SAS® SDK for Android

The SAS SDK for Android enables Android developers to build customized apps that include content from SAS® Visual Analytics. It lets you build mobile apps that you can personalize, preconfigure, customize, and manage to meet your exact requirements.



This library enables app developers to personalize the existing SAS Visual Analytics app. Based on this library, the personalization can be done by creating a project with just resource files for your app name, icon and other assets. And you can also pre-configure the connections to the SAS Visual Analytics Server and the reports that you would like to be downloaded in a connections.json file under the assets folder. No code is necessary for these use cases.


Using this library to create a fully customized mobile app, which includes both SAS Visual Analytics reports and any other content and capabilities that tie into your organizational goals, processes, and projects.


See SAS SDK for Android Examples on Github for instructions on getting started.


Check out SAS SDK release notes for a rundown on new features and changes.


For information, advice, and questions on the use of SAS Mobile SDKs please start with the SAS Visual Analytics online community.