not match the resource's entity tag, or the If-Unmodified-Since request header did not match the resource's last modified timestamp. error2
                428 Precondition Required The request headers did not include an If-Match or If-Unmodified-Since precondition. error2
                Response Headers
                Status Header Type Format Description
                200 Last-Modified string date-time The time at which this setting was last updated.



                  "variables": {},
                  "entityInstanceId": "string"


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                variables object false none A map of the workflow variables for this instance.
                entityInstanceId string false none The ID of the entity instance.


                  "name": "string",
                  "direction": "string",
                  "order": 0


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                name string false none The name of the column to sort.
                direction string false none The direction of the sort.
                order integer(int32) false none The order of the sort.


                  "entityLabel": "string",
                  "xmlModel": "string",
                  "entityInstances": [
                      "variables": {},
                      "entityInstanceId": "string"
                  "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "description": "string",
                  "useForAutoStart": false,
                  "enabled": false,
                  "descriptionResource": "string",
                  "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "entityName": "string",
                  "links": [
                      "method": "string",
                      "rel": "string",
                      "uri": "string",
                      "href": "string",
                      "title": "string",
                      "type": "string",
                      "itemType": "string",
                      "responseType": "string",
                      "responseItemType": "string"
                  "id": "string",
                  "entityDefinedProcessVariables": [
                  "userDefinedProcessVariables": [
                      "entityInstanceIdVariableName": "string",
                      "valueVariableId": "string",
                      "defaultValue": "string",
                      "isEntity": false,
                      "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS",
                      "label": "string",
                      "type": "BOOLEAN",
                      "defaultValueResource": "string",
                      "allowMultipleSelections": false,
                      "verifyValueIsSet": false,
                      "entityName": "string",
                      "name": "string",
                      "valueVariableName": "string",
                      "valueResource": "string",
                      "id": "string",
                      "setToNull": false,
                      "value": "string"
                  "labelResource": "string",
                  "entityId": 0,
                  "label": "string",
                  "version": 0,
                  "graphicalModel": "string",
                  "createdBy": "string",
                  "name": "string",
                  "resourceStrings": {
                    "property1": "string",
                    "property2": "string"
                  "workflowVersion": 0,
                  "startOnNewEntityInstance": false,
                  "lastUpdatedBy": "string"


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                entityLabel string false none The label of the entity.
                xmlModel string false none The Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) XML model representation of the workflow.
                entityInstances [workflowInstanceContextRep] false none The list of entities running with this template.
                lastUpdatedAt string(date-time) false none The timestamp for the last updated time.
                description string false none The description of the workflow.
                useForAutoStart boolean false none A flag indicating that this workflow should be used on entity creation.
                enabled boolean false none A flag indicating that this workflow can be run.
                descriptionResource string false none The resource key for the workflow.
                createdAt string(date-time) false none The timestamp for the creation time.
                entityName string false none The name of the entity.
                links [link] false none The links that apply to this resource.
                id string false none The ID of the workflow.
                entityDefinedProcessVariables [string] false none The workflow variables derived from the entity.
                userDefinedProcessVariables [variableRep] false none The workflow variables defined by users.
                labelResource string false none The resource key for the workflow label.
                entityId integer(int64) false none The ID of the entity.
                label string false none The label of the workflow.
                version integer(int32) false none This media type's schema version number. This representation is version 2.
                graphicalModel string false none The GoJS model representation of the workflow.
                createdBy string false none The string for the creator's user name.
                name string false none The name of the workflow.
                resourceStrings object false none A collection of resource keys and strings for the translatable strings in the workflow.
                » additionalProperties string false none none
                workflowVersion integer(int32) false none The version of the workflow.
                startOnNewEntityInstance boolean false none A flag for starting on entity creation.
                lastUpdatedBy string false none The string for the user name of the last person to update this definition.


                  "name": "string",
                  "start": 0,
                  "limit": 0,
                  "count": 0,
                  "accept": "string",
                  "links": [
                      "method": "string",
                      "rel": "string",
                      "uri": "string",
                      "href": "string",
                      "title": "string",
                      "type": "string",
                      "itemType": "string",
                      "responseType": "string",
                      "responseItemType": "string"
                  "version": 0,
                  "items": [
                      "entityLabel": "string",
                      "participantsVariable": {
                        "entityInstanceIdVariableName": "string",
                        "valueVariableId": "string",
                        "defaultValue": "string",
                        "isEntity": false,
                        "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS",
                        "label": "string",
                        "type": "BOOLEAN",
                        "defaultValueResource": "string",
                        "allowMultipleSelections": false,
                        "verifyValueIsSet": false,
                        "entityName": "string",
                        "name": "string",
                        "valueVariableName": "string",
                        "valueResource": "string",
                        "id": "string",
                        "setToNull": false,
                        "value": "string"
                      "workflowDefinitionId": "string",
                      "description": "string",
                      "workflowLabel": "string",
                      "savedAssigneeOnCompleteVariable": {
                        "entityInstanceIdVariableName": "string",
                        "valueVariableId": "string",
                        "defaultValue": "string",
                        "isEntity": false,
                        "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS",
                        "label": "string",
                        "type": "BOOLEAN",
                        "defaultValueResource": "string",
                        "allowMultipleSelections": false,
                        "verifyValueIsSet": false,
                        "entityName": "string",
                        "name": "string",
                        "valueVariableName": "string",
                        "valueResource": "string",
                        "id": "string",
                        "setToNull": false,
                        "value": "string"
                      "workflowDescriptionResource": "string",
                      "workflowLabelResource": "string",
                      "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "boundaryEventType": "TIMER_DURATION",
                      "isProcessInstanceSuspended": false,
                      "isBoundaryEventInterrupting": false,
                      "boundaryEventDueDateTimeStamp": 0,
                      "entityName": "string",
                      "links": [
                          "method": "string",
                          "rel": "string",
                          "uri": "string",
                          "href": "string",
                          "title": "string",
                          "type": "string",
                          "itemType": "string",
                          "responseType": "string",
                          "responseItemType": "string"
                      "id": "string",
                      "tag": {
                        "entityInstanceIdVariableName": "string",
                        "valueVariableId": "string",
                        "defaultValue": "string",
                        "isEntity": false,
                        "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS",
                        "label": "string",
                        "type": "BOOLEAN",
                        "defaultValueResource": "string",
                        "allowMultipleSelections": false,
                        "verifyValueIsSet": false,
                        "entityName": "string",
                        "name": "string",
                        "valueVariableName": "string",
                        "valueResource": "string",
                        "id": "string",
                        "setToNull": false,
                        "value": "string"
                      "definitionId": "string",
                      "participants": [
                          "name": "string",
                          "id": "string",
                          "type": "USER"
                      "claimedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "owner": "string",
                      "processInstanceId": "string",
                      "entityInstanceLabel": "string",
                      "dueDateTimeStamp": 0,
                      "entityId": 0,
                      "workflowName": "string",
                      "workflowDescription": "string",
                      "entityInstanceId": "string",
                      "version": 0,
                      "isClaimedByCurrentUser": false,
                      "autoAssigneeVariable": {
                        "entityInstanceIdVariableName": "string",
                        "valueVariableId": "string",
                        "defaultValue": "string",
                        "isEntity": false,
                        "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS",
                        "label": "string",
                        "type": "BOOLEAN",
                        "defaultValueResource": "string",
                        "allowMultipleSelections": false,
                        "verifyValueIsSet": false,
                        "entityName": "string",
                        "name": "string",
                        "valueVariableName": "string",
                        "valueResource": "string",
                        "id": "string",
                        "setToNull": false,
                        "value": "string"
                      "name": "string",
                      "assignee": "string",
                      "workflowVersion": 0,
                      "actions": [
                          "entityFieldVariables": [
                              "entityInstanceIdVariableName": "string",
                              "valueVariableId": "string",
                              "defaultValue": "string",
                              "isEntity": false,
                              "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS",
                              "label": "string",
                              "type": "BOOLEAN",
                              "defaultValueResource": "string",
                              "allowMultipleSelections": false,
                              "verifyValueIsSet": false,
                              "entityName": "string",
                              "name": "string",
                              "valueVariableName": "string",
                              "valueResource": "string",
                              "id": "string",
                              "setToNull": false,
                              "value": "string"
                          "name": "string",
                          "disabled": false,
                          "id": "string",
                          "processVariables": [
                              "entityInstanceIdVariableName": "string",
                              "valueVariableId": "string",
                              "defaultValue": "string",
                              "isEntity": false,
                              "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS",
                              "label": "string",
                              "type": "BOOLEAN",
                              "defaultValueResource": "string",
                              "allowMultipleSelections": false,
                              "verifyValueIsSet": false,
                              "entityName": "string",
                              "name": "string",
                              "valueVariableName": "string",
                              "valueResource": "string",
                              "id": "string",
                              "setToNull": false,
                              "value": "string"
                          "pagePrompt": {
                            "defaults": [
                                "name": "string",
                                "id": "string"
                            "mobile": [
                                "name": "string",
                                "id": "string"
                          "tag": {
                            "entityInstanceIdVariableName": "string",
                            "valueVariableId": "string",
                            "defaultValue": "string",
                            "isEntity": false,
                            "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS",
                            "label": "string",
                            "type": "BOOLEAN",
                            "defaultValueResource": "string",
                            "allowMultipleSelections": false,
                            "verifyValueIsSet": false,
                            "entityName": "string",
                            "name": "string",
                            "valueVariableName": "string",
                            "valueResource": "string",
                            "id": "string",
                            "setToNull": false,
                            "value": "string"


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                workflowTaskRepResourceCollection any false none A collection of workflow tasks.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous baseCollection2 false none This is a base schema used to define paginated collections of resources. This base schema is extended by other schemas in APIs by adding an 'items' array property. These extensions define the application/ media type (version 2)


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » items [workflowTaskRep] false none The array of resource members.


                  "name": "string",
                  "id": "string",
                  "type": "USER"


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                name string false none The name of the participant.
                id string false none The ID of the participant.
                type string false none The type (user or group) of the participant.
                Enumerated Values
                Property Value
                type USER
                type GROUP


                  "name": "string",
                  "start": 0,
                  "limit": 0,
                  "count": 0,
                  "accept": "string",
                  "links": [
                      "method": "string",
                      "rel": "string",
                      "uri": "string",
                      "href": "string",
                      "title": "string",
                      "type": "string",
                      "itemType": "string",
                      "responseType": "string",
                      "responseItemType": "string"
                  "version": 0,
                  "items": [
                      "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "createdBy": "string",
                      "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "columns": {
                        "defaultColumns": [
                            "name": "string",
                            "order": 0
                        "defaultSort": [
                            "name": "string",
                            "direction": "string",
                            "order": 0
                      "links": [
                          "method": "string",
                          "rel": "string",
                          "uri": "string",
                          "href": "string",
                          "title": "string",
                          "type": "string",
                          "itemType": "string",
                          "responseType": "string",
                          "responseItemType": "string"
                      "id": "string",
                      "user": "string",
                      "version": 0,
                      "lastUpdatedBy": "string"


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                workflowSettingRepResourceCollection any false none A collection of workflow settings.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous baseCollection2 false none This is a base schema used to define paginated collections of resources. This base schema is extended by other schemas in APIs by adding an 'items' array property. These extensions define the application/ media type (version 2)


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » items [workflowSettingRep] false none The array of resource members.


                  "entityLabel": "string",
                  "resumeFailed": false,
                  "workflowDefinitionId": "string",
                  "workflowLabel": "string",
                  "workflowDescriptionResource": "string",
                  "suspendFailed": false,
                  "lastSuspendedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "workflowLabelResource": "string",
                  "entityName": "string",
                  "completeReason": "string",
                  "canceledBy": "string",
                  "links": [
                      "method": "string",
                      "rel": "string",
                      "uri": "string",
                      "href": "string",
                      "title": "string",
                      "type": "string",
                      "itemType": "string",
                      "responseType": "string",
                      "responseItemType": "string"
                  "id": "string",
                  "state": "RUNNING",
                  "startedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "completedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "isSuspended": false,
                  "entityInstanceLabel": "string",
                  "entityId": 0,
                  "lastResumedBy": "string",
                  "workflowName": "string",
                  "lastResumedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "workflowDescription": "string",
                  "entityInstanceId": "string",
                  "version": 0,
                  "startedBy": "string",
                  "workflowVersion": 0,
                  "lastSuspendedBy": "string"


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                entityLabel string false none The label of the entity.
                resumeFailed boolean false none A flag for a process that could not be resumed.
                workflowDefinitionId string false none THe ID of the workflow definition.
                workflowLabel string false none The lLabel of the workflow.
                workflowDescriptionResource string false none The resource key for the workflow description.
                suspendFailed boolean false none A fFlag for a process that could not be suspended.
                lastSuspendedAt string(date-time) false none The timestamp for the last time this process was suspended.
                workflowLabelResource string false none The resource key for the workflow label.
                entityName string false none The name of the entity.
                completeReason string false none The string that records the final state of the process.
                canceledBy string false none The user name of the person who canceled the process.
                links [link] false none The links that apply to this resource.
                id string false none The ID of the workflow process.
                state string false none The current state of the process.
                startedAt string(date-time) false none The timestamp that records the start time.
                completedAt string(date-time) false none The timestamp that records the completion time.
                isSuspended boolean false none A flag that indicates whether the process is suspended.
                entityInstanceLabel string false none A label of the entity instance this workflow process is running against.
                entityId integer(int64) false none The ID of the entity.
                lastResumedBy string false none The user name of the person who last resumed the process.
                workflowName string false none The name of the workflow.
                lastResumedAt string(date-time) false none The timestamp for the last time this process was resumed.
                workflowDescription string false none The description of the workflow.
                entityInstanceId string false none The ID of the entity instance this workflow process is running against.
                version integer(int32) false none This media type's schema version number. This representation is version 1.
                startedBy string false none The user name of the person who started the process.
                workflowVersion integer(int32) false none The version of the workflow definition.
                lastSuspendedBy string false none The user name of the person who last suspended the process.
                Enumerated Values
                Property Value
                state RUNNING
                state SUSPENDED
                state CANCELED
                state COMPLETE


                  "entityLabel": "string",
                  "participantsVariable": {
                    "entityInstanceIdVariableName": "string",
                    "valueVariableId": "string",
                    "defaultValue": "string",
                    "isEntity": false,
                    "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS",
                    "label": "string",
                    "type": "BOOLEAN",
                    "defaultValueResource": "string",
                    "allowMultipleSelections": false,
                    "verifyValueIsSet": false,
                    "entityName": "string",
                    "name": "string",
                    "valueVariableName": "string",
                    "valueResource": "string",
                    "id": "string",
                    "setToNull": false,
                    "value": "string"
                  "workflowDefinitionId": "string",
                  "description": "string",
                  "workflowLabel": "string",
                  "savedAssigneeOnCompleteVariable": {
                    "entityInstanceIdVariableName": "string",
                    "valueVariableId": "string",
                    "defaultValue": "string",
                    "isEntity": false,
                    "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS",
                    "label": "string",
                    "type": "BOOLEAN",
                    "defaultValueResource": "string",
                    "allowMultipleSelections": false,
                    "verifyValueIsSet": false,
                    "entityName": "string",
                    "name": "string",
                    "valueVariableName": "string",
                    "valueResource": "string",
                    "id": "string",
                    "setToNull": false,
                    "value": "string"
                  "workflowDescriptionResource": "string",
                  "workflowLabelResource": "string",
                  "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "boundaryEventType": "TIMER_DURATION",
                  "isProcessInstanceSuspended": false,
                  "isBoundaryEventInterrupting": false,
                  "boundaryEventDueDateTimeStamp": 0,
                  "entityName": "string",
                  "links": [
                      "method": "string",
                      "rel": "string",
                      "uri": "string",
                      "href": "string",
                      "title": "string",
                      "type": "string",
                      "itemType": "string",
                      "responseType": "string",
                      "responseItemType": "string"
                  "id": "string",
                  "tag": {
                    "entityInstanceIdVariableName": "string",
                    "valueVariableId": "string",
                    "defaultValue": "string",
                    "isEntity": false,
                    "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS",
                    "label": "string",
                    "type": "BOOLEAN",
                    "defaultValueResource": "string",
                    "allowMultipleSelections": false,
                    "verifyValueIsSet": false,
                    "entityName": "string",
                    "name": "string",
                    "valueVariableName": "string",
                    "valueResource": "string",
                    "id": "string",
                    "setToNull": false,
                    "value": "string"
                  "definitionId": "string",
                  "participants": [
                      "name": "string",
                      "id": "string",
                      "type": "USER"
                  "claimedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "owner": "string",
                  "processInstanceId": "string",
                  "entityInstanceLabel": "string",
                  "dueDateTimeStamp": 0,
                  "entityId": 0,
                  "workflowName": "string",
                  "workflowDescription": "string",
                  "entityInstanceId": "string",
                  "version": 0,
                  "isClaimedByCurrentUser": false,
                  "autoAssigneeVariable": {
                    "entityInstanceIdVariableName": "string",
                    "valueVariableId": "string",
                    "defaultValue": "string",
                    "isEntity": false,
                    "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS",
                    "label": "string",
                    "type": "BOOLEAN",
                    "defaultValueResource": "string",
                    "allowMultipleSelections": false,
                    "verifyValueIsSet": false,
                    "entityName": "string",
                    "name": "string",
                    "valueVariableName": "string",
                    "valueResource": "string",
                    "id": "string",
                    "setToNull": false,
                    "value": "string"
                  "name": "string",
                  "assignee": "string",
                  "workflowVersion": 0,
                  "actions": [
                      "entityFieldVariables": [
                          "entityInstanceIdVariableName": "string",
                          "valueVariableId": "string",
                          "defaultValue": "string",
                          "isEntity": false,
                          "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS",
                          "label": "string",
                          "type": "BOOLEAN",
                          "defaultValueResource": "string",
                          "allowMultipleSelections": false,
                          "verifyValueIsSet": false,
                          "entityName": "string",
                          "name": "string",
                          "valueVariableName": "string",
                          "valueResource": "string",
                          "id": "string",
                          "setToNull": false,
                          "value": "string"
                      "name": "string",
                      "disabled": false,
                      "id": "string",
                      "processVariables": [
                          "entityInstanceIdVariableName": "string",
                          "valueVariableId": "string",
                          "defaultValue": "string",
                          "isEntity": false,
                          "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS",
                          "label": "string",
                          "type": "BOOLEAN",
                          "defaultValueResource": "string",
                          "allowMultipleSelections": false,
                          "verifyValueIsSet": false,
                          "entityName": "string",
                          "name": "string",
                          "valueVariableName": "string",
                          "valueResource": "string",
                          "id": "string",
                          "setToNull": false,
                          "value": "string"
                      "pagePrompt": {
                        "defaults": [
                            "name": "string",
                            "id": "string"
                        "mobile": [
                            "name": "string",
                            "id": "string"
                      "tag": {
                        "entityInstanceIdVariableName": "string",
                        "valueVariableId": "string",
                        "defaultValue": "string",
                        "isEntity": false,
                        "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS",
                        "label": "string",
                        "type": "BOOLEAN",
                        "defaultValueResource": "string",
                        "allowMultipleSelections": false,
                        "verifyValueIsSet": false,
                        "entityName": "string",
                        "name": "string",
                        "valueVariableName": "string",
                        "valueResource": "string",
                        "id": "string",
                        "setToNull": false,
                        "value": "string"


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                entityLabel string false none The label of the entity.
                participantsVariable variableRep false none A representation of a workflow variable.
                workflowDefinitionId string false none The ID of the workflow definition.
                description string false none The description of the task.
                workflowLabel string false none The label of the workflow.
                savedAssigneeOnCompleteVariable variableRep false none A representation of a workflow variable.
                workflowDescriptionResource string false none The resource key for the workflow description.
                workflowLabelResource string false none The resource key for the workflow label.
                createdAt string(date-time) false none The task creation time.
                boundaryEventType string false none The type of boundary timer event (duration or date).
                isProcessInstanceSuspended boolean false none A flag designating whether the process associated with the task is suspended.
                isBoundaryEventInterrupting boolean false none A flag designating whether the boundary timer event cancels this task when triggered.
                boundaryEventDueDateTimeStamp integer(int64) false none The time for the boundary event.
                entityName string false none The name of the entity.
                links [link] false none The links that apply to this resource
                id string false none The ID of the task.
                tag variableRep false none A representation of a workflow variable.
                definitionId string false none The ID of the workflow definition this task is running against.
                participants [participantRep] false none A list of user and group participants who can work this task.
                claimedAt string(date-time) false none The date claimed.
                owner string false none The owner of the task.
                processInstanceId string false none The ID of the workflow process this task is running under.
                entityInstanceLabel string false none The label of the entity instance this workflow process is running against.
                dueDateTimeStamp integer(int64) false none The due date.
                entityId integer(int64) false none The ID of the entity.
                workflowName string false none The name of the workflow.
                workflowDescription string false none The description of the workflow.
                entityInstanceId string false none The ID of the entity instance this workflow process is running against.
                version integer(int32) false none This media type's schema version number. This representation is version 1.
                isClaimedByCurrentUser boolean false none The flag designating whether the task is claimed by the user issuing the request.
                autoAssigneeVariable variableRep false none A representation of a workflow variable.
                name string false none The name of the task.
                assignee string false none The user name of the user assigned to this task.
                workflowVersion integer(int32) false none The version of the workflow definition.
                actions [actionRep] false none A list of actions for this task.
                Enumerated Values
                Property Value
                boundaryEventType TIMER_DURATION
                boundaryEventType TIMER_DATE


                  "entityFieldVariables": [
                      "entityInstanceIdVariableName": "string",
                      "valueVariableId": "string",
                      "defaultValue": "string",
                      "isEntity": false,
                      "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS",
                      "label": "string",
                      "type": "BOOLEAN",
                      "defaultValueResource": "string",
                      "allowMultipleSelections": false,
                      "verifyValueIsSet": false,
                      "entityName": "string",
                      "name": "string",
                      "valueVariableName": "string",
                      "valueResource": "string",
                      "id": "string",
                      "setToNull": false,
                      "value": "string"
                  "name": "string",
                  "disabled": false,
                  "id": "string",
                  "processVariables": [
                      "entityInstanceIdVariableName": "string",
                      "valueVariableId": "string",
                      "defaultValue": "string",
                      "isEntity": false,
                      "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS",
                      "label": "string",
                      "type": "BOOLEAN",
                      "defaultValueResource": "string",
                      "allowMultipleSelections": false,
                      "verifyValueIsSet": false,
                      "entityName": "string",
                      "name": "string",
                      "valueVariableName": "string",
                      "valueResource": "string",
                      "id": "string",
                      "setToNull": false,
                      "value": "string"
                  "pagePrompt": {
                    "defaults": [
                        "name": "string",
                        "id": "string"
                    "mobile": [
                        "name": "string",
                        "id": "string"
                  "tag": {
                    "entityInstanceIdVariableName": "string",
                    "valueVariableId": "string",
                    "defaultValue": "string",
                    "isEntity": false,
                    "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS",
                    "label": "string",
                    "type": "BOOLEAN",
                    "defaultValueResource": "string",
                    "allowMultipleSelections": false,
                    "verifyValueIsSet": false,
                    "entityName": "string",
                    "name": "string",
                    "valueVariableName": "string",
                    "valueResource": "string",
                    "id": "string",
                    "setToNull": false,
                    "value": "string"


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                entityFieldVariables [variableRep] false none Entity fields to be updated upon completion of this action.
                name string false none The name of the action.
                disabled boolean false none The disable action is disabled for user {NEW PROPERTY}.
                id string false none The ID of the action.
                processVariables [variableRep] false none The workflow process variables to be updated upon completion of this action.
                pagePrompt pagePromptRep false none The page template used when completing workflow tasks.
                tag variableRep false none A representation of a workflow variable.


                  "name": "string",
                  "id": "string"


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                name string false none The name of the page template.
                id string false none The ID of the page template.


                  "resources": [
                  "version": 0


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                resources [string] false none A list of resource keys.
                version integer(int32) false none This media type's schema version number. This representation is version 1.


                  "name": "string",
                  "start": 0,
                  "limit": 0,
                  "count": 0,
                  "accept": "string",
                  "links": [
                      "method": "string",
                      "rel": "string",
                      "uri": "string",
                      "href": "string",
                      "title": "string",
                      "type": "string",
                      "itemType": "string",
                      "responseType": "string",
                      "responseItemType": "string"
                  "version": 0,
                  "items": [
                      "entityLabel": "string",
                      "resumeFailed": false,
                      "workflowDefinitionId": "string",
                      "workflowLabel": "string",
                      "workflowDescriptionResource": "string",
                      "suspendFailed": false,
                      "lastSuspendedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "workflowLabelResource": "string",
                      "entityName": "string",
                      "completeReason": "string",
                      "canceledBy": "string",
                      "links": [
                          "method": "string",
                          "rel": "string",
                          "uri": "string",
                          "href": "string",
                          "title": "string",
                          "type": "string",
                          "itemType": "string",
                          "responseType": "string",
                          "responseItemType": "string"
                      "id": "string",
                      "state": "RUNNING",
                      "startedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "completedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "isSuspended": false,
                      "entityInstanceLabel": "string",
                      "entityId": 0,
                      "lastResumedBy": "string",
                      "workflowName": "string",
                      "lastResumedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "workflowDescription": "string",
                      "entityInstanceId": "string",
                      "version": 0,
                      "startedBy": "string",
                      "workflowVersion": 0,
                      "lastSuspendedBy": "string"


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                workflowProcessRepResourceCollection any false none A collection of workflow processes.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous baseCollection2 false none This is a base schema used to define paginated collections of resources. This base schema is extended by other schemas in APIs by adding an 'items' array property. These extensions define the application/ media type (version 2)


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » items [workflowProcessRep] false none The array of resource members.


                  "name": "string",
                  "id": "string"


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                name string false none The name of the reference.
                id string false none The ID of the reference.


                  "defaultColumns": [
                      "name": "string",
                      "order": 0
                  "defaultSort": [
                      "name": "string",
                      "direction": "string",
                      "order": 0


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                defaultColumns [columnPreferenceRep] false none The default columns for the grid.
                defaultSort [sortPreferenceRep] false none The default sorting of the columns.


                  "name": "string",
                  "order": 0


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                name string false none The name of the column.
                order integer(int32) false none The preference priority.


                  "meanTimePerTaskClaimTimeBasis": 0,
                  "workflowTasks": [
                      "name": "string",
                      "id": "string"
                  "timeOnCompletedTasksClaimTimeBasis": 0,
                  "timeOnCompletedTasks": 0,
                  "medianTimePerTaskClaimTimeBasis": 0,
                  "meanTimePerTask": 0,
                  "workflowNames": [
                      "name": "string",
                      "id": "string"
                  "workflowVersions": [
                      "id": "string",
                      "version": 0
                  "name": "string",
                  "timeOnUncompletedTasksClaimTimeBasis": 0,
                  "timeOnUncompletedTasks": 0,
                  "links": [
                      "method": "string",
                      "rel": "string",
                      "uri": "string",
                      "href": "string",
                      "title": "string",
                      "type": "string",
                      "itemType": "string",
                      "responseType": "string",
                      "responseItemType": "string"
                  "id": "string",
                  "label": "string",
                  "version": 0,
                  "medianTimePerTask": 0


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                meanTimePerTaskClaimTimeBasis number(double) false none The average time spent per task using the claim time basis {NEW PROPERTY}.
                workflowTasks [genericReferenceRep] false none A list of all tasks for this workflow version (only used when rolling up data to the workflow version level).
                timeOnCompletedTasksClaimTimeBasis number(double) false none The total time spent on completed tasks using the claim time basis {NEW PROPERTY}.
                timeOnCompletedTasks number(double) false none The total time spent on completed tasks.
                medianTimePerTaskClaimTimeBasis number(double) false none The median time spent per task using the claim time basis {NEW PROPERTY}.
                meanTimePerTask number(double) false none The average time spent per task.
                workflowNames [genericReferenceRep] false none A list of all workflow names related to this entity {NEW PROPERTY}.
                workflowVersions [genericVersionReferenceRep] false none A list of all versions of a workflow (only used when rolling up data to the workflow level).
                name string false none The name of the resource collected.
                timeOnUncompletedTasksClaimTimeBasis number(double) false none The total time spent on uncompleted tasks using the claim time basis {NEW PROPERTY}.
                timeOnUncompletedTasks number(double) false none The total time on uncompleted tasks.
                links [link] false none The links that apply to this resource.
                id string false none The ID of the resource collected.
                label string false none The label of the resource collected.
                version integer(int32) false none This media type's schema version number. This representation is version 1.
                medianTimePerTask number(double) false none The median time spent per task.


                  "entityInstanceIdVariableName": "string",
                  "valueVariableId": "string",
                  "defaultValue": "string",
                  "isEntity": false,
                  "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS",
                  "label": "string",
                  "type": "BOOLEAN",
                  "defaultValueResource": "string",
                  "allowMultipleSelections": false,
                  "verifyValueIsSet": false,
                  "entityName": "string",
                  "name": "string",
                  "valueVariableName": "string",
                  "valueResource": "string",
                  "id": "string",
                  "setToNull": false,
                  "value": "string"


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                entityInstanceIdVariableName string false none The name of the process variable that contains the entity instance ID of the entity field variable reference where the value can be obtained.
                valueVariableId string false none The ID of the process variable or entity field variable reference where the value can be obtained.
                defaultValue string false none The default value of the variable.
                isEntity boolean false none A flag for distinguishing entities.
                userSelectionStrategy string false none The object containing user or group settings (used only for variables of USER_GROUP data type). The representation of the user or group data include: USERS,GROUPS, or USERS_AND_GROUPS
                label string false none The label of the variable.
                type string false none The data type of the variable.
                defaultValueResource string false none The resource key of the default value.
                allowMultipleSelections boolean false none A flag for allowing multiple selections (used only for variables of USER_GROUP data type) A flag for allowing multiple users or groups.
                verifyValueIsSet boolean false none A flag for the additional confirmation window.
                entityName string false none The entity name for the entity field variable reference where the value can be obtained.
                name string false none The name of the variable.
                valueVariableName string false none The name of the process variable or entity field variable reference where the value can be obtained.
                valueResource string false none The resource key of the current value.
                id string false none The ID of the variable.
                setToNull boolean false none A flag to indicate to set the variable to null value.
                value string false none The current value of the variable.
                Enumerated Values
                Property Value
                userSelectionStrategy USERS
                userSelectionStrategy GROUPS
                userSelectionStrategy USERS_AND_GROUPS
                type BOOLEAN
                type STRING
                type SMALLINT
                type INTEGER
                type LONG
                type FLOAT
                type DOUBLE
                type NUMERIC
                type DATE
                type TIMESTAMP
                type USER_GROUP
                type REFERENCE_DATA
                type JSON


                  "name": "string",
                  "start": 0,
                  "limit": 0,
                  "count": 0,
                  "accept": "string",
                  "links": [
                      "method": "string",
                      "rel": "string",
                      "uri": "string",
                      "href": "string",
                      "title": "string",
                      "type": "string",
                      "itemType": "string",
                      "responseType": "string",
                      "responseItemType": "string"
                  "version": 0,
                  "items": [
                      "entityLabel": "string",
                      "participantsVariable": {
                        "entityInstanceIdVariableName": "string",
                        "valueVariableId": "string",
                        "defaultValue": "string",
                        "isEntity": false,
                        "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS",
                        "label": "string",
                        "type": "BOOLEAN",
                        "defaultValueResource": "string",
                        "allowMultipleSelections": false,
                        "verifyValueIsSet": false,
                        "entityName": "string",
                        "name": "string",
                        "valueVariableName": "string",
                        "valueResource": "string",
                        "id": "string",
                        "setToNull": false,
                        "value": "string"
                      "workflowDefinitionId": "string",
                      "description": "string",
                      "workflowLabel": "string",
                      "workflowDescriptionResource": "string",
                      "duration": 0,
                      "workflowLabelResource": "string",
                      "entityName": "string",
                      "action": "string",
                      "links": [
                          "method": "string",
                          "rel": "string",
                          "uri": "string",
                          "href": "string",
                          "title": "string",
                          "type": "string",
                          "itemType": "string",
                          "responseType": "string",
                          "responseItemType": "string"
                      "id": "string",
                      "startedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "definitionId": "string",
                      "participants": [
                          "name": "string",
                          "id": "string",
                          "type": "USER"
                      "claimedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "processInstanceId": "string",
                      "completedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "entityInstanceLabel": "string",
                      "dueDateTimeStamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "entityId": 0,
                      "workflowName": "string",
                      "workflowDescription": "string",
                      "entityInstanceId": "string",
                      "version": 0,
                      "name": "string",
                      "assignee": "string",
                      "workflowVersion": 0


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                historicalWorkflowTaskRepResourceCollection any false none A collection of workflow process history.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous baseCollection2 false none This is a base schema used to define paginated collections of resources. This base schema is extended by other schemas in APIs by adding an 'items' array property. These extensions define the application/ media type (version 2)


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » items [historicalWorkflowTaskRep] false none The array of resource members.


                  "id": "string",
                  "version": 0


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                id string false none The ID of the object.
                version integer(int32) false none The version of the object.


                  "name": "string",
                  "start": 0,
                  "limit": 0,
                  "count": 0,
                  "accept": "string",
                  "links": [
                      "method": "string",
                      "rel": "string",
                      "uri": "string",
                      "href": "string",
                      "title": "string",
                      "type": "string",
                      "itemType": "string",
                      "responseType": "string",
                      "responseItemType": "string"
                  "version": 0,
                  "items": [
                      "meanTimePerTaskClaimTimeBasis": 0,
                      "workflowTasks": [
                          "name": "string",
                          "id": "string"
                      "timeOnCompletedTasksClaimTimeBasis": 0,
                      "timeOnCompletedTasks": 0,
                      "medianTimePerTaskClaimTimeBasis": 0,
                      "meanTimePerTask": 0,
                      "workflowNames": [
                          "name": "string",
                          "id": "string"
                      "workflowVersions": [
                          "id": "string",
                          "version": 0
                      "name": "string",
                      "timeOnUncompletedTasksClaimTimeBasis": 0,
                      "timeOnUncompletedTasks": 0,
                      "links": [
                          "method": "string",
                          "rel": "string",
                          "uri": "string",
                          "href": "string",
                          "title": "string",
                          "type": "string",
                          "itemType": "string",
                          "responseType": "string",
                          "responseItemType": "string"
                      "id": "string",
                      "label": "string",
                      "version": 0,
                      "medianTimePerTask": 0


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                historicalMetricsSummaryRepResourceCollection any false none A collection of information about the process metric summary.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous baseCollection2 false none This is a base schema used to define paginated collections of resources. This base schema is extended by other schemas in APIs by adding an 'items' array property. These extensions define the application/ media type (version 2)


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » items [historicalMetricsSummaryRep] false none The array of resource members.


                  "entityLabel": "string",
                  "participantsVariable": {
                    "entityInstanceIdVariableName": "string",
                    "valueVariableId": "string",
                    "defaultValue": "string",
                    "isEntity": false,
                    "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS",
                    "label": "string",
                    "type": "BOOLEAN",
                    "defaultValueResource": "string",
                    "allowMultipleSelections": false,
                    "verifyValueIsSet": false,
                    "entityName": "string",
                    "name": "string",
                    "valueVariableName": "string",
                    "valueResource": "string",
                    "id": "string",
                    "setToNull": false,
                    "value": "string"
                  "workflowDefinitionId": "string",
                  "description": "string",
                  "workflowLabel": "string",
                  "workflowDescriptionResource": "string",
                  "duration": 0,
                  "workflowLabelResource": "string",
                  "entityName": "string",
                  "action": "string",
                  "links": [
                      "method": "string",
                      "rel": "string",
                      "uri": "string",
                      "href": "string",
                      "title": "string",
                      "type": "string",
                      "itemType": "string",
                      "responseType": "string",
                      "responseItemType": "string"
                  "id": "string",
                  "startedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "definitionId": "string",
                  "participants": [
                      "name": "string",
                      "id": "string",
                      "type": "USER"
                  "claimedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "processInstanceId": "string",
                  "completedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "entityInstanceLabel": "string",
                  "dueDateTimeStamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "entityId": 0,
                  "workflowName": "string",
                  "workflowDescription": "string",
                  "entityInstanceId": "string",
                  "version": 0,
                  "name": "string",
                  "assignee": "string",
                  "workflowVersion": 0


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                entityLabel string false none The label of the entity.
                participantsVariable variableRep false none A representation of a workflow variable.
                workflowDefinitionId string false none The ID of the workflow definition.
                description string false none The description of the task.
                workflowLabel string false none The label of the workflow.
                workflowDescriptionResource string false none The resource key for the workflow description.
                duration integer(int64) false none The duration of this task.
                workflowLabelResource string false none The resource key for the workflow label.
                entityName string false none The name of the entity.
                action string false none The task action.
                links [link] false none The links that apply to this resource.
                id string false none The ID of the task.
                startedAt string(date-time) false none The start time of this task.
                definitionId string false none The ID of the workflow definition this task is running against.
                participants [participantRep] false none The list of user and group participants who can work on this task.
                claimedAt string(date-time) false none The date claimed.
                processInstanceId string false none The ID of the workflow process this task is running under.
                completedAt string(date-time) false none The completion time of this task.
                entityInstanceLabel string false none The label of the entity instance this workflow process is running against.
                dueDateTimeStamp string(date-time) false none The date due.
                entityId integer(int64) false none The ID of the entity.
                workflowName string false none The name of the workflow.
                workflowDescription string false none The description of the workflow.
                entityInstanceId string false none The ID of the entity instance this workflow process is running against.
                version integer(int32) false none This media type's schema version number. This representation is version 1.
                name string false none The name of the task.
                assignee string false none The user name of the user assigned to this task.
                workflowVersion integer(int32) false none The version of the workflow definition.


                  "defaults": [
                      "name": "string",
                      "id": "string"
                  "mobile": [
                      "name": "string",
                      "id": "string"


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                defaults [pageDetailsRep] false none The default page template used.
                mobile [pageDetailsRep] false none The page template used for mobile clients.


                  "name": "string",
                  "start": 0,
                  "limit": 0,
                  "count": 0,
                  "accept": "string",
                  "links": [
                      "method": "string",
                      "rel": "string",
                      "uri": "string",
                      "href": "string",
                      "title": "string",
                      "type": "string",
                      "itemType": "string",
                      "responseType": "string",
                      "responseItemType": "string"
                  "version": 0,
                  "items": [
                      "entityLabel": "string",
                      "xmlModel": "string",
                      "entityInstances": [
                          "variables": {},
                          "entityInstanceId": "string"
                      "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "description": "string",
                      "useForAutoStart": false,
                      "enabled": false,
                      "descriptionResource": "string",
                      "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "entityName": "string",
                      "links": [
                          "method": "string",
                          "rel": "string",
                          "uri": "string",
                          "href": "string",
                          "title": "string",
                          "type": "string",
                          "itemType": "string",
                          "responseType": "string",
                          "responseItemType": "string"
                      "id": "string",
                      "entityDefinedProcessVariables": [
                      "userDefinedProcessVariables": [
                          "entityInstanceIdVariableName": "string",
                          "valueVariableId": "string",
                          "defaultValue": "string",
                          "isEntity": false,
                          "userSelectionStrategy": "USERS",
                          "label": "string",
                          "type": "BOOLEAN",
                          "defaultValueResource": "string",
                          "allowMultipleSelections": false,
                          "verifyValueIsSet": false,
                          "entityName": "string",
                          "name": "string",
                          "valueVariableName": "string",
                          "valueResource": "string",
                          "id": "string",
                          "setToNull": false,
                          "value": "string"
                      "labelResource": "string",
                      "entityId": 0,
                      "label": "string",
                      "version": 0,
                      "graphicalModel": "string",
                      "createdBy": "string",
                      "name": "string",
                      "resourceStrings": {
                        "property1": "string",
                        "property2": "string"
                      "workflowVersion": 0,
                      "startOnNewEntityInstance": false,
                      "lastUpdatedBy": "string"


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                workflowRepResourceCollection any false none A collection of workflow templates.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous baseCollection2 false none This is a base schema used to define paginated collections of resources. This base schema is extended by other schemas in APIs by adding an 'items' array property. These extensions define the application/ media type (version 2)


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » items [workflowRep] false none The array of resource members.


                  "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "createdBy": "string",
                  "lastUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "columns": {
                    "defaultColumns": [
                        "name": "string",
                        "order": 0
                    "defaultSort": [
                        "name": "string",
                        "direction": "string",
                        "order": 0
                  "links": [
                      "method": "string",
                      "rel": "string",
                      "uri": "string",
                      "href": "string",
                      "title": "string",
                      "type": "string",
                      "itemType": "string",
                      "responseType": "string",
                      "responseItemType": "string"
                  "id": "string",
                  "user": "string",
                  "version": 0,
                  "lastUpdatedBy": "string"


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                createdAt string(date-time) false none The time of creation.
                createdBy string false none The name of the user who created the settings.
                lastUpdatedAt string(date-time) false none The time of the last update.
                columns columnSettingRep false none A collection of settings for displaying grid columns.
                links [link] false none The links that apply to this resource.
                id string false none The ID of the setting.
                user string false none The name of user for these settings.
                version integer(int32) false none This media type's schema version number. This representation is version 1.
                lastUpdatedBy string false none The name of the user who last updated the settings.


                  "message": "string",
                  "id": "string",
                  "errorCode": 0,
                  "httpStatusCode": 0,
                  "details": [
                  "remediation": "string",
                  "errors": [
                  "links": [
                      "method": "string",
                      "rel": "string",
                      "uri": "string",
                      "href": "string",
                      "title": "string",
                      "type": "string",
                      "itemType": "string",
                      "responseType": "string",
                      "responseItemType": "string"
                  "version": 0


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                message string false none The message for the error.
                id string false none The string ID for the error.
                errorCode integer false none The numeric ID for the error.
                httpStatusCode integer true none The HTTP status code for the error.
                details [string] false none Messages that provide additional details about the cause of the error.
                remediation string false none A message that describes how to resolve the error.
                errors [error2] false none Any additional errors that occurred.
                links [link] false none The links that apply to the error.
                version integer true none The version number of the error representation. This representation is version 2.


                  "name": "string",
                  "start": 0,
                  "limit": 0,
                  "count": 0,
                  "accept": "string",
                  "links": [
                      "method": "string",
                      "rel": "string",
                      "uri": "string",
                      "href": "string",
                      "title": "string",
                      "type": "string",
                      "itemType": "string",
                      "responseType": "string",
                      "responseItemType": "string"
                  "version": 0

                Base Collection

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                name string false none The name of the collection.
                start integer(int64) false none The zero-based index of the first item in the collection.
                limit integer false none The number of items that were requested for the collection.
                count integer(int64) false none If populated indicates the number of items in the collection.
                accept string false none A space-delimited list of media types from which an Accept header may be constructed.
                links [link] false none The links that apply to the collection.
                version integer false none The version number of the collection representation. This representation is version 2.

                  "method": "string",
                  "rel": "string",
                  "uri": "string",
                  "href": "string",
                  "title": "string",
                  "type": "string",
                  "itemType": "string",
                  "responseType": "string",
                  "responseItemType": "string"


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                method string false none The HTTP method for the link.
                rel string true none The relationship of the link to the resource.
                uri string false none The relative URI for the link.
                href string false none The URL for the link.
                title string false none The title for the link.
                type string false none The media type or link type for the link.
                itemType string false none If this is a link to a container, itemType is the media type or link type for the items in the container.
                responseType string false none The media type or link type of the response body for a PUT, POST, or PATCH operation.
                responseItemType string false none The media type or link type of the items in the response body for a PUT, POST, or PATCH operation.


                Search and Discovery

                Base URLs:

                Terms of service Email: SAS Developers Web: SAS Developers License: Terms of Use

                Scroll down for code samples, example requests and responses. Select a language for code samples from the tabs above or the mobile navigation menu.

                The SAS Visual Investigator Search and Discovery API provides access to real-time exploration and visualization of the data in SAS Visual Investigator.

                Usage Notes



                This API provides access to the Search and Discovery (SAND) component of SAS Visual Investigator (VI).

                VI is an intelligence analytics solution. The user documentation can be found in the SAS Visual Investigator: Help Center.

                SAND is responsible for:

                Other VI components related to SAND are:


                This API provides access to the Search and Discovery component of Visual Investigator in order to perform real-time search operations over JSON-formatted data and visualize the results in various meaningful ways. This differs from the SAS VIYA Search service, which provides free text and faceted search capabilities but not geospatial or graph search, or the ability to visualize the results in multiple ways.

                Consumers and Usage

                This API is primarily used by SAS Visual Investigator services, clients, and any authenticated and authorized REST client to perform free text, faceted, geospatial, or graph searches over JSON-formatted data and present or consume one or more of the resultant visualizations.

                The following use cases are described in detail in the examples section:


                All the resources in this API require a valid OAuth 2.0 token from SASLogon.

                Calls that do not include a valid OAuth 2.0 token made from a web-browser are re-directed to the SASLogon page, whereas calls made from other clients receive a 401 HTTP code.

                The resources in this API are restricted to members of the sviusrs or sasapp groups, all other users receive a 403 HTTP code.

                In addition,

                Users without the required capabilities receive a 403 HTTP code.

                The Feature component can be used to manage group memberships and assign capabilities.


                User terminology


                represents an end user of SAS Visual Investigator.


                represents a collection of users for authorization and security purposes. Groups are managed by the Feature component.


                an authorization key that a user must have to be able to perform a particular operation within SAS Visual Investigator. Capabilities are managed by the Feature component. In relation to the SAND component, users must have the search capability to perform any search-related operations, the text analytics capability to perform text analytics, and the administration capability to perform any administration-related operations.

                Data terminology


                represents a unit of data in the system. Objects have a type, unique identifier and consist of named values. Objects can be hierarchical and contain other objects.

                entity (object type)

                describes the structure of a particular object by listing the fields and their data types. Field data types include: Boolean, date, double, integer, long, and text. Entities can be classified as internal, external or resolved. (See below.)

                internal entity

                describes the structure of an object that is stored within VI and therefore can be created, viewed, edited or deleted within SAS Visual Investigator.

                external entity

                describes the structure of an object that is stored in an external database or file and therefore can be viewed only within SAS Visual Investigator.

                resolved entity

                describes the structure of an object that consists of field values extracted from internal and external entity objects by the Entity Resolution component in SAS Visual Investigator. These objects are stored within VI but can only be viewed. For example, the Entity Resolution component can be configured to resolve organization objects by extracting business names, addresses, and telephone numbers etc. from field values in multiple internal or external entity objects.

                compound value

                a unique identifier for a resolved entity object. This is different from the unique identifier of an internal or external entity object because it is constructed from multiple field values extracted from the resolved entity object's contributing objects. Individually, the extracted field values might not be unique, but their combination produces a unique value called a compound value.


                represents a connection between two objects (including the connections between a resolved entity object and its contributing internal or external entity objects). Relationships have a type, unique identifier and a set of fields just like objects. A relationship can be between two different objects only. In other words, objects cannot be related to themselves. Resolved entity objects cannot be related to other resolved entity objects, except via their contributing entity objects. (Not to be confused with the Relationships service definition.)

                relationship type

                describes the structure of a particular relationship by listing the fields and their data types. Field data types include: Boolean, date, double, integer, long, and text.


                capture what, when, where information and are the units of data for the Map, Map Feature, Time Line and Time Bar visualizations. (See below.) Events are extracted from internal and external entity objects as they are indexed.

                Search terminology

                free text search

                a search based on a text query conforming to a particular syntax. Objects containing data that match the text query are included in the results.

                faceted search

                a search based on applying particular filters in order to drill down further into particular search results. Objects containing data that match the filters are included in the results.

                geospatial search

                a search based on a geographical area as defined by one or more geospatial shapes, such as circle, rectangle or polygon. Objects containing geographical data that falls within or borders the specified shapes are included in the results.

                graph search

                a search based on connections between objects. Objects and the relationships between them that match the search criteria are included in the results.


                a single object found in a search.


                an object within the context of a graph search.


                a relationship within the context of a graph search.


                a finite sequence of relationships (edges) connecting a sequence of objects (vertices).


                a breadth first graph search following all the relationships (edges) extending outwards from one or more objects (vertices).


                the collection of unstructured text extracted from search results over which text analytics are performed.

                Sankey diagram

                a flow diagram where the size of the arrows is determined by the number of objects containing the text analytics result on both sides of the arrow.

                Visualization terminology

                The following visualizations provide different ways of viewing and exploring search results:


                the total number of hits grouped by entity.


                the hits as a paged list where each list entry is a summary of the object's field values the content that matched the query.


                the hits as a paged table where the columns are a subset of the fields and the rows contain the values.

                time line

                the datetime data extracted from the hits as a paged series of swim lanes (charts with time on the X axis and the datetime data plotted on the Y axis), one swim lane per object found in the search.

                time bar

                the number of hits per datetime interval for display on a chart, which can be used to help scroll through the results on the Time Line.


                the geo data extracted from the hits for display on a map.

                map feature

                the details about the objects at a specified geo location on a map.


                the objects and their relationships as a network chart. Also known as a graph with vertices that represent objects and edges that represent relationships.


                the hit counts per field value grouped by entity. The included fields must be pre-configured on a per entity basis and are restricted to categorical text fields (meaning those with a small number of different values) or pre-configured numerical or date ranges on numerical or date fields. The Facets visualization is intended to inform the consuming application which filters to apply in order to drill down into the results.

                text analytics

                the significant terms, phrases, and topics as well as named person, location and organization entities extracted from the unstructured text in the objects found by the search.

                Analyzer terminology


                An analyzer is used by the underlying search engine to process the content of text fields during indexing and to process query terms at search time. The analyzer(s) applied to a particular field therefore determine the search behavior for that field.

                standard analyzers

                Here is the list of standard analyzers:

                language analyzers

                Here is the list of language analyzers:

                arabic, armenian, basque, bengali, brazilian, bulgarian, catalan, cjk, czech, danish, dutch, english, estonian, finnish, french, galician, german, greek, hindi, hungarian, indonesian, irish, italian, kuromoji, latvian, lithuanian, nori, norwegian, persian, polish, portuguese, romanian, russian, smartcn, sorani, spanish, swedish, thai, turkish.

                cjk is a simple analyzer for Chinese, Japanese and Korean that produces bi-grams. smartcn on the other hand uses probability to tokenise Chinese text. kuromoji is the dedicated analyzer for Japanese. nori is the dedicated analyzer for Korean.

                sand analyzers

                Here is the list of sand analyzers:

                Error Codes

                HTTP status code Error code Description
                500 95000 An internal error occurred.
                503 95001 An error occurred during a request to a different service.
                400 95002 A request parameter is missing a value.
                400 95010 The request body contains an invalid value.
                403 95011 The current user is not authorized to perform the requested action.
                406, 415 95012 The requested media type is invalid.
                415 95013 The requested media type is not supported.
                400 95014 The request is not readable.
                405 95015 The HTTP method is not supported by the URI.
                400 95016 A method argument is invalid.
                400, 428 95017 A parameter is missing from the request.
                400 95018 There is no matching handler for the request.
                400 95019 A request parameter could not be satisfied.
                400 95020 A HTTP header contains an invalid value.
                400 95030 A range query or filter is missing a value for its parameters. At least one of the "gt", "gte", "lt", or "lte" parameters must have a value.
                400 95031 The parameters "gt" and "gte" both contain a value. Only one of these parameters can be used at a time.
                400 95032 The parameters "lt" and "lte" both contain a value. Only one of these parameters can be used at a time.
                400 95033 The value of the "gt" or "gte" parameter is greater than the value of the "lt" or "lte" parameter.
                400 95034 Both range parameters have the same value but this is only appropriate for the "gte" and "lte" parameters.
                400 95036 The "orderBy" parameter has an invalid value.
                400 95037 The "orderDirection" parameter has an invalid value.
                400 95038 An attempt was made to order the results by field that does not exist.
                400 95039 An attempt was made to order the results by a text field that does not have the "sort" feature.
                400 95040 The "precision" parameter has a value that is not a whole number in the range 1 to 12.
                400 95041 The "limit" parameter has a value less than zero.
                400 95042 The top-left latitude of the specified bounded-box query is less than its bottom-right latitude.
                400 95043 The specified polygon query has less than three points.
                400 95044 The date range contains an invalid datetime value.
                400 95045 A duplicate field name was detected.
                400 95046 One or more fields have an invalid type.
                400 95047 The bulk request contains an invalid data operation.
                400 95048 The type definition has an invalid category.
                400 95049 One or more text fields have an invalid value for the features option.
                400 95050 The object identifier is invalid. It must be of the form "type#id" where type is the name of the type and id is the identifier.
                400 95051 The accuracy setting for datetime values is invalid. Accepted values: oneHundredYear, fiftyYear, tenYear, year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond.
                400 95052 The interval setting for datetime values is invalid. Accepted values: oneHundredYear, fiftyYear, tenYear, year, quarter, month, week, day, hour, minute, second.
                400 95053 A boolean query has no query clauses; at least one is required.
                400 95054 The default search analyzer is not a valid OpenSearch or sand analyzer.
                400 95055 The default facet analyzer is not a valid OpenSearch or sand analyzer.
                400 95056 The default sort analyzer is not a valid OpenSearch or sand analyzer.
                400 95057 The "analysis.icuFilter" setting has an invalid value. Supported ICU filters: icu_normalizer_filter, icu_folding_filter.
                400 95058 The search analyzer for a given text field is not a valid OpenSearch or sand analyzer.
                400 95059 The facet analyzer for a given text field is not a valid OpenSearch or sand analyzer.
                400 95060 The sort analyzer for a given text field is not a valid OpenSearch or sand analyzer.
                400 95061 One of the configured locales in relation to the "sand_icu_sort" analyzer is missing a language code.
                503 95062 The results for a text analytics job could not be saved.
                503 95063 The results for a text analytics job could not be retrieved.
                503 95064 The results for a text analytics job could not be deleted.
                503 95065 The results for a text analytics job could not be cleaned up.
                503 95066 The list of synonyms could not be saved.
                503 95067 The list of synonyms could not be retrieved.
                503 95068 The list of synonyms could not be deleted.
                503 95069 The state of an initialization task could not be retrieved.
                400 95070 The map filter contains an invalid GeoJSON shape.
                503 95071 The custom analyzers could not be saved.
                503 95072 The custom analyzers could not be retrieved.
                503 95073 The custom analyzers could not be deleted.
                503 95074 A custom analyzer could not be saved.
                503 95075 A custom analyzer could not be retrieved.
                503 95076 A custom analyzer could not be deleted.
                503 95077 The GeoJSON shapes could not be saved.
                503 95078 The GeoJSON shapes could not be retrieved.
                503 95079 The GeoJSON shapes could not be deleted.
                503 95080 A GeoJSON shape could not be saved.
                503 95081 A GeoJSON shape could not be retrieved.
                503 95082 A GeoJSON shape could not be deleted.
                500 95100 The URL provided to the OpenSearch engine could not be resolved.
                503 95101 A request could not be sent to the OpenSearch engine.
                503 95102 The response from the OpenSearch engine could not be parsed.
                503 95103 The response from the OpenSearch engine is null.
                503 95104 The response from the OpenSearch engine has no content.
                503 95105 A request to the OpenSearch engine returned an error.
                404 95106 The bulk data request contains an entity type that does not exist.
                400 95107 The bulk data request for the OpenSearch engine could not be parsed.
                400 95108 The query contains syntax errors.
                503 95109 The search request to the OpenSearch engine timed out.
                503 95110 The OpenSearch engine was unable to search one or more indices.
                400 95111 The query contains a leading wildcard (i.e. * or ?). Searching with leading wildcards is not allowed.
                503 95112 A security role could not be created for a relationship.
                503 95113 A security role could not be deleted for a relationship.
                400 95114 The start and limit parameters in the request exceed the paging limit.
                503 95115 OpenSearch security is not initialized.
                503 95116 OpenSearch returned an unexpected error.
                503 95117 OpenSearch returned an error involving one or more indices.
                400 95130 A text query has an invalid language. Supported languages: lucene.
                400 95131 The identifier of the current user could not be determined. Try again or delete all references to "%current_user_id%" from the text query.
                400 95132 A terms filter references a field that does not exist.
                404 95139 No vertex was found for the given identifier.
                400 95140 The graph search was canceled because there were too many objects to process.
                503 95141 The configuration for a number of types could not be deleted.
                404 95142 The request contains an alias for an entity that does not exist or does not have the the "indexed for search" option selected.
                409 95143 An attempt was made to create a new type with the name of an existing type.
                404 95144 The request contains an entity that does not exist.
                404 95145 The request contains an entity that does not exist or does not have the the "indexed for search" option selected.
                400 95146 The request contains a type that is not configured to represent edges in a graph.
                400 95147 The request contains a type that is not configured to represent vertices in a graph.
                412 95148 The type configuration being edited is for an out-of-date version. Retrieve and edit the latest version of the configuration.
                503 95149 The configuration for multiple types could not be read.
                503 95150 The configuration for a single type could not be read.
                503 95151 The configuration for a single type could not be saved.
                503 95152 The configuration for a single type could not be deleted.
                503 95153 The name of the index for a single type could not be read.
                503 95154 The name of the index for a single type could not be deleted.
                503 95155 The name of the index for a single type could not be saved.
                503 95156 The names of all the indices could not be deleted.
                503 95157 The template for a single type could not be read.
                503 95158 The template for a single type could not be saved.
                503 95159 The template for a single type could not be deleted.
                503 95160 The index for a single type could not be read.
                503 95161 The index for a single type could not be created.
                503 95162 The index for a single type could not be updated.
                503 95163 The index for a single type could not be deleted.
                503 95164 The links for objects of a given entity type could not be deleted.
                400 95166 The summary configuration for a given type contains a field that does not exist.
                400 95167 The summary configuration for a given type contains a field that is not indexed for search.
                400 95168 The table configuration for a given type contains a field that does not exist.
                400 95169 The table configuration for a given type contains a field that is not indexed for search.
                400 95170 The graph configuration for a given type contains a field that does not exist.
                400 95171 The graph configuration for a given type contains a field that is not indexed for search.
                400 95172 The facets configuration for a given type contains a field that does not exist.
                400 95173 The facets configuration for a given type contains a field that is not indexed for search.
                400 95174 The text analytics configuration for a given type contains a field that does not exist.
                400 95175 The text analytics configuration for a given type contains a field that is not indexed for search.
                400 95176 The text analytics configuration for a given type contains an inappropriate field: only boolean, date, numerical, and text fields are appropriate.
                400 95177 The text analytics configuration for a given type has "from" and "to" fields but does not have any fields to analyze.
                400 95178 The text analytics configuration for a given type has a "to" field but no "from" field.
                400 95179 The text analytics configuration for a given type has a "from" field but no "to" field.
                400 95180 The label configuration for a given type contains a field that does not exist.
                400 95181 The description configuration for a given type contains a field that does not exist.
                400 95182 The summary configuration for a given type uses an invalid highlighter. Suppported highlighters: plain, unified, fvh.
                503 95183 An initialization task could not be started.
                400 95185 The facets configuration for a given type contains a non-categorical field in a terms facet.
                400 95186 The facets configuration for a given type contains a non-numerical field in a numerical range facet.
                400 95187 The facets configuration for a given type contains a non-datetime field in a date range facet.
                400 95188 The table configuration for a given type contains a field whose values cannot be sorted.
                200 95189 The data for a single type needs to be re-indexed for all the configuration changes to take effect.
                200 95190 The data for multiple types needs to be re-indexed for all the configuration changes to take effect.
                404 95191 The text analytics results could not be found for the specified job.
                202 95192 The text analytics results are not yet available for the specified job.
                404 95193 There are no text analytics results of the requested category for the specified job.
                404 95194 There are no text analytics results matching the requested phrase for the specified job.
                404 95195 There are no text analytics results matching the requested category and phrase for the specified job.
                400 95196 An invalid surname position was specified for the auto-aliasing feature in text analytics. Valid positions: first, last.
                400 95197 The text analytics job failed because there were no fields to analyze. Fields should be configured for the relevant entity types or provided in the request.
                400 95198 The text analytics job failed because there were no search results matching the query.
                206 95199 The text analytics job only partially succeeded because there was not enough data.
                500 95200 The text analytics job failed because the CAS-related operations could not be skipped.
                206 95201 The text analytics job only partially succeeded because a table could not be created in CAS.
                206 95202 The text analytics job only partially succeeded because the data could not be loaded into a CAS table.
                206 95203 The text analytics job only partially succeeded because a required CAS action could not be loaded.
                206 95204 The text analytics job only partially succeeded because the "textMining" CAS action failed to run.
                206 95205 The text analytics job only partially succeeded because the "textMining" CAS action returned an error.
                206 95206 The text analytics job only partially succeeded because the "textMining" CAS action is not licensed.
                400 95207 The request contains a locale that is not a BCP 47 language tag.
                400 95208 The request contains a locale that is not supported. The /analytics/locales endpoint lists the supported locales.
                400 95209 The request contains a locale that the "textMining" CAS action is not licensed for.
                206 95210 The text analytics job only partially succeeded because the "dataStep" CAS action failed to run.
                206 95211 The text analytics job only partially succeeded because the "dataStep" CAS action returned an error.
                206 95212 The text analytics job only partially succeeded because CAS returned an error.
                400 95213 A Facets visualization has an invalid value for the "mode" parameter. Accepted values: filter, selection.
                400 95214 A numerical or date range facet is missing values for both the "filter" and "ranges" parameters; at least one parameter requires a value.
                400 95215 A numerical or date range facet has both the "allowExact" and "allowRange" parameters set to "false". Change the value of one parameter or delete the "filter" parameter.
                400 95216 A terms facet has a value for the "displayLimit" parameter that is not greater than zero.
                400 95218 An event has been defined with both a point timestamp and an interval timestamp.
                400 95219 An event has been defined with only a value for the start or end of the interval timestamp. Provide a value for the other side of the interval.
                400 95220 An event has been defined with a latitude/longitude value and a GeoJSON value but only one of these methods of defining a location is expected.
                400 95221 An event has been defined with a partial latitude/longitude value. Provide a value for the missing location parameter.
                400 95222 An event has been defined that does not have a time or location value.
                400 95223 No Time Line data was found in the requested page of results.
                200 95224 The search only partially succeeded.
                400 95225 The values of the request parameters "types" and "excludeCategoryAliases" combine to produce an empty list of indices to search. This will result in nothing being deleted. Consider changing the value of one of the parameters.
                400 95226 The query contains an extra open or close bracket.
                400 95227 The query contains a malformed child query. Child queries are of the form: CHILD_QUERY(child entity name,%child query%)
                400 95228 The data for a single relationship needs to be re-indexed for all the configuration changes to take effect.
                400 95229 The list of synonyms is empty.
                400 95230 One of the synonyms in the list exceeds the 1000 character limit.
                400 95231 One of the synonyms in the list does not have enough terms. At least two terms are required that are not stop words.
                400 95232 The graph metrics calculation was canceled because there were too many objects to process.
                400 95233 The query contains an extra boolean operator.
                409 95234 A custom analyzer couldn't be created because one already exists with the same name.
                400 95235 The analyzer being udpated or deleted is a system analyzer. System analyzers cannot be updated or deleted.
                412 95236 The version of the analyzer being updated is out-of-date. Retrieve and edit the latest version of the analyzer.
                400 95237 The name of a custom analyzer exceeds the maximum length of 100.
                400 95238 The display name of a custom analyzer exceeds the maximum length of 100.
                404 95239 The GeoJSON shape referred to in the request does not exist.
                412 95240 The version of the GeoJSON shape being updated is out-of-date. Retrieve and edit the latest version of the GeoJSON shape.
                409 95241 A GeoJSON shape couldn't be created because one already exists with the same identifier.
                400 95242 The identifier of a GeoJSON shape exceeds the maximum length of 36.
                400 95243 The name of a GeoJSON shape exceeds the maximum length of 100.
                400 95244 The group of a GeoJSON shape exceeds the maximum length of 100.
                400 95245 A GeoJSON shape contains invalid GeoJSON. Refer to the GeoJSON standard for more information.
                400 95246 The events configuration for a given type contains a field that does not exist.
                400 95247 The events configuration for a given type contains an absolute path to a child entity field but a relative path is required instead.
                200 95248 All of the entity and relationship types need to be re-indexed for all the configuration changes to take effect.
                400 95249 The query does not match the content of the current object.
                200 95250 The matching content in the current object could not be highlighted.
                400 95251 An analyzer has a solution name that exceeds the maximum length of 250.
                400 95252 A GeoJSON shape has a solution name that exceeds the maximum length of 250.
                400 95253 An entity or relationship type has a solution name that exceeds the maximum length of 200.
                400 95254 One or more GeoJSON shapes contain invalid GeoJSON. Refer to the GeoJSON standard for more information.
                400 95255 An entity or relationship type has a display name that exceeds the maximum length of 255.
                400 95256 An application setting could not be updated.
                400 95258 An application setting could not be updated because its parent setting has not been updated first.
                400 95259 The request contains duplicate application settings.
                400 95330 The request contains an invalid type name. Type names can contain up to 100 alphanumeric characters or underscores but cannot start with an underscore.
                400 95331 The request contains an invalid field name. Field names can contain up to 150 alphanumeric characters or underscores but cannot start with an underscore.
                400 95332 The request contains an OR or AND query that does not have at least two subqueries.
                400 95333 The request contains an OR or AND filter that does not have at least two subfilters.
                400 95334 The request contains an invalid datetime value. Datetime values must be in ISO format yyyy-mm-dd[Thh:mm:ss.sssZ].
                400 95335 The search request does not contain at least one visualization.
                400 95336 A radius filter is missing a latitude or longitude value.
                400 95337 A bounded-box filter is missing a latitude/longitude value for the top-left and bottom-right corners.
                400 95338 The top-left latitude of a bounded-box filter is less than its bottom-right latitude.
                400 95339 A polygon filter does not have at least three coordinates.
                400 95340 A polygon filter is missing a latitude or longitude value for one of its coordinates.
                400 95341 Inner fields have been defined for a field that is not of the type "object" or "nested".
                400 95342 Analyzer options have been set on a field that is not of the type "text".
                400 95343 The "features" option has been set on a field that is not of the type "text".
                400 95344 A text field has been defined with a non-string value in one of the analyzer options.
                400 95345 The "features" option has been set on a text field without using a string array.
                400 95346 The "indexed_for_search" option is not supported for system types.
                400 95347 The "number_of_shards" option has been set on a type with a value that is not greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to 1024.
                400 95348 The "number_of_replicas" option has been set on a type with a value that is not greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1024.
                400 95349 The "refresh_interval" option has been set on a type with a value that is not greater than or equal to -1.
                400 95350 The request to explore the text analytics results is missing a value for the "category" parameter.
                400 95351 The request to explore the text analytics results is missing a value for the "phrase" parameter.
                400 95352 The text analytics request contains an identity with a category that is not one of: person, location, organization.
                400 95353 The sankey diagram request contains a result category that is not one of: unigram, bigram, trigram, person, organization, location, significantTerm, topic
                400 95354 A file could not be read from the imported configuration ZIP file.
                400 95355 The text analytics request contains duplicate identity names.
                400 95356 The text analytics request contains duplicate alias names.
                500 95357 Part of the response could not be serialized.
                404 95358 The specified analyzer does not exist.
                404 95359 The specified setting does not exist.
                400 95360 An unsupported value was provided to the filter parameter for the /admin/settings endpoint.
                503 95361 A request could not be sent to the Configuration Service.
                503 95362 A request to the Configuration Service returned an error.
                400 95363 The paths request has too many parameters. Use the \"type\" and \"id\" parameters to identify a single start object, or use the \"types\" and \"query\" parameters to identify one or more start objects.
                400 95364 The "fields" parameter contains a duplicate entity name.



                The root of the API.

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X GET \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const headers = {
                  method: 'GET',
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r = requests.get('', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                GET /

                Returns the links to the top-level resources for the API.

                Example responses

                An example of the response from /svi-sand listing the top-level links.

                  "links": [
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "search",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/searches",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/searches",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "highlight",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/highlighting",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/highlighting",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "graphSearch",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/graphs",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/graphs",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "getEdges",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/graphs/edges",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/graphs/edges",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/",
                      "responseItemType": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getVertex",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/vertices/{type}/{identifier}",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/vertices/{type}/{identifier}",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "graphTraversal",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/traversals",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/traversals",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "pathsSearch",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/paths",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/paths",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/",
                      "responseItemType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "startTextAnalytics",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "importConfiguration",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "exportConfiguration",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "deleteConfiguration",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getAnalyzers",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getShapes",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/shapes",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/shapes",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getSynonymns",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/synonyms",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/synonyms",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "deleteByQuery",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/data",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/data",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "deleteRelationshipsInvolvingType",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/data/{type}/relationships",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/data/{type}/relationships"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "createIndices",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/indices",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/indices",
                      "responseType": "application/",
                      "responseItemType": "application/"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "deleteIndices",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/indices",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/indices"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "adminOperation",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/operations",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/operations",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getSettings",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                  "links": [
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "search",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/searches",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/searches",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "highlight",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/highlighting",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/highlighting",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "graphSearch",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/graphs",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/graphs",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "getEdges",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/graphs/edges",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/graphs/edges",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/",
                      "responseItemType": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getVertex",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/vertices/{type}/{identifier}",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/vertices/{type}/{identifier}",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "graphTraversal",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/traversals",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/traversals",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "pathsSearch",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/paths",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/paths",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/",
                      "responseItemType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "startTextAnalytics",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "importConfiguration",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "exportConfiguration",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "deleteConfiguration",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getAnalyzers",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getShapes",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/shapes",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/shapes",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getSynonymns",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/synonyms",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/synonyms",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "deleteByQuery",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/data",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/data",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "deleteRelationshipsInvolvingType",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/data/{type}/relationships",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/data/{type}/relationships"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "createIndices",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/indices",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/indices",
                      "responseType": "application/",
                      "responseItemType": "application/"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "deleteIndices",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/indices",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/indices"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "adminOperation",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/operations",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/operations",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getSettings",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. api

                Get the headers for the API

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X HEAD
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  method: 'HEAD'
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                r = requests.head('')
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                HEAD /

                Returns the headers for the API. Also used to determine whether the service provided by the API is available.

                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. None

                Search related endpoints.

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X POST \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Content-Type: application/' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const inputBody = '{
                  "types": [
                  "query": {
                    "type": "or",
                    "queries": [
                        "type": "text",
                        "language": "lucene",
                        "text": "John Smith"
                        "type": "object",
                        "objectIds": [
                            "type": "report",
                            "id": "SDF46AS"
                            "type": "report",
                            "id": "FN654A"
                  "visualizations": {
                    "visualization1": {
                      "type": "map"
                    "visualization2": {
                      "type": "table",
                      "start": 1,
                      "limit": 100
                    "visualization3": {
                      "type": "facets",
                      "mode": "filter"
                    "visualization4": {
                      "type": "facets",
                      "mode": "selection"
                const headers = {
                  method: 'POST',
                  body: inputBody,
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Content-Type': 'application/',
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r ='', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Content-Type": []string{"application/"},
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                POST /searches

                Perform a new search, refine a previous search, or request different visualizations of the results of a previous search.

                Body parameter

                An example of the request to /searches where the user wants to view the specified report objects as well as all incident and person objects that contain either of the terms, "John" and "Smith" on the Map and Table visualizations. The user would also like to use the Facets and Selection visualizations to determine what filters might be worth applying to reduce their result set or select particular results of interest.

                  "types": [
                  "query": {
                    "type": "or",
                    "queries": [
                        "type": "text",
                        "language": "lucene",
                        "text": "John Smith"
                        "type": "object",
                        "objectIds": [
                            "type": "report",
                            "id": "SDF46AS"
                            "type": "report",
                            "id": "FN654A"
                  "visualizations": {
                    "visualization1": {
                      "type": "map"
                    "visualization2": {
                      "type": "table",
                      "start": 1,
                      "limit": 100
                    "visualization3": {
                      "type": "facets",
                      "mode": "filter"
                    "visualization4": {
                      "type": "facets",
                      "mode": "selection"
                Name In Type Required Description
                body body searchRequest false none

                Example responses

                An example of the response from /searches containing examples of the Summary and Facets visualizations.

                  "types": [
                  "query": {
                    "type": "or",
                    "queries": [
                        "type": "text",
                        "language": "lucene",
                        "text": "John Smith"
                        "type": "object",
                        "objectIds": [
                            "type": "report",
                            "id": "SDF46AS"
                            "type": "report",
                            "id": "FN654A"
                  "visualizations": {
                    "results": {
                      "type": "summary",
                      "start": 1,
                      "limit": 50,
                      "hitCount": 6,
                      "order": {
                        "type": "score",
                        "direction": "descending"
                      "results": [
                          "id": "ju0RrSsRQRqdSnrKO75AFQ",
                          "type": "person",
                          "typeLabel": "Person",
                          "title": "Smith, John",
                          "attachmentsCount": 0,
                          "fields": [
                              "name": "Forename",
                              "type": "text",
                              "value": "John"
                          "highlighting": {
                            "full_name": [
                              "<em>John</em> <em>Smith</em>"
                    "facets": {
                      "type": "facets",
                      "mode": "filter",
                      "facets": [
                          "objectType": "_all",
                          "facets": [
                              "type": "type",
                              "hitCount": 6,
                              "buckets": [
                                  "type": "incident",
                                  "hitCount": 3
                                  "type": "person",
                                  "hitCount": 2
                                  "type": "report",
                                  "hitCount": 1
                          "objectType": "person",
                          "facets": [
                              "type": "range",
                              "field": "age",
                              "hitCount": 2,
                              "min": 19,
                              "max": 43,
                              "ranges": [
                                  "description": "<20",
                                  "lt": 20,
                                  "hitCount": 1
                                  "description": "[20, 30)",
                                  "gte": 20,
                                  "lt": 30,
                                  "hitCount": 0
                                  "description": "[30, 40)",
                                  "gte": 30,
                                  "lt": 40,
                                  "hitCount": 1
                                  "description": ">=40",
                                  "gte": 40,
                                  "hitCount": 0
                              "type": "terms",
                              "field": "gender",
                              "hitCount": 2,
                              "buckets": [
                                  "term": "male",
                                  "hitCount": 2
                          "objectType": "incident",
                          "facets": [
                              "type": "terms",
                              "field": "crime",
                              "hitCount": 3,
                              "buckets": [
                                  "term": "assault",
                                  "hitCount": 2
                                  "term": "theft",
                                  "hitCount": 1
                  "errors": []

                An example of the Facets visualization response in filter mode with examples of the type, dateRange, terms and range facets.

                  "type": "facets",
                  "mode": "filter",
                  "facets": [
                      "objectType": "_all",
                      "facets": [
                          "type": "type",
                          "hitCount": 60,
                          "buckets": [
                              "type": "person",
                              "hitCount": 40
                              "type": "report",
                              "hitCount": 20
                          "type": "dateRange",
                          "field": "createdate",
                          "accuracy": "second",
                          "filter": {
                            "displayFormat": "dd-MM-yyyy HH:MM:SS",
                            "allowExact": false,
                            "allowRange": true,
                            "fromType": "gte",
                            "toType": "lte"
                      "objectType": "person",
                      "facets": [
                          "type": "range",
                          "field": "age",
                          "hitCount": 40,
                          "min": 19,
                          "max": 43,
                          "ranges": [
                              "description": "<20",
                              "lt": 20,
                              "hitCount": 2
                              "description": "[20, 30)",
                              "gte": 20,
                              "lt": 30,
                              "hitCount": 13
                              "description": "[30, 40)",
                              "gte": 30,
                              "lt": 40,
                              "hitCount": 20
                              "description": ">=40",
                              "gte": 40,
                              "hitCount": 5
                          "type": "terms",
                          "field": "gender",
                          "hitCount": 40,
                          "buckets": [
                              "term": "female",
                              "hitCount": 26
                              "term": "male",
                              "hitCount": 14
                      "objectType": "report",
                      "facets": [
                          "type": "terms",
                          "field": "crime",
                          "hitCount": 20,
                          "buckets": [
                              "term": "assault",
                              "hitCount": 14
                              "term": "theft",
                              "hitCount": 6
                          "type": "range",
                          "field": "risk",
                          "hitCount": 20,
                          "min": 1,
                          "max": 10,
                          "filter": {
                            "displayFormat": "integer",
                            "allowExact": false,
                            "allowRange": true,
                            "fromType": "gte",
                            "toType": "lte"

                An example of the Hits visualization response showing a total of 20 results: 12 person objects and 8 report objects.

                  "type": "hits",
                  "hitCount": 20,
                  "hitsPerType": [
                      "type": "person",
                      "hitCount": 12
                      "type": "report",
                      "hitCount": 8

                An example of the Map visualization response where there are too many results to be returned as a collection so that results are clustered. Only two clusters are shown for brevity.

                  "type": "mapCluster",
                  "view": [],
                  "maxFeatures": 100,
                  "hitCount": 4925,
                  "eventCount": 4982,
                  "featureCount": 4375,
                  "approxGlobalFeatureCount": 4375,
                  "clusters": [
                      "geohash": "u",
                      "bounds": [
                      "count": 1791,
                      "selectedCount": 239
                      "geohash": "r",
                      "bounds": [
                      "count": 1015,
                      "selectedCount": 1015

                An example of the Map Feature visualization response.

                  "type": "mapFeature",
                  "maxEvents": 5,
                  "lat": -41.25094,
                  "lon": 147.190278,
                  "features": {
                    "type": "FeatureCollection",
                    "features": [
                        "type": "Feature",
                        "geometry": {
                          "type": "Point",
                          "coordinates": [
                        "properties": {
                          "events": [
                              "eventId": "ce63176d-e0b6-420d-9f00-64d91bd7a4eb",
                              "eventCategory": "policy_holder_address",
                              "eventLabel": "John Smith resides at 1 Glasgow Road, Glasgow, UK",
                              "eventDescription": "Semi-detached, 3 bedrooms, brick walls, tile roof",
                              "objectId": "LK13R1R1N",
                              "objectType": "insurance_claim",
                              "objectTypeLabel": "Insurance Claim",
                              "objectLabel": "Claim 9823 in relation to policy 32502",
                              "objectDescription": "Claim for stolen vehicle filed on 2016-01-28",
                              "objectAttachmentsCount": 2
                              "eventId": "1312237e-7772-4eed-9722-3e63726deb86",
                              "eventCategory": "policy_holder_address",
                              "eventLabel": "John Smith resides at 1 Glasgow Road, Glasgow, UK",
                              "eventDescription": "Semi-detached, 3 bedrooms, brick walls, tile roof",
                              "objectId": "LK13R1R1N",
                              "objectType": "insurance_claim",
                              "objectTypeLabel": "Insurance Claim",
                              "objectLabel": "Claim 8233 in relation to policy 98622",
                              "objectDescription": "Claim for stolen vehicle filed on 2016-01-28",
                              "objectAttachmentsCount": 2
                          "eventCount": 2,
                          "selectedEventCount": 1

                An example of the Map visualization response where the results are returned as a collection. Only a single feature is shown for brevity.

                  "type": "map",
                  "view": [],
                  "maxFeatures": 10000,
                  "hitCount": 4925,
                  "eventCount": 4982,
                  "featureCount": 4587,
                  "approxGlobalFeatureCount": 4901,
                  "features": {
                    "type": "FeatureCollection",
                    "features": [
                        "type": "Feature",
                        "geometry": {
                          "type": "Point",
                          "coordinates": [
                        "properties": {
                          "events": [
                              "objectId": "37265789239",
                              "objectType": "customer",
                              "selected": false
                              "objectId": "89080643168",
                              "objectType": "customer",
                              "selected": true
                          "eventCount": 2,
                          "selectedEventCount": 1

                An example of the Summary visualization response. The fields, highlighting and results parts of the response have been abbreviated for brevity.

                  "type": "summary",
                  "start": 1,
                  "limit": 10,
                  "hitCount": 20,
                  "order": {
                    "type": "score",
                    "direction": "descending"
                  "results": [
                      "id": "ju0RrSsRQRqdSnrKO75AFQ",
                      "type": "person",
                      "typeLabel": "Person",
                      "label": "Smith, John",
                      "attachmentsCount": 3,
                      "fields": [
                          "name": "Forename",
                          "type": "text",
                          "value": "John"
                      "highlighting": {
                        "full_name": [
                          "John <em>Smith</em>"

                An example of the Table visualization response. Only a few columns and data entries are shown for brevity.

                  "type": "table",
                  "start": 1,
                  "limit": 100,
                  "hitCount": 500,
                  "order": {
                    "type": "field",
                    "fields": [
                        "name": "account_opened_date",
                        "direction": "descending"
                  "columnHeadings": [
                      "field": "_attachments_count",
                      "label": "Number of Attachments",
                      "type": "long"
                      "field": "_label",
                      "label": "Label",
                      "type": "text"
                      "field": "_type",
                      "label": "Entity Type",
                      "type": "text"
                  "data": [
                      "_type": "business_account",
                      "id": "321891465654",
                      "_label": "Account: 321891465654",
                      "_attachments_count": 0
                      "_type": "business_account",
                      "id": "240512631306",
                      "_label": "Account: 240512631306",
                      "_attachments_count": 3
                      "_type": "business_account",
                      "id": "108583739092",
                      "_label": "Account: 108583739092",
                      "_attachments_count": 1

                An example of the Time Line visualization response. Only a single swim lane and swim lane entry are shown for brevity.

                  "type": "timeline",
                  "start": 1,
                  "limit": 50,
                  "order": {
                    "type": "doc",
                    "direction": "ascending"
                  "intervalCount": 1,
                  "minimumClusterSize": 2,
                  "paddingFactor": 1,
                  "interval": "year",
                  "hitCount": 2,
                  "eventCount": 3,
                  "globalMinTime": "1981-02-19T05:59:00.001Z",
                  "globalMaxTime": "2014-07-11T01:02:03.123Z",
                  "minTime": "1981-02-19T05:59:00.001Z",
                  "maxTime": "2014-07-11T01:02:03.123Z",
                  "swinLanes": [
                      "id": "customer#24419536",
                      "objectId": "24419536",
                      "objectType": "customer",
                      "objectTypeLabel": "Customer",
                      "label": "ALEXANDR TE NIJE",
                      "description": "National Id: 671042300 - Full Name: Alexandr te Nije - Risk: 2614",
                      "attachmentsCount": 1
                  "swimLaneEntries": [
                      "group": "customers#24419536",
                      "startTimestamp": "2009-11-14T00:00Z",
                      "endTimestamp": "2009-11-14T00:00Z",
                      "eventId": "1f933a25-de3f-4c20-87ab-6ccb909361a8",
                      "eventCategory": "customer_dob",
                      "eventLabel": "Customer Date of Birth",
                      "eventDescription": "<br>Name: Alexandr Te Nije<br>Type: HS"

                An example of the Time Bar visualization response. Only a few intervals are shown for brevity.

                  "type": "timebar",
                  "intervalCount": 50,
                  "geoEventsRequired": false,
                  "hitCount": 120,
                  "eventCount": 240,
                  "globalMinTime": "1980-01-21T00:00:00.000Z",
                  "globalMaxTime": "1989-12-21T05:00:00.000Z",
                  "interval": "day",
                  "intervalSize": 86400000,
                  "timebarIntervals": [
                      "start": "1980-01-21T00:00:00.000Z",
                      "hitCount": 2
                      "start": "1980-01-22T00:00:00.000Z",
                      "hitCount": 0
                      "start": "1980-12-21T00:00:00.000Z",
                      "hitCount": 2

                An example of an event within the context of the Map visualization.

                  "eventId": "ce63176d-e0b6-420d-9f00-64d91bd7a4eb",
                  "eventCategory": "policy_holder_address",
                  "eventLabel": "John Smith resides at 1 Glasgow Road, Glasgow, UK",
                  "eventDescription": "Semi-detached, 3 bedrooms, brick walls, tile roof",
                  "objectId": "LK13R1R1N",
                  "objectType": "insurance_claim",
                  "objectTypeLabel": "Insurance Claim",
                  "objectLabel": "Claim 9823 in relation to policy 32502",
                  "objectDescription": "Claim for stolen vehicle filed on 2016-01-28",
                  "objectAttachmentsCount": 12,
                  "selected": false

                An example of an event within the context of the Time Line visualization.

                  "group": "JH2R19C",
                  "startTimestamp": "1982-03-14",
                  "endTimestamp": "1982-03-14",
                  "eventId": "c252f89a-5aff-4c95-9fdd-7400a0a8f859",
                  "eventCategory": "policy_holder_dob",
                  "eventLabel": "John Smith was born on 1982-03-14",
                  "eventDescription": "Date of birth for John Smith",
                  "objectId": "LK13R1R1N",
                  "objectType": "insurance_claim",
                  "objectTypeLabel": "Insurance Claim",
                  "objectLabel": "Claim 9823 in relation to policy 32502",
                  "objectDescription": "Claim for stolen vehicle filed on 2016-01-28",
                  "objectAttachmentsCount": 0

                An example of the response from /searches containing examples of the Summary and Facets visualizations.

                  "types": [
                  "query": {
                    "type": "or",
                    "queries": [
                        "type": "text",
                        "language": "lucene",
                        "text": "John Smith"
                        "type": "object",
                        "objectIds": [
                            "type": "report",
                            "id": "SDF46AS"
                            "type": "report",
                            "id": "FN654A"
                  "visualizations": {
                    "results": {
                      "type": "summary",
                      "start": 1,
                      "limit": 50,
                      "hitCount": 6,
                      "order": {
                        "type": "score",
                        "direction": "descending"
                      "results": [
                          "id": "ju0RrSsRQRqdSnrKO75AFQ",
                          "type": "person",
                          "typeLabel": "Person",
                          "title": "Smith, John",
                          "attachmentsCount": 0,
                          "fields": [
                              "name": "Forename",
                              "type": "text",
                              "value": "John"
                          "highlighting": {
                            "full_name": [
                              "<em>John</em> <em>Smith</em>"
                    "facets": {
                      "type": "facets",
                      "mode": "filter",
                      "facets": [
                          "objectType": "_all",
                          "facets": [
                              "type": "type",
                              "hitCount": 6,
                              "buckets": [
                                  "type": "incident",
                                  "hitCount": 3
                                  "type": "person",
                                  "hitCount": 2
                                  "type": "report",
                                  "hitCount": 1
                          "objectType": "person",
                          "facets": [
                              "type": "range",
                              "field": "age",
                              "hitCount": 2,
                              "min": 19,
                              "max": 43,
                              "ranges": [
                                  "description": "<20",
                                  "lt": 20,
                                  "hitCount": 1
                                  "description": "[20, 30)",
                                  "gte": 20,
                                  "lt": 30,
                                  "hitCount": 0
                                  "description": "[30, 40)",
                                  "gte": 30,
                                  "lt": 40,
                                  "hitCount": 1
                                  "description": ">=40",
                                  "gte": 40,
                                  "hitCount": 0
                              "type": "terms",
                              "field": "gender",
                              "hitCount": 2,
                              "buckets": [
                                  "term": "male",
                                  "hitCount": 2
                          "objectType": "incident",
                          "facets": [
                              "type": "terms",
                              "field": "crime",
                              "hitCount": 3,
                              "buckets": [
                                  "term": "assault",
                                  "hitCount": 2
                                  "term": "theft",
                                  "hitCount": 1
                  "errors": []

                An example of the Facets visualization response in filter mode with examples of the type, dateRange, terms and range facets.

                  "type": "facets",
                  "mode": "filter",
                  "facets": [
                      "objectType": "_all",
                      "facets": [
                          "type": "type",
                          "hitCount": 60,
                          "buckets": [
                              "type": "person",
                              "hitCount": 40
                              "type": "report",
                              "hitCount": 20
                          "type": "dateRange",
                          "field": "createdate",
                          "accuracy": "second",
                          "filter": {
                            "displayFormat": "dd-MM-yyyy HH:MM:SS",
                            "allowExact": false,
                            "allowRange": true,
                            "fromType": "gte",
                            "toType": "lte"
                      "objectType": "person",
                      "facets": [
                          "type": "range",
                          "field": "age",
                          "hitCount": 40,
                          "min": 19,
                          "max": 43,
                          "ranges": [
                              "description": "<20",
                              "lt": 20,
                              "hitCount": 2
                              "description": "[20, 30)",
                              "gte": 20,
                              "lt": 30,
                              "hitCount": 13
                              "description": "[30, 40)",
                              "gte": 30,
                              "lt": 40,
                              "hitCount": 20
                              "description": ">=40",
                              "gte": 40,
                              "hitCount": 5
                          "type": "terms",
                          "field": "gender",
                          "hitCount": 40,
                          "buckets": [
                              "term": "female",
                              "hitCount": 26
                              "term": "male",
                              "hitCount": 14
                      "objectType": "report",
                      "facets": [
                          "type": "terms",
                          "field": "crime",
                          "hitCount": 20,
                          "buckets": [
                              "term": "assault",
                              "hitCount": 14
                              "term": "theft",
                              "hitCount": 6
                          "type": "range",
                          "field": "risk",
                          "hitCount": 20,
                          "min": 1,
                          "max": 10,
                          "filter": {
                            "displayFormat": "integer",
                            "allowExact": false,
                            "allowRange": true,
                            "fromType": "gte",
                            "toType": "lte"

                An example of the Hits visualization response showing a total of 20 results: 12 person objects and 8 report objects.

                  "type": "hits",
                  "hitCount": 20,
                  "hitsPerType": [
                      "type": "person",
                      "hitCount": 12
                      "type": "report",
                      "hitCount": 8

                An example of the Map visualization response where there are too many results to be returned as a collection so that results are clustered. Only two clusters are shown for brevity.

                  "type": "mapCluster",
                  "view": [],
                  "maxFeatures": 100,
                  "hitCount": 4925,
                  "eventCount": 4982,
                  "featureCount": 4375,
                  "approxGlobalFeatureCount": 4375,
                  "clusters": [
                      "geohash": "u",
                      "bounds": [
                      "count": 1791,
                      "selectedCount": 239
                      "geohash": "r",
                      "bounds": [
                      "count": 1015,
                      "selectedCount": 1015

                An example of the Map Feature visualization response.

                  "type": "mapFeature",
                  "maxEvents": 5,
                  "lat": -41.25094,
                  "lon": 147.190278,
                  "features": {
                    "type": "FeatureCollection",
                    "features": [
                        "type": "Feature",
                        "geometry": {
                          "type": "Point",
                          "coordinates": [
                        "properties": {
                          "events": [
                              "eventId": "ce63176d-e0b6-420d-9f00-64d91bd7a4eb",
                              "eventCategory": "policy_holder_address",
                              "eventLabel": "John Smith resides at 1 Glasgow Road, Glasgow, UK",
                              "eventDescription": "Semi-detached, 3 bedrooms, brick walls, tile roof",
                              "objectId": "LK13R1R1N",
                              "objectType": "insurance_claim",
                              "objectTypeLabel": "Insurance Claim",
                              "objectLabel": "Claim 9823 in relation to policy 32502",
                              "objectDescription": "Claim for stolen vehicle filed on 2016-01-28",
                              "objectAttachmentsCount": 2
                              "eventId": "1312237e-7772-4eed-9722-3e63726deb86",
                              "eventCategory": "policy_holder_address",
                              "eventLabel": "John Smith resides at 1 Glasgow Road, Glasgow, UK",
                              "eventDescription": "Semi-detached, 3 bedrooms, brick walls, tile roof",
                              "objectId": "LK13R1R1N",
                              "objectType": "insurance_claim",
                              "objectTypeLabel": "Insurance Claim",
                              "objectLabel": "Claim 8233 in relation to policy 98622",
                              "objectDescription": "Claim for stolen vehicle filed on 2016-01-28",
                              "objectAttachmentsCount": 2
                          "eventCount": 2,
                          "selectedEventCount": 1

                An example of the Map visualization response where the results are returned as a collection. Only a single feature is shown for brevity.

                  "type": "map",
                  "view": [],
                  "maxFeatures": 10000,
                  "hitCount": 4925,
                  "eventCount": 4982,
                  "featureCount": 4587,
                  "approxGlobalFeatureCount": 4901,
                  "features": {
                    "type": "FeatureCollection",
                    "features": [
                        "type": "Feature",
                        "geometry": {
                          "type": "Point",
                          "coordinates": [
                        "properties": {
                          "events": [
                              "objectId": "37265789239",
                              "objectType": "customer",
                              "selected": false
                              "objectId": "89080643168",
                              "objectType": "customer",
                              "selected": true
                          "eventCount": 2,
                          "selectedEventCount": 1

                An example of the Summary visualization response. The fields, highlighting and results parts of the response have been abbreviated for brevity.

                  "type": "summary",
                  "start": 1,
                  "limit": 10,
                  "hitCount": 20,
                  "order": {
                    "type": "score",
                    "direction": "descending"
                  "results": [
                      "id": "ju0RrSsRQRqdSnrKO75AFQ",
                      "type": "person",
                      "typeLabel": "Person",
                      "label": "Smith, John",
                      "attachmentsCount": 3,
                      "fields": [
                          "name": "Forename",
                          "type": "text",
                          "value": "John"
                      "highlighting": {
                        "full_name": [
                          "John <em>Smith</em>"

                An example of the Table visualization response. Only a few columns and data entries are shown for brevity.

                  "type": "table",
                  "start": 1,
                  "limit": 100,
                  "hitCount": 500,
                  "order": {
                    "type": "field",
                    "fields": [
                        "name": "account_opened_date",
                        "direction": "descending"
                  "columnHeadings": [
                      "field": "_attachments_count",
                      "label": "Number of Attachments",
                      "type": "long"
                      "field": "_label",
                      "label": "Label",
                      "type": "text"
                      "field": "_type",
                      "label": "Entity Type",
                      "type": "text"
                  "data": [
                      "_type": "business_account",
                      "id": "321891465654",
                      "_label": "Account: 321891465654",
                      "_attachments_count": 0
                      "_type": "business_account",
                      "id": "240512631306",
                      "_label": "Account: 240512631306",
                      "_attachments_count": 3
                      "_type": "business_account",
                      "id": "108583739092",
                      "_label": "Account: 108583739092",
                      "_attachments_count": 1

                An example of the Time Line visualization response. Only a single swim lane and swim lane entry are shown for brevity.

                  "type": "timeline",
                  "start": 1,
                  "limit": 50,
                  "order": {
                    "type": "doc",
                    "direction": "ascending"
                  "intervalCount": 1,
                  "minimumClusterSize": 2,
                  "paddingFactor": 1,
                  "interval": "year",
                  "hitCount": 2,
                  "eventCount": 3,
                  "globalMinTime": "1981-02-19T05:59:00.001Z",
                  "globalMaxTime": "2014-07-11T01:02:03.123Z",
                  "minTime": "1981-02-19T05:59:00.001Z",
                  "maxTime": "2014-07-11T01:02:03.123Z",
                  "swinLanes": [
                      "id": "customer#24419536",
                      "objectId": "24419536",
                      "objectType": "customer",
                      "objectTypeLabel": "Customer",
                      "label": "ALEXANDR TE NIJE",
                      "description": "National Id: 671042300 - Full Name: Alexandr te Nije - Risk: 2614",
                      "attachmentsCount": 1
                  "swimLaneEntries": [
                      "group": "customers#24419536",
                      "startTimestamp": "2009-11-14T00:00Z",
                      "endTimestamp": "2009-11-14T00:00Z",
                      "eventId": "1f933a25-de3f-4c20-87ab-6ccb909361a8",
                      "eventCategory": "customer_dob",
                      "eventLabel": "Customer Date of Birth",
                      "eventDescription": "<br>Name: Alexandr Te Nije<br>Type: HS"

                An example of the Time Bar visualization response. Only a few intervals are shown for brevity.

                  "type": "timebar",
                  "intervalCount": 50,
                  "geoEventsRequired": false,
                  "hitCount": 120,
                  "eventCount": 240,
                  "globalMinTime": "1980-01-21T00:00:00.000Z",
                  "globalMaxTime": "1989-12-21T05:00:00.000Z",
                  "interval": "day",
                  "intervalSize": 86400000,
                  "timebarIntervals": [
                      "start": "1980-01-21T00:00:00.000Z",
                      "hitCount": 2
                      "start": "1980-01-22T00:00:00.000Z",
                      "hitCount": 0
                      "start": "1980-12-21T00:00:00.000Z",
                      "hitCount": 2

                An example of an event within the context of the Map visualization.

                  "eventId": "ce63176d-e0b6-420d-9f00-64d91bd7a4eb",
                  "eventCategory": "policy_holder_address",
                  "eventLabel": "John Smith resides at 1 Glasgow Road, Glasgow, UK",
                  "eventDescription": "Semi-detached, 3 bedrooms, brick walls, tile roof",
                  "objectId": "LK13R1R1N",
                  "objectType": "insurance_claim",
                  "objectTypeLabel": "Insurance Claim",
                  "objectLabel": "Claim 9823 in relation to policy 32502",
                  "objectDescription": "Claim for stolen vehicle filed on 2016-01-28",
                  "objectAttachmentsCount": 12,
                  "selected": false

                An example of an event within the context of the Time Line visualization.

                  "group": "JH2R19C",
                  "startTimestamp": "1982-03-14",
                  "endTimestamp": "1982-03-14",
                  "eventId": "c252f89a-5aff-4c95-9fdd-7400a0a8f859",
                  "eventCategory": "policy_holder_dob",
                  "eventLabel": "John Smith was born on 1982-03-14",
                  "eventDescription": "Date of birth for John Smith",
                  "objectId": "LK13R1R1N",
                  "objectType": "insurance_claim",
                  "objectTypeLabel": "Insurance Claim",
                  "objectLabel": "Claim 9823 in relation to policy 32502",
                  "objectDescription": "Claim for stolen vehicle filed on 2016-01-28",
                  "objectAttachmentsCount": 0

                400 Response

                  "description": "An example of a 400 bad request Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95002",
                    "message": "The parameter \"types\" cannot be null or empty. Please provide a value.",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 400
                  "description": "An example of a 400 bad request Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95002",
                    "message": "The parameter \"types\" cannot be null or empty. Please provide a value.",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 400
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. searchResponse
                400 Bad Request The request is malformed or contains invalid parameter values. error2

                Returns highlighting for a single object

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X POST \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Content-Type: application/' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const inputBody = '{
                  "type": "report",
                  "id": "1698c5f2-86da-49f5-b762-2f1cf2a1f9e0",
                  "query": {
                    "type": "text",
                    "text": "report:fox CHILD_QUERY(notes,%notes.note:jump%)",
                    "language": "lucene",
                    "modes": [
                  "includeFieldHighlighting": true,
                  "defaultChildEntityLimit": 10,
                  "childEntityHighlightingParameters": {
                    "notes": {
                      "start": 1,
                      "limit": 10
                const headers = {
                  method: 'POST',
                  body: inputBody,
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Content-Type': 'application/',
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r ='', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Content-Type": []string{"application/"},
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                POST /highlighting

                Produces highlighting snippets for a single object based on a given query.

                Body parameter

                An example of the request for /highlighing. In this example, the user is looking for highlighting snippets on a given report object for a text query that targeted the top-level report field as well as the note field in the notes child entity. Also refer to the query examples.

                  "type": "report",
                  "id": "1698c5f2-86da-49f5-b762-2f1cf2a1f9e0",
                  "query": {
                    "type": "text",
                    "text": "report:fox CHILD_QUERY(notes,%notes.note:jump%)",
                    "language": "lucene",
                    "modes": [
                  "includeFieldHighlighting": true,
                  "defaultChildEntityLimit": 10,
                  "childEntityHighlightingParameters": {
                    "notes": {
                      "start": 1,
                      "limit": 10
                Name In Type Required Description
                body body highlightingRequest false none

                Example responses

                An example of the response from /highlighting. In this example, the user is looking for highlighting snippets on a given report object for a text query that targeted the top-level report field as well as the note field in the notes child entity.

                  "type": "report",
                  "id": "1698c5f2-86da-49f5-b762-2f1cf2a1f9e0",
                  "query": {
                    "type": "text",
                    "text": "report:fox CHILD_QUERY(notes,%notes.note:jump%)",
                    "language": "lucene",
                    "modes": [
                  "includeFieldHighlighting": true,
                  "defaultChildEntityLimit": 10,
                  "fieldHighlighting": {
                    "report": [
                      "The quick brown <em>fox</em>"
                  "childEntityHighlighting": {
                    "notes": {
                      "start": 1,
                      "limit": 10,
                      "count": 2,
                      "childObjects": [
                          "id": "c27a9862-d9e9-46ec-a3c1-bd0a1420a436",
                          "highlighting": {
                            "note": [
                              "<em>jumped</em> over the lazy dog"
                          "id": "91dae554-756b-43e8-ac13-db77f7ab0a59",
                          "highlighting": {
                            "note": [
                              "<em>jumped</em> over the sleeping horse"
                  "type": "report",
                  "id": "1698c5f2-86da-49f5-b762-2f1cf2a1f9e0",
                  "query": {
                    "type": "text",
                    "text": "report:fox CHILD_QUERY(notes,%notes.note:jump%)",
                    "language": "lucene",
                    "modes": [
                  "includeFieldHighlighting": true,
                  "defaultChildEntityLimit": 10,
                  "fieldHighlighting": {
                    "report": [
                      "The quick brown <em>fox</em>"
                  "childEntityHighlighting": {
                    "notes": {
                      "start": 1,
                      "limit": 10,
                      "count": 2,
                      "childObjects": [
                          "id": "c27a9862-d9e9-46ec-a3c1-bd0a1420a436",
                          "highlighting": {
                            "note": [
                              "<em>jumped</em> over the lazy dog"
                          "id": "91dae554-756b-43e8-ac13-db77f7ab0a59",
                          "highlighting": {
                            "note": [
                              "<em>jumped</em> over the sleeping horse"

                400 Response

                  "description": "An example of a 400 bad request Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95002",
                    "message": "The parameter \"types\" cannot be null or empty. Please provide a value.",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 400
                  "description": "An example of a 400 bad request Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95002",
                    "message": "The parameter \"types\" cannot be null or empty. Please provide a value.",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 400
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. highlighting
                400 Bad Request The request is malformed or contains invalid parameter values. error2


                Network visualization related endpoints.

                Generate a network

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X POST \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Content-Type: application/' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const inputBody = '{
                  "vertexTypes": [
                  "query": {
                    "type": "text",
                    "language": "lucene",
                    "text": "john smith"
                  "filter": {
                    "type": "or",
                    "filters": [
                        "type": "type",
                        "types": [
                        "type": "and",
                        "filters": [
                            "type": "type",
                            "types": [
                            "type": "terms",
                            "field": "crime",
                            "objectType": "report",
                            "terms": [
                        "type": "and",
                        "filters": [
                            "type": "type",
                            "types": [
                            "type": "range",
                            "field": "age",
                            "gte": 20,
                            "lte": 30
                  "selection": {
                    "filter": {
                      "type": "and",
                      "filters": [
                          "type": "type",
                          "types": [
                          "type": "terms",
                          "field": "crime",
                          "objectType": "report",
                          "terms": [
                const headers = {
                  method: 'POST',
                  body: inputBody,
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Content-Type': 'application/',
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r ='', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Content-Type": []string{"application/"},
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                POST /graphs

                Provides access to the Network visualization. Returns a graph showing the objects that matched the search request as vertices and the relationships between them as edges.

                Body parameter

                An example of the request for /graphs. In this example, the user is interested in viewing the network for theft or assault reports, persons between the age of 20 and 30 and any related addresses all of which contain either of the terms, "john" or "smith". The user also wants to have the theft reports marked as selected. To achieve this, the user first restricts the vertex types to report, person, address, and then specifies a free text query for "john smith". Filters are then added for the report and person types. Note that the top-level OR filter also includes a filter for the address type to ensure that addresses are included in the graph as the filter is applied after the query. Finally, the user adds a selection filter to have the theft reports marked as selected. Also refer to the query, filter, and selection examples.

                  "vertexTypes": [
                  "query": {
                    "type": "text",
                    "language": "lucene",
                    "text": "john smith"
                  "filter": {
                    "type": "or",
                    "filters": [
                        "type": "type",
                        "types": [
                        "type": "and",
                        "filters": [
                            "type": "type",
                            "types": [
                            "type": "terms",
                            "field": "crime",
                            "objectType": "report",
                            "terms": [
                        "type": "and",
                        "filters": [
                            "type": "type",
                            "types": [
                            "type": "range",
                            "field": "age",
                            "gte": 20,
                            "lte": 30
                  "selection": {
                    "filter": {
                      "type": "and",
                      "filters": [
                          "type": "type",
                          "types": [
                          "type": "terms",
                          "field": "crime",
                          "objectType": "report",
                          "terms": [
                Name In Type Required Description
                calculateMetrics query boolean false Whether to calculate the degree and adjacent counts for all the vertices. As this calculation is expensive, it can take some time particularly for highly connected vertices. Skipping the calculation is recommended when the counts are not needed or when generating the counts leads to a poor user experience.
                expansionLimit query integer false The maximum number of adjacent vertices per vertex in the graph. If a value greater than zero is specified and any vertices exceed the limit, then those vertices will be excluded from the edge search and the metrics calculation.
                metricsLimit query integer false The maximum number of new vertices to be found by the search when calculating the metrics. If a value greater than zero is specified and the number of new vertices found by the search exceeds the limit, then the search will be canceled and a message will be returned.
                metricsAggregationLimit query integer false The aggregation used to exclude highly connected vertices from the metrics calculation will be skipped when the number of leaf vertices exceeds this limit. The default value of -1 means the aggregation will always run; a value of 0 means the aggregation will never run.
                body body graphRequest false none

                Example responses

                An example of the response from /graphs or /traversals. Also refer to the edge and vertex examples.

                  "counts": {
                    "edges": 2,
                    "vertices": 4
                  "vertices": [
                      "id": "10",
                      "type": "claim",
                      "typeLabel": "Claim",
                      "label": "Claim: 0009900136650",
                      "attachmentsCount": 3,
                      "adjacent": 1,
                      "degree": 1
                      "id": "73",
                      "type": "address",
                      "typeLabel": "Address",
                      "label": "1203 SAMUEL ADAMS CIR, CONCORD, NC",
                      "attachmentsCount": 1,
                      "adjacent": 3,
                      "degree": 3
                      "id": "4",
                      "type": "claim",
                      "typeLabel": "Claim",
                      "label": "Claim: 0009900073608",
                      "attachmentsCount": 2,
                      "adjacent": 1,
                      "degree": 1
                      "id": "115",
                      "type": "person",
                      "typeLabel": "Person",
                      "compoundValues": [
                        "Smith 1982-03-14"
                      "label": "John Smith",
                      "adjacent": 2001,
                      "degree": 2001
                  "edges": [
                      "id": "9",
                      "type": "entityRelationship",
                      "label": "regarding",
                      "endpoints": [
                          "id": "10",
                          "type": "claim"
                          "id": "73",
                          "type": "address"
                      "id": "5",
                      "type": "resolvedEntityRelationship",
                      "label": "raised by",
                      "compoundValues": [
                        "Smith 1982-03-14"
                      "endpoints": [
                          "id": "4",
                          "type": "claim"
                          "id": "115",
                          "type": "person",
                          "compoundValues": [
                            "Smith 1982-03-14"
                  "expansionLimit": 2000,
                  "expansionLimitExceeded": [
                      "type": "person",
                      "id": "115"

                An example of an edge within the responses from /graphs, /graphs/edges, /traversals and /paths. This example is a relationship between two entity objects.

                  "id": "9",
                  "type": "entityRelationship",
                  "subType": "claim-address-residence",
                  "label": "Primary residence",
                  "fields": [
                      "name": "address_line_1",
                      "type": "text",
                      "value": "42 Main Street"
                  "endpoints": [
                      "id": "10",
                      "type": "claim"
                      "id": "73",
                      "type": "address"
                  "validFrom": "2002-07-14T00:00Z",
                  "validTo": "2013-12-31T00:00Z",
                  "style": {
                    "color": "#ffffff",
                    "width": 1,
                    "dashType": "dashed"

                An example of an edge within the responses from /graphs, /graphs/edges, /traversals and /paths. This example is a relationship between a resolved entity object and one of its contributing objects.

                  "id": "5",
                  "type": "resolvedEntityRelationship",
                  "compoundValues": [
                    "Smith 1982-03-14"
                  "label": "raised by",
                  "endpoints": [
                      "id": "4",
                      "type": "claim"
                      "id": "115",
                      "type": "person",
                      "compoundValues": [
                        "Smith 1982-03-14"
                  "validFrom": "2005-11-22T09:30Z",
                  "validTo": "2011-05-06T14:00Z"

                An example of the response from /vertices/{type}/{identifier} as well as more generally a vertex within the context of the Network visualization. Note the degree count will be greater than the adjacent count when there are multiple edges between this and another vertex. The properties are always returned from /vertices but fewer properties are returned for other endpoints, for example, /traversals does not include adjacent, degree, adjacentByType or degreeByType unless its extendedFormat parameter is set to true.

                  "id": "337",
                  "type": "report",
                  "typeLabel": "Report",
                  "label": "Theft of red bmw reported by John Smith",
                  "attachmentsCount": 1,
                  "adjacent": 4,
                  "degree": 5,
                  "adjacentByType": {
                    "person": 1,
                    "report": 3
                  "degreeByType": {
                    "mentions": 2,
                    "related to": 3
                  "fields": [
                      "name": "reportedAt",
                      "type": "date",
                      "value": "2012-01-05"
                  "validFrom": "2001-08-16T05:00:00Z",
                  "validTo": "2014-10-25T17:00:00Z",
                  "selected": false,
                  "style": {
                    "iconName": "reportIcon1",
                    "markerColor": "#ffffff",
                    "backgroundColor": "#ffffff",
                    "shape": "square",
                    "scale": 1,
                    "additionalLabel": "Information Report",
                    "indicatorIcons": [
                        "name": "High Priority",
                        "position": "N"
                        "name": "Verified",
                        "position": "S"

                An example of the response from /graphs or /traversals. Also refer to the edge and vertex examples.

                  "counts": {
                    "edges": 2,
                    "vertices": 4
                  "vertices": [
                      "id": "10",
                      "type": "claim",
                      "typeLabel": "Claim",
                      "label": "Claim: 0009900136650",
                      "attachmentsCount": 3,
                      "adjacent": 1,
                      "degree": 1
                      "id": "73",
                      "type": "address",
                      "typeLabel": "Address",
                      "label": "1203 SAMUEL ADAMS CIR, CONCORD, NC",
                      "attachmentsCount": 1,
                      "adjacent": 3,
                      "degree": 3
                      "id": "4",
                      "type": "claim",
                      "typeLabel": "Claim",
                      "label": "Claim: 0009900073608",
                      "attachmentsCount": 2,
                      "adjacent": 1,
                      "degree": 1
                      "id": "115",
                      "type": "person",
                      "typeLabel": "Person",
                      "compoundValues": [
                        "Smith 1982-03-14"
                      "label": "John Smith",
                      "adjacent": 2001,
                      "degree": 2001
                  "edges": [
                      "id": "9",
                      "type": "entityRelationship",
                      "label": "regarding",
                      "endpoints": [
                          "id": "10",
                          "type": "claim"
                          "id": "73",
                          "type": "address"
                      "id": "5",
                      "type": "resolvedEntityRelationship",
                      "label": "raised by",
                      "compoundValues": [
                        "Smith 1982-03-14"
                      "endpoints": [
                          "id": "4",
                          "type": "claim"
                          "id": "115",
                          "type": "person",
                          "compoundValues": [
                            "Smith 1982-03-14"
                  "expansionLimit": 2000,
                  "expansionLimitExceeded": [
                      "type": "person",
                      "id": "115"

                An example of an edge within the responses from /graphs, /graphs/edges, /traversals and /paths. This example is a relationship between two entity objects.

                  "id": "9",
                  "type": "entityRelationship",
                  "subType": "claim-address-residence",
                  "label": "Primary residence",
                  "fields": [
                      "name": "address_line_1",
                      "type": "text",
                      "value": "42 Main Street"
                  "endpoints": [
                      "id": "10",
                      "type": "claim"
                      "id": "73",
                      "type": "address"
                  "validFrom": "2002-07-14T00:00Z",
                  "validTo": "2013-12-31T00:00Z",
                  "style": {
                    "color": "#ffffff",
                    "width": 1,
                    "dashType": "dashed"

                An example of an edge within the responses from /graphs, /graphs/edges, /traversals and /paths. This example is a relationship between a resolved entity object and one of its contributing objects.

                  "id": "5",
                  "type": "resolvedEntityRelationship",
                  "compoundValues": [
                    "Smith 1982-03-14"
                  "label": "raised by",
                  "endpoints": [
                      "id": "4",
                      "type": "claim"
                      "id": "115",
                      "type": "person",
                      "compoundValues": [
                        "Smith 1982-03-14"
                  "validFrom": "2005-11-22T09:30Z",
                  "validTo": "2011-05-06T14:00Z"

                An example of the response from /vertices/{type}/{identifier} as well as more generally a vertex within the context of the Network visualization. Note the degree count will be greater than the adjacent count when there are multiple edges between this and another vertex. The properties are always returned from /vertices but fewer properties are returned for other endpoints, for example, /traversals does not include adjacent, degree, adjacentByType or degreeByType unless its extendedFormat parameter is set to true.

                  "id": "337",
                  "type": "report",
                  "typeLabel": "Report",
                  "label": "Theft of red bmw reported by John Smith",
                  "attachmentsCount": 1,
                  "adjacent": 4,
                  "degree": 5,
                  "adjacentByType": {
                    "person": 1,
                    "report": 3
                  "degreeByType": {
                    "mentions": 2,
                    "related to": 3
                  "fields": [
                      "name": "reportedAt",
                      "type": "date",
                      "value": "2012-01-05"
                  "validFrom": "2001-08-16T05:00:00Z",
                  "validTo": "2014-10-25T17:00:00Z",
                  "selected": false,
                  "style": {
                    "iconName": "reportIcon1",
                    "markerColor": "#ffffff",
                    "backgroundColor": "#ffffff",
                    "shape": "square",
                    "scale": 1,
                    "additionalLabel": "Information Report",
                    "indicatorIcons": [
                        "name": "High Priority",
                        "position": "N"
                        "name": "Verified",
                        "position": "S"

                400 Response

                  "description": "An example of a 400 bad request Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95002",
                    "message": "The parameter \"types\" cannot be null or empty. Please provide a value.",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 400
                  "description": "An example of a 400 bad request Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95002",
                    "message": "The parameter \"types\" cannot be null or empty. Please provide a value.",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 400
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. graph
                400 Bad Request The request is malformed or contains invalid parameter values. error2

                Returns edges with additional summary information

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X POST \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Content-Type: application/' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const inputBody = '{
                  "types": [
                  "query": {
                    "type": "text",
                    "language": "lucene",
                    "text": "forename:john AND surname:smith"
                const headers = {
                  method: 'POST',
                  body: inputBody,
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Content-Type': 'application/',
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r ='', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Content-Type": []string{"application/"},
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                POST /graphs/edges

                Performs a new search and returns edges with additional summary information. The response item media type is application/

                Body parameter

                An example of a request to /admin/data that deletes all objects containing "john" in the forename field and "smith" in the surname field.

                  "types": [
                  "query": {
                    "type": "text",
                    "language": "lucene",
                    "text": "forename:john AND surname:smith"
                Name In Type Required Description
                start query integer false The index of the first edge to include in the current page.
                limit query integer false The maximum number of edges to include in each page.
                body body queryRequest false none

                Example responses

                An example of the response from /graphs/edges.

                  "links": [
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/graphs/edges?start=0&limit=100",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/graphs/edges?start=0&limit=100",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/",
                      "responseItemType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "collection",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/graphs/edges",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/graphs/edges",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/",
                      "responseItemType": "application/"
                  "name": "edges",
                  "accept": "application/",
                  "start": 0,
                  "count": 2,
                  "items": [
                      "id": "9",
                      "type": "entityRelationship",
                      "subType": "claim-address-residence",
                      "label": "Primary residence",
                      "fields": [
                          "name": "address_line_1",
                          "type": "text",
                          "value": "42 Main Street"
                      "endpoints": [
                          "id": "10",
                          "type": "claim"
                          "id": "73",
                          "type": "address"
                      "validFrom": "2002-07-14T00:00:00Z",
                      "validTo": "2013-12-31T00:00:00Z",
                      "style": {
                        "color": "#ffffff",
                        "width": 1,
                        "dashType": "dashed"
                      "id": "5",
                      "type": "resolvedEntityRelationship",
                      "compoundValues": [
                        "Smith 1982-03-14"
                      "label": "raised by",
                      "endpoints": [
                          "id": "4",
                          "type": "claim"
                          "id": "115",
                          "type": "person",
                          "compoundValues": [
                            "Smith 1982-03-14"
                      "validFrom": "2005-11-22T09:30:00Z",
                      "validTo": "2011-05-06T14:00:00Z"
                  "limit": 100,
                  "version": 2

                An example of an edge within the responses from /graphs, /graphs/edges, /traversals and /paths. This example is a relationship between two entity objects.

                  "id": "9",
                  "type": "entityRelationship",
                  "subType": "claim-address-residence",
                  "label": "Primary residence",
                  "fields": [
                      "name": "address_line_1",
                      "type": "text",
                      "value": "42 Main Street"
                  "endpoints": [
                      "id": "10",
                      "type": "claim"
                      "id": "73",
                      "type": "address"
                  "validFrom": "2002-07-14T00:00Z",
                  "validTo": "2013-12-31T00:00Z",
                  "style": {
                    "color": "#ffffff",
                    "width": 1,
                    "dashType": "dashed"

                An example of an edge within the responses from /graphs, /graphs/edges, /traversals and /paths. This example is a relationship between a resolved entity object and one of its contributing objects.

                  "id": "5",
                  "type": "resolvedEntityRelationship",
                  "compoundValues": [
                    "Smith 1982-03-14"
                  "label": "raised by",
                  "endpoints": [
                      "id": "4",
                      "type": "claim"
                      "id": "115",
                      "type": "person",
                      "compoundValues": [
                        "Smith 1982-03-14"
                  "validFrom": "2005-11-22T09:30Z",
                  "validTo": "2011-05-06T14:00Z"

                An example of the response from /graphs/edges.

                  "links": [
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/graphs/edges?start=0&limit=100",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/graphs/edges?start=0&limit=100",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/",
                      "responseItemType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "collection",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/graphs/edges",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/graphs/edges",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/",
                      "responseItemType": "application/"
                  "name": "edges",
                  "accept": "application/",
                  "start": 0,
                  "count": 2,
                  "items": [
                      "id": "9",
                      "type": "entityRelationship",
                      "subType": "claim-address-residence",
                      "label": "Primary residence",
                      "fields": [
                          "name": "address_line_1",
                          "type": "text",
                          "value": "42 Main Street"
                      "endpoints": [
                          "id": "10",
                          "type": "claim"
                          "id": "73",
                          "type": "address"
                      "validFrom": "2002-07-14T00:00:00Z",
                      "validTo": "2013-12-31T00:00:00Z",
                      "style": {
                        "color": "#ffffff",
                        "width": 1,
                        "dashType": "dashed"
                      "id": "5",
                      "type": "resolvedEntityRelationship",
                      "compoundValues": [
                        "Smith 1982-03-14"
                      "label": "raised by",
                      "endpoints": [
                          "id": "4",
                          "type": "claim"
                          "id": "115",
                          "type": "person",
                          "compoundValues": [
                            "Smith 1982-03-14"
                      "validFrom": "2005-11-22T09:30:00Z",
                      "validTo": "2011-05-06T14:00:00Z"
                  "limit": 100,
                  "version": 2

                An example of an edge within the responses from /graphs, /graphs/edges, /traversals and /paths. This example is a relationship between two entity objects.

                  "id": "9",
                  "type": "entityRelationship",
                  "subType": "claim-address-residence",
                  "label": "Primary residence",
                  "fields": [
                      "name": "address_line_1",
                      "type": "text",
                      "value": "42 Main Street"
                  "endpoints": [
                      "id": "10",
                      "type": "claim"
                      "id": "73",
                      "type": "address"
                  "validFrom": "2002-07-14T00:00Z",
                  "validTo": "2013-12-31T00:00Z",
                  "style": {
                    "color": "#ffffff",
                    "width": 1,
                    "dashType": "dashed"

                An example of an edge within the responses from /graphs, /graphs/edges, /traversals and /paths. This example is a relationship between a resolved entity object and one of its contributing objects.

                  "id": "5",
                  "type": "resolvedEntityRelationship",
                  "compoundValues": [
                    "Smith 1982-03-14"
                  "label": "raised by",
                  "endpoints": [
                      "id": "4",
                      "type": "claim"
                      "id": "115",
                      "type": "person",
                      "compoundValues": [
                        "Smith 1982-03-14"
                  "validFrom": "2005-11-22T09:30Z",
                  "validTo": "2011-05-06T14:00Z"

                400 Response

                  "description": "An example of a 400 bad request Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95002",
                    "message": "The parameter \"types\" cannot be null or empty. Please provide a value.",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 400
                  "description": "An example of a 400 bad request Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95002",
                    "message": "The parameter \"types\" cannot be null or empty. Please provide a value.",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 400
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. edgeCollection
                400 Bad Request The request is malformed or contains invalid parameter values. error2

                Get the details for a vertex

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X GET{type}/{identifier} \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const headers = {
                  method: 'GET',
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r = requests.get('{type}/{identifier}', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{type}/{identifier}", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                GET /vertices/{type}/{identifier}

                Returns additional information about a single vertex on the Network visualization. This is intended to be used to enhance the Network visualization after retrieving it from /graphs or /traversals; the response from which includes the values for this resource's parameters. The additional information includes the label, adjacent (number of vertices one edge away from this vertex), degree (number of edges entering and leaving the vertex), the adjacent count broken down by entity type, and the degree broken down by relationship type.

                Name In Type Required Description
                type path string true The name of the entity type for the vertex.
                identifier path string true The unique identifier for the vertex.
                expansionLimit query integer false The maximum number of adjacent vertices. If a value greater than zero is specified and the vertex exceeds the limit, the metrics calculation will be skipped and no degree and adjacent information will be returned.
                metricsLimit query integer false The maximum number of new vertices to be found by the search when calculating the metrics. If a value greater than zero is specified and the number of new vertices found by the search exceeds the limit, then the search will be canceled and no degree and adjacent information will be returned.
                metricsAggregationLimit query integer false The aggregation used to exclude highly connected vertices from the metrics calculation will be skipped when the number of leaf vertices exceeds this limit. The default value of -1 means the aggregation will always run; a value of 0 means the aggregation will never run.

                Example responses

                An example of the response from /vertices/{type}/{identifier} as well as more generally a vertex within the context of the Network visualization. Note the degree count will be greater than the adjacent count when there are multiple edges between this and another vertex. The properties are always returned from /vertices but fewer properties are returned for other endpoints, for example, /traversals does not include adjacent, degree, adjacentByType or degreeByType unless its extendedFormat parameter is set to true.

                  "id": "337",
                  "type": "report",
                  "typeLabel": "Report",
                  "label": "Theft of red bmw reported by John Smith",
                  "attachmentsCount": 1,
                  "adjacent": 4,
                  "degree": 5,
                  "adjacentByType": {
                    "person": 1,
                    "report": 3
                  "degreeByType": {
                    "mentions": 2,
                    "related to": 3
                  "fields": [
                      "name": "reportedAt",
                      "type": "date",
                      "value": "2012-01-05"
                  "validFrom": "2001-08-16T05:00:00Z",
                  "validTo": "2014-10-25T17:00:00Z",
                  "selected": false,
                  "style": {
                    "iconName": "reportIcon1",
                    "markerColor": "#ffffff",
                    "backgroundColor": "#ffffff",
                    "shape": "square",
                    "scale": 1,
                    "additionalLabel": "Information Report",
                    "indicatorIcons": [
                        "name": "High Priority",
                        "position": "N"
                        "name": "Verified",
                        "position": "S"
                  "id": "337",
                  "type": "report",
                  "typeLabel": "Report",
                  "label": "Theft of red bmw reported by John Smith",
                  "attachmentsCount": 1,
                  "adjacent": 4,
                  "degree": 5,
                  "adjacentByType": {
                    "person": 1,
                    "report": 3
                  "degreeByType": {
                    "mentions": 2,
                    "related to": 3
                  "fields": [
                      "name": "reportedAt",
                      "type": "date",
                      "value": "2012-01-05"
                  "validFrom": "2001-08-16T05:00:00Z",
                  "validTo": "2014-10-25T17:00:00Z",
                  "selected": false,
                  "style": {
                    "iconName": "reportIcon1",
                    "markerColor": "#ffffff",
                    "backgroundColor": "#ffffff",
                    "shape": "square",
                    "scale": 1,
                    "additionalLabel": "Information Report",
                    "indicatorIcons": [
                        "name": "High Priority",
                        "position": "N"
                        "name": "Verified",
                        "position": "S"

                404 Response

                  "description": "An example of a 404 resource not found Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95144",
                    "message": "No entity type was found with the name \"example\".",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 404
                  "description": "An example of a 404 resource not found Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95144",
                    "message": "No entity type was found with the name \"example\".",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 404
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. vertex
                404 Not Found The type does not exist or the vertex does not exist. error2

                Check the existence of a vertex

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X HEAD{type}/{identifier}
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  method: 'HEAD'
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                r = requests.head('{type}/{identifier}')
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "{type}/{identifier}", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                HEAD /vertices/{type}/{identifier}

                Checks the existence of an object. 200 OK is returned if the vertex exists and 404 Not Found if it does not exist.

                Name In Type Required Description
                type path string true The name of the entity type for the vertex.
                identifier path string true The unique identifier for the vertex.
                expansionLimit query integer false The maximum number of adjacent vertices. If a value greater than zero is specified and the vertex exceeds the limit, the metrics calculation will be skipped and no degree and adjacent information will be returned.
                metricsLimit query integer false The maximum number of new vertices to be found by the search when calculating the metrics. If a value greater than zero is specified and the number of new vertices found by the search exceeds the limit, then the search will be canceled and no degree and adjacent information will be returned.
                metricsAggregationLimit query integer false The aggregation used to exclude highly connected vertices from the metrics calculation will be skipped when the number of leaf vertices exceeds this limit. The default value of -1 means the aggregation will always run; a value of 0 means the aggregation will never run.
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. None
                404 Not Found The type does not exist or the vertex does not exist. None

                Expand the relationships of one or more vertices

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X POST \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Content-Type: application/' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const inputBody = '{
                  "vertexTypes": [
                  "vertexFilter": {
                    "type": "or",
                    "filters": [
                        "type": "type",
                        "types": [
                        "type": "and",
                        "filters": [
                            "type": "type",
                            "types": [
                            "type": "terms",
                            "field": "crime",
                            "objectType": "report",
                            "terms": [
                  "edgeTypes": [
                  "query": {
                    "type": "object",
                    "objectIds": [
                        "type": "person",
                        "id": "9g8ds"
                        "type": "address",
                        "id": "420e9"
                  "depth": 2,
                  "extendedFormat": false
                const headers = {
                  method: 'POST',
                  body: inputBody,
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Content-Type': 'application/',
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r ='', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Content-Type": []string{"application/"},
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                POST /traversals

                Performs a breadth first graph search following all the relationships (edges) extending outwards from one or more objects (vertices) in the Network visualization. The initial objects whose relationships are to be traversed are found by executing the given query.

                Body parameter

                An example of the request to /traversals where the user wants to expand a person and an address up to 2 levels to find all related theft reports.

                  "vertexTypes": [
                  "vertexFilter": {
                    "type": "or",
                    "filters": [
                        "type": "type",
                        "types": [
                        "type": "and",
                        "filters": [
                            "type": "type",
                            "types": [
                            "type": "terms",
                            "field": "crime",
                            "objectType": "report",
                            "terms": [
                  "edgeTypes": [
                  "query": {
                    "type": "object",
                    "objectIds": [
                        "type": "person",
                        "id": "9g8ds"
                        "type": "address",
                        "id": "420e9"
                  "depth": 2,
                  "extendedFormat": false
                Name In Type Required Description
                calculateMetrics query boolean false Whether to calculate the degree and adjacent counts for all the vertices. As this calculation is expensive, it can take some time particularly for highly connected vertices. Skipping the calculation is recommended when the counts are not needed or when generating the counts leads to a poor user experience.
                edgeExpansionLimit query integer false The maximum number of new vertices to be found when traversing edges. If a value greater than 0 is specified and the number of new vertices found by the search exceeds the limit, then the search will be canceled and a message will be returned.
                expansionLimit query integer false The maximum number of new vertices to be found when searching vertices. If a value greater than 0 is specified and the number of new vertices found by the search exceeds the limit, then the search will be canceled and a message will be returned.
                metricsLimit query integer false The maximum number of new vertices to be found by the search when calculating the metrics. If a value greater than 0 is specified and the number of new vertices found by the search exceeds the limit, then the search will be canceled and a message will be returned.
                metricsAggregationLimit query integer false The aggregation used to exclude highly connected vertices from the metrics calculation will be skipped when the number of leaf vertices exceeds this limit. The default value of -1 means the aggregation will always run; a value of 0 means the aggregation will never run.
                body body traversalRequest false none

                Example responses

                An example of the response from /graphs or /traversals. Also refer to the edge and vertex examples.

                  "counts": {
                    "edges": 2,
                    "vertices": 4
                  "vertices": [
                      "id": "10",
                      "type": "claim",
                      "typeLabel": "Claim",
                      "label": "Claim: 0009900136650",
                      "attachmentsCount": 3,
                      "adjacent": 1,
                      "degree": 1
                      "id": "73",
                      "type": "address",
                      "typeLabel": "Address",
                      "label": "1203 SAMUEL ADAMS CIR, CONCORD, NC",
                      "attachmentsCount": 1,
                      "adjacent": 3,
                      "degree": 3
                      "id": "4",
                      "type": "claim",
                      "typeLabel": "Claim",
                      "label": "Claim: 0009900073608",
                      "attachmentsCount": 2,
                      "adjacent": 1,
                      "degree": 1
                      "id": "115",
                      "type": "person",
                      "typeLabel": "Person",
                      "compoundValues": [
                        "Smith 1982-03-14"
                      "label": "John Smith",
                      "adjacent": 2001,
                      "degree": 2001
                  "edges": [
                      "id": "9",
                      "type": "entityRelationship",
                      "label": "regarding",
                      "endpoints": [
                          "id": "10",
                          "type": "claim"
                          "id": "73",
                          "type": "address"
                      "id": "5",
                      "type": "resolvedEntityRelationship",
                      "label": "raised by",
                      "compoundValues": [
                        "Smith 1982-03-14"
                      "endpoints": [
                          "id": "4",
                          "type": "claim"
                          "id": "115",
                          "type": "person",
                          "compoundValues": [
                            "Smith 1982-03-14"
                  "expansionLimit": 2000,
                  "expansionLimitExceeded": [
                      "type": "person",
                      "id": "115"

                An example of an edge within the responses from /graphs, /graphs/edges, /traversals and /paths. This example is a relationship between two entity objects.

                  "id": "9",
                  "type": "entityRelationship",
                  "subType": "claim-address-residence",
                  "label": "Primary residence",
                  "fields": [
                      "name": "address_line_1",
                      "type": "text",
                      "value": "42 Main Street"
                  "endpoints": [
                      "id": "10",
                      "type": "claim"
                      "id": "73",
                      "type": "address"
                  "validFrom": "2002-07-14T00:00Z",
                  "validTo": "2013-12-31T00:00Z",
                  "style": {
                    "color": "#ffffff",
                    "width": 1,
                    "dashType": "dashed"

                An example of an edge within the responses from /graphs, /graphs/edges, /traversals and /paths. This example is a relationship between a resolved entity object and one of its contributing objects.

                  "id": "5",
                  "type": "resolvedEntityRelationship",
                  "compoundValues": [
                    "Smith 1982-03-14"
                  "label": "raised by",
                  "endpoints": [
                      "id": "4",
                      "type": "claim"
                      "id": "115",
                      "type": "person",
                      "compoundValues": [
                        "Smith 1982-03-14"
                  "validFrom": "2005-11-22T09:30Z",
                  "validTo": "2011-05-06T14:00Z"

                An example of the response from /vertices/{type}/{identifier} as well as more generally a vertex within the context of the Network visualization. Note the degree count will be greater than the adjacent count when there are multiple edges between this and another vertex. The properties are always returned from /vertices but fewer properties are returned for other endpoints, for example, /traversals does not include adjacent, degree, adjacentByType or degreeByType unless its extendedFormat parameter is set to true.

                  "id": "337",
                  "type": "report",
                  "typeLabel": "Report",
                  "label": "Theft of red bmw reported by John Smith",
                  "attachmentsCount": 1,
                  "adjacent": 4,
                  "degree": 5,
                  "adjacentByType": {
                    "person": 1,
                    "report": 3
                  "degreeByType": {
                    "mentions": 2,
                    "related to": 3
                  "fields": [
                      "name": "reportedAt",
                      "type": "date",
                      "value": "2012-01-05"
                  "validFrom": "2001-08-16T05:00:00Z",
                  "validTo": "2014-10-25T17:00:00Z",
                  "selected": false,
                  "style": {
                    "iconName": "reportIcon1",
                    "markerColor": "#ffffff",
                    "backgroundColor": "#ffffff",
                    "shape": "square",
                    "scale": 1,
                    "additionalLabel": "Information Report",
                    "indicatorIcons": [
                        "name": "High Priority",
                        "position": "N"
                        "name": "Verified",
                        "position": "S"

                An example of the response from /graphs or /traversals. Also refer to the edge and vertex examples.

                  "counts": {
                    "edges": 2,
                    "vertices": 4
                  "vertices": [
                      "id": "10",
                      "type": "claim",
                      "typeLabel": "Claim",
                      "label": "Claim: 0009900136650",
                      "attachmentsCount": 3,
                      "adjacent": 1,
                      "degree": 1
                      "id": "73",
                      "type": "address",
                      "typeLabel": "Address",
                      "label": "1203 SAMUEL ADAMS CIR, CONCORD, NC",
                      "attachmentsCount": 1,
                      "adjacent": 3,
                      "degree": 3
                      "id": "4",
                      "type": "claim",
                      "typeLabel": "Claim",
                      "label": "Claim: 0009900073608",
                      "attachmentsCount": 2,
                      "adjacent": 1,
                      "degree": 1
                      "id": "115",
                      "type": "person",
                      "typeLabel": "Person",
                      "compoundValues": [
                        "Smith 1982-03-14"
                      "label": "John Smith",
                      "adjacent": 2001,
                      "degree": 2001
                  "edges": [
                      "id": "9",
                      "type": "entityRelationship",
                      "label": "regarding",
                      "endpoints": [
                          "id": "10",
                          "type": "claim"
                          "id": "73",
                          "type": "address"
                      "id": "5",
                      "type": "resolvedEntityRelationship",
                      "label": "raised by",
                      "compoundValues": [
                        "Smith 1982-03-14"
                      "endpoints": [
                          "id": "4",
                          "type": "claim"
                          "id": "115",
                          "type": "person",
                          "compoundValues": [
                            "Smith 1982-03-14"
                  "expansionLimit": 2000,
                  "expansionLimitExceeded": [
                      "type": "person",
                      "id": "115"

                An example of an edge within the responses from /graphs, /graphs/edges, /traversals and /paths. This example is a relationship between two entity objects.

                  "id": "9",
                  "type": "entityRelationship",
                  "subType": "claim-address-residence",
                  "label": "Primary residence",
                  "fields": [
                      "name": "address_line_1",
                      "type": "text",
                      "value": "42 Main Street"
                  "endpoints": [
                      "id": "10",
                      "type": "claim"
                      "id": "73",
                      "type": "address"
                  "validFrom": "2002-07-14T00:00Z",
                  "validTo": "2013-12-31T00:00Z",
                  "style": {
                    "color": "#ffffff",
                    "width": 1,
                    "dashType": "dashed"

                An example of an edge within the responses from /graphs, /graphs/edges, /traversals and /paths. This example is a relationship between a resolved entity object and one of its contributing objects.

                  "id": "5",
                  "type": "resolvedEntityRelationship",
                  "compoundValues": [
                    "Smith 1982-03-14"
                  "label": "raised by",
                  "endpoints": [
                      "id": "4",
                      "type": "claim"
                      "id": "115",
                      "type": "person",
                      "compoundValues": [
                        "Smith 1982-03-14"
                  "validFrom": "2005-11-22T09:30Z",
                  "validTo": "2011-05-06T14:00Z"

                An example of the response from /vertices/{type}/{identifier} as well as more generally a vertex within the context of the Network visualization. Note the degree count will be greater than the adjacent count when there are multiple edges between this and another vertex. The properties are always returned from /vertices but fewer properties are returned for other endpoints, for example, /traversals does not include adjacent, degree, adjacentByType or degreeByType unless its extendedFormat parameter is set to true.

                  "id": "337",
                  "type": "report",
                  "typeLabel": "Report",
                  "label": "Theft of red bmw reported by John Smith",
                  "attachmentsCount": 1,
                  "adjacent": 4,
                  "degree": 5,
                  "adjacentByType": {
                    "person": 1,
                    "report": 3
                  "degreeByType": {
                    "mentions": 2,
                    "related to": 3
                  "fields": [
                      "name": "reportedAt",
                      "type": "date",
                      "value": "2012-01-05"
                  "validFrom": "2001-08-16T05:00:00Z",
                  "validTo": "2014-10-25T17:00:00Z",
                  "selected": false,
                  "style": {
                    "iconName": "reportIcon1",
                    "markerColor": "#ffffff",
                    "backgroundColor": "#ffffff",
                    "shape": "square",
                    "scale": 1,
                    "additionalLabel": "Information Report",
                    "indicatorIcons": [
                        "name": "High Priority",
                        "position": "N"
                        "name": "Verified",
                        "position": "S"

                400 Response

                  "description": "An example of a 400 bad request Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95002",
                    "message": "The parameter \"types\" cannot be null or empty. Please provide a value.",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 400
                  "description": "An example of a 400 bad request Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95002",
                    "message": "The parameter \"types\" cannot be null or empty. Please provide a value.",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 400
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. graph
                400 Bad Request The request is malformed or contains invalid parameter values; or the search had to be canceled because the number of new vertices exceeded the expansion limit. error2

                Find matching paths from one or more start objects

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X POST \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Content-Type: application/' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const inputBody = '{
                  "type": "report",
                  "id": "6SA1FD1",
                  "nextLevel": {
                    "vertexTypes": [
                    "nextLevel": {
                      "vertexTypes": [
                const headers = {
                  method: 'POST',
                  body: inputBody,
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Content-Type': 'application/',
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r ='', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Content-Type": []string{"application/"},
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                POST /paths

                Performs a path search from one or more start objects. The desired path is described by a sequence of vertex and edge filters. Matching paths are returned as a list of endpoints from the leaf vertex to the root vertex as it is usually the leaves that the client is most interested in with the rest of the path being used as contextual information. The response item media type is application/ This endpoint is experimental and should be used only in test environments.

                Body parameter

                An example of the request for /paths with a single start object. In this example, the user wants to find all paths from the specified report to an address via a person.

                  "type": "report",
                  "id": "6SA1FD1",
                  "nextLevel": {
                    "vertexTypes": [
                    "nextLevel": {
                      "vertexTypes": [
                Name In Type Required Description
                start query integer false The index of the first path to include in the current page.
                limit query integer false The maximum number of paths to include in each page.
                calculateMetrics query boolean false Whether to calculate the degree and adjacent counts for all the vertices. As this calculation is expensive, it can take some time particularly for highly connected vertices. Skipping the calculation is recommended when the counts are not needed or when generating the counts leads to a poor user experience.
                edgeExpansionLimit query integer false The maximum number of new vertices to be found when traversing edges. If a value greater than 0 is specified and the number of new vertices found by the search exceeds the limit, then the search will be canceled and a message will be returned.
                expansionLimit query integer false The maximum number of new vertices to be found when searching vertices. If a value greater than 0 is specified and the number of new vertices found by the search exceeds the limit, then the search will be canceled and a message will be returned.
                metricsLimit query integer false The maximum number of new vertices to be found by the search when calculating the metrics. If a value greater than 0 is specified and the number of new vertices found by the search exceeds the limit, then the search will be canceled and a message will be returned.
                metricsAggregationLimit query integer false The aggregation used to exclude highly connected vertices from the metrics calculation will be skipped when the number of leaf vertices exceeds this limit. The default value of -1 means the aggregation will always run; a value of 0 means the aggregation will never run.
                body body pathsRequest false none

                Example responses

                An example of the response from /paths.

                  "links": [
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/paths?start=0&limit=50",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/paths?start=0&limit=50",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/",
                      "responseItemType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "collection",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/paths",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/paths",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/",
                      "responseItemType": "application/"
                  "name": "paths",
                  "accept": "application/",
                  "start": 0,
                  "count": 1,
                  "items": [
                      "endpoints": [
                          "id": "10",
                          "type": "claim",
                          "typeLabel": "Claim",
                          "label": "Claim: 0009900136650",
                          "attachmentsCount": 3,
                          "adjacent": 1,
                          "degree": 1
                          "id": "9",
                          "type": "entityRelationship",
                          "label": "regarding",
                          "endpoints": [
                              "id": "10",
                              "type": "claim"
                              "id": "73",
                              "type": "address"
                          "id": "73",
                          "type": "address",
                          "typeLabel": "Address",
                          "label": "1203 SAMUEL ADAMS CIR, CONCORD, NC",
                          "attachmentsCount": 1,
                          "adjacent": 3,
                          "degree": 3
                          "id": "11",
                          "type": "entityRelationship",
                          "label": "regarding",
                          "endpoints": [
                              "id": "4",
                              "type": "claim"
                              "id": "73",
                              "type": "address"
                          "id": "4",
                          "type": "claim",
                          "typeLabel": "Claim",
                          "label": "Claim: 0009900073608",
                          "attachmentsCount": 2,
                          "adjacent": 1,
                          "degree": 1
                          "id": "5",
                          "type": "resolvedEntityRelationship",
                          "label": "raised by",
                          "compoundValues": [
                            "Smith 1982-03-14"
                          "endpoints": [
                              "id": "4",
                              "type": "claim"
                              "id": "115",
                              "type": "person"
                          "id": "115",
                          "type": "person",
                          "typeLabel": "Person",
                          "compoundValues": [
                            "Smith 1982-03-14"
                          "label": "John Smith",
                          "adjacent": 4,
                          "degree": 4
                  "limit": 50,
                  "version": 2

                An example of a path within the response from /paths.

                  "endpoints": [
                      "id": "10",
                      "type": "claim",
                      "typeLabel": "Claim",
                      "label": "Claim: 0009900136650",
                      "attachmentsCount": 3,
                      "adjacent": 1,
                      "degree": 1
                      "id": "9",
                      "type": "entityRelationship",
                      "label": "regarding",
                      "endpoints": [
                          "id": "10",
                          "type": "claim"
                          "id": "73",
                          "type": "address"
                      "id": "73",
                      "type": "address",
                      "typeLabel": "Address",
                      "label": "1203 SAMUEL ADAMS CIR, CONCORD, NC",
                      "attachmentsCount": 1,
                      "adjacent": 3,
                      "degree": 3
                      "id": "11",
                      "type": "entityRelationship",
                      "label": "regarding",
                      "endpoints": [
                          "id": "4",
                          "type": "claim"
                          "id": "73",
                          "type": "address"
                      "id": "4",
                      "type": "claim",
                      "typeLabel": "Claim",
                      "label": "Claim: 0009900073608",
                      "attachmentsCount": 2,
                      "adjacent": 1,
                      "degree": 1
                      "id": "5",
                      "type": "resolvedEntityRelationship",
                      "label": "raised by",
                      "compoundValues": [
                        "Smith 1982-03-14"
                      "endpoints": [
                          "id": "4",
                          "type": "claim"
                          "id": "115",
                          "type": "person"
                      "id": "115",
                      "type": "person",
                      "typeLabel": "Person",
                      "compoundValues": [
                        "Smith 1982-03-14"
                      "label": "John Smith",
                      "adjacent": 4,
                      "degree": 4

                An example of the response from /paths.

                  "links": [
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/paths?start=0&limit=50",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/paths?start=0&limit=50",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/",
                      "responseItemType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "collection",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/paths",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/paths",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/",
                      "responseItemType": "application/"
                  "name": "paths",
                  "accept": "application/",
                  "start": 0,
                  "count": 1,
                  "items": [
                      "endpoints": [
                          "id": "10",
                          "type": "claim",
                          "typeLabel": "Claim",
                          "label": "Claim: 0009900136650",
                          "attachmentsCount": 3,
                          "adjacent": 1,
                          "degree": 1
                          "id": "9",
                          "type": "entityRelationship",
                          "label": "regarding",
                          "endpoints": [
                              "id": "10",
                              "type": "claim"
                              "id": "73",
                              "type": "address"
                          "id": "73",
                          "type": "address",
                          "typeLabel": "Address",
                          "label": "1203 SAMUEL ADAMS CIR, CONCORD, NC",
                          "attachmentsCount": 1,
                          "adjacent": 3,
                          "degree": 3
                          "id": "11",
                          "type": "entityRelationship",
                          "label": "regarding",
                          "endpoints": [
                              "id": "4",
                              "type": "claim"
                              "id": "73",
                              "type": "address"
                          "id": "4",
                          "type": "claim",
                          "typeLabel": "Claim",
                          "label": "Claim: 0009900073608",
                          "attachmentsCount": 2,
                          "adjacent": 1,
                          "degree": 1
                          "id": "5",
                          "type": "resolvedEntityRelationship",
                          "label": "raised by",
                          "compoundValues": [
                            "Smith 1982-03-14"
                          "endpoints": [
                              "id": "4",
                              "type": "claim"
                              "id": "115",
                              "type": "person"
                          "id": "115",
                          "type": "person",
                          "typeLabel": "Person",
                          "compoundValues": [
                            "Smith 1982-03-14"
                          "label": "John Smith",
                          "adjacent": 4,
                          "degree": 4
                  "limit": 50,
                  "version": 2

                An example of a path within the response from /paths.

                  "endpoints": [
                      "id": "10",
                      "type": "claim",
                      "typeLabel": "Claim",
                      "label": "Claim: 0009900136650",
                      "attachmentsCount": 3,
                      "adjacent": 1,
                      "degree": 1
                      "id": "9",
                      "type": "entityRelationship",
                      "label": "regarding",
                      "endpoints": [
                          "id": "10",
                          "type": "claim"
                          "id": "73",
                          "type": "address"
                      "id": "73",
                      "type": "address",
                      "typeLabel": "Address",
                      "label": "1203 SAMUEL ADAMS CIR, CONCORD, NC",
                      "attachmentsCount": 1,
                      "adjacent": 3,
                      "degree": 3
                      "id": "11",
                      "type": "entityRelationship",
                      "label": "regarding",
                      "endpoints": [
                          "id": "4",
                          "type": "claim"
                          "id": "73",
                          "type": "address"
                      "id": "4",
                      "type": "claim",
                      "typeLabel": "Claim",
                      "label": "Claim: 0009900073608",
                      "attachmentsCount": 2,
                      "adjacent": 1,
                      "degree": 1
                      "id": "5",
                      "type": "resolvedEntityRelationship",
                      "label": "raised by",
                      "compoundValues": [
                        "Smith 1982-03-14"
                      "endpoints": [
                          "id": "4",
                          "type": "claim"
                          "id": "115",
                          "type": "person"
                      "id": "115",
                      "type": "person",
                      "typeLabel": "Person",
                      "compoundValues": [
                        "Smith 1982-03-14"
                      "label": "John Smith",
                      "adjacent": 4,
                      "degree": 4

                400 Response

                  "description": "An example of a 400 bad request Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95002",
                    "message": "The parameter \"types\" cannot be null or empty. Please provide a value.",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 400
                  "description": "An example of a 400 bad request Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95002",
                    "message": "The parameter \"types\" cannot be null or empty. Please provide a value.",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 400
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. pathCollection
                400 Bad Request The request is malformed or contains invalid parameter values; or the search had to be canceled because the number of new vertices exceeded the expansion limit. error2

                Find paths between the start and end objects up to a specified number of hops in length

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X POST \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Content-Type: application/' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const inputBody = '{
                  "startTypes": [
                  "startQuery": {
                    "type": "object",
                    "objectIds": [
                        "type": "report",
                        "id": "SDF46AS"
                        "type": "report",
                        "id": "FN654A"
                  "endTypes": [
                  "endQuery": {
                    "type": "text",
                    "language": "lucene",
                    "text": "_type:address"
                  "hops": 2
                const headers = {
                  method: 'POST',
                  body: inputBody,
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Content-Type': 'application/',
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r ='', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Content-Type": []string{"application/"},
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                POST /relatedObjects

                Performs a path search between the start and end objects. Matching paths are returned as a list of endpoints from the leaf vertex to the root vertex as it is usually the leaves that the client is most interested in with the rest of the path being used as contextual information. The response item media type is application/ This endpoint is experimental and should be used only in test environments.

                Body parameter

                An example of the request to /relatedObjects. In this example, the user wants to find all address objects one or two hops from the specified report objects.

                  "startTypes": [
                  "startQuery": {
                    "type": "object",
                    "objectIds": [
                        "type": "report",
                        "id": "SDF46AS"
                        "type": "report",
                        "id": "FN654A"
                  "endTypes": [
                  "endQuery": {
                    "type": "text",
                    "language": "lucene",
                    "text": "_type:address"
                  "hops": 2
                Name In Type Required Description
                start query integer false The index of the first path to include in the current page.
                limit query integer false The maximum number of paths to include in each page.
                edgeExpansionLimit query integer false The maximum number of new vertices to be found when traversing edges. If a value greater than 0 is specified and the number of new vertices found by the search exceeds the limit, then the search will be canceled and a message will be returned.
                expansionLimit query integer false The maximum number of new vertices to be found when searching vertices. If a value greater than 0 is specified and the number of new vertices found by the search exceeds the limit, then the search will be canceled and a message will be returned.
                body body relatedObjectsRequest false none

                Example responses

                An example of the response from /paths.

                  "links": [
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/paths?start=0&limit=50",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/paths?start=0&limit=50",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/",
                      "responseItemType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "collection",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/paths",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/paths",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/",
                      "responseItemType": "application/"
                  "name": "paths",
                  "accept": "application/",
                  "start": 0,
                  "count": 1,
                  "items": [
                      "endpoints": [
                          "id": "10",
                          "type": "claim",
                          "typeLabel": "Claim",
                          "label": "Claim: 0009900136650",
                          "attachmentsCount": 3,
                          "adjacent": 1,
                          "degree": 1
                          "id": "9",
                          "type": "entityRelationship",
                          "label": "regarding",
                          "endpoints": [
                              "id": "10",
                              "type": "claim"
                              "id": "73",
                              "type": "address"
                          "id": "73",
                          "type": "address",
                          "typeLabel": "Address",
                          "label": "1203 SAMUEL ADAMS CIR, CONCORD, NC",
                          "attachmentsCount": 1,
                          "adjacent": 3,
                          "degree": 3
                          "id": "11",
                          "type": "entityRelationship",
                          "label": "regarding",
                          "endpoints": [
                              "id": "4",
                              "type": "claim"
                              "id": "73",
                              "type": "address"
                          "id": "4",
                          "type": "claim",
                          "typeLabel": "Claim",
                          "label": "Claim: 0009900073608",
                          "attachmentsCount": 2,
                          "adjacent": 1,
                          "degree": 1
                          "id": "5",
                          "type": "resolvedEntityRelationship",
                          "label": "raised by",
                          "compoundValues": [
                            "Smith 1982-03-14"
                          "endpoints": [
                              "id": "4",
                              "type": "claim"
                              "id": "115",
                              "type": "person"
                          "id": "115",
                          "type": "person",
                          "typeLabel": "Person",
                          "compoundValues": [
                            "Smith 1982-03-14"
                          "label": "John Smith",
                          "adjacent": 4,
                          "degree": 4
                  "limit": 50,
                  "version": 2

                An example of a path within the response from /paths.

                  "endpoints": [
                      "id": "10",
                      "type": "claim",
                      "typeLabel": "Claim",
                      "label": "Claim: 0009900136650",
                      "attachmentsCount": 3,
                      "adjacent": 1,
                      "degree": 1
                      "id": "9",
                      "type": "entityRelationship",
                      "label": "regarding",
                      "endpoints": [
                          "id": "10",
                          "type": "claim"
                          "id": "73",
                          "type": "address"
                      "id": "73",
                      "type": "address",
                      "typeLabel": "Address",
                      "label": "1203 SAMUEL ADAMS CIR, CONCORD, NC",
                      "attachmentsCount": 1,
                      "adjacent": 3,
                      "degree": 3
                      "id": "11",
                      "type": "entityRelationship",
                      "label": "regarding",
                      "endpoints": [
                          "id": "4",
                          "type": "claim"
                          "id": "73",
                          "type": "address"
                      "id": "4",
                      "type": "claim",
                      "typeLabel": "Claim",
                      "label": "Claim: 0009900073608",
                      "attachmentsCount": 2,
                      "adjacent": 1,
                      "degree": 1
                      "id": "5",
                      "type": "resolvedEntityRelationship",
                      "label": "raised by",
                      "compoundValues": [
                        "Smith 1982-03-14"
                      "endpoints": [
                          "id": "4",
                          "type": "claim"
                          "id": "115",
                          "type": "person"
                      "id": "115",
                      "type": "person",
                      "typeLabel": "Person",
                      "compoundValues": [
                        "Smith 1982-03-14"
                      "label": "John Smith",
                      "adjacent": 4,
                      "degree": 4

                An example of the response from /paths.

                  "links": [
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/paths?start=0&limit=50",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/paths?start=0&limit=50",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/",
                      "responseItemType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "collection",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/paths",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/paths",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/",
                      "responseItemType": "application/"
                  "name": "paths",
                  "accept": "application/",
                  "start": 0,
                  "count": 1,
                  "items": [
                      "endpoints": [
                          "id": "10",
                          "type": "claim",
                          "typeLabel": "Claim",
                          "label": "Claim: 0009900136650",
                          "attachmentsCount": 3,
                          "adjacent": 1,
                          "degree": 1
                          "id": "9",
                          "type": "entityRelationship",
                          "label": "regarding",
                          "endpoints": [
                              "id": "10",
                              "type": "claim"
                              "id": "73",
                              "type": "address"
                          "id": "73",
                          "type": "address",
                          "typeLabel": "Address",
                          "label": "1203 SAMUEL ADAMS CIR, CONCORD, NC",
                          "attachmentsCount": 1,
                          "adjacent": 3,
                          "degree": 3
                          "id": "11",
                          "type": "entityRelationship",
                          "label": "regarding",
                          "endpoints": [
                              "id": "4",
                              "type": "claim"
                              "id": "73",
                              "type": "address"
                          "id": "4",
                          "type": "claim",
                          "typeLabel": "Claim",
                          "label": "Claim: 0009900073608",
                          "attachmentsCount": 2,
                          "adjacent": 1,
                          "degree": 1
                          "id": "5",
                          "type": "resolvedEntityRelationship",
                          "label": "raised by",
                          "compoundValues": [
                            "Smith 1982-03-14"
                          "endpoints": [
                              "id": "4",
                              "type": "claim"
                              "id": "115",
                              "type": "person"
                          "id": "115",
                          "type": "person",
                          "typeLabel": "Person",
                          "compoundValues": [
                            "Smith 1982-03-14"
                          "label": "John Smith",
                          "adjacent": 4,
                          "degree": 4
                  "limit": 50,
                  "version": 2

                An example of a path within the response from /paths.

                  "endpoints": [
                      "id": "10",
                      "type": "claim",
                      "typeLabel": "Claim",
                      "label": "Claim: 0009900136650",
                      "attachmentsCount": 3,
                      "adjacent": 1,
                      "degree": 1
                      "id": "9",
                      "type": "entityRelationship",
                      "label": "regarding",
                      "endpoints": [
                          "id": "10",
                          "type": "claim"
                          "id": "73",
                          "type": "address"
                      "id": "73",
                      "type": "address",
                      "typeLabel": "Address",
                      "label": "1203 SAMUEL ADAMS CIR, CONCORD, NC",
                      "attachmentsCount": 1,
                      "adjacent": 3,
                      "degree": 3
                      "id": "11",
                      "type": "entityRelationship",
                      "label": "regarding",
                      "endpoints": [
                          "id": "4",
                          "type": "claim"
                          "id": "73",
                          "type": "address"
                      "id": "4",
                      "type": "claim",
                      "typeLabel": "Claim",
                      "label": "Claim: 0009900073608",
                      "attachmentsCount": 2,
                      "adjacent": 1,
                      "degree": 1
                      "id": "5",
                      "type": "resolvedEntityRelationship",
                      "label": "raised by",
                      "compoundValues": [
                        "Smith 1982-03-14"
                      "endpoints": [
                          "id": "4",
                          "type": "claim"
                          "id": "115",
                          "type": "person"
                      "id": "115",
                      "type": "person",
                      "typeLabel": "Person",
                      "compoundValues": [
                        "Smith 1982-03-14"
                      "label": "John Smith",
                      "adjacent": 4,
                      "degree": 4

                400 Response

                  "description": "An example of a 400 bad request Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95002",
                    "message": "The parameter \"types\" cannot be null or empty. Please provide a value.",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 400
                  "description": "An example of a 400 bad request Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95002",
                    "message": "The parameter \"types\" cannot be null or empty. Please provide a value.",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 400
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. pathCollection
                400 Bad Request The request is malformed or contains invalid parameter values; or the search had to be canceled because the number of new vertices exceeded the expansion limit. error2


                Text Analytics visualization related endpoints.

                Starts a new text analytics job

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X POST \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Content-Type: application/' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const inputBody = '{
                  "types": [
                  "query": {
                    "type": "object",
                    "objectIds": [
                        "type": "email",
                        "id": "2417"
                        "type": "email",
                        "id": "1327"
                        "type": "email",
                        "id": "2659"
                  "categories": [
                  "fields": [
                  "fromField": "metadatafrom",
                  "toFields": [
                  "excludes": {
                    "significantTerm": [
                    "person": [
                      "pam evens"
                  "identities": {
                    "person": [
                        "name": "james robert smith",
                        "aliases": [
                            "name": "james robert smith"
                            "name": "james smith"
                  "maxResultsPerCategory": 200,
                  "locale": "en-US"
                const headers = {
                  method: 'POST',
                  body: inputBody,
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Content-Type': 'application/',
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r ='', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Content-Type": []string{"application/"},
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                POST /analytics

                Starts a new background job that performs text analytics on the unstructured text in the objects found by the search. The job extracts significant terms, phrases, and topics as well as resolving named person, location, and organization entities. The response will include the unique identifier to be used with the related API endpoints to navigate the results.

                Body parameter

                An example of the request for /analytics containing the parameters of a text analytics job. Also refer to the query examples.

                  "types": [
                  "query": {
                    "type": "object",
                    "objectIds": [
                        "type": "email",
                        "id": "2417"
                        "type": "email",
                        "id": "1327"
                        "type": "email",
                        "id": "2659"
                  "categories": [
                  "fields": [
                  "fromField": "metadatafrom",
                  "toFields": [
                  "excludes": {
                    "significantTerm": [
                    "person": [
                      "pam evens"
                  "identities": {
                    "person": [
                        "name": "james robert smith",
                        "aliases": [
                            "name": "james robert smith"
                            "name": "james smith"
                  "maxResultsPerCategory": 200,
                  "locale": "en-US"
                Name In Type Required Description
                body body analyticsRequest false none

                Example responses

                An example of the response from /analytics and /analytics/{jobId} containing the identifier, state and parameters of a scheduled text analytics job.

                  "identifier": "dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562",
                  "state": "running",
                  "types": [
                  "query": {
                    "type": "object",
                    "objectIds": [
                        "type": "email",
                        "id": "2417"
                        "type": "email",
                        "id": "1327"
                        "type": "email",
                        "id": "2659"
                  "categories": [
                  "fields": [
                  "fromField": "metadatafrom",
                  "toFields": [
                  "excludes": {
                    "significantTerm": [
                    "person": [
                      "Pam Evens"
                  "identities": {
                    "person": [
                        "name": "james robert smith",
                        "aliases": [
                            "name": "james robert smith"
                            "name": "james smith"
                  "maxResultsPerCategory": 200,
                  "locale": "en-US",
                  "errors": [],
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "state",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562/state",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562/state",
                      "type": "text/plain"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "cancel",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562/state?value=cancelled",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562/state?value=cancelled",
                      "responseType": "text/plain"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "delete",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getIdentities",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562/identities",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562/identities",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "getCategories",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562/categories",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562/categories",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "getResults",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562/results",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562/results",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "getSankeyDiagram",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562/sankeyDiagrams",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562/sankeyDiagrams",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getLocales",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/locales",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/locales",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "startTextAnalytics",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                  "identifier": "dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562",
                  "state": "running",
                  "types": [
                  "query": {
                    "type": "object",
                    "objectIds": [
                        "type": "email",
                        "id": "2417"
                        "type": "email",
                        "id": "1327"
                        "type": "email",
                        "id": "2659"
                  "categories": [
                  "fields": [
                  "fromField": "metadatafrom",
                  "toFields": [
                  "excludes": {
                    "significantTerm": [
                    "person": [
                      "Pam Evens"
                  "identities": {
                    "person": [
                        "name": "james robert smith",
                        "aliases": [
                            "name": "james robert smith"
                            "name": "james smith"
                  "maxResultsPerCategory": 200,
                  "locale": "en-US",
                  "errors": [],
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "state",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562/state",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562/state",
                      "type": "text/plain"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "cancel",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562/state?value=cancelled",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562/state?value=cancelled",
                      "responseType": "text/plain"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "delete",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getIdentities",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562/identities",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562/identities",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "getCategories",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562/categories",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562/categories",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "getResults",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562/results",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562/results",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "getSankeyDiagram",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562/sankeyDiagrams",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562/sankeyDiagrams",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getLocales",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/locales",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/locales",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "startTextAnalytics",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"

                400 Response

                  "description": "An example of a 400 bad request Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95002",
                    "message": "The parameter \"types\" cannot be null or empty. Please provide a value.",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 400
                  "description": "An example of a 400 bad request Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95002",
                    "message": "The parameter \"types\" cannot be null or empty. Please provide a value.",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 400
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                202 Accepted The job was started. analyticsJob
                400 Bad Request The request is malformed or contains invalid parameter values. error2
                Response Headers
                Status Header Type Format Description
                202 Location string The URI of the new text analytics job.

                Get the locales supported by text analytics

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X GET \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const headers = {
                  method: 'GET',
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r = requests.get('', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                GET /analytics/locales

                Returns the name and BCP-47 language tag for each locale supported by text analytics.

                Example responses

                An example of the response from /analytics/locales specifying the locales that are supported for text analytics. This example lists the English and Spanish locales.

                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getLocales",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/locales",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/locales",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "startTextAnalytics",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                  "name": "locales",
                  "accept": "application/",
                  "count": 2,
                  "items": [
                      "name": "English",
                      "nativeName": "English",
                      "tag": "en"
                      "name": "Spanish",
                      "nativeName": "Español",
                      "tag": "es"
                  "version": 2
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getLocales",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/locales",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/locales",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "startTextAnalytics",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                  "name": "locales",
                  "accept": "application/",
                  "count": 2,
                  "items": [
                      "name": "English",
                      "nativeName": "English",
                      "tag": "en"
                      "name": "Spanish",
                      "nativeName": "Español",
                      "tag": "es"
                  "version": 2
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. analyticsLocaleCollection

                Get the headers for the locales supported by text analytics

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X HEAD
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  method: 'HEAD'
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                r = requests.head('')
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                HEAD /analytics/locales

                Returns the headers for the locales supported by text analytics.

                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. None

                Get the details of a text analytics job

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X GET{jobId} \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const headers = {
                  method: 'GET',
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r = requests.get('{jobId}', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{jobId}", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                GET /analytics/{jobId}

                Returns the state and parameters of a given text analytics job.

                Name In Type Required Description
                jobId path string true The unique identifier of the text analytics job.

                Example responses

                An example of the response from /analytics and /analytics/{jobId} containing the identifier, state and parameters of a scheduled text analytics job.

                  "identifier": "dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562",
                  "state": "running",
                  "types": [
                  "query": {
                    "type": "object",
                    "objectIds": [
                        "type": "email",
                        "id": "2417"
                        "type": "email",
                        "id": "1327"
                        "type": "email",
                        "id": "2659"
                  "categories": [
                  "fields": [
                  "fromField": "metadatafrom",
                  "toFields": [
                  "excludes": {
                    "significantTerm": [
                    "person": [
                      "Pam Evens"
                  "identities": {
                    "person": [
                        "name": "james robert smith",
                        "aliases": [
                            "name": "james robert smith"
                            "name": "james smith"
                  "maxResultsPerCategory": 200,
                  "locale": "en-US",
                  "errors": [],
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "state",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562/state",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562/state",
                      "type": "text/plain"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "cancel",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562/state?value=cancelled",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562/state?value=cancelled",
                      "responseType": "text/plain"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "delete",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getIdentities",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562/identities",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562/identities",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "getCategories",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562/categories",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562/categories",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "getResults",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562/results",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562/results",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "getSankeyDiagram",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562/sankeyDiagrams",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562/sankeyDiagrams",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getLocales",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/locales",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/locales",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "startTextAnalytics",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                  "identifier": "dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562",
                  "state": "running",
                  "types": [
                  "query": {
                    "type": "object",
                    "objectIds": [
                        "type": "email",
                        "id": "2417"
                        "type": "email",
                        "id": "1327"
                        "type": "email",
                        "id": "2659"
                  "categories": [
                  "fields": [
                  "fromField": "metadatafrom",
                  "toFields": [
                  "excludes": {
                    "significantTerm": [
                    "person": [
                      "Pam Evens"
                  "identities": {
                    "person": [
                        "name": "james robert smith",
                        "aliases": [
                            "name": "james robert smith"
                            "name": "james smith"
                  "maxResultsPerCategory": 200,
                  "locale": "en-US",
                  "errors": [],
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "state",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562/state",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562/state",
                      "type": "text/plain"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "cancel",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562/state?value=cancelled",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562/state?value=cancelled",
                      "responseType": "text/plain"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "delete",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getIdentities",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562/identities",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562/identities",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "getCategories",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562/categories",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562/categories",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "getResults",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562/results",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562/results",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "getSankeyDiagram",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562/sankeyDiagrams",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/dff24648-3310-481f-8890-38ea823c4562/sankeyDiagrams",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getLocales",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/locales",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/locales",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "startTextAnalytics",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"

                404 Response

                  "description": "An example of a 404 resource not found Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95144",
                    "message": "No entity type was found with the name \"example\".",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 404
                  "description": "An example of a 404 resource not found Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95144",
                    "message": "No entity type was found with the name \"example\".",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 404
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. analyticsJob
                404 Not Found There is no job for the given identifier. error2

                Get the headers for a text analytics job

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X HEAD{jobId}
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  method: 'HEAD'
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                r = requests.head('{jobId}')
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "{jobId}", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                HEAD /analytics/{jobId}

                Returns the headers for a given text analytics job.

                Name In Type Required Description
                jobId path string true The unique identifier of the text analytics job.
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. None
                404 Not Found There is no job for the given identifier. None

                Delete a text analytics job

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X DELETE{jobId}
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  method: 'DELETE'
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                r = requests.delete('{jobId}')
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("DELETE", "{jobId}", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                DELETE /analytics/{jobId}

                While text analytics jobs are associated with a user's session and will be deleted when the session ends, this endpoint facilitates the deletion prior to ending the session. It is not necessary to cancel the job before deleting it.

                Name In Type Required Description
                jobId path string true The unique identifier of the text analytics job.
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                204 No Content The request succeeded. None

                Get the state of a text analytics job

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X GET{jobId}/state \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Accept: text/plain'
                const headers = {
                  method: 'GET',
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Accept': 'text/plain'
                r = requests.get('{jobId}/state', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Accept": []string{"text/plain"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{jobId}/state", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                GET /analytics/{jobId}/state

                Returns the current state of a given text analytics job. The valid states are: pending, running, completed, completedWithErrors, canceled, failed.

                Name In Type Required Description
                jobId path string true The unique identifier of the text analytics job.

                Example responses

                200 Response


                404 Response

                  "description": "An example of a 404 resource not found Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95144",
                    "message": "No entity type was found with the name \"example\".",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 404
                  "description": "An example of a 404 resource not found Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95144",
                    "message": "No entity type was found with the name \"example\".",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 404
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. string
                404 Not Found There is no job for the given identifier. error2

                Get the headers for the get state operation

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X HEAD{jobId}/state
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  method: 'HEAD'
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                r = requests.head('{jobId}/state')
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "{jobId}/state", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                HEAD /analytics/{jobId}/state

                Returns the headers for the get state operation.

                Name In Type Required Description
                jobId path string true The unique identifier of the text analytics job.
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. None
                404 Not Found There is no job for the given identifier. None

                Cancel a text analytics job

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X PUT{jobId}/state?value=string \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Accept: text/plain'
                const headers = {
                  method: 'PUT',
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Accept': 'text/plain'
                r = requests.put('{jobId}/state', params={
                  'value': 'string'
                }, headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Accept": []string{"text/plain"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("PUT", "{jobId}/state", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                PUT /analytics/{jobId}/state

                Cancels the specified text analytics job and returns the new job state.

                Name In Type Required Description
                jobId path string true The unique identifier of the text analytics job.
                value query string true The new job state. The expected value is cancelled.

                Example responses

                200 Response


                400 Response

                  "description": "An example of a 400 bad request Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95002",
                    "message": "The parameter \"types\" cannot be null or empty. Please provide a value.",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 400
                  "description": "An example of a 400 bad request Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95002",
                    "message": "The parameter \"types\" cannot be null or empty. Please provide a value.",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 400

                404 Response

                  "description": "An example of a 404 resource not found Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95144",
                    "message": "No entity type was found with the name \"example\".",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 404
                  "description": "An example of a 404 resource not found Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95144",
                    "message": "No entity type was found with the name \"example\".",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 404

                409 Response

                  "description": "An example of a 409 conflict Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95234",
                    "message": "An analyzer already exists with the name \"example\". ",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 409
                  "description": "An example of a 409 conflict Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95234",
                    "message": "An analyzer already exists with the name \"example\". ",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 409
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. string
                400 Bad Request When attempting to update the state to a value other than cancelled. error2
                404 Not Found There is no job for the given identifier. error2
                409 Conflict The job has already finished and cannot be canceled. error2

                Get the identities found by a text analytics job

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X GET{jobId}/identities \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const headers = {
                  method: 'GET',
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r = requests.get('{jobId}/identities', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{jobId}/identities", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                GET /analytics/{jobId}/identities

                Returns the identity information for the person, organization, and location entities that were resolved by the text analytics job. Identities consist of an entity name, frequency count, and any known aliases.

                Name In Type Required Description
                jobId path string true The unique identifier of the text analytics job.

                Example responses

                An example of the response from /analytics/{jobId}/identities containing the identities for the person, organization and location entities that were resolved by the text analytics job.

                  "identifier": "4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65",
                  "identities": {
                    "person": [
                        "name": "james robert smith",
                        "frequencyCount": 23,
                        "aliases": [
                            "name": "james robert smith",
                            "frequencyCount": 14
                            "name": "james smith",
                            "frequencyCount": 9
                        "name": "sarah jones",
                        "frequencyCount": 5,
                        "aliases": [
                            "name": "sarah jones",
                            "frequencyCount": 5
                    "organization": [
                        "name": "white house",
                        "frequencyCount": 39,
                        "aliases": [
                            "name": "white house",
                            "frequencyCount": 39
                        "name": "department of state",
                        "frequencyCount": 25,
                        "aliases": [
                            "name": "department of state",
                            "frequencyCount": 25
                    "location": [
                        "name": "united states",
                        "frequencyCount": 36,
                        "aliases": [
                            "name": "united states",
                            "frequencyCount": 36
                        "name": "united kingdom",
                        "frequencyCount": 22,
                        "aliases": [
                            "name": "united kingdom",
                            "frequencyCount": 22
                  "errors": [],
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/identities",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/identities",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getJob",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getState",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/state",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/state",
                      "type": "text/plain"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "cancelJob",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/state?value=cancelled",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/state?value=cancelled",
                      "responseType": "text/plain"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "deleteJob",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "getCategories",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/categories",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/categories",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "getResults",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/results",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/results",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "getSankeyDiagram",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/sankeyDiagrams",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/sankeyDiagrams",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getLocales",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/locales",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/locales",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "startTextAnalytics",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                  "identifier": "4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65",
                  "identities": {
                    "person": [
                        "name": "james robert smith",
                        "frequencyCount": 23,
                        "aliases": [
                            "name": "james robert smith",
                            "frequencyCount": 14
                            "name": "james smith",
                            "frequencyCount": 9
                        "name": "sarah jones",
                        "frequencyCount": 5,
                        "aliases": [
                            "name": "sarah jones",
                            "frequencyCount": 5
                    "organization": [
                        "name": "white house",
                        "frequencyCount": 39,
                        "aliases": [
                            "name": "white house",
                            "frequencyCount": 39
                        "name": "department of state",
                        "frequencyCount": 25,
                        "aliases": [
                            "name": "department of state",
                            "frequencyCount": 25
                    "location": [
                        "name": "united states",
                        "frequencyCount": 36,
                        "aliases": [
                            "name": "united states",
                            "frequencyCount": 36
                        "name": "united kingdom",
                        "frequencyCount": 22,
                        "aliases": [
                            "name": "united kingdom",
                            "frequencyCount": 22
                  "errors": [],
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/identities",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/identities",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getJob",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getState",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/state",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/state",
                      "type": "text/plain"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "cancelJob",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/state?value=cancelled",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/state?value=cancelled",
                      "responseType": "text/plain"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "deleteJob",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "getCategories",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/categories",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/categories",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "getResults",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/results",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/results",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "getSankeyDiagram",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/sankeyDiagrams",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/sankeyDiagrams",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getLocales",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/locales",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/locales",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "startTextAnalytics",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"

                202 Response

                  "description": "An example of a 202 accepted Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95192",
                    "message": "The text analytics results are not yet available for the identifier \"exampleId\".",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 202
                  "description": "An example of a 202 accepted Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95192",
                    "message": "The text analytics results are not yet available for the identifier \"exampleId\".",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 202

                An example of the response from /analytics/{jobId}/identities containing the identities for the person, organization and location entities that were resolved by the text analytics job.

                  "identifier": "4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65",
                  "identities": {
                    "person": [
                        "name": "james robert smith",
                        "frequencyCount": 23,
                        "aliases": [
                            "name": "james robert smith",
                            "frequencyCount": 14
                            "name": "james smith",
                            "frequencyCount": 9
                        "name": "sarah jones",
                        "frequencyCount": 5,
                        "aliases": [
                            "name": "sarah jones",
                            "frequencyCount": 5
                    "organization": [
                        "name": "white house",
                        "frequencyCount": 39,
                        "aliases": [
                            "name": "white house",
                            "frequencyCount": 39
                        "name": "department of state",
                        "frequencyCount": 25,
                        "aliases": [
                            "name": "department of state",
                            "frequencyCount": 25
                    "location": [
                        "name": "united states",
                        "frequencyCount": 36,
                        "aliases": [
                            "name": "united states",
                            "frequencyCount": 36
                        "name": "united kingdom",
                        "frequencyCount": 22,
                        "aliases": [
                            "name": "united kingdom",
                            "frequencyCount": 22
                  "errors": [],
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/identities",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/identities",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getJob",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getState",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/state",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/state",
                      "type": "text/plain"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "cancelJob",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/state?value=cancelled",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/state?value=cancelled",
                      "responseType": "text/plain"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "deleteJob",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "getCategories",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/categories",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/categories",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "getResults",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/results",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/results",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "getSankeyDiagram",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/sankeyDiagrams",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/sankeyDiagrams",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getLocales",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/locales",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/locales",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "startTextAnalytics",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                  "identifier": "4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65",
                  "identities": {
                    "person": [
                        "name": "james robert smith",
                        "frequencyCount": 23,
                        "aliases": [
                            "name": "james robert smith",
                            "frequencyCount": 14
                            "name": "james smith",
                            "frequencyCount": 9
                        "name": "sarah jones",
                        "frequencyCount": 5,
                        "aliases": [
                            "name": "sarah jones",
                            "frequencyCount": 5
                    "organization": [
                        "name": "white house",
                        "frequencyCount": 39,
                        "aliases": [
                            "name": "white house",
                            "frequencyCount": 39
                        "name": "department of state",
                        "frequencyCount": 25,
                        "aliases": [
                            "name": "department of state",
                            "frequencyCount": 25
                    "location": [
                        "name": "united states",
                        "frequencyCount": 36,
                        "aliases": [
                            "name": "united states",
                            "frequencyCount": 36
                        "name": "united kingdom",
                        "frequencyCount": 22,
                        "aliases": [
                            "name": "united kingdom",
                            "frequencyCount": 22
                  "errors": [],
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/identities",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/identities",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getJob",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getState",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/state",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/state",
                      "type": "text/plain"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "cancelJob",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/state?value=cancelled",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/state?value=cancelled",
                      "responseType": "text/plain"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "deleteJob",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "getCategories",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/categories",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/categories",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "getResults",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/results",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/results",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "getSankeyDiagram",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/sankeyDiagrams",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/sankeyDiagrams",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getLocales",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/locales",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/locales",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "startTextAnalytics",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"

                404 Response

                  "description": "An example of a 404 resource not found Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95144",
                    "message": "No entity type was found with the name \"example\".",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 404
                  "description": "An example of a 404 resource not found Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95144",
                    "message": "No entity type was found with the name \"example\".",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 404
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. analyticsIdentities
                202 Accepted The text analytics results are not available yet. For example, the job is still running. error2
                206 Partial Content The job did not complete successfully but there are some text analytics results. analyticsIdentities
                404 Not Found There is no job for the given identifier. error2

                Get the headers for the get identities operation

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X HEAD{jobId}/identities
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  method: 'HEAD'
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                r = requests.head('{jobId}/identities')
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "{jobId}/identities", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                HEAD /analytics/{jobId}/identities

                Returns the headers for the get identities operation.

                Name In Type Required Description
                jobId path string true The unique identifier of the text analytics job.
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. None
                202 Accepted The text analytics results are not available yet. For example, the job is still running. None
                206 Partial Content The job did not complete successfully but there are some text analytics results. None
                404 Not Found There is no job for the given identifier. None

                Get the categories of text analytics results

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X POST{jobId}/categories \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Content-Type: application/' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const inputBody = '{}';
                const headers = {
                  method: 'POST',
                  body: inputBody,
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Content-Type': 'application/',
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r ='{jobId}/categories', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Content-Type": []string{"application/"},
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "{jobId}/categories", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                POST /analytics/{jobId}/categories

                Returns the categories of text analytics results that are available at the specified exploration level.

                Body parameter

                An empty request body can be used with /analytics/{jobId}/categories to retrieve all the categories for which results were generated.

                Name In Type Required Description
                jobId path string true The unique identifier of the text analytics job.
                body body analyticsExplore false none

                Example responses

                An empty request body can be used with /analytics/{jobId}/categories to retrieve the categories for which results were generated. This example is a response to such a request.

                  "identifier": "4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65",
                  "categories": [
                  "fromAndTo": true,
                  "errors": [],
                  "links": [
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/categories",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/categories",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getJob",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getState",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/state",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/state",
                      "type": "text/plain"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "cancelJob",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/state?value=cancelled",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/state?value=cancelled",
                      "responseType": "text/plain"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "deleteJob",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getIdentities",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/identities",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/identities",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "getResults",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/results",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/results",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "getSankeyDiagram",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/sankeyDiagrams",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/sankeyDiagrams",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getLocales",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/locales",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/locales",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "startTextAnalytics",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"

                The phrase member can be combined with category and used with /analytics/{jobId}/categories to retrieve the categories of results that were also extracted from the object(s) containing the specified phrase. This example shows the categories of results that were extracted from the same object(s) from which the "John Smith" person was resolved.

                  "identifier": "4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65",
                  "level": {
                    "category": "person",
                    "phrase": "john smith"
                  "categories": [
                  "fromAndTo": true,
                  "errors": [],
                  "links": []

                A nextLevel member with its own category and phrase can be sent to /analytics/{jobId}/categories to retrieve the categories of results that were extracted from the same object(s) containing both the top-level phrase and next level phrase. This example shows the categories of results that were extracted from the same object(s) from which the "John Smith" person and "SAS" organization were resolved.

                  "identifier": "4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65",
                  "level": {
                    "category": "person",
                    "phrase": "john smith",
                    "nextLevel": {
                      "category": "organization",
                      "phrase": "sas"
                  "categories": [
                  "fromAndTo": true,
                  "errors": [],
                  "links": []

                An empty request body can be used with /analytics/{jobId}/categories to retrieve the categories for which results were generated. This example is a response to such a request.

                  "identifier": "4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65",
                  "categories": [
                  "fromAndTo": true,
                  "errors": [],
                  "links": [
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/categories",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/categories",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getJob",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getState",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/state",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/state",
                      "type": "text/plain"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "cancelJob",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/state?value=cancelled",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/state?value=cancelled",
                      "responseType": "text/plain"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "deleteJob",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getIdentities",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/identities",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/identities",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "getResults",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/results",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/results",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "getSankeyDiagram",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/sankeyDiagrams",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/sankeyDiagrams",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getLocales",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/locales",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/locales",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "startTextAnalytics",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"

                The phrase member can be combined with category and used with /analytics/{jobId}/categories to retrieve the categories of results that were also extracted from the object(s) containing the specified phrase. This example shows the categories of results that were extracted from the same object(s) from which the "John Smith" person was resolved.

                  "identifier": "4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65",
                  "level": {
                    "category": "person",
                    "phrase": "john smith"
                  "categories": [
                  "fromAndTo": true,
                  "errors": [],
                  "links": []

                A nextLevel member with its own category and phrase can be sent to /analytics/{jobId}/categories to retrieve the categories of results that were extracted from the same object(s) containing both the top-level phrase and next level phrase. This example shows the categories of results that were extracted from the same object(s) from which the "John Smith" person and "SAS" organization were resolved.

                  "identifier": "4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65",
                  "level": {
                    "category": "person",
                    "phrase": "john smith",
                    "nextLevel": {
                      "category": "organization",
                      "phrase": "sas"
                  "categories": [
                  "fromAndTo": true,
                  "errors": [],
                  "links": []

                202 Response

                  "description": "An example of a 202 accepted Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95192",
                    "message": "The text analytics results are not yet available for the identifier \"exampleId\".",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 202
                  "description": "An example of a 202 accepted Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95192",
                    "message": "The text analytics results are not yet available for the identifier \"exampleId\".",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 202

                An empty request body can be used with /analytics/{jobId}/categories to retrieve the categories for which results were generated. This example is a response to such a request.

                  "identifier": "4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65",
                  "categories": [
                  "fromAndTo": true,
                  "errors": [],
                  "links": [
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/categories",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/categories",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getJob",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getState",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/state",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/state",
                      "type": "text/plain"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "cancelJob",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/state?value=cancelled",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/state?value=cancelled",
                      "responseType": "text/plain"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "deleteJob",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getIdentities",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/identities",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/identities",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "getResults",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/results",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/results",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "getSankeyDiagram",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/sankeyDiagrams",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/sankeyDiagrams",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getLocales",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/locales",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/locales",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "startTextAnalytics",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"

                The phrase member can be combined with category and used with /analytics/{jobId}/categories to retrieve the categories of results that were also extracted from the object(s) containing the specified phrase. This example shows the categories of results that were extracted from the same object(s) from which the "John Smith" person was resolved.

                  "identifier": "4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65",
                  "level": {
                    "category": "person",
                    "phrase": "john smith"
                  "categories": [
                  "fromAndTo": true,
                  "errors": [],
                  "links": []

                A nextLevel member with its own category and phrase can be sent to /analytics/{jobId}/categories to retrieve the categories of results that were extracted from the same object(s) containing both the top-level phrase and next level phrase. This example shows the categories of results that were extracted from the same object(s) from which the "John Smith" person and "SAS" organization were resolved.

                  "identifier": "4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65",
                  "level": {
                    "category": "person",
                    "phrase": "john smith",
                    "nextLevel": {
                      "category": "organization",
                      "phrase": "sas"
                  "categories": [
                  "fromAndTo": true,
                  "errors": [],
                  "links": []

                An empty request body can be used with /analytics/{jobId}/categories to retrieve the categories for which results were generated. This example is a response to such a request.

                  "identifier": "4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65",
                  "categories": [
                  "fromAndTo": true,
                  "errors": [],
                  "links": [
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/categories",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/categories",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getJob",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getState",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/state",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/state",
                      "type": "text/plain"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "cancelJob",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/state?value=cancelled",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/state?value=cancelled",
                      "responseType": "text/plain"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "deleteJob",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getIdentities",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/identities",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/identities",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "getResults",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/results",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/results",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "getSankeyDiagram",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/sankeyDiagrams",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/sankeyDiagrams",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getLocales",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/locales",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/locales",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "startTextAnalytics",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"

                The phrase member can be combined with category and used with /analytics/{jobId}/categories to retrieve the categories of results that were also extracted from the object(s) containing the specified phrase. This example shows the categories of results that were extracted from the same object(s) from which the "John Smith" person was resolved.

                  "identifier": "4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65",
                  "level": {
                    "category": "person",
                    "phrase": "john smith"
                  "categories": [
                  "fromAndTo": true,
                  "errors": [],
                  "links": []

                A nextLevel member with its own category and phrase can be sent to /analytics/{jobId}/categories to retrieve the categories of results that were extracted from the same object(s) containing both the top-level phrase and next level phrase. This example shows the categories of results that were extracted from the same object(s) from which the "John Smith" person and "SAS" organization were resolved.

                  "identifier": "4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65",
                  "level": {
                    "category": "person",
                    "phrase": "john smith",
                    "nextLevel": {
                      "category": "organization",
                      "phrase": "sas"
                  "categories": [
                  "fromAndTo": true,
                  "errors": [],
                  "links": []

                400 Response

                  "description": "An example of a 400 bad request Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95002",
                    "message": "The parameter \"types\" cannot be null or empty. Please provide a value.",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 400
                  "description": "An example of a 400 bad request Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95002",
                    "message": "The parameter \"types\" cannot be null or empty. Please provide a value.",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 400

                404 Response

                  "description": "An example of a 404 resource not found Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95144",
                    "message": "No entity type was found with the name \"example\".",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 404
                  "description": "An example of a 404 resource not found Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95144",
                    "message": "No entity type was found with the name \"example\".",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 404
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. analyticsCategories
                202 Accepted The text analytics results are not available yet. For example, the job is still running. error2
                206 Partial Content The job did not complete successfully but there are some text analytics results. analyticsCategories
                400 Bad Request The request is malformed or contains invalid parameter values. error2
                404 Not Found There is no job for the given identifier or there are no results at the specified exploration level. error2

                Get the text analytics results

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X POST{jobId}/results \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Content-Type: application/' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const inputBody = '{
                  "level": {
                    "category": "significantTerm"
                const headers = {
                  method: 'POST',
                  body: inputBody,
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Content-Type': 'application/',
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r ='{jobId}/results', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Content-Type": []string{"application/"},
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "{jobId}/results", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                POST /analytics/{jobId}/results

                Returns the text analytics results that are available at the specified exploration level.

                Body parameter

                The category member can be used on its own with /analytics/{jobId}/results to retrieve the results of a single category. This example will retrieve the significant terms.

                  "level": {
                    "category": "significantTerm"
                Name In Type Required Description
                jobId path string true The unique identifier of the text analytics job.
                body body analyticsExplore false none

                Example responses

                The category member can be used on its own with /analytics/{jobId}/results to retrieve the results of a single category. This example shows person results being retrieved.

                  "identifier": "4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65",
                  "level": {
                    "category": "person"
                  "results": [
                      "phrase": "james robert smith",
                      "frequencyCount": 5,
                      "objectIds": [
                          "type": "article",
                          "id": "2569"
                          "type": "article",
                          "id": "65"
                      "aliases": [
                          "phrase": "james robert smith",
                          "frequencyCount": 3,
                          "objectIds": [
                              "type": "article",
                              "id": "2569"
                              "type": "article",
                              "id": "65"
                          "phrase": "james smith",
                          "frequencyCount": 2,
                          "objectIds": [
                              "type": "article",
                              "id": "65"
                      "phrase": "sarah edwards",
                      "frequencyCount": 2,
                      "objectIds": [
                          "type": "article",
                          "id": "3985"
                          "type": "article",
                          "id": "1877"
                      "aliases": [
                          "phrase": "sarah edwards",
                          "frequencyCount": 2,
                          "objectIds": [
                              "type": "article",
                              "id": "3985"
                              "type": "article",
                              "id": "1877"
                  "links": [
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/results",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/results",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getJob",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getState",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/state",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/state",
                      "type": "text/plain"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "cancelJob",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/state?value=cancelled",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/state?value=cancelled",
                      "responseType": "text/plain"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "deleteJob",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getIdentities",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/identities",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/identities",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "getCategories",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/categories",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/categories",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "getSankeyDiagram",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/sankeyDiagrams",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/sankeyDiagrams",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getLocales",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/locales",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/locales",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "startTextAnalytics",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"

                The nextLevel member with its own category can be sent to /analytics/{jobId}/results to retrieve the results of the specified (next level) category that were extracted from the same object(s) containing the specified (top-level) phrase. This example shows the organization results that were resolved from the same object(s) from which the "James Robert Smith" person and his aliases were resolved.

                  "identifier": "4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65",
                  "level": {
                    "category": "person",
                    "phrase": "james robert smith",
                    "nextLevel": {
                      "category": "organization"
                  "results": [
                      "phrase": "washington post",
                      "frequencyCount": 4,
                      "objectIds": [
                          "type": "article",
                          "id": "2569"
                          "type": "article",
                          "id": "65"
                          "type": "article",
                          "id": "1935"
                      "aliases": [
                          "phrase": "washington post",
                          "frequencyCount": 4,
                          "objectIds": [
                              "type": "article",
                              "id": "2569"
                              "type": "article",
                              "id": "65"
                              "type": "article",
                              "id": "1935"
                      "name": "sas",
                      "frequencyCount": 3,
                      "objectIds": [
                          "type": "article",
                          "id": "65"
                          "type": "article",
                          "id": "1935"
                      "aliases": [
                          "phrase": "sas",
                          "frequencyCount": 3,
                          "objectIds": [
                              "type": "article",
                              "id": "65"
                              "type": "article",
                              "id": "1935"
                  "links": []

                A second nextLevel can be used to retrieve the results of the specified second next level category that were extracted from the same object(s) containing both the top-level phrase and next level phrase. This example shows the significant term results that were extracted from the same object(s) from which the "James Robert Smith" person (and his aliases) and the "SAS" organization were resolved.

                  "identifier": "4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65",
                  "level": {
                    "category": "person",
                    "phrase": "james robert smith",
                    "nextLevel": {
                      "category": "organization",
                      "phrase": "sas",
                      "nextLevel": {
                        "category": "significantTerm"
                  "results": [
                      "phrase": "analytics",
                      "frequencyCount": 7,
                      "weight": 0.723518965,
                      "objectIds": [
                          "type": "article",
                          "id": "65"
                          "type": "article",
                          "id": "1935"
                      "aliases": []
                      "phrase": "university",
                      "frequencyCount": 3,
                      "weight": 0.682183481,
                      "objectIds": [
                          "type": "article",
                          "id": "1935"
                      "aliases": []
                  "links": []

                The category member can be used on its own with /analytics/{jobId}/results to retrieve the results of a single category. This example shows person results being retrieved.

                  "identifier": "4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65",
                  "level": {
                    "category": "person"
                  "results": [
                      "phrase": "james robert smith",
                      "frequencyCount": 5,
                      "objectIds": [
                          "type": "article",
                          "id": "2569"
                          "type": "article",
                          "id": "65"
                      "aliases": [
                          "phrase": "james robert smith",
                          "frequencyCount": 3,
                          "objectIds": [
                              "type": "article",
                              "id": "2569"
                              "type": "article",
                              "id": "65"
                          "phrase": "james smith",
                          "frequencyCount": 2,
                          "objectIds": [
                              "type": "article",
                              "id": "65"
                      "phrase": "sarah edwards",
                      "frequencyCount": 2,
                      "objectIds": [
                          "type": "article",
                          "id": "3985"
                          "type": "article",
                          "id": "1877"
                      "aliases": [
                          "phrase": "sarah edwards",
                          "frequencyCount": 2,
                          "objectIds": [
                              "type": "article",
                              "id": "3985"
                              "type": "article",
                              "id": "1877"
                  "links": [
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/results",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/results",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getJob",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getState",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/state",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/state",
                      "type": "text/plain"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "cancelJob",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/state?value=cancelled",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/state?value=cancelled",
                      "responseType": "text/plain"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "deleteJob",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getIdentities",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/identities",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/identities",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "getCategories",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/categories",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/categories",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "getSankeyDiagram",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/sankeyDiagrams",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/sankeyDiagrams",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getLocales",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/locales",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/locales",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "startTextAnalytics",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"

                The nextLevel member with its own category can be sent to /analytics/{jobId}/results to retrieve the results of the specified (next level) category that were extracted from the same object(s) containing the specified (top-level) phrase. This example shows the organization results that were resolved from the same object(s) from which the "James Robert Smith" person and his aliases were resolved.

                  "identifier": "4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65",
                  "level": {
                    "category": "person",
                    "phrase": "james robert smith",
                    "nextLevel": {
                      "category": "organization"
                  "results": [
                      "phrase": "washington post",
                      "frequencyCount": 4,
                      "objectIds": [
                          "type": "article",
                          "id": "2569"
                          "type": "article",
                          "id": "65"
                          "type": "article",
                          "id": "1935"
                      "aliases": [
                          "phrase": "washington post",
                          "frequencyCount": 4,
                          "objectIds": [
                              "type": "article",
                              "id": "2569"
                              "type": "article",
                              "id": "65"
                              "type": "article",
                              "id": "1935"
                      "name": "sas",
                      "frequencyCount": 3,
                      "objectIds": [
                          "type": "article",
                          "id": "65"
                          "type": "article",
                          "id": "1935"
                      "aliases": [
                          "phrase": "sas",
                          "frequencyCount": 3,
                          "objectIds": [
                              "type": "article",
                              "id": "65"
                              "type": "article",
                              "id": "1935"
                  "links": []

                A second nextLevel can be used to retrieve the results of the specified second next level category that were extracted from the same object(s) containing both the top-level phrase and next level phrase. This example shows the significant term results that were extracted from the same object(s) from which the "James Robert Smith" person (and his aliases) and the "SAS" organization were resolved.

                  "identifier": "4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65",
                  "level": {
                    "category": "person",
                    "phrase": "james robert smith",
                    "nextLevel": {
                      "category": "organization",
                      "phrase": "sas",
                      "nextLevel": {
                        "category": "significantTerm"
                  "results": [
                      "phrase": "analytics",
                      "frequencyCount": 7,
                      "weight": 0.723518965,
                      "objectIds": [
                          "type": "article",
                          "id": "65"
                          "type": "article",
                          "id": "1935"
                      "aliases": []
                      "phrase": "university",
                      "frequencyCount": 3,
                      "weight": 0.682183481,
                      "objectIds": [
                          "type": "article",
                          "id": "1935"
                      "aliases": []
                  "links": []

                202 Response

                  "description": "An example of a 202 accepted Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95192",
                    "message": "The text analytics results are not yet available for the identifier \"exampleId\".",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 202
                  "description": "An example of a 202 accepted Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95192",
                    "message": "The text analytics results are not yet available for the identifier \"exampleId\".",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 202

                400 Response

                  "description": "An example of a 400 bad request Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95002",
                    "message": "The parameter \"types\" cannot be null or empty. Please provide a value.",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 400
                  "description": "An example of a 400 bad request Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95002",
                    "message": "The parameter \"types\" cannot be null or empty. Please provide a value.",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 400

                404 Response

                  "description": "An example of a 404 resource not found Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95144",
                    "message": "No entity type was found with the name \"example\".",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 404
                  "description": "An example of a 404 resource not found Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95144",
                    "message": "No entity type was found with the name \"example\".",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 404
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. analyticsResults
                202 Accepted The text analytics results are not available yet. For example, the job is still running. error2
                400 Bad Request The request is malformed or contains invalid parameter values. error2
                404 Not Found There is no job for the given identifier or there are no results at the specified exploration level. error2

                Generate text analytics Sankey diagram

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X POST{jobId}/sankeyDiagrams \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Content-Type: application/' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const inputBody = '{
                  "level": {
                    "category": "organization",
                    "phrase": "sas"
                  "fromAndTo": true,
                  "maxLinks": 50
                const headers = {
                  method: 'POST',
                  body: inputBody,
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Content-Type': 'application/',
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r ='{jobId}/sankeyDiagrams', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Content-Type": []string{"application/"},
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "{jobId}/sankeyDiagrams", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                POST /analytics/{jobId}/sankeyDiagrams

                Retrieves related text analytics results as a Sankey diagram. There are two types of Sankey diagram: 1) based on the pairs of values extracted from the "from" and "to" fields where nodes represent field values and links represent the objects containing the field values. 2) based on two categories of results where nodes represent the results of each category and links represent the objects containing results of both categories.

                Body parameter

                An example of the request for /analytics/{jobId}/sankeyDiagrams based on the "from" and "to" field values extracted from the same object(s) from which the "SAS" organization was resolved.

                  "level": {
                    "category": "organization",
                    "phrase": "sas"
                  "fromAndTo": true,
                  "maxLinks": 50
                Name In Type Required Description
                jobId path string true The unique identifier of the text analytics job.
                body body analyticsSankeyDiagramRequest false none

                Example responses

                An example of the response from /analytics/{jobId}/sankeyDiagrams based on the "from" and "to" field values extracted from the same object(s) from which the "SAS" organization was resolved.

                  "identifier": "4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65",
                  "level": {
                    "category": "organization",
                    "phrase": "sas"
                  "fromAndTo": true,
                  "maxLinks": 50,
                  "sankeyNodes": [
                      "identifier": 6,
                      "phrase": "",
                      "frequencyCount": 155,
                      "weight": 0,
                      "objectIds": [
                          "type": "email",
                          "id": "15"
                      "compoundValues": []
                      "identifier": 4,
                      "phrase": "",
                      "frequencyCount": 538,
                      "weight": 0,
                      "objectIds": [
                          "type": "email",
                          "id": "2565"
                      "compoundValues": []
                      "identifier": 1,
                      "phrase": "",
                      "frequencyCount": 355,
                      "weight": 0,
                      "objectIds": [
                          "type": "email",
                          "id": "490"
                      "compoundValues": []
                      "identifier": 11,
                      "phrase": "",
                      "frequencyCount": 7,
                      "weight": 0,
                      "objectIds": [
                          "type": "email",
                          "id": "22"
                      "compoundValues": []
                      "identifier": 2,
                      "phrase": "",
                      "frequencyCount": 88,
                      "weight": 0,
                      "objectIds": [
                          "type": "email",
                          "id": "491"
                      "compoundValues": []
                      "identifier": 3,
                      "phrase": "",
                      "frequencyCount": 3,
                      "weight": 0,
                      "objectIds": [
                          "type": "email",
                          "id": "2637"
                      "compoundValues": []
                  "sankeyLinks": [
                      "fromNode": 6,
                      "toNode": 4,
                      "frequencyCount": 3,
                      "objectIds": [
                          "type": "email",
                          "id": "3000"
                          "type": "email",
                          "id": "65"
                          "type": "email",
                          "id": "73"
                      "compoundValues": []
                      "fromNode": 1,
                      "toNode": 11,
                      "frequencyCount": 2,
                      "objectIds": [
                          "type": "email",
                          "id": "6"
                          "type": "email",
                          "id": "276"
                      "compoundValues": []
                      "fromNode": 1,
                      "toNode": 2,
                      "frequencyCount": 1,
                      "objectIds": [
                          "type": "email",
                          "id": "220"
                      "compoundValues": []
                      "fromNode": 3,
                      "toNode": 4,
                      "frequencyCount": 1,
                      "objectIds": [
                          "type": "email",
                          "id": "2969"
                      "compoundValues": []
                  "links": [
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/sankeyDiagrams",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/sankeyDiagrams",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getJob",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getState",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/state",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/state",
                      "type": "text/plain"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "cancelJob",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/state?value=cancelled",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/state?value=cancelled",
                      "responseType": "text/plain"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "deleteJob",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getIdentities",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/identities",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/identities",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "getCategories",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/categories",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/categories",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "getResults",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/results",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/results",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getLocales",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/locales",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/locales",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "startTextAnalytics",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"

                An example of the response from /analytics/{jobId}/sankeyDiagrams based on "person" and "location" results that were extracted from the same object(s) from which the "SAS" organization was resolved.

                  "identifier": "4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65",
                  "level": {
                    "category": "organization",
                    "phrase": "sas"
                  "fromCategory": "person",
                  "toCategory": "location",
                  "fromAndTo": false,
                  "maxLinks": 30,
                  "sankeyNodes": [
                      "identifier": 13,
                      "category": "person",
                      "phrase": "david jones",
                      "frequencyCount": 50,
                      "weight": 0,
                      "objectIds": [
                          "type": "email",
                          "id": "14"
                      "compoundValues": [],
                      "aliases": [
                          "phrase": "david jones",
                          "frequencyCount": 50,
                          "weight": 0,
                          "objectIds": [
                              "type": "email",
                              "id": "14"
                          "compoundValues": []
                      "identifier": 2,
                      "category": "location",
                      "phrase": "united states",
                      "frequencyCount": 43,
                      "weight": 0,
                      "objectIds": [
                          "type": "email",
                          "id": "1850"
                      "compoundValues": [],
                      "aliases": [
                          "phrase": "united states",
                          "frequencyCount": 43,
                          "weight": 0,
                          "objectIds": [
                              "type": "email",
                              "id": "1850"
                          "compoundValues": []
                      "identifier": 5,
                      "category": "location",
                      "phrase": "england",
                      "frequencyCount": 22,
                      "weight": 0,
                      "objectIds": [
                          "type": "email",
                          "id": "10"
                      "compoundValues": [],
                      "aliases": [
                          "phrase": "england",
                          "frequencyCount": 22,
                          "weight": 0,
                          "objectIds": [
                              "type": "email",
                              "id": "10"
                          "compoundValues": []
                      "identifier": 1,
                      "category": "person",
                      "phrase": "james robert smith",
                      "frequencyCount": 56,
                      "weight": 0,
                      "objectIds": [
                          "type": "email",
                          "id": "2569"
                      "compoundValues": [],
                      "aliases": [
                          "phrase": "james robert smith",
                          "frequencyCount": 24,
                          "weight": 0,
                          "objectIds": [
                              "type": "email",
                              "id": "2569"
                          "compoundValues": []
                          "phrase": "james smith",
                          "frequencyCount": 32,
                          "weight": 0,
                          "objectIds": [
                              "type": "email",
                              "id": "1335"
                          "compoundValues": []
                  "sankeyLinks": [
                      "fromNode": 13,
                      "toNode": 2,
                      "frequencyCount": 10,
                      "objectIds": [
                          "type": "email",
                          "id": "52"
                      "compoundValues": []
                      "fromNode": 13,
                      "toNode": 5,
                      "frequencyCount": 3,
                      "objectIds": [
                          "type": "email",
                          "id": "65"
                      "compoundValues": []
                      "fromNode": 1,
                      "toNode": 2,
                      "frequencyCount": 2,
                      "objectIds": [
                          "type": "email",
                          "id": "65"
                      "compoundValues": []
                      "fromNode": 1,
                      "toNode": 5,
                      "frequencyCount": 2,
                      "objectIds": [
                          "type": "email",
                          "id": "65"
                      "compoundValues": []
                  "links": []

                An example of the response from /analytics/{jobId}/sankeyDiagrams based on the "from" and "to" field values extracted from the same object(s) from which the "SAS" organization was resolved.

                  "identifier": "4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65",
                  "level": {
                    "category": "organization",
                    "phrase": "sas"
                  "fromAndTo": true,
                  "maxLinks": 50,
                  "sankeyNodes": [
                      "identifier": 6,
                      "phrase": "",
                      "frequencyCount": 155,
                      "weight": 0,
                      "objectIds": [
                          "type": "email",
                          "id": "15"
                      "compoundValues": []
                      "identifier": 4,
                      "phrase": "",
                      "frequencyCount": 538,
                      "weight": 0,
                      "objectIds": [
                          "type": "email",
                          "id": "2565"
                      "compoundValues": []
                      "identifier": 1,
                      "phrase": "",
                      "frequencyCount": 355,
                      "weight": 0,
                      "objectIds": [
                          "type": "email",
                          "id": "490"
                      "compoundValues": []
                      "identifier": 11,
                      "phrase": "",
                      "frequencyCount": 7,
                      "weight": 0,
                      "objectIds": [
                          "type": "email",
                          "id": "22"
                      "compoundValues": []
                      "identifier": 2,
                      "phrase": "",
                      "frequencyCount": 88,
                      "weight": 0,
                      "objectIds": [
                          "type": "email",
                          "id": "491"
                      "compoundValues": []
                      "identifier": 3,
                      "phrase": "",
                      "frequencyCount": 3,
                      "weight": 0,
                      "objectIds": [
                          "type": "email",
                          "id": "2637"
                      "compoundValues": []
                  "sankeyLinks": [
                      "fromNode": 6,
                      "toNode": 4,
                      "frequencyCount": 3,
                      "objectIds": [
                          "type": "email",
                          "id": "3000"
                          "type": "email",
                          "id": "65"
                          "type": "email",
                          "id": "73"
                      "compoundValues": []
                      "fromNode": 1,
                      "toNode": 11,
                      "frequencyCount": 2,
                      "objectIds": [
                          "type": "email",
                          "id": "6"
                          "type": "email",
                          "id": "276"
                      "compoundValues": []
                      "fromNode": 1,
                      "toNode": 2,
                      "frequencyCount": 1,
                      "objectIds": [
                          "type": "email",
                          "id": "220"
                      "compoundValues": []
                      "fromNode": 3,
                      "toNode": 4,
                      "frequencyCount": 1,
                      "objectIds": [
                          "type": "email",
                          "id": "2969"
                      "compoundValues": []
                  "links": [
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/sankeyDiagrams",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/sankeyDiagrams",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getJob",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getState",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/state",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/state",
                      "type": "text/plain"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "cancelJob",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/state?value=cancelled",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/state?value=cancelled",
                      "responseType": "text/plain"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "deleteJob",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getIdentities",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/identities",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/identities",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "getCategories",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/categories",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/categories",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "getResults",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/results",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65/results",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getLocales",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics/locales",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics/locales",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "startTextAnalytics",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/analytics",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/analytics",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"

                An example of the response from /analytics/{jobId}/sankeyDiagrams based on "person" and "location" results that were extracted from the same object(s) from which the "SAS" organization was resolved.

                  "identifier": "4fa45829-9b75-49c8-99f7-ef15aa838e65",
                  "level": {
                    "category": "organization",
                    "phrase": "sas"
                  "fromCategory": "person",
                  "toCategory": "location",
                  "fromAndTo": false,
                  "maxLinks": 30,
                  "sankeyNodes": [
                      "identifier": 13,
                      "category": "person",
                      "phrase": "david jones",
                      "frequencyCount": 50,
                      "weight": 0,
                      "objectIds": [
                          "type": "email",
                          "id": "14"
                      "compoundValues": [],
                      "aliases": [
                          "phrase": "david jones",
                          "frequencyCount": 50,
                          "weight": 0,
                          "objectIds": [
                              "type": "email",
                              "id": "14"
                          "compoundValues": []
                      "identifier": 2,
                      "category": "location",
                      "phrase": "united states",
                      "frequencyCount": 43,
                      "weight": 0,
                      "objectIds": [
                          "type": "email",
                          "id": "1850"
                      "compoundValues": [],
                      "aliases": [
                          "phrase": "united states",
                          "frequencyCount": 43,
                          "weight": 0,
                          "objectIds": [
                              "type": "email",
                              "id": "1850"
                          "compoundValues": []
                      "identifier": 5,
                      "category": "location",
                      "phrase": "england",
                      "frequencyCount": 22,
                      "weight": 0,
                      "objectIds": [
                          "type": "email",
                          "id": "10"
                      "compoundValues": [],
                      "aliases": [
                          "phrase": "england",
                          "frequencyCount": 22,
                          "weight": 0,
                          "objectIds": [
                              "type": "email",
                              "id": "10"
                          "compoundValues": []
                      "identifier": 1,
                      "category": "person",
                      "phrase": "james robert smith",
                      "frequencyCount": 56,
                      "weight": 0,
                      "objectIds": [
                          "type": "email",
                          "id": "2569"
                      "compoundValues": [],
                      "aliases": [
                          "phrase": "james robert smith",
                          "frequencyCount": 24,
                          "weight": 0,
                          "objectIds": [
                              "type": "email",
                              "id": "2569"
                          "compoundValues": []
                          "phrase": "james smith",
                          "frequencyCount": 32,
                          "weight": 0,
                          "objectIds": [
                              "type": "email",
                              "id": "1335"
                          "compoundValues": []
                  "sankeyLinks": [
                      "fromNode": 13,
                      "toNode": 2,
                      "frequencyCount": 10,
                      "objectIds": [
                          "type": "email",
                          "id": "52"
                      "compoundValues": []
                      "fromNode": 13,
                      "toNode": 5,
                      "frequencyCount": 3,
                      "objectIds": [
                          "type": "email",
                          "id": "65"
                      "compoundValues": []
                      "fromNode": 1,
                      "toNode": 2,
                      "frequencyCount": 2,
                      "objectIds": [
                          "type": "email",
                          "id": "65"
                      "compoundValues": []
                      "fromNode": 1,
                      "toNode": 5,
                      "frequencyCount": 2,
                      "objectIds": [
                          "type": "email",
                          "id": "65"
                      "compoundValues": []
                  "links": []

                202 Response

                  "description": "An example of a 202 accepted Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95192",
                    "message": "The text analytics results are not yet available for the identifier \"exampleId\".",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 202
                  "description": "An example of a 202 accepted Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95192",
                    "message": "The text analytics results are not yet available for the identifier \"exampleId\".",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 202

                400 Response

                  "description": "An example of a 400 bad request Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95002",
                    "message": "The parameter \"types\" cannot be null or empty. Please provide a value.",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 400
                  "description": "An example of a 400 bad request Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95002",
                    "message": "The parameter \"types\" cannot be null or empty. Please provide a value.",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 400

                404 Response

                  "description": "An example of a 404 resource not found Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95144",
                    "message": "No entity type was found with the name \"example\".",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 404
                  "description": "An example of a 404 resource not found Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95144",
                    "message": "No entity type was found with the name \"example\".",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 404
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. analyticsSankeyDiagram
                202 Accepted The text analytics results are not available yet. For example, the job is still running. error2
                400 Bad Request The request is malformed or contains invalid parameter values. error2
                404 Not Found There is no job for the given identifier or there are no results at the specified exploration level. error2


                Administration-related endpoints.

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X POST \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Content-Type: application/' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const inputBody = '{
                  "operation": "refreshConfiguration",
                  "parameters": {
                    "type": "person",
                    "statusOnly": true
                const headers = {
                  method: 'POST',
                  body: inputBody,
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Content-Type': 'application/',
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r ='', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Content-Type": []string{"application/"},
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                POST /admin/operations

                The currently supported operations are: 1. refreshConfiguration: refreshes or just returns the status of the configuration in the cache and underlying search engine with respect to the stored configuration. 2. makeIndexSearchable: makes any newly populated indices searchable and deletes any older indices. See example Use Case Five.

                Body parameter

                An example of the request for /admin/operations that retrieves the status of the cached configuration for the "person" entity.

                  "operation": "refreshConfiguration",
                  "parameters": {
                    "type": "person",
                    "statusOnly": true
                Name In Type Required Description
                body body operationRequest false none

                Example responses

                An example of the response from /admin/operations that shows the status of the cached configuration for the "person" entity.

                  "operation": "refreshConfiguration",
                  "parameters": {
                    "type": "person",
                    "statusOnly": true
                  "results": {
                    "person": {
                      "refreshRequired": true,
                      "reindexRequired": false

                An example of the response from /admin/operations after the newest "person" index was made searchable and all older "person" indices were deleted.

                  "operation": "makeIndexSearchable",
                  "parameters": {
                    "type": "person"
                  "results": {}

                An example of the response from /admin/operations that shows the status of the cached configuration for the "person" entity.

                  "operation": "refreshConfiguration",
                  "parameters": {
                    "type": "person",
                    "statusOnly": true
                  "results": {
                    "person": {
                      "refreshRequired": true,
                      "reindexRequired": false

                An example of the response from /admin/operations after the newest "person" index was made searchable and all older "person" indices were deleted.

                  "operation": "makeIndexSearchable",
                  "parameters": {
                    "type": "person"
                  "results": {}

                400 Response

                  "description": "An example of a 400 bad request Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95002",
                    "message": "The parameter \"types\" cannot be null or empty. Please provide a value.",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 400
                  "description": "An example of a 400 bad request Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95002",
                    "message": "The parameter \"types\" cannot be null or empty. Please provide a value.",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 400

                404 Response

                  "description": "An example of a 404 resource not found Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95144",
                    "message": "No entity type was found with the name \"example\".",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 404
                  "description": "An example of a 404 resource not found Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95144",
                    "message": "No entity type was found with the name \"example\".",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 404
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. operationResponse
                400 Bad Request The request is malformed or contains invalid parameter values. error2
                404 Not Found A type mentioned in the request body does not exist. error2

                Gets multiple application settings

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X GET \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const headers = {
                  method: 'GET',
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r = requests.get('', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                GET /admin/settings

                Gets the values of multiple application settings.

                Name In Type Required Description
                start query integer false The index of the first setting to include in the current page.
                limit query integer false The maximum number of settings to include in each page.
                filter query string false A filter on the setting names. The supported operators are in and startsWith.

                Example responses

                An example of the request and response for /admin/settings.

                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings?start=0&limit=10",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings?start=0&limit=10",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "collection",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "setSettings",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/",
                      "responseItemType": "application/"
                  "name": "settings",
                  "accept": "application/",
                  "start": 0,
                  "count": 6,
                  "items": [
                      "name": "phoneticSearchEnabled",
                      "value": false,
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "update",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "up",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "itemType": "application/"
                      "name": "phoneticDefaultSearchEnabled",
                      "value": false,
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticDefaultSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticDefaultSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "update",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticDefaultSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticDefaultSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "up",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "itemType": "application/"
                      "name": "phoneticLabelSearchEnabled",
                      "value": false,
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticLabelSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticLabelSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "update",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticLabelSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticLabelSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "up",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "itemType": "application/"
                      "name": "synonymSearchEnabled",
                      "value": false,
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "update",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "up",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "itemType": "application/"
                      "name": "synonymDefaultSearchEnabled",
                      "value": false,
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymDefaultSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymDefaultSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "update",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymDefaultSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymDefaultSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "up",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "itemType": "application/"
                      "name": "synonymLabelSearchEnabled",
                      "value": false,
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymLabelSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymLabelSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "update",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymLabelSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymLabelSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "up",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "itemType": "application/"
                  "limit": 10,
                  "version": 2

                An example of an application setting.

                  "name": "phoneticSearchEnabled",
                  "value": true

                An example of the request and response for /admin/settings.

                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings?start=0&limit=10",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings?start=0&limit=10",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "collection",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "setSettings",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/",
                      "responseItemType": "application/"
                  "name": "settings",
                  "accept": "application/",
                  "start": 0,
                  "count": 6,
                  "items": [
                      "name": "phoneticSearchEnabled",
                      "value": false,
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "update",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "up",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "itemType": "application/"
                      "name": "phoneticDefaultSearchEnabled",
                      "value": false,
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticDefaultSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticDefaultSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "update",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticDefaultSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticDefaultSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "up",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "itemType": "application/"
                      "name": "phoneticLabelSearchEnabled",
                      "value": false,
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticLabelSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticLabelSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "update",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticLabelSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticLabelSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "up",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "itemType": "application/"
                      "name": "synonymSearchEnabled",
                      "value": false,
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "update",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "up",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "itemType": "application/"
                      "name": "synonymDefaultSearchEnabled",
                      "value": false,
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymDefaultSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymDefaultSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "update",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymDefaultSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymDefaultSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "up",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "itemType": "application/"
                      "name": "synonymLabelSearchEnabled",
                      "value": false,
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymLabelSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymLabelSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "update",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymLabelSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymLabelSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "up",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "itemType": "application/"
                  "limit": 10,
                  "version": 2

                An example of an application setting.

                  "name": "phoneticSearchEnabled",
                  "value": true
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. settingCollection

                Gets the headers for the get settings operation

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X HEAD
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  method: 'HEAD'
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                r = requests.head('')
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                HEAD /admin/settings

                Returns the headers for the get settings operation.

                Name In Type Required Description
                start query integer false The index of the first setting to include in the current page.
                limit query integer false The maximum number of settings to include in each page.
                filter query string false A filter on the setting names. The supported operators are in and startsWith.
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. None

                Updates multiple application settings

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X POST \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Content-Type: application/' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const inputBody = '{
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings?start=0&limit=10",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings?start=0&limit=10",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "collection",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "setSettings",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/",
                      "responseItemType": "application/"
                  "name": "settings",
                  "accept": "application/",
                  "start": 0,
                  "count": 6,
                  "items": [
                      "name": "phoneticSearchEnabled",
                      "value": false,
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "update",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "up",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "itemType": "application/"
                      "name": "phoneticDefaultSearchEnabled",
                      "value": false,
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticDefaultSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticDefaultSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "update",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticDefaultSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticDefaultSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "up",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "itemType": "application/"
                      "name": "phoneticLabelSearchEnabled",
                      "value": false,
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticLabelSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticLabelSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "update",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticLabelSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticLabelSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "up",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "itemType": "application/"
                      "name": "synonymSearchEnabled",
                      "value": false,
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "update",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "up",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "itemType": "application/"
                      "name": "synonymDefaultSearchEnabled",
                      "value": false,
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymDefaultSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymDefaultSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "update",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymDefaultSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymDefaultSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "up",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "itemType": "application/"
                      "name": "synonymLabelSearchEnabled",
                      "value": false,
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymLabelSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymLabelSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "update",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymLabelSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymLabelSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "up",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "itemType": "application/"
                  "limit": 10,
                  "version": 2
                const headers = {
                  method: 'POST',
                  body: inputBody,
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Content-Type': 'application/',
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r ='', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Content-Type": []string{"application/"},
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                POST /admin/settings

                Updates the values of multiple application settings.

                Body parameter

                An example of the request and response for /admin/settings.

                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings?start=0&limit=10",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings?start=0&limit=10",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "collection",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "setSettings",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/",
                      "responseItemType": "application/"
                  "name": "settings",
                  "accept": "application/",
                  "start": 0,
                  "count": 6,
                  "items": [
                      "name": "phoneticSearchEnabled",
                      "value": false,
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "update",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "up",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "itemType": "application/"
                      "name": "phoneticDefaultSearchEnabled",
                      "value": false,
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticDefaultSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticDefaultSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "update",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticDefaultSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticDefaultSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "up",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "itemType": "application/"
                      "name": "phoneticLabelSearchEnabled",
                      "value": false,
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticLabelSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticLabelSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "update",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticLabelSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticLabelSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "up",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "itemType": "application/"
                      "name": "synonymSearchEnabled",
                      "value": false,
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "update",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "up",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "itemType": "application/"
                      "name": "synonymDefaultSearchEnabled",
                      "value": false,
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymDefaultSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymDefaultSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "update",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymDefaultSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymDefaultSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "up",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "itemType": "application/"
                      "name": "synonymLabelSearchEnabled",
                      "value": false,
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymLabelSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymLabelSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "update",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymLabelSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymLabelSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "up",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "itemType": "application/"
                  "limit": 10,
                  "version": 2
                Name In Type Required Description
                body body settingCollection false none

                Example responses

                An example of the request and response for /admin/settings.

                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings?start=0&limit=10",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings?start=0&limit=10",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "collection",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "setSettings",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/",
                      "responseItemType": "application/"
                  "name": "settings",
                  "accept": "application/",
                  "start": 0,
                  "count": 6,
                  "items": [
                      "name": "phoneticSearchEnabled",
                      "value": false,
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "update",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "up",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "itemType": "application/"
                      "name": "phoneticDefaultSearchEnabled",
                      "value": false,
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticDefaultSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticDefaultSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "update",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticDefaultSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticDefaultSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "up",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "itemType": "application/"
                      "name": "phoneticLabelSearchEnabled",
                      "value": false,
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticLabelSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticLabelSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "update",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticLabelSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticLabelSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "up",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "itemType": "application/"
                      "name": "synonymSearchEnabled",
                      "value": false,
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "update",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "up",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "itemType": "application/"
                      "name": "synonymDefaultSearchEnabled",
                      "value": false,
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymDefaultSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymDefaultSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "update",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymDefaultSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymDefaultSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "up",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "itemType": "application/"
                      "name": "synonymLabelSearchEnabled",
                      "value": false,
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymLabelSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymLabelSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "update",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymLabelSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymLabelSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "up",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "itemType": "application/"
                  "limit": 10,
                  "version": 2

                An example of an application setting.

                  "name": "phoneticSearchEnabled",
                  "value": true

                An example of the request and response for /admin/settings.

                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings?start=0&limit=10",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings?start=0&limit=10",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "collection",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "setSettings",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/",
                      "responseItemType": "application/"
                  "name": "settings",
                  "accept": "application/",
                  "start": 0,
                  "count": 6,
                  "items": [
                      "name": "phoneticSearchEnabled",
                      "value": false,
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "update",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "up",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "itemType": "application/"
                      "name": "phoneticDefaultSearchEnabled",
                      "value": false,
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticDefaultSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticDefaultSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "update",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticDefaultSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticDefaultSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "up",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "itemType": "application/"
                      "name": "phoneticLabelSearchEnabled",
                      "value": false,
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticLabelSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticLabelSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "update",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticLabelSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/phoneticLabelSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "up",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "itemType": "application/"
                      "name": "synonymSearchEnabled",
                      "value": false,
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "update",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "up",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "itemType": "application/"
                      "name": "synonymDefaultSearchEnabled",
                      "value": false,
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymDefaultSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymDefaultSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "update",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymDefaultSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymDefaultSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "up",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "itemType": "application/"
                      "name": "synonymLabelSearchEnabled",
                      "value": false,
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymLabelSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymLabelSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "update",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymLabelSearchEnabled",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings/synonymLabelSearchEnabled",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "up",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/settings",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "itemType": "application/"
                  "limit": 10,
                  "version": 2

                An example of an application setting.

                  "name": "phoneticSearchEnabled",
                  "value": true

                400 Response

                  "description": "An example of a 400 bad request Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95002",
                    "message": "The parameter \"types\" cannot be null or empty. Please provide a value.",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 400
                  "description": "An example of a 400 bad request Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95002",
                    "message": "The parameter \"types\" cannot be null or empty. Please provide a value.",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 400

                404 Response

                  "description": "An example of a 404 resource not found Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95144",
                    "message": "No entity type was found with the name \"example\".",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 404
                  "description": "An example of a 404 resource not found Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95144",
                    "message": "No entity type was found with the name \"example\".",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 404
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. settingCollection
                400 Bad Request The request is malformed or contains invalid parameter values. error2
                404 Not Found One of the settings does not exist. error2

                Gets an application setting

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X GET{setting} \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const headers = {
                  method: 'GET',
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r = requests.get('{setting}', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{setting}", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                GET /admin/settings/{setting}

                Gets the value of an application setting.

                Name In Type Required Description
                setting path string true The name of the application setting.

                Example responses

                An example of an application setting.

                  "name": "phoneticSearchEnabled",
                  "value": true
                  "name": "phoneticSearchEnabled",
                  "value": true

                404 Response

                  "description": "An example of a 404 resource not found Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95144",
                    "message": "No entity type was found with the name \"example\".",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 404
                  "description": "An example of a 404 resource not found Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95144",
                    "message": "No entity type was found with the name \"example\".",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 404
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. setting
                404 Not Found The setting does not exist. error2

                Gets the headers for the get setting operation

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X HEAD{setting}
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  method: 'HEAD'
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                r = requests.head('{setting}')
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "{setting}", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                HEAD /admin/settings/{setting}

                Returns the headers for the get setting operation.

                Name In Type Required Description
                setting path string true The name of the application setting.
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. None
                404 Not Found The setting does not exist. None

                Updates an application setting

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X PUT{setting} \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Content-Type: application/' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const inputBody = '{
                  "name": "phoneticSearchEnabled",
                  "value": true
                const headers = {
                  method: 'PUT',
                  body: inputBody,
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Content-Type': 'application/',
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r = requests.put('{setting}', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Content-Type": []string{"application/"},
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("PUT", "{setting}", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                PUT /admin/settings/{setting}

                Updates the value of an application setting.

                Body parameter

                An example of an application setting.

                  "name": "phoneticSearchEnabled",
                  "value": true
                Name In Type Required Description
                setting path string true The name of the application setting.
                body body setting false none

                Example responses

                An example of an application setting.

                  "name": "phoneticSearchEnabled",
                  "value": true
                  "name": "phoneticSearchEnabled",
                  "value": true

                400 Response

                  "description": "An example of a 400 bad request Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95002",
                    "message": "The parameter \"types\" cannot be null or empty. Please provide a value.",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 400
                  "description": "An example of a 400 bad request Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95002",
                    "message": "The parameter \"types\" cannot be null or empty. Please provide a value.",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 400

                404 Response

                  "description": "An example of a 404 resource not found Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95144",
                    "message": "No entity type was found with the name \"example\".",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 404
                  "description": "An example of a 404 resource not found Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95144",
                    "message": "No entity type was found with the name \"example\".",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 404
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. setting
                400 Bad Request The request is malformed or contains invalid parameter values. error2
                404 Not Found The setting does not exist. error2


                Configuration-related endpoints.

                Export configuration

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X GET \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const headers = {
                  method: 'GET',
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r = requests.get('', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                GET /admin/config

                Returns the configuration for all of the types. This is intended to be used for moving the configuration between systems and as such there are no version numbers in the response.

                Example responses

                An example of the request and response for /admin/config.

                  "types": {
                    "address": {
                      "name": "address",
                      "displayName": "Address",
                      "category": "resolvedEntity",
                      "options": {
                        "dynamic": "true"
                      "config": {}
                    "business": {
                      "name": "business",
                      "displayName": "Business",
                      "category": "resolvedEntity",
                      "options": {
                        "dynamic": "true"
                      "config": {}
                    "business_customers": {
                      "name": "business_customers",
                      "displayName": "Business Customer",
                      "category": "entity",
                      "fields": {
                        "business_details_address": {
                          "type": "object",
                          "innerFields": {
                            "address": {
                              "displayName": "Address",
                              "type": "text"
                            "city": {
                              "displayName": "City",
                              "type": "text",
                              "options": {
                                "features": []
                            "postal_code": {
                              "displayName": "Postal Code",
                              "type": "text",
                              "options": {
                                "features": []
                            "country": {
                              "displayName": "Country",
                              "type": "text",
                              "options": {
                                "features": []
                            "geojson": {
                              "displayName": "GeoJSON",
                              "type": "geoShape"
                        "business_details_email": {
                          "type": "object",
                          "innerFields": {
                            "email_address": {
                              "displayName": "Email Address",
                              "type": "text",
                              "options": {
                                "features": []
                        "business_details_telephon": {
                          "type": "object",
                          "innerFields": {
                            "phone_number": {
                              "displayName": "Phone Number",
                              "type": "text",
                              "options": {
                                "features": []
                        "bus_cust_type": {
                          "displayName": "Bus Cust Type",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": []
                        "business_incorporation_date": {
                          "displayName": "Business Incorporation Date",
                          "type": "date"
                        "business_primary_industry": {
                          "displayName": "Business Primary Industry",
                          "type": "double"
                        "business_registered_name": {
                          "displayName": "Business Registered Name",
                          "type": "text"
                        "business_registration_number": {
                          "displayName": "Business Registration Number",
                          "type": "double"
                        "cust_start_date": {
                          "displayName": "Cust Start Date",
                          "type": "date"
                        "customer_end_date": {
                          "displayName": "Customer End Date",
                          "type": "date"
                        "customer_id_number": {
                          "displayName": "Customer ID Number",
                          "type": "double"
                        "customer_name": {
                          "displayName": "Customer Name",
                          "type": "text"
                        "customer_risk_rating": {
                          "displayName": "Customer Risk Rating",
                          "type": "double"
                        "customer_type": {
                          "displayName": "Customer Type",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": []
                      "config": {
                        "summary": {
                          "fields": [
                          "highlighting": {
                            "bus_cust_type": {
                              "highlighter": "plain",
                              "fragments": 3,
                              "fragmentSize": 150
                            "business_registered_name": {
                              "highlighter": "plain",
                              "fragments": 3,
                              "fragmentSize": 150
                            "customer_name": {
                              "highlighter": "plain",
                              "fragments": 3,
                              "fragmentSize": 150
                            "customer_type": {
                              "highlighter": "plain",
                              "fragments": 3,
                              "fragmentSize": 150
                        "table": {
                          "fields": [
                        "facets": [
                            "type": "terms",
                            "field": "bus_cust_type",
                            "limit": 100
                            "type": "terms",
                            "field": "customer_type",
                            "limit": 100
                            "type": "dateRange",
                            "field": "business_incorporation_date",
                            "accuracy": "day",
                            "filter": {
                              "allowExact": true,
                              "allowRange": true,
                              "fromType": "gte",
                              "toType": "lte"
                            "ranges": []
                        "events": [
                            "fields": {
                              "category": "business_incorporated",
                              "label": "Business Incorporated",
                              "description": "<br>Registration Number: {business_registration_number}",
                              "pointTimestamp": "{business_incorporation_date}"
                            "root": "business_details_address",
                            "fields": {
                              "category": "business_address",
                              "label": "{/business_registered_name}",
                              "description": "<br>Registration Number: {/business_registration_number}<br>Address: {address}",
                              "geoJson": "geojson"
                            "fields": {
                              "category": "customer_start_date",
                              "label": "Customer Start Date",
                              "description": "<br>Name: {customer_name}<br>Type: {customer_type}",
                              "pointTimestamp": "{cust_start_date}"
                            "fields": {
                              "category": "customer_end_date",
                              "label": "Customer End Date",
                              "description": "<br>Name: {customer_name}<br>Type: {customer_type}",
                              "pointTimestamp": "{customer_end_date}"
                        "label": {
                          "template": "Customer: {0}",
                          "values": [
                        "description": {
                          "template": "<br>Customer Id: {0}<br>Business Registration Number: {1}<br>Type: {2}<br>Risk Rating: {3}",
                          "values": [
                    "entityRelationship": {
                      "name": "entityRelationship",
                      "displayName": "Entity Relationship",
                      "category": "entityRelationship"
                    "email": {
                      "name": "email",
                      "displayName": "Email",
                      "category": "resolvedEntity"
                    "resolvedEntityRelationship": {
                      "name": "resolvedEntityRelationship",
                      "displayName": "Resolved Entity Link",
                      "category": "resolvedEntityRelationship"
                    "individual": {
                      "name": "individual",
                      "displayName": "Individual",
                      "category": "resolvedEntity",
                      "config": {}
                    "individual_customers": {
                      "name": "individual_customers",
                      "displayName": "Individual Customers",
                      "category": "entity",
                      "fields": {
                        "individual_details_addres": {
                          "type": "object",
                          "innerFields": {
                            "address": {
                              "displayName": "Address",
                              "type": "text"
                            "city": {
                              "displayName": "City",
                              "type": "text",
                              "options": {
                                "features": []
                            "postal_code": {
                              "displayName": "Postal Code",
                              "type": "text",
                              "options": {
                                "features": []
                            "country": {
                              "displayName": "Country",
                              "type": "text",
                              "options": {
                                "features": []
                            "geojson": {
                              "displayName": "GeoJSON",
                              "type": "geoShape"
                        "individual_details_email": {
                          "type": "object",
                          "innerFields": {
                            "email_address": {
                              "displayName": "Email Address",
                              "type": "text",
                              "options": {
                                "features": []
                        "individual_details_teleph": {
                          "type": "object",
                          "innerFields": {
                            "phone_number": {
                              "displayName": "Phone Number",
                              "type": "text",
                              "options": {
                                "features": []
                        "bus_cust_type": {
                          "displayName": "Bus Cust Type",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": []
                        "cust_start_date": {
                          "displayName": "Cust Start Date",
                          "type": "date"
                        "customer_end_date": {
                          "displayName": "Customer End Date",
                          "type": "date"
                        "customer_id_number": {
                          "displayName": "Customer ID Number",
                          "type": "double"
                        "customer_name": {
                          "displayName": "Customer Name",
                          "type": "text"
                        "customer_risk_rating": {
                          "displayName": "Customer Risk Rating",
                          "type": "double"
                        "customer_status": {
                          "displayName": "Customer Status",
                          "type": "text"
                        "customer_type": {
                          "displayName": "Customer Type",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": []
                        "date_of_birth": {
                          "displayName": "Date Of Birth",
                          "type": "date"
                        "full_name": {
                          "displayName": "Full Name",
                          "type": "text"
                        "personal_national_id_number": {
                          "displayName": "Personal National ID Number",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": []
                      "config": {
                        "summary": {
                          "fields": [
                          "highlighting": {
                            "customer_name": {
                              "highlighter": "plain",
                              "fragments": 3,
                              "fragmentSize": 150
                            "customer_type": {
                              "highlighter": "plain",
                              "fragments": 3,
                              "fragmentSize": 150
                            "full_name": {
                              "highlighter": "plain",
                              "fragments": 3,
                              "fragmentSize": 150
                        "table": {
                          "fields": [
                        "facets": [
                            "type": "terms",
                            "field": "bus_cust_type",
                            "limit": 100
                            "type": "terms",
                            "field": "customer_type",
                            "limit": 100
                            "type": "dateRange",
                            "field": "date_of_birth",
                            "accuracy": "day",
                            "filter": {
                              "allowExact": true,
                              "allowRange": true,
                              "fromType": "gte",
                              "toType": "lte"
                            "ranges": []
                        "events": [
                            "fields": {
                              "category": "customer_dob",
                              "label": "Customer Date of Birth",
                              "description": "<br>Name: {customer_name}<br>Type: {customer_type}",
                              "pointTimestamp": "{date_of_birth}"
                            "root": "individual_details_addres",
                            "fields": {
                              "category": "customer_address",
                              "label": "Customer: {/customer_name}",
                              "description": "<br>Name: {/customer_name}<br>Type: {/customer_type}",
                              "geoJson": "geojson"
                            "fields": {
                              "category": "customer_start_date",
                              "label": "Customer Start Date",
                              "description": "<br>Name: {customer_name}<br>Type: {customer_type}",
                              "pointTimestamp": "{cust_start_date}"
                            "fields": {
                              "category": "customer_end_date",
                              "label": "Customer End Date",
                              "description": "<br>Name: {customer_name}<br>Type: {customer_type}",
                              "pointTimestamp": "{customer_end_date}"
                        "label": {
                          "template": "Customer: {0}",
                          "values": [
                        "description": {
                          "template": "National Id: {0} - Full Name: {1} - Type: {1} - Status: {2} - Risk Rating: {3}",
                          "values": [
                    "telephone": {
                      "name": "telephone",
                      "displayName": "Telephone",
                      "category": "resolvedEntity"
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "import",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "delete",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getTypes",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"

                An example of the request and response for /admin/config/types/{type}.

                  "solution": "Insurance",
                  "name": "person",
                  "displayName": "Person",
                  "category": "entity",
                  "fields": {
                    "first_name": {
                      "displayName": "First Name",
                      "type": "text",
                      "options": {
                        "features": [
                    "last_name": {
                      "displayName": "Last Name",
                      "type": "text",
                      "options": {
                        "features": [
                    "dob": {
                      "displayName": "Date of Birth",
                      "type": "date",
                      "options": {
                        "format": "strict_date_optional_time||epoch_millis"
                    "addresses": {
                      "displayName": "Addresses",
                      "type": "object",
                      "innerFields": {
                        "address": {
                          "displayName": "Address",
                          "type": "text"
                        "city": {
                          "displayName": "City",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": [
                        "areaCode": {
                          "displayName": "Area Code",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": []
                        "country": {
                          "displayName": "Country",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": []
                        "lat": {
                          "displayName": "Latitude",
                          "type": "double"
                        "lon": {
                          "displayName": "Longitude",
                          "type": "double"
                  "options": {
                    "number_of_replicas": 2
                  "config": {
                    "summary": {
                      "fields": [
                      "highlighting": {
                        "first_name": {
                          "highlighter": "plain",
                          "fragments": 3,
                          "fragmentSize": 50
                        "last_name": {
                          "highlighter": "plain",
                          "fragments": 3,
                          "fragmentSize": 50
                    "table": {
                      "fields": [
                    "facets": [
                        "type": "terms",
                        "field": "last_name",
                        "limit": 100
                        "type": "terms",
                        "field": "",
                        "limit": 100
                    "textAnalytics": {
                      "fields": [
                    "events": [
                        "fields": {
                          "category": "birthday",
                          "label": "{first_name} {last_name}",
                          "description": "Born on {dob}",
                          "pointTimestamp": "{dob}"
                        "root": "addresses",
                        "fields": {
                          "category": "address",
                          "label": "{/first_name} {/last_name}",
                          "description": "Resides at {address} in {city}, {country}",
                          "latitude": "lat",
                          "longitude": "lon"
                    "label": {
                      "template": "{0} {1}",
                      "values": [
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "update",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "delete",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "up",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"

                An example of event configuration that extracts at most one event per array entry in the "old_addresses" field based on the root path. As the field specifiers are not delimited by /, each event is populated from the inner fields of the corresponding array entry. Since the tokenized text for the interval values refer to a single field, those fields must be of type date and contain valid ISO formatted date/time values. As "state" is a required field, events are extracted only if the array entry has a value for that field as well as either a valid GeoJSON value in the "location" field or values in both the "date_from" and "date_to" fields. The absence of a "city" field value causes that token to be removed from the description without being replaced with a value.

                  "root": "old_addresses",
                  "fields": {
                    "category": "Previous Address",
                    "intervalStartTimestamp": "{date_from}",
                    "intervalEndTimestamp": "{date_to}",
                    "description": "lived in {city}, {state}",
                    "geoJson": "location"
                  "requiredFields": [

                An example of event configuration that extracts a single event based on an object's top-level "lon", "lat", "city" and "state" fields. As there are no required fields defined, the event is extracted only if an object contains a numerical value in the "lon" field constituting a valid longitude and a numerical value in the "lat" field constituting a valid latitude value. The absence of "city" or "state" field values causes those tokens to be removed from the description without being replaced with a value.

                  "fields": {
                    "category": "Primary Address",
                    "longitude": "lon",
                    "latitude": "lat",
                    "description": "lives in {city}, {state}"

                An example of event configuration that shows how to mix absolute and relative paths in field specifiers. The example is based on an object with 4 levels of sub-objects (none of which are arrays); "level1" is a top-level field in the object containing a "level2" field and so on. In this case, a single event is extracted from the "level3" sub-object comprised of the "level3_date" time value and a description based on the "level3_text" field in this sub-object, the "level2_text" field from this sub-object's parent ("level2") and the "level4_text" from this sub-object's child ("level4"). Given that pointTimestamp refers to a single field, that field must be of type date. As there are required fields, the event is extracted only if these have values as well as "level3_date" having a value.

                  "root": "level1/level2/level3",
                  "fields": {
                    "category": "Complex Path Example Event",
                    "pointTimestamp": "{level3_date}",
                    "description": "this level: {level3_text} parent level: {/level1/level2/level2_text} child level: {level4/level4_text}"
                  "requiredFields": [

                An example of event configuration that extracts a single event based on an object's top-level "opendate", "account_holder_forename", and "account_holder_surname" fields. Given that pointTimestamp refers to a single field, that field must be of type date thereby containing an ISO formatted date/time value. As there are no required fields defined, the event is extracted only if an object has a value for "opendate". The absence of "account_holder_forename" or "account_holder_surname" field values causes those tokens to be removed from the description without being replaced with a value.

                  "fields": {
                    "category": "Account Opened",
                    "pointTimestamp": "{opendate}",
                    "description": "opened by {account_holder_forename} {account_holder_surname}"

                An example of the configuration for the date range facet based on a report date. In addition to the administrator defined ranges, the filter section suggests that clients are allowed to define their own range filters but not their own filter on an exact value.

                  "type": "dateRange",
                  "field": "reported",
                  "accuracy": "day",
                  "filter": {
                    "allowExact": false,
                    "allowRange": true,
                    "fromType": "gte",
                    "toType": "lte",
                    "displayFormat": "dd-MM-yyyy"
                  "ranges": [
                      "description": "Before 1980",
                      "id": "bdcaa922-3f90-4ae1-b6c0-4ba7de60c312",
                      "lt": "1980-01-01"
                      "description": "[1980, 1985]",
                      "id": "c3a442ce-ec8c-44c4-8015-1137ab4c83ad",
                      "gte": "1980-01-01",
                      "lte": "1985-12-31"
                      "description": "[1986, 1990]",
                      "id": "03834003-801f-48a9-a219-b2aa6376138c",
                      "gte": "1986-01-01",
                      "lte": "1990-12-31"
                      "description": "[1991, 2000]",
                      "id": "70c4b548-a275-409e-9c93-6279e29b6ac6",
                      "gte": "1991-01-01",
                      "lte": "2000-12-31"
                      "description": "After 2000",
                      "id": "31bda348-cf8c-46c8-85be-20809102c61f",
                      "gt": "2000-01-01"

                An example of the configuration for the numerical range facet based on transaction amounts. In addition to the administrator defined ranges, the filter section suggests that clients are allowed to define their own range filters.

                  "type": "range",
                  "field": "amount",
                  "filter": {
                    "allowExact": true,
                    "allowRange": true,
                    "fromType": "gte",
                    "toType": "lte",
                    "displayFormat": "####"
                  "ranges": [
                      "description": "Less than 50",
                      "id": "8fabe28c-3268-4ab2-bc1b-d073ce5312b2",
                      "lt": 50
                      "description": "[50, 100)",
                      "id": "ce734c46-a869-4b60-8e00-e2e56a7a7c85",
                      "gte": 50,
                      "lt": 100
                      "description": "[100, 150)",
                      "id": "e6f824ff-313e-4b6d-bd43-654fda41bdcf",
                      "gte": 100,
                      "lt": 150
                      "description": "[150, 200)",
                      "id": "399844ea-f03b-4e2d-aa3a-c07c93ba75fb",
                      "gte": 150,
                      "lt": 200
                      "description": "Greater than 200",
                      "id": "27edf5c1-d54d-4c9e-b16a-0fcba599ae57",
                      "gt": 200

                An example of the configuration for the terms facet that is based on the city field show casing how to order results highest count first.

                  "type": "terms",
                  "field": "city",
                  "limit": 50,
                  "displayLimit": 10,
                  "minDocCount": 1,
                  "orderBy": "count",
                  "orderDirection": "desc"

                An example of the configuration for the type facet show casing how to sort results by alphabetical order.

                  "type": "type",
                  "displayLimit": 8,
                  "minDocCount": 1,
                  "orderBy": "alpha",
                  "orderDirection": "asc"

                An example of the graph configuration that includes the specified fields in graph responses.

                  "fields": [

                An example of the label configuration that generates the templated label from the values in the specified fields.

                  "template": "{0} {1} born on {2}",
                  "values": [

                An example of the summary configuration that includes specific fields to return and well as a field to generate highlighting for when its content matches a search query.

                  "fields": [
                  "highlighting": {
                    "fullName": {
                      "highlighter": "plain",
                      "fragments": 3,
                      "fragmentSize": 100

                An example of the table configuration that includes the specified fields.

                  "fields": [

                An example of the text analytics configuration that includes the subject and body fields in the corpus and uses the from, to and cc fields for the Sankey diagrams.

                  "fields": [
                  "fromField": "from",
                  "toFields": [

                An example of the request and response for /admin/config.

                  "types": {
                    "address": {
                      "name": "address",
                      "displayName": "Address",
                      "category": "resolvedEntity",
                      "options": {
                        "dynamic": "true"
                      "config": {}
                    "business": {
                      "name": "business",
                      "displayName": "Business",
                      "category": "resolvedEntity",
                      "options": {
                        "dynamic": "true"
                      "config": {}
                    "business_customers": {
                      "name": "business_customers",
                      "displayName": "Business Customer",
                      "category": "entity",
                      "fields": {
                        "business_details_address": {
                          "type": "object",
                          "innerFields": {
                            "address": {
                              "displayName": "Address",
                              "type": "text"
                            "city": {
                              "displayName": "City",
                              "type": "text",
                              "options": {
                                "features": []
                            "postal_code": {
                              "displayName": "Postal Code",
                              "type": "text",
                              "options": {
                                "features": []
                            "country": {
                              "displayName": "Country",
                              "type": "text",
                              "options": {
                                "features": []
                            "geojson": {
                              "displayName": "GeoJSON",
                              "type": "geoShape"
                        "business_details_email": {
                          "type": "object",
                          "innerFields": {
                            "email_address": {
                              "displayName": "Email Address",
                              "type": "text",
                              "options": {
                                "features": []
                        "business_details_telephon": {
                          "type": "object",
                          "innerFields": {
                            "phone_number": {
                              "displayName": "Phone Number",
                              "type": "text",
                              "options": {
                                "features": []
                        "bus_cust_type": {
                          "displayName": "Bus Cust Type",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": []
                        "business_incorporation_date": {
                          "displayName": "Business Incorporation Date",
                          "type": "date"
                        "business_primary_industry": {
                          "displayName": "Business Primary Industry",
                          "type": "double"
                        "business_registered_name": {
                          "displayName": "Business Registered Name",
                          "type": "text"
                        "business_registration_number": {
                          "displayName": "Business Registration Number",
                          "type": "double"
                        "cust_start_date": {
                          "displayName": "Cust Start Date",
                          "type": "date"
                        "customer_end_date": {
                          "displayName": "Customer End Date",
                          "type": "date"
                        "customer_id_number": {
                          "displayName": "Customer ID Number",
                          "type": "double"
                        "customer_name": {
                          "displayName": "Customer Name",
                          "type": "text"
                        "customer_risk_rating": {
                          "displayName": "Customer Risk Rating",
                          "type": "double"
                        "customer_type": {
                          "displayName": "Customer Type",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": []
                      "config": {
                        "summary": {
                          "fields": [
                          "highlighting": {
                            "bus_cust_type": {
                              "highlighter": "plain",
                              "fragments": 3,
                              "fragmentSize": 150
                            "business_registered_name": {
                              "highlighter": "plain",
                              "fragments": 3,
                              "fragmentSize": 150
                            "customer_name": {
                              "highlighter": "plain",
                              "fragments": 3,
                              "fragmentSize": 150
                            "customer_type": {
                              "highlighter": "plain",
                              "fragments": 3,
                              "fragmentSize": 150
                        "table": {
                          "fields": [
                        "facets": [
                            "type": "terms",
                            "field": "bus_cust_type",
                            "limit": 100
                            "type": "terms",
                            "field": "customer_type",
                            "limit": 100
                            "type": "dateRange",
                            "field": "business_incorporation_date",
                            "accuracy": "day",
                            "filter": {
                              "allowExact": true,
                              "allowRange": true,
                              "fromType": "gte",
                              "toType": "lte"
                            "ranges": []
                        "events": [
                            "fields": {
                              "category": "business_incorporated",
                              "label": "Business Incorporated",
                              "description": "<br>Registration Number: {business_registration_number}",
                              "pointTimestamp": "{business_incorporation_date}"
                            "root": "business_details_address",
                            "fields": {
                              "category": "business_address",
                              "label": "{/business_registered_name}",
                              "description": "<br>Registration Number: {/business_registration_number}<br>Address: {address}",
                              "geoJson": "geojson"
                            "fields": {
                              "category": "customer_start_date",
                              "label": "Customer Start Date",
                              "description": "<br>Name: {customer_name}<br>Type: {customer_type}",
                              "pointTimestamp": "{cust_start_date}"
                            "fields": {
                              "category": "customer_end_date",
                              "label": "Customer End Date",
                              "description": "<br>Name: {customer_name}<br>Type: {customer_type}",
                              "pointTimestamp": "{customer_end_date}"
                        "label": {
                          "template": "Customer: {0}",
                          "values": [
                        "description": {
                          "template": "<br>Customer Id: {0}<br>Business Registration Number: {1}<br>Type: {2}<br>Risk Rating: {3}",
                          "values": [
                    "entityRelationship": {
                      "name": "entityRelationship",
                      "displayName": "Entity Relationship",
                      "category": "entityRelationship"
                    "email": {
                      "name": "email",
                      "displayName": "Email",
                      "category": "resolvedEntity"
                    "resolvedEntityRelationship": {
                      "name": "resolvedEntityRelationship",
                      "displayName": "Resolved Entity Link",
                      "category": "resolvedEntityRelationship"
                    "individual": {
                      "name": "individual",
                      "displayName": "Individual",
                      "category": "resolvedEntity",
                      "config": {}
                    "individual_customers": {
                      "name": "individual_customers",
                      "displayName": "Individual Customers",
                      "category": "entity",
                      "fields": {
                        "individual_details_addres": {
                          "type": "object",
                          "innerFields": {
                            "address": {
                              "displayName": "Address",
                              "type": "text"
                            "city": {
                              "displayName": "City",
                              "type": "text",
                              "options": {
                                "features": []
                            "postal_code": {
                              "displayName": "Postal Code",
                              "type": "text",
                              "options": {
                                "features": []
                            "country": {
                              "displayName": "Country",
                              "type": "text",
                              "options": {
                                "features": []
                            "geojson": {
                              "displayName": "GeoJSON",
                              "type": "geoShape"
                        "individual_details_email": {
                          "type": "object",
                          "innerFields": {
                            "email_address": {
                              "displayName": "Email Address",
                              "type": "text",
                              "options": {
                                "features": []
                        "individual_details_teleph": {
                          "type": "object",
                          "innerFields": {
                            "phone_number": {
                              "displayName": "Phone Number",
                              "type": "text",
                              "options": {
                                "features": []
                        "bus_cust_type": {
                          "displayName": "Bus Cust Type",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": []
                        "cust_start_date": {
                          "displayName": "Cust Start Date",
                          "type": "date"
                        "customer_end_date": {
                          "displayName": "Customer End Date",
                          "type": "date"
                        "customer_id_number": {
                          "displayName": "Customer ID Number",
                          "type": "double"
                        "customer_name": {
                          "displayName": "Customer Name",
                          "type": "text"
                        "customer_risk_rating": {
                          "displayName": "Customer Risk Rating",
                          "type": "double"
                        "customer_status": {
                          "displayName": "Customer Status",
                          "type": "text"
                        "customer_type": {
                          "displayName": "Customer Type",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": []
                        "date_of_birth": {
                          "displayName": "Date Of Birth",
                          "type": "date"
                        "full_name": {
                          "displayName": "Full Name",
                          "type": "text"
                        "personal_national_id_number": {
                          "displayName": "Personal National ID Number",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": []
                      "config": {
                        "summary": {
                          "fields": [
                          "highlighting": {
                            "customer_name": {
                              "highlighter": "plain",
                              "fragments": 3,
                              "fragmentSize": 150
                            "customer_type": {
                              "highlighter": "plain",
                              "fragments": 3,
                              "fragmentSize": 150
                            "full_name": {
                              "highlighter": "plain",
                              "fragments": 3,
                              "fragmentSize": 150
                        "table": {
                          "fields": [
                        "facets": [
                            "type": "terms",
                            "field": "bus_cust_type",
                            "limit": 100
                            "type": "terms",
                            "field": "customer_type",
                            "limit": 100
                            "type": "dateRange",
                            "field": "date_of_birth",
                            "accuracy": "day",
                            "filter": {
                              "allowExact": true,
                              "allowRange": true,
                              "fromType": "gte",
                              "toType": "lte"
                            "ranges": []
                        "events": [
                            "fields": {
                              "category": "customer_dob",
                              "label": "Customer Date of Birth",
                              "description": "<br>Name: {customer_name}<br>Type: {customer_type}",
                              "pointTimestamp": "{date_of_birth}"
                            "root": "individual_details_addres",
                            "fields": {
                              "category": "customer_address",
                              "label": "Customer: {/customer_name}",
                              "description": "<br>Name: {/customer_name}<br>Type: {/customer_type}",
                              "geoJson": "geojson"
                            "fields": {
                              "category": "customer_start_date",
                              "label": "Customer Start Date",
                              "description": "<br>Name: {customer_name}<br>Type: {customer_type}",
                              "pointTimestamp": "{cust_start_date}"
                            "fields": {
                              "category": "customer_end_date",
                              "label": "Customer End Date",
                              "description": "<br>Name: {customer_name}<br>Type: {customer_type}",
                              "pointTimestamp": "{customer_end_date}"
                        "label": {
                          "template": "Customer: {0}",
                          "values": [
                        "description": {
                          "template": "National Id: {0} - Full Name: {1} - Type: {1} - Status: {2} - Risk Rating: {3}",
                          "values": [
                    "telephone": {
                      "name": "telephone",
                      "displayName": "Telephone",
                      "category": "resolvedEntity"
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "import",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "delete",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getTypes",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"

                An example of the request and response for /admin/config/types/{type}.

                  "solution": "Insurance",
                  "name": "person",
                  "displayName": "Person",
                  "category": "entity",
                  "fields": {
                    "first_name": {
                      "displayName": "First Name",
                      "type": "text",
                      "options": {
                        "features": [
                    "last_name": {
                      "displayName": "Last Name",
                      "type": "text",
                      "options": {
                        "features": [
                    "dob": {
                      "displayName": "Date of Birth",
                      "type": "date",
                      "options": {
                        "format": "strict_date_optional_time||epoch_millis"
                    "addresses": {
                      "displayName": "Addresses",
                      "type": "object",
                      "innerFields": {
                        "address": {
                          "displayName": "Address",
                          "type": "text"
                        "city": {
                          "displayName": "City",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": [
                        "areaCode": {
                          "displayName": "Area Code",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": []
                        "country": {
                          "displayName": "Country",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": []
                        "lat": {
                          "displayName": "Latitude",
                          "type": "double"
                        "lon": {
                          "displayName": "Longitude",
                          "type": "double"
                  "options": {
                    "number_of_replicas": 2
                  "config": {
                    "summary": {
                      "fields": [
                      "highlighting": {
                        "first_name": {
                          "highlighter": "plain",
                          "fragments": 3,
                          "fragmentSize": 50
                        "last_name": {
                          "highlighter": "plain",
                          "fragments": 3,
                          "fragmentSize": 50
                    "table": {
                      "fields": [
                    "facets": [
                        "type": "terms",
                        "field": "last_name",
                        "limit": 100
                        "type": "terms",
                        "field": "",
                        "limit": 100
                    "textAnalytics": {
                      "fields": [
                    "events": [
                        "fields": {
                          "category": "birthday",
                          "label": "{first_name} {last_name}",
                          "description": "Born on {dob}",
                          "pointTimestamp": "{dob}"
                        "root": "addresses",
                        "fields": {
                          "category": "address",
                          "label": "{/first_name} {/last_name}",
                          "description": "Resides at {address} in {city}, {country}",
                          "latitude": "lat",
                          "longitude": "lon"
                    "label": {
                      "template": "{0} {1}",
                      "values": [
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "update",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "delete",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "up",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"

                An example of event configuration that extracts at most one event per array entry in the "old_addresses" field based on the root path. As the field specifiers are not delimited by /, each event is populated from the inner fields of the corresponding array entry. Since the tokenized text for the interval values refer to a single field, those fields must be of type date and contain valid ISO formatted date/time values. As "state" is a required field, events are extracted only if the array entry has a value for that field as well as either a valid GeoJSON value in the "location" field or values in both the "date_from" and "date_to" fields. The absence of a "city" field value causes that token to be removed from the description without being replaced with a value.

                  "root": "old_addresses",
                  "fields": {
                    "category": "Previous Address",
                    "intervalStartTimestamp": "{date_from}",
                    "intervalEndTimestamp": "{date_to}",
                    "description": "lived in {city}, {state}",
                    "geoJson": "location"
                  "requiredFields": [

                An example of event configuration that extracts a single event based on an object's top-level "lon", "lat", "city" and "state" fields. As there are no required fields defined, the event is extracted only if an object contains a numerical value in the "lon" field constituting a valid longitude and a numerical value in the "lat" field constituting a valid latitude value. The absence of "city" or "state" field values causes those tokens to be removed from the description without being replaced with a value.

                  "fields": {
                    "category": "Primary Address",
                    "longitude": "lon",
                    "latitude": "lat",
                    "description": "lives in {city}, {state}"

                An example of event configuration that shows how to mix absolute and relative paths in field specifiers. The example is based on an object with 4 levels of sub-objects (none of which are arrays); "level1" is a top-level field in the object containing a "level2" field and so on. In this case, a single event is extracted from the "level3" sub-object comprised of the "level3_date" time value and a description based on the "level3_text" field in this sub-object, the "level2_text" field from this sub-object's parent ("level2") and the "level4_text" from this sub-object's child ("level4"). Given that pointTimestamp refers to a single field, that field must be of type date. As there are required fields, the event is extracted only if these have values as well as "level3_date" having a value.

                  "root": "level1/level2/level3",
                  "fields": {
                    "category": "Complex Path Example Event",
                    "pointTimestamp": "{level3_date}",
                    "description": "this level: {level3_text} parent level: {/level1/level2/level2_text} child level: {level4/level4_text}"
                  "requiredFields": [

                An example of event configuration that extracts a single event based on an object's top-level "opendate", "account_holder_forename", and "account_holder_surname" fields. Given that pointTimestamp refers to a single field, that field must be of type date thereby containing an ISO formatted date/time value. As there are no required fields defined, the event is extracted only if an object has a value for "opendate". The absence of "account_holder_forename" or "account_holder_surname" field values causes those tokens to be removed from the description without being replaced with a value.

                  "fields": {
                    "category": "Account Opened",
                    "pointTimestamp": "{opendate}",
                    "description": "opened by {account_holder_forename} {account_holder_surname}"

                An example of the configuration for the date range facet based on a report date. In addition to the administrator defined ranges, the filter section suggests that clients are allowed to define their own range filters but not their own filter on an exact value.

                  "type": "dateRange",
                  "field": "reported",
                  "accuracy": "day",
                  "filter": {
                    "allowExact": false,
                    "allowRange": true,
                    "fromType": "gte",
                    "toType": "lte",
                    "displayFormat": "dd-MM-yyyy"
                  "ranges": [
                      "description": "Before 1980",
                      "id": "bdcaa922-3f90-4ae1-b6c0-4ba7de60c312",
                      "lt": "1980-01-01"
                      "description": "[1980, 1985]",
                      "id": "c3a442ce-ec8c-44c4-8015-1137ab4c83ad",
                      "gte": "1980-01-01",
                      "lte": "1985-12-31"
                      "description": "[1986, 1990]",
                      "id": "03834003-801f-48a9-a219-b2aa6376138c",
                      "gte": "1986-01-01",
                      "lte": "1990-12-31"
                      "description": "[1991, 2000]",
                      "id": "70c4b548-a275-409e-9c93-6279e29b6ac6",
                      "gte": "1991-01-01",
                      "lte": "2000-12-31"
                      "description": "After 2000",
                      "id": "31bda348-cf8c-46c8-85be-20809102c61f",
                      "gt": "2000-01-01"

                An example of the configuration for the numerical range facet based on transaction amounts. In addition to the administrator defined ranges, the filter section suggests that clients are allowed to define their own range filters.

                  "type": "range",
                  "field": "amount",
                  "filter": {
                    "allowExact": true,
                    "allowRange": true,
                    "fromType": "gte",
                    "toType": "lte",
                    "displayFormat": "####"
                  "ranges": [
                      "description": "Less than 50",
                      "id": "8fabe28c-3268-4ab2-bc1b-d073ce5312b2",
                      "lt": 50
                      "description": "[50, 100)",
                      "id": "ce734c46-a869-4b60-8e00-e2e56a7a7c85",
                      "gte": 50,
                      "lt": 100
                      "description": "[100, 150)",
                      "id": "e6f824ff-313e-4b6d-bd43-654fda41bdcf",
                      "gte": 100,
                      "lt": 150
                      "description": "[150, 200)",
                      "id": "399844ea-f03b-4e2d-aa3a-c07c93ba75fb",
                      "gte": 150,
                      "lt": 200
                      "description": "Greater than 200",
                      "id": "27edf5c1-d54d-4c9e-b16a-0fcba599ae57",
                      "gt": 200

                An example of the configuration for the terms facet that is based on the city field show casing how to order results highest count first.

                  "type": "terms",
                  "field": "city",
                  "limit": 50,
                  "displayLimit": 10,
                  "minDocCount": 1,
                  "orderBy": "count",
                  "orderDirection": "desc"

                An example of the configuration for the type facet show casing how to sort results by alphabetical order.

                  "type": "type",
                  "displayLimit": 8,
                  "minDocCount": 1,
                  "orderBy": "alpha",
                  "orderDirection": "asc"

                An example of the graph configuration that includes the specified fields in graph responses.

                  "fields": [

                An example of the label configuration that generates the templated label from the values in the specified fields.

                  "template": "{0} {1} born on {2}",
                  "values": [

                An example of the summary configuration that includes specific fields to return and well as a field to generate highlighting for when its content matches a search query.

                  "fields": [
                  "highlighting": {
                    "fullName": {
                      "highlighter": "plain",
                      "fragments": 3,
                      "fragmentSize": 100

                An example of the table configuration that includes the specified fields.

                  "fields": [

                An example of the text analytics configuration that includes the subject and body fields in the corpus and uses the from, to and cc fields for the Sankey diagrams.

                  "fields": [
                  "fromField": "from",
                  "toFields": [
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. configuration

                Get the headers for the export configuration operation

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X HEAD
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  method: 'HEAD'
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                r = requests.head('')
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                HEAD /admin/config

                Returns the headers for the export configuration operation.

                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. None

                Import configuration

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X POST \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Content-Type: application/' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const inputBody = '{
                  "types": {
                    "address": {
                      "name": "address",
                      "displayName": "Address",
                      "category": "resolvedEntity",
                      "options": {
                        "dynamic": "true"
                      "config": {}
                    "business": {
                      "name": "business",
                      "displayName": "Business",
                      "category": "resolvedEntity",
                      "options": {
                        "dynamic": "true"
                      "config": {}
                    "business_customers": {
                      "name": "business_customers",
                      "displayName": "Business Customer",
                      "category": "entity",
                      "fields": {
                        "business_details_address": {
                          "type": "object",
                          "innerFields": {
                            "address": {
                              "displayName": "Address",
                              "type": "text"
                            "city": {
                              "displayName": "City",
                              "type": "text",
                              "options": {
                                "features": []
                            "postal_code": {
                              "displayName": "Postal Code",
                              "type": "text",
                              "options": {
                                "features": []
                            "country": {
                              "displayName": "Country",
                              "type": "text",
                              "options": {
                                "features": []
                            "geojson": {
                              "displayName": "GeoJSON",
                              "type": "geoShape"
                        "business_details_email": {
                          "type": "object",
                          "innerFields": {
                            "email_address": {
                              "displayName": "Email Address",
                              "type": "text",
                              "options": {
                                "features": []
                        "business_details_telephon": {
                          "type": "object",
                          "innerFields": {
                            "phone_number": {
                              "displayName": "Phone Number",
                              "type": "text",
                              "options": {
                                "features": []
                        "bus_cust_type": {
                          "displayName": "Bus Cust Type",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": []
                        "business_incorporation_date": {
                          "displayName": "Business Incorporation Date",
                          "type": "date"
                        "business_primary_industry": {
                          "displayName": "Business Primary Industry",
                          "type": "double"
                        "business_registered_name": {
                          "displayName": "Business Registered Name",
                          "type": "text"
                        "business_registration_number": {
                          "displayName": "Business Registration Number",
                          "type": "double"
                        "cust_start_date": {
                          "displayName": "Cust Start Date",
                          "type": "date"
                        "customer_end_date": {
                          "displayName": "Customer End Date",
                          "type": "date"
                        "customer_id_number": {
                          "displayName": "Customer ID Number",
                          "type": "double"
                        "customer_name": {
                          "displayName": "Customer Name",
                          "type": "text"
                        "customer_risk_rating": {
                          "displayName": "Customer Risk Rating",
                          "type": "double"
                        "customer_type": {
                          "displayName": "Customer Type",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": []
                      "config": {
                        "summary": {
                          "fields": [
                          "highlighting": {
                            "bus_cust_type": {
                              "highlighter": "plain",
                              "fragments": 3,
                              "fragmentSize": 150
                            "business_registered_name": {
                              "highlighter": "plain",
                              "fragments": 3,
                              "fragmentSize": 150
                            "customer_name": {
                              "highlighter": "plain",
                              "fragments": 3,
                              "fragmentSize": 150
                            "customer_type": {
                              "highlighter": "plain",
                              "fragments": 3,
                              "fragmentSize": 150
                        "table": {
                          "fields": [
                        "facets": [
                            "type": "terms",
                            "field": "bus_cust_type",
                            "limit": 100
                            "type": "terms",
                            "field": "customer_type",
                            "limit": 100
                            "type": "dateRange",
                            "field": "business_incorporation_date",
                            "accuracy": "day",
                            "filter": {
                              "allowExact": true,
                              "allowRange": true,
                              "fromType": "gte",
                              "toType": "lte"
                            "ranges": []
                        "events": [
                            "fields": {
                              "category": "business_incorporated",
                              "label": "Business Incorporated",
                              "description": "<br>Registration Number: {business_registration_number}",
                              "pointTimestamp": "{business_incorporation_date}"
                            "root": "business_details_address",
                            "fields": {
                              "category": "business_address",
                              "label": "{/business_registered_name}",
                              "description": "<br>Registration Number: {/business_registration_number}<br>Address: {address}",
                              "geoJson": "geojson"
                            "fields": {
                              "category": "customer_start_date",
                              "label": "Customer Start Date",
                              "description": "<br>Name: {customer_name}<br>Type: {customer_type}",
                              "pointTimestamp": "{cust_start_date}"
                            "fields": {
                              "category": "customer_end_date",
                              "label": "Customer End Date",
                              "description": "<br>Name: {customer_name}<br>Type: {customer_type}",
                              "pointTimestamp": "{customer_end_date}"
                        "label": {
                          "template": "Customer: {0}",
                          "values": [
                        "description": {
                          "template": "<br>Customer Id: {0}<br>Business Registration Number: {1}<br>Type: {2}<br>Risk Rating: {3}",
                          "values": [
                    "entityRelationship": {
                      "name": "entityRelationship",
                      "displayName": "Entity Relationship",
                      "category": "entityRelationship"
                    "email": {
                      "name": "email",
                      "displayName": "Email",
                      "category": "resolvedEntity"
                    "resolvedEntityRelationship": {
                      "name": "resolvedEntityRelationship",
                      "displayName": "Resolved Entity Link",
                      "category": "resolvedEntityRelationship"
                    "individual": {
                      "name": "individual",
                      "displayName": "Individual",
                      "category": "resolvedEntity",
                      "config": {}
                    "individual_customers": {
                      "name": "individual_customers",
                      "displayName": "Individual Customers",
                      "category": "entity",
                      "fields": {
                        "individual_details_addres": {
                          "type": "object",
                          "innerFields": {
                            "address": {
                              "displayName": "Address",
                              "type": "text"
                            "city": {
                              "displayName": "City",
                              "type": "text",
                              "options": {
                                "features": []
                            "postal_code": {
                              "displayName": "Postal Code",
                              "type": "text",
                              "options": {
                                "features": []
                            "country": {
                              "displayName": "Country",
                              "type": "text",
                              "options": {
                                "features": []
                            "geojson": {
                              "displayName": "GeoJSON",
                              "type": "geoShape"
                        "individual_details_email": {
                          "type": "object",
                          "innerFields": {
                            "email_address": {
                              "displayName": "Email Address",
                              "type": "text",
                              "options": {
                                "features": []
                        "individual_details_teleph": {
                          "type": "object",
                          "innerFields": {
                            "phone_number": {
                              "displayName": "Phone Number",
                              "type": "text",
                              "options": {
                                "features": []
                        "bus_cust_type": {
                          "displayName": "Bus Cust Type",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": []
                        "cust_start_date": {
                          "displayName": "Cust Start Date",
                          "type": "date"
                        "customer_end_date": {
                          "displayName": "Customer End Date",
                          "type": "date"
                        "customer_id_number": {
                          "displayName": "Customer ID Number",
                          "type": "double"
                        "customer_name": {
                          "displayName": "Customer Name",
                          "type": "text"
                        "customer_risk_rating": {
                          "displayName": "Customer Risk Rating",
                          "type": "double"
                        "customer_status": {
                          "displayName": "Customer Status",
                          "type": "text"
                        "customer_type": {
                          "displayName": "Customer Type",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": []
                        "date_of_birth": {
                          "displayName": "Date Of Birth",
                          "type": "date"
                        "full_name": {
                          "displayName": "Full Name",
                          "type": "text"
                        "personal_national_id_number": {
                          "displayName": "Personal National ID Number",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": []
                      "config": {
                        "summary": {
                          "fields": [
                          "highlighting": {
                            "customer_name": {
                              "highlighter": "plain",
                              "fragments": 3,
                              "fragmentSize": 150
                            "customer_type": {
                              "highlighter": "plain",
                              "fragments": 3,
                              "fragmentSize": 150
                            "full_name": {
                              "highlighter": "plain",
                              "fragments": 3,
                              "fragmentSize": 150
                        "table": {
                          "fields": [
                        "facets": [
                            "type": "terms",
                            "field": "bus_cust_type",
                            "limit": 100
                            "type": "terms",
                            "field": "customer_type",
                            "limit": 100
                            "type": "dateRange",
                            "field": "date_of_birth",
                            "accuracy": "day",
                            "filter": {
                              "allowExact": true,
                              "allowRange": true,
                              "fromType": "gte",
                              "toType": "lte"
                            "ranges": []
                        "events": [
                            "fields": {
                              "category": "customer_dob",
                              "label": "Customer Date of Birth",
                              "description": "<br>Name: {customer_name}<br>Type: {customer_type}",
                              "pointTimestamp": "{date_of_birth}"
                            "root": "individual_details_addres",
                            "fields": {
                              "category": "customer_address",
                              "label": "Customer: {/customer_name}",
                              "description": "<br>Name: {/customer_name}<br>Type: {/customer_type}",
                              "geoJson": "geojson"
                            "fields": {
                              "category": "customer_start_date",
                              "label": "Customer Start Date",
                              "description": "<br>Name: {customer_name}<br>Type: {customer_type}",
                              "pointTimestamp": "{cust_start_date}"
                            "fields": {
                              "category": "customer_end_date",
                              "label": "Customer End Date",
                              "description": "<br>Name: {customer_name}<br>Type: {customer_type}",
                              "pointTimestamp": "{customer_end_date}"
                        "label": {
                          "template": "Customer: {0}",
                          "values": [
                        "description": {
                          "template": "National Id: {0} - Full Name: {1} - Type: {1} - Status: {2} - Risk Rating: {3}",
                          "values": [
                    "telephone": {
                      "name": "telephone",
                      "displayName": "Telephone",
                      "category": "resolvedEntity"
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "import",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "delete",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getTypes",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                const headers = {
                  method: 'POST',
                  body: inputBody,
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Content-Type': 'application/',
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r ='', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Content-Type": []string{"application/"},
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                POST /admin/config

                Imports the configuration for multiple types. This is intended to be used for moving the configuration between systems and as such there are no version numbers in the request and any existing configuration will be overwritten. If the new configuration contains breaking changes, such as the field type or events configuration has changed, the changes are saved but also require the data to be re-indexed to take effect. A localized message is included in the response if this is the case. The /admin/indices resource can be used to re-index the data.

                Body parameter

                An example of the request and response for /admin/config.

                  "types": {
                    "address": {
                      "name": "address",
                      "displayName": "Address",
                      "category": "resolvedEntity",
                      "options": {
                        "dynamic": "true"
                      "config": {}
                    "business": {
                      "name": "business",
                      "displayName": "Business",
                      "category": "resolvedEntity",
                      "options": {
                        "dynamic": "true"
                      "config": {}
                    "business_customers": {
                      "name": "business_customers",
                      "displayName": "Business Customer",
                      "category": "entity",
                      "fields": {
                        "business_details_address": {
                          "type": "object",
                          "innerFields": {
                            "address": {
                              "displayName": "Address",
                              "type": "text"
                            "city": {
                              "displayName": "City",
                              "type": "text",
                              "options": {
                                "features": []
                            "postal_code": {
                              "displayName": "Postal Code",
                              "type": "text",
                              "options": {
                                "features": []
                            "country": {
                              "displayName": "Country",
                              "type": "text",
                              "options": {
                                "features": []
                            "geojson": {
                              "displayName": "GeoJSON",
                              "type": "geoShape"
                        "business_details_email": {
                          "type": "object",
                          "innerFields": {
                            "email_address": {
                              "displayName": "Email Address",
                              "type": "text",
                              "options": {
                                "features": []
                        "business_details_telephon": {
                          "type": "object",
                          "innerFields": {
                            "phone_number": {
                              "displayName": "Phone Number",
                              "type": "text",
                              "options": {
                                "features": []
                        "bus_cust_type": {
                          "displayName": "Bus Cust Type",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": []
                        "business_incorporation_date": {
                          "displayName": "Business Incorporation Date",
                          "type": "date"
                        "business_primary_industry": {
                          "displayName": "Business Primary Industry",
                          "type": "double"
                        "business_registered_name": {
                          "displayName": "Business Registered Name",
                          "type": "text"
                        "business_registration_number": {
                          "displayName": "Business Registration Number",
                          "type": "double"
                        "cust_start_date": {
                          "displayName": "Cust Start Date",
                          "type": "date"
                        "customer_end_date": {
                          "displayName": "Customer End Date",
                          "type": "date"
                        "customer_id_number": {
                          "displayName": "Customer ID Number",
                          "type": "double"
                        "customer_name": {
                          "displayName": "Customer Name",
                          "type": "text"
                        "customer_risk_rating": {
                          "displayName": "Customer Risk Rating",
                          "type": "double"
                        "customer_type": {
                          "displayName": "Customer Type",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": []
                      "config": {
                        "summary": {
                          "fields": [
                          "highlighting": {
                            "bus_cust_type": {
                              "highlighter": "plain",
                              "fragments": 3,
                              "fragmentSize": 150
                            "business_registered_name": {
                              "highlighter": "plain",
                              "fragments": 3,
                              "fragmentSize": 150
                            "customer_name": {
                              "highlighter": "plain",
                              "fragments": 3,
                              "fragmentSize": 150
                            "customer_type": {
                              "highlighter": "plain",
                              "fragments": 3,
                              "fragmentSize": 150
                        "table": {
                          "fields": [
                        "facets": [
                            "type": "terms",
                            "field": "bus_cust_type",
                            "limit": 100
                            "type": "terms",
                            "field": "customer_type",
                            "limit": 100
                            "type": "dateRange",
                            "field": "business_incorporation_date",
                            "accuracy": "day",
                            "filter": {
                              "allowExact": true,
                              "allowRange": true,
                              "fromType": "gte",
                              "toType": "lte"
                            "ranges": []
                        "events": [
                            "fields": {
                              "category": "business_incorporated",
                              "label": "Business Incorporated",
                              "description": "<br>Registration Number: {business_registration_number}",
                              "pointTimestamp": "{business_incorporation_date}"
                            "root": "business_details_address",
                            "fields": {
                              "category": "business_address",
                              "label": "{/business_registered_name}",
                              "description": "<br>Registration Number: {/business_registration_number}<br>Address: {address}",
                              "geoJson": "geojson"
                            "fields": {
                              "category": "customer_start_date",
                              "label": "Customer Start Date",
                              "description": "<br>Name: {customer_name}<br>Type: {customer_type}",
                              "pointTimestamp": "{cust_start_date}"
                            "fields": {
                              "category": "customer_end_date",
                              "label": "Customer End Date",
                              "description": "<br>Name: {customer_name}<br>Type: {customer_type}",
                              "pointTimestamp": "{customer_end_date}"
                        "label": {
                          "template": "Customer: {0}",
                          "values": [
                        "description": {
                          "template": "<br>Customer Id: {0}<br>Business Registration Number: {1}<br>Type: {2}<br>Risk Rating: {3}",
                          "values": [
                    "entityRelationship": {
                      "name": "entityRelationship",
                      "displayName": "Entity Relationship",
                      "category": "entityRelationship"
                    "email": {
                      "name": "email",
                      "displayName": "Email",
                      "category": "resolvedEntity"
                    "resolvedEntityRelationship": {
                      "name": "resolvedEntityRelationship",
                      "displayName": "Resolved Entity Link",
                      "category": "resolvedEntityRelationship"
                    "individual": {
                      "name": "individual",
                      "displayName": "Individual",
                      "category": "resolvedEntity",
                      "config": {}
                    "individual_customers": {
                      "name": "individual_customers",
                      "displayName": "Individual Customers",
                      "category": "entity",
                      "fields": {
                        "individual_details_addres": {
                          "type": "object",
                          "innerFields": {
                            "address": {
                              "displayName": "Address",
                              "type": "text"
                            "city": {
                              "displayName": "City",
                              "type": "text",
                              "options": {
                                "features": []
                            "postal_code": {
                              "displayName": "Postal Code",
                              "type": "text",
                              "options": {
                                "features": []
                            "country": {
                              "displayName": "Country",
                              "type": "text",
                              "options": {
                                "features": []
                            "geojson": {
                              "displayName": "GeoJSON",
                              "type": "geoShape"
                        "individual_details_email": {
                          "type": "object",
                          "innerFields": {
                            "email_address": {
                              "displayName": "Email Address",
                              "type": "text",
                              "options": {
                                "features": []
                        "individual_details_teleph": {
                          "type": "object",
                          "innerFields": {
                            "phone_number": {
                              "displayName": "Phone Number",
                              "type": "text",
                              "options": {
                                "features": []
                        "bus_cust_type": {
                          "displayName": "Bus Cust Type",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": []
                        "cust_start_date": {
                          "displayName": "Cust Start Date",
                          "type": "date"
                        "customer_end_date": {
                          "displayName": "Customer End Date",
                          "type": "date"
                        "customer_id_number": {
                          "displayName": "Customer ID Number",
                          "type": "double"
                        "customer_name": {
                          "displayName": "Customer Name",
                          "type": "text"
                        "customer_risk_rating": {
                          "displayName": "Customer Risk Rating",
                          "type": "double"
                        "customer_status": {
                          "displayName": "Customer Status",
                          "type": "text"
                        "customer_type": {
                          "displayName": "Customer Type",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": []
                        "date_of_birth": {
                          "displayName": "Date Of Birth",
                          "type": "date"
                        "full_name": {
                          "displayName": "Full Name",
                          "type": "text"
                        "personal_national_id_number": {
                          "displayName": "Personal National ID Number",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": []
                      "config": {
                        "summary": {
                          "fields": [
                          "highlighting": {
                            "customer_name": {
                              "highlighter": "plain",
                              "fragments": 3,
                              "fragmentSize": 150
                            "customer_type": {
                              "highlighter": "plain",
                              "fragments": 3,
                              "fragmentSize": 150
                            "full_name": {
                              "highlighter": "plain",
                              "fragments": 3,
                              "fragmentSize": 150
                        "table": {
                          "fields": [
                        "facets": [
                            "type": "terms",
                            "field": "bus_cust_type",
                            "limit": 100
                            "type": "terms",
                            "field": "customer_type",
                            "limit": 100
                            "type": "dateRange",
                            "field": "date_of_birth",
                            "accuracy": "day",
                            "filter": {
                              "allowExact": true,
                              "allowRange": true,
                              "fromType": "gte",
                              "toType": "lte"
                            "ranges": []
                        "events": [
                            "fields": {
                              "category": "customer_dob",
                              "label": "Customer Date of Birth",
                              "description": "<br>Name: {customer_name}<br>Type: {customer_type}",
                              "pointTimestamp": "{date_of_birth}"
                            "root": "individual_details_addres",
                            "fields": {
                              "category": "customer_address",
                              "label": "Customer: {/customer_name}",
                              "description": "<br>Name: {/customer_name}<br>Type: {/customer_type}",
                              "geoJson": "geojson"
                            "fields": {
                              "category": "customer_start_date",
                              "label": "Customer Start Date",
                              "description": "<br>Name: {customer_name}<br>Type: {customer_type}",
                              "pointTimestamp": "{cust_start_date}"
                            "fields": {
                              "category": "customer_end_date",
                              "label": "Customer End Date",
                              "description": "<br>Name: {customer_name}<br>Type: {customer_type}",
                              "pointTimestamp": "{customer_end_date}"
                        "label": {
                          "template": "Customer: {0}",
                          "values": [
                        "description": {
                          "template": "National Id: {0} - Full Name: {1} - Type: {1} - Status: {2} - Risk Rating: {3}",
                          "values": [
                    "telephone": {
                      "name": "telephone",
                      "displayName": "Telephone",
                      "category": "resolvedEntity"
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "import",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "delete",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "getTypes",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                Name In Type Required Description
                validateOnly query boolean false Whether to validate the configuration and check for breaking changes without importing it.
                waitForRefresh query boolean false Whether to wait for any index-related operations to be applied prior to the response being returned.
                body body configuration false none

                Example responses

                400 Response

                  "description": "An example of a 400 bad request Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95002",
                    "message": "The parameter \"types\" cannot be null or empty. Please provide a value.",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 400
                  "description": "An example of a 400 bad request Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95002",
                    "message": "The parameter \"types\" cannot be null or empty. Please provide a value.",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 400
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. None
                400 Bad Request The request is malformed or contains invalid parameter values. error2

                Delete configuration

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X DELETE
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  method: 'DELETE'
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                r = requests.delete('')
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("DELETE", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                DELETE /admin/config

                Deletes the configuration and indexed data for all types. This operation cannot be undone without first exporting the configuration and making a backup of the indexed data directly from the underlying search engine.

                Name In Type Required Description
                recreateSystemTypes query boolean false Whether to re-create the system types after deleting all the configuration and indexed data. This parameter should be set to false when permanently deleting the configuration and indexed data. For example, when destroying a tenant (as opposed to off-boarding a tenant).
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                204 No Content The request succeeded. None

                Get all of the supported analyzers

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X GET \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const headers = {
                  method: 'GET',
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r = requests.get('', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                GET /admin/config/analyzers

                Returns the details of all of the custom and system analyzers.

                Example responses

                An example of the response from /admin/config/analyzers.

                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "createAnalyzer",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "deleteAnalyzers",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers"
                  "name": "analyzers",
                  "accept": "application/",
                  "count": 49,
                  "items": [
                      "solution": "sas_visual_investigator_default",
                      "name": "english",
                      "displayName": "English",
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/english",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/english",
                          "type": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "update",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/english",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/english",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "DELETE",
                          "rel": "delete",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/english",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/english"
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "up",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "itemType": "application/"
                          "method": "POST",
                          "rel": "create",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                      "solution": "sas_visual_investigator_default",
                      "name": "arabic",
                      "displayName": "Arabic",
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/arabic",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/arabic",
                          "type": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "update",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/arabic",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/arabic",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "DELETE",
                          "rel": "delete",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/arabic",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/arabic"
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "up",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "itemType": "application/"
                          "method": "POST",
                          "rel": "create",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                      "solution": "sas_visual_investigator_default",
                      "name": "armenian",
                      "displayName": "Armenian",
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/armenian",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/armenian",
                          "type": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "update",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/armenian",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/armenian",
                          "type": "application/",
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                  "version": 2

                An example of the response from /admin/config/analyzers/{analyzer}.

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                An example of the response from /admin/config/analyzers.

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                          "type": "application/",
                          "itemType": "application/"
                          "method": "POST",
                          "rel": "create",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                      "solution": "sas_visual_investigator_default",
                      "name": "spanish",
                      "displayName": "Spanish",
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/spanish",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/spanish",
                          "type": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "update",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/spanish",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/spanish",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "DELETE",
                          "rel": "delete",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/spanish",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/spanish"
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "up",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "itemType": "application/"
                          "method": "POST",
                          "rel": "create",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                      "solution": "sas_visual_investigator_default",
                      "name": "standard",
                      "displayName": "Standard",
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/standard",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/standard",
                          "type": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "update",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/standard",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/standard",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "DELETE",
                          "rel": "delete",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/standard",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/standard"
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "up",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "itemType": "application/"
                          "method": "POST",
                          "rel": "create",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                      "solution": "sas_visual_investigator_default",
                      "name": "stop",
                      "displayName": "Stop",
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/stop",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/stop",
                          "type": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "update",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/stop",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/stop",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "DELETE",
                          "rel": "delete",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/stop",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/stop"
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "up",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "itemType": "application/"
                          "method": "POST",
                          "rel": "create",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                      "solution": "sas_visual_investigator_default",
                      "name": "swedish",
                      "displayName": "Swedish",
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/swedish",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/swedish",
                          "type": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "update",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/swedish",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/swedish",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "DELETE",
                          "rel": "delete",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/swedish",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/swedish"
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "up",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "itemType": "application/"
                          "method": "POST",
                          "rel": "create",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                      "solution": "sas_visual_investigator_default",
                      "name": "thai",
                      "displayName": "Thai",
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/thai",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/thai",
                          "type": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "update",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/thai",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/thai",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "DELETE",
                          "rel": "delete",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/thai",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/thai"
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "up",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "itemType": "application/"
                          "method": "POST",
                          "rel": "create",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                      "solution": "sas_visual_investigator_default",
                      "name": "turkish",
                      "displayName": "Turkish",
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/turkish",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/turkish",
                          "type": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "update",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/turkish",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/turkish",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "DELETE",
                          "rel": "delete",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/turkish",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/turkish"
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "up",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "itemType": "application/"
                          "method": "POST",
                          "rel": "create",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                      "solution": "sas_visual_investigator_default",
                      "name": "whitespace",
                      "displayName": "Whitespace",
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/whitespace",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/whitespace",
                          "type": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "update",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/whitespace",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/whitespace",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "DELETE",
                          "rel": "delete",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/whitespace",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/whitespace"
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "up",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "itemType": "application/"
                          "method": "POST",
                          "rel": "create",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                  "version": 2

                An example of the response from /admin/config/analyzers/{analyzer}.

                  "solution": "sas_visual_investigator_default",
                  "name": "german",
                  "displayName": "Deutsch",
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/german",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/german",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "update",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/german",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/german",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "delete",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/german",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/german"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "up",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "create",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. analyzerCollection

                Get the headers for the get analyzers operation

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X HEAD
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  method: 'HEAD'
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                r = requests.head('')
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                HEAD /admin/config/analyzers

                Returns the headers for the get analyzers operation.

                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. None

                Registers a new custom analyzer

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X POST \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Content-Type: application/' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const inputBody = '{
                  "solution": "sas_visual_investigator_default",
                  "name": "telephone",
                  "displayName": "US Telephone"
                const headers = {
                  method: 'POST',
                  body: inputBody,
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Content-Type': 'application/',
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r ='', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Content-Type": []string{"application/"},
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                POST /admin/config/analyzers

                Registers the name and display name of a custom analyzer. The request will be rejected if an analyzer already exists with the same name.

                Body parameter

                An example of the request for /admin/config/analyzers or /admin/config/analyzers/{analyzer}.

                  "solution": "sas_visual_investigator_default",
                  "name": "telephone",
                  "displayName": "US Telephone"
                Name In Type Required Description
                body body analyzer false none

                Example responses

                An example of the response from /admin/config/analyzers/{analyzer}.

                  "solution": "sas_visual_investigator_default",
                  "name": "german",
                  "displayName": "Deutsch",
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/german",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/german",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "update",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/german",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/german",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "delete",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/german",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/german"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "up",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "create",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                  "solution": "sas_visual_investigator_default",
                  "name": "german",
                  "displayName": "Deutsch",
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/german",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/german",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "update",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/german",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/german",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "delete",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/german",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/german"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "up",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "create",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"

                400 Response

                  "description": "An example of a 400 bad request Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95002",
                    "message": "The parameter \"types\" cannot be null or empty. Please provide a value.",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 400
                  "description": "An example of a 400 bad request Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95002",
                    "message": "The parameter \"types\" cannot be null or empty. Please provide a value.",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 400

                409 Response

                  "description": "An example of a 409 conflict Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95234",
                    "message": "An analyzer already exists with the name \"example\". ",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 409
                  "description": "An example of a 409 conflict Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95234",
                    "message": "An analyzer already exists with the name \"example\". ",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 409
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                201 Created The request succeeded. analyzer
                400 Bad Request The request is malformed or contains invalid parameter values. error2
                409 Conflict An analyzer already exists with the given name. error2
                Response Headers
                Status Header Type Format Description
                201 Location string The URI of the new analyzer.
                201 ETag integer The version number of the new analyzer.

                Unregisters all of the custom analyzers

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X DELETE
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  method: 'DELETE'
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                r = requests.delete('')
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("DELETE", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                DELETE /admin/config/analyzers

                Unregisters all of the custom analyzers. System analyzers cannot be unregistered.

                Status Meaning Description Schema
                204 No Content The request succeeded. None

                Get a supported analyzer

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X GET{analyzer} \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const headers = {
                  method: 'GET',
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r = requests.get('{analyzer}', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{analyzer}", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                GET /admin/config/analyzers/{analyzer}

                Returns the details of a custom or system analyzer.

                Name In Type Required Description
                analyzer path string true The name of the analyzer.

                Example responses

                An example of the response from /admin/config/analyzers/{analyzer}.

                  "solution": "sas_visual_investigator_default",
                  "name": "german",
                  "displayName": "Deutsch",
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/german",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/german",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "update",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/german",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/german",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "delete",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/german",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/german"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "up",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "create",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                  "solution": "sas_visual_investigator_default",
                  "name": "german",
                  "displayName": "Deutsch",
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/german",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/german",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "update",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/german",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/german",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "delete",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/german",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/german"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "up",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "create",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"

                404 Response

                  "description": "An example of a 404 resource not found Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95144",
                    "message": "No entity type was found with the name \"example\".",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 404
                  "description": "An example of a 404 resource not found Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95144",
                    "message": "No entity type was found with the name \"example\".",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 404
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. analyzer
                404 Not Found The analyzer does not exist. error2
                Response Headers
                Status Header Type Format Description
                200 ETag integer The version number of the analyzer.

                Get the headers for the get analyzer operation

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X HEAD{analyzer}
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  method: 'HEAD'
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                r = requests.head('{analyzer}')
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "{analyzer}", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                HEAD /admin/config/analyzers/{analyzer}

                Returns the headers for the get analyzer operation.

                Name In Type Required Description
                analyzer path string true The name of the analyzer.
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. None
                404 Not Found The analyzer does not exist. None
                Response Headers
                Status Header Type Format Description
                200 ETag integer The version number of the analyzer.

                Updates the display name of a custom analyzer

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X PUT{analyzer} \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Content-Type: application/' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/' \
                  -H 'If-Match: 0'
                const inputBody = '{
                  "solution": "sas_visual_investigator_default",
                  "name": "telephone",
                  "displayName": "US Telephone"
                const headers = {
                  method: 'PUT',
                  body: inputBody,
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Content-Type': 'application/',
                  'Accept': 'application/',
                  'If-Match': '0'
                r = requests.put('{analyzer}', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Content-Type": []string{"application/"},
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                        "If-Match": []string{"0"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("PUT", "{analyzer}", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                PUT /admin/config/analyzers/{analyzer}

                Updates the display name of a custom analyzer. System analyzers cannot be updated.

                Body parameter

                An example of the request for /admin/config/analyzers or /admin/config/analyzers/{analyzer}.

                  "solution": "sas_visual_investigator_default",
                  "name": "telephone",
                  "displayName": "US Telephone"
                Name In Type Required Description
                analyzer path string true The name of the analyzer.
                If-Match header integer true Specifies the version number of the analyzer that is to be edited.
                body body analyzer false none

                Example responses

                An example of the response from /admin/config/analyzers/{analyzer}.

                  "solution": "sas_visual_investigator_default",
                  "name": "german",
                  "displayName": "Deutsch",
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/german",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/german",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "update",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/german",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/german",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "delete",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/german",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/german"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "up",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "create",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                  "solution": "sas_visual_investigator_default",
                  "name": "german",
                  "displayName": "Deutsch",
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/german",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/german",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "update",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/german",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/german",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "delete",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/german",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers/german"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "up",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "create",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/analyzers",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "responseType": "application/"

                400 Response

                  "description": "An example of a 400 bad request Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95002",
                    "message": "The parameter \"types\" cannot be null or empty. Please provide a value.",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 400
                  "description": "An example of a 400 bad request Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95002",
                    "message": "The parameter \"types\" cannot be null or empty. Please provide a value.",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 400

                404 Response

                  "description": "An example of a 404 resource not found Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95144",
                    "message": "No entity type was found with the name \"example\".",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 404
                  "description": "An example of a 404 resource not found Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95144",
                    "message": "No entity type was found with the name \"example\".",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 404

                412 Response

                  "description": "An example of a 412 precondition failed Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95148",
                    "message": "The configuration update for entity type \"example\" refers to version 1 but the latest is 2.",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 412
                  "description": "An example of a 412 precondition failed Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95148",
                    "message": "The configuration update for entity type \"example\" refers to version 1 but the latest is 2.",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 412

                428 Response

                  "description": "An example of a 428 precondition required Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95017",
                    "message": "The following parameter is missing from the request: example param",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 428
                  "description": "An example of a 428 precondition required Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95017",
                    "message": "The following parameter is missing from the request: example param",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 428
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. analyzer
                400 Bad Request The request is malformed or contains invalid parameter values. error2
                404 Not Found The analyzer does not exist. error2
                412 Precondition Failed The request refers to an out-of-date version of the analyzer. error2
                428 Precondition Required The request is missing the If-Match header. error2
                Response Headers
                Status Header Type Format Description
                200 ETag integer The up-to-date version number of the analyzer.

                Unregisters a custom analyzer

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X DELETE{analyzer}
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  method: 'DELETE'
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                r = requests.delete('{analyzer}')
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("DELETE", "{analyzer}", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                DELETE /admin/config/analyzers/{analyzer}

                Unregisters the name and display name of a custom analyzer. System analyzers cannot be unregistered.

                Name In Type Required Description
                analyzer path string true The name of the analyzer.
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                204 No Content The request succeeded. None

                Get all of the GeoJSON shapes

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X GET \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const headers = {
                  method: 'GET',
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r = requests.get('', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                GET /admin/config/shapes

                Returns the details of all of the reusable GeoJSON shapes.

                Name In Type Required Description
                start query integer false The index of the first GeoJSON shape to include in the current page.
                limit query integer false The maximum number of GeoJSON shapes to include in each page.
                sortBy query string false The criteria by which to sort the GeoJSON shapes.
                filter query string false The criteria by which to filter the GeoJSON shapes. The filter supports only the "contains" and "and" operators on the name and group properties.
                fields query string false A comma-separated list of the GeoJSON shape properties to include in the response.

                Example responses

                An example of the response from /admin/config/shapes.

                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/shapes?start=0&limit=10",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/shapes?start=0&limit=10",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "collection",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/shapes",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/shapes",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "createShape",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/shapes",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/shapes",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "deleteShapes",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/shapes",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/shapes"
                  "name": "shapes",
                  "accept": "application/",
                  "start": 0,
                  "count": 1,
                  "items": [
                      "id": "82d0cf19-0b9a-444b-b10d-35ea3724c3a8",
                      "solution": "Law Enforcement",
                      "name": "Colorado",
                      "group": "states",
                      "shape": {
                        "type": "Polygon",
                        "coordinates": [
                  "limit": 10,
                  "version": 2

                An example of a shape that can be pre-configured via /admin/config/shapes. Also refer to the filterTypeShapePreconfigured example.

                  "id": "82d0cf19-0b9a-444b-b10d-35ea3724c3a8",
                  "solution": "Law Enforcement",
                  "name": "Colorado",
                  "group": "states",
                  "shape": {
                    "type": "Polygon",
                    "coordinates": [

                An example of the response from /admin/config/shapes.

                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/shapes?start=0&limit=10",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/shapes?start=0&limit=10",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "collection",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/shapes",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/shapes",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "createShape",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/shapes",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/shapes",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "deleteShapes",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/shapes",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/shapes"
                  "name": "shapes",
                  "accept": "application/",
                  "start": 0,
                  "count": 1,
                  "items": [
                      "id": "82d0cf19-0b9a-444b-b10d-35ea3724c3a8",
                      "solution": "Law Enforcement",
                      "name": "Colorado",
                      "group": "states",
                      "shape": {
                        "type": "Polygon",
                        "coordinates": [
                  "limit": 10,
                  "version": 2

                An example of a shape that can be pre-configured via /admin/config/shapes. Also refer to the filterTypeShapePreconfigured example.

                  "id": "82d0cf19-0b9a-444b-b10d-35ea3724c3a8",
                  "solution": "Law Enforcement",
                  "name": "Colorado",
                  "group": "states",
                  "shape": {
                    "type": "Polygon",
                    "coordinates": [
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. geoJsonShapeCollection

                Get the headers for the get shapes operation

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X HEAD
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  method: 'HEAD'
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                r = requests.head('')
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                HEAD /admin/config/shapes

                Returns the headers for the get shapes operation.

                Name In Type Required Description
                start query integer false The index of the first GeoJSON shape to include in the current page.
                limit query integer false The maximum number of GeoJSON shapes to include in each page.
                sortBy query string false The criteria by which to sort the GeoJSON shapes.
                filter query string false The criteria by which to filter the GeoJSON shapes. The filter supports only the "contains" and "and" operators on the name and group properties.
                fields query string false A comma-separated list of the GeoJSON shape properties to include in the response.
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. None

                Creates a new GeoJSON shape

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X POST \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Content-Type: application/' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const inputBody = '{
                  "id": "82d0cf19-0b9a-444b-b10d-35ea3724c3a8",
                  "solution": "Law Enforcement",
                  "name": "Colorado",
                  "group": "states",
                  "shape": {
                    "type": "Polygon",
                    "coordinates": [
                const headers = {
                  method: 'POST',
                  body: inputBody,
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Content-Type': 'application/',
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r ='', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Content-Type": []string{"application/"},
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                POST /admin/config/shapes

                Creates a new reusable GeoJSON shape. The request will be rejected if a GeoJSON shape already exists with the same identifier.

                Body parameter

                An example of a shape that can be pre-configured via /admin/config/shapes. Also refer to the filterTypeShapePreconfigured example.

                  "id": "82d0cf19-0b9a-444b-b10d-35ea3724c3a8",
                  "solution": "Law Enforcement",
                  "name": "Colorado",
                  "group": "states",
                  "shape": {
                    "type": "Polygon",
                    "coordinates": [
                Name In Type Required Description
                body body geoJsonShape false none

                Example responses

                An example of a shape that can be pre-configured via /admin/config/shapes. Also refer to the filterTypeShapePreconfigured example.

                  "id": "82d0cf19-0b9a-444b-b10d-35ea3724c3a8",
                  "solution": "Law Enforcement",
                  "name": "Colorado",
                  "group": "states",
                  "shape": {
                    "type": "Polygon",
                    "coordinates": [
                  "id": "82d0cf19-0b9a-444b-b10d-35ea3724c3a8",
                  "solution": "Law Enforcement",
                  "name": "Colorado",
                  "group": "states",
                  "shape": {
                    "type": "Polygon",
                    "coordinates": [

                400 Response

                  "description": "An example of a 400 bad request Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95002",
                    "message": "The parameter \"types\" cannot be null or empty. Please provide a value.",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 400
                  "description": "An example of a 400 bad request Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95002",
                    "message": "The parameter \"types\" cannot be null or empty. Please provide a value.",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 400

                409 Response

                  "description": "An example of a 409 conflict Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95234",
                    "message": "An analyzer already exists with the name \"example\". ",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 409
                  "description": "An example of a 409 conflict Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95234",
                    "message": "An analyzer already exists with the name \"example\". ",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 409
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                201 Created The request succeeded. geoJsonShape
                400 Bad Request The request is malformed or contains invalid parameter values. error2
                409 Conflict A GeoJSON shape already exists with the given identifier. error2
                Response Headers
                Status Header Type Format Description
                201 Location string The URI of the new GeoJSON shape.
                201 ETag integer The version number of the new GeoJSON shape.

                Deletes all of the GeoJSON shapes

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X DELETE
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  method: 'DELETE'
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                r = requests.delete('')
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("DELETE", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                DELETE /admin/config/shapes

                Deletes all of the reusable GeoJSON shapes.

                Status Meaning Description Schema
                204 No Content The request succeeded. None

                Get a GeoJSON shape

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X GET{shapeId} \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const headers = {
                  method: 'GET',
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r = requests.get('{shapeId}', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{shapeId}", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                GET /admin/config/shapes/{shapeId}

                Returns the details of a GeoJSON shape.

                Name In Type Required Description
                shapeId path string true The identifier of the GeoJSON shape.

                Example responses

                An example of a shape that can be pre-configured via /admin/config/shapes. Also refer to the filterTypeShapePreconfigured example.

                  "id": "82d0cf19-0b9a-444b-b10d-35ea3724c3a8",
                  "solution": "Law Enforcement",
                  "name": "Colorado",
                  "group": "states",
                  "shape": {
                    "type": "Polygon",
                    "coordinates": [
                  "id": "82d0cf19-0b9a-444b-b10d-35ea3724c3a8",
                  "solution": "Law Enforcement",
                  "name": "Colorado",
                  "group": "states",
                  "shape": {
                    "type": "Polygon",
                    "coordinates": [

                404 Response

                  "description": "An example of a 404 resource not found Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95144",
                    "message": "No entity type was found with the name \"example\".",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 404
                  "description": "An example of a 404 resource not found Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95144",
                    "message": "No entity type was found with the name \"example\".",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 404
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. geoJsonShape
                404 Not Found The GeoJSON shape does not exist. error2
                Response Headers
                Status Header Type Format Description
                200 ETag integer The version number of the GeoJSON shape.

                Get the headers for the get GeoJSON shape operation

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X HEAD{shapeId}
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  method: 'HEAD'
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                r = requests.head('{shapeId}')
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "{shapeId}", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                HEAD /admin/config/shapes/{shapeId}

                Returns the headers for the get GeoJSON shape operation.

                Name In Type Required Description
                shapeId path string true The identifier of the GeoJSON shape.
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. None
                404 Not Found The GeoJSON shape does not exist. None
                Response Headers
                Status Header Type Format Description
                200 ETag integer The version number of the GeoJSON shape.

                Updates the details of a GeoJSON shape

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X PUT{shapeId} \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Content-Type: application/' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/' \
                  -H 'If-Match: 0'
                const inputBody = '{
                  "id": "82d0cf19-0b9a-444b-b10d-35ea3724c3a8",
                  "solution": "Law Enforcement",
                  "name": "Colorado",
                  "group": "states",
                  "shape": {
                    "type": "Polygon",
                    "coordinates": [
                const headers = {
                  method: 'PUT',
                  body: inputBody,
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Content-Type': 'application/',
                  'Accept': 'application/',
                  'If-Match': '0'
                r = requests.put('{shapeId}', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Content-Type": []string{"application/"},
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                        "If-Match": []string{"0"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("PUT", "{shapeId}", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                PUT /admin/config/shapes/{shapeId}

                Updates the details of a GeoJSON shape.

                Body parameter

                An example of a shape that can be pre-configured via /admin/config/shapes. Also refer to the filterTypeShapePreconfigured example.

                  "id": "82d0cf19-0b9a-444b-b10d-35ea3724c3a8",
                  "solution": "Law Enforcement",
                  "name": "Colorado",
                  "group": "states",
                  "shape": {
                    "type": "Polygon",
                    "coordinates": [
                Name In Type Required Description
                shapeId path string true The identifier of the GeoJSON shape.
                If-Match header integer true Specifies the version number of the GeoJSON shape that is to be edited.
                body body geoJsonShape false none

                Example responses

                An example of a shape that can be pre-configured via /admin/config/shapes. Also refer to the filterTypeShapePreconfigured example.

                  "id": "82d0cf19-0b9a-444b-b10d-35ea3724c3a8",
                  "solution": "Law Enforcement",
                  "name": "Colorado",
                  "group": "states",
                  "shape": {
                    "type": "Polygon",
                    "coordinates": [
                  "id": "82d0cf19-0b9a-444b-b10d-35ea3724c3a8",
                  "solution": "Law Enforcement",
                  "name": "Colorado",
                  "group": "states",
                  "shape": {
                    "type": "Polygon",
                    "coordinates": [

                400 Response

                  "description": "An example of a 400 bad request Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95002",
                    "message": "The parameter \"types\" cannot be null or empty. Please provide a value.",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 400
                  "description": "An example of a 400 bad request Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95002",
                    "message": "The parameter \"types\" cannot be null or empty. Please provide a value.",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 400

                404 Response

                  "description": "An example of a 404 resource not found Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95144",
                    "message": "No entity type was found with the name \"example\".",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 404
                  "description": "An example of a 404 resource not found Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95144",
                    "message": "No entity type was found with the name \"example\".",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 404

                412 Response

                  "description": "An example of a 412 precondition failed Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95148",
                    "message": "The configuration update for entity type \"example\" refers to version 1 but the latest is 2.",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 412
                  "description": "An example of a 412 precondition failed Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95148",
                    "message": "The configuration update for entity type \"example\" refers to version 1 but the latest is 2.",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 412

                428 Response

                  "description": "An example of a 428 precondition required Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95017",
                    "message": "The following parameter is missing from the request: example param",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 428
                  "description": "An example of a 428 precondition required Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95017",
                    "message": "The following parameter is missing from the request: example param",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 428
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. geoJsonShape
                400 Bad Request The request is malformed or contains invalid parameter values. error2
                404 Not Found The GeoJSON shape does not exist. error2
                412 Precondition Failed The request refers to an out-of-date version of the GeoJSON shape. error2
                428 Precondition Required The request is missing the If-Match header. error2
                Response Headers
                Status Header Type Format Description
                200 ETag integer The up-to-date version number of the GeoJSON shape.

                Deletes a GeoJSON shape

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X DELETE{shapeId}
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  method: 'DELETE'
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                r = requests.delete('{shapeId}')
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("DELETE", "{shapeId}", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                DELETE /admin/config/shapes/{shapeId}

                Deletes the details of a GeoJSON shape.

                Name In Type Required Description
                shapeId path string true The identifier of the GeoJSON shape.
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                204 No Content The request succeeded. None

                Gets the list of synonyms

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X GET \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const headers = {
                  method: 'GET',
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r = requests.get('', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                GET /admin/config/synonyms

                Gets the list of synonyms for synonym searching.

                Name In Type Required Description
                start query integer false The index of the first synonym to include in the current page.
                limit query integer false The maximum number of synonyms to include in each page.

                Example responses

                An example of the request and response for /admin/config/synonyms.

                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/synonyms?start=0&limit=20",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/synonyms?start=0&limit=20",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "collection",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/synonyms",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/synonyms",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "createSynonyms",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/synonyms",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/synonyms",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "deleteSynonyms",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/synonyms",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/synonyms"
                  "name": "synonyms",
                  "accept": "application/",
                  "start": 0,
                  "count": 7,
                  "items": [
                      "terms": "ant,spider=>insect"
                      "terms": "buffalo,cow,pig,sheep=>farm"
                      "terms": "cat,deer,dog,donkey,elephant,fox,gorilla,horse,hound,lion,monkey,moose,mouse,rabbit,racoon,rat,tiger=>mammal"
                      "terms": "shark,whale=>fish"
                      "terms": "frog,toad=>amphibian"
                      "terms": "dinosaur,dragon=>reptile"
                      "terms": "eagle,parrot,pheasant,puffin,quail,owl=>bird"
                  "limit": 20,
                  "version": 2

                An example of a synonym using the contraction approach.

                  "terms": "bound,hop,leap=>jump"

                An example of a synonym using the expansion approach.

                  "terms": "bound,hop,leap,jump"

                An example of the request and response for /admin/config/synonyms.

                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/synonyms?start=0&limit=20",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/synonyms?start=0&limit=20",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "collection",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/synonyms",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/synonyms",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "createSynonyms",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/synonyms",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/synonyms",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "deleteSynonyms",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/synonyms",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/synonyms"
                  "name": "synonyms",
                  "accept": "application/",
                  "start": 0,
                  "count": 7,
                  "items": [
                      "terms": "ant,spider=>insect"
                      "terms": "buffalo,cow,pig,sheep=>farm"
                      "terms": "cat,deer,dog,donkey,elephant,fox,gorilla,horse,hound,lion,monkey,moose,mouse,rabbit,racoon,rat,tiger=>mammal"
                      "terms": "shark,whale=>fish"
                      "terms": "frog,toad=>amphibian"
                      "terms": "dinosaur,dragon=>reptile"
                      "terms": "eagle,parrot,pheasant,puffin,quail,owl=>bird"
                  "limit": 20,
                  "version": 2

                An example of a synonym using the contraction approach.

                  "terms": "bound,hop,leap=>jump"

                An example of a synonym using the expansion approach.

                  "terms": "bound,hop,leap,jump"
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. synonymCollection

                Gets the headers for the get synonyms operation

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X HEAD
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  method: 'HEAD'
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                r = requests.head('')
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                HEAD /admin/config/synonyms

                Returns the headers for the get synonyms operation.

                Name In Type Required Description
                start query integer false The index of the first synonym to include in the current page.
                limit query integer false The maximum number of synonyms to include in each page.
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. None

                Creates the list of synonyms

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X POST \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Content-Type: application/' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const inputBody = '{
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/synonyms?start=0&limit=20",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/synonyms?start=0&limit=20",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "collection",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/synonyms",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/synonyms",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "createSynonyms",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/synonyms",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/synonyms",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "deleteSynonyms",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/synonyms",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/synonyms"
                  "name": "synonyms",
                  "accept": "application/",
                  "start": 0,
                  "count": 7,
                  "items": [
                      "terms": "ant,spider=>insect"
                      "terms": "buffalo,cow,pig,sheep=>farm"
                      "terms": "cat,deer,dog,donkey,elephant,fox,gorilla,horse,hound,lion,monkey,moose,mouse,rabbit,racoon,rat,tiger=>mammal"
                      "terms": "shark,whale=>fish"
                      "terms": "frog,toad=>amphibian"
                      "terms": "dinosaur,dragon=>reptile"
                      "terms": "eagle,parrot,pheasant,puffin,quail,owl=>bird"
                  "limit": 20,
                  "version": 2
                const headers = {
                  method: 'POST',
                  body: inputBody,
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Content-Type': 'application/',
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r ='', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Content-Type": []string{"application/"},
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                POST /admin/config/synonyms

                Creates the list of synonyms for synonym searching. If there is an existing list, it will be overwritten.

                Body parameter

                An example of the request and response for /admin/config/synonyms.

                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/synonyms?start=0&limit=20",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/synonyms?start=0&limit=20",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "collection",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/synonyms",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/synonyms",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "createSynonyms",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/synonyms",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/synonyms",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "deleteSynonyms",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/synonyms",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/synonyms"
                  "name": "synonyms",
                  "accept": "application/",
                  "start": 0,
                  "count": 7,
                  "items": [
                      "terms": "ant,spider=>insect"
                      "terms": "buffalo,cow,pig,sheep=>farm"
                      "terms": "cat,deer,dog,donkey,elephant,fox,gorilla,horse,hound,lion,monkey,moose,mouse,rabbit,racoon,rat,tiger=>mammal"
                      "terms": "shark,whale=>fish"
                      "terms": "frog,toad=>amphibian"
                      "terms": "dinosaur,dragon=>reptile"
                      "terms": "eagle,parrot,pheasant,puffin,quail,owl=>bird"
                  "limit": 20,
                  "version": 2
                Name In Type Required Description
                body body synonymCollection false none

                Example responses

                An example of the request and response for /admin/config/synonyms.

                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/synonyms?start=0&limit=20",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/synonyms?start=0&limit=20",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "collection",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/synonyms",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/synonyms",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "createSynonyms",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/synonyms",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/synonyms",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "deleteSynonyms",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/synonyms",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/synonyms"
                  "name": "synonyms",
                  "accept": "application/",
                  "start": 0,
                  "count": 7,
                  "items": [
                      "terms": "ant,spider=>insect"
                      "terms": "buffalo,cow,pig,sheep=>farm"
                      "terms": "cat,deer,dog,donkey,elephant,fox,gorilla,horse,hound,lion,monkey,moose,mouse,rabbit,racoon,rat,tiger=>mammal"
                      "terms": "shark,whale=>fish"
                      "terms": "frog,toad=>amphibian"
                      "terms": "dinosaur,dragon=>reptile"
                      "terms": "eagle,parrot,pheasant,puffin,quail,owl=>bird"
                  "limit": 20,
                  "version": 2

                An example of a synonym using the contraction approach.

                  "terms": "bound,hop,leap=>jump"

                An example of a synonym using the expansion approach.

                  "terms": "bound,hop,leap,jump"

                An example of the request and response for /admin/config/synonyms.

                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/synonyms?start=0&limit=20",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/synonyms?start=0&limit=20",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "collection",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/synonyms",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/synonyms",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "createSynonyms",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/synonyms",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/synonyms",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "deleteSynonyms",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/synonyms",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/synonyms"
                  "name": "synonyms",
                  "accept": "application/",
                  "start": 0,
                  "count": 7,
                  "items": [
                      "terms": "ant,spider=>insect"
                      "terms": "buffalo,cow,pig,sheep=>farm"
                      "terms": "cat,deer,dog,donkey,elephant,fox,gorilla,horse,hound,lion,monkey,moose,mouse,rabbit,racoon,rat,tiger=>mammal"
                      "terms": "shark,whale=>fish"
                      "terms": "frog,toad=>amphibian"
                      "terms": "dinosaur,dragon=>reptile"
                      "terms": "eagle,parrot,pheasant,puffin,quail,owl=>bird"
                  "limit": 20,
                  "version": 2

                An example of a synonym using the contraction approach.

                  "terms": "bound,hop,leap=>jump"

                An example of a synonym using the expansion approach.

                  "terms": "bound,hop,leap,jump"

                400 Response

                  "description": "An example of a 400 bad request Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95002",
                    "message": "The parameter \"types\" cannot be null or empty. Please provide a value.",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 400
                  "description": "An example of a 400 bad request Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95002",
                    "message": "The parameter \"types\" cannot be null or empty. Please provide a value.",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 400
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                201 Created The request succeeded. synonymCollection
                400 Bad Request The request is malformed or contains invalid parameter values. error2

                Deletes the list of synonyms

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X DELETE
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  method: 'DELETE'
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                r = requests.delete('')
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("DELETE", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                DELETE /admin/config/synonyms

                Deletes the list of synonyms for synonym searching.

                Status Meaning Description Schema
                204 No Content The request succeeded. None

                Get the configuration for all types

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X GET \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const headers = {
                  method: 'GET',
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r = requests.get('', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                GET /admin/config/types

                Returns the configuration for all of the types.

                Name In Type Required Description
                start query integer false The index of the first type to include in the current page.
                limit query integer false The maximum number of types to include in each page.
                namesOnly query boolean false Whether to return the names of the types rather than their configuration.

                Example responses

                An example of the response from /admin/config/types.

                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types?start=0&limit=20",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types?start=0&limit=20",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "collection",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "next",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types?start=20&limit=20",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types?start=20&limit=20",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "last",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types?start=20&limit=20",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types?start=20&limit=20",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                  "name": "types",
                  "accept": "application/",
                  "start": 0,
                  "count": 27,
                  "items": [
                      "solution": "sas_visual_investigator_default",
                      "name": "address",
                      "displayName": "Address",
                      "category": "resolvedEntity",
                      "options": {
                        "dynamic": "true",
                        "indexed_for_search": true,
                        "number_of_replicas": 1,
                        "number_of_shards": 1,
                        "refresh_interval": 1
                      "config": {},
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/address",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/address",
                          "type": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "update",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/address",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/address",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "POST",
                          "rel": "refresh",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/operations",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/operations",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "DELETE",
                          "rel": "delete",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/address",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/address"
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "up",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "itemType": "application/"
                          "method": "POST",
                          "rel": "create",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                      "solution": "sas_visual_investigator_default",
                      "name": "business",
                      "displayName": "Business",
                      "category": "resolvedEntity",
                      "options": {
                        "dynamic": "true",
                        "indexed_for_search": true,
                        "number_of_replicas": 1,
                        "number_of_shards": 1,
                        "refresh_interval": 1
                      "config": {},
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/business",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/business",
                          "type": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "update",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/business",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/business",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "POST",
                          "rel": "refresh",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/operations",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/operations",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "DELETE",
                          "rel": "delete",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/business",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/business"
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "up",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types",
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                        "kyc_monthly_net_income": {
                          "displayName": "KYC Monthly Net Income",
                          "type": "double",
                          "options": {}
                        "kyc_monthly_outgoings": {
                          "displayName": "KYC Monthly Outgoings",
                          "type": "double",
                          "options": {}
                        "maiden_name": {
                          "displayName": "Maiden Name",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": [
                        "middle_name_one": {
                          "displayName": "Middle Name One",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": [
                        "middle_name_two": {
                          "displayName": "Middle Name Two",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": [
                        "name_suffix": {
                          "displayName": "Name Suffix",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": [
                        "nationality": {
                          "displayName": "Nationality",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": [
                        "personal_national_id_number": {
                          "displayName": "Personal National Id Number",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": [
                        "proof_of_identification_type": {
                          "displayName": "Proof of Identification Type",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": [
                        "reg_disclosure_ind": {
                          "displayName": "Reg Disclosure Ind",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": [
                        "residential_status": {
                          "displayName": "Residential Status",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": [
                        "sanctions_alert_count": {
                          "displayName": "Sanctions Alert Count",
                          "type": "integer",
                          "options": {}
                        "sanctions_alert_flag": {
                          "displayName": "Sanctions Alert Flag",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": [
                        "special_category_code": {
                          "displayName": "Special Category Code",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": [
                        "valid_from": {
                          "displayName": "Valid From",
                          "type": "date",
                          "options": {}
                        "valid_to": {
                          "displayName": "Valid To",
                          "type": "date",
                          "options": {}
                        "version": {
                          "displayName": "Version",
                          "type": "long",
                          "options": {
                            "include_in_all": false
                      "options": {
                        "dynamic": "false",
                        "indexed_for_search": true,
                        "number_of_replicas": 1,
                        "number_of_shards": 1,
                        "refresh_interval": 1
                      "config": {
                        "summary": {
                          "fields": [
                          "highlighting": {
                            "customer_name": {
                              "fragments": 3,
                              "fragmentSize": 150
                            "customer_type": {
                              "fragments": 3,
                              "fragmentSize": 150
                            "full_name": {
                              "fragments": 3,
                              "fragmentSize": 150
                        "table": {
                          "fields": [
                        "facets": [
                            "type": "terms",
                            "field": "bus_cust_type",
                            "limit": 100
                            "type": "terms",
                            "field": "customer_type",
                            "limit": 100
                            "type": "dateRange",
                            "field": "date_of_birth",
                            "accuracy": "day",
                            "filter": {
                              "allowExact": true,
                              "allowRange": true,
                              "fromType": "gte",
                              "toType": "lte"
                            "ranges": []
                        "events": [
                            "id": "82d115eb-18ae-4ee7-9ddb-15e4edcb4647",
                            "fields": {
                              "category": "customer dob",
                              "label": "Customer Date of Birth",
                              "description": "<br>Name: {customer_name}<br>Type: {customer_type}",
                              "pointTimestamp": "{date_of_birth}"
                            "id": "cbf46eb8-2f67-45da-900f-cb9318b167e7",
                            "root": "individual_details_addres",
                            "fields": {
                              "category": "customer address",
                              "label": "Customer: {/customer_name}",
                              "description": "<br>Name: {/customer_name}<br>Type: {/customer_type}",
                              "longitude": "longitude",
                              "latitude": "latitude"
                        "label": {
                          "template": "{0} {1}",
                          "values": [
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/individual_customers",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/individual_customers",
                          "type": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "update",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/individual_customers",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/individual_customers",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "POST",
                          "rel": "refresh",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/operations",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/operations",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "DELETE",
                          "rel": "delete",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/individual_customers",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/individual_customers"
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "up",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "itemType": "application/"
                          "method": "POST",
                          "rel": "create",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                  "limit": 20,
                  "version": 2

                An example of the response from /admin/config/types?namesOnly=true.

                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types?start=0&limit=20",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types?start=0&limit=20",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "collection",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "next",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types?start=20&limit=20",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types?start=20&limit=20",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "last",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types?start=20&limit=20",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types?start=20&limit=20",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                  "name": "types",
                  "accept": "application/",
                  "start": 0,
                  "count": 27,
                  "items": [
                      "name": "address",
                      "config": {}
                      "name": "business",
                      "config": {}
                      "name": "business_customers",
                      "config": {}
                      "name": "email",
                      "config": {}
                      "name": "employer",
                      "config": {}
                      "name": "individual",
                      "config": {}
                      "name": "individual_customers",
                      "config": {}
                  "limit": 20,
                  "version": 2

                An example of the request and response for /admin/config/types/{type}.

                  "solution": "Insurance",
                  "name": "person",
                  "displayName": "Person",
                  "category": "entity",
                  "fields": {
                    "first_name": {
                      "displayName": "First Name",
                      "type": "text",
                      "options": {
                        "features": [
                    "last_name": {
                      "displayName": "Last Name",
                      "type": "text",
                      "options": {
                        "features": [
                    "dob": {
                      "displayName": "Date of Birth",
                      "type": "date",
                      "options": {
                        "format": "strict_date_optional_time||epoch_millis"
                    "addresses": {
                      "displayName": "Addresses",
                      "type": "object",
                      "innerFields": {
                        "address": {
                          "displayName": "Address",
                          "type": "text"
                        "city": {
                          "displayName": "City",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": [
                        "areaCode": {
                          "displayName": "Area Code",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": []
                        "country": {
                          "displayName": "Country",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": []
                        "lat": {
                          "displayName": "Latitude",
                          "type": "double"
                        "lon": {
                          "displayName": "Longitude",
                          "type": "double"
                  "options": {
                    "number_of_replicas": 2
                  "config": {
                    "summary": {
                      "fields": [
                      "highlighting": {
                        "first_name": {
                          "highlighter": "plain",
                          "fragments": 3,
                          "fragmentSize": 50
                        "last_name": {
                          "highlighter": "plain",
                          "fragments": 3,
                          "fragmentSize": 50
                    "table": {
                      "fields": [
                    "facets": [
                        "type": "terms",
                        "field": "last_name",
                        "limit": 100
                        "type": "terms",
                        "field": "",
                        "limit": 100
                    "textAnalytics": {
                      "fields": [
                    "events": [
                        "fields": {
                          "category": "birthday",
                          "label": "{first_name} {last_name}",
                          "description": "Born on {dob}",
                          "pointTimestamp": "{dob}"
                        "root": "addresses",
                        "fields": {
                          "category": "address",
                          "label": "{/first_name} {/last_name}",
                          "description": "Resides at {address} in {city}, {country}",
                          "latitude": "lat",
                          "longitude": "lon"
                    "label": {
                      "template": "{0} {1}",
                      "values": [
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "update",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "delete",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "up",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"

                An example of event configuration that extracts at most one event per array entry in the "old_addresses" field based on the root path. As the field specifiers are not delimited by /, each event is populated from the inner fields of the corresponding array entry. Since the tokenized text for the interval values refer to a single field, those fields must be of type date and contain valid ISO formatted date/time values. As "state" is a required field, events are extracted only if the array entry has a value for that field as well as either a valid GeoJSON value in the "location" field or values in both the "date_from" and "date_to" fields. The absence of a "city" field value causes that token to be removed from the description without being replaced with a value.

                  "root": "old_addresses",
                  "fields": {
                    "category": "Previous Address",
                    "intervalStartTimestamp": "{date_from}",
                    "intervalEndTimestamp": "{date_to}",
                    "description": "lived in {city}, {state}",
                    "geoJson": "location"
                  "requiredFields": [

                An example of event configuration that extracts a single event based on an object's top-level "lon", "lat", "city" and "state" fields. As there are no required fields defined, the event is extracted only if an object contains a numerical value in the "lon" field constituting a valid longitude and a numerical value in the "lat" field constituting a valid latitude value. The absence of "city" or "state" field values causes those tokens to be removed from the description without being replaced with a value.

                  "fields": {
                    "category": "Primary Address",
                    "longitude": "lon",
                    "latitude": "lat",
                    "description": "lives in {city}, {state}"

                An example of event configuration that shows how to mix absolute and relative paths in field specifiers. The example is based on an object with 4 levels of sub-objects (none of which are arrays); "level1" is a top-level field in the object containing a "level2" field and so on. In this case, a single event is extracted from the "level3" sub-object comprised of the "level3_date" time value and a description based on the "level3_text" field in this sub-object, the "level2_text" field from this sub-object's parent ("level2") and the "level4_text" from this sub-object's child ("level4"). Given that pointTimestamp refers to a single field, that field must be of type date. As there are required fields, the event is extracted only if these have values as well as "level3_date" having a value.

                  "root": "level1/level2/level3",
                  "fields": {
                    "category": "Complex Path Example Event",
                    "pointTimestamp": "{level3_date}",
                    "description": "this level: {level3_text} parent level: {/level1/level2/level2_text} child level: {level4/level4_text}"
                  "requiredFields": [

                An example of event configuration that extracts a single event based on an object's top-level "opendate", "account_holder_forename", and "account_holder_surname" fields. Given that pointTimestamp refers to a single field, that field must be of type date thereby containing an ISO formatted date/time value. As there are no required fields defined, the event is extracted only if an object has a value for "opendate". The absence of "account_holder_forename" or "account_holder_surname" field values causes those tokens to be removed from the description without being replaced with a value.

                  "fields": {
                    "category": "Account Opened",
                    "pointTimestamp": "{opendate}",
                    "description": "opened by {account_holder_forename} {account_holder_surname}"

                An example of the configuration for the date range facet based on a report date. In addition to the administrator defined ranges, the filter section suggests that clients are allowed to define their own range filters but not their own filter on an exact value.

                  "type": "dateRange",
                  "field": "reported",
                  "accuracy": "day",
                  "filter": {
                    "allowExact": false,
                    "allowRange": true,
                    "fromType": "gte",
                    "toType": "lte",
                    "displayFormat": "dd-MM-yyyy"
                  "ranges": [
                      "description": "Before 1980",
                      "id": "bdcaa922-3f90-4ae1-b6c0-4ba7de60c312",
                      "lt": "1980-01-01"
                      "description": "[1980, 1985]",
                      "id": "c3a442ce-ec8c-44c4-8015-1137ab4c83ad",
                      "gte": "1980-01-01",
                      "lte": "1985-12-31"
                      "description": "[1986, 1990]",
                      "id": "03834003-801f-48a9-a219-b2aa6376138c",
                      "gte": "1986-01-01",
                      "lte": "1990-12-31"
                      "description": "[1991, 2000]",
                      "id": "70c4b548-a275-409e-9c93-6279e29b6ac6",
                      "gte": "1991-01-01",
                      "lte": "2000-12-31"
                      "description": "After 2000",
                      "id": "31bda348-cf8c-46c8-85be-20809102c61f",
                      "gt": "2000-01-01"

                An example of the configuration for the numerical range facet based on transaction amounts. In addition to the administrator defined ranges, the filter section suggests that clients are allowed to define their own range filters.

                  "type": "range",
                  "field": "amount",
                  "filter": {
                    "allowExact": true,
                    "allowRange": true,
                    "fromType": "gte",
                    "toType": "lte",
                    "displayFormat": "####"
                  "ranges": [
                      "description": "Less than 50",
                      "id": "8fabe28c-3268-4ab2-bc1b-d073ce5312b2",
                      "lt": 50
                      "description": "[50, 100)",
                      "id": "ce734c46-a869-4b60-8e00-e2e56a7a7c85",
                      "gte": 50,
                      "lt": 100
                      "description": "[100, 150)",
                      "id": "e6f824ff-313e-4b6d-bd43-654fda41bdcf",
                      "gte": 100,
                      "lt": 150
                      "description": "[150, 200)",
                      "id": "399844ea-f03b-4e2d-aa3a-c07c93ba75fb",
                      "gte": 150,
                      "lt": 200
                      "description": "Greater than 200",
                      "id": "27edf5c1-d54d-4c9e-b16a-0fcba599ae57",
                      "gt": 200

                An example of the configuration for the terms facet that is based on the city field show casing how to order results highest count first.

                  "type": "terms",
                  "field": "city",
                  "limit": 50,
                  "displayLimit": 10,
                  "minDocCount": 1,
                  "orderBy": "count",
                  "orderDirection": "desc"

                An example of the configuration for the type facet show casing how to sort results by alphabetical order.

                  "type": "type",
                  "displayLimit": 8,
                  "minDocCount": 1,
                  "orderBy": "alpha",
                  "orderDirection": "asc"

                An example of the graph configuration that includes the specified fields in graph responses.

                  "fields": [

                An example of the label configuration that generates the templated label from the values in the specified fields.

                  "template": "{0} {1} born on {2}",
                  "values": [

                An example of the summary configuration that includes specific fields to return and well as a field to generate highlighting for when its content matches a search query.

                  "fields": [
                  "highlighting": {
                    "fullName": {
                      "highlighter": "plain",
                      "fragments": 3,
                      "fragmentSize": 100

                An example of the table configuration that includes the specified fields.

                  "fields": [

                An example of the text analytics configuration that includes the subject and body fields in the corpus and uses the from, to and cc fields for the Sankey diagrams.

                  "fields": [
                  "fromField": "from",
                  "toFields": [

                An example of the response from /admin/config/types.

                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types?start=0&limit=20",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types?start=0&limit=20",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "collection",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "next",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types?start=20&limit=20",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types?start=20&limit=20",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "last",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types?start=20&limit=20",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types?start=20&limit=20",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                  "name": "types",
                  "accept": "application/",
                  "start": 0,
                  "count": 27,
                  "items": [
                      "solution": "sas_visual_investigator_default",
                      "name": "address",
                      "displayName": "Address",
                      "category": "resolvedEntity",
                      "options": {
                        "dynamic": "true",
                        "indexed_for_search": true,
                        "number_of_replicas": 1,
                        "number_of_shards": 1,
                        "refresh_interval": 1
                      "config": {},
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/address",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/address",
                          "type": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "update",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/address",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/address",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "POST",
                          "rel": "refresh",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/operations",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/operations",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "DELETE",
                          "rel": "delete",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/address",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/address"
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "up",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "itemType": "application/"
                          "method": "POST",
                          "rel": "create",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                      "solution": "sas_visual_investigator_default",
                      "name": "business",
                      "displayName": "Business",
                      "category": "resolvedEntity",
                      "options": {
                        "dynamic": "true",
                        "indexed_for_search": true,
                        "number_of_replicas": 1,
                        "number_of_shards": 1,
                        "refresh_interval": 1
                      "config": {},
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/business",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/business",
                          "type": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "update",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/business",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/business",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "POST",
                          "rel": "refresh",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/operations",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/operations",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "DELETE",
                          "rel": "delete",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/business",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/business"
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "up",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "itemType": "application/"
                          "method": "POST",
                          "rel": "create",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                      "solution": "sas_visual_investigator_default",
                      "name": "business_customers",
                      "displayName": "Business Customer",
                      "category": "entity",
                      "fields": {
                        "aml_alert_count": {
                          "displayName": "AML Alert Count",
                          "type": "integer",
                          "options": {}
                        "aml_alert_flag": {
                          "displayName": "AML Alert Flag",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": [
                        "bus_cust_type": {
                          "displayName": "Business Customer Type",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": [
                        "business_alt_industry1": {
                          "displayName": "Business Alt Industry 1",
                          "type": "integer",
                          "options": {}
                        "business_alt_industry2": {
                          "displayName": "Business Alt Industry 2",
                          "type": "integer",
                          "options": {}
                        "business_cntry_prim_op": {
                          "displayName": "Business Cntry Prim Op",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": [
                        "business_country_registration": {
                          "displayName": "Business Country Registration",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": [
                        "business_details_address": {
                          "displayName": "business_details_address",
                          "type": "nested",
                          "options": {},
                          "innerFields": {
                            "address_id": {
                              "displayName": "Address Id",
                              "type": "text",
                              "options": {
                                "features": []
                            "address_line_one": {
                              "displayName": "Address Line One",
                              "type": "text",
                              "options": {
                                "features": [
                            "address_line_three": {
                              "displayName": "Address Line Three",
                              "type": "text",
                              "options": {
                                "features": [
                            "city": {
                              "displayName": "City",
                              "type": "text",
                              "options": {
                                "features": [
                            "consolidated_address": {
                              "displayName": "Consolidated Address",
                              "type": "text",
                              "options": {
                                "features": [
                            "customer_id_number": {
                              "displayName": "Customer ID Number",
                              "type": "double",
                              "options": {}
                            "latitude": {
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                        "refresh_interval": 1
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                        "summary": {
                          "fields": [
                          "highlighting": {
                            "customer_name": {
                              "fragments": 3,
                              "fragmentSize": 150
                            "customer_type": {
                              "fragments": 3,
                              "fragmentSize": 150
                            "full_name": {
                              "fragments": 3,
                              "fragmentSize": 150
                        "table": {
                          "fields": [
                        "facets": [
                            "type": "terms",
                            "field": "bus_cust_type",
                            "limit": 100
                            "type": "terms",
                            "field": "customer_type",
                            "limit": 100
                            "type": "dateRange",
                            "field": "date_of_birth",
                            "accuracy": "day",
                            "filter": {
                              "allowExact": true,
                              "allowRange": true,
                              "fromType": "gte",
                              "toType": "lte"
                            "ranges": []
                        "events": [
                            "id": "82d115eb-18ae-4ee7-9ddb-15e4edcb4647",
                            "fields": {
                              "category": "customer dob",
                              "label": "Customer Date of Birth",
                              "description": "<br>Name: {customer_name}<br>Type: {customer_type}",
                              "pointTimestamp": "{date_of_birth}"
                            "id": "cbf46eb8-2f67-45da-900f-cb9318b167e7",
                            "root": "individual_details_addres",
                            "fields": {
                              "category": "customer address",
                              "label": "Customer: {/customer_name}",
                              "description": "<br>Name: {/customer_name}<br>Type: {/customer_type}",
                              "longitude": "longitude",
                              "latitude": "latitude"
                        "label": {
                          "template": "{0} {1}",
                          "values": [
                      "links": [
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "self",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/individual_customers",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/individual_customers",
                          "type": "application/"
                          "method": "PUT",
                          "rel": "update",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/individual_customers",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/individual_customers",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "POST",
                          "rel": "refresh",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/operations",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/operations",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                          "method": "DELETE",
                          "rel": "delete",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/individual_customers",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/individual_customers"
                          "method": "GET",
                          "rel": "up",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "itemType": "application/"
                          "method": "POST",
                          "rel": "create",
                          "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types",
                          "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types",
                          "type": "application/",
                          "responseType": "application/"
                  "limit": 20,
                  "version": 2

                An example of the response from /admin/config/types?namesOnly=true.

                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types?start=0&limit=20",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types?start=0&limit=20",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "collection",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "next",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types?start=20&limit=20",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types?start=20&limit=20",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "last",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types?start=20&limit=20",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types?start=20&limit=20",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                  "name": "types",
                  "accept": "application/",
                  "start": 0,
                  "count": 27,
                  "items": [
                      "name": "address",
                      "config": {}
                      "name": "business",
                      "config": {}
                      "name": "business_customers",
                      "config": {}
                      "name": "email",
                      "config": {}
                      "name": "employer",
                      "config": {}
                      "name": "individual",
                      "config": {}
                      "name": "individual_customers",
                      "config": {}
                  "limit": 20,
                  "version": 2

                An example of the request and response for /admin/config/types/{type}.

                  "solution": "Insurance",
                  "name": "person",
                  "displayName": "Person",
                  "category": "entity",
                  "fields": {
                    "first_name": {
                      "displayName": "First Name",
                      "type": "text",
                      "options": {
                        "features": [
                    "last_name": {
                      "displayName": "Last Name",
                      "type": "text",
                      "options": {
                        "features": [
                    "dob": {
                      "displayName": "Date of Birth",
                      "type": "date",
                      "options": {
                        "format": "strict_date_optional_time||epoch_millis"
                    "addresses": {
                      "displayName": "Addresses",
                      "type": "object",
                      "innerFields": {
                        "address": {
                          "displayName": "Address",
                          "type": "text"
                        "city": {
                          "displayName": "City",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": [
                        "areaCode": {
                          "displayName": "Area Code",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": []
                        "country": {
                          "displayName": "Country",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": []
                        "lat": {
                          "displayName": "Latitude",
                          "type": "double"
                        "lon": {
                          "displayName": "Longitude",
                          "type": "double"
                  "options": {
                    "number_of_replicas": 2
                  "config": {
                    "summary": {
                      "fields": [
                      "highlighting": {
                        "first_name": {
                          "highlighter": "plain",
                          "fragments": 3,
                          "fragmentSize": 50
                        "last_name": {
                          "highlighter": "plain",
                          "fragments": 3,
                          "fragmentSize": 50
                    "table": {
                      "fields": [
                    "facets": [
                        "type": "terms",
                        "field": "last_name",
                        "limit": 100
                        "type": "terms",
                        "field": "",
                        "limit": 100
                    "textAnalytics": {
                      "fields": [
                    "events": [
                        "fields": {
                          "category": "birthday",
                          "label": "{first_name} {last_name}",
                          "description": "Born on {dob}",
                          "pointTimestamp": "{dob}"
                        "root": "addresses",
                        "fields": {
                          "category": "address",
                          "label": "{/first_name} {/last_name}",
                          "description": "Resides at {address} in {city}, {country}",
                          "latitude": "lat",
                          "longitude": "lon"
                    "label": {
                      "template": "{0} {1}",
                      "values": [
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "update",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "delete",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "up",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"

                An example of event configuration that extracts at most one event per array entry in the "old_addresses" field based on the root path. As the field specifiers are not delimited by /, each event is populated from the inner fields of the corresponding array entry. Since the tokenized text for the interval values refer to a single field, those fields must be of type date and contain valid ISO formatted date/time values. As "state" is a required field, events are extracted only if the array entry has a value for that field as well as either a valid GeoJSON value in the "location" field or values in both the "date_from" and "date_to" fields. The absence of a "city" field value causes that token to be removed from the description without being replaced with a value.

                  "root": "old_addresses",
                  "fields": {
                    "category": "Previous Address",
                    "intervalStartTimestamp": "{date_from}",
                    "intervalEndTimestamp": "{date_to}",
                    "description": "lived in {city}, {state}",
                    "geoJson": "location"
                  "requiredFields": [

                An example of event configuration that extracts a single event based on an object's top-level "lon", "lat", "city" and "state" fields. As there are no required fields defined, the event is extracted only if an object contains a numerical value in the "lon" field constituting a valid longitude and a numerical value in the "lat" field constituting a valid latitude value. The absence of "city" or "state" field values causes those tokens to be removed from the description without being replaced with a value.

                  "fields": {
                    "category": "Primary Address",
                    "longitude": "lon",
                    "latitude": "lat",
                    "description": "lives in {city}, {state}"

                An example of event configuration that shows how to mix absolute and relative paths in field specifiers. The example is based on an object with 4 levels of sub-objects (none of which are arrays); "level1" is a top-level field in the object containing a "level2" field and so on. In this case, a single event is extracted from the "level3" sub-object comprised of the "level3_date" time value and a description based on the "level3_text" field in this sub-object, the "level2_text" field from this sub-object's parent ("level2") and the "level4_text" from this sub-object's child ("level4"). Given that pointTimestamp refers to a single field, that field must be of type date. As there are required fields, the event is extracted only if these have values as well as "level3_date" having a value.

                  "root": "level1/level2/level3",
                  "fields": {
                    "category": "Complex Path Example Event",
                    "pointTimestamp": "{level3_date}",
                    "description": "this level: {level3_text} parent level: {/level1/level2/level2_text} child level: {level4/level4_text}"
                  "requiredFields": [

                An example of event configuration that extracts a single event based on an object's top-level "opendate", "account_holder_forename", and "account_holder_surname" fields. Given that pointTimestamp refers to a single field, that field must be of type date thereby containing an ISO formatted date/time value. As there are no required fields defined, the event is extracted only if an object has a value for "opendate". The absence of "account_holder_forename" or "account_holder_surname" field values causes those tokens to be removed from the description without being replaced with a value.

                  "fields": {
                    "category": "Account Opened",
                    "pointTimestamp": "{opendate}",
                    "description": "opened by {account_holder_forename} {account_holder_surname}"

                An example of the configuration for the date range facet based on a report date. In addition to the administrator defined ranges, the filter section suggests that clients are allowed to define their own range filters but not their own filter on an exact value.

                  "type": "dateRange",
                  "field": "reported",
                  "accuracy": "day",
                  "filter": {
                    "allowExact": false,
                    "allowRange": true,
                    "fromType": "gte",
                    "toType": "lte",
                    "displayFormat": "dd-MM-yyyy"
                  "ranges": [
                      "description": "Before 1980",
                      "id": "bdcaa922-3f90-4ae1-b6c0-4ba7de60c312",
                      "lt": "1980-01-01"
                      "description": "[1980, 1985]",
                      "id": "c3a442ce-ec8c-44c4-8015-1137ab4c83ad",
                      "gte": "1980-01-01",
                      "lte": "1985-12-31"
                      "description": "[1986, 1990]",
                      "id": "03834003-801f-48a9-a219-b2aa6376138c",
                      "gte": "1986-01-01",
                      "lte": "1990-12-31"
                      "description": "[1991, 2000]",
                      "id": "70c4b548-a275-409e-9c93-6279e29b6ac6",
                      "gte": "1991-01-01",
                      "lte": "2000-12-31"
                      "description": "After 2000",
                      "id": "31bda348-cf8c-46c8-85be-20809102c61f",
                      "gt": "2000-01-01"

                An example of the configuration for the numerical range facet based on transaction amounts. In addition to the administrator defined ranges, the filter section suggests that clients are allowed to define their own range filters.

                  "type": "range",
                  "field": "amount",
                  "filter": {
                    "allowExact": true,
                    "allowRange": true,
                    "fromType": "gte",
                    "toType": "lte",
                    "displayFormat": "####"
                  "ranges": [
                      "description": "Less than 50",
                      "id": "8fabe28c-3268-4ab2-bc1b-d073ce5312b2",
                      "lt": 50
                      "description": "[50, 100)",
                      "id": "ce734c46-a869-4b60-8e00-e2e56a7a7c85",
                      "gte": 50,
                      "lt": 100
                      "description": "[100, 150)",
                      "id": "e6f824ff-313e-4b6d-bd43-654fda41bdcf",
                      "gte": 100,
                      "lt": 150
                      "description": "[150, 200)",
                      "id": "399844ea-f03b-4e2d-aa3a-c07c93ba75fb",
                      "gte": 150,
                      "lt": 200
                      "description": "Greater than 200",
                      "id": "27edf5c1-d54d-4c9e-b16a-0fcba599ae57",
                      "gt": 200

                An example of the configuration for the terms facet that is based on the city field show casing how to order results highest count first.

                  "type": "terms",
                  "field": "city",
                  "limit": 50,
                  "displayLimit": 10,
                  "minDocCount": 1,
                  "orderBy": "count",
                  "orderDirection": "desc"

                An example of the configuration for the type facet show casing how to sort results by alphabetical order.

                  "type": "type",
                  "displayLimit": 8,
                  "minDocCount": 1,
                  "orderBy": "alpha",
                  "orderDirection": "asc"

                An example of the graph configuration that includes the specified fields in graph responses.

                  "fields": [

                An example of the label configuration that generates the templated label from the values in the specified fields.

                  "template": "{0} {1} born on {2}",
                  "values": [

                An example of the summary configuration that includes specific fields to return and well as a field to generate highlighting for when its content matches a search query.

                  "fields": [
                  "highlighting": {
                    "fullName": {
                      "highlighter": "plain",
                      "fragments": 3,
                      "fragmentSize": 100

                An example of the table configuration that includes the specified fields.

                  "fields": [

                An example of the text analytics configuration that includes the subject and body fields in the corpus and uses the from, to and cc fields for the Sankey diagrams.

                  "fields": [
                  "fromField": "from",
                  "toFields": [
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. typeCollection

                Get the headers for the get all type configuration operation

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X HEAD
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  method: 'HEAD'
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                r = requests.head('')
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                HEAD /admin/config/types

                Returns the headers for the get all type configuration operation.

                Name In Type Required Description
                start query integer false The index of the first type to include in the current page.
                limit query integer false The maximum number of types to include in each page.
                namesOnly query boolean false Whether to return the names of the types rather than their configuration.
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. None

                Creates a new type

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X POST \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Content-Type: application/' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const inputBody = '{
                  "solution": "Insurance",
                  "name": "person",
                  "displayName": "Person",
                  "category": "entity",
                  "fields": {
                    "first_name": {
                      "displayName": "First Name",
                      "type": "text",
                      "options": {
                        "features": [
                    "last_name": {
                      "displayName": "Last Name",
                      "type": "text",
                      "options": {
                        "features": [
                    "dob": {
                      "displayName": "Date of Birth",
                      "type": "date",
                      "options": {
                        "format": "strict_date_optional_time||epoch_millis"
                    "addresses": {
                      "displayName": "Addresses",
                      "type": "object",
                      "innerFields": {
                        "address": {
                          "displayName": "Address",
                          "type": "text"
                        "city": {
                          "displayName": "City",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": [
                        "areaCode": {
                          "displayName": "Area Code",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": []
                        "country": {
                          "displayName": "Country",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": []
                        "lat": {
                          "displayName": "Latitude",
                          "type": "double"
                        "lon": {
                          "displayName": "Longitude",
                          "type": "double"
                  "options": {
                    "number_of_replicas": 2
                  "config": {
                    "summary": {
                      "fields": [
                      "highlighting": {
                        "first_name": {
                          "highlighter": "plain",
                          "fragments": 3,
                          "fragmentSize": 50
                        "last_name": {
                          "highlighter": "plain",
                          "fragments": 3,
                          "fragmentSize": 50
                    "table": {
                      "fields": [
                    "facets": [
                        "type": "terms",
                        "field": "last_name",
                        "limit": 100
                        "type": "terms",
                        "field": "",
                        "limit": 100
                    "textAnalytics": {
                      "fields": [
                    "events": [
                        "fields": {
                          "category": "birthday",
                          "label": "{first_name} {last_name}",
                          "description": "Born on {dob}",
                          "pointTimestamp": "{dob}"
                        "root": "addresses",
                        "fields": {
                          "category": "address",
                          "label": "{/first_name} {/last_name}",
                          "description": "Resides at {address} in {city}, {country}",
                          "latitude": "lat",
                          "longitude": "lon"
                    "label": {
                      "template": "{0} {1}",
                      "values": [
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "update",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "delete",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "up",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                const headers = {
                  method: 'POST',
                  body: inputBody,
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Content-Type': 'application/',
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r ='', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Content-Type": []string{"application/"},
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                POST /admin/config/types

                Configures a new type. The request will be rejected if a type already exists with the same name.

                Body parameter

                An example of the request and response for /admin/config/types/{type}.

                  "solution": "Insurance",
                  "name": "person",
                  "displayName": "Person",
                  "category": "entity",
                  "fields": {
                    "first_name": {
                      "displayName": "First Name",
                      "type": "text",
                      "options": {
                        "features": [
                    "last_name": {
                      "displayName": "Last Name",
                      "type": "text",
                      "options": {
                        "features": [
                    "dob": {
                      "displayName": "Date of Birth",
                      "type": "date",
                      "options": {
                        "format": "strict_date_optional_time||epoch_millis"
                    "addresses": {
                      "displayName": "Addresses",
                      "type": "object",
                      "innerFields": {
                        "address": {
                          "displayName": "Address",
                          "type": "text"
                        "city": {
                          "displayName": "City",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": [
                        "areaCode": {
                          "displayName": "Area Code",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": []
                        "country": {
                          "displayName": "Country",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": []
                        "lat": {
                          "displayName": "Latitude",
                          "type": "double"
                        "lon": {
                          "displayName": "Longitude",
                          "type": "double"
                  "options": {
                    "number_of_replicas": 2
                  "config": {
                    "summary": {
                      "fields": [
                      "highlighting": {
                        "first_name": {
                          "highlighter": "plain",
                          "fragments": 3,
                          "fragmentSize": 50
                        "last_name": {
                          "highlighter": "plain",
                          "fragments": 3,
                          "fragmentSize": 50
                    "table": {
                      "fields": [
                    "facets": [
                        "type": "terms",
                        "field": "last_name",
                        "limit": 100
                        "type": "terms",
                        "field": "",
                        "limit": 100
                    "textAnalytics": {
                      "fields": [
                    "events": [
                        "fields": {
                          "category": "birthday",
                          "label": "{first_name} {last_name}",
                          "description": "Born on {dob}",
                          "pointTimestamp": "{dob}"
                        "root": "addresses",
                        "fields": {
                          "category": "address",
                          "label": "{/first_name} {/last_name}",
                          "description": "Resides at {address} in {city}, {country}",
                          "latitude": "lat",
                          "longitude": "lon"
                    "label": {
                      "template": "{0} {1}",
                      "values": [
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "update",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "delete",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "up",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                Name In Type Required Description
                validateOnly query boolean false Whether to validate the configuration without saving it.
                body body type false none

                Example responses

                An example of the request and response for /admin/config/types/{type}.

                  "solution": "Insurance",
                  "name": "person",
                  "displayName": "Person",
                  "category": "entity",
                  "fields": {
                    "first_name": {
                      "displayName": "First Name",
                      "type": "text",
                      "options": {
                        "features": [
                    "last_name": {
                      "displayName": "Last Name",
                      "type": "text",
                      "options": {
                        "features": [
                    "dob": {
                      "displayName": "Date of Birth",
                      "type": "date",
                      "options": {
                        "format": "strict_date_optional_time||epoch_millis"
                    "addresses": {
                      "displayName": "Addresses",
                      "type": "object",
                      "innerFields": {
                        "address": {
                          "displayName": "Address",
                          "type": "text"
                        "city": {
                          "displayName": "City",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": [
                        "areaCode": {
                          "displayName": "Area Code",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": []
                        "country": {
                          "displayName": "Country",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": []
                        "lat": {
                          "displayName": "Latitude",
                          "type": "double"
                        "lon": {
                          "displayName": "Longitude",
                          "type": "double"
                  "options": {
                    "number_of_replicas": 2
                  "config": {
                    "summary": {
                      "fields": [
                      "highlighting": {
                        "first_name": {
                          "highlighter": "plain",
                          "fragments": 3,
                          "fragmentSize": 50
                        "last_name": {
                          "highlighter": "plain",
                          "fragments": 3,
                          "fragmentSize": 50
                    "table": {
                      "fields": [
                    "facets": [
                        "type": "terms",
                        "field": "last_name",
                        "limit": 100
                        "type": "terms",
                        "field": "",
                        "limit": 100
                    "textAnalytics": {
                      "fields": [
                    "events": [
                        "fields": {
                          "category": "birthday",
                          "label": "{first_name} {last_name}",
                          "description": "Born on {dob}",
                          "pointTimestamp": "{dob}"
                        "root": "addresses",
                        "fields": {
                          "category": "address",
                          "label": "{/first_name} {/last_name}",
                          "description": "Resides at {address} in {city}, {country}",
                          "latitude": "lat",
                          "longitude": "lon"
                    "label": {
                      "template": "{0} {1}",
                      "values": [
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "update",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "delete",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "up",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"

                An example of event configuration that extracts at most one event per array entry in the "old_addresses" field based on the root path. As the field specifiers are not delimited by /, each event is populated from the inner fields of the corresponding array entry. Since the tokenized text for the interval values refer to a single field, those fields must be of type date and contain valid ISO formatted date/time values. As "state" is a required field, events are extracted only if the array entry has a value for that field as well as either a valid GeoJSON value in the "location" field or values in both the "date_from" and "date_to" fields. The absence of a "city" field value causes that token to be removed from the description without being replaced with a value.

                  "root": "old_addresses",
                  "fields": {
                    "category": "Previous Address",
                    "intervalStartTimestamp": "{date_from}",
                    "intervalEndTimestamp": "{date_to}",
                    "description": "lived in {city}, {state}",
                    "geoJson": "location"
                  "requiredFields": [

                An example of event configuration that extracts a single event based on an object's top-level "lon", "lat", "city" and "state" fields. As there are no required fields defined, the event is extracted only if an object contains a numerical value in the "lon" field constituting a valid longitude and a numerical value in the "lat" field constituting a valid latitude value. The absence of "city" or "state" field values causes those tokens to be removed from the description without being replaced with a value.

                  "fields": {
                    "category": "Primary Address",
                    "longitude": "lon",
                    "latitude": "lat",
                    "description": "lives in {city}, {state}"

                An example of event configuration that shows how to mix absolute and relative paths in field specifiers. The example is based on an object with 4 levels of sub-objects (none of which are arrays); "level1" is a top-level field in the object containing a "level2" field and so on. In this case, a single event is extracted from the "level3" sub-object comprised of the "level3_date" time value and a description based on the "level3_text" field in this sub-object, the "level2_text" field from this sub-object's parent ("level2") and the "level4_text" from this sub-object's child ("level4"). Given that pointTimestamp refers to a single field, that field must be of type date. As there are required fields, the event is extracted only if these have values as well as "level3_date" having a value.

                  "root": "level1/level2/level3",
                  "fields": {
                    "category": "Complex Path Example Event",
                    "pointTimestamp": "{level3_date}",
                    "description": "this level: {level3_text} parent level: {/level1/level2/level2_text} child level: {level4/level4_text}"
                  "requiredFields": [

                An example of event configuration that extracts a single event based on an object's top-level "opendate", "account_holder_forename", and "account_holder_surname" fields. Given that pointTimestamp refers to a single field, that field must be of type date thereby containing an ISO formatted date/time value. As there are no required fields defined, the event is extracted only if an object has a value for "opendate". The absence of "account_holder_forename" or "account_holder_surname" field values causes those tokens to be removed from the description without being replaced with a value.

                  "fields": {
                    "category": "Account Opened",
                    "pointTimestamp": "{opendate}",
                    "description": "opened by {account_holder_forename} {account_holder_surname}"

                An example of the configuration for the date range facet based on a report date. In addition to the administrator defined ranges, the filter section suggests that clients are allowed to define their own range filters but not their own filter on an exact value.

                  "type": "dateRange",
                  "field": "reported",
                  "accuracy": "day",
                  "filter": {
                    "allowExact": false,
                    "allowRange": true,
                    "fromType": "gte",
                    "toType": "lte",
                    "displayFormat": "dd-MM-yyyy"
                  "ranges": [
                      "description": "Before 1980",
                      "id": "bdcaa922-3f90-4ae1-b6c0-4ba7de60c312",
                      "lt": "1980-01-01"
                      "description": "[1980, 1985]",
                      "id": "c3a442ce-ec8c-44c4-8015-1137ab4c83ad",
                      "gte": "1980-01-01",
                      "lte": "1985-12-31"
                      "description": "[1986, 1990]",
                      "id": "03834003-801f-48a9-a219-b2aa6376138c",
                      "gte": "1986-01-01",
                      "lte": "1990-12-31"
                      "description": "[1991, 2000]",
                      "id": "70c4b548-a275-409e-9c93-6279e29b6ac6",
                      "gte": "1991-01-01",
                      "lte": "2000-12-31"
                      "description": "After 2000",
                      "id": "31bda348-cf8c-46c8-85be-20809102c61f",
                      "gt": "2000-01-01"

                An example of the configuration for the numerical range facet based on transaction amounts. In addition to the administrator defined ranges, the filter section suggests that clients are allowed to define their own range filters.

                  "type": "range",
                  "field": "amount",
                  "filter": {
                    "allowExact": true,
                    "allowRange": true,
                    "fromType": "gte",
                    "toType": "lte",
                    "displayFormat": "####"
                  "ranges": [
                      "description": "Less than 50",
                      "id": "8fabe28c-3268-4ab2-bc1b-d073ce5312b2",
                      "lt": 50
                      "description": "[50, 100)",
                      "id": "ce734c46-a869-4b60-8e00-e2e56a7a7c85",
                      "gte": 50,
                      "lt": 100
                      "description": "[100, 150)",
                      "id": "e6f824ff-313e-4b6d-bd43-654fda41bdcf",
                      "gte": 100,
                      "lt": 150
                      "description": "[150, 200)",
                      "id": "399844ea-f03b-4e2d-aa3a-c07c93ba75fb",
                      "gte": 150,
                      "lt": 200
                      "description": "Greater than 200",
                      "id": "27edf5c1-d54d-4c9e-b16a-0fcba599ae57",
                      "gt": 200

                An example of the configuration for the terms facet that is based on the city field show casing how to order results highest count first.

                  "type": "terms",
                  "field": "city",
                  "limit": 50,
                  "displayLimit": 10,
                  "minDocCount": 1,
                  "orderBy": "count",
                  "orderDirection": "desc"

                An example of the configuration for the type facet show casing how to sort results by alphabetical order.

                  "type": "type",
                  "displayLimit": 8,
                  "minDocCount": 1,
                  "orderBy": "alpha",
                  "orderDirection": "asc"

                An example of the graph configuration that includes the specified fields in graph responses.

                  "fields": [

                An example of the label configuration that generates the templated label from the values in the specified fields.

                  "template": "{0} {1} born on {2}",
                  "values": [

                An example of the summary configuration that includes specific fields to return and well as a field to generate highlighting for when its content matches a search query.

                  "fields": [
                  "highlighting": {
                    "fullName": {
                      "highlighter": "plain",
                      "fragments": 3,
                      "fragmentSize": 100

                An example of the table configuration that includes the specified fields.

                  "fields": [

                An example of the text analytics configuration that includes the subject and body fields in the corpus and uses the from, to and cc fields for the Sankey diagrams.

                  "fields": [
                  "fromField": "from",
                  "toFields": [

                An example of the request and response for /admin/config/types/{type}.

                  "solution": "Insurance",
                  "name": "person",
                  "displayName": "Person",
                  "category": "entity",
                  "fields": {
                    "first_name": {
                      "displayName": "First Name",
                      "type": "text",
                      "options": {
                        "features": [
                    "last_name": {
                      "displayName": "Last Name",
                      "type": "text",
                      "options": {
                        "features": [
                    "dob": {
                      "displayName": "Date of Birth",
                      "type": "date",
                      "options": {
                        "format": "strict_date_optional_time||epoch_millis"
                    "addresses": {
                      "displayName": "Addresses",
                      "type": "object",
                      "innerFields": {
                        "address": {
                          "displayName": "Address",
                          "type": "text"
                        "city": {
                          "displayName": "City",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": [
                        "areaCode": {
                          "displayName": "Area Code",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": []
                        "country": {
                          "displayName": "Country",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": []
                        "lat": {
                          "displayName": "Latitude",
                          "type": "double"
                        "lon": {
                          "displayName": "Longitude",
                          "type": "double"
                  "options": {
                    "number_of_replicas": 2
                  "config": {
                    "summary": {
                      "fields": [
                      "highlighting": {
                        "first_name": {
                          "highlighter": "plain",
                          "fragments": 3,
                          "fragmentSize": 50
                        "last_name": {
                          "highlighter": "plain",
                          "fragments": 3,
                          "fragmentSize": 50
                    "table": {
                      "fields": [
                    "facets": [
                        "type": "terms",
                        "field": "last_name",
                        "limit": 100
                        "type": "terms",
                        "field": "",
                        "limit": 100
                    "textAnalytics": {
                      "fields": [
                    "events": [
                        "fields": {
                          "category": "birthday",
                          "label": "{first_name} {last_name}",
                          "description": "Born on {dob}",
                          "pointTimestamp": "{dob}"
                        "root": "addresses",
                        "fields": {
                          "category": "address",
                          "label": "{/first_name} {/last_name}",
                          "description": "Resides at {address} in {city}, {country}",
                          "latitude": "lat",
                          "longitude": "lon"
                    "label": {
                      "template": "{0} {1}",
                      "values": [
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "update",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "delete",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "up",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"

                An example of event configuration that extracts at most one event per array entry in the "old_addresses" field based on the root path. As the field specifiers are not delimited by /, each event is populated from the inner fields of the corresponding array entry. Since the tokenized text for the interval values refer to a single field, those fields must be of type date and contain valid ISO formatted date/time values. As "state" is a required field, events are extracted only if the array entry has a value for that field as well as either a valid GeoJSON value in the "location" field or values in both the "date_from" and "date_to" fields. The absence of a "city" field value causes that token to be removed from the description without being replaced with a value.

                  "root": "old_addresses",
                  "fields": {
                    "category": "Previous Address",
                    "intervalStartTimestamp": "{date_from}",
                    "intervalEndTimestamp": "{date_to}",
                    "description": "lived in {city}, {state}",
                    "geoJson": "location"
                  "requiredFields": [

                An example of event configuration that extracts a single event based on an object's top-level "lon", "lat", "city" and "state" fields. As there are no required fields defined, the event is extracted only if an object contains a numerical value in the "lon" field constituting a valid longitude and a numerical value in the "lat" field constituting a valid latitude value. The absence of "city" or "state" field values causes those tokens to be removed from the description without being replaced with a value.

                  "fields": {
                    "category": "Primary Address",
                    "longitude": "lon",
                    "latitude": "lat",
                    "description": "lives in {city}, {state}"

                An example of event configuration that shows how to mix absolute and relative paths in field specifiers. The example is based on an object with 4 levels of sub-objects (none of which are arrays); "level1" is a top-level field in the object containing a "level2" field and so on. In this case, a single event is extracted from the "level3" sub-object comprised of the "level3_date" time value and a description based on the "level3_text" field in this sub-object, the "level2_text" field from this sub-object's parent ("level2") and the "level4_text" from this sub-object's child ("level4"). Given that pointTimestamp refers to a single field, that field must be of type date. As there are required fields, the event is extracted only if these have values as well as "level3_date" having a value.

                  "root": "level1/level2/level3",
                  "fields": {
                    "category": "Complex Path Example Event",
                    "pointTimestamp": "{level3_date}",
                    "description": "this level: {level3_text} parent level: {/level1/level2/level2_text} child level: {level4/level4_text}"
                  "requiredFields": [

                An example of event configuration that extracts a single event based on an object's top-level "opendate", "account_holder_forename", and "account_holder_surname" fields. Given that pointTimestamp refers to a single field, that field must be of type date thereby containing an ISO formatted date/time value. As there are no required fields defined, the event is extracted only if an object has a value for "opendate". The absence of "account_holder_forename" or "account_holder_surname" field values causes those tokens to be removed from the description without being replaced with a value.

                  "fields": {
                    "category": "Account Opened",
                    "pointTimestamp": "{opendate}",
                    "description": "opened by {account_holder_forename} {account_holder_surname}"

                An example of the configuration for the date range facet based on a report date. In addition to the administrator defined ranges, the filter section suggests that clients are allowed to define their own range filters but not their own filter on an exact value.

                  "type": "dateRange",
                  "field": "reported",
                  "accuracy": "day",
                  "filter": {
                    "allowExact": false,
                    "allowRange": true,
                    "fromType": "gte",
                    "toType": "lte",
                    "displayFormat": "dd-MM-yyyy"
                  "ranges": [
                      "description": "Before 1980",
                      "id": "bdcaa922-3f90-4ae1-b6c0-4ba7de60c312",
                      "lt": "1980-01-01"
                      "description": "[1980, 1985]",
                      "id": "c3a442ce-ec8c-44c4-8015-1137ab4c83ad",
                      "gte": "1980-01-01",
                      "lte": "1985-12-31"
                      "description": "[1986, 1990]",
                      "id": "03834003-801f-48a9-a219-b2aa6376138c",
                      "gte": "1986-01-01",
                      "lte": "1990-12-31"
                      "description": "[1991, 2000]",
                      "id": "70c4b548-a275-409e-9c93-6279e29b6ac6",
                      "gte": "1991-01-01",
                      "lte": "2000-12-31"
                      "description": "After 2000",
                      "id": "31bda348-cf8c-46c8-85be-20809102c61f",
                      "gt": "2000-01-01"

                An example of the configuration for the numerical range facet based on transaction amounts. In addition to the administrator defined ranges, the filter section suggests that clients are allowed to define their own range filters.

                  "type": "range",
                  "field": "amount",
                  "filter": {
                    "allowExact": true,
                    "allowRange": true,
                    "fromType": "gte",
                    "toType": "lte",
                    "displayFormat": "####"
                  "ranges": [
                      "description": "Less than 50",
                      "id": "8fabe28c-3268-4ab2-bc1b-d073ce5312b2",
                      "lt": 50
                      "description": "[50, 100)",
                      "id": "ce734c46-a869-4b60-8e00-e2e56a7a7c85",
                      "gte": 50,
                      "lt": 100
                      "description": "[100, 150)",
                      "id": "e6f824ff-313e-4b6d-bd43-654fda41bdcf",
                      "gte": 100,
                      "lt": 150
                      "description": "[150, 200)",
                      "id": "399844ea-f03b-4e2d-aa3a-c07c93ba75fb",
                      "gte": 150,
                      "lt": 200
                      "description": "Greater than 200",
                      "id": "27edf5c1-d54d-4c9e-b16a-0fcba599ae57",
                      "gt": 200

                An example of the configuration for the terms facet that is based on the city field show casing how to order results highest count first.

                  "type": "terms",
                  "field": "city",
                  "limit": 50,
                  "displayLimit": 10,
                  "minDocCount": 1,
                  "orderBy": "count",
                  "orderDirection": "desc"

                An example of the configuration for the type facet show casing how to sort results by alphabetical order.

                  "type": "type",
                  "displayLimit": 8,
                  "minDocCount": 1,
                  "orderBy": "alpha",
                  "orderDirection": "asc"

                An example of the graph configuration that includes the specified fields in graph responses.

                  "fields": [

                An example of the label configuration that generates the templated label from the values in the specified fields.

                  "template": "{0} {1} born on {2}",
                  "values": [

                An example of the summary configuration that includes specific fields to return and well as a field to generate highlighting for when its content matches a search query.

                  "fields": [
                  "highlighting": {
                    "fullName": {
                      "highlighter": "plain",
                      "fragments": 3,
                      "fragmentSize": 100

                An example of the table configuration that includes the specified fields.

                  "fields": [

                An example of the text analytics configuration that includes the subject and body fields in the corpus and uses the from, to and cc fields for the Sankey diagrams.

                  "fields": [
                  "fromField": "from",
                  "toFields": [

                400 Response

                  "description": "An example of a 400 bad request Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95002",
                    "message": "The parameter \"types\" cannot be null or empty. Please provide a value.",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 400
                  "description": "An example of a 400 bad request Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95002",
                    "message": "The parameter \"types\" cannot be null or empty. Please provide a value.",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 400

                409 Response

                  "description": "An example of a 409 conflict Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95234",
                    "message": "An analyzer already exists with the name \"example\". ",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 409
                  "description": "An example of a 409 conflict Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95234",
                    "message": "An analyzer already exists with the name \"example\". ",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 409
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                201 Created The request succeeded. type
                400 Bad Request The request is malformed or contains invalid parameter values. error2
                409 Conflict A type already exists with the given name. error2
                Response Headers
                Status Header Type Format Description
                201 Location string The URI of the new type.
                201 ETag integer The version number of the new type.

                Get the configuration for a single type

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X GET{type} \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const headers = {
                  method: 'GET',
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r = requests.get('{type}', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{type}", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                GET /admin/config/types/{type}

                Returns the configuration (including the current version number) for the specified type.

                Name In Type Required Description
                type path string true The name of the type.

                Example responses

                An example of the request and response for /admin/config/types/{type}.

                  "solution": "Insurance",
                  "name": "person",
                  "displayName": "Person",
                  "category": "entity",
                  "fields": {
                    "first_name": {
                      "displayName": "First Name",
                      "type": "text",
                      "options": {
                        "features": [
                    "last_name": {
                      "displayName": "Last Name",
                      "type": "text",
                      "options": {
                        "features": [
                    "dob": {
                      "displayName": "Date of Birth",
                      "type": "date",
                      "options": {
                        "format": "strict_date_optional_time||epoch_millis"
                    "addresses": {
                      "displayName": "Addresses",
                      "type": "object",
                      "innerFields": {
                        "address": {
                          "displayName": "Address",
                          "type": "text"
                        "city": {
                          "displayName": "City",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": [
                        "areaCode": {
                          "displayName": "Area Code",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": []
                        "country": {
                          "displayName": "Country",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": []
                        "lat": {
                          "displayName": "Latitude",
                          "type": "double"
                        "lon": {
                          "displayName": "Longitude",
                          "type": "double"
                  "options": {
                    "number_of_replicas": 2
                  "config": {
                    "summary": {
                      "fields": [
                      "highlighting": {
                        "first_name": {
                          "highlighter": "plain",
                          "fragments": 3,
                          "fragmentSize": 50
                        "last_name": {
                          "highlighter": "plain",
                          "fragments": 3,
                          "fragmentSize": 50
                    "table": {
                      "fields": [
                    "facets": [
                        "type": "terms",
                        "field": "last_name",
                        "limit": 100
                        "type": "terms",
                        "field": "",
                        "limit": 100
                    "textAnalytics": {
                      "fields": [
                    "events": [
                        "fields": {
                          "category": "birthday",
                          "label": "{first_name} {last_name}",
                          "description": "Born on {dob}",
                          "pointTimestamp": "{dob}"
                        "root": "addresses",
                        "fields": {
                          "category": "address",
                          "label": "{/first_name} {/last_name}",
                          "description": "Resides at {address} in {city}, {country}",
                          "latitude": "lat",
                          "longitude": "lon"
                    "label": {
                      "template": "{0} {1}",
                      "values": [
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "update",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "delete",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "up",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"

                An example of event configuration that extracts at most one event per array entry in the "old_addresses" field based on the root path. As the field specifiers are not delimited by /, each event is populated from the inner fields of the corresponding array entry. Since the tokenized text for the interval values refer to a single field, those fields must be of type date and contain valid ISO formatted date/time values. As "state" is a required field, events are extracted only if the array entry has a value for that field as well as either a valid GeoJSON value in the "location" field or values in both the "date_from" and "date_to" fields. The absence of a "city" field value causes that token to be removed from the description without being replaced with a value.

                  "root": "old_addresses",
                  "fields": {
                    "category": "Previous Address",
                    "intervalStartTimestamp": "{date_from}",
                    "intervalEndTimestamp": "{date_to}",
                    "description": "lived in {city}, {state}",
                    "geoJson": "location"
                  "requiredFields": [

                An example of event configuration that extracts a single event based on an object's top-level "lon", "lat", "city" and "state" fields. As there are no required fields defined, the event is extracted only if an object contains a numerical value in the "lon" field constituting a valid longitude and a numerical value in the "lat" field constituting a valid latitude value. The absence of "city" or "state" field values causes those tokens to be removed from the description without being replaced with a value.

                  "fields": {
                    "category": "Primary Address",
                    "longitude": "lon",
                    "latitude": "lat",
                    "description": "lives in {city}, {state}"

                An example of event configuration that shows how to mix absolute and relative paths in field specifiers. The example is based on an object with 4 levels of sub-objects (none of which are arrays); "level1" is a top-level field in the object containing a "level2" field and so on. In this case, a single event is extracted from the "level3" sub-object comprised of the "level3_date" time value and a description based on the "level3_text" field in this sub-object, the "level2_text" field from this sub-object's parent ("level2") and the "level4_text" from this sub-object's child ("level4"). Given that pointTimestamp refers to a single field, that field must be of type date. As there are required fields, the event is extracted only if these have values as well as "level3_date" having a value.

                  "root": "level1/level2/level3",
                  "fields": {
                    "category": "Complex Path Example Event",
                    "pointTimestamp": "{level3_date}",
                    "description": "this level: {level3_text} parent level: {/level1/level2/level2_text} child level: {level4/level4_text}"
                  "requiredFields": [

                An example of event configuration that extracts a single event based on an object's top-level "opendate", "account_holder_forename", and "account_holder_surname" fields. Given that pointTimestamp refers to a single field, that field must be of type date thereby containing an ISO formatted date/time value. As there are no required fields defined, the event is extracted only if an object has a value for "opendate". The absence of "account_holder_forename" or "account_holder_surname" field values causes those tokens to be removed from the description without being replaced with a value.

                  "fields": {
                    "category": "Account Opened",
                    "pointTimestamp": "{opendate}",
                    "description": "opened by {account_holder_forename} {account_holder_surname}"

                An example of the configuration for the date range facet based on a report date. In addition to the administrator defined ranges, the filter section suggests that clients are allowed to define their own range filters but not their own filter on an exact value.

                  "type": "dateRange",
                  "field": "reported",
                  "accuracy": "day",
                  "filter": {
                    "allowExact": false,
                    "allowRange": true,
                    "fromType": "gte",
                    "toType": "lte",
                    "displayFormat": "dd-MM-yyyy"
                  "ranges": [
                      "description": "Before 1980",
                      "id": "bdcaa922-3f90-4ae1-b6c0-4ba7de60c312",
                      "lt": "1980-01-01"
                      "description": "[1980, 1985]",
                      "id": "c3a442ce-ec8c-44c4-8015-1137ab4c83ad",
                      "gte": "1980-01-01",
                      "lte": "1985-12-31"
                      "description": "[1986, 1990]",
                      "id": "03834003-801f-48a9-a219-b2aa6376138c",
                      "gte": "1986-01-01",
                      "lte": "1990-12-31"
                      "description": "[1991, 2000]",
                      "id": "70c4b548-a275-409e-9c93-6279e29b6ac6",
                      "gte": "1991-01-01",
                      "lte": "2000-12-31"
                      "description": "After 2000",
                      "id": "31bda348-cf8c-46c8-85be-20809102c61f",
                      "gt": "2000-01-01"

                An example of the configuration for the numerical range facet based on transaction amounts. In addition to the administrator defined ranges, the filter section suggests that clients are allowed to define their own range filters.

                  "type": "range",
                  "field": "amount",
                  "filter": {
                    "allowExact": true,
                    "allowRange": true,
                    "fromType": "gte",
                    "toType": "lte",
                    "displayFormat": "####"
                  "ranges": [
                      "description": "Less than 50",
                      "id": "8fabe28c-3268-4ab2-bc1b-d073ce5312b2",
                      "lt": 50
                      "description": "[50, 100)",
                      "id": "ce734c46-a869-4b60-8e00-e2e56a7a7c85",
                      "gte": 50,
                      "lt": 100
                      "description": "[100, 150)",
                      "id": "e6f824ff-313e-4b6d-bd43-654fda41bdcf",
                      "gte": 100,
                      "lt": 150
                      "description": "[150, 200)",
                      "id": "399844ea-f03b-4e2d-aa3a-c07c93ba75fb",
                      "gte": 150,
                      "lt": 200
                      "description": "Greater than 200",
                      "id": "27edf5c1-d54d-4c9e-b16a-0fcba599ae57",
                      "gt": 200

                An example of the configuration for the terms facet that is based on the city field show casing how to order results highest count first.

                  "type": "terms",
                  "field": "city",
                  "limit": 50,
                  "displayLimit": 10,
                  "minDocCount": 1,
                  "orderBy": "count",
                  "orderDirection": "desc"

                An example of the configuration for the type facet show casing how to sort results by alphabetical order.

                  "type": "type",
                  "displayLimit": 8,
                  "minDocCount": 1,
                  "orderBy": "alpha",
                  "orderDirection": "asc"

                An example of the graph configuration that includes the specified fields in graph responses.

                  "fields": [

                An example of the label configuration that generates the templated label from the values in the specified fields.

                  "template": "{0} {1} born on {2}",
                  "values": [

                An example of the summary configuration that includes specific fields to return and well as a field to generate highlighting for when its content matches a search query.

                  "fields": [
                  "highlighting": {
                    "fullName": {
                      "highlighter": "plain",
                      "fragments": 3,
                      "fragmentSize": 100

                An example of the table configuration that includes the specified fields.

                  "fields": [

                An example of the text analytics configuration that includes the subject and body fields in the corpus and uses the from, to and cc fields for the Sankey diagrams.

                  "fields": [
                  "fromField": "from",
                  "toFields": [

                An example of the request and response for /admin/config/types/{type}.

                  "solution": "Insurance",
                  "name": "person",
                  "displayName": "Person",
                  "category": "entity",
                  "fields": {
                    "first_name": {
                      "displayName": "First Name",
                      "type": "text",
                      "options": {
                        "features": [
                    "last_name": {
                      "displayName": "Last Name",
                      "type": "text",
                      "options": {
                        "features": [
                    "dob": {
                      "displayName": "Date of Birth",
                      "type": "date",
                      "options": {
                        "format": "strict_date_optional_time||epoch_millis"
                    "addresses": {
                      "displayName": "Addresses",
                      "type": "object",
                      "innerFields": {
                        "address": {
                          "displayName": "Address",
                          "type": "text"
                        "city": {
                          "displayName": "City",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": [
                        "areaCode": {
                          "displayName": "Area Code",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": []
                        "country": {
                          "displayName": "Country",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": []
                        "lat": {
                          "displayName": "Latitude",
                          "type": "double"
                        "lon": {
                          "displayName": "Longitude",
                          "type": "double"
                  "options": {
                    "number_of_replicas": 2
                  "config": {
                    "summary": {
                      "fields": [
                      "highlighting": {
                        "first_name": {
                          "highlighter": "plain",
                          "fragments": 3,
                          "fragmentSize": 50
                        "last_name": {
                          "highlighter": "plain",
                          "fragments": 3,
                          "fragmentSize": 50
                    "table": {
                      "fields": [
                    "facets": [
                        "type": "terms",
                        "field": "last_name",
                        "limit": 100
                        "type": "terms",
                        "field": "",
                        "limit": 100
                    "textAnalytics": {
                      "fields": [
                    "events": [
                        "fields": {
                          "category": "birthday",
                          "label": "{first_name} {last_name}",
                          "description": "Born on {dob}",
                          "pointTimestamp": "{dob}"
                        "root": "addresses",
                        "fields": {
                          "category": "address",
                          "label": "{/first_name} {/last_name}",
                          "description": "Resides at {address} in {city}, {country}",
                          "latitude": "lat",
                          "longitude": "lon"
                    "label": {
                      "template": "{0} {1}",
                      "values": [
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "update",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "delete",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "up",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"

                An example of event configuration that extracts at most one event per array entry in the "old_addresses" field based on the root path. As the field specifiers are not delimited by /, each event is populated from the inner fields of the corresponding array entry. Since the tokenized text for the interval values refer to a single field, those fields must be of type date and contain valid ISO formatted date/time values. As "state" is a required field, events are extracted only if the array entry has a value for that field as well as either a valid GeoJSON value in the "location" field or values in both the "date_from" and "date_to" fields. The absence of a "city" field value causes that token to be removed from the description without being replaced with a value.

                  "root": "old_addresses",
                  "fields": {
                    "category": "Previous Address",
                    "intervalStartTimestamp": "{date_from}",
                    "intervalEndTimestamp": "{date_to}",
                    "description": "lived in {city}, {state}",
                    "geoJson": "location"
                  "requiredFields": [

                An example of event configuration that extracts a single event based on an object's top-level "lon", "lat", "city" and "state" fields. As there are no required fields defined, the event is extracted only if an object contains a numerical value in the "lon" field constituting a valid longitude and a numerical value in the "lat" field constituting a valid latitude value. The absence of "city" or "state" field values causes those tokens to be removed from the description without being replaced with a value.

                  "fields": {
                    "category": "Primary Address",
                    "longitude": "lon",
                    "latitude": "lat",
                    "description": "lives in {city}, {state}"

                An example of event configuration that shows how to mix absolute and relative paths in field specifiers. The example is based on an object with 4 levels of sub-objects (none of which are arrays); "level1" is a top-level field in the object containing a "level2" field and so on. In this case, a single event is extracted from the "level3" sub-object comprised of the "level3_date" time value and a description based on the "level3_text" field in this sub-object, the "level2_text" field from this sub-object's parent ("level2") and the "level4_text" from this sub-object's child ("level4"). Given that pointTimestamp refers to a single field, that field must be of type date. As there are required fields, the event is extracted only if these have values as well as "level3_date" having a value.

                  "root": "level1/level2/level3",
                  "fields": {
                    "category": "Complex Path Example Event",
                    "pointTimestamp": "{level3_date}",
                    "description": "this level: {level3_text} parent level: {/level1/level2/level2_text} child level: {level4/level4_text}"
                  "requiredFields": [

                An example of event configuration that extracts a single event based on an object's top-level "opendate", "account_holder_forename", and "account_holder_surname" fields. Given that pointTimestamp refers to a single field, that field must be of type date thereby containing an ISO formatted date/time value. As there are no required fields defined, the event is extracted only if an object has a value for "opendate". The absence of "account_holder_forename" or "account_holder_surname" field values causes those tokens to be removed from the description without being replaced with a value.

                  "fields": {
                    "category": "Account Opened",
                    "pointTimestamp": "{opendate}",
                    "description": "opened by {account_holder_forename} {account_holder_surname}"

                An example of the configuration for the date range facet based on a report date. In addition to the administrator defined ranges, the filter section suggests that clients are allowed to define their own range filters but not their own filter on an exact value.

                  "type": "dateRange",
                  "field": "reported",
                  "accuracy": "day",
                  "filter": {
                    "allowExact": false,
                    "allowRange": true,
                    "fromType": "gte",
                    "toType": "lte",
                    "displayFormat": "dd-MM-yyyy"
                  "ranges": [
                      "description": "Before 1980",
                      "id": "bdcaa922-3f90-4ae1-b6c0-4ba7de60c312",
                      "lt": "1980-01-01"
                      "description": "[1980, 1985]",
                      "id": "c3a442ce-ec8c-44c4-8015-1137ab4c83ad",
                      "gte": "1980-01-01",
                      "lte": "1985-12-31"
                      "description": "[1986, 1990]",
                      "id": "03834003-801f-48a9-a219-b2aa6376138c",
                      "gte": "1986-01-01",
                      "lte": "1990-12-31"
                      "description": "[1991, 2000]",
                      "id": "70c4b548-a275-409e-9c93-6279e29b6ac6",
                      "gte": "1991-01-01",
                      "lte": "2000-12-31"
                      "description": "After 2000",
                      "id": "31bda348-cf8c-46c8-85be-20809102c61f",
                      "gt": "2000-01-01"

                An example of the configuration for the numerical range facet based on transaction amounts. In addition to the administrator defined ranges, the filter section suggests that clients are allowed to define their own range filters.

                  "type": "range",
                  "field": "amount",
                  "filter": {
                    "allowExact": true,
                    "allowRange": true,
                    "fromType": "gte",
                    "toType": "lte",
                    "displayFormat": "####"
                  "ranges": [
                      "description": "Less than 50",
                      "id": "8fabe28c-3268-4ab2-bc1b-d073ce5312b2",
                      "lt": 50
                      "description": "[50, 100)",
                      "id": "ce734c46-a869-4b60-8e00-e2e56a7a7c85",
                      "gte": 50,
                      "lt": 100
                      "description": "[100, 150)",
                      "id": "e6f824ff-313e-4b6d-bd43-654fda41bdcf",
                      "gte": 100,
                      "lt": 150
                      "description": "[150, 200)",
                      "id": "399844ea-f03b-4e2d-aa3a-c07c93ba75fb",
                      "gte": 150,
                      "lt": 200
                      "description": "Greater than 200",
                      "id": "27edf5c1-d54d-4c9e-b16a-0fcba599ae57",
                      "gt": 200

                An example of the configuration for the terms facet that is based on the city field show casing how to order results highest count first.

                  "type": "terms",
                  "field": "city",
                  "limit": 50,
                  "displayLimit": 10,
                  "minDocCount": 1,
                  "orderBy": "count",
                  "orderDirection": "desc"

                An example of the configuration for the type facet show casing how to sort results by alphabetical order.

                  "type": "type",
                  "displayLimit": 8,
                  "minDocCount": 1,
                  "orderBy": "alpha",
                  "orderDirection": "asc"

                An example of the graph configuration that includes the specified fields in graph responses.

                  "fields": [

                An example of the label configuration that generates the templated label from the values in the specified fields.

                  "template": "{0} {1} born on {2}",
                  "values": [

                An example of the summary configuration that includes specific fields to return and well as a field to generate highlighting for when its content matches a search query.

                  "fields": [
                  "highlighting": {
                    "fullName": {
                      "highlighter": "plain",
                      "fragments": 3,
                      "fragmentSize": 100

                An example of the table configuration that includes the specified fields.

                  "fields": [

                An example of the text analytics configuration that includes the subject and body fields in the corpus and uses the from, to and cc fields for the Sankey diagrams.

                  "fields": [
                  "fromField": "from",
                  "toFields": [

                404 Response

                  "description": "An example of a 404 resource not found Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95144",
                    "message": "No entity type was found with the name \"example\".",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 404
                  "description": "An example of a 404 resource not found Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95144",
                    "message": "No entity type was found with the name \"example\".",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 404
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. type
                404 Not Found The type does not exist. error2
                Response Headers
                Status Header Type Format Description
                200 ETag integer The up-to-date version number of the type.

                Check the existence of a type

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X HEAD{type}
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  method: 'HEAD'
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                r = requests.head('{type}')
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "{type}", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                HEAD /admin/config/types/{type}

                Checks the existence of the specified type. 200 OK means that the type exists; 404 Not Found means that the type does not exist.

                Name In Type Required Description
                type path string true The name of the type.
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. None
                404 Not Found The type does not exist. None
                Response Headers
                Status Header Type Format Description
                200 ETag integer The up-to-date version number of the type.

                Updates the configuration for a single type

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X PUT{type} \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Content-Type: application/' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/' \
                  -H 'If-Match: 0'
                const inputBody = '{
                  "solution": "Insurance",
                  "name": "person",
                  "displayName": "Person",
                  "category": "entity",
                  "fields": {
                    "first_name": {
                      "displayName": "First Name",
                      "type": "text",
                      "options": {
                        "features": [
                    "last_name": {
                      "displayName": "Last Name",
                      "type": "text",
                      "options": {
                        "features": [
                    "dob": {
                      "displayName": "Date of Birth",
                      "type": "date",
                      "options": {
                        "format": "strict_date_optional_time||epoch_millis"
                    "addresses": {
                      "displayName": "Addresses",
                      "type": "object",
                      "innerFields": {
                        "address": {
                          "displayName": "Address",
                          "type": "text"
                        "city": {
                          "displayName": "City",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": [
                        "areaCode": {
                          "displayName": "Area Code",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": []
                        "country": {
                          "displayName": "Country",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": []
                        "lat": {
                          "displayName": "Latitude",
                          "type": "double"
                        "lon": {
                          "displayName": "Longitude",
                          "type": "double"
                  "options": {
                    "number_of_replicas": 2
                  "config": {
                    "summary": {
                      "fields": [
                      "highlighting": {
                        "first_name": {
                          "highlighter": "plain",
                          "fragments": 3,
                          "fragmentSize": 50
                        "last_name": {
                          "highlighter": "plain",
                          "fragments": 3,
                          "fragmentSize": 50
                    "table": {
                      "fields": [
                    "facets": [
                        "type": "terms",
                        "field": "last_name",
                        "limit": 100
                        "type": "terms",
                        "field": "",
                        "limit": 100
                    "textAnalytics": {
                      "fields": [
                    "events": [
                        "fields": {
                          "category": "birthday",
                          "label": "{first_name} {last_name}",
                          "description": "Born on {dob}",
                          "pointTimestamp": "{dob}"
                        "root": "addresses",
                        "fields": {
                          "category": "address",
                          "label": "{/first_name} {/last_name}",
                          "description": "Resides at {address} in {city}, {country}",
                          "latitude": "lat",
                          "longitude": "lon"
                    "label": {
                      "template": "{0} {1}",
                      "values": [
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "update",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "delete",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "up",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                const headers = {
                  method: 'PUT',
                  body: inputBody,
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Content-Type': 'application/',
                  'Accept': 'application/',
                  'If-Match': '0'
                r = requests.put('{type}', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Content-Type": []string{"application/"},
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                        "If-Match": []string{"0"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("PUT", "{type}", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                PUT /admin/config/types/{type}

                Updates the configuration for the specified type. The request will be rejected unless the specified version number matches the current version. This is to ensure the latest version of the configuration is being edited and not an out-of-date version. If the new configuration contains breaking changes, such as the field type or events configuration has changed, the changes are saved, but also require the data to be re-indexed to take effect. A localized message is included in the response if this is the case. The /admin/indices resource can be used to re-index the data.

                Body parameter

                An example of the request and response for /admin/config/types/{type}.

                  "solution": "Insurance",
                  "name": "person",
                  "displayName": "Person",
                  "category": "entity",
                  "fields": {
                    "first_name": {
                      "displayName": "First Name",
                      "type": "text",
                      "options": {
                        "features": [
                    "last_name": {
                      "displayName": "Last Name",
                      "type": "text",
                      "options": {
                        "features": [
                    "dob": {
                      "displayName": "Date of Birth",
                      "type": "date",
                      "options": {
                        "format": "strict_date_optional_time||epoch_millis"
                    "addresses": {
                      "displayName": "Addresses",
                      "type": "object",
                      "innerFields": {
                        "address": {
                          "displayName": "Address",
                          "type": "text"
                        "city": {
                          "displayName": "City",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": [
                        "areaCode": {
                          "displayName": "Area Code",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": []
                        "country": {
                          "displayName": "Country",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": []
                        "lat": {
                          "displayName": "Latitude",
                          "type": "double"
                        "lon": {
                          "displayName": "Longitude",
                          "type": "double"
                  "options": {
                    "number_of_replicas": 2
                  "config": {
                    "summary": {
                      "fields": [
                      "highlighting": {
                        "first_name": {
                          "highlighter": "plain",
                          "fragments": 3,
                          "fragmentSize": 50
                        "last_name": {
                          "highlighter": "plain",
                          "fragments": 3,
                          "fragmentSize": 50
                    "table": {
                      "fields": [
                    "facets": [
                        "type": "terms",
                        "field": "last_name",
                        "limit": 100
                        "type": "terms",
                        "field": "",
                        "limit": 100
                    "textAnalytics": {
                      "fields": [
                    "events": [
                        "fields": {
                          "category": "birthday",
                          "label": "{first_name} {last_name}",
                          "description": "Born on {dob}",
                          "pointTimestamp": "{dob}"
                        "root": "addresses",
                        "fields": {
                          "category": "address",
                          "label": "{/first_name} {/last_name}",
                          "description": "Resides at {address} in {city}, {country}",
                          "latitude": "lat",
                          "longitude": "lon"
                    "label": {
                      "template": "{0} {1}",
                      "values": [
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "update",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "delete",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "up",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"
                Name In Type Required Description
                type path string true The name of the type.
                validateOnly query boolean false Whether to validate the configuration and check for breaking changes without importing it.
                waitForRefresh query boolean false Whether to wait for any index-related operations to be applied prior to the response being returned.
                If-Match header integer true Specifies the version number of the type that is to be edited.
                body body type false none

                Example responses

                An example of the request and response for /admin/config/types/{type}.

                  "solution": "Insurance",
                  "name": "person",
                  "displayName": "Person",
                  "category": "entity",
                  "fields": {
                    "first_name": {
                      "displayName": "First Name",
                      "type": "text",
                      "options": {
                        "features": [
                    "last_name": {
                      "displayName": "Last Name",
                      "type": "text",
                      "options": {
                        "features": [
                    "dob": {
                      "displayName": "Date of Birth",
                      "type": "date",
                      "options": {
                        "format": "strict_date_optional_time||epoch_millis"
                    "addresses": {
                      "displayName": "Addresses",
                      "type": "object",
                      "innerFields": {
                        "address": {
                          "displayName": "Address",
                          "type": "text"
                        "city": {
                          "displayName": "City",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": [
                        "areaCode": {
                          "displayName": "Area Code",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": []
                        "country": {
                          "displayName": "Country",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": []
                        "lat": {
                          "displayName": "Latitude",
                          "type": "double"
                        "lon": {
                          "displayName": "Longitude",
                          "type": "double"
                  "options": {
                    "number_of_replicas": 2
                  "config": {
                    "summary": {
                      "fields": [
                      "highlighting": {
                        "first_name": {
                          "highlighter": "plain",
                          "fragments": 3,
                          "fragmentSize": 50
                        "last_name": {
                          "highlighter": "plain",
                          "fragments": 3,
                          "fragmentSize": 50
                    "table": {
                      "fields": [
                    "facets": [
                        "type": "terms",
                        "field": "last_name",
                        "limit": 100
                        "type": "terms",
                        "field": "",
                        "limit": 100
                    "textAnalytics": {
                      "fields": [
                    "events": [
                        "fields": {
                          "category": "birthday",
                          "label": "{first_name} {last_name}",
                          "description": "Born on {dob}",
                          "pointTimestamp": "{dob}"
                        "root": "addresses",
                        "fields": {
                          "category": "address",
                          "label": "{/first_name} {/last_name}",
                          "description": "Resides at {address} in {city}, {country}",
                          "latitude": "lat",
                          "longitude": "lon"
                    "label": {
                      "template": "{0} {1}",
                      "values": [
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "update",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "delete",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "up",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"

                An example of event configuration that extracts at most one event per array entry in the "old_addresses" field based on the root path. As the field specifiers are not delimited by /, each event is populated from the inner fields of the corresponding array entry. Since the tokenized text for the interval values refer to a single field, those fields must be of type date and contain valid ISO formatted date/time values. As "state" is a required field, events are extracted only if the array entry has a value for that field as well as either a valid GeoJSON value in the "location" field or values in both the "date_from" and "date_to" fields. The absence of a "city" field value causes that token to be removed from the description without being replaced with a value.

                  "root": "old_addresses",
                  "fields": {
                    "category": "Previous Address",
                    "intervalStartTimestamp": "{date_from}",
                    "intervalEndTimestamp": "{date_to}",
                    "description": "lived in {city}, {state}",
                    "geoJson": "location"
                  "requiredFields": [

                An example of event configuration that extracts a single event based on an object's top-level "lon", "lat", "city" and "state" fields. As there are no required fields defined, the event is extracted only if an object contains a numerical value in the "lon" field constituting a valid longitude and a numerical value in the "lat" field constituting a valid latitude value. The absence of "city" or "state" field values causes those tokens to be removed from the description without being replaced with a value.

                  "fields": {
                    "category": "Primary Address",
                    "longitude": "lon",
                    "latitude": "lat",
                    "description": "lives in {city}, {state}"

                An example of event configuration that shows how to mix absolute and relative paths in field specifiers. The example is based on an object with 4 levels of sub-objects (none of which are arrays); "level1" is a top-level field in the object containing a "level2" field and so on. In this case, a single event is extracted from the "level3" sub-object comprised of the "level3_date" time value and a description based on the "level3_text" field in this sub-object, the "level2_text" field from this sub-object's parent ("level2") and the "level4_text" from this sub-object's child ("level4"). Given that pointTimestamp refers to a single field, that field must be of type date. As there are required fields, the event is extracted only if these have values as well as "level3_date" having a value.

                  "root": "level1/level2/level3",
                  "fields": {
                    "category": "Complex Path Example Event",
                    "pointTimestamp": "{level3_date}",
                    "description": "this level: {level3_text} parent level: {/level1/level2/level2_text} child level: {level4/level4_text}"
                  "requiredFields": [

                An example of event configuration that extracts a single event based on an object's top-level "opendate", "account_holder_forename", and "account_holder_surname" fields. Given that pointTimestamp refers to a single field, that field must be of type date thereby containing an ISO formatted date/time value. As there are no required fields defined, the event is extracted only if an object has a value for "opendate". The absence of "account_holder_forename" or "account_holder_surname" field values causes those tokens to be removed from the description without being replaced with a value.

                  "fields": {
                    "category": "Account Opened",
                    "pointTimestamp": "{opendate}",
                    "description": "opened by {account_holder_forename} {account_holder_surname}"

                An example of the configuration for the date range facet based on a report date. In addition to the administrator defined ranges, the filter section suggests that clients are allowed to define their own range filters but not their own filter on an exact value.

                  "type": "dateRange",
                  "field": "reported",
                  "accuracy": "day",
                  "filter": {
                    "allowExact": false,
                    "allowRange": true,
                    "fromType": "gte",
                    "toType": "lte",
                    "displayFormat": "dd-MM-yyyy"
                  "ranges": [
                      "description": "Before 1980",
                      "id": "bdcaa922-3f90-4ae1-b6c0-4ba7de60c312",
                      "lt": "1980-01-01"
                      "description": "[1980, 1985]",
                      "id": "c3a442ce-ec8c-44c4-8015-1137ab4c83ad",
                      "gte": "1980-01-01",
                      "lte": "1985-12-31"
                      "description": "[1986, 1990]",
                      "id": "03834003-801f-48a9-a219-b2aa6376138c",
                      "gte": "1986-01-01",
                      "lte": "1990-12-31"
                      "description": "[1991, 2000]",
                      "id": "70c4b548-a275-409e-9c93-6279e29b6ac6",
                      "gte": "1991-01-01",
                      "lte": "2000-12-31"
                      "description": "After 2000",
                      "id": "31bda348-cf8c-46c8-85be-20809102c61f",
                      "gt": "2000-01-01"

                An example of the configuration for the numerical range facet based on transaction amounts. In addition to the administrator defined ranges, the filter section suggests that clients are allowed to define their own range filters.

                  "type": "range",
                  "field": "amount",
                  "filter": {
                    "allowExact": true,
                    "allowRange": true,
                    "fromType": "gte",
                    "toType": "lte",
                    "displayFormat": "####"
                  "ranges": [
                      "description": "Less than 50",
                      "id": "8fabe28c-3268-4ab2-bc1b-d073ce5312b2",
                      "lt": 50
                      "description": "[50, 100)",
                      "id": "ce734c46-a869-4b60-8e00-e2e56a7a7c85",
                      "gte": 50,
                      "lt": 100
                      "description": "[100, 150)",
                      "id": "e6f824ff-313e-4b6d-bd43-654fda41bdcf",
                      "gte": 100,
                      "lt": 150
                      "description": "[150, 200)",
                      "id": "399844ea-f03b-4e2d-aa3a-c07c93ba75fb",
                      "gte": 150,
                      "lt": 200
                      "description": "Greater than 200",
                      "id": "27edf5c1-d54d-4c9e-b16a-0fcba599ae57",
                      "gt": 200

                An example of the configuration for the terms facet that is based on the city field show casing how to order results highest count first.

                  "type": "terms",
                  "field": "city",
                  "limit": 50,
                  "displayLimit": 10,
                  "minDocCount": 1,
                  "orderBy": "count",
                  "orderDirection": "desc"

                An example of the configuration for the type facet show casing how to sort results by alphabetical order.

                  "type": "type",
                  "displayLimit": 8,
                  "minDocCount": 1,
                  "orderBy": "alpha",
                  "orderDirection": "asc"

                An example of the graph configuration that includes the specified fields in graph responses.

                  "fields": [

                An example of the label configuration that generates the templated label from the values in the specified fields.

                  "template": "{0} {1} born on {2}",
                  "values": [

                An example of the summary configuration that includes specific fields to return and well as a field to generate highlighting for when its content matches a search query.

                  "fields": [
                  "highlighting": {
                    "fullName": {
                      "highlighter": "plain",
                      "fragments": 3,
                      "fragmentSize": 100

                An example of the table configuration that includes the specified fields.

                  "fields": [

                An example of the text analytics configuration that includes the subject and body fields in the corpus and uses the from, to and cc fields for the Sankey diagrams.

                  "fields": [
                  "fromField": "from",
                  "toFields": [

                An example of the request and response for /admin/config/types/{type}.

                  "solution": "Insurance",
                  "name": "person",
                  "displayName": "Person",
                  "category": "entity",
                  "fields": {
                    "first_name": {
                      "displayName": "First Name",
                      "type": "text",
                      "options": {
                        "features": [
                    "last_name": {
                      "displayName": "Last Name",
                      "type": "text",
                      "options": {
                        "features": [
                    "dob": {
                      "displayName": "Date of Birth",
                      "type": "date",
                      "options": {
                        "format": "strict_date_optional_time||epoch_millis"
                    "addresses": {
                      "displayName": "Addresses",
                      "type": "object",
                      "innerFields": {
                        "address": {
                          "displayName": "Address",
                          "type": "text"
                        "city": {
                          "displayName": "City",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": [
                        "areaCode": {
                          "displayName": "Area Code",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": []
                        "country": {
                          "displayName": "Country",
                          "type": "text",
                          "options": {
                            "features": []
                        "lat": {
                          "displayName": "Latitude",
                          "type": "double"
                        "lon": {
                          "displayName": "Longitude",
                          "type": "double"
                  "options": {
                    "number_of_replicas": 2
                  "config": {
                    "summary": {
                      "fields": [
                      "highlighting": {
                        "first_name": {
                          "highlighter": "plain",
                          "fragments": 3,
                          "fragmentSize": 50
                        "last_name": {
                          "highlighter": "plain",
                          "fragments": 3,
                          "fragmentSize": 50
                    "table": {
                      "fields": [
                    "facets": [
                        "type": "terms",
                        "field": "last_name",
                        "limit": 100
                        "type": "terms",
                        "field": "",
                        "limit": 100
                    "textAnalytics": {
                      "fields": [
                    "events": [
                        "fields": {
                          "category": "birthday",
                          "label": "{first_name} {last_name}",
                          "description": "Born on {dob}",
                          "pointTimestamp": "{dob}"
                        "root": "addresses",
                        "fields": {
                          "category": "address",
                          "label": "{/first_name} {/last_name}",
                          "description": "Resides at {address} in {city}, {country}",
                          "latitude": "lat",
                          "longitude": "lon"
                    "label": {
                      "template": "{0} {1}",
                      "values": [
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "PUT",
                      "rel": "update",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "delete",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types/person"
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "up",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/config/types",
                      "type": "application/",
                      "itemType": "application/"

                An example of event configuration that extracts at most one event per array entry in the "old_addresses" field based on the root path. As the field specifiers are not delimited by /, each event is populated from the inner fields of the corresponding array entry. Since the tokenized text for the interval values refer to a single field, those fields must be of type date and contain valid ISO formatted date/time values. As "state" is a required field, events are extracted only if the array entry has a value for that field as well as either a valid GeoJSON value in the "location" field or values in both the "date_from" and "date_to" fields. The absence of a "city" field value causes that token to be removed from the description without being replaced with a value.

                  "root": "old_addresses",
                  "fields": {
                    "category": "Previous Address",
                    "intervalStartTimestamp": "{date_from}",
                    "intervalEndTimestamp": "{date_to}",
                    "description": "lived in {city}, {state}",
                    "geoJson": "location"
                  "requiredFields": [

                An example of event configuration that extracts a single event based on an object's top-level "lon", "lat", "city" and "state" fields. As there are no required fields defined, the event is extracted only if an object contains a numerical value in the "lon" field constituting a valid longitude and a numerical value in the "lat" field constituting a valid latitude value. The absence of "city" or "state" field values causes those tokens to be removed from the description without being replaced with a value.

                  "fields": {
                    "category": "Primary Address",
                    "longitude": "lon",
                    "latitude": "lat",
                    "description": "lives in {city}, {state}"

                An example of event configuration that shows how to mix absolute and relative paths in field specifiers. The example is based on an object with 4 levels of sub-objects (none of which are arrays); "level1" is a top-level field in the object containing a "level2" field and so on. In this case, a single event is extracted from the "level3" sub-object comprised of the "level3_date" time value and a description based on the "level3_text" field in this sub-object, the "level2_text" field from this sub-object's parent ("level2") and the "level4_text" from this sub-object's child ("level4"). Given that pointTimestamp refers to a single field, that field must be of type date. As there are required fields, the event is extracted only if these have values as well as "level3_date" having a value.

                  "root": "level1/level2/level3",
                  "fields": {
                    "category": "Complex Path Example Event",
                    "pointTimestamp": "{level3_date}",
                    "description": "this level: {level3_text} parent level: {/level1/level2/level2_text} child level: {level4/level4_text}"
                  "requiredFields": [

                An example of event configuration that extracts a single event based on an object's top-level "opendate", "account_holder_forename", and "account_holder_surname" fields. Given that pointTimestamp refers to a single field, that field must be of type date thereby containing an ISO formatted date/time value. As there are no required fields defined, the event is extracted only if an object has a value for "opendate". The absence of "account_holder_forename" or "account_holder_surname" field values causes those tokens to be removed from the description without being replaced with a value.

                  "fields": {
                    "category": "Account Opened",
                    "pointTimestamp": "{opendate}",
                    "description": "opened by {account_holder_forename} {account_holder_surname}"

                An example of the configuration for the date range facet based on a report date. In addition to the administrator defined ranges, the filter section suggests that clients are allowed to define their own range filters but not their own filter on an exact value.

                  "type": "dateRange",
                  "field": "reported",
                  "accuracy": "day",
                  "filter": {
                    "allowExact": false,
                    "allowRange": true,
                    "fromType": "gte",
                    "toType": "lte",
                    "displayFormat": "dd-MM-yyyy"
                  "ranges": [
                      "description": "Before 1980",
                      "id": "bdcaa922-3f90-4ae1-b6c0-4ba7de60c312",
                      "lt": "1980-01-01"
                      "description": "[1980, 1985]",
                      "id": "c3a442ce-ec8c-44c4-8015-1137ab4c83ad",
                      "gte": "1980-01-01",
                      "lte": "1985-12-31"
                      "description": "[1986, 1990]",
                      "id": "03834003-801f-48a9-a219-b2aa6376138c",
                      "gte": "1986-01-01",
                      "lte": "1990-12-31"
                      "description": "[1991, 2000]",
                      "id": "70c4b548-a275-409e-9c93-6279e29b6ac6",
                      "gte": "1991-01-01",
                      "lte": "2000-12-31"
                      "description": "After 2000",
                      "id": "31bda348-cf8c-46c8-85be-20809102c61f",
                      "gt": "2000-01-01"

                An example of the configuration for the numerical range facet based on transaction amounts. In addition to the administrator defined ranges, the filter section suggests that clients are allowed to define their own range filters.

                  "type": "range",
                  "field": "amount",
                  "filter": {
                    "allowExact": true,
                    "allowRange": true,
                    "fromType": "gte",
                    "toType": "lte",
                    "displayFormat": "####"
                  "ranges": [
                      "description": "Less than 50",
                      "id": "8fabe28c-3268-4ab2-bc1b-d073ce5312b2",
                      "lt": 50
                      "description": "[50, 100)",
                      "id": "ce734c46-a869-4b60-8e00-e2e56a7a7c85",
                      "gte": 50,
                      "lt": 100
                      "description": "[100, 150)",
                      "id": "e6f824ff-313e-4b6d-bd43-654fda41bdcf",
                      "gte": 100,
                      "lt": 150
                      "description": "[150, 200)",
                      "id": "399844ea-f03b-4e2d-aa3a-c07c93ba75fb",
                      "gte": 150,
                      "lt": 200
                      "description": "Greater than 200",
                      "id": "27edf5c1-d54d-4c9e-b16a-0fcba599ae57",
                      "gt": 200

                An example of the configuration for the terms facet that is based on the city field show casing how to order results highest count first.

                  "type": "terms",
                  "field": "city",
                  "limit": 50,
                  "displayLimit": 10,
                  "minDocCount": 1,
                  "orderBy": "count",
                  "orderDirection": "desc"

                An example of the configuration for the type facet show casing how to sort results by alphabetical order.

                  "type": "type",
                  "displayLimit": 8,
                  "minDocCount": 1,
                  "orderBy": "alpha",
                  "orderDirection": "asc"

                An example of the graph configuration that includes the specified fields in graph responses.

                  "fields": [

                An example of the label configuration that generates the templated label from the values in the specified fields.

                  "template": "{0} {1} born on {2}",
                  "values": [

                An example of the summary configuration that includes specific fields to return and well as a field to generate highlighting for when its content matches a search query.

                  "fields": [
                  "highlighting": {
                    "fullName": {
                      "highlighter": "plain",
                      "fragments": 3,
                      "fragmentSize": 100

                An example of the table configuration that includes the specified fields.

                  "fields": [

                An example of the text analytics configuration that includes the subject and body fields in the corpus and uses the from, to and cc fields for the Sankey diagrams.

                  "fields": [
                  "fromField": "from",
                  "toFields": [

                400 Response

                  "description": "An example of a 400 bad request Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95002",
                    "message": "The parameter \"types\" cannot be null or empty. Please provide a value.",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 400
                  "description": "An example of a 400 bad request Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95002",
                    "message": "The parameter \"types\" cannot be null or empty. Please provide a value.",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 400

                404 Response

                  "description": "An example of a 404 resource not found Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95144",
                    "message": "No entity type was found with the name \"example\".",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 404
                  "description": "An example of a 404 resource not found Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95144",
                    "message": "No entity type was found with the name \"example\".",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 404

                412 Response

                  "description": "An example of a 412 precondition failed Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95148",
                    "message": "The configuration update for entity type \"example\" refers to version 1 but the latest is 2.",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 412
                  "description": "An example of a 412 precondition failed Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95148",
                    "message": "The configuration update for entity type \"example\" refers to version 1 but the latest is 2.",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 412

                428 Response

                  "description": "An example of a 428 precondition required Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95017",
                    "message": "The following parameter is missing from the request: example param",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 428
                  "description": "An example of a 428 precondition required Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95017",
                    "message": "The following parameter is missing from the request: example param",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 428
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. type
                400 Bad Request The request is malformed or contains invalid parameter values. error2
                404 Not Found The type does not exist. error2
                412 Precondition Failed The request refers to an out-of-date version of the configuration. error2
                428 Precondition Required The request is missing the If-Match header. error2
                Response Headers
                Status Header Type Format Description
                200 ETag integer The up-to-date version number of the type.

                Delete the configuration for a single type

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X DELETE{type}
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  method: 'DELETE'
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                r = requests.delete('{type}')
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("DELETE", "{type}", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                DELETE /admin/config/types/{type}

                Deletes the configuration and indexed data for the specified type. This operation cannot be undone without first exporting the configuration and making a backup of the indexed data directly from the underlying search engine.

                Name In Type Required Description
                type path string true The name of the type.
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                204 No Content The request succeeded. None


                Indexed data-related endpoints.

                Delete by query

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X DELETE \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Content-Type: application/' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const inputBody = '{
                  "types": [
                  "query": {
                    "type": "text",
                    "language": "lucene",
                    "text": "forename:john AND surname:smith"
                const headers = {
                  method: 'DELETE',
                  body: inputBody,
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Content-Type': 'application/',
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r = requests.delete('', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Content-Type": []string{"application/"},
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("DELETE", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                DELETE /admin/data

                Deletes all of the indexed objects and relationships matching the given query. If no request body is provided, then all of the indexed objects and relationships will be deleted. This operation cannot be undone without first making a backup of the indexed data directly from the underlying search engine.

                Body parameter

                An example of a request to /admin/data that deletes all objects containing "john" in the forename field and "smith" in the surname field.

                  "types": [
                  "query": {
                    "type": "text",
                    "language": "lucene",
                    "text": "forename:john AND surname:smith"
                Name In Type Required Description
                preserveNewestIndexName query boolean false Whether to preserve and reuse the name of the newest index for each type when creating the next searchable index. Creating new unsearchable indexes, or deleting indexes without this option, will cause the new indexes to have new unique names. Preserving the newest index name is useful when maintaining a read-only standby deployment for Disaster Avoidance as it allows the data to be re-indexed without changing the index name. For example, when applying a breaking configuration change from the active deployment.
                excludeCategoryAliases query boolean false Whether type category aliases should be excluded from the search. In particular, this should be set to true when the intention is to delete system relationships without deleting custom relationships as they both share the same type category alias.
                waitForRefresh query boolean false Whether to wait for any index-related operations to be applied prior to the response being returned.
                body body queryRequest false none

                Example responses

                400 Response

                  "description": "An example of a 400 bad request Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95002",
                    "message": "The parameter \"types\" cannot be null or empty. Please provide a value.",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 400
                  "description": "An example of a 400 bad request Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95002",
                    "message": "The parameter \"types\" cannot be null or empty. Please provide a value.",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 400
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                204 No Content The request succeeded. None
                400 Bad Request The request is malformed or contains invalid parameter values. error2

                Delete relationships for an entity type

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X DELETE{type}/relationships \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const headers = {
                  method: 'DELETE',
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r = requests.delete('{type}/relationships', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("DELETE", "{type}/relationships", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                DELETE /admin/data/{type}/relationships

                Deletes all relationships relating to the entity or transaction type. This does not apply to relationships involving resolved entities. This operation cannot be undone without first making a backup of the indexed data directly from the underlying search engine.

                Name In Type Required Description
                type path string true The name of the type.
                waitForRefresh query boolean false Whether to wait for any index-related operations to be applied prior to the response being returned.

                Example responses

                400 Response

                  "description": "An example of a 400 bad request Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95002",
                    "message": "The parameter \"types\" cannot be null or empty. Please provide a value.",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 400
                  "description": "An example of a 400 bad request Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95002",
                    "message": "The parameter \"types\" cannot be null or empty. Please provide a value.",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 400
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                204 No Content The request succeeded. None
                400 Bad Request The request is malformed or contains invalid parameter values. error2


                Index related endpoints.

                Create indices for all types

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X POST \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const headers = {
                  method: 'POST',
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r ='', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                POST /admin/indices

                Ensures that an index exists for each configured type when the searchable query parameter is set to true, otherwise creates new unsearchable indices for each configured type. This is especially required when re-indexing data from a source database (see example Use Case Five). No errors will be reported if the indices already exist. Returns the name of the newest index for each type.

                Name In Type Required Description
                start query integer false The index of the first index name to include in the current page.
                limit query integer false The maximum number of index names to include in each page.
                searchable query boolean false Whether to create searchable as opposed to unsearchable indices.

                Example responses

                200 Response

                  "description": "An example of a response from admin/indices returning a list of the newest indices for each type.",
                  "value": {
                    "links": [
                        "method": "POST",
                        "rel": "self",
                        "href": "/svi-sand/admin/indices?start=0&limit=20",
                        "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/indices?start=0&limit=20",
                        "responseType": "application/",
                        "responseItemType": "application/"
                        "method": "POST",
                        "rel": "collection",
                        "href": "/svi-sand/admin/indices",
                        "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/indices",
                        "responseType": "application/",
                        "responseItemType": "application/"
                        "method": "POST",
                        "rel": "next",
                        "href": "/svi-sand/admin/indices?start=20&limit=20",
                        "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/indices?start=20&limit=20",
                        "responseType": "application/",
                        "responseItemType": "application/"
                        "method": "POST",
                        "rel": "last",
                        "href": "/svi-sand/admin/indices?start=20&limit=20",
                        "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/indices?start=20&limit=20",
                        "responseType": "application/",
                        "responseItemType": "application/"
                    "name": "indices",
                    "accept": "application/",
                    "start": 0,
                    "count": 2,
                    "items": [
                        "type": "document_link",
                        "name": "sand__document_link__1656665344057",
                        "links": [
                            "method": "GET",
                            "rel": "self",
                            "href": "/svi-sand/admin/indices/document_link",
                            "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/indices/document_link",
                            "responseType": "application/"
                            "method": "POST",
                            "rel": "create",
                            "href": "/svi-sand/admin/indices/document_link",
                            "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/indices/document_link",
                            "responseType": "application/"
                            "method": "POST",
                            "rel": "makeSearchable",
                            "href": "/svi-sand/admin/operations",
                            "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/operations",
                            "type": "application/",
                            "responseType": "application/"
                            "method": "DELETE",
                            "rel": "delete",
                            "href": "/svi-sand/admin/indices/document_link",
                            "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/indices/document_link"
                        "type": "shape",
                        "name": "sand__shape__1656608940265",
                        "links": [
                            "method": "GET",
                            "rel": "self",
                            "href": "/svi-sand/admin/indices/shape",
                            "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/indices/shape",
                            "responseType": "application/"
                            "method": "POST",
                            "rel": "create",
                            "href": "/svi-sand/admin/indices/shape",
                            "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/indices/shape",
                            "responseType": "application/"
                            "method": "POST",
                            "rel": "makeSearchable",
                            "href": "/svi-sand/admin/operations",
                            "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/operations",
                            "type": "application/",
                            "responseType": "application/"
                            "method": "DELETE",
                            "rel": "delete",
                            "href": "/svi-sand/admin/indices/shape",
                            "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/indices/shape"
                    "limit": 20,
                    "version": 2
                  "description": "An example of a response from admin/indices returning a list of the newest indices for each type.",
                  "value": {
                    "links": [
                        "method": "POST",
                        "rel": "self",
                        "href": "/svi-sand/admin/indices?start=0&limit=20",
                        "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/indices?start=0&limit=20",
                        "responseType": "application/",
                        "responseItemType": "application/"
                        "method": "POST",
                        "rel": "collection",
                        "href": "/svi-sand/admin/indices",
                        "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/indices",
                        "responseType": "application/",
                        "responseItemType": "application/"
                        "method": "POST",
                        "rel": "next",
                        "href": "/svi-sand/admin/indices?start=20&limit=20",
                        "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/indices?start=20&limit=20",
                        "responseType": "application/",
                        "responseItemType": "application/"
                        "method": "POST",
                        "rel": "last",
                        "href": "/svi-sand/admin/indices?start=20&limit=20",
                        "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/indices?start=20&limit=20",
                        "responseType": "application/",
                        "responseItemType": "application/"
                    "name": "indices",
                    "accept": "application/",
                    "start": 0,
                    "count": 2,
                    "items": [
                        "type": "document_link",
                        "name": "sand__document_link__1656665344057",
                        "links": [
                            "method": "GET",
                            "rel": "self",
                            "href": "/svi-sand/admin/indices/document_link",
                            "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/indices/document_link",
                            "responseType": "application/"
                            "method": "POST",
                            "rel": "create",
                            "href": "/svi-sand/admin/indices/document_link",
                            "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/indices/document_link",
                            "responseType": "application/"
                            "method": "POST",
                            "rel": "makeSearchable",
                            "href": "/svi-sand/admin/operations",
                            "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/operations",
                            "type": "application/",
                            "responseType": "application/"
                            "method": "DELETE",
                            "rel": "delete",
                            "href": "/svi-sand/admin/indices/document_link",
                            "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/indices/document_link"
                        "type": "shape",
                        "name": "sand__shape__1656608940265",
                        "links": [
                            "method": "GET",
                            "rel": "self",
                            "href": "/svi-sand/admin/indices/shape",
                            "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/indices/shape",
                            "responseType": "application/"
                            "method": "POST",
                            "rel": "create",
                            "href": "/svi-sand/admin/indices/shape",
                            "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/indices/shape",
                            "responseType": "application/"
                            "method": "POST",
                            "rel": "makeSearchable",
                            "href": "/svi-sand/admin/operations",
                            "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/operations",
                            "type": "application/",
                            "responseType": "application/"
                            "method": "DELETE",
                            "rel": "delete",
                            "href": "/svi-sand/admin/indices/shape",
                            "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/indices/shape"
                    "limit": 20,
                    "version": 2
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. indexCollection

                Delete the indices for all types

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X DELETE
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  method: 'DELETE'
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                r = requests.delete('')
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("DELETE", "", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                DELETE /admin/indices

                Deletes the indexes (and therefore indexed data) for all of the configured types. This operation cannot be undone without first making a backup of the indexed data directly from the underlying search engine. No errors will be reported when indexes have already been deleted. If the intention is to reload the data after deleting all the indexes, one will need to make a POST request to /admin/indices to create empty indexes for all of the configured types prior to reloading the data.

                Name In Type Required Description
                preserveNewestIndexName query boolean false Whether to preserve and reuse the name of the newest index for each type when creating the next searchable index. Creating new unsearchable indexes, or deleting indexes without this option, will cause the new indexes to have new unique names. Preserving the newest index name is useful when maintaining a read-only standby deployment for Disaster Avoidance as it allows the data to be re-indexed without changing the index name. For example, when applying a breaking configuration change from the active deployment.
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                204 No Content The request succeeded. None

                Get the index name for a single type

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X GET{type} \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const headers = {
                  method: 'GET',
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r = requests.get('{type}', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{type}", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                GET /admin/indices/{type}

                Returns the name of the index for the specified type. SAND is responsible for managing the underlying indexes but to index large amounts of data, it might be appropriate for other services to send the data straight to the underlying search engine. This resource provides access to the index name for such a case.

                Name In Type Required Description
                type path string true The name of the type.

                Example responses

                An example of the response from /admin/indices/{type} containing the name of the index for the "report" type.

                  "type": "report",
                  "name": "sand__report__1468507165442",
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/indices/report",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/indices/report",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "create",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/indices/report?searchable=true",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/indices/report?searchable=true",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "delete",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/indices/report",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/indices/report"
                  "type": "report",
                  "name": "sand__report__1468507165442",
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/indices/report",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/indices/report",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "create",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/indices/report?searchable=true",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/indices/report?searchable=true",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "delete",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/indices/report",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/indices/report"

                404 Response

                  "description": "An example of a 404 resource not found Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95144",
                    "message": "No entity type was found with the name \"example\".",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 404
                  "description": "An example of a 404 resource not found Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95144",
                    "message": "No entity type was found with the name \"example\".",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 404
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. index
                404 Not Found The type does not exist or it is not configured to be indexed for search. error2

                Check the existence of an index for a single type

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X HEAD{type}
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  method: 'HEAD'
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                r = requests.head('{type}')
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "{type}", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                HEAD /admin/indices/{type}

                Checks the existence of an index for the specified type. 200 OK means that an index exists; 404 Not Found means there is no index.

                Name In Type Required Description
                type path string true The name of the type.
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. None
                404 Not Found The type does not exist or it is not configured to be indexed for search. None

                Create an index for a single type

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X POST{type} \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const headers = {
                  method: 'POST',
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r ='{type}', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "{type}", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                POST /admin/indices/{type}

                Ensures that an index exists for the specified type when the searchable query parameter is set to true, otherwise creates a new unsearchable index. This is especially required when re-indexing data from a source database (see example Use Case Five). No errors will be reported if the index already exists. Returns the name of the newest index for the specified type.

                Name In Type Required Description
                type path string true The name of the type.
                searchable query boolean false Whether to create a searchable as opposed to an unsearchable index.

                Example responses

                An example of the response from /admin/indices/{type} containing the name of the index for the "report" type.

                  "type": "report",
                  "name": "sand__report__1468507165442",
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/indices/report",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/indices/report",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "create",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/indices/report?searchable=true",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/indices/report?searchable=true",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "delete",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/indices/report",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/indices/report"
                  "type": "report",
                  "name": "sand__report__1468507165442",
                  "links": [
                      "method": "GET",
                      "rel": "self",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/indices/report",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/indices/report",
                      "type": "application/"
                      "method": "POST",
                      "rel": "create",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/indices/report?searchable=true",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/indices/report?searchable=true",
                      "responseType": "application/"
                      "method": "DELETE",
                      "rel": "delete",
                      "href": "/svi-sand/admin/indices/report",
                      "uri": "/svi-sand/admin/indices/report"

                404 Response

                  "description": "An example of a 404 resource not found Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95144",
                    "message": "No entity type was found with the name \"example\".",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 404
                  "description": "An example of a 404 resource not found Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95144",
                    "message": "No entity type was found with the name \"example\".",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 404
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                200 OK The request succeeded. index
                404 Not Found The type does not exist or it is not configured to be indexed for search. error2

                Delete the indices for a single type

                Code samples

                # You can also use wget
                curl -X DELETE{type} \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token-goes-here>' \
                  -H 'Accept: application/'
                const headers = {
                  method: 'DELETE',
                  headers: headers
                .then(function(res) {
                    return res.json();
                }).then(function(body) {
                import requests
                headers = {
                  'Accept': 'application/'
                r = requests.delete('{type}', headers = headers)
                package main
                import (
                func main() {
                    headers := map[string][]string{
                        "Accept": []string{"application/"},
                    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
                    req, err := http.NewRequest("DELETE", "{type}", data)
                    req.Header = headers
                    client := &http.Client{}
                    resp, err := client.Do(req)
                    // ...

                DELETE /admin/indices/{type}

                Deletes the index (and therefore indexed data) for a specified type. This operation cannot be undone without first making a backup of the indexed data directly from the underlying search engine. No error will be reported when the index has already been deleted. If the intention is to reload the data after deleting the index, the recreate parameter should be set to true otherwise a POST request to /admin/indices/{type} will be required to create an empty index prior to reloading the data.

                Name In Type Required Description
                type path string true The name of the type.
                preserveNewestIndexName query boolean false Whether to preserve and reuse the name of the newest index when creating the next searchable index. Creating a new unsearchable index, or deleting an index without this option, will cause the new index to have a new unique name. Preserving the newest index name is useful when maintaining a read-only standby deployment for Disaster Avoidance as it allows the data to be re-indexed without changing the name. For example, when applying a breaking configuration change from the active deployment.
                unsearchableOnly query boolean false Whether to delete only the unsearchable indices. This is useful for cleaning up after a failed indexing attempt.
                recreate query boolean false Whether to create a new empty index for the type after deleting the current one.
                waitForRefresh query boolean false Whether to wait for any index-related operations to be applied prior to the response being returned.

                Example responses

                404 Response

                  "description": "An example of a 404 resource not found Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95144",
                    "message": "No entity type was found with the name \"example\".",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 404
                  "description": "An example of a 404 resource not found Error message.",
                  "value": {
                    "errorCode": "95144",
                    "message": "No entity type was found with the name \"example\".",
                    "id": "af180279-0181-44ce-b31e-bb649d0231a0",
                    "links": [],
                    "version": 2,
                    "httpStatusCode": 404
                Status Meaning Description Schema
                204 No Content The request succeeded. None
                404 Not Found The type does not exist or it is not configured to be indexed for search. error2



                  "version": 0,
                  "identifier": "string",
                  "level": {
                    "category": "unigram",
                    "phrase": "string",
                    "nextLevel": null
                  "categories": [
                  "fromAndTo": true,
                  "errors": [
                      "details": [
                      "errorCode": 0,
                      "errors": [
                      "httpStatusCode": 0,
                      "id": "string",
                      "links": [
                          "href": "string",
                          "itemType": "string",
                          "method": "string",
                          "rel": "string",
                          "responseItemType": "string",
                          "responseType": "string",
                          "title": "string",
                          "type": "string",
                          "uri": "string"
                      "message": "string",
                      "remediation": "string",
                      "version": 0
                  "links": [
                      "href": "string",
                      "itemType": "string",
                      "method": "string",
                      "rel": "string",
                      "responseItemType": "string",
                      "responseType": "string",
                      "title": "string",
                      "type": "string",
                      "uri": "string"

                The response from /analytics/{jobId}/categories containing the categories of text analytics results that are available at a given exploration level.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                version integer false none The representation version (2).
                identifier string false none The identifier for the analytics job from the request.
                level analyticsExplorationLevel false none The exploration level within the text analytics results.
                categories [string] false none The categories of results that are available at this exploration level.
                fromAndTo boolean false none Whether "from" and "to" values were extracted from the objects at this exploration level.
                errors [error2] false none Any errors relating to the text analytics job.
                links [link] false none Zero or more links to related resources or operations. See the link relations table for a description of the link types.


                  "unigram": [
                  "bigram": [
                  "trigram": [
                  "person": [
                  "organization": [
                  "location": [
                  "significantTerm": [
                  "topic": [

                The optional list of terms, phrases, topics, and entities to exclude from the analytics results keyed by category.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                unigram [string] false none The list of terms to exclude.
                bigram [string] false none The list of bigram phrases to exclude.
                trigram [string] false none The list of trigram phrases to exclude.
                person [string] false none The list of person entities to exclude.
                organization [string] false none The list of organization entities to exclude.
                location [string] false none The list of location entities to exclude.
                significantTerm [string] false none The list of significant terms to exclude.
                topic [string] false none The list of topics to exclude.


                  "category": "unigram",
                  "phrase": "string",
                  "nextLevel": null

                The exploration level within the text analytics results.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                category string false none The selected category of analytics result. This member is mandatory when a value is provided for phrase.
                phrase string false none The selected term, phrase, topic, or entity. This member is mandatory when a value is provided for nextLevel.
                nextLevel analyticsExplorationLevel false none The exploration level within the text analytics results.
                Enumerated Values
                Property Value
                category unigram
                category bigram
                category trigram
                category person
                category organization
                category location
                category significantTerm
                category topic


                  "version": 0,
                  "level": {
                    "category": "unigram",
                    "phrase": "string",
                    "nextLevel": null

                The request to /analytics/{jobId}/results and /analytics/{jobId}/categories to retrieve the text analytics results and categories of result, respectively at a given exploration level

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                version integer false none The representation version (1).
                level analyticsExplorationLevel false none The exploration level within the text analytics results.


                  "version": 0,
                  "identifier": "string",
                  "identities": {
                    "person": [
                        "name": "string",
                        "frequencyCount": 0,
                        "aliases": [
                            "name": "string",
                            "frequencyCount": 0
                    "organization": [
                        "name": "string",
                        "frequencyCount": 0,
                        "aliases": [
                            "name": "string",
                            "frequencyCount": 0
                    "location": [
                        "name": "string",
                        "frequencyCount": 0,
                        "aliases": [
                            "name": "string",
                            "frequencyCount": 0
                  "errors": [
                      "details": [
                      "errorCode": 0,
                      "errors": [
                      "httpStatusCode": 0,
                      "id": "string",
                      "links": [
                          "href": "string",
                          "itemType": "string",
                          "method": "string",
                          "rel": "string",
                          "responseItemType": "string",
                          "responseType": "string",
                          "title": "string",
                          "type": "string",
                          "uri": "string"
                      "message": "string",
                      "remediation": "string",
                      "version": 0
                  "links": [
                      "href": "string",
                      "itemType": "string",
                      "method": "string",
                      "rel": "string",
                      "responseItemType": "string",
                      "responseType": "string",
                      "title": "string",
                      "type": "string",
                      "uri": "string"

                The response from /analytics/{jobId}/identities containing the identities for the person, organization, and location entities that were resolved by the text analytics job.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                version integer false none The representation version (2).
                identifier string false none The identifier for the analytics job from the request.
                identities analyticsIdentitiesMap false none The identities keyed by category (person, organization, or location). Resolved entity results matching any of the aliases will be grouped under the respective identity name.
                errors [error2] false none Any errors relating to the text analytics job.
                links [link] false none Zero or more links to related resources or operations. See the link relations table for a description of the link types.


                  "person": [
                      "name": "string",
                      "frequencyCount": 0,
                      "aliases": [
                          "name": "string",
                          "frequencyCount": 0
                  "organization": [
                      "name": "string",
                      "frequencyCount": 0,
                      "aliases": [
                          "name": "string",
                          "frequencyCount": 0
                  "location": [
                      "name": "string",
                      "frequencyCount": 0,
                      "aliases": [
                          "name": "string",
                          "frequencyCount": 0

                The identities keyed by category (person, organization, or location). Resolved entity results matching any of the aliases will be grouped under the respective identity name.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                person [analyticsIdentity] false none The resolved person entities.
                organization [analyticsIdentity] false none The resolved organization entities.
                location [analyticsIdentity] false none The resolved location entities.


                  "name": "string",
                  "frequencyCount": 0,
                  "aliases": [
                      "name": "string",
                      "frequencyCount": 0

                The identity for a person, organization, or location entity that was resolved by the text analytics job.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                name string false none The identity name.
                frequencyCount integer false none The total number of occurrences of this identity.
                aliases [analyticsIdentityAlias] false none The aliases for this identity.


                  "name": "string",
                  "frequencyCount": 0

                An alias for a person, organization, or location entity that was resolved by the text analytics job.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                name string false none The alias name.
                frequencyCount integer false none The total number of occurrences of this alias.


                  "version": 0,
                  "identifier": "string",
                  "state": "pending",
                  "types": [
                  "query": {
                    "queries": [
                  "categories": [
                  "fields": [
                  "fromField": "string",
                  "toFields": [
                  "excludes": {
                    "unigram": [
                    "bigram": [
                    "trigram": [
                    "person": [
                    "organization": [
                    "location": [
                    "significantTerm": [
                    "topic": [
                  "identities": {
                    "person": [
                        "name": "string",
                        "frequencyCount": 0,
                        "aliases": [
                            "name": "string",
                            "frequencyCount": 0
                    "organization": [
                        "name": "string",
                        "frequencyCount": 0,
                        "aliases": [
                            "name": "string",
                            "frequencyCount": 0
                    "location": [
                        "name": "string",
                        "frequencyCount": 0,
                        "aliases": [
                            "name": "string",
                            "frequencyCount": 0
                  "maxResultsPerCategory": 0,
                  "locale": "string",
                  "errors": [
                      "details": [
                      "errorCode": 0,
                      "errors": [
                      "httpStatusCode": 0,
                      "id": "string",
                      "links": [
                          "href": "string",
                          "itemType": "string",
                          "method": "string",
                          "rel": "string",
                          "responseItemType": "string",
                          "responseType": "string",
                          "title": "string",
                          "type": "string",
                          "uri": "string"
                      "message": "string",
                      "remediation": "string",
                      "version": 0
                  "links": [
                      "href": "string",
                      "itemType": "string",
                      "method": "string",
                      "rel": "string",
                      "responseItemType": "string",
                      "responseType": "string",
                      "title": "string",
                      "type": "string",
                      "uri": "string"

                The response from /analytics and /analytics/{jobId} containing the identifier, state, and parameters of a scheduled text analytics job. The job analyses unstructured text in the matching search results to extract significant terms, phrases, and topics as well as resolve named person, organization and location entities.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                version integer false none The representation version (3).
                identifier string false none The identifier for the analytics job.
                state string false none The current state of the job.
                types [string] false none The list of type names from the request.
                query query false none The different query types that can be used to search for objects. See specific query definitions for more details.
                categories [string] false none The optional list of result categories from the request.
                fields [string] false none The optional list of fields from the request.
                fromField string false none The optional "from" field from the request.
                toFields [string] false none The optional "to" fields from the request.
                excludes analyticsExcludesMap false none The optional list of terms, phrases, topics, and entities to exclude from the analytics results keyed by category.
                identities analyticsIdentitiesMap false none The identities keyed by category (person, organization, or location). Resolved entity results matching any of the aliases will be grouped under the respective identity name.
                maxResultsPerCategory integer false none The maximum number of results to generate per category from the request.
                locale string false none The locale of the data as a BCP-47 language tag from the request.
                errors [error2] false none Any errors relating to the text analytics job.
                links [link] false none Zero or more links to related resources or operations. See the link relations table for a description of the link types.
                Enumerated Values
                Property Value
                state pending
                state running
                state completed
                state completedWithErrors
                state cancelled
                state failed


                  "version": 0,
                  "name": "string",
                  "nativeName": "string",
                  "tag": "string"

                A locale that is supported for text analytics. It is returned in a collection from /analytics/locales.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                version integer false none The representation version (1).
                name string false none The ISO language name.
                nativeName string false none The native language name (for display purposes).
                tag string false none The BCP-47 language tag.


                  "accept": "string",
                  "count": 0,
                  "limit": 0,
                  "links": [
                      "href": "string",
                      "itemType": "string",
                      "method": "string",
                      "rel": "string",
                      "responseItemType": "string",
                      "responseType": "string",
                      "title": "string",
                      "type": "string",
                      "uri": "string"
                  "name": "string",
                  "start": 0,
                  "version": 0,
                  "items": [
                      "version": 0,
                      "name": "string",
                      "nativeName": "string",
                      "tag": "string"

                A collection of analytics locale representations.



                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous baseCollection2 false none This is a base schema used to define paginated collections of resources. This base schema is extended by other schemas in APIs by adding an "items" array property. These extensions define the application/ media type (version 2).


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » items [analyticsLocale] false none The array of application/ representations.


                  "version": 0,
                  "types": [
                  "query": {
                    "queries": [
                  "categories": [
                  "fields": [
                  "fromField": "string",
                  "toFields": [
                  "excludes": {
                    "unigram": [
                    "bigram": [
                    "trigram": [
                    "person": [
                    "organization": [
                    "location": [
                    "significantTerm": [
                    "topic": [
                  "identities": {
                    "person": [
                        "name": "string",
                        "frequencyCount": 0,
                        "aliases": [
                            "name": "string",
                            "frequencyCount": 0
                    "organization": [
                        "name": "string",
                        "frequencyCount": 0,
                        "aliases": [
                            "name": "string",
                            "frequencyCount": 0
                    "location": [
                        "name": "string",
                        "frequencyCount": 0,
                        "aliases": [
                            "name": "string",
                            "frequencyCount": 0
                  "maxResultsPerCategory": 0,
                  "locale": "string"

                The request to /analytics to initiate a new text analytics job. The job analyses unstructured text in the matching search results to extract significant terms, phrases, and topics as well as resolve named person, organization, and location entities.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                version integer false none The representation version (2).
                types [string] false none The optional list of type names for the object types to search. If missing, all types will be searched.
                query query false none The different query types that can be used to search for objects. See specific query definitions for more details.
                categories [string] false none The optional list of categories specifying which types of analytics results to generate.
                fields [string] false none The optional list of fields whose values will be combined to generate the corpus. Using this parameter overrides the administrator defined fields specified in the entity configuration.
                fromField string false none The optional field whose values will be used when generating the Sankey diagram. Using this parameter overrides the administrator defined "from" field specified in the entity configuration.
                toFields [string] false none The optional fields whose values will be used when generating the Sankey diagram. Using this parameter overrides the administrator defined "to" fields specified in the entity configuration.
                excludes analyticsExcludesMap false none The optional list of terms, phrases, topics, and entities to exclude from the analytics results keyed by category.
                identities analyticsIdentitiesMap false none The identities keyed by category (person, organization, or location). Resolved entity results matching any of the aliases will be grouped under the respective identity name.
                maxResultsPerCategory integer false none The maximum number of results to generate per category. Accepts values in the range 10 to 1000. The default value is 100.
                locale string false none The locale of the data as a BCP-47 language tag.


                  "version": 0,
                  "identifier": "string",
                  "level": {
                    "category": "unigram",
                    "phrase": "string",
                    "nextLevel": null
                  "results": [
                      "phrase": "string",
                      "frequencyCount": 0,
                      "weight": 0,
                      "objectIds": [
                          "type": "string",
                          "id": "string"
                      "aliases": [
                  "links": [
                      "href": "string",
                      "itemType": "string",
                      "method": "string",
                      "rel": "string",
                      "responseItemType": "string",
                      "responseType": "string",
                      "title": "string",
                      "type": "string",
                      "uri": "string"

                The response from /analytics/{jobId}/results containing the text analytics results that are available at a given exploration level

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                version integer false none The representation version (2).
                identifier string false none The identifier for the analytics job from the request.
                level analyticsExplorationLevel false none The exploration level within the text analytics results.
                results [analyticsResult] false none The results at this exploration level.
                links [link] false none Zero or more links to related resources or operations. See the link relations table for a description of the link types.


                  "phrase": "string",
                  "frequencyCount": 0,
                  "weight": 0,
                  "objectIds": [
                      "type": "string",
                      "id": "string"
                  "aliases": [

                A single text analytics result.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                phrase string false none The resultant term, phrase, topic, or entity name.
                frequencyCount integer false none The number of times this phrase appears in the Corpus.
                weight number false none The average statistical weighting if the phrase is a significant term or topic.
                objectIds [objectIdentifier] false none The list of identifiers for the objects that contain the phrase. These can be used in a request to /searches to retrieve the objects.
                aliases [analyticsResult] false none Any known aliases if the phrase is an entity name. Each alias object has phrase, frequencyCount, and objectIds members as described above.


                  "version": 0,
                  "identifier": "string",
                  "level": {
                    "category": "unigram",
                    "phrase": "string",
                    "nextLevel": null
                  "fromCategory": "unigram",
                  "toCategory": "unigram",
                  "fromAndTo": true,
                  "maxLinks": 0,
                  "sankeyNodes": [
                      "phrase": "string",
                      "frequencyCount": 0,
                      "weight": 0,
                      "objectIds": [
                          "type": "string",
                          "id": "string"
                      "aliases": [
                      "identifier": 0,
                      "category": "unigram"
                  "sankeyLinks": [
                      "fromNode": 0,
                      "toNode": 0,
                      "frequencyCount": 0,
                      "objectIds": [
                          "type": "string",
                          "id": "string"
                  "links": [
                      "href": "string",
                      "itemType": "string",
                      "method": "string",
                      "rel": "string",
                      "responseItemType": "string",
                      "responseType": "string",
                      "title": "string",
                      "type": "string",
                      "uri": "string"

                The response from /analytics/{jobId}/sankeyDiagrams containing a Sankey diagram generated from the text analytics results at the specified exploration level.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                version integer false none The representation version (2).
                identifier string false none The identifier for the analytics job from the request.
                level analyticsExplorationLevel false none The exploration level within the text analytics results.
                fromCategory string false none The "from" results category from the request.
                toCategory string false none The "to" results category from the request.
                fromAndTo boolean false none Whether the diagram is based on the values extracted from the "from" and "to" fields instead of using the "from" and "to" categories specified above.
                maxLinks integer false none The maximum number of links from the request.
                sankeyNodes [analyticsSankeyNode] false none The collection of Sankey nodes.
                sankeyLinks [analyticsSankeyLink] false none The collection of Sankey links.
                links [link] false none Zero or more links to related resources or operations. See the link relations table for a description of the link types.
                Enumerated Values
                Property Value
                fromCategory unigram
                fromCategory bigram
                fromCategory trigram
                fromCategory person
                fromCategory organization
                fromCategory location
                fromCategory significantTerm
                fromCategory topic
                toCategory unigram
                toCategory bigram
                toCategory trigram
                toCategory person
                toCategory organization
                toCategory location
                toCategory significantTerm
                toCategory topic


                  "version": 0,
                  "level": {
                    "category": "unigram",
                    "phrase": "string",
                    "nextLevel": null
                  "fromCategory": "unigram",
                  "toCategory": "unigram",
                  "fromAndTo": true,
                  "maxLinks": 0

                The request to /analytics/{jobId}/sankeyDiagrams to generate a Sankey diagram from the text analytics results at the specified exploration level.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                version integer false none The representation version (1).
                level analyticsExplorationLevel false none The exploration level within the text analytics results.
                fromCategory string false none The category of results to use for the "from" nodes.
                toCategory string false none The category of results to use for the "to" nodes.
                fromAndTo boolean false none Whether to base the diagram on the values extracted from the "from" and "to" fields instead of using the "from" and "to" categories specified above.
                maxLinks integer false none The maximum number of links to return. Accepts values in the range 1 to 100. The default value is 20.
                Enumerated Values
                Property Value
                fromCategory unigram
                fromCategory bigram
                fromCategory trigram
                fromCategory person
                fromCategory organization
                fromCategory location
                fromCategory significantTerm
                fromCategory topic
                toCategory unigram
                toCategory bigram
                toCategory trigram
                toCategory person
                toCategory organization
                toCategory location
                toCategory significantTerm
                toCategory topic

                  "fromNode": 0,
                  "toNode": 0,
                  "frequencyCount": 0,
                  "objectIds": [
                      "type": "string",
                      "id": "string"

                A link in a Sankey diagram.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                fromNode integer false none The unique identifier of the "from" node.
                toNode integer false none The unique identifier of the "to" node.
                frequencyCount integer false none The number of times the "from" and "to" values or phrases appear in the Corpus.
                objectIds [objectIdentifier] false none The list of identifiers for the objects that contain the "from" and "to" values or phrases. These can be used in a request to /searches to retrieve the objects.


                  "phrase": "string",
                  "frequencyCount": 0,
                  "weight": 0,
                  "objectIds": [
                      "type": "string",
                      "id": "string"
                  "aliases": [
                  "identifier": 0,
                  "category": "unigram"

                A node in a Sankey diagram.



                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous analyticsResult false none A single text analytics result.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » identifier integer false none The unique identifier for the node. Used to identify the endpoints of the links. Note the identifier is not guaranteed to be the same across multiple diagrams.
                » category string false none The category of result.
                Enumerated Values
                Property Value
                category unigram
                category bigram
                category trigram
                category person
                category organization
                category location
                category significantTerm
                category topic


                  "version": 0,
                  "solution": "default",
                  "name": "string",
                  "displayName": "string",
                  "links": [
                      "href": "string",
                      "itemType": "string",
                      "method": "string",
                      "rel": "string",
                      "responseItemType": "string",
                      "responseType": "string",
                      "title": "string",
                      "type": "string",
                      "uri": "string"

                A supported analyzer for analyzing text at index or search time. Returned in a collection from /admin/config/analyzers.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                version integer false none The representation version (2).
                solution string false none The name of the solution.
                name string false none The name of the analyzer.
                displayName string false none The localized display name of the analyzer.
                links [link] false none Zero or more links to related resources or operations. See the link relations table for a description of the link types.


                  "accept": "string",
                  "count": 0,
                  "limit": 0,
                  "links": [
                      "href": "string",
                      "itemType": "string",
                      "method": "string",
                      "rel": "string",
                      "responseItemType": "string",
                      "responseType": "string",
                      "title": "string",
                      "type": "string",
                      "uri": "string"
                  "name": "string",
                  "start": 0,
                  "version": 0,
                  "items": [
                      "version": 0,
                      "solution": "default",
                      "name": "string",
                      "displayName": "string",
                      "links": [
                          "href": "string",
                          "itemType": "string",
                          "method": "string",
                          "rel": "string",
                          "responseItemType": "string",
                          "responseType": "string",
                          "title": "string",
                          "type": "string",
                          "uri": "string"

                A collection of supported analyzers.



                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous baseCollection2 false none This is a base schema used to define paginated collections of resources. This base schema is extended by other schemas in APIs by adding an "items" array property. These extensions define the application/ media type (version 2).


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » items [analyzer] false none The array of application/ representations.


                  "links": [
                      "href": "string",
                      "itemType": "string",
                      "method": "string",
                      "rel": "string",
                      "responseItemType": "string",
                      "responseType": "string",
                      "title": "string",
                      "type": "string",
                      "uri": "string"
                  "version": 1

                The list of links to top-level resources and operations available from the root of the API.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                links [link] false none The API's top-level links.
                version integer false none The version number of the API representation. This is version 1.


                  "accept": "string",
                  "count": 0,
                  "limit": 0,
                  "links": [
                      "href": "string",
                      "itemType": "string",
                      "method": "string",
                      "rel": "string",
                      "responseItemType": "string",
                      "responseType": "string",
                      "title": "string",
                      "type": "string",
                      "uri": "string"
                  "name": "string",
                  "start": 0,
                  "version": 0

                This is a base schema used to define paginated collections of resources. This base schema is extended by other schemas in APIs by adding an "items" array property. These extensions define the application/ media type (version 2).

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                accept string false none A space-delimited list of media types from which an Accept header can be constructed.
                count integer(int64) false none If populated indicates the number of items in the collection.
                limit integer false none The number of items that were requested for the collection.
                links [link] false none The links that apply to the collection.
                name string false none The name of the collection.
                start integer(int64) false none The zero-based index of the first item in the collection.
                version integer false none The version number of the collection representation. This representation is version 2.


                  "start": 0,
                  "limit": 0,
                  "count": 0,
                  "childObjects": [
                      "id": "string",
                      "name": "string",
                      "highlighting": {},
                      "maskedFields": {}

                The part of the response from /highlighting that groups highlighting snippets by child entity.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                start integer false none The start paging parameter from the request.
                limit integer false none The limit paging parameter from the request.
                count integer false none The total number of child objects with highlighting snippets.
                childObjects [childObjectHighlighting] false none The current page of child objects with highlighting snippets.


                  "start": 0,
                  "limit": 0

                The part of the request to /highlighting that specifies the paging parameters for each child entity.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                start integer false none The first child object to include in the page. The default value is 1.
                limit integer false none The maximum number of child objects to include in the page. The default value is 10.


                  "id": "string",
                  "name": "string",
                  "highlighting": {},
                  "maskedFields": {}

                The part of the response from /highlighting that captures highlighting snippets for a single child object.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                id string false none The identifier of the child object.
                name string false none The name of the child object.
                highlighting object false none The highlighting snippets for the child object fields keyed by field name.
                maskedFields object false none The masked field configuration for the child object fields keyed by field name.


                  "version": 0,
                  "types": {},
                  "links": [
                      "href": "string",
                      "itemType": "string",
                      "method": "string",
                      "rel": "string",
                      "responseItemType": "string",
                      "responseType": "string",
                      "title": "string",
                      "type": "string",
                      "uri": "string"

                The request and response for /admin/config when importing and exporting a configuration between systems.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                version integer false none The representation version (1).
                types object false none The type configuration keyed by type name. Type names can contain up to 36 alphanumeric characters and underscores but cannot start with an underscore.
                links [link] false none Zero or more links to related resources or operations. See the link relations table for a description of the link types.


                  "version": 0,
                  "id": "string",
                  "type": "string",
                  "subtype": "string",
                  "compoundValues": [
                  "label": "string",
                  "fields": [
                      "name": "string",
                      "type": "boolean",
                      "value": "string",
                      "masked": {
                        "type": "full"
                  "endpoints": [
                      "id": "string",
                      "type": "string",
                      "compoundValues": [
                  "validFrom": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "validTo": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "style": {
                    "color": "string",
                    "width": 0,
                    "dashType": "string"

                An edge within the context of the Network visualization. An edge represents a relationship between two entity objects or between a resolved entity object and one of its contributing objects. Note the fields property is returned only from /graphs/edges.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                version integer false none The representation version (2).
                id string false none The unique identifier for the edge.
                type string false none The relationship type of the edge.
                subtype string false none The sub-type of the relationship if applicable.
                compoundValues [string] false none The list of compound values if this edge involves a resolved entity object.
                label string false none The summary label for the edge.
                fields [summaryField] false none The enrichment information for custom relationship fields.
                endpoints [endpoint] false none The identifiers for the vertices on either end of the edge.
                validFrom string(date-time) false none The optional datetime that the edge is valid from as an ISO formatted string.
                validTo string(date-time) false none The optional datetime that the edge is valid to as an ISO formatted string.
                style relationshipStyle false none A collection of properties that determine the style for a relationship.


                  "accept": "string",
                  "count": 0,
                  "limit": 0,
                  "links": [
                      "href": "string",
                      "itemType": "string",
                      "method": "string",
                      "rel": "string",
                      "responseItemType": "string",
                      "responseType": "string",
                      "title": "string",
                      "type": "string",
                      "uri": "string"
                  "name": "string",
                  "start": 0,
                  "version": 0,
                  "items": [
                      "version": 0,
                      "id": "string",
                      "type": "string",
                      "subtype": "string",
                      "compoundValues": [
                      "label": "string",
                      "fields": [
                          "name": "string",
                          "type": "boolean",
                          "value": "string",
                          "masked": {
                            "type": "full"
                      "endpoints": [
                          "id": "string",
                          "type": "string",
                          "compoundValues": [
                      "validFrom": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "validTo": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "style": {
                        "color": "string",
                        "width": 0,
                        "dashType": "string"

                A collection of edge representations.



                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous baseCollection2 false none This is a base schema used to define paginated collections of resources. This base schema is extended by other schemas in APIs by adding an "items" array property. These extensions define the application/ media type (version 2).


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » items [edge] false none The array of application/ representations.


                  "id": "string",
                  "type": "string",
                  "compoundValues": [

                The identifier for a vertex on one end of an edge.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                id string false none The identifier of the vertex.
                type string false none The object type of the vertex.
                compoundValues [string] false none The list of compound values if the vertex is a resolved entity object.


                  "entityName": "string",
                  "fieldNames": [

                Describes the fields to retrieve for a given entity.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                entityName string false none The name of the entity to retrieve fields for.
                fieldNames [string] false none The set of fields to retrieve.


                  "iconName": "string",
                  "markerColor": "string",
                  "backgroundColor": "string",
                  "shape": "string",
                  "scale": 0,
                  "additionalLabel": "string",
                  "borderWidth": 0,
                  "borderColor": "string",
                  "indicatorIcons": [
                      "name": "string",
                      "position": "string"

                A collection of properties that determine the style for an entity object

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                iconName string false none The name of the icon to use.
                markerColor string false none The marker color.
                backgroundColor string false none The background color.
                shape string false none The shape to use.
                scale integer false none The scale value.
                additionalLabel string false none An additional label.
                borderWidth integer false none The width of the border.
                borderColor string false none The border color.
                indicatorIcons [indicatorIcon] false none The collection of indicator icons.


                  "details": [
                  "errorCode": 0,
                  "errors": [
                  "httpStatusCode": 0,
                  "id": "string",
                  "links": [
                      "href": "string",
                      "itemType": "string",
                      "method": "string",
                      "rel": "string",
                      "responseItemType": "string",
                      "responseType": "string",
                      "title": "string",
                      "type": "string",
                      "uri": "string"
                  "message": "string",
                  "remediation": "string",
                  "version": 0

                The representation of an error.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                details [string] false none Messages that provide additional details about the cause of the error.
                errorCode integer false none The numeric ID for the error.
                errors [error2] false none Any additional errors that occurred.
                httpStatusCode integer false none The HTTP status code for the error.
                id string false none The string ID for the error.
                links [link] false none The links that apply to the error.
                message string false none The message for the error.
                remediation string false none A message that describes how to resolve the error.
                version integer false none The version number of the error representation. This representation is version 2.


                  "version": 0,
                  "eventId": "string",
                  "eventCategory": "string",
                  "eventLabel": "string",
                  "eventDescription": "string",
                  "objectId": "string",
                  "objectType": "string",
                  "objectTypeLabel": "string",
                  "objectLabel": "string",
                  "objectDescription": "string",
                  "objectAttachmentCount": 0,
                  "selected": true,
                  "group": "string",
                  "startTimestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "endTimestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"

                An event within the context of the Map and Time Line visualizations

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                version integer false none The representation version (4).
                eventId string false none The unique identifier for the event.
                eventCategory string false none The category of the event.
                eventLabel string false none The summary label for the event.
                eventDescription string false none The description for the event.
                objectId string false none The unique identifier of the object from which the event was extracted.
                objectType string false none The type of the object from which the event was extracted.
                objectTypeLabel string false none The localized display name for the object type.
                objectLabel string false none The summary label for the object.
                objectDescription string false none The description for the object.
                objectAttachmentCount integer false none The number of attachments on the object.
                selected boolean false none True if this event matches the selection criteria in the search request. Relevant only to the Map and Map Feature visualizations.
                group string false none The object identifier from the swim lane (used to group events according to their swim lane). Relevant only to the Time Line visualization.
                startTimestamp string(date-time) false none The ISO formatted string for the start date time of the event. Relevant only to the Time Line visualization.
                endTimestamp string(date-time) false none The ISO formatted string for the end date time of the event. This will have the same value as start for events that have only a single date time value. Relevant only to the Time Line visualization.


                  "filters": [

                The different filter types that can be applied to narrow or drill down into the search results. See specific filter definitions for more details.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                version integer false none The representation version (2).
                type string false none The type of this filter object. The value of this property determines which other properties are expected.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous filterTypeAnd false none This filter combines two or more filter objects using a Boolean AND operation thereby creating the intersection of their individual search results


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous filterTypeBox false none Filters objects based on geo data in the form of events. Objects containing a geo event whose location intersects with the specified bounded box will be included in the search results.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous filterTypeDateRange false none Filters objects by values in date fields. Objects containing a date value in the specified field within the given range will be included in the search results.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous filterTypeNot false none This filter applies the Boolean NOT operation to another filter thereby producing the opposite search results of the contained filter.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous filterTypeOr false none This filter combines two or more filter objects using a Boolean OR operation thereby creating the union of their individual search results


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous filterTypePolygon false none Filters objects based on geo data in the form of events. Objects containing a geo event whose location intersects with the specified polygon will be included in the search results.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous filterTypeQuery false none Filters objects based on the given query. Objects matching the query will be included in the search results.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous filterTypeRadius false none Filters objects based on geo data in the form of events. Objects containing a geo event whose location intersects with the specified circle will be included in the search results.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous filterTypeRange false none Filters objects by values in numerical fields. Objects containing a numerical value in the specified field within the given range will be included in the search results.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous filterTypeTerms false none Filters objects by values in text fields. Only objects containing an exact match for one of the specified terms in the specified field will be included in the search results.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous filterTypeType false none Filters objects by their type. Objects of the named types will be included in the search results.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous filterTypeShape false none Filters objects based on geo data in the form of events. Objects containing a geo event whose location relates to the specified GeoJSON shape will be included in the search results.
                Enumerated Values
                Property Value
                type and
                type box
                type dateRange
                type not
                type or
                type polygon
                type query
                type radius
                type range
                type shape
                type terms
                type type


                  "filters": [

                This filter combines two or more filter objects using a Boolean AND operation thereby creating the intersection of their individual search results

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                filters [filter] false none The filter objects to combine.


                  "coordinates": [

                Filters objects based on geo data in the form of events. Objects containing a geo event whose location intersects with the specified bounded box will be included in the search results.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                coordinates [array] false none The top left and bottom right coordinates of the bounded box. The first entry in each coordinate array is the longitude and the second is the latitude.


                  "field": "string",
                  "accuracy": "year",
                  "gt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "gte": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "lt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "lte": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"

                Filters objects by values in date fields. Objects containing a date value in the specified field within the given range will be included in the search results.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                field string false none The name of the field to filter on.
                accuracy string false none The accuracy of the date range parameters. The date values will be adjusted to this accuracy level prior to the filter being applied. The default value is day.
                gt string(date-time) false none The optional greater than range parameter as an ISO formatted date time string.
                gte string(date-time) false none The optional greater than or equal to range parameter as an ISO formatted date time string.
                lt string(date-time) false none The optional less than range parameter as an ISO formatted date time string.
                lte string(date-time) false none The optional less than or equal to range parameter as an ISO formatted date time string.
                Enumerated Values
                Property Value
                accuracy year
                accuracy month
                accuracy day
                accuracy hour
                accuracy minute
                accuracy second
                accuracy millisecond


                  "filter": {
                    "filters": [

                This filter applies the Boolean NOT operation to another filter thereby producing the opposite search results of the contained filter.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                filter filter false none The different filter types that can be applied to narrow or drill down into the search results. See specific filter definitions for more details.


                  "filters": [
                      "filters": [

                This filter combines two or more filter objects using a Boolean OR operation thereby creating the union of their individual search results

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                filters [filter] false none The filter objects to combine.


                  "coordinates": [

                Filters objects based on geo data in the form of events. Objects containing a geo event whose location intersects with the specified polygon will be included in the search results.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                coordinates [array] false none The coordinates of the polygon. The first entry in each coordinate array is the longitude and the second is the latitude. A minimum of three coordinates are required (which would create a triangle). Polygons should be closed. The first and last coordinates should be the same. If required, the service adds the first coordinate to the end of the array to achieve this.


                  "query": {
                    "queries": [

                Filters objects based on the given query. Objects matching the query will be included in the search results.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                query query false none The different query types that can be used to search for objects. See specific query definitions for more details.


                  "coordinates": [
                  "radius": "string"

                Filters objects based on geo data in the form of events. Objects containing a geo event whose location intersects with the specified circle will be included in the search results.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                coordinates [number] false none The coordinates of the center of the circle. The first array entry is the longitude and the second is the latitude.
                radius string false none The radius of the circle as a numerical value plus a suffix for the units. The supported units are miles (mi), yards (yd), feet (ft), inches (in), kilometers (km), meters (m), centimeters (cm), millimeters (mm), nautical miles (nmi). Meters will be assumed if no units are specified.


                  "field": "string",
                  "gt": 0,
                  "gte": 0,
                  "lt": 0,
                  "lte": 0

                Filters objects by values in numerical fields. Objects containing a numerical value in the specified field within the given range will be included in the search results.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                field string false none The name of the field to filter on.
                gt number false none The optional greater than range parameter.
                gte number false none The optional greater than or equal to range parameter.
                lt number false none The optional less than range parameter.
                lte number false none The optional less than or equal to range parameter.


                  "relation": "contains",
                  "shape": {},
                  "id": "string"

                Filters objects based on geo data in the form of events. Objects containing a geo event whose location relates to the specified GeoJSON shape will be included in the search results.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                relation string false none The spatial relation operator to use.
                shape object false none The GeoJSON representation of the shape.
                id string false none The identifier of a pre-configured GeoJSON shape to be used instead of an explicit shape.
                Enumerated Values
                Property Value
                relation contains
                relation disjoint
                relation intersects
                relation within


                  "field": "string",
                  "objectType": "string",
                  "terms": [

                Filters objects by values in text fields. Only objects containing an exact match for one of the specified terms in the specified field will be included in the search results.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                field string false none The name of the field to filter on.
                objectType string false none The name of the type containing the field.
                terms [string] false none One or more terms to filter on.


                  "types": [

                Filters objects by their type. Objects of the named types will be included in the search results.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                types [string] false none One or more type names to filter on.


                  "type": "string",
                  "geometry": {},
                  "properties": {
                    "events": [
                        "version": 0,
                        "eventId": "string",
                        "eventCategory": "string",
                        "eventLabel": "string",
                        "eventDescription": "string",
                        "objectId": "string",
                        "objectType": "string",
                        "objectTypeLabel": "string",
                        "objectLabel": "string",
                        "objectDescription": "string",
                        "objectAttachmentCount": 0,
                        "selected": true,
                        "group": "string",
                        "startTimestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                        "endTimestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
                    "eventCount": 0,
                    "selectedEventCount": 0

                A GeoJSON feature in the context of the Map visualization

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                type string false none The type of GeoJSON object, in this case Feature.
                geometry object false none The GeoJSON object representing the location of this feature (normally a Point with a coordinates array).
                properties geoJsonFeatureProperties false none The details about the events at this map location.


                  "type": "string",
                  "features": [
                      "type": "string",
                      "geometry": {},
                      "properties": {
                        "events": [
                            "version": 0,
                            "eventId": "string",
                            "eventCategory": "string",
                            "eventLabel": "string",
                            "eventDescription": "string",
                            "objectId": "string",
                            "objectType": "string",
                            "objectTypeLabel": "string",
                            "objectLabel": "string",
                            "objectDescription": "string",
                            "objectAttachmentCount": 0,
                            "selected": true,
                            "group": "string",
                            "startTimestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                            "endTimestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
                        "eventCount": 0,
                        "selectedEventCount": 0

                The GeoJSON feature collection returned as part of the Map visualization when the results are not clustered.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                type string false none The type of GeoJSON object, in this case FeatureCollection.
                features [geoJsonFeature] false none The map features.


                  "events": [
                      "version": 0,
                      "eventId": "string",
                      "eventCategory": "string",
                      "eventLabel": "string",
                      "eventDescription": "string",
                      "objectId": "string",
                      "objectType": "string",
                      "objectTypeLabel": "string",
                      "objectLabel": "string",
                      "objectDescription": "string",
                      "objectAttachmentCount": 0,
                      "selected": true,
                      "group": "string",
                      "startTimestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "endTimestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
                  "eventCount": 0,
                  "selectedEventCount": 0

                The details about the events at this map location.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                events [event] false none The events at this location.
                eventCount integer false none The number of events at this location.
                selectedEventCount integer false none The subset of events at this location that match the selection criteria in the search request.


                  "id": "string",
                  "solution": "default",
                  "name": "string",
                  "group": "string",
                  "shape": {}

                A GeoJSON shape for use in the shape filter.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                id string false none The unique identifier of the GeoJSON shape.
                solution string false none The name of the solution.
                name string false none The optional name of the GeoJSON shape.
                group string false none The optional group of the GeoJSON shape.
                shape object false none The GeoJSON representation of the shape. The shape can be any GeoJSON geometry or a GeoJSON geometry collection.


                  "accept": "string",
                  "count": 0,
                  "limit": 0,
                  "links": [
                      "href": "string",
                      "itemType": "string",
                      "method": "string",
                      "rel": "string",
                      "responseItemType": "string",
                      "responseType": "string",
                      "title": "string",
                      "type": "string",
                      "uri": "string"
                  "name": "string",
                  "start": 0,
                  "version": 0,
                  "items": [
                      "id": "string",
                      "solution": "default",
                      "name": "string",
                      "group": "string",
                      "shape": {}

                A collection of GeoJSON shape representations.



                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous baseCollection2 false none This is a base schema used to define paginated collections of resources. This base schema is extended by other schemas in APIs by adding an "items" array property. These extensions define the application/ media type (version 2).


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » items [geoJsonShape] false none The array of application/ representations.


                  "version": 0,
                  "counts": {
                    "vertices": 0,
                    "edges": 0
                  "vertices": [
                      "version": 0,
                      "id": "string",
                      "type": "string",
                      "typeLabel": "string",
                      "compoundValues": [
                      "label": "string",
                      "attachmentsCount": 0,
                      "adjacent": 0,
                      "degree": 0,
                      "adjacentByType": {},
                      "degreeByType": {},
                      "fields": [
                          "name": "string",
                          "type": "boolean",
                          "value": "string",
                          "masked": {
                            "type": "full"
                      "validFrom": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "validTo": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "selected": true,
                      "style": {
                        "iconName": "string",
                        "markerColor": "string",
                        "backgroundColor": "string",
                        "shape": "string",
                        "scale": 0,
                        "additionalLabel": "string",
                        "borderWidth": 0,
                        "borderColor": "string",
                        "indicatorIcons": [
                            "name": "string",
                            "position": "string"
                  "edges": [
                      "version": 0,
                      "id": "string",
                      "type": "string",
                      "subtype": "string",
                      "compoundValues": [
                      "label": "string",
                      "fields": [
                          "name": "string",
                          "type": "boolean",
                          "value": "string",
                          "masked": {
                            "type": "full"
                      "endpoints": [
                          "id": "string",
                          "type": "string",
                          "compoundValues": [
                      "validFrom": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "validTo": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "style": {
                        "color": "string",
                        "width": 0,
                        "dashType": "string"
                  "expansionLimit": 0,
                  "expansionLimitExceeded": [
                      "type": "string",
                      "id": "string"

                The response from /graphs and /traversals in relation to the Network visualization. In the network, objects are represented by vertices and the relationships between them are represented by edges.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                version integer false none The representation version (1).
                counts graphCounts false none The total number of vertices and edges in the graph
                vertices [vertex] false none The collection of vertices in the graph.
                edges [edge] false none The collection of edges in the graph.
                expansionLimit integer false none The maximum adjacent count a vertex is allowed to have to be expanded via a call to /traversals. This member is returned when at least one vertex is present in the graph whose adjacent count exceeds this limit. The expansion limit is currently set to 2000 meaning that an object with relationships to more than 2000 other objects will not be expanded. This is primarily to prevent a denial of service but it is also assumed that a network of such proportions could not be meaningfully visualized and explored by end users.
                expansionLimitExceeded [objectIdentifier] false none The identifiers for vertices whose adjacent count exceeds the expansion limit. This member is returned when at least one vertex is present in the graph whose adjacent count exceeds this limit.


                  "vertices": 0,
                  "edges": 0

                The total number of vertices and edges in the graph

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                vertices integer false none The number of vertices.
                edges integer false none The number of edges.


                  "version": 0,
                  "vertexTypes": [
                  "edgeTypes": [
                  "query": {
                    "queries": [
                  "filter": {
                    "filters": [
                  "selection": {
                    "version": 0,
                    "filter": {
                      "filters": [
                    "include": {
                      "query": {
                        "queries": [
                      "objectIds": [
                          "type": "string",
                          "id": "string"
                      "compoundValues": [
                    "exclude": {
                      "query": {
                        "queries": [
                      "objectIds": [
                          "type": "string",
                          "id": "string"
                      "compoundValues": [

                The request to /graphs for obtaining the Network visualization. In the network, objects are represented by vertices and the relationships between them are represented by edges.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                version integer false none The representation version (2).
                vertexTypes [string] false none The optional list of object type names for restricting the search to particular types. If missing, all types will be included in the search.
                edgeTypes [string] false none The optional list of relationship type names for restricting the search to particular types. If missing, all types will be included in the search.
                query query false none The different query types that can be used to search for objects. See specific query definitions for more details.
                filter filter false none The different filter types that can be applied to narrow or drill down into the search results. See specific filter definitions for more details.
                selection selection false none The criteria by which search results are marked as selected. In order to perform certain tasks within SAS Visual Investigator, such as adding search results to a workspace or expanding nodes in a network, the search results must first be selected. Manually selecting large numbers of results can be tedious and therefore SAND allows manual selection to be combined with query-based selection (all matching objects are marked as selected) and facet-based selection (all objects matching any of the filters will be marked as selected). The filter parameter represents the facet-based selection; the include parameter represents the manual and query based selections; the exclude parameter represents the manual and query based de-selections. All parameters are optional such that selections can be made by filter only, by include query only, or by object references and compound values. Objects matching either the filter or the include parameter will be selected as long as they do not match the exclude parameter.


                  "version": 0,
                  "type": "string",
                  "id": "string",
                  "query": {
                    "queries": [
                  "includeFieldHighlighting": true,
                  "defaultChildEntityLimit": 0,
                  "fieldHighlighting": {},
                  "childEntityHighlighting": {},
                  "maskedFields": {},
                  "errors": [
                      "details": [
                      "errorCode": 0,
                      "errors": [
                      "httpStatusCode": 0,
                      "id": "string",
                      "links": [
                          "href": "string",
                          "itemType": "string",
                          "method": "string",
                          "rel": "string",
                          "responseItemType": "string",
                          "responseType": "string",
                          "title": "string",
                          "type": "string",
                          "uri": "string"
                      "message": "string",
                      "remediation": "string",
                      "version": 0

                The response from /highlighting containing highlighting snippets for a single object based on a given query.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                version integer false none The representation version (1).
                type string false none The object type from the request.
                id string false none The identifier of the object from the request.
                query query false none The different query types that can be used to search for objects. See specific query definitions for more details.
                includeFieldHighlighting boolean false none Whether to include highlighting snippets for the top-level fields.
                defaultChildEntityLimit integer false none The default limit for child entities from the request.
                fieldHighlighting object false none The highlighting snippets for the top-level fields keyed by field name.
                childEntityHighlighting object false none The highlighting snippets for child objects grouped by child entity name.
                maskedFields object false none The masked field configuration for the top-level fields keyed by field name.
                errors [error2] false none Any errors relating to the search.


                  "version": 0,
                  "type": "string",
                  "id": "string",
                  "query": {
                    "queries": [
                  "includeFieldHighlighting": true,
                  "defaultChildEntityLimit": 0,
                  "childEntityHighlightingParameters": {}

                The request to /highlighting for generating highlighting snippets for a single object based on a given query

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                version integer false none The representation version (1).
                type string false none The type of the object.
                id string false none The identifier of the object.
                query query false none The different query types that can be used to search for objects. See specific query definitions for more details.
                includeFieldHighlighting boolean false none Whether to include highlighting snippets for the top-level fields.
                defaultChildEntityLimit integer false none The default limit for child entities. The value of this parameter will be used if there is no specific limit in childEntityHighlightingParameters. Setting this parameter to 0 will exclude highlighting for child objects from the response. The default value is 10.
                childEntityHighlightingParameters object false none The parameters for each child entity keyed by child entity name.


                  "version": 0,
                  "type": "string",
                  "name": "string",
                  "links": [
                      "href": "string",
                      "itemType": "string",
                      "method": "string",
                      "rel": "string",
                      "responseItemType": "string",
                      "responseType": "string",
                      "title": "string",
                      "type": "string",
                      "uri": "string"

                The response from /admin/indices/{type} when requesting information about the index for a single entity

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                version integer false none The representation version (2).
                type string false none The name of the object or relationship type.
                name string false none The name of the index.
                links [link] false none Zero or more links to related resources or operations. See the link relations table for a description of the link types.


                  "accept": "string",
                  "count": 0,
                  "limit": 0,
                  "links": [
                      "href": "string",
                      "itemType": "string",
                      "method": "string",
                      "rel": "string",
                      "responseItemType": "string",
                      "responseType": "string",
                      "title": "string",
                      "type": "string",
                      "uri": "string"
                  "name": "string",
                  "start": 0,
                  "version": 0,
                  "items": [
                      "version": 0,
                      "type": "string",
                      "name": "string",
                      "links": [
                          "href": "string",
                          "itemType": "string",
                          "method": "string",
                          "rel": "string",
                          "responseItemType": "string",
                          "responseType": "string",
                          "title": "string",
                          "type": "string",
                          "uri": "string"

                A collection of index representations.



                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous baseCollection2 false none This is a base schema used to define paginated collections of resources. This base schema is extended by other schemas in APIs by adding an "items" array property. These extensions define the application/ media type (version 2).


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » items [index] false none The array of application/ representations.


                  "name": "string",
                  "position": "string"

                An indicator icon for an entity style.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                name string false none The name of the indicator icon.
                position string false none The position of the indicator icon.

                  "href": "string",
                  "itemType": "string",
                  "method": "string",
                  "rel": "string",
                  "responseItemType": "string",
                  "responseType": "string",
                  "title": "string",
                  "type": "string",
                  "uri": "string"

                A link to a related operation or resource.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                href string false none The URL for the link.
                itemType string false none If this is a link to a container, itemType is the media type or link type for the items in the container.
                method string false none The HTTP method for the link.
                rel string false none The relationship of the link to the resource.
                responseItemType string false none The media type or link type of the items in the response body for a PUT,POST, orPATCH` operation.
                responseType string false none The media type or link type of the response body for a PUT, POST, or PATCH operation.
                title string false none The title for the link
                type string false none The media type or link type for the link.
                uri string false none The relative URI for the link.


                  "type": "full"

                The configuration for a masked field.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                type string false none The type of masked field.
                Enumerated Values
                Property Value
                type full
                type partial
                type none


                  "type": "string",
                  "id": "string"

                The identifier of a single object used in many of the requests and responses.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                type string false none The name of the object type.
                id string false none The identifier of the object.


                  "version": 0,
                  "operation": "refreshConfiguration",
                  "parameters": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "statusOnly": true,
                    "waitForRefresh": true

                The request to /admin/operations to perform an administration-related operation

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                version integer false none The representation version (1).
                operation string false none The name of the operation to be performed.
                parameters object false none Any parameters relevant to the operation. See operation parameter definitions for more details.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                » anonymous operationRequestParametersForRefreshConfiguration false none The parameters for the refresh configuration operation


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                » anonymous operationRequestParametersForMakeIndexSearchable false none The parameters for the make index searchable operation.
                Enumerated Values
                Property Value
                operation refreshConfiguration
                operation makeIndexSearchable


                  "type": "string",
                  "statusOnly": true,
                  "waitForRefresh": true

                The parameters for the refresh configuration operation

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                type string false none The name of the type whose configuration is to be refreshed. If not specified, the configuration for all types will be refreshed.
                statusOnly boolean false none Whether to return only status information instead of performing the refresh. The default value is true.
                waitForRefresh boolean false none Whether to wait for any index-related operations to be applied prior to the response being returned. The default value is false.


                  "type": "string"

                The parameters for the make index searchable operation.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                type string false none The name of the type whose newest index is to be made searchable and whose older indices are to be deleted. If not specified, the indices for all types will be modified and deleted as appropriate.


                  "version": 0,
                  "operation": "refreshConfiguration",
                  "parameters": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "statusOnly": true,
                    "waitForRefresh": true
                  "results": {
                    "version": 0,
                    "refreshRequired": true,
                    "reindexRequired": true,
                    "links": [
                        "href": "string",
                        "itemType": "string",
                        "method": "string",
                        "rel": "string",
                        "responseItemType": "string",
                        "responseType": "string",
                        "title": "string",
                        "type": "string",
                        "uri": "string"

                The response from a request to /admin/operations to perform an administration-related operation.



                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous operationRequest false none The request to /admin/operations to perform an administration-related operation


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » results typeStatus false none Any results relevant to the operation.


                  "version": 0,
                  "endpoints": [

                A path within the context of the Network visualization. A path is a finite sequence of relationships (edges) connecting a sequence of objects (vertices) in the Network visualization.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                version integer false none The representation version (1).
                endpoints [any] false none The endpoints representing the vertices and the edges between them that make up the path.


                  "accept": "string",
                  "count": 0,
                  "limit": 0,
                  "links": [
                      "href": "string",
                      "itemType": "string",
                      "method": "string",
                      "rel": "string",
                      "responseItemType": "string",
                      "responseType": "string",
                      "title": "string",
                      "type": "string",
                      "uri": "string"
                  "name": "string",
                  "start": 0,
                  "version": 0,
                  "items": [
                      "version": 0,
                      "endpoints": [

                A collection of path representations.



                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous baseCollection2 false none This is a base schema used to define paginated collections of resources. This base schema is extended by other schemas in APIs by adding an "items" array property. These extensions define the application/ media type (version 2).


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » items [path] false none The array of application/ representations.


                  "version": 0,
                  "type": "string",
                  "id": "string",
                  "types": [
                  "query": {
                    "queries": [
                  "filter": {
                    "filters": [
                  "nextLevel": {
                    "vertexTypes": [
                    "vertexFilter": {
                      "filters": [
                    "edgeTypes": [
                    "edgeFilter": {
                      "filters": [
                    "nextLevel": null

                The request to /paths when searching for matching paths from one or more start objects. Use the type and id properties to identify a single start object, or use the types and query properties to identify one or more start objects.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                version integer false none The representation version (3).
                type string false none The type of the start object.
                id string false none The identifier of the start object.
                types [string] false none The optional list of type names for the start objects. If missing, all types will be searched.
                query query false none The different query types that can be used to search for objects. See specific query definitions for more details.
                filter filter false none The different filter types that can be applied to narrow or drill down into the search results. See specific filter definitions for more details.
                nextLevel pathsRequestNextLevel false none The criteria for the next level of the path search.


                  "vertexTypes": [
                  "vertexFilter": {
                    "filters": [
                  "edgeTypes": [
                  "edgeFilter": {
                    "filters": [
                  "nextLevel": null

                The criteria for the next level of the path search.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                vertexTypes [string] false none The optional list of object type names for restricting the search to particular types. If missing, all types will be included in the search.
                vertexFilter filter false none The different filter types that can be applied to narrow or drill down into the search results. See specific filter definitions for more details.
                edgeTypes [string] false none The optional list of relationship type names for restricting the search to particular types. If missing, all types will be included in the search.
                edgeFilter filter false none The different filter types that can be applied to narrow or drill down into the search results. See specific filter definitions for more details.
                nextLevel pathsRequestNextLevel false none The criteria for the next level of the path search.


                  "queries": [

                The different query types that can be used to search for objects. See specific query definitions for more details.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                version integer false none The representation version (2).
                type string false none The type of this query object. The value of this property determines which other properties are expected.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous queryTypeAnd false none This query combines two or more query objects using a Boolean AND operation thereby creating the intersection of their individual search results.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous queryTypeCompound false none This query allows resolved entity objects to be searched by their compound values (globally unique text fragments based on the values extracted from the resolved entity's contributing objects). Resolved entity objects containing one or more matching compounds will be included in the search results. These values are not expected to be known by users/clients but rather they can be extracted from the results of an earlier free-text or geospatial search.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous queryTypeObject false none This query allows objects to be searched by their type and identifier. Objects with matching types and identifiers will be included in the search results. These values are not necessarily expected to be known by users/clients but rather they can be extracted from an earlier search result.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous queryTypeOr false none This query combines two or more query objects using a Boolean OR operation thereby creating the union of their individual search results.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous queryTypeText false none This is the main query object and represents a free text query in a specified query language. Objects matching one or more query terms will be included in the search results.
                Enumerated Values
                Property Value
                type and
                type compound
                type object
                type or
                type text


                  "version": 0,
                  "types": [
                  "query": {
                    "queries": [

                The request to perform an action on data specified by a query.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                version integer false none The representation version (2).
                types [string] false none The optional list of type names for the object and relationship types to be searched. If missing, all types will be searched.
                query query false none The different query types that can be used to search for objects. See specific query definitions for more details.


                  "queries": [

                This query combines two or more query objects using a Boolean AND operation thereby creating the intersection of their individual search results.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                queries [query] false none The query objects to combine.


                  "compoundValues": [

                This query allows resolved entity objects to be searched by their compound values (globally unique text fragments based on the values extracted from the resolved entity's contributing objects). Resolved entity objects containing one or more matching compounds will be included in the search results. These values are not expected to be known by users/clients but rather they can be extracted from the results of an earlier free-text or geospatial search.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                compoundValues [string] false none The compound values for the resolved entity objects to be included in the search results.


                  "objectIds": [
                      "type": "string",
                      "id": "string"

                This query allows objects to be searched by their type and identifier. Objects with matching types and identifiers will be included in the search results. These values are not necessarily expected to be known by users/clients but rather they can be extracted from an earlier search result.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                objectIds [objectIdentifier] false none The identifiers for the objects to be included in the search results.


                  "queries": [
                      "queries": [

                This query combines two or more query objects using a Boolean OR operation thereby creating the union of their individual search results.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                queries [query] false none The query objects to combine.


                  "language": "string",
                  "text": "string"

                This is the main query object and represents a free text query in a specified query language. Objects matching one or more query terms will be included in the search results.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                language string false none The name of the query language. Note only lucene is supported at the present time.
                text string false none The free text query.


                  "version": 0,
                  "startTypes": [
                  "startQuery": {
                    "queries": [
                  "startFilter": {
                    "filters": [
                  "endTypes": [
                  "endQuery": {
                    "queries": [
                  "endFilter": {
                    "filters": [
                  "hops": 0

                The request to /relatedObjects when searching for paths between start and end objects.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                version integer false none The representation version (1).
                startTypes [string] false none The optional list of type names for the start objects. If missing, all types will be searched.
                startQuery query false none The different query types that can be used to search for objects. See specific query definitions for more details.
                startFilter filter false none The different filter types that can be applied to narrow or drill down into the search results. See specific filter definitions for more details.
                endTypes [string] false none The optional list of type names for the end objects. If missing, all types will be searched.
                endQuery query false none The different query types that can be used to search for objects. See specific query definitions for more details.
                endFilter filter false none The different filter types that can be applied to narrow or drill down into the search results. See specific filter definitions for more details.
                hops integer false none The maximum number of hops, that is, relationships to be included in each path. The minimum and default value is 1. The maximum value is 4.


                  "color": "string",
                  "width": 0,
                  "dashType": "string"

                A collection of properties that determine the style for a relationship.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                color string false none The line color.
                width integer false none The width of the line in pixels.
                dashType string false none The type of dashes to use for the line.


                  "version": 0,
                  "types": [
                  "query": {
                    "queries": [
                  "filter": {
                    "filters": [
                  "selection": {
                    "version": 0,
                    "filter": {
                      "filters": [
                    "include": {
                      "query": {
                        "queries": [
                      "objectIds": [
                          "type": "string",
                          "id": "string"
                      "compoundValues": [
                    "exclude": {
                      "query": {
                        "queries": [
                      "objectIds": [
                          "type": "string",
                          "id": "string"
                      "compoundValues": [
                  "visualizations": {}

                The request to /searches when performing a search including the object types to search, the query, filter, and selection criteria, as well as which visualizations to return

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                version integer false none The representation version (3).
                types [string] false none The optional list of type names for the object types to be searched. If missing, all types will be searched.
                query query false none The different query types that can be used to search for objects. See specific query definitions for more details.
                filter filter false none The different filter types that can be applied to narrow or drill down into the search results. See specific filter definitions for more details.
                selection selection false none The criteria by which search results are marked as selected. In order to perform certain tasks within SAS Visual Investigator, such as adding search results to a workspace or expanding nodes in a network, the search results must first be selected. Manually selecting large numbers of results can be tedious and therefore SAND allows manual selection to be combined with query-based selection (all matching objects are marked as selected) and facet-based selection (all objects matching any of the filters will be marked as selected). The filter parameter represents the facet-based selection; the include parameter represents the manual and query based selections; the exclude parameter represents the manual and query based de-selections. All parameters are optional such that selections can be made by filter only, by include query only, or by object references and compound values. Objects matching either the filter or the include parameter will be selected as long as they do not match the exclude parameter.
                visualizations object false none The collection of visualizations to be returned. The keys supplied in this map will be used in the search response to identify the requested visualizations. See the visualization request definitions for details.


                  "version": 0,
                  "types": [
                  "query": {
                    "queries": [
                  "visualizations": [
                      "type": "facets",
                      "types": [
                      "mode": "filter",
                      "facets": [
                          "objectType": "string",
                          "facets": [
                              "type": "dateRange"
                  "errors": [
                      "details": [
                      "errorCode": 0,
                      "errors": [
                      "httpStatusCode": 0,
                      "id": "string",
                      "links": [
                          "href": "string",
                          "itemType": "string",
                          "method": "string",
                          "rel": "string",
                          "responseItemType": "string",
                          "responseType": "string",
                          "title": "string",
                          "type": "string",
                          "uri": "string"
                      "message": "string",
                      "remediation": "string",
                      "version": 0

                The response from /searches when performing a search including the various visualizations that can be returned.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                version integer false none The representation version (3).
                types [string] false none The list of object type names from the search request.
                query query false none The different query types that can be used to search for objects. See specific query definitions for more details.
                visualizations [anyOf] false none The requested search visualizations keyed by the identifiers specified in the search request. See the visualization response definitions for details.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                » anonymous visualizationResponseTypeFacets false none The response parameters for the Facets visualization that presents various facets for each object type found in the search. Each facet includes the hit counts per field value (or range of field values for numerical and date fields). Before this visualization can be requested, an administrator needs to define the facets for each type via the /admin/config endpoint.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                » anonymous visualizationResponseTypeFacetsGroupFacetDate false none A group of date range facet results.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                » anonymous visualizationResponseTypeFacetsGroupFacetNumerical false none A group of numerical range facet results.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                » anonymous visualizationResponseTypeFacetsGroupFacetNumerical false none A group of numerical range facet results.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                » anonymous visualizationResponseTypeFacetsGroupFacetTerms false none A group of terms facet results


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                » anonymous visualizationResponseTypeFacetsGroupFacetType false none A group of type facet results.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                » anonymous visualizationResponseTypeHits false none The response parameters for the Hits visualization that returns the number of objects that matched the search criteria broken down by type. Can be presented to the user as a histogram.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                » anonymous visualizationResponseTypeMap false none The response parameters for the Map visualization that returns geo data in the form of events extracted from the objects found in the search. An event captures what, when, where information. Events are extracted from objects as they are indexed. Before this visualization can be requested and preferably before any data is indexed (data can always be re-indexed when events configuration changes), an administrator needs to define which events to extract from each entity via the /admin/config endpoint.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                » anonymous visualizationResponseTypeMapFeature false none The response parameters for the Map Feature visualization that returns more detailed information about the features and events at a given location. For use in conjunction with the Map visualization.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                » anonymous visualizationResponseTypeSummary false none The response parameters for the Summary visualization that returns a page of summary objects, one for each object found in the search. In order to get more meaningful information returned in each summary object, an administrator is required to configure the fields and highlighting sections for each type via the /admin/config endpoint. Clients can optionally specify a set of fields for each type using the 'fields' property.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                » anonymous visualizationResponseTypeTable false none The response parameters for the Table visualization that returns the objects found in the search as a table where columns are fields and rows are hits. When results are viewed for multiple types, only the type and label columns are shown but a configurable number of columns are shown when viewing results of a single type. In order to get more meaningful information returned in each table object, an administrator is required to configure the columns for each type via the /admin/config endpoint. Clients can optionally specify a set of fields for each type using the 'fields' property. In this case, a single column will be returned for fields with the same name and type. If one of those fields is masked, all of the values for that column will be masked.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                » anonymous visualizationResponseTypeTimebar false none The response parameters for the Time Bar visualization that returns the number of objects found in the search categorized by intervals of time where time-related data is in the form of events. An event captures what, when, where information. Events are extracted from objects as they are indexed. Before this visualization can be requested and preferably before any data is indexed (data can always be re-indexed when events configuration changes), an administrator needs to define which events to extract from each entity via the /admin/config endpoints. This visualization is intended to be presented as a date histogram with time on the X axis and the hit count on the Y axis. The X-axis units scale depending on the amount of time events in the search results.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                » anonymous visualizationResponseTypeTimeline false none The response parameters for the Time Line visualization that returns time-related data in the form of events extracted from the objects found in the search. An event captures what, when, where information. Events are extracted from objects as they are indexed. Before this visualization can be requested and preferably before any data is indexed (data can always be re-indexed when events configuration changes), an administrator needs to define which events to extract from each entity via the /admin/config endpoint. This visualization is intended to be presented as a series of charts or swim lanes, one per object, with time on the X axis and the events or swim lane entries relating to the current swim lane plotted at the appropriate points in time. The X axis units scale depending on the amount of swim lane entries. The swim lane entries can be individual events or clusters containing multiple events depending on the request parameters and the number of events within the same time interval.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                errors [error2] false none Any errors relating to the search.


                  "version": 0,
                  "filter": {
                    "filters": [
                  "include": {
                    "query": {
                      "queries": [
                    "objectIds": [
                        "type": "string",
                        "id": "string"
                    "compoundValues": [
                  "exclude": {
                    "query": {
                      "queries": [
                    "objectIds": [
                        "type": "string",
                        "id": "string"
                    "compoundValues": [

                The criteria by which search results are marked as selected. In order to perform certain tasks within SAS Visual Investigator, such as adding search results to a workspace or expanding nodes in a network, the search results must first be selected. Manually selecting large numbers of results can be tedious and therefore SAND allows manual selection to be combined with query-based selection (all matching objects are marked as selected) and facet-based selection (all objects matching any of the filters will be marked as selected). The filter parameter represents the facet-based selection; the include parameter represents the manual and query based selections; the exclude parameter represents the manual and query based de-selections. All parameters are optional such that selections can be made by filter only, by include query only, or by object references and compound values. Objects matching either the filter or the include parameter will be selected as long as they do not match the exclude parameter.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                version integer false none The representation version (2).
                filter filter false none The different filter types that can be applied to narrow or drill down into the search results. See specific filter definitions for more details.
                include selectionQueryAndObjectReferences false none The query-based selection as well as the object references and compound values representing the manually included or excluded hits.
                exclude selectionQueryAndObjectReferences false none The query-based selection as well as the object references and compound values representing the manually included or excluded hits.


                  "query": {
                    "queries": [
                  "objectIds": [
                      "type": "string",
                      "id": "string"
                  "compoundValues": [

                The query-based selection as well as the object references and compound values representing the manually included or excluded hits.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                query query false none The different query types that can be used to search for objects. See specific query definitions for more details.
                objectIds [objectIdentifier] false none The references to the included or excluded objects.
                compoundValues [string] false none The compound values for the included or excluded resolved entities.


                  "version": 0,
                  "name": "string",
                  "value": {},
                  "errors": [
                      "details": [
                      "errorCode": 0,
                      "errors": [
                      "httpStatusCode": 0,
                      "id": "string",
                      "links": [
                          "href": "string",
                          "itemType": "string",
                          "method": "string",
                          "rel": "string",
                          "responseItemType": "string",
                          "responseType": "string",
                          "title": "string",
                          "type": "string",
                          "uri": "string"
                      "message": "string",
                      "remediation": "string",
                      "version": 0

                An application setting.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                version integer false none The representation version (1).
                name string false none The name of the application setting.
                value object false none The value of the application setting.
                errors [error2] false none Any messages related to updating the setting.


                  "accept": "string",
                  "count": 0,
                  "limit": 0,
                  "links": [
                      "href": "string",
                      "itemType": "string",
                      "method": "string",
                      "rel": "string",
                      "responseItemType": "string",
                      "responseType": "string",
                      "title": "string",
                      "type": "string",
                      "uri": "string"
                  "name": "string",
                  "start": 0,
                  "version": 0,
                  "items": [
                      "version": 0,
                      "name": "string",
                      "value": {},
                      "errors": [
                          "details": [
                          "errorCode": 0,
                          "errors": [
                          "httpStatusCode": 0,
                          "id": "string",
                          "links": [
                              "href": "string",
                              "itemType": "string",
                              "method": "string",
                              "rel": "string",
                              "responseItemType": "string",
                              "responseType": "string",
                              "title": "string",
                              "type": "string",
                              "uri": "string"
                          "message": "string",
                          "remediation": "string",
                          "version": 0

                A collection of application settings.



                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous baseCollection2 false none This is a base schema used to define paginated collections of resources. This base schema is extended by other schemas in APIs by adding an "items" array property. These extensions define the application/ media type (version 2).


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » items [setting] false none The array of application/ representations.


                  "name": "string",
                  "type": "boolean",
                  "value": "string",
                  "masked": {
                    "type": "full"

                The content of a single field.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                name string false none The name of the field.
                type string false none The type of data the field contains.
                value any false none The value of the field.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                » anonymous string false none none


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                » anonymous number false none none


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                » anonymous boolean false none none


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                masked maskedFieldConfiguration false none The configuration for a masked field.
                Enumerated Values
                Property Value
                type boolean
                type date
                type double
                type float
                type integer
                type long
                type text


                  "version": 0,
                  "terms": "string"

                A synonym for synonym searching. Saved and returned in a collection via /admin/config/synonyms.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                version integer false none The representation version (1).
                terms string false none The list of terms as a comma-separated list or as two comma-separated lists with the symbol => in the middle of them.


                  "accept": "string",
                  "count": 0,
                  "limit": 0,
                  "links": [
                      "href": "string",
                      "itemType": "string",
                      "method": "string",
                      "rel": "string",
                      "responseItemType": "string",
                      "responseType": "string",
                      "title": "string",
                      "type": "string",
                      "uri": "string"
                  "name": "string",
                  "start": 0,
                  "version": 0,
                  "items": [
                      "version": 0,
                      "terms": "string"

                A collection of synonyms for synonym searching.



                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous baseCollection2 false none This is a base schema used to define paginated collections of resources. This base schema is extended by other schemas in APIs by adding an "items" array property. These extensions define the application/ media type (version 2).


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » items [synonym] false none The array of application/ representations.


                  "version": 0,
                  "vertexTypes": [
                  "vertexFilter": {
                    "filters": [
                  "edgeTypes": [
                  "edgeFilter": {
                    "filters": [
                  "query": {
                    "queries": [
                  "depth": 0,
                  "extendedFormat": true,
                  "graphObjectIds": [
                      "type": "string",
                      "id": "string"
                  "graphCompoundValues": [

                The request to /traversals for performing a breadth first graph search in the Network visualization

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                version integer false none The representation version (3).
                vertexTypes [string] false none The optional list of object type names for restricting the search to particular types. If missing, all types will be included in the search.
                vertexFilter filter false none The different filter types that can be applied to narrow or drill down into the search results. See specific filter definitions for more details.
                edgeTypes [string] false none The optional list of relationship type names for restricting the search to particular types. If missing, all types will be included in the search.
                edgeFilter filter false none The different filter types that can be applied to narrow or drill down into the search results. See specific filter definitions for more details.
                query query false none The different query types that can be used to search for objects. See specific query definitions for more details.
                depth integer false none The number of levels the traversal should explore. The minimum (and default) value is 1; the maximum value is 3.
                extendedFormat boolean false none Defaults to false but if set to true, edges will be returned as well as vertex degree and adjacent counts.
                graphObjectIds [objectIdentifier] false none The identifiers for additional entity vertices that should be included in the graph but are not already included in the search criteria.
                graphCompoundValues [string] false none The compound values for additional resolved entity vertices that should be included in the graph but are not already included in the search criteria.


                  "version": 0,
                  "solution": "default",
                  "name": "string",
                  "displayName": "string",
                  "category": "alert",
                  "fields": {},
                  "options": {},
                  "config": {
                    "summary": {
                      "version": 0,
                      "fields": [
                      "highlighting": {
                        "highlighter": "unified",
                        "fragments": 0,
                        "fragmentSize": 0
                    "table": {
                      "version": 0,
                      "fields": [
                    "graph": {
                      "version": 0,
                      "fields": [
                    "facets": [
                        "version": 0,
                        "type": "dateRange"
                    "textAnalytics": {
                      "version": 0,
                      "fields": [
                      "fromField": "string",
                      "toFields": [
                    "events": [
                        "version": 0,
                        "root": "string",
                        "fields": {
                          "category": "string",
                          "label": "string",
                          "description": "string",
                          "pointTimestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                          "intervalStartTimestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                          "intervalEndTimestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                          "longitude": "string",
                          "latitude": "string",
                          "geoJson": "string"
                        "requiredFields": [
                    "label": {
                      "version": 0,
                      "template": "string",
                      "values": [
                    "description": {
                      "version": 0,
                      "template": "string",
                      "values": [
                  "links": [
                      "href": "string",
                      "itemType": "string",
                      "method": "string",
                      "rel": "string",
                      "responseItemType": "string",
                      "responseType": "string",
                      "title": "string",
                      "type": "string",
                      "uri": "string"

                The request and response for /admin/config/types/{type} when retrieving or updating the configuration for a single entity or relationship type.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                version integer false none The representation version (3).
                solution string false none The name of the solution.
                name string false none The unique name for the type.
                displayName string false none The localized display name for the type. Note for this release, this is the actual localized text as only one language is supported; in future, this member will be the resource key to look up the localized display name.
                category string false none The category of the type. The alert category applies to entities whose objects are generated by the Alert component and support free text, faceted, and graph search (represented by vertices in the Network visualization). The entity category (the default category) applies to all other internal and external entities and supports free text, faceted, geo, and graph search (represented by vertices in the Network visualization). The resolvedEntity category applies to resolved entities generated by the Entity Resolution component and supports free text, geo, and graph search (represented by vertices in the Network visualization). The entityRelationship category applies to relationships between internal, external, or alert entities and supports graph search (represented by edges in the Network visualization). The resolvedEntityRelationship category applies to relationships (between resolved entities and their contributing entities) generated by the Entity Resolution component and supports graph search (represented by edges in the Network visualization).
                fields object false none The field definitions keyed by field name. Field names can contain up to 150 alphanumeric characters and underscores but cannot start with an underscore.
                options object false none Any options relating to this type. The boolean option indexed_for_search specifies whether objects of this type can be indexed (defaults to true). The integer option number_of_shards specifies the number of sections that the indexed data is divided into. These sections are distributed across the underlying search engine's data nodes. The acceptable range of values is from 1 to 1024. The default value is 1. The value should be set to ensure that each shard is no bigger than 50GB but ideally somewhere between 10GB and 30GB. As a rough guide, use a value equal to the total size of the indexed data divided by 20GB. The integer option number_of_replicas specifies the number of replica shards (i.e. copies) per primary shard. These copies are distributed across the underlying search engine's data nodes to ensure high availability. The acceptable range of values is from 0 to 1024. The default value is 1. A value of 0 will disable high availability as there will be no replica shards but this is useful during the initial data load. The maximum usable value equates to the number of data nodes minus one (as a maximum of one copy of each shard can exist on each data node and one of them will be the primary copy). As a rough guide, use a value between 1 and 3. The integer option refresh_interval specifies the frequency (in seconds) by which changes to the indexed data become searchable. The default value is 1. A value of -1 disables the refresh and is therefore useful when performing large bulk operations but otherwise a positive value is expected. Warnings: 1. modifying the number_of_shards, number_of_replicas or refresh_interval options can adversely affect the performance and stability of the application and as such they should only be set by advanced users. 2. changing the indexed_for_search option to false causes all indexed data for this type to be deleted, which cannot be undone without first making a backup.
                config typeConfiguration false none The configuration relating to the various search visualizations. While each sub-section is optional, their absence will reduce the functionality available when interacting with objects or relationships of this type.
                links [link] false none Zero or more links to related resources or operations. See the link relations table for a description of the link types.
                Enumerated Values
                Property Value
                category alert
                category entity
                category resolvedEntity
                category entityRelationship
                category resolvedEntityRelationship


                  "accept": "string",
                  "count": 0,
                  "limit": 0,
                  "links": [
                      "href": "string",
                      "itemType": "string",
                      "method": "string",
                      "rel": "string",
                      "responseItemType": "string",
                      "responseType": "string",
                      "title": "string",
                      "type": "string",
                      "uri": "string"
                  "name": "string",
                  "start": 0,
                  "version": 0,
                  "items": [
                      "version": 0,
                      "solution": "default",
                      "name": "string",
                      "displayName": "string",
                      "category": "alert",
                      "fields": {},
                      "options": {},
                      "config": {
                        "summary": {
                          "version": 0,
                          "fields": [
                          "highlighting": {
                            "highlighter": "unified",
                            "fragments": 0,
                            "fragmentSize": 0
                        "table": {
                          "version": 0,
                          "fields": [
                        "graph": {
                          "version": 0,
                          "fields": [
                        "facets": [
                            "version": 0,
                            "type": "dateRange"
                        "textAnalytics": {
                          "version": 0,
                          "fields": [
                          "fromField": "string",
                          "toFields": [
                        "events": [
                            "version": 0,
                            "root": "string",
                            "fields": {
                              "category": "string",
                              "label": "string",
                              "description": "string",
                              "pointTimestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                              "intervalStartTimestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                              "intervalEndTimestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                              "longitude": "string",
                              "latitude": "string",
                              "geoJson": "string"
                            "requiredFields": [
                        "label": {
                          "version": 0,
                          "template": "string",
                          "values": [
                        "description": {
                          "version": 0,
                          "template": "string",
                          "values": [
                      "links": [
                          "href": "string",
                          "itemType": "string",
                          "method": "string",
                          "rel": "string",
                          "responseItemType": "string",
                          "responseType": "string",
                          "title": "string",
                          "type": "string",
                          "uri": "string"

                A collection of type configuration representations.



                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous baseCollection2 false none This is a base schema used to define paginated collections of resources. This base schema is extended by other schemas in APIs by adding an "items" array property. These extensions define the application/ media type (version 2).


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » items [type] false none The array of application/ representations.


                  "summary": {
                    "version": 0,
                    "fields": [
                    "highlighting": {
                      "highlighter": "unified",
                      "fragments": 0,
                      "fragmentSize": 0
                  "table": {
                    "version": 0,
                    "fields": [
                  "graph": {
                    "version": 0,
                    "fields": [
                  "facets": [
                      "version": 0,
                      "type": "dateRange"
                  "textAnalytics": {
                    "version": 0,
                    "fields": [
                    "fromField": "string",
                    "toFields": [
                  "events": [
                      "version": 0,
                      "root": "string",
                      "fields": {
                        "category": "string",
                        "label": "string",
                        "description": "string",
                        "pointTimestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                        "intervalStartTimestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                        "intervalEndTimestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                        "longitude": "string",
                        "latitude": "string",
                        "geoJson": "string"
                      "requiredFields": [
                  "label": {
                    "version": 0,
                    "template": "string",
                    "values": [
                  "description": {
                    "version": 0,
                    "template": "string",
                    "values": [

                The configuration relating to the various search visualizations. While each sub-section is optional, their absence will reduce the functionality available when interacting with objects or relationships of this type.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                summary typeConfigurationSummary false none The configuration options for the Summary visualization.
                table typeConfigurationTable false none The configuration options for the Table visualization.
                graph typeConfigurationGraph false none The configuration options for the Network visualization
                facets [anyOf] false none The configuration options for the Facets visualization.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                » anonymous typeConfigurationFacet false none The configuration of a single facet for a single entity in relation to the Facets visualization. The Facets visualization presents various facets for each object type found in the search. Each facet includes the hit counts per field value (or range of field values for numerical and date fields). See specific facet configuration definitions for more details.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                » anonymous typeConfigurationFacetTerms false none The terms facet produces a set of hit counts categorized by field value for a given text field (or a boolean or numerical field known to have a finite set of values).


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                » anonymous typeConfigurationFacetNumerical false none The range facet produces a set of hit counts for configured ranges of values for a numerical field as well as supplementary information about which filters a user should be allowed to apply


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                » anonymous typeConfigurationFacetType false none The type facet produces a set of hit counts categorized by object type.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                » anonymous typeConfigurationFacetDate false none The dateRange facet produces a set of hit counts for configured ranges of values for a date field as well as supplementary information about which filters a user should be allowed to apply


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                textAnalytics typeConfigurationTextAnalytics false none The configuration options for the Text Analytics visualization.
                events [typeConfigurationEvent] false none The events configuration relating to the Map, Map Feature, Time Line, and Time Bar visualizations. This is only relevant to types of the entity category.
                label typeConfigurationLabel false none The label or description configuration.
                description typeConfigurationLabel false none The label or description configuration.


                  "version": 0,
                  "root": "string",
                  "fields": {
                    "category": "string",
                    "label": "string",
                    "description": "string",
                    "pointTimestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                    "intervalStartTimestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                    "intervalEndTimestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                    "longitude": "string",
                    "latitude": "string",
                    "geoJson": "string"
                  "requiredFields": [

                The configuration for extracting an event from a single entity's objects. Events capture what, when, where information and serve as the units of data for the Map, Map Feature, Time Line, and Time Bar visualizations.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                version integer false none The representation version (2).
                root string false none The root path. The context for the field names or paths used elsewhere in the event configuration. The path must be / delimited and end with an object or array field but not a primitive field. Also the path is limited to going via object fields and not via array fields. The default value of a single / sets the context as the top-level fields in the object. A path ending in an array field causes at most one event to be extracted for each entry in the array.
                fields typeConfigurationEventFields false none The prescription for extracting each event field and an event's location value. The prescriptions can be static text, which is literal text not extracted from the object. In other words, the event field is populated with this exact value; a field specifier (the name of a field at the specified root level or a / delimited path to a field elsewhere in the object. Field paths can be relative to the root path or absolute paths (by starting with a /). Note these paths must end in a field containing a primitive value but like the root path cannot go via fields containing arrays. The event field is populated with the value of the specified field); or tokenized text (a combination of literal text and tokens. A token is specified with {} brackets between which is a field specifier. Tokens are replaced with field values when the event is extracted).
                requiredFields [string] false none Optional list of field specifiers for object fields that must contain a value for the event to be extracted. This can be used to make the event extraction conditional on the content of fields not referenced elsewhere in the event configuration; to enforce that an event has both time and location values; or to ensure values exist for the fields used to construct the event's label or description.


                  "category": "string",
                  "label": "string",
                  "description": "string",
                  "pointTimestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "intervalStartTimestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "intervalEndTimestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "longitude": "string",
                  "latitude": "string",
                  "geoJson": "string"

                The prescription for extracting each event field and an event's location value. The prescriptions can be static text, which is literal text not extracted from the object. In other words, the event field is populated with this exact value; a field specifier (the name of a field at the specified root level or a / delimited path to a field elsewhere in the object. Field paths can be relative to the root path or absolute paths (by starting with a /). Note these paths must end in a field containing a primitive value but like the root path cannot go via fields containing arrays. The event field is populated with the value of the specified field); or tokenized text (a combination of literal text and tokens. A token is specified with {} brackets between which is a field specifier. Tokens are replaced with field values when the event is extracted).

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                category string false none Optional static text defining the category for this event. This must be a unique value compared to other events defined for this entity.
                label string false none Optional tokenized text defining a short summary for this event.
                description string false none Optional tokenized text defining a longer summary for this event.
                pointTimestamp string(date-time) false none Optional tokenized text defining the point-in-time value for this event as an ISO formatted string. This is tokenized to allow the date and time portions of the ISO formatted string to be extracted from different fields.
                intervalStartTimestamp string(date-time) false none Optional tokenized text defining the interval start time for this event as an ISO formatted string. This is tokenized to allow the date and time portions of the ISO formatted string to be extracted from different fields.
                intervalEndTimestamp string(date-time) false none Optional tokenized text defining the interval end time for this event as an ISO formatted string. This is tokenized to allow the date and time portions of the ISO formatted string to be extracted from different fields.
                longitude string false none Optional field specifier for a field containing a valid longitude value to use when populating the location field for this event. (See the complete media type example.)
                latitude string false none Optional field specifier for a field containing a valid latitude value to use when populating the location field for this event. (See the complete media type example.)
                geoJson string false none Optional field specifier for a field containing valid GeoJSON to use when populating the location field for this event. (See the complete media type example.)


                  "version": 0,
                  "type": "dateRange"

                The configuration of a single facet for a single entity in relation to the Facets visualization. The Facets visualization presents various facets for each object type found in the search. Each facet includes the hit counts per field value (or range of field values for numerical and date fields). See specific facet configuration definitions for more details.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                version integer false none The representation version (1).
                type string false none The type of this facet object. The value of this property determines which other properties are expected.
                Enumerated Values
                Property Value
                type dateRange
                type range
                type terms
                type type


                  "version": 0,
                  "type": "dateRange",
                  "field": "string",
                  "accuracy": "year",
                  "filter": {
                    "allowExact": true,
                    "allowRange": true,
                    "fromType": "gt",
                    "toType": "lt",
                    "displayFormat": "string"
                  "ranges": [
                      "description": "string",
                      "id": "string",
                      "gt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "gte": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "lt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "lte": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"

                The dateRange facet produces a set of hit counts for configured ranges of values for a date field as well as supplementary information about which filters a user should be allowed to apply



                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous typeConfigurationFacet false none The configuration of a single facet for a single entity in relation to the Facets visualization. The Facets visualization presents various facets for each object type found in the search. Each facet includes the hit counts per field value (or range of field values for numerical and date fields). See specific facet configuration definitions for more details.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » field string false none The name of the field.
                » accuracy string false none The accuracy of the filter/range parameters. Date values will be adjusted to this accuracy level prior to being used in filters.
                » filter typeConfigurationFacetRangeFilter false none The filter options intended as a guide for user entered filters on this field. The administrator is responsible for defining these appropriate to the client and customer deployment should they want to allow users to enter their own filters
                » ranges [typeConfigurationFacetDateRange] false none The administrator is responsible for configuring these ranges appropriate to the data in the customer deployment should they want to provide hints as to which range filters might be useful to apply when drilling into search results. Whilst the various range parameters are optional, at least one must be specified and only one of gt and gte can be specified and similarly for lt and lte.
                Enumerated Values
                Property Value
                accuracy year
                accuracy month
                accuracy day
                accuracy hour
                accuracy minute
                accuracy second
                accuracy millisecond


                  "description": "string",
                  "id": "string",
                  "gt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "gte": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "lt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "lte": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"

                The configuration for a single date range.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                description string false none The description of this range.
                id string false none The id of this range.
                gt string(date-time) false none The optional ISO formatted date time string for the greater than value.
                gte string(date-time) false none The optional ISO formatted date time string for the greater than or equal to value.
                lt string(date-time) false none The optional ISO formatted date time string for the less than value.
                lte string(date-time) false none The optional ISO formatted date time string for the less than or equal to value.


                  "version": 0,
                  "type": "dateRange",
                  "field": "string",
                  "filter": {
                    "allowExact": true,
                    "allowRange": true,
                    "fromType": "gt",
                    "toType": "lt",
                    "displayFormat": "string"
                  "ranges": [
                      "description": "string",
                      "id": "string",
                      "gt": 0,
                      "gte": 0,
                      "lt": 0,
                      "lte": 0

                The range facet produces a set of hit counts for configured ranges of values for a numerical field as well as supplementary information about which filters a user should be allowed to apply



                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous typeConfigurationFacet false none The configuration of a single facet for a single entity in relation to the Facets visualization. The Facets visualization presents various facets for each object type found in the search. Each facet includes the hit counts per field value (or range of field values for numerical and date fields). See specific facet configuration definitions for more details.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » field string false none The name of the field.
                » filter typeConfigurationFacetRangeFilter false none The filter options intended as a guide for user entered filters on this field. The administrator is responsible for defining these appropriate to the client and customer deployment should they want to allow users to enter their own filters
                » ranges [typeConfigurationFacetNumericalRange] false none The administrator is responsible for configuring these ranges appropriate to the data in the customer deployment should they wish to provide hints as to which range filters might be useful to apply when drilling into search results. Whilst the various range parameters are optional, at least one must be specified and only one of gt and gte can be specified and similarly for lt and lte.


                  "description": "string",
                  "id": "string",
                  "gt": 0,
                  "gte": 0,
                  "lt": 0,
                  "lte": 0

                The configuration for a single numerical range

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                description string false none The description of this range.
                id string false none The id of this range.
                gt number false none The optional greater than value.
                gte number false none The optional greater than or equal to value.
                lt number false none The optional less than value.
                lte number false none The optional less than or equal to value.


                  "allowExact": true,
                  "allowRange": true,
                  "fromType": "gt",
                  "toType": "lt",
                  "displayFormat": "string"

                The filter options intended as a guide for user entered filters on this field. The administrator is responsible for defining these appropriate to the client and customer deployment should they want to allow users to enter their own filters

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                allowExact boolean false none If true, clients should allow users to define their own filter on exact numerical values.
                allowRange boolean false none If true, clients should allow users to define their own range filter (rather than using one of the configured ranges).
                fromType string false none One of gt or gte indicating what the from range parameter should be.
                toType string false none One of lt or lte indicating what the to range parameter should be.
                displayFormat string false none An optional regular expression or other format string that can be used to validate user input.
                Enumerated Values
                Property Value
                fromType gt
                fromType gte
                toType lt
                toType lte


                  "version": 0,
                  "type": "dateRange",
                  "field": "string",
                  "limit": 0,
                  "displayLimit": 0,
                  "minDocCount": 0,
                  "orderBy": "alpha",
                  "orderDirection": "asc"

                The terms facet produces a set of hit counts categorized by field value for a given text field (or a boolean or numerical field known to have a finite set of values).



                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous typeConfigurationFacet false none The configuration of a single facet for a single entity in relation to the Facets visualization. The Facets visualization presents various facets for each object type found in the search. Each facet includes the hit counts per field value (or range of field values for numerical and date fields). See specific facet configuration definitions for more details.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » field string false none The name of the field.
                » limit integer false none The maximum number of buckets to include in the result. The default value is 100.
                » displayLimit integer false none The maximum number of buckets to display in a UI. This is intended to be used when screen space is limited.
                » minDocCount integer false none The minimum hit count each bucket must have to be included in the result. Accepted values are 0 (no restriction) and 1 (buckets must have a hit count greater than or equal to one to be included).
                » orderBy string false none Specifies how the buckets are to be ordered. Accepted values are count (to order the buckets by hit count) and alpha (to order the buckets by term in this case).
                » orderDirection string false none Specifies the direction in which the buckets are to be ordered. Accepted values are asc (for ascending) and desc (for descending).
                Enumerated Values
                Property Value
                orderBy alpha
                orderBy count
                orderDirection asc
                orderDirection desc


                  "version": 0,
                  "type": "dateRange",
                  "limit": 0,
                  "displayLimit": 0,
                  "minDocCount": 0,
                  "orderBy": "alpha",
                  "orderDirection": "asc"

                The type facet produces a set of hit counts categorized by object type.



                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous typeConfigurationFacet false none The configuration of a single facet for a single entity in relation to the Facets visualization. The Facets visualization presents various facets for each object type found in the search. Each facet includes the hit counts per field value (or range of field values for numerical and date fields). See specific facet configuration definitions for more details.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » limit integer false none The maximum number of buckets to include in the result. The default value is 0, or no limit.
                » displayLimit integer false none The maximum number of buckets to display in a UI. This is intended to be used when screen space is limited.
                » minDocCount integer false none The minimum hit count each bucket must have to be included in the result. Accepted values are 0 (no restriction) and 1 (buckets must have a hit count greater than or equal to one to be included).
                » orderBy string false none Specifies how the buckets are to be ordered. Accepted values are count (to order the buckets by hit count) and alpha (to order the buckets by type name in this case).
                » orderDirection string false none Specifies the direction in which the buckets are to be ordered. Accepted values are asc (for ascending) and desc (for descending).
                Enumerated Values
                Property Value
                orderBy alpha
                orderBy count
                orderDirection asc
                orderDirection desc


                  "version": 0,
                  "fields": [

                The configuration options for the Network visualization

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                version integer false none The representation version (1).
                fields [string] false none The names of the fields whose values will be included in the vertex.


                  "version": 0,
                  "template": "string",
                  "values": [

                The label or description configuration.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                version integer false none The representation version (1).
                template string false none The template for the label, which can be a mixture of static text and field substitutions. Field substitutions are represented by {i} where i is the zero based index into the list of values. As it stands, any static text will not be localized; in the future this template string will be replaced with a resource key such that the locale appropriate template string can be retrieved.
                values [string] false none The names of the fields whose values will be substituted into the template.


                  "version": 0,
                  "fields": [
                  "highlighting": {
                    "highlighter": "unified",
                    "fragments": 0,
                    "fragmentSize": 0

                The configuration options for the Summary visualization.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                version integer false none The representation version (2).
                fields [string] false none The names of the fields whose values will be included in the summary.
                highlighting typeConfigurationSummaryHighlighting false none The highlighting options keyed by field name.


                  "highlighter": "unified",
                  "fragments": 0,
                  "fragmentSize": 0

                The highlighting options keyed by field name.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                highlighter string false none The name of the highlighter to use. Accepted values are unified (the default highlighter), plain, and fvh (fast vector highlighter). For details about the supported highlighters, when to use them and the related field configuration see Highlighting in OpenSearch.
                fragments integer false none The maximum number of text fragments to include for this field.
                fragmentSize integer false none The maximum number of characters to include in each text fragment.
                Enumerated Values
                Property Value
                highlighter unified
                highlighter plain
                highlighter fvh


                  "version": 0,
                  "fields": [

                The configuration options for the Table visualization.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                version integer false none The representation version (1).
                fields [string] false none The names of the fields whose values will be included in the table.


                  "version": 0,
                  "fields": [
                  "fromField": "string",
                  "toFields": [

                The configuration options for the Text Analytics visualization.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                version integer false none The representation version (1).
                fields [string] false none The names of the fields whose values will be included in the Corpus.
                fromField string false none The optional name of the field whose values will be used for the "from" nodes in the Sankey diagram.
                toFields [string] false none The optional names of the fields whose values will be used for the "to" nodes in the Sankey diagram.


                  "displayName": "string",
                  "type": "boolean",
                  "options": {},
                  "innerFields": {}

                The definition of a single field

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                displayName string false none The localized display name for the field. Note for this release, this is the actual localized text as only one language is supported; in future, this member will be the resource key to look up the localized display name.
                type string false none The type of data the field will contain. geoPoint is for fields containing an array of double where the first entry is the longitude value and the second entry is the latitude; geoShape is for fields containing GeoJSON; nested and object are for fields that contain other fields as defined by the innerFields member (nested differs in that it supports an array of values as opposed to a single set of inner fields).
                options object false none Any options relating to this field as map of string to object. The boolean option indexed_for_search specifies whether this field can be indexed (defaults to true). The format option specifies how to parse the date time values. See OpenSearch date formats for details. Text fields support a features option that accepts an array containing zero or more of: "search", "facet", "sort", "html", "phonetic", "synonym". The search feature allows the text field to be used in free-text queries by ensuring the text is analyzed using the configured search analyzers. The facet feature allows the text field to be used in terms filters and facets by ensuring that the text is analyzed using the configured facet analyzer. The sort feature allows the text field to be used to order search results by ensuring that the text is analyzed using the configured sort analyzer. The html feature ensures any html tags contained in the text field are removed when the data is indexed. The phonetic feature allows the text field to be used in phonetic searches by ensuring that the text is analyzed using the sand_phonetic analyzer. The synonym feature allows the text field to be used in synonym searches by ensuring that the text is analyzed using the sand_synonym analyzer. By default, only the search feature is enabled. However, the facet and sort features are automatically enabled when a text field is used in a terms facet or in the Table visualization, respectively. An empty array specifies that the text field should not support any of these features. In this case, search results can still be based on the content of the field but queries specifically on this field must match the content exactly. Text fields support five analyzer options to precisely control the search, facet and sort behavior. The analyzer option specifies which analyzer to use when indexing and searching the data in this text field. The default value is the most appropriate language analyzer determined by the global or tenant locale setting. This option accepts any of the standard, language or sand analyzers except for sand_not_analyzed, sand_icu_sort, sand_icu_shingle, and sand_phonetic. Note that analyzers that produce a single token are less appropriate for free-text search. The search_analyzer option specifies which analyzer to use, as an alternative to the analyzer option, when searching the data in this text field (making the analyzer option only affect the indexing of the data). Note that the output of the search analyzer must match the output of the index analyzer for there to be any results. For example, the Stop and Simple analyzers or the Synonym and appropriate language analyzers work well together. The search_quote_analyzer option specifies which analyzer to use, as an alternative to the analyzer and search_analyzer options, specifically when using quotes around query terms to search the data in this text field (making the search analyzer apply to unquoted queries). Note that the output of the quote analyzer needs to match the output of the index analyzer for there to be any results. For example, the Stop and Simple analyzers or the Synonym and appropriate language analyzers work well together. The facet_analyzer option specifies which analyzer to use for terms facets on this text field. The default value is sand_not_analyzed. This option accepts any of the standard, language or sand analyzers except for sand_icu_sort. Note that analyzers that produce a single token are more appropriate for terms facets. The sort_analyzer option specifies which analyzer to use when sorting search results based on this text field. The default value is sand_icu_sort. This option accepts any of the standard, language or sand analyzers but the default value should be used to sort results correctly for non-English locales.
                innerFields object false none The inner field definitions keyed by field name. Note this is only applicable to object or nested field types.
                Enumerated Values
                Property Value
                type boolean
                type date
                type double
                type float
                type geoPoint
                type geoShape
                type integer
                type long
                type nested
                type object
                type text


                  "version": 0,
                  "refreshRequired": true,
                  "reindexRequired": true,
                  "links": [
                      "href": "string",
                      "itemType": "string",
                      "method": "string",
                      "rel": "string",
                      "responseItemType": "string",
                      "responseType": "string",
                      "title": "string",
                      "type": "string",
                      "uri": "string"

                Part of the response from /admin/operations where the operation is refreshConfiguration (for checking the consistency between the cached and stored configuration)

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                version integer false none The representation version (1).
                refreshRequired boolean false none Whether a refresh is required to update the cached configuration.
                reindexRequired boolean false none Whether a re-index is required to update the cached configuration.
                links [link] false none Zero or more links to related resources or operations. See the link relations table for a description of the link types.


                  "version": 0,
                  "id": "string",
                  "type": "string",
                  "typeLabel": "string",
                  "compoundValues": [
                  "label": "string",
                  "attachmentsCount": 0,
                  "adjacent": 0,
                  "degree": 0,
                  "adjacentByType": {},
                  "degreeByType": {},
                  "fields": [
                      "name": "string",
                      "type": "boolean",
                      "value": "string",
                      "masked": {
                        "type": "full"
                  "validFrom": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "validTo": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "selected": true,
                  "style": {
                    "iconName": "string",
                    "markerColor": "string",
                    "backgroundColor": "string",
                    "shape": "string",
                    "scale": 0,
                    "additionalLabel": "string",
                    "borderWidth": 0,
                    "borderColor": "string",
                    "indicatorIcons": [
                        "name": "string",
                        "position": "string"

                The response from /vertices/{type}/{identifier} as well as more generally a vertex within the context of the Network visualization

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                version integer false none The representation version (2).
                id string false none The identifier of the vertex.
                type string false none The object type of the vertex.
                typeLabel string false none The localized display name of the object type.
                compoundValues [string] false none The list of compound values if this vertex is a resolved entity.
                label string false none The summary label for the vertex.
                attachmentsCount integer false none The number of attachments if the vertex is an entity object.
                adjacent integer false none The number of vertices one edge away from this vertex.
                degree integer false none The number of edges entering and leaving this vertex.
                adjacentByType object false none The adjacent count broken down by object type. The key is the entity name; the value is the adjacent count for that object type.
                degreeByType object false none The degree count broken down by relationship type. The key is the relationship type name; the value is the degree count for that relationship type.
                fields [summaryField] false none The field values (according to the object type's graph configuration).
                validFrom string(date-time) false none The optional datetime that the vertex is valid from as an ISO formatted string.
                validTo string(date-time) false none The optional datetime that the vertex is valid to as an ISO formatted string.
                selected boolean false none True if the vertex matches the selection criteria in the search request.
                style entityStyle false none A collection of properties that determine the style for an entity object


                  "type": "facets"

                The visualization request parameters.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                type string false none The type of visualization. The value of this property determines which other properties are expected.
                Enumerated Values
                Property Value
                type facets
                type hits
                type map
                type mapFeature
                type summary
                type table
                type timebar
                type timeline


                  "type": "doc",
                  "direction": "ascending",
                  "fields": [
                      "name": "string",
                      "entityType": "string",
                      "direction": "ascending"

                The means by which the search results are to be ordered.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                type string false none The type of order. Accepted values are doc (provides a consistent order), field (orders by field values), and score (orders by relevance in relation to the query).
                direction string false none The order direction if the type is doc or score. The default value for doc is ascending while the default for score is descending.
                fields [visualizationRequestOrderField] false none The fields to base the ordering on if the type is field.
                Enumerated Values
                Property Value
                type doc
                type field
                type score
                direction ascending
                direction descending


                  "name": "string",
                  "entityType": "string",
                  "direction": "ascending"

                The configuration for ordering by the values in a single field.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                name string false none The name of the field.
                entityType string false none The name of the entity containing the field.
                direction string false none The order direction.
                Enumerated Values
                Property Value
                direction ascending
                direction descending


                  "type": "facets",
                  "types": [
                  "mode": "filter"

                The request parameters for the Facets visualization that presents various facets for each object type found in the search. Each facet includes the hit counts per field value (or range of field values for numerical and date fields). Before this visualization can be requested, an administrator needs to define the facets for each type via the /admin/config endpoint.



                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous visualizationRequest false none The visualization request parameters.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » types [string] false none The optional list of type names for restricting the facets that are returned. If missing, facets will be returned for all types found by the search.
                » mode string false none The Facets visualization mode. Accepted values are filter (highlights which filters are being used to drill into the results) and selection (highlights which filters are being used to mark results as selected).
                Enumerated Values
                Property Value
                mode filter
                mode selection


                  "type": "facets",
                  "view": [
                  "maxFeatures": 0

                The request parameters for the Map visualization that returns geo data in the form of events extracted from the objects found in the search. An event captures what, when, where information. Events are extracted from objects as they are indexed. Before this visualization can be requested and preferably before any data is indexed (data can always be re-indexed when events configuration changes), an administrator needs to define which events to extract from each entity via the /admin/config endpoint.



                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous visualizationRequest false none The visualization request parameters.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » view [array] false none The optional view as a geo bounded box. In other words, with the top left and bottom right coordinates. The first entry in each coordinate array should be the longitude and the second entry should be the latitude.
                » maxFeatures integer false none The maximum number of features to return before the results are clustered. The default value is 10,000.


                  "type": "facets",
                  "lat": 0,
                  "lon": 0,
                  "maxEvents": 0

                The request parameters for the Map Feature visualization that returns more detailed information about the features and events at a given location. For use in conjunction with the Map visualization.



                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous visualizationRequest false none The visualization request parameters.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » lat number false none The latitude of the map feature (extracted from the Map visualization in an earlier search).
                » lon number false none The longitude of the map feature (extracted from the Map visualization in an earlier search).
                » maxEvents integer false none The maximum number of events to include in the response. Used to limit the information returned when the map feature consists of multiple events all at the same location.


                  "type": "facets",
                  "start": 0,
                  "limit": 0,
                  "order": {
                    "type": "doc",
                    "direction": "ascending",
                    "fields": [
                        "name": "string",
                        "entityType": "string",
                        "direction": "ascending"
                  "fields": [
                      "entityName": "string",
                      "fieldNames": [

                The request parameters for the Summary visualization that returns a page of summary objects, one for each object found in the search. In order to get more meaningful information returned in each summary object, an administrator is required to configure the fields and highlighting sections for each type via the /admin/config endpoint. Clients can optionally specify a set of fields for each type using the 'fields' property.



                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous visualizationRequest false none The visualization request parameters.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » start integer false none The number of the first hit to include in the page of results. The very first hit is number 1, which is assumed if the parameter is missing from the request.
                » limit integer false none The maximum number of hits to include in the page of results. The minimum acceptable value is 1 and the maximum is 2000. The default value is 50, which is assumed if the parameter is missing from the request.
                » order visualizationRequestOrder false none The means by which the search results are to be ordered.
                » fields [entityFields] false none The set of fields to return grouped by entity. This overrides the fields configured by an administrator.


                  "type": "facets",
                  "start": 0,
                  "limit": 0,
                  "order": {
                    "type": "doc",
                    "direction": "ascending",
                    "fields": [
                        "name": "string",
                        "entityType": "string",
                        "direction": "ascending"
                  "fields": [
                      "entityName": "string",
                      "fieldNames": [

                The request parameters for the Table visualization that returns the objects found in the search as a table where columns are fields and rows are hits. The columns can either be separately configured or supplied by the client. * When configured and results are viewed for multiple types, only the type and label columns are shown but a configurable number of columns are shown when viewing results of a single type. An administrator is therefore required to configure the columns for each type via the /admin/config endpoint before this visualization will display more detailed information. * Alternatively, the client can optionally specify a set of fields for each type using the 'fields' property.



                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous visualizationRequest false none The visualization request parameters.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » start integer false none The number of the first hit to include in the page of results. The very first hit is number 1, which is assumed if the parameter is missing from the request.
                » limit integer false none The maximum number of hits to include in the page of results. The minimum acceptable value is 1 and the maximum is 500. The default value is 50, which is assumed if the parameter is missing from the request.
                » order visualizationRequestOrder false none The means by which the search results are to be ordered.
                » fields [entityFields] false none The set of fields to return grouped by entity. This overrides the fields configured by an administrator.


                  "type": "facets",
                  "startTimestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "endTimestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "intervalCount": 0,
                  "geoEventsRequired": true

                The request parameters for the Time Bar visualization that returns the number of objects found in the search categorized by intervals of time where time-related data is in the form of events. An event captures what, when, where information. Events are extracted from objects as they are indexed. Before this visualization can be requested and preferably before any data is indexed (data can always be re-indexed when events configuration changes), an administrator needs to define which events to extract from each entity via the /admin/config endpoint. This visualization is intended to be presented as a date histogram with time on the X axis and the hit count on the Y axis. The X-axis units scale depending on the amount of time events between the earliest and latest date values.



                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous visualizationRequest false none The visualization request parameters.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » startTimestamp string(date-time) false none The ISO formatted string date value for the start of the view port. The earliest value in the results is used by default.
                » endTimestamp string(date-time) false none The ISO formatted string date value for the end of the view port. The latest value in the results is used by default.
                » intervalCount integer false none The maximum number of intervals the client can support. This value along with the time range is used to calculate the optimal interval size.
                » geoEventsRequired boolean false none Whether the events must also contain geo data. The default value is false to include all time events. This setting is useful when displaying this visualization along side the Map visualization.


                  "type": "facets",
                  "start": 0,
                  "limit": 0,
                  "order": {
                    "type": "doc",
                    "direction": "ascending",
                    "fields": [
                        "name": "string",
                        "entityType": "string",
                        "direction": "ascending"
                  "startTimestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "endTimestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "intervalCount": 0,
                  "minimumClusterSize": 0,
                  "paddingFactor": 0

                The request parameters for the Time Line visualization that returns time-related data in the form of events extracted from the objects found in the search. An event captures what, when, where information. Events are extracted from objects as they are indexed. Before this visualization can be requested and preferably before any data is indexed (data can always be re-indexed when events configuration changes), an administrator needs to define which events to extract from each entity via the /admin/config endpoint. This visualization is intended to be presented as a series of charts or swim lanes, one per object, with time on the X axis and the events or swim lane entries relating to the current swim lane plotted at the appropriate points in time. The X axis units scale depending on the amount of swim lane entries between the earliest and latest date values. The swim lane entries can be individual events or clusters containing multiple events depending on the request parameters and the number of events within the same time interval.



                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous visualizationRequest false none The visualization request parameters.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » start integer false none The number of the first hit to include in the page of results. The very first hit is number 1, which is assumed if the parameter is missing from the request.
                » limit integer false none The maximum number of hits to include in the page of results. The minimum acceptable value is 1 and the maximum is 500. The default value is 50, which is assumed if the parameter is missing from the request.
                » order visualizationRequestOrder false none The means by which the search results are to be ordered.
                » startTimestamp string(date-time) false none The ISO formatted string date value for the start of the view port. The earliest value in the results is used by default.
                » endTimestamp string(date-time) false none The ISO formatted string date value for the end of the view port. The latest value in the results is used by default.
                » intervalCount integer false none The number of swim lane entries per interval of time to return un-clustered. The default value is 1.
                » minimumClusterSize integer false none The minimum number of events required to compose a single cluster. The default value is 2.
                » paddingFactor integer false none The amount of context relative to the horizontal view port as a multiple of the time range. This is to help clients with smoother scrolling.


                  "type": "facets"

                The visualization response parameters

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                type string false none The type of visualization. The value of this property determines which other properties are expected.
                Enumerated Values
                Property Value
                type facets
                type hits
                type map
                type mapFeature
                type summary
                type table
                type timebar
                type timeline


                  "type": "facets",
                  "types": [
                  "mode": "filter",
                  "facets": [
                      "objectType": "string",
                      "facets": [
                          "type": "dateRange"

                The response parameters for the Facets visualization that presents various facets for each object type found in the search. Each facet includes the hit counts per field value (or range of field values for numerical and date fields). Before this visualization can be requested, an administrator needs to define the facets for each type via the /admin/config endpoint.



                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous visualizationRequestTypeFacets false none The request parameters for the Facets visualization that presents various facets for each object type found in the search. Each facet includes the hit counts per field value (or range of field values for numerical and date fields). Before this visualization can be requested, an administrator needs to define the facets for each type via the /admin/config endpoint.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » facets [visualizationResponseTypeFacetsGroup] false none The facets grouped by type.


                  "objectType": "string",
                  "facets": [
                      "type": "dateRange"

                The facets for a single object type.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                objectType string false none The object type name. _all is used to denote global facets based on fields common to multiple types.
                facets [visualizationResponseTypeFacetsGroupFacet] false none The facets for the current type.


                  "type": "dateRange"

                A group of facet results.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                type string false none The type of this facet object. The value of this property determines which other properties are expected.
                Enumerated Values
                Property Value
                type dateRange
                type range
                type terms
                type type


                  "type": "dateRange",
                  "field": "string",
                  "fieldLabel": "string",
                  "accuracy": "year",
                  "hitCount": 0,
                  "selectedHitCount": 0,
                  "min": "string",
                  "max": "string",
                  "filter": {
                    "allowExact": true,
                    "allowRange": true,
                    "fromType": "gt",
                    "toType": "lt",
                    "displayFormat": "string"
                  "userEnteredFilters": [
                      "filters": [
                  "ranges": [
                      "description": "string",
                      "id": "string",
                      "gt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "gte": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "lt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "lte": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "hitCount": 0,
                      "selectedHitCount": 0,
                      "selected": true

                A group of date range facet results.



                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous visualizationResponseTypeFacetsGroupFacet false none A group of facet results.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » field string false none The name of the field.
                » fieldLabel string false none The localized display name of the field.
                » accuracy string false none The accuracy of the filter/range parameters. Date values will be adjusted to this accuracy level prior to being used in filters.
                » hitCount integer false none The number of hits relevant to this facet.
                » selectedHitCount integer false none The subset of hits relevant to this facet that match the selection criteria in the search request.
                » min string false none The minimum field value found in the matching objects.
                » max string false none The maximum field value found in the matching objects.
                » filter typeConfigurationFacetRangeFilter false none The filter options intended as a guide for user entered filters on this field. The administrator is responsible for defining these appropriate to the client and customer deployment should they want to allow users to enter their own filters
                » userEnteredFilters [filter] false none The collection of user entered filters for this field provided in the search request. Intended to be used to track the users filters without requiring server or client side caching of search requests.
                » ranges [visualizationResponseTypeFacetsGroupFacetDateRange] false none The results for the configured ranges. The administrator is responsible for configuring these ranges appropriate to the data in the customer deployment should they want to provide hints as to which range filters might be useful to apply when drilling into search results.
                Enumerated Values
                Property Value
                accuracy year
                accuracy month
                accuracy day
                accuracy hour
                accuracy minute
                accuracy second
                accuracy millisecond


                  "description": "string",
                  "id": "string",
                  "gt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "gte": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "lt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "lte": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "hitCount": 0,
                  "selectedHitCount": 0,
                  "selected": true

                The results for a pre-configured date range



                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous typeConfigurationFacetDateRange false none The configuration for a single date range.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » hitCount integer false none The number of hits for the current range.
                » selectedHitCount integer false none The subset of hits for the current range that match the selection criteria in the search request.
                » selected boolean false none True if the search request included a filter for this range.


                  "type": "dateRange",
                  "field": "string",
                  "fieldLabel": "string",
                  "hitCount": 0,
                  "selectedHitCount": 0,
                  "min": 0,
                  "max": 0,
                  "filter": {
                    "allowExact": true,
                    "allowRange": true,
                    "fromType": "gt",
                    "toType": "lt",
                    "displayFormat": "string"
                  "userEnteredFilters": [
                      "filters": [
                  "ranges": [
                      "description": "string",
                      "id": "string",
                      "gt": 0,
                      "gte": 0,
                      "lt": 0,
                      "lte": 0,
                      "hitCount": 0,
                      "selectedHitCount": 0,
                      "selected": true

                A group of numerical range facet results.



                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous visualizationResponseTypeFacetsGroupFacet false none A group of facet results.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » field string false none The name of the field.
                » fieldLabel string false none The localized display name of the field.
                » hitCount integer false none The number of hits relevant to this facet.
                » selectedHitCount integer false none The subset of hits relevant to this facet that match the selection criteria in the search request.
                » min number false none The minimum field value found in the matching objects.
                » max number false none The maximum field value found in the matching objects.
                » filter typeConfigurationFacetRangeFilter false none The filter options intended as a guide for user entered filters on this field. The administrator is responsible for defining these appropriate to the client and customer deployment should they want to allow users to enter their own filters
                » userEnteredFilters [filter] false none The collection of user entered filters for this field provided in the search request. Intended to be used to track the users filters without requiring server or client side caching of search requests.
                » ranges [visualizationResponseTypeFacetsGroupFacetNumericalRange] false none The results for the configured ranges. The administrator is responsible for configuring these ranges appropriate to the data in the customer deployment should they want to provide hints as to which range filters might be useful to apply when drilling into search results.


                  "description": "string",
                  "id": "string",
                  "gt": 0,
                  "gte": 0,
                  "lt": 0,
                  "lte": 0,
                  "hitCount": 0,
                  "selectedHitCount": 0,
                  "selected": true

                The results for a pre-configured numerical range.



                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous typeConfigurationFacetNumericalRange false none The configuration for a single numerical range


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » hitCount integer false none The number of hits for the current range.
                » selectedHitCount integer false none The subset of hits for the current range that match the selection criteria in the search request.
                » selected boolean false none True if the search request included a filter for this range.


                  "type": "dateRange",
                  "field": "string",
                  "fieldLabel": "string",
                  "hitCount": 0,
                  "selectedHitCount": 0,
                  "displayLimit": 0,
                  "buckets": [
                      "term": {},
                      "hitCount": 0,
                      "selectedHitCount": 0,
                      "selected": true

                A group of terms facet results



                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous visualizationResponseTypeFacetsGroupFacet false none A group of facet results.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » field string false none The name of the field.
                » fieldLabel string false none The localized display name of the field.
                » hitCount integer false none The number of hits relevant to this facet.
                » selectedHitCount integer false none The subset of hits relevant to this facet that match the selection criteria in the search request.
                » displayLimit integer false none A limit on the number of buckets to display in a UI should the buckets list be greater than this limit. Intended to be set by the administrator if screen space is limited. There is a separately configurable hard limit to restrict the number of buckets returned.
                » buckets [visualizationResponseTypeFacetsGroupFacetTermsBucket] false none The results for this facet.


                  "term": {},
                  "hitCount": 0,
                  "selectedHitCount": 0,
                  "selected": true

                A bucket for the terms facet.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                term object false none The field value. This will normally be a string but can be a boolean or numerical value if the facet is configured for such a field.
                hitCount integer false none The number of hits for the current field value.
                selectedHitCount integer false none The subset of hits for the field value that match the selection criteria in the search request.
                selected boolean false none True if the search request included a filter on the current field value.


                  "type": "dateRange",
                  "hitCount": 0,
                  "selectedHitCount": 0,
                  "displayLimit": 0,
                  "buckets": [
                      "type": "string",
                      "typeLabel": "string",
                      "hitCount": 0,
                      "selectedHitCount": 0,
                      "selected": true

                A group of type facet results.



                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous visualizationResponseTypeFacetsGroupFacet false none A group of facet results.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » hitCount integer false none The number of hits relevant to this facet.
                » selectedHitCount integer false none The subset of hits relevant to this facet that match the selection criteria in the search request.
                » displayLimit integer false none A limit on the number of buckets to display in a UI should the buckets list be greater than this limit. Intended to be set by the administrator if screen space is limited. There is a separately configurable hard limit to restrict the number of buckets returned.
                » buckets [visualizationResponseTypeFacetsGroupFacetTypeBucket] false none The results for this facet.


                  "type": "string",
                  "typeLabel": "string",
                  "hitCount": 0,
                  "selectedHitCount": 0,
                  "selected": true

                A bucket for the type facet.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                type string false none The object type name.
                typeLabel string false none The localized display name for the type.
                hitCount integer false none The number of hits for the current type.
                selectedHitCount integer false none The subset of hits for the current type that match the selection criteria in the search request.
                selected boolean false none True if the search request included a filter on the current type.


                  "type": "facets",
                  "hitCount": 0,
                  "hitsPerType": [
                      "type": "string",
                      "hitCount": 0

                The response parameters for the Hits visualization that returns the number of objects that matched the search criteria broken down by type. Can be presented to the user as a histogram.



                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous visualizationResponse false none The visualization response parameters


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » hitCount integer false none The total number of objects that matched the search criteria.
                » hitsPerType [visualizationResponseTypeHitsCount] false none The number of objects that matched the search criteria broken down by type. This is an array rather than a map to preserve the order of the results. Ordered by descending hit count.


                  "type": "string",
                  "hitCount": 0

                The hit count for a single entity

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                type string false none The name of the entity.
                hitCount integer false none The number of objects of this type that matched the search criteria.


                  "type": "facets",
                  "view": [
                  "maxFeatures": 0,
                  "hitCount": 0,
                  "eventCount": 0,
                  "featureCount": 0,
                  "approxGlobalFeatureCount": 0,
                  "features": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "features": [
                        "type": "string",
                        "geometry": {},
                        "properties": {
                          "events": [
                              "version": 0,
                              "eventId": "string",
                              "eventCategory": "string",
                              "eventLabel": "string",
                              "eventDescription": "string",
                              "objectId": "string",
                              "objectType": "string",
                              "objectTypeLabel": "string",
                              "objectLabel": "string",
                              "objectDescription": "string",
                              "objectAttachmentCount": 0,
                              "selected": true,
                              "group": "string",
                              "startTimestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                              "endTimestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
                          "eventCount": 0,
                          "selectedEventCount": 0
                  "clusters": [
                      "geohash": "string",
                      "bounds": [
                      "count": 0,
                      "selectedCount": 0

                The response parameters for the Map visualization that returns geo data in the form of events extracted from the objects found in the search. An event captures what, when, where information. Events are extracted from objects as they are indexed. Before this visualization can be requested and preferably before any data is indexed (data can always be re-indexed when events configuration changes), an administrator needs to define which events to extract from each entity via the /admin/config endpoint.



                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous visualizationRequestTypeMap false none The request parameters for the Map visualization that returns geo data in the form of events extracted from the objects found in the search. An event captures what, when, where information. Events are extracted from objects as they are indexed. Before this visualization can be requested and preferably before any data is indexed (data can always be re-indexed when events configuration changes), an administrator needs to define which events to extract from each entity via the /admin/config endpoint.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » hitCount integer false none The number of objects found in the search that contain geo events.
                » eventCount integer false none The number of geo events found in the search.
                » featureCount integer false none The number of features in the response.
                » approxGlobalFeatureCount integer false none An approximation for the total number of features in the indexed objects.
                » features geoJsonFeatureCollection false none The GeoJSON feature collection returned as part of the Map visualization when the results are not clustered.
                » clusters [visualizationResponseTypeMapCluster] false none The clusters when the results are clustered.


                  "geohash": "string",
                  "bounds": [
                  "count": 0,
                  "selectedCount": 0

                A cluster of Map visualization results.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                geohash string false none The geo hash string representing the location of this cluster.
                bounds [array] false none The geo bounded box (coordinates array) representing the location of this cluster.
                count integer false none The number of events in this cluster.
                selectedCount integer false none The subset of events in this cluster that match the selection criteria in the search request.


                  "type": "facets",
                  "lat": 0,
                  "lon": 0,
                  "maxEvents": 0,
                  "features": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "features": [
                        "type": "string",
                        "geometry": {},
                        "properties": {
                          "events": [
                              "version": 0,
                              "eventId": "string",
                              "eventCategory": "string",
                              "eventLabel": "string",
                              "eventDescription": "string",
                              "objectId": "string",
                              "objectType": "string",
                              "objectTypeLabel": "string",
                              "objectLabel": "string",
                              "objectDescription": "string",
                              "objectAttachmentCount": 0,
                              "selected": true,
                              "group": "string",
                              "startTimestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                              "endTimestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
                          "eventCount": 0,
                          "selectedEventCount": 0

                The response parameters for the Map Feature visualization that returns more detailed information about the features and events at a given location. For use in conjunction with the Map visualization.



                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous visualizationRequestTypeMapFeature false none The request parameters for the Map Feature visualization that returns more detailed information about the features and events at a given location. For use in conjunction with the Map visualization.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » features geoJsonFeatureCollection false none The GeoJSON feature collection returned as part of the Map visualization when the results are not clustered.


                  "type": "facets",
                  "start": 0,
                  "limit": 0,
                  "order": {
                    "type": "doc",
                    "direction": "ascending",
                    "fields": [
                        "name": "string",
                        "entityType": "string",
                        "direction": "ascending"
                  "fields": [
                      "entityName": "string",
                      "fieldNames": [
                  "hitCount": 0,
                  "results": [
                      "id": "string",
                      "type": "string",
                      "typeLabel": "string",
                      "compoundValues": [
                      "label": "string",
                      "attachmentsCount": 0,
                      "fields": [
                          "name": "string",
                          "type": "boolean",
                          "value": "string",
                          "masked": {
                            "type": "full"
                      "highlighting": {}

                The response parameters for the Summary visualization that returns a page of summary objects, one for each object found in the search. In order to get more meaningful information returned in each summary object, an administrator is required to configure the fields and highlighting sections for each type via the /admin/config endpoint. Clients can optionally specify a set of fields for each type using the 'fields' property.



                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous visualizationRequestTypeSummary false none The request parameters for the Summary visualization that returns a page of summary objects, one for each object found in the search. In order to get more meaningful information returned in each summary object, an administrator is required to configure the fields and highlighting sections for each type via the /admin/config endpoint. Clients can optionally specify a set of fields for each type using the 'fields' property.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » hitCount integer false none The total number of objects that matched the search criteria.
                » results [visualizationResponseTypeSummaryResult] false none The result objects for the requested page of hits.


                  "id": "string",
                  "type": "string",
                  "typeLabel": "string",
                  "compoundValues": [
                  "label": "string",
                  "attachmentsCount": 0,
                  "fields": [
                      "name": "string",
                      "type": "boolean",
                      "value": "string",
                      "masked": {
                        "type": "full"
                  "highlighting": {}

                The result object for a single hit.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                id string false none The identifier of the object.
                type string false none The type of the object.
                typeLabel string false none The localized display name for the type.
                compoundValues [string] false none The list of entity compound values if this summary is for a resolved entity object.
                label string false none The summary label for the object.
                attachmentsCount integer false none The number of attachments on the object if this summary is for an entity object.
                fields [summaryField] false none The field values (according to the object type's summary configuration).
                highlighting object false none The highlighted text fragments matching the search query keyed on the field name (according to the object type's summary configuration).


                  "type": "facets",
                  "start": 0,
                  "limit": 0,
                  "order": {
                    "type": "doc",
                    "direction": "ascending",
                    "fields": [
                        "name": "string",
                        "entityType": "string",
                        "direction": "ascending"
                  "fields": [
                      "entityName": "string",
                      "fieldNames": [
                  "hitCount": 0,
                  "columnHeadings": [
                      "field": "string",
                      "label": "string",
                      "type": "boolean",
                      "masked": {
                        "type": "full"
                  "data": [

                The response parameters for the Table visualization that returns the objects found in the search as a table where columns are fields and rows are hits. When results are viewed for multiple types, only the type and label columns are shown but a configurable number of columns are shown when viewing results of a single type. In order to get more meaningful information returned in each table object, an administrator is required to configure the columns for each type via the /admin/config endpoint. Clients can optionally specify a set of fields for each type using the 'fields' property. In this case, a single column will be returned for fields with the same name and type. If one of those fields is masked, all of the values for that column will be masked.



                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous visualizationRequestTypeTable false none The request parameters for the Table visualization that returns the objects found in the search as a table where columns are fields and rows are hits. The columns can either be separately configured or supplied by the client.
                * When configured and results are viewed for multiple types, only the type and label columns are shown but a configurable number of columns are shown when viewing results of a single type. An administrator is therefore required to configure the columns for each type via the /admin/config endpoint before this visualization will display more detailed information.
                * Alternatively, the client can optionally specify a set of fields for each type using the 'fields' property.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » hitCount integer false none The total number of objects that matched the search criteria.
                » columnHeadings [visualizationResponseTypeTableColumn] false none The columns for the requested page of hits.
                » data [any] false none The row data for the requested page of hits. Each array entry represents a single row as a map keyed by field name (matching up with the column headings). All rows have an id data entry for their unique identifier. Rows relating to resolved entities have an additional, compoundValues data entry for their unique set of compound values.


                  "field": "string",
                  "label": "string",
                  "type": "boolean",
                  "masked": {
                    "type": "full"

                A column within the context of the Table visualization.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                field string false none The name of the field.
                label string false none The localized display name for the field.
                type string false none The type of field data.
                masked maskedFieldConfiguration false none The configuration for a masked field.
                Enumerated Values
                Property Value
                type boolean
                type date
                type double
                type float
                type integer
                type long
                type text


                  "type": "facets",
                  "startTimestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "endTimestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "intervalCount": 0,
                  "geoEventsRequired": true,
                  "hitCount": 0,
                  "eventCount": 0,
                  "globalMinTime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "globalMaxTime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "interval": "oneHundredYear",
                  "intervalSize": 0,
                  "timebarIntervals": [
                      "start": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "hitCount": 0

                The response parameters for the Time Bar visualization that returns the number of objects found in the search categorized by intervals of time where time-related data is in the form of events. An event captures what, when, where information. Events are extracted from objects as they are indexed. Before this visualization can be requested and preferably before any data is indexed (data can always be re-indexed when events configuration changes), an administrator needs to define which events to extract from each entity via the /admin/config endpoints. This visualization is intended to be presented as a date histogram with time on the X axis and the hit count on the Y axis. The X-axis units scale depending on the amount of time events in the search results.



                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous visualizationRequestTypeTimebar false none The request parameters for the Time Bar visualization that returns the number of objects found in the search categorized by intervals of time where time-related data is in the form of events. An event captures what, when, where information. Events are extracted from objects as they are indexed. Before this visualization can be requested and preferably before any data is indexed (data can always be re-indexed when events configuration changes), an administrator needs to define which events to extract from each entity via the /admin/config endpoint. This visualization is intended to be presented as a date histogram with time on the X axis and the hit count on the Y axis. The X-axis units scale depending on the amount of time events between the earliest and latest date values.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » hitCount integer false none The number of objects found in the search that have time events.
                » eventCount integer false none The number of time events from the objects found in the search.
                » globalMinTime string(date-time) false none The ISO formatted string for the minimum time value found in the search results.
                » globalMaxTime string(date-time) false none The ISO formatted string for the maximum time value found in the search results.
                » interval string false none The units for the X axis.
                » intervalSize integer false none The units for the X axis in milliseconds.
                » timebarIntervals [visualizationResponseTypeTimebarInterval] false none The number of objects found in the search that have time events. This is an array rather than a map to preserve the time order of the results.
                Enumerated Values
                Property Value
                interval oneHundredYear
                interval fiftyYear
                interval tenYear
                interval year
                interval quarter
                interval month
                interval week
                interval day
                interval hour
                interval minute
                interval second


                  "start": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "hitCount": 0

                An interval within the context of the Time Bar visualization.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                start string(date-time) false none The ISO formatted string for the date time value.
                hitCount integer false none The number of objects with events within this interval.


                  "type": "facets",
                  "start": 0,
                  "limit": 0,
                  "order": {
                    "type": "doc",
                    "direction": "ascending",
                    "fields": [
                        "name": "string",
                        "entityType": "string",
                        "direction": "ascending"
                  "startTimestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "endTimestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "intervalCount": 0,
                  "minimumClusterSize": 0,
                  "paddingFactor": 0,
                  "interval": "oneHundredYear",
                  "hitCount": 0,
                  "eventCount": 0,
                  "globalMinTime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "globalMaxTime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "minTime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "maxTime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                  "swimLanes": [
                      "id": "string",
                      "objectId": "string",
                      "objectType": "string",
                      "objectTypeLabel": "string",
                      "label": "string",
                      "description": "string",
                      "attachmentsCount": 0,
                      "selected": true
                  "swimLaneEntries": [
                      "version": 0,
                      "eventId": "string",
                      "eventCategory": "string",
                      "eventLabel": "string",
                      "eventDescription": "string",
                      "objectId": "string",
                      "objectType": "string",
                      "objectTypeLabel": "string",
                      "objectLabel": "string",
                      "objectDescription": "string",
                      "objectAttachmentCount": 0,
                      "selected": true,
                      "group": "string",
                      "startTimestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
                      "endTimestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"

                The response parameters for the Time Line visualization that returns time-related data in the form of events extracted from the objects found in the search. An event captures what, when, where information. Events are extracted from objects as they are indexed. Before this visualization can be requested and preferably before any data is indexed (data can always be re-indexed when events configuration changes), an administrator needs to define which events to extract from each entity via the /admin/config endpoint. This visualization is intended to be presented as a series of charts or swim lanes, one per object, with time on the X axis and the events or swim lane entries relating to the current swim lane plotted at the appropriate points in time. The X axis units scale depending on the amount of swim lane entries. The swim lane entries can be individual events or clusters containing multiple events depending on the request parameters and the number of events within the same time interval.



                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous visualizationRequestTypeTimeline false none The request parameters for the Time Line visualization that returns time-related data in the form of events extracted from the objects found in the search. An event captures what, when, where information. Events are extracted from objects as they are indexed. Before this visualization can be requested and preferably before any data is indexed (data can always be re-indexed when events configuration changes), an administrator needs to define which events to extract from each entity via the /admin/config endpoint. This visualization is intended to be presented as a series of charts or swim lanes, one per object, with time on the X axis and the events or swim lane entries relating to the current swim lane plotted at the appropriate points in time. The X axis units scale depending on the amount of swim lane entries between the earliest and latest date values. The swim lane entries can be individual events or clusters containing multiple events depending on the request parameters and the number of events within the same time interval.


                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                anonymous object false none none
                » interval string false none The units for the X axis.
                » hitCount integer false none The number of objects found in the search that have time events.
                » eventCount integer false none The number of time events from the objects found in the search.
                » globalMinTime string(date-time) false none The ISO formatted string for the minimum time value found in the search results.
                » globalMaxTime string(date-time) false none The ISO formatted string for the maximum time value found in the search results.
                » minTime string(date-time) false none The ISO formatted string for the minimum time value found in the current page of results.
                » maxTime string(date-time) false none The ISO formatted string for the maximum time value found in the current page of results.
                » swimLanes [visualizationResponseTypeTimelineSwimLane] false none The objects found in the search that have time events.
                » swimLaneEntries [event] false none The time events from the objects found in the search.
                Enumerated Values
                Property Value
                interval oneHundredYear
                interval fiftyYear
                interval tenYear
                interval year
                interval quarter
                interval month
                interval week
                interval day
                interval hour
                interval minute
                interval second


                  "id": "string",
                  "objectId": "string",
                  "objectType": "string",
                  "objectTypeLabel": "string",
                  "label": "string",
                  "description": "string",
                  "attachmentsCount": 0,
                  "selected": true

                A single swim lane in the context of the Time Line visualization.

                Name Type Required Restrictions Description
                id string false none The unique identifier for the swim lane.
                objectId string false none The identifier for the object if this swim lane is for an entity object.
                objectType string false none The object type name if this swim lane is for an entity object.
                objectTypeLabel string false none The localized display name for the object type if this swim lane is for an entity object.
                label string false none The summary label for the object.
                description string false none The summary description if this swim lane is for an entity object.
                attachmentsCount integer false none The number of attachments if this swim lane is for an entity object.
                selected boolean false none True if the object matches the selection criteria in the search request.