Package-level declarations
A ReportEvent indicating that a request has been made to close the current report. If the main focus of your enclosing Activity is the report, you may just want to call Activity.finish here. Otherwise additional steps may be needed to close the report without finishing the current Activity.
A ReportEvent representing a request to give a ReportView the entire screen. An enclosing Activity might choose to hide or show its ActionBar based on this state.
A ReportEvent representing a change in the title of the report or what's being currently displayed so that the enclosing Activity can react appropriately. An enclosing Activity might choose to use this event to update the ActionBar title.
A ReportEvent representing an error from the ReportViewController so the enclosing activity can notify the user of the error.
This class represents different events that can be fired from a ReportViewController instance. These events can be caught and appropriately handled by an enclosing Activity using ReportViewController.addReportEventListener.
Ties a ReportView to a Report.