Convert content from JSON to XML

Internal-Use Only

Returns the converted report content.

Request Samples


Response Samples

2 "label": "Small Report",
3 "dateCreated": "2020-10-24T01:33:24Z",
4 "dateModified": "2020-11-04T03:20:00Z",
5 "Results": {},
6 "DataDefinitions": {},
7 "VisualElements": {},
8 "PromptDefinitions": {},
9 "View": {
10 "Sections": {
11 "Section": {
12 "name": "vi1",
13 "label": "Section1",
14 "Body": {
15 "MediaContainer": {
16 "target": "mt111",
17 "RelativeLayout": {}
18 }
19 }
20 }
21 }
22 },
23 "Interactions": {},
24 "MediaDefinitionResource": {
25 "file": "/files/files/0499563b-9425-42ab-b6e2-d99804e54299"
26 },
27 "MediaSchemes": {
28 "MediaScheme": {
29 "name": "ms201"
30 }
31 },
32 "MediaTargets": {
33 "MediaTarget": {
34 "name": "mt111",
35 "scheme": "ms201",
36 "definition": "table-1280x768"
37 }
38 }

Request Body

The report content to be converted.

The representation of a report content in JSON format. Check Get Versions and GET /versions/@defaultVersion for the set of valid media types and versions as defined by Business Intelligence Report Definition. If not provided, for request the version equivalent to the report content schema is used and for response latest version is used.


200OKReport content.Schema
400Bad RequestBad Request. The input report content was not valid.Schema