Get a list of caslibs

Internal-Use Only

Returns a collection of caslibs available on the CAS server. Supports SAS standard paging query parameters, sorting, and filtering. This is a generic call for obtaining Caslib information. Since Caslib data source content varies widely depending on the attributes of a given data source, the information is returned as application/, containing key/value pairs as returned from CAS. For specifics on a given Caslib data source type and its attributes, see the CAS libraries documentation. Schema of items returned in the response collection is included below, and are of type application/

Request Samples


Response Samples

2 "links": [
3 {
4 "method": "GET",
5 "rel": "up",
6 "href": "/casManagement/servers/cas-shared-default/",
7 "uri": "/casManagement/servers/cas-shared-default/",
8 "type": "application/"
9 },
10 {
11 "method": "GET",
12 "rel": "self",
13 "href": "/casManagement/servers/cas-shared-default/caslibs?excludeItemLinks=false&start=0&limit=10",
14 "uri": "/casManagement/servers/cas-shared-default/caslibs?excludeItemLinks=false&start=0&limit=10",
15 "type": "application/",
16 "itemType": "application/"
17 },
18 {
19 "method": "GET",
20 "rel": "collection",
21 "href": "/casManagement/servers/cas-shared-default/caslibs",
22 "uri": "/casManagement/servers/cas-shared-default/caslibs",
23 "type": "application/",
24 "itemType": "application/"
25 },
26 {
27 "method": "POST",
28 "rel": "create",
29 "href": "/casManagement/servers/cas-shared-default/caslibs",
30 "uri": "/casManagement/servers/cas-shared-default/caslibs",
31 "type": "application/"
32 }
33 ],
34 "name": "caslibs",
35 "accept": "application/",
36 "start": 0,
37 "count": 3,
38 "items": [
39 {
40 "version": 1,
41 "name": "CASUSER(userId)",
42 "type": "PATH",
43 "description": "Personal File System Caslib",
44 "scope": "global",
45 "path": "/opt/sas/viya/config/data/cas/default/casuserlibraries/userId/",
46 "hidden": false,
47 "attributes": [
48 {
49 "key": "active",
50 "value": {
51 "true": null
52 }
53 },
54 {
55 "key": "personal",
56 "value": {
57 "true": null
58 }
59 },
60 {
61 "key": "subDirs",
62 "value": {
63 "true": null
64 }
65 }
66 ],
67 "links": [
68 {
69 "method": "GET",
70 "rel": "up",
71 "href": "/casManagement/servers/cas-shared-default/caslibs",
72 "uri": "/casManagement/servers/cas-shared-default/caslibs",
73 "type": "application/",
74 "itemType": "application/"
75 },
76 {
77 "method": "GET",
78 "rel": "self",
79 "href": "/casManagement/servers/cas-shared-default/caslibs/CASUSER(userId)",
80 "uri": "/casManagement/servers/cas-shared-default/caslibs/CASUSER(userId)",
81 "type": "application/"
82 },
83 {
84 "method": "PATCH",
85 "rel": "patch",
86 "href": "/casManagement/servers/cas-shared-default/caslibs/CASUSER(userId)",
87 "uri": "/casManagement/servers/cas-shared-default/caslibs/CASUSER(userId)",
88 "type": "application/",
89 "responseType": "application/"
90 },
91 {
92 "method": "DELETE",
93 "rel": "delete",
94 "href": "/casManagement/servers/cas-shared-default/caslibs/CASUSER(userId)",
95 "uri": "/casManagement/servers/cas-shared-default/caslibs/CASUSER(userId)"
96 },
97 {
98 "method": "GET",
99 "rel": "tables",
100 "href": "/casManagement/servers/cas-shared-default/caslibs/CASUSER(userId)/tables",
101 "uri": "/casManagement/servers/cas-shared-default/caslibs/CASUSER(userId)/tables",
102 "type": "application/",
103 "itemType": "application/"
104 },
105 {
106 "method": "GET",
107 "rel": "sources",
108 "href": "/casManagement/servers/cas-shared-default/caslibs/CASUSER(userId)/sources",
109 "uri": "/casManagement/servers/cas-shared-default/caslibs/CASUSER(userId)/sources",
110 "type": "application/",
111 "itemType": "application/"
112 },
113 {
114 "method": "GET",
115 "rel": "dataSource",
116 "href": "/dataSources/providers/cas/sources/cas-shared-default~fs~CASUSER(userId)",
117 "uri": "/dataSources/providers/cas/sources/cas-shared-default~fs~CASUSER(userId)",
118 "type": "application/"
119 }
120 ],
121 "transient": true
122 },
123 {
124 "version": 1,
125 "name": "Public",
126 "type": "PATH",
127 "description": "Shared and writeable caslib, accessible to all users.",
128 "scope": "global",
129 "path": "/opt/sas/viya/config/data/cas/default/public/",
130 "hidden": false,
131 "attributes": [
132 {
133 "key": "active",
134 "value": {
135 "false": null
136 }
137 },
138 {
139 "key": "personal",
140 "value": {
141 "false": null
142 }
143 },
144 {
145 "key": "subDirs",
146 "value": {
147 "true": null
148 }
149 }
150 ],
151 "links": [
152 {
153 "method": "GET",
154 "rel": "up",
155 "href": "/casManagement/servers/cas-shared-default/caslibs",
156 "uri": "/casManagement/servers/cas-shared-default/caslibs",
157 "type": "application/",
158 "itemType": "application/"
159 },
160 {
161 "method": "GET",
162 "rel": "self",
163 "href": "/casManagement/servers/cas-shared-default/caslibs/Public",
164 "uri": "/casManagement/servers/cas-shared-default/caslibs/Public",
165 "type": "application/"
166 },
167 {
168 "method": "PATCH",
169 "rel": "patch",
170 "href": "/casManagement/servers/cas-shared-default/caslibs/Public",
171 "uri": "/casManagement/servers/cas-shared-default/caslibs/Public",
172 "type": "application/",
173 "responseType": "application/"
174 },
175 {
176 "method": "DELETE",
177 "rel": "delete",
178 "href": "/casManagement/servers/cas-shared-default/caslibs/Public",
179 "uri": "/casManagement/servers/cas-shared-default/caslibs/Public"
180 },
181 {
182 "method": "GET",
183 "rel": "tables",
184 "href": "/casManagement/servers/cas-shared-default/caslibs/Public/tables",
185 "uri": "/casManagement/servers/cas-shared-default/caslibs/Public/tables",
186 "type": "application/",
187 "itemType": "application/"
188 },
189 {
190 "method": "GET",
191 "rel": "sources",
192 "href": "/casManagement/servers/cas-shared-default/caslibs/Public/sources",
193 "uri": "/casManagement/servers/cas-shared-default/caslibs/Public/sources",
194 "type": "application/",
195 "itemType": "application/"
196 },
197 {
198 "method": "GET",
199 "rel": "dataSource",
200 "href": "/dataSources/providers/cas/sources/cas-shared-default~fs~Public",
201 "uri": "/dataSources/providers/cas/sources/cas-shared-default~fs~Public",
202 "type": "application/"
203 }
204 ],
205 "transient": false
206 },
207 {
208 "version": 1,
209 "name": "Samples",
210 "type": "PATH",
211 "description": "Stores sample data (supplied by SAS).",
212 "scope": "global",
213 "path": "/opt/sas/viya/config/data/cas/default/samples/",
214 "hidden": false,
215 "attributes": [
216 {
217 "key": "active",
218 "value": {
219 "false": null
220 }
221 },
222 {
223 "key": "personal",
224 "value": {
225 "false": null
226 }
227 },
228 {
229 "key": "subDirs",
230 "value": {
231 "false": null
232 }
233 }
234 ],
235 "links": [
236 {
237 "method": "GET",
238 "rel": "up",
239 "href": "/casManagement/servers/cas-shared-default/caslibs",
240 "uri": "/casManagement/servers/cas-shared-default/caslibs",
241 "type": "application/",
242 "itemType": "application/"
243 },
244 {
245 "method": "GET",
246 "rel": "self",
247 "href": "/casManagement/servers/cas-shared-default/caslibs/Samples",
248 "uri": "/casManagement/servers/cas-shared-default/caslibs/Samples",
249 "type": "application/"
250 },
251 {
252 "method": "PATCH",
253 "rel": "patch",
254 "href": "/casManagement/servers/cas-shared-default/caslibs/Samples",
255 "uri": "/casManagement/servers/cas-shared-default/caslibs/Samples",
256 "type": "application/",
257 "responseType": "application/"
258 },
259 {
260 "method": "DELETE",
261 "rel": "delete",
262 "href": "/casManagement/servers/cas-shared-default/caslibs/Samples",
263 "uri": "/casManagement/servers/cas-shared-default/caslibs/Samples"
264 },
265 {
266 "method": "GET",
267 "rel": "tables",
268 "href": "/casManagement/servers/cas-shared-default/caslibs/Samples/tables",
269 "uri": "/casManagement/servers/cas-shared-default/caslibs/Samples/tables",
270 "type": "application/",
271 "itemType": "application/"
272 },
273 {
274 "method": "GET",
275 "rel": "sources",
276 "href": "/casManagement/servers/cas-shared-default/caslibs/Samples/sources",
277 "uri": "/casManagement/servers/cas-shared-default/caslibs/Samples/sources",
278 "type": "application/",
279 "itemType": "application/"
280 },
281 {
282 "method": "GET",
283 "rel": "dataSource",
284 "href": "/dataSources/providers/cas/sources/cas-shared-default~fs~Samples",
285 "uri": "/dataSources/providers/cas/sources/cas-shared-default~fs~Samples",
286 "type": "application/"
287 }
288 ],
289 "transient": false
290 }
291 ],
292 "limit": 10,
293 "version": 2

Path Parameters


Server name for which caslibs are being requested.

Query Parameters


Determines whether caslibs marked as hidden should be included in the results. Defaults to false.


Session ID (used when session-specific caslibs are also desired in results).


Determines whether item links are excluded from results. Defaults to false.


Filter criteria for returned items. The valid filter fields are the first-level fields in each item. The supported functions are and, or, not, eq, lt, le, gt, ge, contains, startsWith, endsWith, and isNull. Some sample queries: Search by name starting with: filter=startsWith(name, 'CAS') Search by name: filter=eq(name, 'CASUSER') Search for multiple items: filter=in(name, 'CASUSER', 'Public')


Maximum number of items to return in this page of results. The actual number of returned items can be less if the collection has been exhausted. Defaults to 10.


Sort returned items. The sort criteria supports the first-level fields in each item. Some sample sorts: Sort by ascending name: sortBy=name:ascending Sort by descending name: sortBy=name:descending The default sort is by name in ascending order.


The starting index of the first item in a page. Defaults to 0.


200OKThe request was successful.Schema
400Bad RequestThe request was invalid.Schema
404Not FoundThe requested CAS server or Caslib does not exist.
409ConflictThe request could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the resource. Details are included in the response body.