Contains the operations for the root resource.
Model Repository
The Model Repository API provides support for registering, organizing, and managing models within a common model repository.
Contains operations for searching and managing models.
Internal-Use OnlyReturns header information for a list of models that are within the common model repository. Also used to determine whether models exist.Check if models exist
Internal-Use OnlyReturns a list of models that are within the common model repository.Get a list of models
Internal-Use OnlyCreates a model into a project or folder using a model JSON object.Create a model
Internal-Use OnlyImports one or more models from the project request object. The model contains project properties and a list of model links.Import models into a model project
Internal-Use OnlyImports a model into a folder within the common model repository.Import a model into a folder
Internal-Use OnlyImports a model from a SAS package (SPK) file. Select an SPK file from a local machine and then import it. The folder ID or project version ID is required. If importing a model into a folder, use folder ID. Otherwise, use project version ID.Import a model from an SPK file
Internal-Use OnlyImports a model through input stream. The folder ID or project version ID is required. If the model should be imported into a folder, use the folder ID. Otherwise, use project version ID.Import a model through an octet stream
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the model information for the specified model ID.Get a model
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the header information for the specified model ID. Also used to determine whether a model exists.Check if a model exists
Internal-Use OnlyUpdates the model information for the model that matches the specified criteria and model ID.Update a model
Internal-Use OnlyDeletes the model with the specified ID from the model repository.Delete a model
Internal-Use OnlyReturns a list of metadata for analytic stores (application/ that are associated with the model. Note that this does not allow retrieval of the analytic store, only the metadata.Get a list of model analytic stores
Internal-Use OnlyCopies all of the analytic stores for a model to the pre-defined server location (/config/data/modelsvr/astore) that is used for integration with Event Stream Processing and others. This request invokes an asynchronous call to copy the analytic store files. Check the individual analytic store URIs to get the completion state: pending, copying, success, or failure. Please review the SAS Model Manager documentation before using this operation. Returns a collection of application/ analytic stores for a model
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the detailed metadata for an analytic store that is associated with the model.Get an analytic store
Internal-Use OnlyCopy one of the analytic stores for this model to the pre-defined server location (/config/data/modelsvr/astore) that is used for integration with SAS Event Stream Processing and others. This request invokes an asynchronous call to copy the analytic store file. Access the URI again to get the completion state: pending, copying, success, or failure. Please review the SAS Model Manager documentation before using this operation.Copy an analytic store for a model
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the model score code for the specified model ID.Get model score code
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the contents of a model for the specified model ID.Get model contents
Internal-Use OnlyAdds the specified model contents to the model associated with the specified model ID.Add model contents
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the metadata information for the model content that is associated with the specified model ID and content ID.Get model content metadata
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the metadata and header information for the model content that is associated with the specified model ID and content ID. Also used to determine whether model content exists.Check if model content exists
Internal-Use OnlyUpdates the metadata information for the model content that is associated with the specified model ID and content ID.Update model content metadata
Internal-Use OnlyDeletes the model content that is associated with the specified model ID and content ID.Delete model content
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the model content that is associated with the specified model ID and content ID.Get model content
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the model content in stream that is associated with the specified model ID and content ID.Get model content in stream
Internal-Use OnlyUpdates the model content that is associated with the specified model ID and content ID.Update model content
Internal-Use OnlyReturns a list of model versions for the specified model ID.Get a list of model versions
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the header information for the model versions that are associated with the specified model ID. Also used to determine whether model versions exist.Check if model versions exist
Internal-Use OnlyCreates a new model version for the specified model ID.Create a model version
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the model version that is associated with the specified model ID and version ID.Get a model version
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the contents for the model version that is associated with the specified model ID and version ID. The contents of a model version includes a list of model contents and metadata information.Get the contents of a model version
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the metadata information for the model version content that is associated with the specified model ID, version ID, and content ID.Get metadata for model version content
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the model version content that is associated with the specified model ID, version ID, and content ID.Get model version content
Internal-Use OnlyReturns a list of model versions with the model itself for the specified model ID.Get a model with a list of versions
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the model version or the model that is associated with the specified model ID and version ID. If the model ID and version ID are the same, the model is returned.Get a model version or model
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the input variables and output variables that are associated with the specified model ID.Get model variables
Internal-Use OnlyAdds one or more variables to the model that is associated with the specified model ID.Add model variables
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the model variable associated with the specified model ID and variable ID.Get a model variable
Internal-Use OnlyUpdates the model variable that is associated with the specified model ID and variable ID.Update a model variable
Internal-Use OnlyDeletes the model variable associated with the specified model ID and variable ID.Delete a model variable
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the model files that have a file role of score resource, which are used for scoring.Get a model's score resource files
Internal-Use OnlyMoves a model's score resources to Compute server.Move the score resources to Compute server
Internal-Use OnlyReturns a list of locks that are set for a model using the specified model ID.Get a list of locks for a model
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the model publish lock for the specified model ID.Get model publish lock
Internal-Use OnlySets the model publish lock for the specified model ID.Set model publish lock
Internal-Use OnlyClears the model publish lock for the specified model ID.Unset model publish lock
Internal-Use OnlyReturns all distinct user-defined properties at the model-level.Get all model user-defined properties
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the model health metrics for the training data that are associated with the specified model ID and version ID.Get model health metrics
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the misclassification metrics that are associated with the specified model ID and versionID.Get misclassification metrics
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the training, validation, and testing metrics that is associated with the specified model ID and version ID.Get model metrics
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the generalizability metrics for the specified model ID and version ID.Get generalizability metrics
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the variable importance for the model variables that are associated with the specified model ID and versionID.Get variable importance
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the fairness metrics that are associated with the specified model ID and version ID.Get fairness metrics
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the lift statistics that are associated with the specified model ID and version ID.Get lift statistics
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the information for the data table that is associated with the specified URL.Get data table information
Contains operations for searching and managing projects.
Internal-Use OnlyReturns a paginated list of header information for projects that are within the common model repository. Also used to determine whether projects exist.Check if projects exist
Internal-Use OnlyReturns a paginated list of projects that are within the common model repository.Get a list of projects
Internal-Use OnlyCreates a project associated with the specified path or folder.Create a project
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the project information for the specified project ID.Get a project
Internal-Use OnlyUpdates the information for the project that matches the specified criteria and project ID.Update a project
Internal-Use OnlyDeletes the project with the specified ID from the common model repository.Delete a project
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the champion model for the specified project ID. If a project champion has not been set, an error message is returned. The error message is "No model is currently set as the project champion."Get the project champion model
Internal-Use OnlySets the model role to champion for the specified project ID and model ID.Set a project champion model
Internal-Use OnlyClears the champion model for the specified project ID.Clear a project champion model
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the score code for the project champion model in these formats: ds2package, ds2, application/json, raw, and text/plain.Get the champion model score code
Internal-Use OnlyReturns a list of models for the specified project ID that have a model role of challenger.Get a list of challenger models
Internal-Use OnlySets the model role as challenger for the model that is associated with the specified project ID and model ID. A project can have no challengers, as well as one or more challengers. The challenger will be added to the challengers list.Set a model as a challenger
Internal-Use OnlyClears the challenger models for the specified project ID.Clear project challenger models
Internal-Use OnlyReturns a list of header information for models associated with the specified project ID. Also used to determine whether models exist.Check if models exist within a project
Internal-Use OnlyReturns a list of models for the specified project ID.Get a list of models within a project
Internal-Use OnlyReturns a list of header information for the project versions that are associated with the specified project ID. Also used to determine whether project versions exist.Check if project versions exist
Internal-Use OnlyReturns a list of project versions for the specified project ID.Get a list of project versions
Internal-Use OnlyCreates a new project version for the specified project ID.Create a project version
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the information for the project version that is associated with the specified version ID.Get a project version
Internal-Use OnlyUpdates the project version that is associated with the specified version ID.Update a project version
Internal-Use OnlyDeletes the project version that is associated with the specified version ID.Delete a project version
Internal-Use OnlyReturns a list of header information for the models that are within the project version and that are associated with the specified version ID.Check if models exist within a project version
Internal-Use OnlyReturns a list of models within the project version that is associated with the specified version ID.Get a list of models within a project version
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the header information for the project input variables and output variables that are associated with the specified project ID. Also used to determine whether project variables exist.Check if project variables exist
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the input variables and output variables for the project that is associated with the specified project ID.Get project variables
Internal-Use OnlyAdds one or more variables to the project that is associated with the specified project ID.Add project variables
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the project variable associated with the specified project ID and variable ID.Get a project variable
Internal-Use OnlyUpdates the project variable that is associated with the specified project ID and variable ID.Update a project variable
Internal-Use OnlyDeletes the project variable associated with the specified project ID and variable ID.Delete a project variable
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the project contents associated with the specified project ID. Each entry is of the media type application/ project contents
Internal-Use OnlyAdds the content to the project that is associated with the specified project ID.Add project content
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the metadata information for the project content that is associated with the specified project ID and content ID.Get project content metadata
Internal-Use OnlyUpdates the metadata information for the project content that is associated with the specified model ID and content ID.Update project content metadata
Internal-Use OnlyDeletes the contents of the project that is associated with the specified project ID and content ID.Delete project contents
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the project content that is associated with the specified project ID and content ID.Get project content
Internal-Use OnlyUpdates the project content that is associated with the specified project ID and content ID.Update project content
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the project's key historical events.Get a project's history
Internal-Use OnlyReturns all distinct user-defined properties on the project-level.Get all project user-defined properties
Contains operations for searching and managing repositories.
Internal-Use OnlyReturns a list of header information for repositories. Also used to determine whether repositories exist.Check if repositories exist
Internal-Use OnlyReturns a paginated list of repositories.Get a list of repositories
Internal-Use OnlyCreates a new repository. The Model Repository service supports multiple repositories to manage models.Create a repository
Internal-Use OnlyReturns the repository information for the specified repository ID.Get a repository
Internal-Use OnlyUpdates the repository information for the specified repository ID. This information includes the name and description of the repository.Update a repository
Internal-Use OnlyDeletes the repository with the specified repository ID.Delete a repository
Contains operations for searching user-defined tags.