
Delegate methods for the SASReportViewController. The methods on this protocol allow the delegate to interact with the behavior of the ReportViewController.


since 26.1.0
  • the report viewer will show a data tip. This is the delegate’s opportunity to veto the data tip from the ReportViweContorller, as well as handling the user’s selection.


    since 26.1.0

  • Called if the delegate returned true from willHandleDataTip


    since 26.1.0

  • The report object data tip needs to be hidden. This can occur for various reasons such as the user tapped in the background of a visual to trigger a data tip dismiss.

    This method will only be called if willHandleDataTip returns true.


    since 26.1.0
  • the report viewer will optionally request a view to be used when indicating the report loading activity


    since 26.1.0

  • the report viewer will optionally notify that the report loading activity has begun.


    since 26.1.0

  • the report viewer will optionally notify that the report loading activity has stopped, usually due to report has completed loading.


    since 26.1.0