
class swat.cas.datamsghandlers.Excel(path, sheet=0, nrecs=1000, transformers=None, **kwargs)

Bases: swat.cas.datamsghandlers.PandasDataFrame

Create an Excel data message handler

path : string

Path to Excel file.

sheet : string or int, optional

Sheet name or index to import.

nrecs : int, optional

Number of records to send at a time.

**kwargs : keyword arguments, optional

Arguments sent to pandas.read_excel().

Excel data message handler object
__init__(path, sheet=0, nrecs=1000, transformers=None, **kwargs)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


__init__(path[, sheet, nrecs, transformers]) Initialize self.
finish(connection) Finish the data sending operation
getone(connection, **kwargs) Get a single response from the server
getrow(row) Get a row of values from the data source
send(connection, nrecs) Send the records to the connection
write(row, values) Write the value to the row and column specified in the buffer