Export a report package

Internal-Use Only

Export a package for the report or report objects in compressed (zip) format. The returned content contains the report source files, plus the results of data queries and image rendering, constituting all that is needed for remote viewing of the report.

Request Samples


Response Samples

1No example avaliable

Path Parameters


Identifier of an existing report resource. Report identifiers are generated by the Reports API when reports are created.


Query Parameters


This parameter lists the labels of the report objects to include in the request. Multiple object labels are separated by commas. The labels can be quoted to avoid problems with spaces and special characters. If this is left empty, the result varies depending on the type of output. Report objects include visual elements like graphs, tables, and visual containers that the author has created in the layout, as well as complete pages. Specifying the object by its label makes it more convenient for the report author or viewer and does not to expose the internal names of objects in the model. However, if the client knows the internal identifier of a report object, it can be used instead of the label.


Header Parameters


The user's language, which is used in both rendering and caching. For technical details, see "/tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-5.3.5" It affects the language of reports if they have been translated. This setting overrides any other user preference that has been set, such as the "offline process locale" preference in Visual Analytics. If this header is not set and there is no user preference, the language is the default language of the service.


A "format locale" that is distinct from the user's language (Accept-Language). Its syntax is similar to Accept-Language. It is honored in running of queries and formatting of values. This setting overrides any other user preference that has been set, such as the "regional locale for formats" preference in Visual Analytics. If this header is not set and there is no user preference, the format locale is the default locale of the service.


200OKSuccessful execution. Response is the package in a compressed format.HeadersSchema
303See OtherThe operation could not be completed before the wait period expired. This redirect (See Other) continues the process of waiting for the result. It is used to provide liveness to the browser transmit queue. Note that although this practice of redirecting is common, clients that cannot follow a redirect must either not use this method or specify a longer `wait` period.HeadersSchema
400Bad RequestThere was an error in the request.HeadersSchema
404Not FoundNot found ErrorSchema