Get rule set code
Returns the code for integrating within another program so that program is able to run the rule set.
1/* Rule Set ppn_rs1 version 1.0 generated on Mon Jul 01 06:20:20 UTC 2024 */23DS2_OPTIONS LOGICALEXPR = STANDARD;4DS2_OPTIONS SCOND = WARNING;5DS2_OPTIONS MISSING_NOTE;67/* {PACKAGE_START} */8 package BRM_51_RuleSet_0 / inline;910 dcl package logger _logger('App.demo');11 dcl package logger logr_variableTrace('App.TableServices.DS2.Runtime.TraceVariables');1213 /* ---- RULE FIRED FLAG COUNT = 0 ---- */1415method DataGrid_addRow(package datagrid aGrid)16returns int;17 dcl int res rowCnt;18 rowCnt = 0;19 res = aGrid.rowAdd();20 if (res = 0) then21 rowCnt = aGrid.rowCount();22 return rowCnt;23end;2425method DataGrid_addRow(package datagrid aGrid, int numberOfRows)26returns int;27 dcl int res rowCnt;28 rowCnt = 0;29 res = aGrid.rowAdd(numberOfRows);30 if (res = 0) then31 rowCnt = aGrid.rowCount();32 return rowCnt;33end;3435method DataGrid_columnExists(package datagrid aGrid,36varchar(255) col_name)37returns int;38 if (aGrid.columnExists(col_name)) then do;39 return aGrid.columnIndex(col_name);40 end;41 return 0;42end;4344method DataGrid_addCharacterColumn(package datagrid aGrid,45varchar(255) col_name)46returns int;47 return aGrid.columnAddCharType(col_name);48end;4950method DataGrid_Set(package datagrid aGrid,51varchar(255) col_name,52int row_index,53varchar(32767) value)54returns int;55 return aGrid.setValue(col_name, row_index, value);56end;5758 method initRdsp();59 end;6061 method execute( in_out varchar "r_char",double "r_int",double "r_number",in_out package datagrid "r_dg_out");62 dcl double "dg_index";6364;65 if ("r_char" = 'Foundation') then do;66 if (DataGrid_columnExists("r_dg_out",'r1_char_col') = 0) then do;67 DataGrid_addCharacterColumn("r_dg_out",'r1_found_col');68 end;69 dg_index=DataGrid_AddRow(r_dg_out);70 DataGrid_Set("r_dg_out",'r1_found_col', dg_index,'1 found');71goto "end_da5a5617-ebc8-4864-a18d-fd6c29acc5be";end;72 else do;73 if (DataGrid_columnExists("r_dg_out",'r1_char_col') = 0) then do;74 DataGrid_addCharacterColumn("r_dg_out",'r1_found_col');75 end;76 dg_index=DataGrid_AddRow(r_dg_out);77 DataGrid_Set("r_dg_out",'r1_found_col', dg_index,'1 NOT found');78 end;7980 "end_da5a5617-ebc8-4864-a18d-fd6c29acc5be":8182 rule_end: /* label for rule RETURN action */83 end;8485/* {PACKAGE_END} */86 endpackage;87
Name | Type | Required | Description |
isGeneratingRuleFiredColumn | boolean | false | Determines whether the rule fired columns are included in the method signatures within the return package code. The default is 'true'. |
lookupMode | string | false | Generates the code using references to the reference data domains based on the format names, the inline domain contents as conditionals, or the domain contents as DS2 packages. The default is 'format'. If the value is either format or package, the domain contents are expected to exist in that form on the Cloud Analytic Server and Micro Analytic Score server respectively. This is done the domain contents are activated using the SAS Intelligent Decisioning web application or using a Reference Data service REST API invocation. Only when executing the code would it be known that the formats or packages do not exist. Allowed values: formatinlinepackage |
useGlobalVariableCurrentValues | boolean | false | When set to true, the current value for the global variables is used at code generation time, even if the global variable is not activated. When set to false, the value of the activated global variables is looked up and used at code execution time. Default: true |
codeTarget | string | false | The type of platform that the generated code is run on. This affects some aspects of how the code is generated. For example, the MICROANALYTICS variables that are both input and output are listed distinctly in the execute method signature rather than as one 'in_out' parameter. The default is CAS. Allowed values: MICROANALYTICSERVICECAS |
Status | Meaning | Description | ||
200 | OK | The request succeeded. | Headers | Schema |
400 | Bad Request | The request was invalid. | Schema |